// File: Sem.Hxx
// Contents: Semaphore classes
// Classes: CMutexSem - Mutex semaphore class
// CShareSem - Multiple Reader, Single Writer class
// CEventSem - Event semaphore
// History: 21-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
// Notes: No 32-bit implementation exists yet for these classes, it
// will be provided when we have a 32-bit development
// environment. In the meantime, the 16-bit implementations
// provided here can be used to ensure your code not blocking
// while you hold a semaphore.
#ifndef __SEM32_HXX__
#define __SEM32_HXX__
#define END_CONSTRUCTION(class)
#define INLINE_UNWIND(cls)
extern "C" { #include <windows.h>
}; #include <except.hxx>
// This is temporary. To be moved to the appropriate error file
// BUGBUG: use NT error codes. Conversion is expensive! (BartoszM)
// BUGBUG: inlcude winbase.h or some such
// infinite timeout when requesting a semaphore
#if !defined INFINITE
// Class: CMutexSem (mxs)
// Purpose: Mutex Semaphore services
// Interface: Init - initializer (two-step)
// Request - acquire semaphore
// Release - release semaphore
// History: 14-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
// 30-oct-91 SethuR 32 bit implementation
// Notes: This class wraps a mutex semaphore. Mutex semaphores protect
// access to resources by only allowing one client through at a
// time. The client Requests the semaphore before accessing the
// resource and Releases the semaphore when it is done. The
// same client can Request the semaphore multiple times (a nest
// count is maintained).
// The mutex semaphore is a wrapper around a critical section
// which does not support a timeout mechanism. Therefore the
// usage of any value other than INFINITE is discouraged. It
// is provided merely for compatibility.
class CMutexSem { public: CMutexSem(); inline BOOL Init(); ~CMutexSem();
SEMRESULT Request(DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE); void Release();
private: CRITICAL_SECTION _cs; };
// Class: CLock (lck)
// Purpose: Lock using a Mutex Semaphore
// History: 02-Oct-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: Simple lock object to be created on the stack.
// The constructor acquires the semaphor, the destructor
// (called when lock is going out of scope) releases it.
public: CLock ( CMutexSem& mxs ); ~CLock (); private: CMutexSem& _mxs; };
// Class: CEventSem (evs)
// Purpose: Event Semaphore services
// Interface: Wait - wait for semaphore to be signalled
// Set - set signalled state
// Reset - clear signalled state
// Pulse - set and clear semaphore
// History: 21-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
// 27-Feb-92 BartoszM Use exceptions for errors
// Notes: Used for communication between consumers and producers.
// Consumer threads block by calling Wait. A producer
// calls Set waking up all the consumers who go ahead
// and consume until there's nothing left. They call
// Reset, release whatever lock protected the resources,
// and call Wait. There has to be a separate lock
// to protect the shared resources.
// Remember: call Reset under lock.
// don't call Wait under lock.
class CEventSem { public: inline CEventSem( BOOL fInitState=FALSE, const LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa=NULL ) { _hEvent = CreateEvent ( lpsa, TRUE, fInitState, 0 ); if ( _hEvent == 0 ) { //XTHROW ( CSystemException ( GetLastError() ));
} }
inline CEventSem( HANDLE hEvent ) : _hEvent( hEvent ) { } inline ~CEventSem();
inline ULONG Wait(DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE, BOOL fAlertable = FALSE ); inline void Set(); inline void Reset(); inline void Pulse(); inline const HANDLE GetHandle() const { return _hEvent; }
private: HANDLE _hEvent; };
#if 0
// BUGBUG: This class is superceded by CResource, in resource.hxx and
// resource.cxx. It should be deleted by July 21, 1993
// WadeR, July 8, 1883
// Class: CShareSem (shs)
// Purpose: Shared Semaphore services
// Interface: RequestExclusive - acquire exclusive ownership
// RequestShared - acquire shared access
// RequestSharedOwned - acquire ownership, allowing shared access
// Release - release semaphore
// Upgrade - upgrade from SharedOwned to Exclusive
// Downgrade - downgrade to SharedOwned or Shared
// History: 21-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
// Notes: Shared semaphores allow multiple readers/single writers
// access to resources. Readers bracket their use of a resource
// with calls to RequestShared and Release. Writers bracket
// their use of a resource with calls to RequestExclusive and
// Release.
// RequestSharedOwned gives a client ownership of the semaphore
// but still allows other Readers to share the semaphore. At
// some later point, the owning client can call Upgrade to get
// Exclusive access to the semaphore. This is useful when a
// client needs to examine a data structure before modifying it,
// as it allows other clients to continue viewing the data
// until the owning client actually needs to modify it.
// Downgrade allows a client to release ownership of a semaphore
// without releasing access to it.
// For now, this just uses a mutex semaphore.
// BUGBUG -- Ownership related methods needs to be implemented.
class CShareSem { public: CShareSem(); BOOL Init(); ~CShareSem();
SEMRESULT RequestExclusive(DWORD dwMilliseconds); SEMRESULT RequestShared(DWORD dwMilliseconds); SEMRESULT RequestSharedOwned(DWORD dwMilliseconds); void Release(); SEMRESULT Upgrade(DWORD dwMilliseconds); SEMRESULT Downgrade(SEMSTATE fl);
// Ownership related methods....
BOOL ClaimOwnership(); BOOL ReleaseOwnership();
// Private methods to facilitate code sharing
void EnableReaders();
CMutexSem _cmtx; CEventSem _evsReaders; CEventSem _evsWriters; BOOL _fWrite; ULONG _cReaders; ULONG _cWaitingReaders; ULONG _cWaitingWriters; };
// Class: CShareSemObject
// Purpose: The Semaphore Object -- the constructor accquires the
// semaphore and the destructor releases it.
// Interface:
// History: 05-July-91 SethuR Created.
public: inline CShareSemObject(CShareSem& shs); inline ~CShareSemObject();
inline void RequestExclusive(DWORD dw); inline void RequestShared(DWORD dw); inline void RequestSharedOwned(DWORD dw); inline SEMRESULT Upgrade(DWORD dw); inline void Downgrade(SEMSTATE ss);
private: CShareSem* _pshs; BOOL _fAccquired; };
// Member: CShareSemObject::CShareSemObject, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments: [shs] -- shared semaphore
// History: 29-Aug-91 SethuR Created.
inline CShareSemObject::CShareSemObject(CShareSem& shs) { _pshs = &shs; _fAccquired = FALSE; END_CONSTRUCTION(CShareSemObject) }
// Member: CShareSemObject::RequestExclusive, public
// Synopsis: Get Exclusive acess
// Arguments: [dwMilliseconds] -- Timeout value
// History: 29-Aug-91 SethuR Created.
inline void CShareSemObject::RequestExclusive(DWORD dw) { if (_pshs->RequestExclusive(dw) == SEMSUCCESS) _fAccquired = TRUE; else THROW (CException(Win4ErrSemaphoreInvalid)); }
// Member: CShareSemObject::RequestShared, public
// Synopsis: Get allow shared access
// Arguments: [dwMilliseconds] -- Timeout value
// History: 29-Aug-91 SethuR Created.
inline void CShareSemObject::RequestShared(DWORD dw) { if (_pshs->RequestSharedOwned(dw) == SEMSUCCESS) _fAccquired = TRUE; else THROW (CException(Win4ErrSemaphoreInvalid)); }
// Member: CShareSemObject::RequestSharedOwned, public
// Synopsis: Get ownership but allow shared access
// Arguments: [dwMilliseconds] -- Timeout value
// History: 29-Aug-91 SethuR Created.
inline void CShareSemObject::RequestSharedOwned(DWORD dw) { if (_pshs->RequestSharedOwned(dw) == SEMSUCCESS) _fAccquired = TRUE; else THROW (CException(Win4ErrSemaphoreInvalid)); }
// Member: CShareSemObject::~CShareSemObject, public
// Synopsis: Destructor -- Releases the semaphore if accquired
// History: 27-Aug-91 AlexT Created.
inline CShareSemObject::~CShareSemObject() { if (_fAccquired) _pshs->Release(); }
// Member: CShareSemObject::Upgrade, public
// Synopsis: Get exclusive access (must have ownership already)
// Arguments: [dwMilliseconds] -- Timeout value
// History: 21-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
inline SEMRESULT CShareSemObject::Upgrade(DWORD dw) { if (_fAccquired) return _pshs->Upgrade(dw); THROW (CException(Win4ErrSemaphoreInvalid)); return SEMTIMEOUT; // BUGBUG -- This is to satisfy compiler limitation
// Member: CShareSemObject::Downgrade, public
// Synopsis: Release exclusive access (but keep access)
// Arguments: [fl] -- SEMSHARED or SEMSHAREDOWNED
// History: 21-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
inline void CShareSemObject::Downgrade(SEMSTATE ss) { if (_fAccquired) _pshs->Downgrade(ss); else THROW (CException(Win4ErrSemaphoreInvalid)); return; } #endif // 0 BUGBUG
// Member: CMutexSem::CMutexSem, public
// Synopsis: Mutex semaphore constructor
// Effects: Initializes the semaphores data
// History: 14-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
inline CMutexSem::CMutexSem() { Init(); }
inline CMutexSem::Init() { InitializeCriticalSection(&_cs); return TRUE; };
// Member: CMutexSem::~CMutexSem, public
// Synopsis: Mutex semaphore destructor
// Effects: Releases semaphore data
// History: 14-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
inline CMutexSem::~CMutexSem() { DeleteCriticalSection(&_cs); }
// Member: CMutexSem::Request, public
// Synopsis: Acquire semaphore
// Effects: Asserts correct owner
// Arguments: [dwMilliseconds] -- Timeout value
// History: 14-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
// Notes: Uses GetCurrentTask to establish the semaphore owner, but
// written to work even if GetCurrentTask fails.
inline SEMRESULT CMutexSem::Request(DWORD dwMilliseconds) { dwMilliseconds;
EnterCriticalSection(&_cs); return(SEMSUCCESS); }
// Member: CMutexSem::Release, public
// Synopsis: Release semaphore
// Effects: Asserts correct owner
// History: 14-Jun-91 AlexT Created.
// Notes: Uses GetCurrentTask to establish the semaphore owner, but
// written to work even if GetCurrentTask fails.
inline void CMutexSem::Release() { LeaveCriticalSection(&_cs); }
// Member: CLock::CLock
// Synopsis: Acquire semaphore
// History: 02-Oct-91 BartoszM Created.
inline CLock::CLock ( CMutexSem& mxs ) : _mxs ( mxs ) { _mxs.Request ( INFINITE ); END_CONSTRUCTION (CLock); }
// Member: CLock::~CLock
// Synopsis: Release semaphore
// History: 02-Oct-91 BartoszM Created.
inline CLock::~CLock () { _mxs.Release(); }
#ifdef EVENT_SEM
//#include "except.hxx"
#define XTHROW(x)
//#define CSystemException CException
// Member: CEventSem::CEventSem
// Synopsis: Creates an event
// Arguments: [bInitState] -- TRUE: signaled state, FALSE non-signaled
// [lpsa] -- security attributes
// History: 27-Feb-92 BartoszM Created
inline CEventSem::CEventSem ( BOOL bInitState, const LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa ) { _hEvent = CreateEvent ( lpsa, TRUE, bInitState, 0 ); if ( _hEvent == 0 ) { XTHROW ( CSystemException ( GetLastError() )); } } */
// Member: CEventSem::CEventSem
// Synopsis: Opens an event
// Arguments: [hEvent] -- handle of event to open
// [bInitState] -- TRUE: signaled state, FALSE non-signaled
// History: 02-Jul-94 DwightKr Created
inline CEventSem::CEventSem ( HANDLE hEvent ) : _hEvent( hEvent ) { } */
// Member: CEventSem::~CEventSem
// Synopsis: Releases event
// History: 27-Feb-92 BartoszM Created
inline CEventSem::~CEventSem () { if ( !CloseHandle ( _hEvent ) ) { XTHROW ( CSystemException ( GetLastError() )); } }
// Member: CEventSem::Set
// Synopsis: Set the state to signaled. Wake up waiting threads.
// For manual events the state remains set
// until Reset is called
// History: 27-Feb-92 BartoszM Created
inline void CEventSem::Set() { if ( !SetEvent ( _hEvent ) ) { XTHROW ( CSystemException ( GetLastError() )); } }
// Member: CEventSem::Reset
// Synopsis: Reset the state to non-signaled. Threads will block.
// History: 27-Feb-92 BartoszM Created
inline void CEventSem::Reset() { if ( !ResetEvent ( _hEvent ) ) { XTHROW ( CSystemException ( GetLastError() )); } }
// Member: CEventSem::Wait
// Synopsis: Block until event set
// History: 27-Feb-92 BartoszM Created
inline ULONG CEventSem::Wait( DWORD msec, BOOL fAlertable ) { DWORD res = WaitForSingleObjectEx ( _hEvent, msec, fAlertable );
if ( res < 0 ) { XTHROW ( CSystemException ( GetLastError() )); } return(res); }
// Member: CEventSem::Pulse
// Synopsis: Set the state to signaled. Wake up waiting threads.
// History: 27-Feb-92 BartoszM Created
inline void CEventSem::Pulse() { if ( !PulseEvent ( _hEvent ) ) { XTHROW ( CSystemException ( GetLastError() )); } } #endif //EVENT_SEM
#endif /* __SEM32_HXX__ */