// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: curl.cxx
// Contents: handle url parsing and context urls parsing
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 2-20-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
#include <iapp.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlwapip.h>
PerfDbgTag(tagCUrl, "Urlmon", "Log CUrl", DEB_PROT); PerfDbgTag(tagCUrlApi, "Urlmon", "Log CUrl API", DEB_ASYNCAPIS);
// Function: IsStreamEnabled
// Synopsis: returns TRUE iff the registry key for the mk: protocol is set
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 6-7-96 craigc Created
// Notes:
extern BOOL g_bGlobalUTF8hackEnabled; BOOL StringContainsHighAnsiW(LPCWSTR);
BOOL IsStreamEnabled() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Bool, "IsStreamEnabled", NULL )); HKEY hk; char szBuf[256]; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; const char szKey[] = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer"; const char szValue[] = "MkEnabled"; const char szYes[] = "yes";
static BOOL fChecked = FALSE; static BOOL fEnabled = FALSE;
CMutexSem mxs; CLock lck(mxs);
if (fChecked) { DEBUG_LEAVE(fEnabled); return fEnabled; }
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, &hk) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_LEAVE(FALSE); return( FALSE ); } dwSize = sizeof(szBuf); if (RegQueryValueEx( hk, szValue, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)szBuf, &dwSize ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey( hk );
DEBUG_LEAVE(FALSE); return( FALSE ); } RegCloseKey( hk );
fEnabled = (dwSize && (lstrcmpi( szYes, szBuf ) == 0)); fChecked = TRUE;
DEBUG_LEAVE(fEnabled); return fEnabled; }
// GetUrlScheme() returns one of the URL_SCHEME_* constants as
// defined in shlwapip.h
// example "http://foo" returns URL_SCHEME_HTTP
DWORD GetUrlScheme(IN LPCTSTR pcszUrl) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Dword, "GetUrlScheme", "%#x", pcszUrl )); if(pcszUrl) { PARSEDURL pu; pu.cbSize = sizeof(pu); if(SUCCEEDED(ParseURL(pcszUrl, &pu))) { DEBUG_LEAVE(pu.nScheme); return pu.nScheme; } }
// Method: CUrl::CUrl
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: (none)
// Returns:
// History: 2-20-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
CUrl::CUrl() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, None, "CUrl::CUrl", "this=%#x", this )); PerfDbgLog(tagCUrl, this, "+CUrl::CUrl");
_pszBaseURL = NULL; _pszPartURL = NULL; _pszFullURL = NULL; _pszProtocol = NULL; _pszServerName = NULL; _pszUserName = NULL; _pszPassword = NULL; _pszObject = NULL; _pBasicAllocUnit = NULL;
_ipPort = 0; _dwProto = 0;
_fUTF8hack = FALSE; _pszUTF8ServerName = NULL; _dwServerCodePage = 0; PerfDbgLog(tagCUrl, this, "-CUrl::CUrl");
BOOL CUrl::CUrlInitBasic(DWORD dwBaseUrlSize) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Bool, "CUrl::CUrlInitBasic", "this=%#x, %#x", this, dwBaseUrlSize )); //
// basic allocation contains the following fields:
// _pszServerName - URL_FIELD_SIZE
// _pszUserName - URL_FIELD_SIZE
// _pszPassword - URL_FIELD_SIZE
// _pszProtocol - 12
// _pszBaseURL - dwBaseUrlSize + 1
BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD dwBasicUnitSize = (3 * (URL_FIELD_SIZE)) + 12 + dwBaseUrlSize + 1; _pBasicAllocUnit = new char[dwBasicUnitSize];
if( _pBasicAllocUnit ) { _pszServerName = _pBasicAllocUnit; _pszUserName = _pszServerName + URL_FIELD_SIZE; _pszPassword = _pszUserName + URL_FIELD_SIZE; _pszProtocol = _pszPassword + URL_FIELD_SIZE; _pszBaseURL = _pszProtocol + 12;
*_pszServerName = '\0'; *_pszUserName = '\0'; *_pszPassword = '\0'; *_pszProtocol = '\0'; *_pszBaseURL = '\0';
fRet = TRUE; }
DEBUG_LEAVE(fRet); return fRet; }
BOOL CUrl::CUrlInitAll() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Bool, "CUrl::CUrlInitAll", "this=%#x", this )); // backword compatibility init all with URL_MAX_LENGTH
BOOL fRet = FALSE; fRet = CUrlInitBasic(MAX_URL_SIZE);
if( fRet ) { _pszPartURL = new char[MAX_URL_SIZE + 1]; _pszFullURL = new char[MAX_URL_SIZE + 1]; _pszObject = new char[MAX_URL_SIZE + 1]; if( !_pszPartURL || !_pszFullURL || !_pszObject ) {
if (_pszPartURL) delete _pszPartURL;
if (_pszFullURL) delete _pszFullURL;
if (_pszObject) delete _pszObject;
_pszPartURL = NULL; _pszFullURL = NULL; _pszObject = NULL;
fRet = FALSE; } else { *_pszPartURL = '\0'; *_pszFullURL = '\0'; *_pszObject = '\0'; } }
DEBUG_LEAVE(fRet); return fRet; }
CUrl::~CUrl() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, None, "CUrl::~CUrl", "this=%#x", this )); if( _pBasicAllocUnit ) { delete [] _pBasicAllocUnit; } if( _pszPartURL ) { delete [] _pszPartURL; } if( _pszFullURL ) { delete [] _pszFullURL; } if( _pszObject ) { delete [] _pszObject; } if( _pszUTF8ServerName ) { delete [] _pszUTF8ServerName; }
// Function: ParseUrl
// Synopsis: Breaks down a URL and puts servername, objectname and port
// into the download structure.
// Arguments:
// Returns: TRUE if the URL was successfully parsed.
// History: Created Unknown
// 02-20-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created Class
// 03-20-95 JoeS (Joe Souza) Special FILE: syntaxes
// Notes: URL should have already been parsed earlier by ConstructURL.
// This function will crack the URL.
BOOL CUrl::ParseUrl(BOOL fUTF8Required, LPCWSTR pwzUrl, DWORD dwCodePage) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Bool, "CUrl::ParseUrl", "this=%#x, %B", this, fUTF8Required )); PerfDbgLog1(tagCUrl, this, "+CUrl::ParseUrl Base:[%s]", _pszBaseURL); BOOL fRet = TRUE; URL_COMPONENTS url; DWORD cchFullURL; LPSTR szTemp; CHAR * pch; DWORD dwFullUrlLen;
_fUTF8hack = FALSE; //possibly set true later in the function for non-redirect codepath.
if (_pszPartURL && _pszPartURL[0] != '\0' ) // This string will be set for redirects.
{ //
// we need re-alloc _pszFullURL and _pszObject, since
// the the size can grow!
dwFullUrlLen = strlen(_pszBaseURL) + strlen(_pszPartURL) + 1; if(dwFullUrlLen > MAX_URL_SIZE) { dwFullUrlLen = MAX_URL_SIZE + 1; }
if( _pszFullURL ) { delete [] _pszFullURL; _pszFullURL = NULL; _pszFullURL = new char[dwFullUrlLen]; }
if( _pszObject ) { delete [] _pszObject; _pszObject = NULL; _pszObject = new char[dwFullUrlLen]; }
if( !_pszFullURL || !_pszObject ) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
cchFullURL = dwFullUrlLen;
if(FAILED(UrlCombine(_pszBaseURL, _pszPartURL, _pszFullURL, &cchFullURL, URL_FILE_USE_PATHURL))) { fRet = FALSE; PProtAssert(FALSE && "Combine failed in ParseUrl!\n");
goto Exit; } } else { // FullURL is BaseURL
dwFullUrlLen = strlen(_pszBaseURL) + 1; if( !_pszFullURL ) { _pszFullURL = new char[dwFullUrlLen]; }
if( !_pszObject ) { _pszObject = new char[dwFullUrlLen]; }
if( !_pszFullURL || !_pszObject ) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
lstrcpy(_pszFullURL, _pszBaseURL); }
// Trim off intra-page link.
// NB: Don't use ExtraInfo below to do this because you will
// also lose search string this way.
// Also, we need to do this before we decode the URL below,
// so that we don't trim off the wrong '#' if there was one
// encoded in the URL path.
// UrlGetLocation() will intelligently find the fragment
// some schemes do not use the # as a fragment identifier.
// it returns a pointer to the #
if(pch = (CHAR *)UrlGetLocation(_pszFullURL)) { *pch = TEXT('\0'); }
_dwProto = ProtoFromString(_pszFullURL);
if (_dwProto == DLD_PROTOCOL_NONE) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
if(DLD_PROTOCOL_FILE == _dwProto) { //
// at this point, _pszFullURL and _pszObject should be all
// allocated with size of dwFullUrlLen
DWORD cchObject = dwFullUrlLen;
//do file stuff here
fRet = SUCCEEDED(PathCreateFromUrl(_pszFullURL, _pszObject, &cchObject, 0));
} else { //
// BUGBUG - InternetCrackUrl alters the original url - zekel - 25-JUL-97
// ICU is poorly behaved, and it unescapes the server and username
// components insitu regardless of whether it was requested or not
// this means that if you pass in http://host%76/, the url on return
// is http://hostv76/. it happens that if you create the URL from the
// components given, you will get the correct URL, but crack doesnt understand
// all URLs. it is too late in the game to change the behavior of ICU,
// because wininet internally depends on the behavior.
// so our solution is to create a temp buffer that can be messed with
// and then throw it away after we are done.
LPSTR pszTemp = StrDup(_pszFullURL);
if (pszTemp) { url.dwStructSize = sizeof(url);
url.lpszScheme = _pszProtocol; url.dwSchemeLength =12;
url.lpszHostName = _pszServerName; url.dwHostNameLength = URL_FIELD_SIZE;
url.lpszUserName = _pszUserName; url.dwUserNameLength = URL_FIELD_SIZE;
url.lpszPassword = _pszPassword; url.dwPasswordLength = URL_FIELD_SIZE;
url.lpszUrlPath = _pszObject; url.dwUrlPathLength = dwFullUrlLen;
url.lpszExtraInfo = NULL; url.dwExtraInfoLength = 0;
fRet = InternetCrackUrl(pszTemp, 0, (_dwProto == DLD_PROTOCOL_STREAM ? ICU_DECODE : 0), &url);
_ipPort = url.nPort;
Code to pass in an MBCS servername to wininet always when this fix enabled to get around the UTF8-servername bugs. - I-DNS fix. */
if( fUTF8Required && g_bGlobalUTF8hackEnabled && fRet && ((_dwProto == DLD_PROTOCOL_HTTP) || (_dwProto == DLD_PROTOCOL_HTTPS)) ) { DWORD dwHostname = MAX_URL_SIZE; WCHAR* pwzHostname = new WCHAR[MAX_URL_SIZE]; char* pszHostname = new char[MAX_URL_SIZE]; HRESULT hrTemp; BOOL bUsedDefaultChar;
// This is NOT a loop - just an urlmon-style coding convention to avoid deep if-else-nesting.
do { fRet = FALSE; if (!pwzHostname || !pszHostname) { break; } hrTemp = UrlGetPartW(pwzUrl, pwzHostname, &dwHostname, URL_PART_HOSTNAME, 0); if (FAILED(hrTemp)) { break; }
if (!StringContainsHighAnsiW(pwzHostname)) { // home free! - no high ansi in servername.
fRet = TRUE; break; }
if (dwCodePage == CP_UTF8) { dwCodePage = GetACP(); } //This fix cannot be ported to IE downlevel versions because WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS is not
//supported on all OS versions.
if (0 == WideCharToMultiByte(dwCodePage, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, pwzHostname, -1, pszHostname, MAX_URL_SIZE, NULL, &bUsedDefaultChar) || bUsedDefaultChar) { fRet = false; break; } // Cache the UTF8 servername if we need it.
// This field is set only once ( not on redirects ),
// so release only in destructor.
_pszUTF8ServerName = new char[url.dwHostNameLength+1]; if (!_pszUTF8ServerName) { break; } lstrcpy(_pszUTF8ServerName, _pszServerName); // now clobber it with the MBCS servername
//Compat: match side-effect of calling InternetCrackUrl
dwHostname = URL_FIELD_SIZE; hrTemp = UrlUnescapeA(pszHostname, _pszServerName, &dwHostname, 0); if(FAILED(hrTemp)) { break; }
// now put the original _pszFullURL back together with the MBCS servername
// instead of the UTF8 servername since wininet will have this.
url.lpszHostName = _pszServerName; url.dwHostNameLength = dwHostname;
url.lpszUserName = NULL; url.dwUserNameLength = 0;
url.lpszPassword = NULL; url.dwPasswordLength = 0; if (!InternetCreateUrl(&url, 0, _pszFullURL, &dwFullUrlLen)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { break; } delete [] _pszFullURL; _pszFullURL = new char[++dwFullUrlLen];
if (!_pszFullURL || !InternetCreateUrl(&url, 0, _pszFullURL, &dwFullUrlLen)) { break; } }
// At this point, everything is right.
// 1. _pszFullURL has the same url as wininet.
// 2. _pszServerName has the MBCS hostname
// 3. _pszUTF8ServerName has the UTF8 hostname that would have gone to the proxy (if needed)
_dwServerCodePage = dwCodePage; _fUTF8hack = TRUE;
fRet = TRUE; break; } while(TRUE); if (pwzHostname) delete [] pwzHostname; if (pszHostname) delete [] pszHostname; } LocalFree(pszTemp); } else fRet = FALSE; }
PerfDbgLog1(tagCUrl, this, "-CUrl::ParseUrl Full:[%s]", _pszFullURL);
DEBUG_LEAVE(fRet); return(fRet); }
// Method: CUrl::ProtoFromString
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [lpszProtocol] --
// Returns:
// History: Created Unknown
// 2-20-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) Modified for class
// Notes:
DWORD CUrl::ProtoFromString(LPSTR lpszProtocol) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Dword, "CUrl::ProtoFromString", "this=%#x, %.80q", this, lpszProtocol ));
DWORD dwRetVal = DLD_PROTOCOL_NONE; PerfDbgLog1(tagCUrl, this, "CUrl::ProtoFromString [%s]", lpszProtocol);
switch (GetUrlScheme(lpszProtocol)) { case URL_SCHEME_HTTPS: dwRetVal = DLD_PROTOCOL_HTTPS; break; case URL_SCHEME_HTTP: dwRetVal = DLD_PROTOCOL_HTTP; break;
case URL_SCHEME_FTP: dwRetVal = DLD_PROTOCOL_FTP; break;
case URL_SCHEME_LOCAL: dwRetVal = DLD_PROTOCOL_LOCAL; break; case URL_SCHEME_MK: if(IsStreamEnabled()) dwRetVal = DLD_PROTOCOL_STREAM; break;
DEBUG_LEAVE(dwRetVal); return dwRetVal; }
// Helper API's
// Function: ConstructURL
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pBC] -- Pointer to BindCtx
// [pURLBase] -- Pointer to Base URL [IN]
// [pURLRelative] -- Pointer to Relative URL [IN]
// [pURLFull] -- Pointer to resultant complete URL [OUT]
// Returns:
// History: 02-21-96 JoeS (Joe Souza) Created
// Notes:
STDAPI ConstructURL(LPBC pBC, LPMONIKER pmkContext, LPMONIKER pmkToLeft, LPWSTR pwzURLRelative, LPWSTR pwzURLFull, DWORD cURLSize, DWORD dwFlags) { DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Hresult, "ConstructURL", "%#x, %#x, %#x, %.80wq, %.80wq, %#x, %#x", pBC, pmkContext, pmkToLeft, pwzURLRelative, pwzURLFull, cURLSize, dwFlags )); PerfDbgLog2(tagCUrlApi, NULL, "+ConstructURL (rel:%ws, pmk:%lx)", pwzURLRelative, pmkContext); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwMnk = 0; LPMONIKER pmkCtx = NULL; LPWSTR wzURLBase = NULL; WCHAR wszURLFull[MAX_URL_SIZE + 1]; DWORD cchURLFull; DWORD cbSize; BOOL bParseOk = FALSE; DWORD dwCUFlags = URL_FILE_USE_PATHURL;
if (dwFlags & CU_STANDARD_FORM) { dwCUFlags = 0; }
if (!pwzURLRelative || !pwzURLFull || !cURLSize) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto ConstructExit; }
pwzURLFull[0] = 0;
if (!pmkContext && pBC) { // No Context Moniker was specified, so try to get one of those.
hr = pBC->GetObjectParam(SZ_URLCONTEXT, (IUnknown **)&pmkCtx); if (hr != NOERROR) { pmkCtx = NULL; } } else if (pmkContext) { pmkCtx = pmkContext; } else if (pmkToLeft) { pmkCtx = pmkToLeft; }
if (pmkCtx) { // There is a Context Moniker. Make sure it is a URL moniker and
// if it is, get the base URL from it.
pmkCtx->IsSystemMoniker(&dwMnk); if (dwMnk == MKSYS_URLMONIKER) { hr = pmkCtx->GetDisplayName(pBC, NULL, &wzURLBase); } }
if (wzURLBase) { DWORD dwSizeIn = MAX_URL_SIZE; cchURLFull = MAX_URL_SIZE; bParseOk = SUCCEEDED(OInetCombineUrl(wzURLBase, pwzURLRelative, dwCUFlags, pwzURLFull, dwSizeIn, &cchURLFull, 0));
} else if (dwFlags & CU_CANONICALIZE) { DWORD dwSizeIn = MAX_URL_SIZE; cchURLFull = MAX_URL_SIZE; bParseOk = SUCCEEDED(OInetParseUrl(pwzURLRelative,PARSE_CANONICALIZE, dwCUFlags, pwzURLFull, dwSizeIn,&cchURLFull,0)); } else { // We did not combine a relative and a base URL, and caller
// does not want to canonicalize, so we just copy the given URL
// into the return buffer.
#ifndef unix
wcsncpy(pwzURLFull, pwzURLRelative, cURLSize / 2); #else
wcsncpy(pwzURLFull, pwzURLRelative, cURLSize / sizeof(wchar_t)); #endif /* unix */
goto ConstructExit; }
if (!bParseOk || !wcslen(pwzURLFull)) { hr = MK_E_SYNTAX; }
if (wzURLBase) { delete wzURLBase; }
PerfDbgLog2(tagCUrlApi, NULL, "-ConstructURL [%ws], hr:%lx", pwzURLFull, hr);
DEBUG_LEAVE_API(hr); return hr; }
// UTF-8 code from wininet written by RFirth
DWORD CountUnicodeToUtf8( IN LPCWSTR pwszIn, IN DWORD dwInLen, IN BOOL bEncode )
Routine Description:
Count number of BYTEs required for UTF-8 conversion of UNICODE string. Count is terminated after dwInLen characters
pwszIn - pointer to input wide-character string
dwInLen - number of characters in pwszIn
bEncode - TRUE if we are to hex encode characters >= 0x80
Return Value:
DWORD - number of BYTEs required for conversion
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Dword, "CountUnicodeToUtf8", "%.80wq, %#x, %B", pwszIn, dwInLen, bEncode )); PProtAssert(pwszIn != NULL); PProtAssert(dwInLen != 0);
DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD oneCharLen = bEncode ? 3 : 1; DWORD twoCharLen = 2 * oneCharLen;
// N.B. code arranged to reduce number of jumps in loop to 1 (while)
do {
WORD wchar = *pwszIn++;
dwCount += (wchar & 0xF800) ? oneCharLen : 0; dwCount += ((wchar & 0xFF80) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0) & (twoCharLen - 1); ++dwCount; } while (--dwInLen != 0);
DEBUG_LEAVE(dwCount); return dwCount; }
DWORD ConvertUnicodeToUtf8( IN LPCWSTR pwszIn, IN DWORD dwInLen, OUT LPBYTE pszOut, IN DWORD dwOutLen, IN BOOL bEncode )
Routine Description:
Convert a string of UNICODE characters to UTF-8:
0000000000000000..0000000001111111: 0xxxxxxx 0000000010000000..0000011111111111: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 0000100000000000..1111111111111111: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
pwszIn - pointer to input wide-character string
dwInLen - number of CHARACTERS in pwszIn INCLUDING terminating NUL
pszOut - pointer to output narrow-character buffer
dwOutLen - number of BYTEs in pszOut
bEncode - TRUE if we are to hex encode characters >= 0x80
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER Not enough space in pszOut to store results
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Dword, "CountUnicodeToUtf8", "%.80wq, %#x, %#x, %#x, %B", pwszIn, dwInLen, pszOut, dwOutLen, bEncode )); PProtAssert(pwszIn != NULL); PProtAssert((int)dwInLen > 0); PProtAssert(pszOut != NULL); PProtAssert((int)dwOutLen > 0);
DWORD outputSize = bEncode ? 3 : 1; static char hexArray[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
while (dwInLen-- && dwOutLen) {
WORD wchar = *pwszIn++; BYTE bchar;
if (wchar <= 0x007F) { *pszOut++ = (BYTE)(wchar); --dwOutLen; continue; }
BYTE lead = ((wchar >= 0x0800) ? 0xE0 : 0xC0); int shift = ((wchar >= 0x0800) ? 12 : 6);
bchar = lead | (BYTE)(wchar >> shift); if (bEncode) { *pszOut++ = '%'; *pszOut++ = hexArray[bchar >> 4]; bchar = hexArray[bchar & 0x0F]; } *pszOut++ = bchar;
if (wchar >= 0x0800) { bchar = 0x80 | (BYTE)((wchar >> 6) & 0x003F); if (bEncode) { *pszOut++ = '%'; *pszOut++ = hexArray[bchar >> 4]; bchar = hexArray[bchar & 0x0F]; } *pszOut++ = bchar; } bchar = 0x80 | (BYTE)(wchar & 0x003F); if (bEncode) { *pszOut++ = '%'; *pszOut++ = hexArray[bchar >> 4]; bchar = hexArray[bchar & 0x0F]; } *pszOut++ = bchar; }
BOOL StringContainsHighAnsi( IN LPSTR pszIn, IN DWORD dwInLen )
Routine Description:
Determine if string contains ANSI characters in range 0x80..0xFF. Search is stopped when we hit the first high-ANSI character, when we hit the terminator or when we have decremented dwInLen to zero
pszIn - pointer to string to test
dwInLen - length of pszIn
Return Value:
BOOL TRUE - pszIn contains one or more high-ANSI characters
FALSE - pszIn (or substring of length dwInLen) does not contain high-ANSI characters
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Bool, "StringContainsHighAnsi", "%.80q, %#x", pszIn, dwInLen )); PProtAssert(pszIn != NULL); PProtAssert(dwInLen != 0);
// only need to search the base portion
while (dwInLen-- && *pszIn && *pszIn != '?') { if (*pszIn++ & 0x80) {
BOOL StringContainsHighAnsiW( IN LPCWSTR pwzIn ) /*--
Unicode version of StringContainsHighAnsi() --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Bool, "StringContainsHighAnsiW", "%.80wq", pwzIn )); PProtAssert(pwzIn != NULL);
// only need to search the base portion
while (*pwzIn && *pwzIn != L'?') { if (*pwzIn >= 0x80) { DEBUG_LEAVE(TRUE); return TRUE; } pwzIn++; }
BOOL ConvertUnicodeUrl( LPCWSTR pwzFrom, LPSTR pszTo, INT cchTo, DWORD dwCodePage, BOOL fUTF8Enabled, BOOL* pfUTF8Required ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_APP, Bool, "ConvertUnicodeUrl", "%.80wq, %.80q, %#x, %#x, %B", pwzFrom, pszTo, cchTo, dwCodePage, fUTF8Enabled )); BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
// In multibyte string, if we have any bytes(in the base url portion)
// over 0x80, we will have to convert the base portion to utf-8
// (leave the query portion as multi-byte)
// S_FALSE from the conversion above indicates that some wide chars couldn't be
// mapped to the destination code page
*pfUTF8Required = FALSE;
if( fUTF8Enabled && StringContainsHighAnsiW(pwzFrom)) { *pfUTF8Required = TRUE; // utf-8 conversion
// do we have a query portion? (by searching the UNICODE URL string
// for '?') also we can get the UNICODED string's BasePortion
// URL Length
DWORD dwBaseUrlLen = 0; // BasePortion length (in UNICODE)
LPWSTR pBase = (LPWSTR) pwzFrom; while( *pBase && *pBase != '?') { pBase++; dwBaseUrlLen++; }
DWORD dwMBQryUrlLen = 0; // QueryPortion length (in Multibyte)
LPSTR pszQry = NULL; // multibyte query string
if (*pBase) { //
// we have a query portion, need to get length of
// multi-byte query portion
// In this case, we don't care whether or not pszTo is able to convert
// everything
W2A(pBase, pszTo, cchTo, dwCodePage); dwMBQryUrlLen = strlen(pszTo); pszQry = pszTo; } //
// we are converting the base portion of UNICODE URL to UTF-8
// count UTF-8 string length for base url
DWORD dwUTF8Len = CountUnicodeToUtf8(pwzFrom, dwBaseUrlLen, TRUE);
// allocate buffer for whole converted string
// Buffer size = UTF8_BaseURL_Len + MultiByte_Query_Len + '\0'
DWORD dwUTFBufferSize = dwUTF8Len + dwMBQryUrlLen + 1;
// the size can not exceed incoming buffer size ccTo
if( dwUTFBufferSize > (DWORD)(cchTo + 1) ) { //
// fallback to IE4 behavior - sending multi-byte string
goto cleanup; }
char* pszUTF8 = new char[dwUTFBufferSize]; if( !pszUTF8 ) { //
// if we failed to allocate, we automatically
// fallback to IE4 behavior - sending multi-byte string
goto cleanup; } memset(pszUTF8, 0, dwUTFBufferSize);
// Coverting UNICODE->UTF8
DWORD dwError; dwError = ConvertUnicodeToUtf8( pwzFrom, dwBaseUrlLen, (LPBYTE)pszUTF8, dwUTF8Len, TRUE ); if( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// if we failed, delete temp string and fallback to IE4
// behavior - sending multi-byte string
delete [] pszUTF8; goto cleanup; }
// copy over the Multi-byte query string to final buffer
if( pszQry ) { LPSTR pszURL = pszUTF8 + dwUTF8Len; while( dwMBQryUrlLen-- ) { *pszURL = *pszQry; pszURL++; pszQry++; } }
// we are done, copy the content from temp buffer to
// szTo
StrCpyN(pszTo, pszUTF8, dwUTFBufferSize);
// delete temp utf8 buffer
delete [] pszUTF8; fSuccess = TRUE; } cleanup: if (!fSuccess) { // Unicode->Multibyte
// IE4 behaviour. Shoot.
W2A(pwzFrom, pszTo, cchTo, dwCodePage); }