#include <urlint.h>
#include <map_kv.h>
#include "coll.hxx"
#include "coletime.hxx"
#include <math.h>
// COleDateTime class HELPER definitions
// Verifies will fail if the needed buffer size is too large
#define MAX_TIME_BUFFER_SIZE 128 // matches that in timecore.cpp
#define MIN_DATE (-657434L) // about year 100
#define MAX_DATE 2958465L // about year 9999
// Half a second, expressed in days
#define HALF_SECOND (1.0/172800.0)
// One-based array of days in year at month start
static int rgMonthDays[13] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365};
static BOOL OleDateFromTm(WORD wYear, WORD wMonth, WORD wDay, WORD wHour, WORD wMinute, WORD wSecond, DATE& dtDest); static BOOL TmFromOleDate(DATE dtSrc, struct tm& tmDest); static void TmConvertToStandardFormat(struct tm& tmSrc); static double DoubleFromDate(DATE dt); static DATE DateFromDouble(double dbl);
// COleDateTime class
COleDateTime PASCAL COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime() { return COleDateTime(::time(NULL)); }
int COleDateTime::GetYear() const { struct tm tmTemp;
if (GetStatus() == valid && TmFromOleDate(m_dt, tmTemp)) return tmTemp.tm_year; else return AFX_OLE_DATETIME_ERROR; }
int COleDateTime::GetMonth() const { struct tm tmTemp;
if (GetStatus() == valid && TmFromOleDate(m_dt, tmTemp)) return tmTemp.tm_mon; else return AFX_OLE_DATETIME_ERROR; }
int COleDateTime::GetDay() const { struct tm tmTemp;
if (GetStatus() == valid && TmFromOleDate(m_dt, tmTemp)) return tmTemp.tm_mday; else return AFX_OLE_DATETIME_ERROR; }
int COleDateTime::GetHour() const { struct tm tmTemp;
if (GetStatus() == valid && TmFromOleDate(m_dt, tmTemp)) return tmTemp.tm_hour; else return AFX_OLE_DATETIME_ERROR; }
int COleDateTime::GetMinute() const { struct tm tmTemp;
if (GetStatus() == valid && TmFromOleDate(m_dt, tmTemp)) return tmTemp.tm_min; else return AFX_OLE_DATETIME_ERROR; }
int COleDateTime::GetSecond() const { struct tm tmTemp;
if (GetStatus() == valid && TmFromOleDate(m_dt, tmTemp)) return tmTemp.tm_sec; else return AFX_OLE_DATETIME_ERROR; }
int COleDateTime::GetDayOfWeek() const { struct tm tmTemp;
if (GetStatus() == valid && TmFromOleDate(m_dt, tmTemp)) return tmTemp.tm_wday; else return AFX_OLE_DATETIME_ERROR; }
int COleDateTime::GetDayOfYear() const { struct tm tmTemp;
if (GetStatus() == valid && TmFromOleDate(m_dt, tmTemp)) return tmTemp.tm_yday; else return AFX_OLE_DATETIME_ERROR; }
#ifdef _not_this_
const COleDateTime& COleDateTime::operator=(const VARIANT& varSrc) { if (varSrc.vt != VT_DATE) { TRY { COleVariant varTemp(varSrc); varTemp.ChangeType(VT_DATE); m_dt = varTemp.date; SetStatus(valid); } // Catch COleException from ChangeType, but not CMemoryException
CATCH(COleException, e) { // Not able to convert VARIANT to DATE
DELETE_EXCEPTION(e); m_dt = 0; SetStatus(invalid); } END_CATCH } else { m_dt = varSrc.date; SetStatus(valid); }
return *this; } #endif //_not_this_
const COleDateTime& COleDateTime::operator=(DATE dtSrc) { m_dt = dtSrc; SetStatus(valid);
return *this; }
const COleDateTime& COleDateTime::operator=(const time_t& timeSrc) { // Convert time_t to struct tm
tm *ptm = localtime(&timeSrc);
if (ptm != NULL) { m_status = OleDateFromTm((WORD)ptm->tm_year + 1900, (WORD)(ptm->tm_mon + 1), (WORD)ptm->tm_mday, (WORD)ptm->tm_hour, (WORD)ptm->tm_min, (WORD)ptm->tm_sec, m_dt) ? valid : invalid; } else { // Local time must have failed (timsSrc before 1/1/70 12am)
SetStatus(invalid); ASSERT(FALSE); }
return *this; }
const COleDateTime& COleDateTime::operator=(const SYSTEMTIME& systimeSrc) { m_status = OleDateFromTm(systimeSrc.wYear, systimeSrc.wMonth, systimeSrc.wDay, systimeSrc.wHour, systimeSrc.wMinute, systimeSrc.wSecond, m_dt) ? valid : invalid;
return *this; }
const COleDateTime& COleDateTime::operator=(const FILETIME& filetimeSrc) { // Assume UTC FILETIME, so convert to LOCALTIME
FILETIME filetimeLocal; if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &filetimeSrc, &filetimeLocal)) { #ifdef _DEBUG
DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); TRACE1("\nFileTimeToLocalFileTime failed. Error = %lu.\n\t", dwError); #endif // _DEBUG
m_status = invalid; } else { // Take advantage of SYSTEMTIME -> FILETIME conversion
SYSTEMTIME systime; m_status = FileTimeToSystemTime(&filetimeLocal, &systime) ? valid : invalid;
// At this point systime should always be valid, but...
if (GetStatus() == valid) { m_status = OleDateFromTm(systime.wYear, systime.wMonth, systime.wDay, systime.wHour, systime.wMinute, systime.wSecond, m_dt) ? valid : invalid; } }
return *this; }
BOOL COleDateTime::operator<(const COleDateTime& date) const { ASSERT(GetStatus() == valid); ASSERT(date.GetStatus() == valid);
// Handle negative dates
return DoubleFromDate(m_dt) < DoubleFromDate(date.m_dt); }
BOOL COleDateTime::operator>(const COleDateTime& date) const { ASSERT(GetStatus() == valid); ASSERT(date.GetStatus() == valid);
// Handle negative dates
return DoubleFromDate(m_dt) > DoubleFromDate(date.m_dt); }
BOOL COleDateTime::operator<=(const COleDateTime& date) const { ASSERT(GetStatus() == valid); ASSERT(date.GetStatus() == valid);
// Handle negative dates
return DoubleFromDate(m_dt) <= DoubleFromDate(date.m_dt); }
BOOL COleDateTime::operator>=(const COleDateTime& date) const { ASSERT(GetStatus() == valid); ASSERT(date.GetStatus() == valid);
// Handle negative dates
return DoubleFromDate(m_dt) >= DoubleFromDate(date.m_dt); }
COleDateTime COleDateTime::operator+(const COleDateTimeSpan& dateSpan) const { COleDateTime dateResult; // Initializes m_status to valid
// If either operand NULL, result NULL
if (GetStatus() == null || dateSpan.GetStatus() == null) { dateResult.SetStatus(null); return dateResult; }
// If either operand invalid, result invalid
if (GetStatus() == invalid || dateSpan.GetStatus() == invalid) { dateResult.SetStatus(invalid); return dateResult; }
// Compute the actual date difference by adding underlying dates
dateResult = DateFromDouble(DoubleFromDate(m_dt) + dateSpan.m_span);
// Validate within range
return dateResult; }
COleDateTime COleDateTime::operator-(const COleDateTimeSpan& dateSpan) const { COleDateTime dateResult; // Initializes m_status to valid
// If either operand NULL, result NULL
if (GetStatus() == null || dateSpan.GetStatus() == null) { dateResult.SetStatus(null); return dateResult; }
// If either operand invalid, result invalid
if (GetStatus() == invalid || dateSpan.GetStatus() == invalid) { dateResult.SetStatus(invalid); return dateResult; }
// Compute the actual date difference by subtracting underlying dates
dateResult = DateFromDouble(DoubleFromDate(m_dt) - dateSpan.m_span);
// Validate within range
return dateResult; }
COleDateTimeSpan COleDateTime::operator-(const COleDateTime& date) const { COleDateTimeSpan spanResult;
// If either operand NULL, result NULL
if (GetStatus() == null || date.GetStatus() == null) { spanResult.SetStatus(COleDateTimeSpan::null); return spanResult; }
// If either operand invalid, result invalid
if (GetStatus() == invalid || date.GetStatus() == invalid) { spanResult.SetStatus(COleDateTimeSpan::invalid); return spanResult; }
// Return result (span can't be invalid, so don't check range)
return DoubleFromDate(m_dt) - DoubleFromDate(date.m_dt); }
BOOL COleDateTime::SetDateTime(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, int nHour, int nMin, int nSec) { return m_status = OleDateFromTm((WORD)nYear, (WORD)nMonth, (WORD)nDay, (WORD)nHour, (WORD)nMin, (WORD)nSec, m_dt) ? valid : invalid; }
#ifdef _not_yet_
BOOL COleDateTime::ParseDateTime(LPCTSTR lpszDate, DWORD dwFlags, LCID lcid) { USES_CONVERSION; CString strDate = lpszDate;
SCODE sc; if (FAILED(sc = VarDateFromStr((LPOLESTR)T2COLE(strDate), lcid, dwFlags, &m_dt))) { if (sc == DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH) { // Can't convert string to date, set 0 and invalidate
m_dt = 0; SetStatus(invalid); return FALSE; } else if (sc == DISP_E_OVERFLOW) { // Can't convert string to date, set -1 and invalidate
m_dt = -1; SetStatus(invalid); return FALSE; } else { TRACE0("\nCOleDateTime VarDateFromStr call failed.\n\t"); if (sc == E_OUTOFMEMORY) AfxThrowMemoryException(); else AfxThrowOleException(sc); } }
SetStatus(valid); return TRUE; }
CString COleDateTime::Format(DWORD dwFlags, LCID lcid) const { USES_CONVERSION; CString strDate;
// If null, return empty string
if (GetStatus() == null) return strDate;
// If invalid, return DateTime resource string
if (GetStatus() == invalid) { VERIFY(strDate.LoadString(AFX_IDS_INVALID_DATETIME)); return strDate; }
COleVariant var; // Don't need to trap error. Should not fail due to type mismatch
CheckError(VarBstrFromDate(m_dt, lcid, dwFlags, &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return OLE2CT(V_BSTR(&var)); } #endif //_not_yet_
CString COleDateTime::Format(LPCTSTR pFormat) const { CString strDate; struct tm tmTemp;
// If null, return empty string
if (GetStatus() == null) return strDate;
// If invalid, return DateTime resource string
if (GetStatus() == invalid || !TmFromOleDate(m_dt, tmTemp)) { //VERIFY(strDate.LoadString(AFX_IDS_INVALID_DATETIME));
return strDate; }
// Convert tm from afx internal format to standard format
// Fill in the buffer, disregard return value as it's not necessary
LPTSTR lpszTemp = strDate.GetBufferSetLength(MAX_TIME_BUFFER_SIZE); _tcsftime(lpszTemp, strDate.GetLength(), pFormat, &tmTemp); strDate.ReleaseBuffer();
return strDate; }
CString COleDateTime::Format(UINT nFormatID) const { CString strFormat; //VERIFY(strFormat.LoadString(nFormatID) != 0);
return Format(strFormat); }
void COleDateTime::CheckRange() { if (m_dt > MAX_DATE || m_dt < MIN_DATE) // about year 100 to about 9999
SetStatus(invalid); }
// serialization
#ifdef _DEBUG
CDumpContext& AFXAPI operator<<(CDumpContext& dc, COleDateTime dateSrc) { dc << "\nCOleDateTime Object:"; dc << "\n\tm_status = " << (long)dateSrc.m_status;
COleVariant var(dateSrc); var.ChangeType(VT_BSTR);
return dc << "\n\tdate = " << (LPCTSTR)var.bstrVal; } #endif // _DEBUG
#ifdef _not_yet_
CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, COleDateTime dateSrc) { ar << (long)dateSrc.m_status; return ar << dateSrc.m_dt; }
CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, COleDateTime& dateSrc) { ar >> (long&)dateSrc.m_status; return ar >> dateSrc.m_dt; } #endif //_not_yet_
// COleDateTimeSpan class helpers
#define MAX_DAYS_IN_SPAN 3615897L
// COleDateTimeSpan class
long COleDateTimeSpan::GetHours() const { ASSERT(GetStatus() == valid);
double dblTemp;
// Truncate days and scale up
dblTemp = modf(m_span, &dblTemp); return (long)(dblTemp * 24); }
long COleDateTimeSpan::GetMinutes() const { ASSERT(GetStatus() == valid);
double dblTemp;
// Truncate hours and scale up
dblTemp = modf(m_span * 24, &dblTemp); return (long)(dblTemp * 60); }
long COleDateTimeSpan::GetSeconds() const { ASSERT(GetStatus() == valid);
double dblTemp;
// Truncate minutes and scale up
dblTemp = modf(m_span * 24 * 60, &dblTemp); return (long)(dblTemp * 60); }
const COleDateTimeSpan& COleDateTimeSpan::operator=(double dblSpanSrc) { m_span = dblSpanSrc; SetStatus(valid); return *this; }
const COleDateTimeSpan& COleDateTimeSpan::operator=(const COleDateTimeSpan& dateSpanSrc) { m_span = dateSpanSrc.m_span; m_status = dateSpanSrc.m_status; return *this; }
COleDateTimeSpan COleDateTimeSpan::operator+(const COleDateTimeSpan& dateSpan) const { COleDateTimeSpan dateSpanTemp;
// If either operand Null, result Null
if (GetStatus() == null || dateSpan.GetStatus() == null) { dateSpanTemp.SetStatus(null); return dateSpanTemp; }
// If either operand Invalid, result Invalid
if (GetStatus() == invalid || dateSpan.GetStatus() == invalid) { dateSpanTemp.SetStatus(invalid); return dateSpanTemp; }
// Add spans and validate within legal range
dateSpanTemp.m_span = m_span + dateSpan.m_span; dateSpanTemp.CheckRange();
return dateSpanTemp; }
COleDateTimeSpan COleDateTimeSpan::operator-(const COleDateTimeSpan& dateSpan) const { COleDateTimeSpan dateSpanTemp;
// If either operand Null, result Null
if (GetStatus() == null || dateSpan.GetStatus() == null) { dateSpanTemp.SetStatus(null); return dateSpanTemp; }
// If either operand Invalid, result Invalid
if (GetStatus() == invalid || dateSpan.GetStatus() == invalid) { dateSpanTemp.SetStatus(invalid); return dateSpanTemp; }
// Subtract spans and validate within legal range
dateSpanTemp.m_span = m_span - dateSpan.m_span; dateSpanTemp.CheckRange();
return dateSpanTemp; }
void COleDateTimeSpan::SetDateTimeSpan( long lDays, int nHours, int nMins, int nSecs) { // Set date span by breaking into fractional days (all input ranges valid)
m_span = lDays + ((double)nHours)/24 + ((double)nMins)/(24*60) + ((double)nSecs)/(24*60*60);
SetStatus(valid); }
CString COleDateTimeSpan::Format(LPCTSTR pFormat) const { CString strSpan; struct tm tmTemp;
// If null, return empty string
if (GetStatus() == null) return strSpan;
// If invalid, return DateTimeSpan resource string
if (GetStatus() == invalid || !TmFromOleDate(m_span, tmTemp)) { //VERIFY(strSpan.LoadString(AFX_IDS_INVALID_DATETIMESPAN));
return strSpan; }
// Convert tm from afx internal format to standard format
// Fill in the buffer, disregard return value as it's not necessary
LPTSTR lpszTemp = strSpan.GetBufferSetLength(MAX_TIME_BUFFER_SIZE); _tcsftime(lpszTemp, strSpan.GetLength(), pFormat, &tmTemp); strSpan.ReleaseBuffer();
return strSpan; }
CString COleDateTimeSpan::Format(UINT nFormatID) const { CString strFormat; //VERIFY(strFormat.LoadString(nFormatID) != 0);
return Format(strFormat); }
void COleDateTimeSpan::CheckRange() { if (m_span < -MAX_DAYS_IN_SPAN || m_span > MAX_DAYS_IN_SPAN) SetStatus(invalid); }
// serialization
#ifdef _DEBUG
CDumpContext& AFXAPI operator<<(CDumpContext& dc, COleDateTimeSpan dateSpanSrc) { dc << "\nCOleDateTimeSpan Object:"; dc << "\n\tm_status = " << (long)dateSpanSrc.m_status;
COleVariant var(dateSpanSrc.m_span); var.ChangeType(VT_BSTR);
return dc << "\n\tdateSpan = " << (LPCTSTR)var.bstrVal; } #endif // _DEBUG
#ifdef _not_yet_
CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, COleDateTimeSpan dateSpanSrc) { ar << (long)dateSpanSrc.m_status; return ar << dateSpanSrc.m_span; }
CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, COleDateTimeSpan& dateSpanSrc) { ar >> (long&)dateSpanSrc.m_status; return ar >> dateSpanSrc.m_span; } #endif //_not_yet_
// COleDateTime class HELPERS - implementation
BOOL OleDateFromTm(WORD wYear, WORD wMonth, WORD wDay, WORD wHour, WORD wMinute, WORD wSecond, DATE& dtDest) { // Validate year and month (ignore day of week and milliseconds)
if (wYear > 9999 || wMonth < 1 || wMonth > 12) return FALSE;
// Check for leap year and set the number of days in the month
BOOL bLeapYear = ((wYear & 3) == 0) && ((wYear % 100) != 0 || (wYear % 400) == 0);
int nDaysInMonth = rgMonthDays[wMonth] - rgMonthDays[wMonth-1] + ((bLeapYear && wDay == 29 && wMonth == 2) ? 1 : 0);
// Finish validating the date
if (wDay < 1 || wDay > nDaysInMonth || wHour > 23 || wMinute > 59 || wSecond > 59) { return FALSE; }
// Cache the date in days and time in fractional days
long nDate; double dblTime;
//It is a valid date; make Jan 1, 1AD be 1
nDate = wYear*365L + wYear/4 - wYear/100 + wYear/400 + rgMonthDays[wMonth-1] + wDay;
// If leap year and it's before March, subtract 1:
if (wMonth <= 2 && bLeapYear) --nDate;
// Offset so that 12/30/1899 is 0
nDate -= 693959L;
dblTime = (((long)wHour * 3600L) + // hrs in seconds
((long)wMinute * 60L) + // mins in seconds
((long)wSecond)) / 86400.;
dtDest = (double) nDate + ((nDate >= 0) ? dblTime : -dblTime);
return TRUE; }
BOOL TmFromOleDate(DATE dtSrc, struct tm& tmDest) { // The legal range does not actually span year 0 to 9999.
if (dtSrc > MAX_DATE || dtSrc < MIN_DATE) // about year 100 to about 9999
return FALSE;
long nDays; // Number of days since Dec. 30, 1899
long nDaysAbsolute; // Number of days since 1/1/0
long nSecsInDay; // Time in seconds since midnight
long nMinutesInDay; // Minutes in day
long n400Years; // Number of 400 year increments since 1/1/0
long n400Century; // Century within 400 year block (0,1,2 or 3)
long n4Years; // Number of 4 year increments since 1/1/0
long n4Day; // Day within 4 year block
// (0 is 1/1/yr1, 1460 is 12/31/yr4)
long n4Yr; // Year within 4 year block (0,1,2 or 3)
BOOL bLeap4 = TRUE; // TRUE if 4 year block includes leap year
double dblDate = dtSrc; // tempory serial date
// If a valid date, then this conversion should not overflow
nDays = (long)dblDate;
// Round to the second
dblDate += ((dtSrc > 0.0) ? HALF_SECOND : -HALF_SECOND);
nDaysAbsolute = (long)dblDate + 693959L; // Add days from 1/1/0 to 12/30/1899
dblDate = fabs(dblDate); nSecsInDay = (long)((dblDate - floor(dblDate)) * 86400.);
// Calculate the day of week (sun=1, mon=2...)
// -1 because 1/1/0 is Sat. +1 because we want 1-based
tmDest.tm_wday = (int)((nDaysAbsolute - 1) % 7L) + 1;
// Leap years every 4 yrs except centuries not multiples of 400.
n400Years = (long)(nDaysAbsolute / 146097L);
// Set nDaysAbsolute to day within 400-year block
nDaysAbsolute %= 146097L;
// -1 because first century has extra day
n400Century = (long)((nDaysAbsolute - 1) / 36524L);
// Non-leap century
if (n400Century != 0) { // Set nDaysAbsolute to day within century
nDaysAbsolute = (nDaysAbsolute - 1) % 36524L;
// +1 because 1st 4 year increment has 1460 days
n4Years = (long)((nDaysAbsolute + 1) / 1461L);
if (n4Years != 0) n4Day = (long)((nDaysAbsolute + 1) % 1461L); else { bLeap4 = FALSE; n4Day = (long)nDaysAbsolute; } } else { // Leap century - not special case!
n4Years = (long)(nDaysAbsolute / 1461L); n4Day = (long)(nDaysAbsolute % 1461L); }
if (bLeap4) { // -1 because first year has 366 days
n4Yr = (n4Day - 1) / 365;
if (n4Yr != 0) n4Day = (n4Day - 1) % 365; } else { n4Yr = n4Day / 365; n4Day %= 365; }
// n4Day is now 0-based day of year. Save 1-based day of year, year number
tmDest.tm_yday = (int)n4Day + 1; tmDest.tm_year = n400Years * 400 + n400Century * 100 + n4Years * 4 + n4Yr;
// Handle leap year: before, on, and after Feb. 29.
if (n4Yr == 0 && bLeap4) { // Leap Year
if (n4Day == 59) { /* Feb. 29 */ tmDest.tm_mon = 2; tmDest.tm_mday = 29; goto DoTime; }
// Pretend it's not a leap year for month/day comp.
if (n4Day >= 60) --n4Day; }
// Make n4DaY a 1-based day of non-leap year and compute
// month/day for everything but Feb. 29.
// Month number always >= n/32, so save some loop time */
for (tmDest.tm_mon = (n4Day >> 5) + 1; n4Day > rgMonthDays[tmDest.tm_mon]; tmDest.tm_mon++);
tmDest.tm_mday = (int)(n4Day - rgMonthDays[tmDest.tm_mon-1]);
DoTime: if (nSecsInDay == 0) tmDest.tm_hour = tmDest.tm_min = tmDest.tm_sec = 0; else { tmDest.tm_sec = (int)nSecsInDay % 60L; nMinutesInDay = nSecsInDay / 60L; tmDest.tm_min = (int)nMinutesInDay % 60; tmDest.tm_hour = (int)nMinutesInDay / 60; }
return TRUE; }
void TmConvertToStandardFormat(struct tm& tmSrc) { // Convert afx internal tm to format expected by runtimes (_tcsftime, etc)
tmSrc.tm_year -= 1900; // year is based on 1900
tmSrc.tm_mon -= 1; // month of year is 0-based
tmSrc.tm_wday -= 1; // day of week is 0-based
tmSrc.tm_yday -= 1; // day of year is 0-based
double DoubleFromDate(DATE dt) { // No problem if positive
if (dt >= 0) return dt;
// If negative, must convert since negative dates not continuous
// (examples: -1.25 to -.75, -1.50 to -.50, -1.75 to -.25)
double temp = ceil(dt); return temp - (dt - temp); }
DATE DateFromDouble(double dbl) { // No problem if positive
if (dbl >= 0) return dbl;
// If negative, must convert since negative dates not continuous
// (examples: -.75 to -1.25, -.50 to -1.50, -.25 to -1.75)
double temp = floor(dbl); // dbl is now whole part
return temp + (temp - dbl); }