#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <urlmon.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <urlmon.hxx>
#define IE5
extern "C" void _stdcall StartCAP(void); extern "C" void _stdcall StopCAP(void); extern "C" void _stdcall SuspendCAP(void); extern "C" void _stdcall ResumeCAP(void); extern "C" void _stdcall StartCAPAll(void); extern "C" void _stdcall StopCAPAll(void); #else
#define StartCAP()
#define StopCAP()
#define SuspendCAP()
#define ResumeCAP()
#define StartCAPAll()
#define StopCAPAll()
#define FLAG_TRACE 1
#define MAX_DOWNLOADS 2000
const INT BUF_SIZE = 2 * 1024; const INT MAX_BUF_SIZE = 1024 * 16;
BOOL g_dwVerbose = 0; DWORD g_dwNumDownloads = 1; DWORD g_dwDownloads = 1; DWORD g_dwTotalBytes = 0; DWORD g_dwCacheFlag = BINDF_NOWRITECACHE | BINDF_GETNEWESTVERSION; DWORD dwBuf_Size = BUF_SIZE; LPWSTR g_pwzUrl = NULL; LPCSTR g_pInfile = NULL; LPCSTR g_pTitle = NULL; LPCSTR g_pRun = NULL; LPCSTR g_pModule = NULL; HANDLE g_hCompleted;
__int64 g_ibeg = 0, g_iend, g_ifreq;
// Class: COInetProtocolHook
// Purpose: Sample Implementation of ProtocolSink and BindInfo
// interface for simplified urlmon async download
// Interfaces:
// [Needed For All]
// IOInetProtocolSink
// - provide sink for pluggable prot's callback
// IOInetBindInfo
// - provide the bind options
// [Needed For Http]
// IServiceProvider
// - used to query http specific services
// e.g. HttpNegotiate, Authentication, UIWindow
// IHttpNegotiate
// - http negotiation service, it has two methods,
// one is the http pluggable protocol asks the
// client for additional headers, the other is
// callback for returned http server status
// e.g 200, 401, etc.
// Author: DanpoZ (Danpo Zhang)
// History: 11-20-97 Created
// 05-19-98 Modified to act as performance test
// NOTE: IOInetXXXX == IInternetXXXX
// on the SDK, you will see IInternetXXXX, these are same
// interfaces
class COInetProtocolHook : public IOInetProtocolSink, public IOInetBindInfo, public IHttpNegotiate, public IServiceProvider { public: COInetProtocolHook(HANDLE g_hCompleted, IOInetProtocol* pProt);
virtual ~COInetProtocolHook();
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
// IOInetProtocolSink methods
STDMETHODIMP Switch( PROTOCOLDATA *pStateInfo); STDMETHODIMP ReportProgress( ULONG ulStatusCode, LPCWSTR szStatusText); STDMETHODIMP ReportData( DWORD grfBSCF, ULONG ulProgress, ULONG ulProgressMax ); STDMETHODIMP ReportResult( HRESULT hrResult, DWORD dwError, LPCWSTR wzResult );
//IOInetBindInfo methods
STDMETHODIMP GetBindInfo( DWORD *grfBINDF, BINDINFO * pbindinfo ); STDMETHODIMP GetBindString( ULONG ulStringType, LPOLESTR *ppwzStr, ULONG cEl, ULONG *pcElFetched );
//IService Provider methods
STDMETHODIMP QueryService( REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppvObj );
//IHttpNegotiate methods
STDMETHODIMP BeginningTransaction( LPCWSTR szURL, LPCWSTR szHeaders, DWORD dwReserved, LPWSTR *pszAdditionalHeaders );
STDMETHODIMP OnResponse( DWORD dwResponseCode, LPCWSTR szResponseHeaders, LPCWSTR szRequestHeaders, LPWSTR *pszAdditionalHeaders ); private: IOInetProtocol* _pProt; HANDLE _hCompleted; CRefCount _CRefs; };
typedef struct tagInfo { WCHAR wzUrl[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; IOInetProtocol* pProt; COInetProtocolHook* pHook; IOInetProtocolSink* pSink; IOInetBindInfo* pBindInfo; } INFO, *PINFO;
void MylstrcpyW(WCHAR *pwd, WCHAR *pws) { while (*pws) { *pwd++ = *pws++; } *pwd = 0; }
WCHAR *MyDupA2W(LPSTR pa) { int i; WCHAR *pw, *pwd;
i = lstrlen(pa); pw = (WCHAR *)CoTaskMemAlloc((i+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); pwd = pw; while (*pa) { *pwd++ = (WCHAR)*pa++; } *pwd++ = 0;
return pw; }
void SetSingleProcessorAffinity() { PFNSPA pfn;
pfn = (PFNSPA)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("KERNEL32.DLL"), "SetProcessAffinityMask");
if (pfn) { pfn(GetCurrentProcess(), 1); } }
VOID DisplayUsage(char **argv) { printf("Usage: %s /u:url [/n:# /t:Title /r:RunStr /v:#]\n", argv[0]); printf(" %s /i:infile [/t:Title /r:RunStr /v:#]\n", argv[0]); printf(" /c - write to cache (default is NOWRITECACHE)\n"); printf(" /g - read from cache (default is GETNEWESTVERSION)\n"); printf(" /d - direct read (default uses QueryDataAvailable)\n"); printf(" /l:# - read buffer length\n"); printf(" /m:module - pre load module\n"); printf(" /n:# - download # times.\n"); printf(" /1 - single processor affinity (default multiprocessor)\n"); printf(" /v:# - verbose level 1=trace 2=dump data\n"); }
BOOL ProcessCommandLine(int argcIn, char **argvIn) { BOOL bRC = FALSE; int argc = argcIn; char **argv = argvIn;
argv++; argc--; if(argc == 0) { DisplayUsage(argvIn); return(FALSE); } while( argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '/' ) { switch (argv[0][1]) { case 'c': case 'C': g_dwCacheFlag &= ~BINDF_NOWRITECACHE; break; case 'g': case 'G': g_dwCacheFlag &= ~BINDF_GETNEWESTVERSION; break; case 'd': case 'D': g_dwCacheFlag |= BINDF_DIRECT_READ; break; case 'i': case 'I': g_pInfile = &argv[0][3]; bRC = TRUE; break; case 'l': case 'L': dwBuf_Size = atoi(&argv[0][3]); if(dwBuf_Size > MAX_BUF_SIZE) dwBuf_Size = MAX_BUF_SIZE; break; case 'm': case 'M': g_pModule = &argv[0][3]; break; case 'n': case 'N': g_dwNumDownloads = (DWORD)atoi(&argv[0][3]); g_dwNumDownloads = max(1, g_dwNumDownloads); g_dwNumDownloads = min(MAX_DOWNLOADS, g_dwNumDownloads); break; case 'r': case 'R': g_pRun = &argv[0][3]; break; case 't': case 'T': g_pTitle = &argv[0][3]; break; case 'u': case 'U': g_pwzUrl = MyDupA2W(&argv[0][3]); bRC = TRUE; break; case 'v': case 'V': g_dwVerbose = (DWORD)atoi(&argv[0][3]); break; case '1': SetSingleProcessorAffinity(); break; case '?': default: DisplayUsage(argvIn); bRC = FALSE; } argv++; argc--; }
return(bRC); }
BOOL BuildInfoList(PINFO pInfo, DWORD dwNumDownloads) { DWORD i = 0; if(g_pInfile != NULL) { TCHAR szName[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH+1]; FILE *fp;
if((fp = fopen(g_pInfile, "r")) == NULL) { printf("error opening file:%s GLE=%d\n", g_pInfile, GetLastError()); return NULL; }
while(fgets(szName, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, fp) != NULL) { if(szName[0] != '#') { szName[strlen(szName) - sizeof(char)] = '\0';
int rc; rc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szName, -1, (pInfo+i)->wzUrl, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH); if (!rc) { (pInfo+i)->wzUrl[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH-1] = 0; wprintf(L"BuildInfoList:string too long; truncated to %s\n", (pInfo+i)->wzUrl); } i++; } } g_dwNumDownloads = i; fclose(fp); } else { for(i =0; i < dwNumDownloads; i++) { MylstrcpyW((pInfo+i)->wzUrl, g_pwzUrl); } }
g_dwDownloads = g_dwNumDownloads;
return(TRUE); }
HRESULT StartDownloads(IOInetSession* pSession, PINFO pInfo, DWORD dwNumDownloads) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; for(DWORD i =0; i < dwNumDownloads; i++) { // Create a pluggable protocol
hr = pSession->CreateBinding( NULL, // [in ] BindCtx, always NULL
(pInfo+i)->wzUrl, // [in ] url
NULL, // [in ] IUnknown for Aggregration
NULL, // [out] IUNknown for Aggregration
&(pInfo+i)->pProt, // [out] return pProt pointer
0 // [in ] bind option, pass 0
); if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) printf("MAIN: Session->CreateBinding: %lx\n", hr);
// Create a protocolHook (sink) and Start the async operation
if( hr == NOERROR ) { (pInfo+i)->pHook = new COInetProtocolHook(g_hCompleted, (pInfo+i)->pProt); (pInfo+i)->pSink = NULL; (pInfo+i)->pBindInfo = NULL; if( (pInfo+i)->pHook ) { hr = (pInfo+i)->pHook->QueryInterface(IID_IOInetProtocolSink, (void**)&(pInfo+i)->pSink); hr = (pInfo+i)->pHook->QueryInterface(IID_IOInetBindInfo, (void**)&(pInfo+i)->pBindInfo); }
if( (pInfo+i)->pProt && (pInfo+i)->pSink && (pInfo+i)->pBindInfo ) { hr = (pInfo+i)->pProt->Start( (pInfo+i)->wzUrl, (pInfo+i)->pSink, (pInfo+i)->pBindInfo, PI_FORCE_ASYNC, 0 ); if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) printf("MAIN: pProtocol->Start: %lx\n", hr); } } }
return(hr); }
VOID CleanInfoList(PINFO pInfo, DWORD dwNumDownloads) { for(DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumDownloads; i++) { if((pInfo+i)->pProt) (pInfo+i)->pProt->Terminate(0); if( (pInfo+i)->pSink ) { (pInfo+i)->pSink->Release(); } if( (pInfo+i)->pBindInfo ) { (pInfo+i)->pBindInfo->Release(); } if( (pInfo+i)->pHook ) { (pInfo+i)->pHook->Release(); } // release COM objects
if( (pInfo+i)->pProt ) { //
// If the pProt is IE's http/gopher/ftp implementation,
// calling pProt->Release() now might cause resource leak
// since pProt (although finished the download), might
// be still waiting wininet to call back about the
// confirmation of the handle closing.
// The correct time to release pProt is to wait after
// pProtSink get destroyed.
(pInfo+i)->pProt->Release(); } } }
// Purpose: create a session object
// Get a pluggable procotol from the session
// Start the pluggable protocol async download
// Author: DanpoZ (Danpo Zhang)
// History: 11-20-97 Created
int _cdecl main(int argc, char** argv) { IOInetSession* pSession = NULL; IOInetProtocol* pProt = NULL; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwLoadTime; HMODULE hMod = NULL; if(!ProcessCommandLine(argc, argv)) return 0; // Init COM
if(g_pModule != NULL) { hMod = LoadLibrary(g_pModule); } g_hCompleted = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); // Get a Session
hr = CoInternetGetSession(0, &pSession, 0); if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) printf("MAIN: Created Session: %lx\n", hr);
if( hr == NOERROR ) { if(!BuildInfoList(&Info[0], g_dwNumDownloads)) return(2);
hr = StartDownloads(pSession, &Info[0], g_dwNumDownloads); if( hr == NOERROR ) { // wait until the async download finishes
WaitForSingleObject(g_hCompleted, INFINITE); }
StopCAP(); QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&g_iend); QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&g_ifreq);
dwLoadTime = (LONG)(((g_iend - g_ibeg) * 1000) / g_ifreq); float fKB; float fSec; float fKBSec;
if(dwLoadTime == 0) dwLoadTime = 1; fKB = ((float)g_dwTotalBytes)/1024; fSec = ((float)dwLoadTime)/1000; fKBSec = fKB / fSec; printf("%s,%s,%d,%d,%2.0f\n", g_pTitle ?g_pTitle :"Oinetperf", g_pRun ?g_pRun :"1", dwLoadTime, g_dwTotalBytes, fKBSec);
CleanInfoList(&Info[0], g_dwNumDownloads); }
if( pSession ) { pSession->Release(); } CoTaskMemFree(g_pwzUrl);
if((g_pModule != NULL) && (hMod != NULL)) { FreeLibrary(hMod); }
// kill COM
return(0); }
COInetProtocolHook::COInetProtocolHook ( HANDLE g_hCompleted, IOInetProtocol* pProt ) { _hCompleted = g_hCompleted; _pProt = pProt; }
COInetProtocolHook::~COInetProtocolHook() { CloseHandle(_hCompleted); }
HRESULT COInetProtocolHook::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; *ppvObj = NULL;
if( iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_IOInetProtocolSink ) { *ppvObj = static_cast<IOInetProtocolSink*>(this); } else if( iid == IID_IOInetBindInfo ) { *ppvObj = static_cast<IOInetBindInfo*>(this); } else if( iid == IID_IServiceProvider) { *ppvObj = static_cast<IServiceProvider*>(this); } else if( iid == IID_IHttpNegotiate ) { *ppvObj = static_cast<IHttpNegotiate*>(this); } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; }
if( *ppvObj ) { AddRef(); }
return hr; }
ULONG COInetProtocolHook::AddRef(void) { LONG lRet = ++_CRefs; return lRet; }
ULONG COInetProtocolHook::Release(void) { LONG lRet = --_CRefs;
if (lRet == 0) { delete this; }
return lRet; }
HRESULT COInetProtocolHook::Switch( PROTOCOLDATA *pStateInfo) { printf("Are you crazy? I don't know how to do Thread switching!!!\n"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT COInetProtocolHook::ReportProgress( ULONG ulStatusCode, LPCWSTR szStatusText) { switch( ulStatusCode ) { case BINDSTATUS_FINDINGRESOURCE: if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) wprintf( L"CALLBACK(ReportProgress): Resolving name %s\n", szStatusText ); break;
case BINDSTATUS_CONNECTING: if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) wprintf(L"CALLBACK(ReportProgress): Connecting to %s\n", szStatusText ); break;
case BINDSTATUS_SENDINGREQUEST: if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) wprintf(L"CALLBACK(ReportProgress): Sending request\n"); break;
case BINDSTATUS_CACHEFILENAMEAVAILABLE: if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) wprintf(L"CALLBACK(ReportProgress): cache filename available\n"); break;
case BINDSTATUS_MIMETYPEAVAILABLE: if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) wprintf(L"CALLBACK(ReportProgress): mimetype available = %s\n", szStatusText); break;
case BINDSTATUS_REDIRECTING: if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) wprintf(L"CALLBACK(ReportProgress): Redirecting to %s\n", szStatusText); break;
default: if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) wprintf(L"CALLBACK(ReportProgress): others...\n"); break; } return NOERROR; }
HRESULT COInetProtocolHook::ReportData( DWORD grfBSCF, ULONG ulProgress, ULONG ulProgressMax ) { if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) printf("CALLBACK(ReportData) %d, %d, %d \n", grfBSCF, ulProgress, ulProgressMax);
// Pull data via pProt->Read(), here are the possible returned
// HRESULT values and how we should act upon:
// if E_PENDING is returned:
// client already get all the data in buffer, there is nothing
// can be done here, client should walk away and wait for the
// next chuck of data, which will be notified via ReportData()
// callback.
// if S_FALSE is returned:
// this is EOF, everything is done, however, client must wait
// for ReportResult() callback to indicate that the pluggable
// protocol is ready to shutdown.
// if S_OK is returned:
// keep on reading, until you hit E_PENDING/S_FALSE/ERROR, the deal
// is that the client is supposed to pull ALL the available
// data in the buffer
// if none of the above is returning:
// Error occured, client should decide how to handle it, most
// commonly, client will call pProt->Abort() to abort the download
char *pBuf = (char *)_alloca(dwBuf_Size); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ULONG cbRead;
while( hr == S_OK ) { cbRead = 0;
if (g_ibeg == 0) { QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&g_ibeg); StartCAP(); }
// pull data
if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) { printf("MAIN: pProtocol->Read attempting %d bytes\n", dwBuf_Size); }
hr = _pProt->Read((void*)pBuf, dwBuf_Size, &cbRead); if( (hr == S_OK || hr == E_PENDING || hr == S_FALSE) && cbRead ) { if( g_dwVerbose & FLAG_DUMPDATA ) { for( ULONG i = 0; i < cbRead; i++) { printf("%c", pBuf[i]); } }
if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) { printf("MAIN: pProtocol->Read %d bytes\n", cbRead); } g_dwTotalBytes += cbRead; } }
if( hr == S_FALSE ) { if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) printf("MAIN: pProtocol->Read returned EOF \n"); } else if( hr != E_PENDING ) { if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) { printf("MAIN: pProtocol->Read returned Error %1x \n, hr"); printf("MAIN: pProtocol->Abort called \n", hr); } _pProt->Abort(hr, 0); }
return NOERROR; }
HRESULT COInetProtocolHook::ReportResult( HRESULT hrResult, DWORD dwError, LPCWSTR wzResult ) { // This is the last call back from the pluggable protocol,
// this call is equivlant to the IBindStatusCallBack::OnStopBinding()
// it basically tells you that the pluggable protocol is ready
// to shutdown
if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) printf("CALLBACK(ReportResult): Download completed with status %1x\n", hrResult);
// set event to the main thread
if(InterlockedDecrement((LONG*)&g_dwDownloads ) == 0) SetEvent(g_hCompleted); return NOERROR; }
// for HTTP GET, VERB is the only field we interested
// for HTTP POST, BINDINFO will point to Storage structure which
// contains data
BINDINFO bInfo; ZeroMemory(&bInfo, sizeof(BINDINFO));
// all we need is size and verb field
bInfo.cbSize = sizeof(BINDINFO); bInfo.dwBindVerb = BINDVERB_GET;
// src -> dest
hr = CopyBindInfo(&bInfo, pbindinfo );
return hr; }
static LPSTR g_szAcceptStrAll = "*/*"; HRESULT COInetProtocolHook::GetBindString( ULONG ulStringType, LPOLESTR *ppwzStr, ULONG cEl, ULONG *pcElFetched ) {
case BINDSTRING_ACCEPT_MIMES: // IE4's http pluggable protocol implementation does not
// honer INET_E_USE_DEFAULT_SETTING returned by this function
// starting from IE5, client can just return the USE_DEFAULT
// use for ie5 so we don't need a seperate bin for ie4 // #ifndef IE5
// this will be freed by the caller
*(ppwzStr + 0) = MyDupA2W(g_szAcceptStrAll); *(ppwzStr + 1) = NULL; *pcElFetched = 1; hr = NOERROR; //#endif
default: break; }
return hr; }
HRESULT COInetProtocolHook::QueryService( REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppvObj ) { HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; *ppvObj = NULL; if( guidService == IID_IHttpNegotiate ) { *ppvObj = static_cast<IHttpNegotiate*>(this); } if( *ppvObj ) { AddRef(); hr = NOERROR; } return hr; }
HRESULT COInetProtocolHook::BeginningTransaction( LPCWSTR szURL, LPCWSTR szHeaders, DWORD dwReserved, LPWSTR *pszAdditionalHeaders ) { if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) printf("HTTPNEGOTIATE: Additional Headers? - No \n"); *pszAdditionalHeaders = NULL; return NOERROR; }
HRESULT COInetProtocolHook::OnResponse( DWORD dwResponseCode, LPCWSTR szResponseHeaders, LPCWSTR szRequestHeaders, LPWSTR *pszAdditionalHeaders ) { if(g_dwVerbose & FLAG_TRACE) printf("HTTPNEGOTIATE: Http server response code %d\n", dwResponseCode); return NOERROR; }