/*** reginst.c - RegInstall API
* * This file contains the RegInstall API and its implementation. * * Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation * Author: Matt Squires (MattSq) * Created 08/12/96 */
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <advpub.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "advpack.h"
#include "regstr.h"
// FIXFIX - Sundown - let's use public de
// #define IS_RESOURCE(x) ((((LPTSTR)(x)) <= MAKEINTRESOURCE(-1)) && (((LPTSTR)(x)) != NULL))
#define IS_RESOURCE(x) ( (((LPTSTR)(x)) != NULL) && IS_INTRESOURCE(x) )
#define FILESIZE_63K 64449
BOOL GetProgramFilesDir( LPSTR pszPrgfDir, int iSize ) { *pszPrgfDir = 0;
if ( ctx.wOSVer >= _OSVER_WINNT50 ) { if ( GetEnvironmentVariable( TEXT("ProgramFiles"), pszPrgfDir, iSize ) ) return TRUE; }
if ( GetValueFromRegistry( pszPrgfDir, iSize, "HKLM", REGSTR_PATH_SETUP, REGVAL_PROGRAMFILES ) ) { if ( ctx.wOSVer >= _OSVER_WINNT40 ) { char szSysDrv[5] = { 0 };
// combine reg value and systemDrive to get the acurate ProgramFiles dir
if ( GetEnvironmentVariable( TEXT("SystemDrive"), szSysDrv, ARRAYSIZE(szSysDrv) ) && szSysDrv[0] ) *pszPrgfDir = szSysDrv[0]; }
return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
/***LP CreateInfFile - Create an INF file from an hmodule
* * ENTRY * hm - hmodule that contains the REGINST resource * pszInfFileName -> the location to get the INF filename * * EXIT * Standard API return */ HRESULT CreateInfFile(HMODULE hm, LPTSTR pszInfFileName, DWORD *pdwFileSize) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szInfFilePath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; LPVOID pvInfData; HRSRC hrsrcInfData; DWORD cbInfData, cbWritten; HANDLE hfileInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if ( pdwFileSize ) *pdwFileSize = 0;
if (GetTempPath(ARRAYSIZE(szInfFilePath), szInfFilePath) > ARRAYSIZE(szInfFilePath)) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( !IsGoodDir( szInfFilePath ) ) { GetWindowsDirectory( szInfFilePath, sizeof(szInfFilePath) ); }
if (GetTempFileName(szInfFilePath, TEXT("RGI"), 0, pszInfFileName) == 0) { goto Cleanup; }
hrsrcInfData = FindResource(hm, TEXT("REGINST"), TEXT("REGINST")); if (hrsrcInfData == NULL) { goto Cleanup; }
cbInfData = SizeofResource(hm, hrsrcInfData);
pvInfData = LockResource(LoadResource(hm, hrsrcInfData)); if (pvInfData == NULL) { goto Cleanup; }
WritePrivateProfileString( NULL, NULL, NULL, pszInfFileName );
hfileInf = CreateFile(pszInfFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hfileInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto Cleanup; }
if ((WriteFile(hfileInf, pvInfData, cbInfData, &cbWritten, NULL) == FALSE) || (cbWritten != cbInfData)) { goto Cleanup; }
if ( pdwFileSize ) *pdwFileSize = cbWritten;
hr = S_OK;
Cleanup: if (hfileInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hfileInf); }
return hr; }
#if 0
LPTSTR CheckPrefix(LPTSTR lpszStr, LPCTSTR lpszSub ) { int ilen; TCHAR chTmp; LPTSTR lpTmp = NULL;
ilen = lstrlen( lpszSub ); lpTmp = lpszStr; while ( ilen && *lpTmp ) { lpTmp = CharNext( lpTmp ); ilen--; }
chTmp = *lpTmp; *lpTmp = '\0'; if ( lstrcmpi( lpszSub, lpszStr ) ) { *lpTmp = chTmp; lpTmp = NULL; } else *lpTmp = chTmp; return lpTmp; } #endif
BOOL ReplaceSubString( LPSTR pszOutLine, LPSTR pszOldLine, LPCSTR pszSubStr, LPCSTR pszSubReplacement ) { LPSTR lpszStart = NULL; LPSTR lpszNewLine; LPSTR lpszCur; BOOL bFound = FALSE; int ilen;
lpszCur = pszOldLine; lpszNewLine = pszOutLine; while ( lpszStart = ANSIStrStrI( lpszCur, pszSubStr ) ) { // this module path has the systemroot
ilen = (int)(lpszStart - lpszCur); if ( ilen ) { lstrcpyn( lpszNewLine, lpszCur, ilen + 1 ); lpszNewLine += ilen; } lstrcpy( lpszNewLine, pszSubReplacement );
lpszCur = lpszStart + lstrlen(pszSubStr); lpszNewLine += lstrlen(pszSubReplacement); bFound = TRUE; }
lstrcpy( lpszNewLine, lpszCur );
return bFound; }
BOOL AddEnvInPath( PSTR pszOldPath, PSTR pszNew ) { CHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szBuf2[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szEnvVar[100]; CHAR szReplaceStr[100]; CHAR szSysDrv[5]; BOOL bFound = FALSE; BOOL bRet; LPSTR pszFinalStr;
pszFinalStr = pszOldPath;
// replace c:\winnt Windows folder
if ( GetEnvironmentVariable( "SystemRoot", szEnvVar, ARRAYSIZE(szEnvVar) ) ) { if ( ReplaceSubString( szBuf, pszFinalStr, szEnvVar, "%SystemRoot%" ) ) { bFound = TRUE; pszFinalStr = szBuf; } }
if ( GetProgramFilesDir( szEnvVar, sizeof(szEnvVar) ) && GetEnvironmentVariable( "SystemDrive", szSysDrv, ARRAYSIZE(szSysDrv) ) ) { // Get the replacement string first, so c:\program files replacement is
// %SystemDrive%\program files or %ProgramFiles% if >= WINNT50
// Replace the c:\Program Files folder
if ( ctx.wOSVer >= _OSVER_WINNT50 ) { if ( ReplaceSubString( szBuf2, pszFinalStr, szEnvVar, "%ProgramFiles%" ) ) { bFound = TRUE; lstrcpy( szBuf, szBuf2 ); pszFinalStr = szBuf; } } // Replace the c: System Drive letter
if ( ReplaceSubString( szBuf2, pszFinalStr, szSysDrv, "%SystemDrive%" ) ) { lstrcpy( szBuf, szBuf2 ); pszFinalStr = szBuf; bFound = TRUE; } }
// this way, if caller pass the same location for both params, still OK.
if ( bFound || ( pszNew != pszOldPath ) ) lstrcpy( pszNew, pszFinalStr ); return bFound; }
BOOL MySmartWrite( LPCSTR pcszSection, LPCSTR pcszKey, LPCSTR pcszValue, LPCSTR pcszFilename, DWORD dwFileSize ) { DWORD cbData, cbWritten = 0; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ( dwFileSize <= FILESIZE_63K ) { bRet = WritePrivateProfileString( pcszSection, pcszKey, pcszValue, pcszFilename ); } else { HANDLE hfileInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LPSTR pszBuf = NULL; const char c_szLineTmplate[] = "%s=\"%s\"\r\n"; const char c_szLineTmplate2[] = "%s=%s\r\n";
pszBuf = LocalAlloc( LPTR, 1024 ); if ( !pszBuf ) return bRet;
hfileInf = CreateFile( pcszFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hfileInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if ( pszBuf ) LocalFree( pszBuf ); return bRet; }
if ( SetFilePointer( hfileInf, 0 , NULL, FILE_END ) != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { if ( *pcszValue != '"' ) wsprintf( pszBuf, c_szLineTmplate, pcszKey, pcszValue ); else wsprintf( pszBuf, c_szLineTmplate2, pcszKey, pcszValue ); cbData = lstrlen(pszBuf); // key="value"\r\n
WriteFile(hfileInf, pszBuf, cbData, &cbWritten, NULL); bRet = (cbData == cbWritten); } CloseHandle(hfileInf);
if ( pszBuf ) LocalFree( pszBuf ); } return bRet; }
/***LP WritePredefinedStrings - Write all predefined strings to an INF
* * ENTRY * pszInfFileName -> name of INF file * hm - hmodule of caller * * EXIT * Standard API return */ HRESULT WritePredefinedStrings( LPCTSTR pszInfFileName, HMODULE hm, DWORD dwFileSize ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szModulePath[MAX_PATH + 2]; BOOL bSysModPath = FALSE;
szModulePath[0] = '"'; if (GetModuleFileName(hm, &szModulePath[1], ARRAYSIZE(szModulePath) - 2) == 0) { goto Cleanup; } lstrcat( szModulePath, "\"" );
MySmartWrite(TEXT("Strings"), TEXT("_MOD_PATH"), szModulePath, pszInfFileName, dwFileSize);
if ( CheckOSVersion() ) {
// BOOL bFound = FALSE;
if ( ctx.wOSVer >= _OSVER_WINNT40 ) { if ( AddEnvInPath( szModulePath, szModulePath) ) { MySmartWrite(TEXT("Strings"), TEXT("_SYS_MOD_PATH"), szModulePath, pszInfFileName, dwFileSize); bSysModPath = TRUE; } } }
if ( !bSysModPath ) MySmartWrite(TEXT("Strings"), TEXT("_SYS_MOD_PATH"), szModulePath, pszInfFileName, dwFileSize);
hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
/***LP WriteCallerStrings - Write caller supplied strings to an INF
* * ENTRY * pszInfFileName -> name of INF file * hm - hmodule of caller * pstTable - caller supplied string table * * EXIT * Standard API return */ HRESULT WriteCallerStrings(LPCTSTR pszInfFileName, HMODULE hm, LPCSTRTABLE pstTable, DWORD dwFileSize) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH]; DWORD i; LPSTRENTRY pse; TCHAR szQuoteValue[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR lpValue; for (i=0, pse=pstTable->pse; i<pstTable->cEntries; i++, pse++) { if (IsBadReadPtr(pse, SIZEOF(*pse))) { goto Cleanup; }
if (IS_RESOURCE(pse->pszValue)) { if (LoadString(hm, (UINT)(ULONG_PTR)(pse->pszValue), szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)) == 0) { goto Cleanup; } else lpValue = szValue; } else lpValue = pse->pszValue;
if ( *lpValue != '"' ) { // if no quote, insert it
szQuoteValue[0] = '"'; lstrcpy( &szQuoteValue[1], lpValue ); lstrcat( szQuoteValue, "\"" ); lpValue = szQuoteValue; }
MySmartWrite(TEXT("Strings"), pse->pszName, lpValue, pszInfFileName, dwFileSize); }
hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
BOOL GetRollbackSection( LPCSTR pcszModule, LPSTR pszSec, DWORD dwSize ) { HKEY hKey; TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwTmp; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
lstrcpy( szBuf, REGKEY_SAVERESTORE ); AddPath( szBuf, pcszModule ); if ( RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szBuf, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, NULL, &hKey, &dwTmp ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwTmp = dwSize; if ( (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGVAL_BKINSTSEC, NULL, NULL, pszSec, &dwTmp ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && *pszSec ) fRet = TRUE;
RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
return fRet; }
/***LP ExecuteInfSection - Ask RunSetupCommand to execute an INF section
* * ENTRY * pszInfFileName -> name of INF file * pszInfSection -> section to execute * * EXIT * Standard API return */ HRESULT ExecuteInfSection(LPCTSTR pszInfFileName, LPCTSTR pszInfSection) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fSavedContext = FALSE; DWORD dwFlags = 0;
if (!SaveGlobalContext()) { goto Cleanup; }
fSavedContext = TRUE;
// get the source dir
if (GetTempPath(ARRAYSIZE(szTempPath), szTempPath) > ARRAYSIZE(szTempPath)) { goto Cleanup; }
// we check if this caller needs to do save/rollback, or just simple GenInstall
if (SUCCEEDED(GetTranslatedString(pszInfFileName, pszInfSection, ADVINF_MODNAME, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), NULL))) { dwFlags = GetTranslatedInt(pszInfFileName, pszInfSection, ADVINF_FLAGS, 0); }
if ( (dwFlags & ALINF_BKINSTALL) || (dwFlags & ALINF_ROLLBKDOALL) || (dwFlags & ALINF_ROLLBACK) ) { CABINFO cabInfo;
ZeroMemory( &cabInfo, sizeof(CABINFO) ); cabInfo.pszInf = (LPSTR)pszInfFileName; lstrcpy( cabInfo.szSrcPath, szTempPath ); cabInfo.dwFlags = dwFlags;
if ( dwFlags & ALINF_BKINSTALL ) { cabInfo.pszSection = (LPSTR)pszInfSection; } else { if ( !GetRollbackSection( szBuf, szTempPath, ARRAYSIZE(szTempPath) ) ) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Cleanup; }
cabInfo.pszSection = szTempPath; } hr = ExecuteCab( NULL, &cabInfo, NULL ); } else { hr = RunSetupCommand(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, pszInfFileName, pszInfSection, szTempPath, NULL, NULL, RSC_FLAG_INF | RSC_FLAG_QUIET, NULL); }
if (fSavedContext) { RestoreGlobalContext(); }
return hr; }
/***EP RegInstall - Install a registry INF
* * @doc API REGINSTALL * * @api STDAPI | RegInstall | Install a registry INF * * @parm HMODULE | hm | The hmodule of the caller. The INF is extracted * from the module's resources (type="REGINST", name="REGINST"). * * @parm LPCTSTR | pszSection | The section of the INF to execute. * * @parm LPCSTRTABLE | pstTable | A table of string mappings. * * @rdesc S_OK - registry INF successfully installed. * * @rdesc E_FAIL - error installing INF. */ STDAPI RegInstall(HMODULE hm, LPCTSTR pszSection, LPCSTRTABLE pstTable) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szInfFileName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwFileSize = 0;
AdvWriteToLog("RegInstall: Section=%1\r\n", pszSection); //
// Create the INF file.
szInfFileName[0] = TEXT('\0'); hr = CreateInfFile(hm, szInfFileName, &dwFileSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Write out our predefined strings.
hr = WritePredefinedStrings(szInfFileName, hm, dwFileSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Write out the user supplied strings.
if (pstTable) { hr = WriteCallerStrings(szInfFileName, hm, pstTable, dwFileSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Cleanup; } }
WritePrivateProfileString( NULL, NULL, NULL, szInfFileName );
// Execute the INF engine on the INF.
hr = ExecuteInfSection(szInfFileName, pszSection); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Delete the INF file.
if (szInfFileName[0]) { DeleteFile(szInfFileName); } AdvWriteToLog("RegInstall: Section=%1 End hr=%2!x!\r\n", pszSection, hr); return hr; }