Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains functions for returning files and directory listings (gopher and FTP) as HTML documents
Contents: ReadHtmlUrlData QueryHtmlDataAvailable (MakeHtmlDirEntry)
Richard L Firth (rfirth) 23-Jun-1995
Win32 user-mode
Revision History:
23-Jun-1995 rfirth Created
#include <wininetp.h>
// private manifests
// HTML encapsulation strings - we generate HTML documents using the following
// strings. Although we don't need carriage-return, line-feed at the end of each
// line, we add them anyway since it allows View Source and Save As commands in
// the viewer to create human-sensible documents
// HTML_DOCUMENT_HEADER - every HTML document should have a header. It must have
// a title. This string defines the header, title and start of the document body
"<HTML>\r\n" \ "<HEAD>\r\n" \ "<TITLE>%s</TITLE>\r\n" \ "</HEAD>\r\n" \ "<BODY>\r\n" \ "<H2>%s</H2>\r\n"
// HTML_ERROR_DOCUMENT_HEADER - error variant of standard document header
"<HTML>\r\n" \ "<HEAD>\r\n" \ "<TITLE>%s</TITLE>\r\n" \ "</HEAD>\r\n" \ "<BODY>\r\n" \ "<H2>%s</H2>\r\n" \ "<HR>\r\n"
// HTML_DOCUMENT_PREFORMAT - directory entries are preformatted to stop the HTML
// viewer putting its own interpretation on the listing
// HTML_DOCUMENT_END_PREFORMAT - this is required after the last directory entry
// to allow the viewer to resume HTML formatting
// HTML_HORIZONTAL_RULE - we separate each part of the document with a horizontal
// rule line
// HTML_FTP_WELCOME_START - for FTP directories, we display the FTP welcome
// message
// HTML_FTP_WELCOME_END - finish off at end of FTP welcome message
#define HTML_FTP_WELCOME_END "</PRE></H4>\r\n"
// HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_START - when creating a directory listing document, we
// follow the header with a Horizontal Rule (<HR>)
// add an additional "back up one level" if FTP and not the root
// HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_END - string that appears at the end of the preformatted
// directory list, but before the end of the document
// HTML_ISINDEX - string that causes browser to display search form
// HTML_DOCUMENT_FOOTER - this goes at the end of every HTML document we create
#define HTML_DOCUMENT_FOOTER "</BODY>\r\n" \
// HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_ENTRY - each directory entry is formatted using the
// following string. Directories are bold
#define HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_ENTRY "%s %s <A HREF=\"%s\"><B>%s</B></A>\r\n"
// not bold
#define HTML_DOCUMENT_FILE_ENTRY "%s %s <A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>\r\n"
#define SCRATCH_PAD_SIZE 1024
#define FTP_WELCOME_INTRO "230-"
#define MAX_FMT_BUF 200 // size of buffer for loading title format string resource
char szDir[32]; char szSearch[32];
// private prototypes
PRIVATE DWORD MakeHtmlDirEntry( IN HINTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE HandleType, IN LPSTR PathPrefix, IN LPVOID DirBuffer, IN LPBYTE EntryBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD BufferLength, OUT LPSTR* DirEntry );
// functions
BOOL ReadHtmlUrlData( IN HINTERNET hInternet, IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN DWORD dwBufferLength, OUT LPDWORD lpdwBytesReturned )
Routine Description:
Converts an FTP or gopher file or directory listing to a HTML document. This function is a wrapper for InternetReadFile() and InternetFindNext(), and so returns BOOL: the error code proper is set by the appropriate API
hInternet - handle of file or find object
lpBuffer - pointer to caller's buffer
dwBufferLength - size of lpBuffer on input
lpdwBytesReturned - pointer to returned number of bytes read into lpBuffer
Return Value:
BOOL Success - TRUE
Failure - FALSE. Call GetLastError() for more info
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Bool, "ReadHtmlUrlData", "%#x, %#x, %d, %#x", hInternet, lpBuffer, dwBufferLength, lpdwBytesReturned ));
DWORD error; HINTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE handleType; BOOL success; LPSTR url; DWORD charsCopied; LPBYTE buffer; BYTE dirBuffer[max(sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA), sizeof(GOPHER_FIND_DATA))]; BOOL done; HTML_STATE htmlState; HTML_STATE previousHtmlState; BYTE scratchPad[SCRATCH_PAD_SIZE]; BOOL dataCopied; LPSTR lastDirEntry; LPSTR urlCopy;
// initialize variables in case we quit early
htmlState = previousHtmlState = HTML_STATE_INVALID; urlCopy = NULL;
// retrieve some information from the file/find handle - the handle type,
// URL string, current HTML document state and previous failed dir entry
error = RGetHandleType(hInternet, &handleType); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
error = RGetUrl(hInternet, &url); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
error = RGetHtmlState(hInternet, &htmlState); previousHtmlState = htmlState; if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
error = RGetDirEntry(hInternet, &lastDirEntry); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// initialize variables for loop
*lpdwBytesReturned = dwBufferLength; charsCopied = 0; buffer = (LPBYTE)lpBuffer; done = FALSE; success = TRUE; dataCopied = FALSE;
// first, maybe we already have data available from a previous
// QueryDataAvailable operation
INET_ASSERT((handleType == TypeFtpFindHandleHtml) || (handleType == TypeFtpFileHandleHtml) || (handleType == TypeGopherFindHandleHtml)); #else
INET_ASSERT((handleType == TypeFtpFindHandleHtml) || (handleType == TypeGopherFindHandleHtml)); #endif
if (handleType == TypeFtpFindHandleHtml) {
if (pObject->HaveQueryData()) { dwBufferLength -= pObject->CopyQueriedData(lpBuffer, dwBufferLength); goto quit; } } #ifdef EXTENDED_ERROR_HTML
else if (handleType == TypeFtpFileHandleHtml) {
if (pObject->HaveQueryData()) { dwBufferLength -= pObject->CopyQueriedData(lpBuffer, dwBufferLength); goto quit; } } #endif
if (pObject->HaveQueryData()) { dwBufferLength -= pObject->CopyQueriedData(lpBuffer, dwBufferLength); goto quit; } }
// loop round, writing as much data as we are able to the caller's buffer
do { switch (htmlState) { case HTML_STATE_START:
// if we are dealing with files then we go straight to copying the
// file contents - we don't encapsulate files in HTML
if (handleType == TypeFtpFileHandleHtml) {
// FTP file handle is used for FTP errors
charsCopied = (DWORD)wsprintf((LPSTR)scratchPad, HTML_ERROR_DOCUMENT_HEADER, "FTP Error", "FTP Error" ); if (charsCopied > dwBufferLength) {
// caller's buffer not large enough to fit header - clean up
// and allow the caller to retry
success = FALSE; error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; done = TRUE; } else {
// copy the header to the caller's buffer
memcpy(buffer, scratchPad, charsCopied); dataCopied = TRUE; } htmlState = HTML_STATE_ERROR_BODY; } else if (handleType == TypeGopherFileHandleHtml) #else
if ((handleType == TypeFtpFileHandleHtml) || (handleType == TypeGopherFileHandleHtml)) #endif
{ htmlState = HTML_STATE_BODY; } else { htmlState = (HTML_STATE)((int)htmlState + 1); } break;
// crack the URL for the info we need (i) for the header (ii) for
// FTP file paths
DWORD urlLength; LPSTR host; DWORD hostLength; char title[MAX_FMT_BUF + INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 1]; char hostName[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
// first, make a copy of the URL, reserving 2 extra characters in
// case this is an FTP request and we need to add a root directory
// path
urlLength = strlen(url); urlCopy = NEW_MEMORY(urlLength + 2, char); if (urlCopy == NULL) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; } memcpy(urlCopy, url, urlLength + 1);
// get the start of the URL path and the host name. CrackUrl() will
// destroy url but leave urlCopy intact
error = CrackUrl(urlCopy, 0, // dwUrlLength
FALSE, // decode the url-path
NULL, // we don't care about the scheme
NULL, // or scheme name
NULL, &host, // we want the host name (for title)
&hostLength, NULL, // or the port
NULL, // or the user name
NULL, NULL, // or the password
NULL, &url, // we want the url-path
&urlLength, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// handle still has previous URL pointer, but it will be deleted
// when the handle is closed
goto quit; }
// ensure the host name is zero-terminated
hostLength = (DWORD)min(hostLength, sizeof(hostName) - 1); memcpy(hostName, host, hostLength); hostName[hostLength] = '\0';
// same for the URL-path
url[urlLength] = '\0';
// create the header/title
char szFmt[MAX_FMT_BUF]; szFmt[0] = 0; // guard against LoadString failing (why would it?)
if (handleType == TypeGopherFindHandleHtml) {
switch (pGopherFind->GetFixedType()) {
case GOPHER_TYPE_CSO: LoadString (GlobalDllHandle, IDS_GOPHER_CSO, szFmt, sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf (title, szFmt, hostName); break;
case GOPHER_TYPE_INDEX_SERVER: LoadString (GlobalDllHandle, IDS_GOPHER_INDEX, szFmt, sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf (title, szFmt, hostName); break;
default: if ((*url == '\0') || (memcmp(url, "/", 2) == 0)) { LoadString (GlobalDllHandle, IDS_GOPHER_ROOT, szFmt, sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf(title, szFmt, hostName); } else { LoadString (GlobalDllHandle, IDS_GOPHER_DIR, szFmt, sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf(title, szFmt, hostName); } }
} else if (handleType == TypeFtpFindHandleHtml) { if ((*url == '\0') || (memcmp(url, "/", 2) == 0)) { LoadString (GlobalDllHandle, IDS_FTP_ROOT, szFmt, sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf(title, szFmt, hostName); } else { LoadString (GlobalDllHandle, IDS_FTP_DIR, szFmt, sizeof(szFmt)); wsprintf(title, szFmt, url, hostName); } } else { title[0] = '\0'; } charsCopied = (DWORD)wsprintf((LPSTR)scratchPad, HTML_DOCUMENT_HEADER, title, title ); if (charsCopied > dwBufferLength) {
// caller's buffer not large enough to fit header - clean up
// and allow the caller to retry
success = FALSE; error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; done = TRUE; } else {
// copy the header to the caller's buffer
memcpy(buffer, scratchPad, charsCopied); dataCopied = TRUE;
// if the URL contains a NULL path then point it at the FTP
// root. Likewise, end any and all directory paths with '/'
if (handleType == TypeFtpFindHandleHtml) { if (urlLength == 0) { *url = '/'; ++urlLength; } else if ((url[urlLength - 1] != '/') && (url[urlLength - 1] != '\\')) { url[urlLength++] = '/'; } url[urlLength] = '\0'; } else { url = NULL; }
// free the URL in the handle object if gopher, else (FTP) set
// it to be the path part of the URL. The previous string will
// be deleted, and a new one allocated
RSetUrl(hInternet, url);
// we can now start on the dir header
htmlState = (HTML_STATE)((int)htmlState + 1); } break; }
LPSTR lastInfo; DWORD lastInfoLength; INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT * pConnect; BOOL freeLastResponseInfo;
if ( handleType == TypeGopherFindHandleHtml && ((GOPHER_FIND_HANDLE_OBJECT *) hInternet)->GetFixedType()) {
// BUGBUG - wimp out on CSO searches for now.
if (((GOPHER_FIND_HANDLE_OBJECT *) hInternet)->GetFixedType() == GOPHER_TYPE_CSO) { success = TRUE; dataCopied = FALSE; htmlState = HTML_STATE_FOOTER; break; }
charsCopied = sizeof(HTML_ISINDEX); if (dwBufferLength < charsCopied) {
success = FALSE;
} else {
memcpy (buffer, HTML_ISINDEX, charsCopied); dataCopied = TRUE; success = TRUE; htmlState = HTML_STATE_FOOTER; } break; }
pConnect = (INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT *) ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternet)->GetParent(); lastInfo = pConnect->GetLastResponseInfo(&lastInfoLength);
// if not an FTP find operation then we don't check for any welcome
// message, or other text from the server. Just go to the next state
if ((handleType == TypeFtpFindHandleHtml) && (lastInfo != NULL)) {
// find the welcome message. This starts with "230-" and can
// continue over multiple lines, each of which may start with
// "230-", or each may start with a line beginning only with a
// space
LPSTR p = strstr(lastInfo, FTP_WELCOME_INTRO);
if (p != NULL) {
// first, copy the separator
LPBYTE pBuffer = buffer; DWORD bufferLeft = dwBufferLength;
if (bufferLeft >= (sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_START) - 1)) { memcpy(pBuffer, HTML_FTP_WELCOME_START, sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_START) - 1 ); pBuffer += sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_START) - 1; bufferLeft -= sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_START) - 1; charsCopied = sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_START) - 1; } else {
// caller's buffer not large enough to fit header -
// clean up and allow the caller to retry
success = FALSE; error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; done = TRUE; freeLastResponseInfo = FALSE; goto quit_welcome; }
// then copy each welcome message line, dropping the "230-"
// from each
do { if (!strncmp(p, FTP_WELCOME_INTRO, FTP_WELCOME_INTRO_LENGTH)) { p += FTP_WELCOME_INTRO_LENGTH; } else if (*p != ' ') {
// line doesn't start with "230-" or a space. We're
// done
break; }
LPSTR lastChar; DWORD len;
lastChar = strchr(p, '\n'); if (lastChar != NULL) { len = (DWORD)(lastChar - p) + 1; } else { len = strlen(p); }
if (bufferLeft >= len) { memcpy(pBuffer, p, len); pBuffer += len; p += len; bufferLeft -= len; charsCopied += len;
// find start of next line, or end of buffer, in
// case there are multiple line terminators
while ((*p == '\r') || (*p == '\n')) { ++p; } } else {
// caller's buffer not large enough to fit header -
// clean up and allow the caller to retry
success = FALSE; error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; done = TRUE; freeLastResponseInfo = FALSE; break; } } while (TRUE);
// finish off
if (bufferLeft >= (sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_END) - 1)) { memcpy(pBuffer, HTML_FTP_WELCOME_END, sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_END) - 1 ); pBuffer += sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_END) - 1; bufferLeft -= sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_END) - 1; charsCopied += sizeof(HTML_FTP_WELCOME_END) - 1;
// successfully completed welcome message part
dataCopied = TRUE; freeLastResponseInfo = TRUE; htmlState = (HTML_STATE)((int)htmlState + 1); } else {
// caller's buffer not large enough to fit header -
// clean up and allow the caller to retry
success = FALSE; error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; done = TRUE; freeLastResponseInfo = FALSE; } } else {
// last response info, but no welcome text. Continue
htmlState = (HTML_STATE)((int)htmlState + 1); freeLastResponseInfo = TRUE; charsCopied = 0; } } else {
// no info from server. Continue
htmlState = (HTML_STATE)((int)htmlState + 1); freeLastResponseInfo = FALSE; charsCopied = 0; }
if (freeLastResponseInfo) { pConnect->FreeLastResponseInfo(); } break; }
// copy the directory listing introduction. N.B. this is mainly here
// from the time when we had directory listings AND files being HTML
// encapsulated. This is no longer true, so I could change things
// somewhat
// if FTP directory AND not root directory, display link to higher
// level
DWORD cbTotal; char szUp[64]; LPSTR lpszHtml;
szUp[0] = 0;
if (handleType == TypeFtpFindHandleHtml) { lpszHtml = HTML_DOCUMENT_FTP_DIR_START; cbTotal = sizeof(HTML_DOCUMENT_FTP_DIR_START); if ((*url != '\0') && (memcmp(url, "/", 2) != 0)) { cbTotal += LoadString(GlobalDllHandle, IDS_FTP_UPLEVEL, szUp, sizeof(szUp) ); } } else { lpszHtml = HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_START; cbTotal = sizeof(HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_START); } if (dwBufferLength >= cbTotal) { charsCopied = wsprintf((char *)buffer, lpszHtml, szUp); dataCopied = TRUE; htmlState = (HTML_STATE)((int)htmlState + 1); } else { error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; success = FALSE; } break;
// if we already have a formatted dir entry from last time (it
// wouldn't fit in the buffer), then copy it now
if (lastDirEntry != NULL) { charsCopied = strlen(lastDirEntry); if (dwBufferLength >= charsCopied) { memcpy(buffer, lastDirEntry, charsCopied);
// we no longer require the string
RSetDirEntry(hInternet, NULL); lastDirEntry = NULL; success = TRUE; } else {
// still not enough room
error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; success = FALSE; done = TRUE; }
// in both cases fall out of the switch()
break; }
// read the next part of the HTML document
switch (handleType) { case TypeFtpFindHandleHtml: success = FtpFindNextFileA(hInternet, (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)dirBuffer ); goto create_dir_entry;
case TypeGopherFindHandleHtml:
// Check if we simply can return fixed text for a search
success = GopherFindNextA(hInternet, (LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA)dirBuffer );
// directory listing - get the next directory entry, convert
// to HTML and write to the caller's buffer. If there's not
// enough space, return an error
if (success) { charsCopied = dwBufferLength; error = MakeHtmlDirEntry(handleType, url, dirBuffer, buffer, &charsCopied, &lastDirEntry ); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// if MakeHtmlDirEntry() created a copy of the directory
// entry then store it in the handle object for next
// time
if (lastDirEntry != NULL) { RSetDirEntry(hInternet, lastDirEntry);
// no longer need our copy of the string -
// RSetLastDirEntry() also makes a copy and adds it
// to the handle object
DEL_STRING(lastDirEntry); }
// probably out of buffer space - we're done
success = FALSE; done = TRUE; } else { dataCopied = TRUE; } } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) {
// change the error to success - ReadFile() doesn't return
// reached the end of the directory listing - time to
// add the footer
charsCopied = 0; success = TRUE; htmlState = (HTML_STATE)((int)htmlState + 1); } break;
case TypeFtpFileHandleHtml: case TypeGopherFileHandleHtml:
// BUGBUG - this path never taken because we do not encapsulate
// files?
// file data - just read the next chunk
success = InternetReadFile(hInternet, (LPVOID)buffer, dwBufferLength, &charsCopied ); if (success) { if (charsCopied == 0) {
// read all of file - we're done (no HTML to add for
// files)
htmlState = HTML_STATE_END; } else { buffer += charsCopied; dwBufferLength -= charsCopied; dataCopied = TRUE; } } break; } break;
case HTML_STATE_DIR_FOOTER: if (dwBufferLength >= sizeof(HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_END) - 1) { memcpy(buffer, HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_END, sizeof(HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_END) - 1 ); charsCopied = sizeof(HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_END) - 1; dataCopied = TRUE; htmlState = (HTML_STATE)((int)htmlState + 1); } else { error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; success = FALSE; } break;
// copy the HTML document footer - don't copy the end-of-string
// character ('\0')
if (dwBufferLength >= sizeof(HTML_DOCUMENT_FOOTER) - 1) { memcpy(buffer, HTML_DOCUMENT_FOOTER, sizeof(HTML_DOCUMENT_FOOTER) - 1 ); charsCopied = sizeof(HTML_DOCUMENT_FOOTER) - 1;
// the document is done
htmlState = (HTML_STATE)((int)htmlState + 1); dataCopied = TRUE; done = TRUE; } else if (charsCopied==0) { error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; success = FALSE; } else { // We're out of buffer space. but we've got everything else
// so we'll just leave
done = TRUE; } break;
case HTML_STATE_END: done = TRUE; break;
case HTML_STATE_ERROR_BODY: htmlState = HTML_STATE_FOOTER; break; #endif
break; }
if (success) {
// update the buffer pointer and remaining length by the number of
// bytes read this time round the loop
buffer += charsCopied; dwBufferLength -= charsCopied; } } while ((dwBufferLength != 0) && success && !done);
// if we succeeded, update the amount of data returned, else set the last
// error, which may be different from the last error set by the underlying
// API (if any were called)
// remember the current state
if (htmlState != previousHtmlState) { RSetHtmlState(hInternet, htmlState); }
// if we quit because we ran out of buffer then only return an error if we
// didn't copy *any* data
if ((error == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) && dataCopied) { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; success = TRUE; }
// if we succeeded then return the amount of data read, else reset the last
// error
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *lpdwBytesReturned -= dwBufferLength; } else { *lpdwBytesReturned = 0; SetLastError(error); success = FALSE;
// clean up
if (urlCopy != NULL) { DEL(urlCopy); }
// return API-level success or failure indication
return success; }
DWORD QueryHtmlDataAvailable( IN HINTERNET hInternet, OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable )
Routine Description:
This function is called when the app is querying available data for a cooked (HTML) find handle. Because we have to cook the data before we can determine how much there is, we need to allocate a buffer and cook the data there
hInternet - MAPPED address of handle object
lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable - pointer to returned bytes available
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_HANDLE_TYPE Can only handle TypeFtpFindHandleHtml and TypeGopherFindHandleHtml
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Ran out of memory allocating HTML buffer
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Dword, "QueryHtmlDataAvailable", "%#x, %#x", hInternet, lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable ));
DWORD error;
switch (((HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternet)->GetHandleType()) { case TypeFtpFindHandleHtml: error = ((FTP_FIND_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternet)-> QueryHtmlDataAvailable(lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable); break;
case TypeFtpFileHandleHtml: error = ((FTP_ERROR_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternet)-> QueryHtmlDataAvailable(lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable); break; #endif
case TypeGopherFindHandleHtml: error = ((GOPHER_FIND_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternet)-> QueryHtmlDataAvailable(lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable); break;
break; }
return error; }
// private functions
PRIVATE DWORD MakeHtmlDirEntry( IN HINTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE HandleType, IN LPSTR PathPrefix, IN LPVOID DirBuffer, IN LPBYTE EntryBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD BufferLength, OUT LPSTR* DirEntry )
Routine Description:
Creates a single-line directory entry for a HTML document. The line is formatted thus (e.g.):
" 12,345,678 Fri Jun 23 95 4:43pm pagefile.sys " " Directory Fri Jun 23 95 10:00am foobar.directory " " unknown.filesize "
HandleType - type of the handle - gopher or FTP (find + HTML)
PathPrefix - string used to build (FTP) absolute paths
DirBuffer - pointer to buffer containing GOPHER_FIND_DATA or WIN32_FIND_DATA
EntryBuffer - pointer to buffer where HTML dir entry will be written
BufferLength - IN: number of bytes available in EntryBuffer OUT: number of bytes written to EntryBuffer
DirEntry - if we couldn't copy the directory entry to the HTML buffer then we return a pointer to a copy of the formatted directory entry. The caller should remember this and use it the next time the function is called, before getting the next dir entry
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER EntryBuffer is not large enough to hold this entry
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Dword, "MakeHtmlDirEntry", "%s (%d), %q, %#x, %#x, %#x [%d], %#x", InternetMapHandleType(HandleType), HandleType, PathPrefix, DirBuffer, EntryBuffer, BufferLength, *BufferLength, DirEntry ));
BOOL isDir; BOOL isSearch; LPSTR entryName; DWORD entrySize; FILETIME entryTime; SYSTEMTIME systemTime; char timeBuf[80]; char sizeBuf[15]; // 4,294,967,295
char entryBuf[sizeof(HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_ENTRY) + INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char urlBuf[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; LPSTR url; LPSTR pSizeDir; DWORD nPrinted; DWORD error; BOOL haveTimeAndSize; DWORD urlLength;
// ensure we are dealing with the correct handle type
INET_ASSERT((HandleType == TypeFtpFindHandleHtml) || (HandleType == TypeGopherFindHandleHtml));
// get the common information we will use to create a directory entry line
if (HandleType == TypeFtpFindHandleHtml) { isDir = ((LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; isSearch = FALSE; entryName = ((LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->cFileName; entryTime = ((LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->ftLastWriteTime; entrySize = ((LPWIN32_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->nFileSizeLow; haveTimeAndSize = TRUE;
DWORD slen = strlen(PathPrefix); DWORD len = (DWORD)min(slen, sizeof(urlBuf) - 1);
memcpy(urlBuf, PathPrefix, len); slen = strlen(entryName); slen = (DWORD)min(slen, (sizeof(urlBuf) - 1) - len); memcpy(&urlBuf[len], entryName, slen); len += slen; if (isDir && (len < sizeof(urlBuf) - 1)) { urlBuf[len] = '/'; ++len; } urlBuf[len] = '\0'; url = urlBuf; } else { isDir = IS_GOPHER_DIRECTORY(((LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->GopherType); isSearch = IS_GOPHER_INDEX_SERVER(((LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->GopherType); entryName = ((LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->DisplayString; GopherLocatorToUrl(((LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->Locator, urlBuf, sizeof(urlBuf), &urlLength ); url = urlBuf; if (IS_GOPHER_PLUS(((LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->GopherType)) { haveTimeAndSize = TRUE; entryTime = ((LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->LastModificationTime; entrySize = ((LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA)DirBuffer)->SizeLow; } else { haveTimeAndSize = FALSE; entryTime.dwLowDateTime = 0; entryTime.dwHighDateTime = 0; entrySize = 0; } }
// if we have a non-zero entry time AND we can convert it to a system time
// then create an internationalized time string
if ((entryTime.dwLowDateTime != 0) && (entryTime.dwHighDateTime != 0) && FileTimeToSystemTime(&entryTime, &systemTime)) {
int n;
// BUGBUG - if either of these fail for any reason, we should fill the
// string with the requisite-t-t-t-t-t number of spaces
n = GetDateFormat(0, // lcid
0, // dwFlags
&systemTime, "MM/dd/yyyy ", timeBuf, sizeof(timeBuf) ); if (n > 0) {
// number of characters written to string becomes index in string
// at which to write time string
--n; } GetTimeFormat(0, // lcid
TIME_NOSECONDS, &systemTime, "hh:mmtt", &timeBuf[n], sizeof(timeBuf) - n );
// convert any non-ANSI characters to the OEM charset
CharToOem(timeBuf, timeBuf); } else { memcpy(timeBuf, " ", 17); }
// convert the entry size to a human-readable form
if (isDir) {
// directories show up as DOS-style <DIR> entries, except we use the
// full "Directory" text
// BUGBUG - needs to be in a resource. Also, if we are adding images
// <IMG> then we don't need to specify dir - it will be obvious
// from the display (but what about text-only? what about
// viewers that don't care to/can't load the image?)
if (!szDir[0]) { LoadString(GlobalDllHandle, IDS_TAG_DIRECTORY, szDir, sizeof(szDir)); } pSizeDir = szDir; } else if (isSearch) {
// if this is a gopher item and it is an index server (7) then indicate
// the fact using this string
if (!szSearch[0]) { LoadString(GlobalDllHandle, IDS_TAG_SEARCH, szSearch, sizeof(szSearch)); } pSizeDir = szSearch; } else if (haveTimeAndSize) { pSizeDir = NiceNum(sizeBuf, entrySize, 14); } else { pSizeDir = " "; }
// now create the HTML directory entry
// BUGBUG - at this point we need to call the MIME function to retrieve the
// URL for the image file that goes with this file type
nPrinted = wsprintf(entryBuf, isDir ? HTML_DOCUMENT_DIR_ENTRY : HTML_DOCUMENT_FILE_ENTRY, timeBuf, pSizeDir, url, entryName ); if (nPrinted <= *BufferLength) { memcpy(EntryBuffer, entryBuf, nPrinted); *BufferLength = nPrinted; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else {
// there is not enough space in the buffer to store this formatted
// directory entry. So since we've gone to the trouble of creating
// the string, we make a copy of it and return it to the caller. If
// NEW_STRING fails, then we will lose this directory entry, but it's
// not really a problem. (The alternative would be to return e.g.
// ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY and probably fail the entire request)
DEBUG_PRINT(INET, WARNING, ("failed to copy %q\n", entryBuf ));
*DirEntry = NEW_STRING(entryBuf);
if (*DirEntry == NULL) {
DEBUG_PRINT(INET, WARNING, ("failed to make copy of %q!\n", entryBuf ));
return error; }