// Cookie Jar
// This file implements cookies as defined by Navigator 4 behavior and the
// specification at http://www.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html.
// If Navigator 4 and the specification are not in agreement, we try to
// match the Navigator 4 behavior.
// The following describes some interesting aspects of cookie behavior.
// Syntax for cookie is
// [[name]=] value [; options]
// The name is everything before "=" with leading and trailing whitespace
// removed. The value is everything after "=" and before ";" with leading
// and trailing whitespace removed. The name and value can contain spaces,
// quotes or any other character except ";" and "=". The name and equal
// sign are optional.
// Example: =foo -> name: <blank> value: foo
// foo -> name: <blank> value: foo
// foo= -> name: foo value: <blank>
// ; -> name: <blank> value: <blank>
// Cookies with a more specific path are sent before cookies with
// a less specific path mapping. The domain does not contibute
// to the ordering of cookies.
// If the path length of two cookies are equal, then the cookies
// are ordered by time of creation. Navigator maintains this
// ordering across domain and path boundaries. IE maintains this
// ordering for a specific domain and path. It is difficult to match
// the Navigator behavior and there are no known bugs because of
// this difference.
// Path matches are done at the character level. Any
// directory structure in the path is ignored.
// Navigator matches domains at the character level and ignores
// the structure of the domain name.
// Previous versions of IE tossed the leading "." on a domain name.
// With out this information, character by character compares are
// can produce incorrect results. For backwards compatibilty with
// old cookie we continue to match on a component by component basis.
// Some examples of the difference are:
// Cookie domain Document domain Navigator match IE match
// .foo.com foo.com no yes
// bar.x.com foobar.x.com yes no
// A cookie is rejected if the path specified in the set cookie
// header is not a prefix of document's path.
// Navigator rejects a cookie if the domain specified in the
// set cookie header does not contain at least two periods
// or the domain is not a suffix of the document's domain.
// The suffix match is done on a character by character basis.
// Navigator ignores all the stuff in the specification about
// three period matching and the seven special top level domains.
// IE rejects a cookie if the domain specified by the cookie
// header does not contain at least one embedded period or the
// domain is not a suffix of the documents domain.
// Cookies are accepted if the path specified in the set cookie
// header is a prefix of the document's path and the domain
// specified in the set cookie header.
// The difference in behavior is a result of the matching rules
// described in the previous section.
#include <wininetp.h>
#include "httpp.h"
#include "cookiepolicy.h"
#include "cookieprompt.h"
extern DWORD ConfirmCookie(HWND hwnd, HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *lpRequest, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID *lppvData, LPDWORD pdwStopWarning);
#define CCH_COOKIE_MAX (5 * 1024)
static class CCookieJar *s_pJar; static char s_achEmpty[] = ""; static char s_cCacheModify; static const char s_achCookieScheme[] = "Cookie:"; static DWORD s_dwCacheVersion; static BOOL s_fFirstTime = TRUE;
// Registry path for prompt-history
static const char regpathPromptHistory[] = INTERNET_SETTINGS_KEY "\\P3P\\History";
// Prompt history-- persists user decisions about cookies
CCookiePromptHistory cookieUIhistory(regpathPromptHistory);
// Hard-coded list of special domains. If any of these are present between the
// second-to-last and last dot we will require 2 embedded dots.
// The domain strings are reversed to make the compares easier
static const char *s_pachSpecialRestrictedDomains[] = {"MOC", "UDE", "TEN", "GRO", "VOG", "LIM", "TNI" };
static const char s_chSpecialAllowedDomains[] = "vt."; // domains ending with ".tv" always only need one dot
/* Non-scriptable cookies */ #define COOKIE_NONSCRIPTABLE 0x00002000
const char gcszNoScriptField[] = "httponly";
DWORD s_dwThreadID; #endif
// values returned from cookie UI
#define COOKIE_ALLOW 2
// Function declaration
BOOL EvaluateCookiePolicy(const char *pszURL, BOOL f3rdParty, BOOL fRestricted, P3PCookieState *pState, const char *pszHostName=NULL);
DWORD getImpliedCookieFlags(P3PCookieState *pState);
DWORD GetCookieMainSwitch(DWORD dwZone); DWORD GetCookieMainSwitch(LPCSTR pszURL);
#define IsLegacyCookie(pc) ((pc->_dwFlags & INTERNET_COOKIE_IE6) == 0)
// CCookieCriticalSection
// Enter / Exit critical section.
class CCookieCriticalSection { private: int Dummy; // Variable needed to force compiler to generate code for const/dest.
public: CCookieCriticalSection() { EnterCriticalSection(&s_csCookieJar); #if INET_DEBUG
s_dwThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); #endif
} ~CCookieCriticalSection() { #if INET_DEBUG
s_dwThreadID = 0; #endif
LeaveCriticalSection(&s_csCookieJar); } };
#define ASSERT_CRITSEC() INET_ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == s_dwThreadID)
// CCookieBase
// Provides operator new which allocates extra memory
// after object and initializes the memory to zero.
class CCookieBase { public:
void * operator new(size_t cb, size_t cbExtra); void operator delete(void *pv); };
// CCookie
// Holds a single cookie value.
class CCookie : public CCookieBase { public:
~CCookie(); static CCookie *Construct(const char *pchName);
BOOL SetValue(const char *pchValue); BOOL WriteCacheFile(HANDLE hFile, char *pchRDomain, char *pchPath); BOOL CanSend(FILETIME *pftCurrent, BOOL fSecure); BOOL IsPersistent() { return (_dwFlags & COOKIE_SESSION) == 0; } BOOL IsRestricted() { return (_dwFlags & COOKIE_RESTRICT)!= 0; } BOOL IsLegacy() { return (_dwFlags & INTERNET_COOKIE_IS_LEGACY) != 0; }
BOOL PurgePersistent(void *); BOOL PurgeSession(void *); BOOL PurgeAll(void *); BOOL PurgeByName(void *); BOOL PurgeThis(void *); BOOL PurgeExpired(void *);
FILETIME _ftExpire; FILETIME _ftLastModified; DWORD _dwFlags; CCookie * _pCookieNext; char * _pchName; char * _pchValue; DWORD _dwPromptMask; // never persisted, only used in session
// CCookieLocation
// Holds all cookies for a given domain and path.
class CCookieLocation : public CCookieBase { public:
~CCookieLocation(); static CCookieLocation *Construct(const char *pchRDomain, const char *pchPath);
CCookie * GetCookie(const char *pchName, BOOL fCreate); BOOL WriteCacheFile(); BOOL ReadCacheFile(); BOOL ReadCacheFileIfNeeded(); BOOL Purge(BOOL (CCookie::*)(void *), void *); BOOL Purge(FILETIME *pftCurrent, BOOL fSession); BOOL IsMatch(char *pchRDomain, char *pchPath); char * GetCacheURL();
FILETIME _ftCacheFileLastModified; CCookie * _pCookieKids; CCookieLocation*_pLocationNext; char * _pchRDomain; char * _pchPath; int _cchPath; BYTE _fCacheFileExists; BYTE _fReadFromCacheFileNeeded; };
// CCookieJar
// Maintains fixed size hash table of cookie location objects.
class CCookieJar : public CCookieBase { public:
static CCookieJar * Construct(); ~CCookieJar();
struct CookieInfo {
const char *pchURL; char *pchRDomain; char *pchPath; char *pchName; char *pchValue; DWORD dwFlags; FILETIME ftExpire;
P3PCookieState *pP3PState; };
DWORD CheckCookiePolicy( HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pRequest, CookieInfo *pInfo, DWORD dwOperation );
void EnforceCookieLimits(CCookieLocation *pLocation, char *pchName, BOOL *pfWriteCacheFileNeeded); DWORD SetCookie(HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pRequest, const char *pchURL, char *pchHeader, DWORD &dwFlags, P3PCookieState *pState, LPDWORD pdwAction); void Purge(FILETIME *pftCurrent, BOOL fSession); BOOL SyncWithCache(); BOOL SyncWithCacheIfNeeded(); void CacheFilesModified(); CCookieLocation** GetBucket(const char *pchRDomain); CCookieLocation * GetLocation(const char *pchRDomain, const char *pchPath, BOOL fCreate);
CCookieLocation * _apLocation[128]; };
// Track cache modificaitons.
inline void MarkCacheModified() { IncrementUrlCacheHeaderData(CACHE_HEADER_DATA_COOKIE_CHANGE_COUNT, &s_dwCacheVersion); }
inline BOOL IsCacheModified() { DWORD dwCacheVersion;
if (s_fFirstTime) { s_fFirstTime = FALSE; GetUrlCacheHeaderData(CACHE_HEADER_DATA_COOKIE_CHANGE_COUNT, &s_dwCacheVersion); return TRUE; } else { dwCacheVersion = s_dwCacheVersion; GetUrlCacheHeaderData(CACHE_HEADER_DATA_COOKIE_CHANGE_COUNT, &s_dwCacheVersion);
return dwCacheVersion != s_dwCacheVersion; } }
// String utilities
static BOOL IsZero(FILETIME *pft) { return pft->dwLowDateTime == 0 && pft->dwHighDateTime == 0; }
static char * StrnDup(const char *pch, int cch) { char *pchAlloc = (char *)ALLOCATE_MEMORY(LMEM_FIXED, cch + 1); if (!pchAlloc) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return NULL; }
memcpy(pchAlloc, pch, cch); pchAlloc[cch] = 0;
return pchAlloc; }
static BOOL IsPathMatch(const char *pchPrefix, const char *pchStr) { while (*pchPrefix == *pchStr && *pchStr) { pchPrefix += 1; pchStr += 1; }
return *pchPrefix == 0; }
static BOOL IsDomainMatch(const char *pchPrefix, const char *pchStr) { while (*pchPrefix == *pchStr && *pchStr) { pchPrefix += 1; pchStr += 1; }
return *pchPrefix == 0 && (*pchStr == 0 || *pchStr == '.'); }
static BOOL IsPathLegal(const char *pchHeader, const char *pchDocument) { return TRUE;
We attempted to implement the specification here. It looks like Navigator does not reject cookies based on the path attribute. We now consider all path attributes to be legal.
while (*pchHeader == *pchDocument && *pchDocument) { pchHeader += 1; pchDocument += 1; }
if (*pchDocument == 0) { while (*pchHeader && *pchHeader != '/' && *pchHeader != '\\') { pchHeader += 1; } } return *pchHeader == 0; */ }
// DarrenMi: No longer need IsVerySpecialDomain
extern PTSTR GlobalSpecialDomains; extern PTSTR *GlobalSDOffsets;
static BOOL IsVerySpecialDomain(const char *pch, int nTopLevel, int nSecond) { if (!GlobalSpecialDomains) { HKEY hk; if (ERROR_SUCCESS==RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\\5.0"), 0, KEY_READ, &hk)) { DWORD dwType, dwSize;
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS==RegQueryValueEx(hk, "SpecialDomains", NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize)) && (REG_SZ==dwType)) { GlobalSpecialDomains = new TCHAR[dwSize]; if (GlobalSpecialDomains && (ERROR_SUCCESS==RegQueryValueEx(hk, "SpecialDomains", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)GlobalSpecialDomains, &dwSize))) {
// We're going to scan a string stored in the registry to gather the domains we should
// allow. Format:
// [domain] [domain] [domain]
// The delimiter is a space character.
PTSTR psz = GlobalSpecialDomains; DWORD dwDomains = 0; BOOL fWord = FALSE; while (*psz) { if (*psz==TEXT(' ')) { if (fWord) { fWord = FALSE; dwDomains++; } } else { fWord = TRUE; } psz++; } if (fWord) { dwDomains++; } GlobalSDOffsets = (PTSTR*)new PTSTR[dwDomains+1]; if (GlobalSDOffsets) { psz = GlobalSpecialDomains; for (DWORD dw = 0; dw < dwDomains; dw++) { INET_ASSERT(*psz);
while (*psz==TEXT(' ')) psz++;
INET_ASSERT(*psz); GlobalSDOffsets[dw] = psz;
while (*psz && *psz!=TEXT(' ')) { psz++; } if (*psz) { *psz = TEXT('\0'); psz++; } } GlobalSDOffsets[dwDomains] = NULL; } } } RegCloseKey(hk); } }
// WARNING: The following lines of code make it possible for cookies to be set for *.uk,
// (for example) if "ku." is in the registry
BOOL fRet = FALSE; if (GlobalSDOffsets) { for (DWORD i = 0; GlobalSDOffsets[i]; i++) { if (!StrCmpNI(pch, GlobalSDOffsets[i], nTopLevel) || !StrCmpNI(pch, GlobalSDOffsets[i], nTopLevel+nSecond+1)) { fRet = TRUE; break; } } } return fRet; }
static BOOL IsSpecialDomain(const char *pch, int nCount) { for (int i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(s_pachSpecialRestrictedDomains) ; i++ ) { if (StrCmpNIC(pch, s_pachSpecialRestrictedDomains[i], nCount) == 0) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
static BOOL IsDomainLegal(const char *pchHeader, const char *pchDocument) { const char *pchCurrent = pchHeader; int nSegment = 0; int dwCharCount = 0; int rgcch[2] = { 0, 0 }; // How many characters between dots
// Must have at least one period in name.
// and contains nothing but '.' is illegal
int dwSegmentLength = 0; const char * pchSecondPart = NULL; // for a domain string such as
BOOL fIPAddress = TRUE; for (; *pchCurrent; pchCurrent++) { if (isalpha(*pchCurrent)) { fIPAddress = FALSE; }
if (*pchCurrent == '.') { if (nSegment < 2) { // Remember how many characters we have between the last two dots
// For example if domain header is .microsoft.com
// rgcch[0] should be 3 for "com"
// rgcch[1] should be 9 for "microsoft"
rgcch[nSegment] = dwSegmentLength;
if (nSegment == 1) { pchSecondPart = pchCurrent - dwSegmentLength; } } dwSegmentLength = 0; nSegment += 1; } else { dwSegmentLength++; } dwCharCount++; }
// The code below depends on the leading dot being removed from the domain header.
// The parse code does that, but an assert here just in case something changes in the
// parse code.
INET_ASSERT(*(pchCurrent - 1) != '.');
if (fIPAddress) { // If we're given an IP address, we must match the entire IP address, not just a part
while (*pchHeader == *pchDocument && *pchDocument) { pchHeader++; pchDocument++; } return !(*pchHeader || *pchDocument); }
// Remember the count of the characters between the begining of the header and
// the first dot. So for domain=abc.com this will set rgch[1] = 3.
// Note that this assumes that if domain=.abc.com the leading dot has been stripped
// out in the parse code. See assert above.
if (nSegment < 2 ) { rgcch[nSegment] = dwSegmentLength; if (nSegment==1) { pchSecondPart = pchCurrent - dwSegmentLength; } }
// If the domain name is of the form abc.xx.yy where the number of characters between the last two dots is less than
// 2 we require a minimum of two embedded dots. This is so you are not allowed to set cookies readable by all of .co.nz for
// example. However this rule is not sufficient and we special case things like .edu.nz as well.
// darrenmi: new semantics: if segment 0 is less than or equal to 2, you need 2 embedded dots if segment 1 is a
// "well known" string including edu, com, etc. and co.
// fschwiet: An exception is now being made so that domains of the form "??.tv" are allowed.
int cEmbeddedDotsNeeded = 1; BOOL fIsVerySpecialDomain = FALSE;
if (rgcch[0] <= 2 && rgcch[1] <= 2) { fIsVerySpecialDomain = IsVerySpecialDomain(pchHeader, rgcch[0], rgcch[1]); }
if(!fIsVerySpecialDomain && rgcch[0] <= 2 && 0 != StrCmpNIC( pchHeader, s_chSpecialAllowedDomains, sizeof( s_chSpecialAllowedDomains) - 1) && (rgcch[1] <= 2 || IsSpecialDomain(pchSecondPart, rgcch[1]))) { cEmbeddedDotsNeeded = 2; }
if (nSegment < cEmbeddedDotsNeeded || dwCharCount == nSegment) return FALSE;
// Mismatch between header and document not allowed.
// Must match full components of domain name.
while (*pchHeader == *pchDocument && *pchDocument) { pchHeader += 1; pchDocument += 1; }
return *pchHeader == 0 && (*pchDocument == 0 || *pchDocument == '.' ); }
void LowerCaseString(char *pch) { for (; *pch; pch++) { if (*pch >= 'A' && *pch <= 'Z') *pch += 'a' - 'A'; } }
static void ReverseString(char *pchFront) { char *pchBack; char ch; int cch;
cch = strlen(pchFront);
pchBack = pchFront + cch - 1;
cch = cch / 2; while (--cch >= 0) { ch = tolower(*pchFront); *pchFront = tolower(*pchBack); *pchBack = ch;
pchFront += 1; pchBack -= 1; } }
static BOOL PathAndRDomainFromURL(const char *pchURL, char **ppchRDomain, char **ppchPath, BOOL *pfSecure, BOOL bStrip = TRUE) { char *pchDomainBuf; char *pchRDomain = NULL; char *pchPathBuf; char *pchPath = NULL; char *pchExtra; DWORD cchDomain; DWORD cchPath; DWORD cchExtra; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; DWORD dwError; INTERNET_SCHEME ustScheme; char *pchURLCopy = NULL;
pchURLCopy = NewString(pchURL); if (!pchURLCopy) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto Cleanup; }
dwError = CrackUrl((char *)pchURLCopy, 0, FALSE, &ustScheme, NULL, // Scheme Name
NULL, // Scheme Lenth
&pchDomainBuf, &cchDomain, NULL, // Internet Port
NULL, // UserName
NULL, // UserName Length
NULL, // Password
NULL, // Password Lenth
&pchPathBuf, &cchPath, &pchExtra, // Extra
&cchExtra, // Extra Length
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwError); goto Cleanup; }
if ( ustScheme != INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP && ustScheme != INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS && ustScheme != INTERNET_SCHEME_FILE) { //
// known scheme should be supported
// e.g. 3rd party pluggable protocol should be able to
// call cookie api to setup cookies...
//a-thkesa. Allowing all of the pluggable protocols to setcookie creates security concerns.
//So we only allow this "hcp" to qualify to setup cookie apart from 'file', Http, Https.
//WinSE BUG: 24011 . In The windows help system they are setting cookie on a HCP protocol!.
//we don't expect any protocol other then HTTP, HTTPS ,and File setting cookie here. But
//we also have to allow the pluggable protocols to set cookie. Since allowing that causes security
//problem, we only allow HCP which is a pluggable protocol used in windows Help and Support.
//In future, we have to make sure to allow all of the pluggable protocol to set cookie, or
//document only http, https and file can set cookies!
//pluggable protocols returns INTERNET_SCHEME_UNKNOWN.
//If so check if it returns INTERNET_SCHEME_UNKNOWN and check the protocols is a HCP protocol. If it is HCP
// then do not set error.
{ char szProtocolU[]= "HCP:"; char szProtocolL[]= "hcp:"; short ilen = 0; while(4 > ilen) // check only the first four char.
{ if(*(pchURLCopy+ilen) != *(szProtocolU+ilen) && *(pchURLCopy+ilen) != *(szProtocolL+ilen) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Cleanup; } ilen++; } } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Cleanup; } }
*pfSecure = ustScheme == INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS;
if (ustScheme == INTERNET_SCHEME_FILE) { pchDomainBuf = "~~local~~"; cchDomain = sizeof("~~local~~") - 1; } else { // SECURITY: It's possible for us to navigate to a carefully
// constructed URL such as http://server%3F.microsoft.com.
// This results in a cracked hostname of server?.microsoft.com.
// Given the current architecture, it would probably be best to
// make CrackUrl smarter. However, the minimal fix below prevents
// the x-domain security violation without breaking escaped cases
// that work today that customers may expect to be allowed.
DWORD n; for (n = 0; n < cchDomain; n++) { // RFC 952 as amended by RFC 1123: the only valid chars are
// a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-', and '.'. The last two are delimiters
// which cannot start or end the name, but this detail doesn't
// matter for the security fix.
if (!((pchDomainBuf[n] >= 'a' && pchDomainBuf[n] <= 'z') || (pchDomainBuf[n] >= 'A' && pchDomainBuf[n] <= 'Z') || (pchDomainBuf[n] >= '0' && pchDomainBuf[n] <= '9') || (pchDomainBuf[n] == '-') || (pchDomainBuf[n] == '.'))) { // Since we're incorrectly cracking the URL, don't worry
// about fixing up the path.
fSuccess = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } } }
if(bStrip) { while (cchPath > 0) { if (pchPathBuf[cchPath - 1] == '/' || pchPathBuf[cchPath - 1] == '\\') { break; } cchPath -= 1; } }
pchRDomain = StrnDup(pchDomainBuf, cchDomain); if (!pchRDomain) goto Cleanup;
LowerCaseString(pchRDomain); ReverseString(pchRDomain);
pchPath = (char *)ALLOCATE_MEMORY(LMEM_FIXED, cchPath + 2); if (!pchPath) goto Cleanup;
if (*pchPathBuf != '/') { *pchPath = '/'; memcpy(pchPath + 1, pchPathBuf, cchPath); pchPath[cchPath + 1] = TEXT('\0'); } else { memcpy(pchPath, pchPathBuf, cchPath); pchPath[cchPath] = TEXT('\0'); }
fSuccess = TRUE;
Cleanup: if (!fSuccess) { if (pchRDomain) FREE_MEMORY(pchRDomain); if (pchPath) FREE_MEMORY(pchPath); } else { *ppchRDomain = pchRDomain; *ppchPath = pchPath; }
if (pchURLCopy) FREE_MEMORY(pchURLCopy);
return fSuccess; }
// CCookieBase implementation
void * CCookieBase::operator new(size_t cb, size_t cbExtra) { void *pv = ALLOCATE_MEMORY(LMEM_FIXED, cb + cbExtra); if (!pv) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return NULL; }
memset(pv, 0, cb); return pv; }
inline void CCookieBase::operator delete(void *pv) { FREE_MEMORY(pv); }
// CCookie implementation
CCookie * CCookie::Construct(const char *pchName) { CCookie *pCookie = new(strlen(pchName) + 1) CCookie(); if (!pCookie) return NULL;
pCookie->_pchName = (char *)(pCookie + 1); pCookie->_pchValue = s_achEmpty; strcpy(pCookie->_pchName, pchName);
pCookie->_dwFlags = COOKIE_SESSION; pCookie->_dwPromptMask = 0;
return pCookie; }
CCookie::~CCookie() { if (_pchValue != s_achEmpty) FREE_MEMORY(_pchValue); }
BOOL CCookie::SetValue(const char *pchValue) { int cchValue;
if (_pchValue != s_achEmpty) FREE_MEMORY(_pchValue);
if (!pchValue || !*pchValue) { _pchValue = s_achEmpty; } else { cchValue = strlen(pchValue) + 1; _pchValue = (char *)ALLOCATE_MEMORY(LMEM_FIXED, cchValue); if (!_pchValue) { _pchValue = s_achEmpty; SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; }
memcpy(_pchValue, pchValue, cchValue); } return TRUE; }
BOOL CCookie::CanSend(FILETIME *pftCurrent, BOOL fSecure) { return (fSecure || !(_dwFlags & COOKIE_SECURE)) && (CompareFileTime(_ftExpire, *pftCurrent) >= 0); }
BOOL CCookie::PurgePersistent(void *) { return IsPersistent(); }
BOOL CCookie::PurgeAll(void *) { return TRUE; }
BOOL CCookie::PurgeByName(void *pvName) { return strcmp((char *)pvName, _pchName) == 0; }
BOOL CCookie::PurgeThis(void *pvThis) { return this == (CCookie *)pvThis; }
BOOL CCookie::PurgeExpired(void *pvCurrent) { return CompareFileTime(_ftExpire, *(FILETIME *)pvCurrent) < 0; }
static BOOL WriteString(HANDLE hFile, const char *pch) { DWORD cb; return pch && *pch ? WriteFile(hFile, pch, strlen(pch), &cb, NULL) : TRUE; }
static BOOL WriteStringLF(HANDLE hFile, const char *pch) { DWORD cb;
if (!WriteString(hFile, pch)) return FALSE; return WriteFile(hFile, "\n", 1, &cb, NULL); }
BOOL CCookie::WriteCacheFile(HANDLE hFile, char *pchRDomain, char *pchPath) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; char achBuf[128];
if (!WriteStringLF(hFile, _pchName)) goto Cleanup; if (!WriteStringLF(hFile, _pchValue)) goto Cleanup; if (!WriteString(hFile, pchRDomain)) goto Cleanup; if (!WriteStringLF(hFile, pchPath)) goto Cleanup;
wsprintf(achBuf, "%u\n%u\n%u\n%u\n%u\n*\n", _dwFlags, _ftExpire.dwLowDateTime, _ftExpire.dwHighDateTime, _ftLastModified.dwLowDateTime, _ftLastModified.dwHighDateTime);
if (!WriteString(hFile, achBuf)) goto Cleanup;
fSuccess = TRUE;
Cleanup: ReverseString(pchRDomain); return fSuccess; }
// CCookieLocation implementation
CCookieLocation * CCookieLocation::Construct(const char *pchRDomain, const char *pchPath) { int cchPath = strlen(pchPath);
CCookieLocation *pLocation = new(strlen(pchRDomain) + cchPath + 2) CCookieLocation(); if (!pLocation) return NULL;
pLocation->_cchPath = cchPath; pLocation->_pchPath = (char *)(pLocation + 1); pLocation->_pchRDomain = pLocation->_pchPath + cchPath + 1;
strcpy(pLocation->_pchRDomain, pchRDomain); strcpy(pLocation->_pchPath, pchPath);
return pLocation; }
CCookieLocation::~CCookieLocation() { Purge(CCookie::PurgeAll, NULL); }
CCookie * CCookieLocation::GetCookie(const char *pchName, BOOL fCreate) { CCookie *pCookie;
CCookie **ppCookie = &_pCookieKids;
for (pCookie = _pCookieKids; pCookie; pCookie = pCookie->_pCookieNext) { if (strcmp(pchName, pCookie->_pchName) == 0) return pCookie; ppCookie = &pCookie->_pCookieNext; }
if (!fCreate) return NULL;
pCookie = CCookie::Construct(pchName); if (!pCookie) return NULL;
// Insert cookie at end of list to match Navigator's behavior.
pCookie->_pCookieNext = NULL; *ppCookie = pCookie;
return pCookie; }
BOOL CCookieLocation::Purge(BOOL (CCookie::*pfnPurge)(void *), void *pv) { CCookie **ppCookie = &_pCookieKids; CCookie *pCookie; BOOL fPersistentDeleted = FALSE;
while ((pCookie = *ppCookie) != NULL) { if ((pCookie->*pfnPurge)(pv)) { *ppCookie = pCookie->_pCookieNext; fPersistentDeleted |= pCookie->IsPersistent(); delete pCookie; } else { ppCookie = &pCookie->_pCookieNext; } }
return fPersistentDeleted; }
BOOL CCookieLocation::Purge(FILETIME *pftCurrent, BOOL fSession) { if (!_fCacheFileExists) { // If cache file is gone, then delete all persistent
// cookies. If there's no cache file, then it's certainly
// the case that we do not need to read the cache file.
Purge(CCookie::PurgePersistent, NULL); _fReadFromCacheFileNeeded = FALSE; }
// This is a good time to check for expired persistent cookies.
if (!_fReadFromCacheFileNeeded && Purge(CCookie::PurgeExpired, pftCurrent)) { WriteCacheFile(); }
if (fSession) { // If we are purging because a session ended, nuke
// everything in sight. If we deleted a persistent
// cookie, note that we need to read the cache file
// on next access.
_fReadFromCacheFileNeeded |= Purge(CCookie::PurgeAll, NULL); }
return !_fReadFromCacheFileNeeded && _pCookieKids == NULL; }
char * CCookieLocation::GetCacheURL() { char *pchURL; char *pch; int cchScheme = sizeof(s_achCookieScheme) - 1;
int cchUser = vdwCurrentUserLen; int cchAt = 1; int cchDomain = strlen(_pchRDomain); int cchPath = strlen(_pchPath);
pchURL = (char *)ALLOCATE_MEMORY(LMEM_FIXED, cchScheme + cchUser + cchAt + cchDomain + cchPath + 1); if (!pchURL) return NULL;
pch = pchURL;
memcpy(pch, s_achCookieScheme, cchScheme); pch += cchScheme;
memcpy(pch, vszCurrentUser, cchUser); pch += cchUser;
memcpy(pch, "@", cchAt); pch += cchAt;
ReverseString(_pchRDomain); memcpy(pch, _pchRDomain, cchDomain); ReverseString(_pchRDomain); pch += cchDomain;
strcpy(pch, _pchPath);
return pchURL; }
BOOL CCookieLocation::WriteCacheFile() { HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; char achFile[MAX_PATH]; char * pchURL = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; CCookie * pCookie; FILETIME ftLastExpire = { 0, 0 };
achFile[0] = 0;
// Determine the latest expiry time and if we have something to write.
for (pCookie = _pCookieKids; pCookie; pCookie = pCookie->_pCookieNext) { if (pCookie->IsPersistent() && CompareFileTime(pCookie->_ftExpire, ftLastExpire) > 0) { ftLastExpire = pCookie->_ftExpire; } }
pchURL = GetCacheURL(); if (!pchURL) goto Cleanup;
if (CompareFileTime(ftLastExpire, _ftCacheFileLastModified) < 0) { fSuccess = TRUE; DeleteUrlCacheEntry(pchURL); _fCacheFileExists = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
_fCacheFileExists = TRUE;
if (!CreateUrlCacheEntry(pchURL, 0, // Estimated size
"txt", // File extension
achFile, 0)) goto Cleanup;
hFile = CreateFile( achFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // no sharing.
for (pCookie = _pCookieKids; pCookie; pCookie = pCookie->_pCookieNext) { if (pCookie->IsPersistent() && CompareFileTime(pCookie->_ftExpire, _ftCacheFileLastModified) >= 0) { if (!pCookie->WriteCacheFile(hFile, _pchRDomain, _pchPath)) goto Cleanup; } }
CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (!CommitUrlCacheEntry(pchURL, achFile, ftLastExpire, _ftCacheFileLastModified, NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY | COOKIE_CACHE_ENTRY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 )) goto Cleanup;
fSuccess = TRUE;
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hFile);
if (!fSuccess) { if (achFile[0]) DeleteFile(achFile);
if (pchURL) DeleteUrlCacheEntry(pchURL); }
if (pchURL) FREE_MEMORY(pchURL);
return fSuccess; }
static char * ScanString(char *pch, char **pchStr) { *pchStr = pch;
for (; *pch; *pch++) { if (*pch == '\n') { *pch = 0; pch += 1; break; } }
return pch; }
static char * ScanNumber(char *pch, DWORD *pdw) { DWORD dw = 0; char *pchJunk;
for (; *pch >= '0' && *pch <= '9'; *pch++) { dw = (dw * 10) + *pch - '0'; }
*pdw = dw;
return ScanString(pch, &pchJunk); }
BOOL CCookieLocation::ReadCacheFile() { char * pchURL = NULL; char * pch; DWORD cbCEI; HANDLE hCacheStream = NULL; char * pchBuffer = NULL; CCookie * pCookie; CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_BUFFER *pcei = new CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_BUFFER;
if (pcei == NULL) goto Cleanup;
_fReadFromCacheFileNeeded = FALSE;
pchURL = GetCacheURL(); if (!pchURL) goto Cleanup;
cbCEI = sizeof(*pcei);
hCacheStream = RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStream( pchURL, pcei, &cbCEI, FALSE, // sequential access
if (!hCacheStream) { // If we failed to get the entry, try to nuke it so it does not
// bother us in the future.
DeleteUrlCacheEntry(pchURL); goto Cleanup; }
// Old cache files to not have last modified time set.
// Bump the time up so that we can use file times to determine
// if we need to resync a file.
if (IsZero(&(pcei->LastModifiedTime))) { pcei->LastModifiedTime.dwLowDateTime = 1; }
_ftCacheFileLastModified = pcei->LastModifiedTime;
// Read cache file into a null terminated buffer.
pchBuffer = (char *)ALLOCATE_MEMORY(LMEM_FIXED, pcei->dwSizeLow + 1 * sizeof(char)); if (!pchBuffer) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto Cleanup; }
if (!ReadUrlCacheEntryStream(hCacheStream, 0, pchBuffer, &pcei->dwSizeLow, 0)) goto Cleanup;
pchBuffer[pcei->dwSizeLow] = 0;
// Blow away all existing persistent cookies.
Purge(CCookie::PurgePersistent, NULL);
// Parse cookies from the buffer;
for (pch = pchBuffer; *pch; ) { char *pchName; char *pchValue; char *pchLocation; char *pchStar; DWORD dwFlags; FILETIME ftExpire; FILETIME ftLast;
pch = ScanString(pch, &pchName); pch = ScanString(pch, &pchValue); pch = ScanString(pch, &pchLocation);
pch = ScanNumber(pch, &dwFlags); pch = ScanNumber(pch, &ftExpire.dwLowDateTime); pch = ScanNumber(pch, &ftExpire.dwHighDateTime); pch = ScanNumber(pch, &ftLast.dwLowDateTime); pch = ScanNumber(pch, &ftLast.dwHighDateTime);
pch = ScanString(pch, &pchStar);
if (strcmp(pchStar, "*")) { goto Cleanup; }
pCookie = GetCookie(pchName, TRUE); if (!pCookie) goto Cleanup;
// Initialize the cookie.
pCookie->SetValue(pchValue); pCookie->_ftExpire = ftExpire; pCookie->_ftLastModified = ftLast; pCookie->_dwFlags = dwFlags; }
Cleanup: if (pcei) delete pcei;
if (hCacheStream) UnlockUrlCacheEntryStream(hCacheStream, 0);
if (pchURL) FREE_MEMORY(pchURL);
if (pchBuffer) FREE_MEMORY(pchBuffer);
return TRUE; }
BOOL CCookieLocation::IsMatch(char *pchRDomain, char *pchPath) { return IsDomainMatch(_pchRDomain, pchRDomain) && IsPathMatch(_pchPath, pchPath); }
BOOL CCookieLocation::ReadCacheFileIfNeeded() { return _fReadFromCacheFileNeeded ? ReadCacheFile() : TRUE; }
// CCookieJar implementation
CCookieJar * CCookieJar::Construct() { CCookieJar *s_pJar = new(0) CCookieJar(); if (!s_pJar) return NULL;
return s_pJar; }
CCookieJar::~CCookieJar() { for (int i = ARRAY_ELEMENTS(_apLocation); --i >= 0; ) { CCookieLocation *pLocation = _apLocation[i]; while (pLocation) { CCookieLocation *pLocationT = pLocation->_pLocationNext; delete pLocation; pLocation = pLocationT; } } }
CCookieLocation ** CCookieJar::GetBucket(const char *pchRDomain) { int ch; int cPeriod = 0; unsigned int hash = 0;
for (; (ch = *pchRDomain) != 0; pchRDomain++) { if (ch == '.') { cPeriod += 1; if (cPeriod >= 2) break; } hash = (hash * 29) + ch; }
hash = hash % ARRAY_ELEMENTS(_apLocation);
return &_apLocation[hash]; }
CCookieLocation * CCookieJar::GetLocation(const char *pchRDomain, const char *pchPath, BOOL fCreate) { ASSERT_CRITSEC();
int cchPath = strlen(pchPath); CCookieLocation *pLocation = NULL; CCookieLocation **ppLocation = GetBucket(pchRDomain);
// To support sending more specific cookies before less specific,
// we keep list sorted by path length.
while ((pLocation = *ppLocation) != NULL) { if (pLocation->_cchPath < cchPath) break;
if (strcmp(pLocation->_pchPath, pchPath) == 0 && strcmp(pLocation->_pchRDomain, pchRDomain) == 0) return pLocation;
ppLocation = &pLocation->_pLocationNext; }
if (!fCreate) goto Cleanup;
pLocation = CCookieLocation::Construct(pchRDomain, pchPath); if (!pLocation) goto Cleanup;
pLocation->_pLocationNext = *ppLocation; *ppLocation = pLocation;
Cleanup: return pLocation; }
void CCookieJar::Purge(FILETIME *pftCurrent, BOOL fSession) { ASSERT_CRITSEC();
for (int i = ARRAY_ELEMENTS(_apLocation); --i >= 0; ) { CCookieLocation **ppLocation = &_apLocation[i]; CCookieLocation *pLocation;
while ((pLocation = *ppLocation) != NULL) { if (pLocation->Purge(pftCurrent, fSession)) { *ppLocation = pLocation->_pLocationNext; delete pLocation; } else { ppLocation = &pLocation->_pLocationNext; } } } }
BOOL CCookieJar::SyncWithCache() { DWORD dwBufferSize; HANDLE hEnum = NULL; int cchUserNameAt; char achUserNameAt[MAX_PATH + 2]; FILETIME ftCurrent; char * pchRDomain; char * pchPath; char * pch; CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_BUFFER *pcei; CCookieLocation *pLocation;
pcei = new CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_BUFFER; if (pcei == NULL) goto Cleanup;
if (!vdwCurrentUserLen) GetWininetUserName();
strcpy(achUserNameAt, vszCurrentUser); strcat(achUserNameAt, "@"); cchUserNameAt = vdwCurrentUserLen+1;
dwBufferSize = sizeof(*pcei); hEnum = FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(s_achCookieScheme, pcei, &dwBufferSize);
for (int i = ARRAY_ELEMENTS(_apLocation); --i >= 0; ) { for (pLocation = _apLocation[i]; pLocation; pLocation = pLocation->_pLocationNext) { pLocation->_fCacheFileExists = FALSE; } }
if (hEnum) { do { if ( pcei->lpszSourceUrlName && (strnicmp(pcei->lpszSourceUrlName, s_achCookieScheme, sizeof(s_achCookieScheme) - 1 ) == 0) && (strnicmp(pcei->lpszSourceUrlName+sizeof(s_achCookieScheme) - 1,achUserNameAt, cchUserNameAt) == 0)) {
// Split domain name from path in buffer.
// Slide domain name down to make space for null terminator
// between domain and path.
pchRDomain = pcei->lpszSourceUrlName+sizeof(s_achCookieScheme) - 1 + cchUserNameAt - 1;
for (pch = pchRDomain + 1; *pch && *pch != '/'; pch++) { pch[-1] = pch[0]; } pch[-1] = 0;
pchPath = pch;
pLocation = GetLocation(pchRDomain, pchPath, TRUE); if (!pLocation) { continue; }
// Old cache files to not have last modified time set.
// Bump the time up so that we can use file times to determine
// if we need to resync a file.
if (IsZero(&pcei->LastModifiedTime)) { pcei->LastModifiedTime.dwLowDateTime = 1; }
if (CompareFileTime(pLocation->_ftCacheFileLastModified, pcei->LastModifiedTime) < 0) { pLocation->_fReadFromCacheFileNeeded = TRUE; }
pLocation->_fCacheFileExists = TRUE;
dwBufferSize = sizeof(*pcei);
} while (FindNextUrlCacheEntryA(hEnum, pcei, &dwBufferSize));
FindCloseUrlCache(hEnum); }
// Now purge everthing we didn't get .
GetCurrentGmtTime(&ftCurrent); Purge(&ftCurrent, FALSE);
Cleanup: if (pcei) delete pcei;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CCookieJar::SyncWithCacheIfNeeded() { return IsCacheModified() ? SyncWithCache() : TRUE; }
struct PARSE { char *pchBuffer; char *pchToken; BOOL fEqualFound; };
static char * SkipWS(char *pch) { while (*pch == ' ' || *pch == '\t') pch += 1;
return pch; }
static BOOL ParseToken(PARSE *pParse, BOOL fBreakOnSpecialTokens, BOOL fBreakOnEqual) { char ch; char *pch; char *pchEndToken;
pParse->fEqualFound = FALSE;
pch = SkipWS(pParse->pchBuffer); if (*pch == 0) { pParse->pchToken = pch; return FALSE; }
pParse->pchToken = pch; pchEndToken = pch;
while ((ch = *pch) != 0) { pch += 1; if (ch == ';') { break; } else if (fBreakOnEqual && ch == '=') { pParse->fEqualFound = TRUE; break; } else if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { if (fBreakOnSpecialTokens) { if ((strnicmp(pch, "expires", sizeof("expires") - 1) == 0) || (strnicmp(pch, "path", sizeof("path") - 1) == 0) || (strnicmp(pch, "domain", sizeof("domain") - 1) == 0) || (strnicmp(pch, "secure", sizeof("secure") - 1) == 0) || (strnicmp(pch, gcszNoScriptField, sizeof(gcszNoScriptField) - 1) == 0)) { break; } } } else { pchEndToken = pch; } }
*pchEndToken = 0; pParse->pchBuffer = pch; return TRUE; }
static void ParseHeader( char *pchHeader, char **ppchName, char **ppchValue, char **ppchPath, char **ppchRDomain, DWORD *pdwFlags, FILETIME *pftExpire) { PARSE parse;
parse.pchBuffer = pchHeader;
*ppchName = NULL; *ppchValue = NULL; *ppchPath = NULL; *ppchRDomain = NULL; *pdwFlags = COOKIE_SESSION;
// If only one of name or value is specified, Navigator
// uses name=<blank> and value as what ever was specified.
// Example: =foo -> name: <blank> value: foo
// foo -> name: <blank> value: foo
// foo= -> name: foo value: <blank>
if (ParseToken(&parse, FALSE, TRUE)) { *ppchName = parse.pchToken; if (parse.fEqualFound) { if (ParseToken(&parse, FALSE, FALSE)) { *ppchValue = parse.pchToken; } else { *ppchValue = s_achEmpty; } } else { *ppchValue = *ppchName; *ppchName = s_achEmpty; } }
while (ParseToken(&parse, FALSE, TRUE)) { if (stricmp(parse.pchToken, "expires") == 0) { if (parse.fEqualFound && ParseToken(&parse, TRUE, FALSE)) { if (FParseHttpDate(pftExpire, parse.pchToken)) { // Don't make the cookie persistent if the parsing fails
*pdwFlags &= ~COOKIE_SESSION; } } } else if (stricmp(parse.pchToken, "domain") == 0) { if (parse.fEqualFound ) { if( ParseToken(&parse, TRUE, FALSE)) { // Previous versions of IE tossed the leading
// "." on domain names. We continue this behavior
// to maintain compatiblity with old cookie files.
// See comments at the top of this file for more
// information.
if (*parse.pchToken == '.') parse.pchToken += 1; ReverseString(parse.pchToken); *ppchRDomain = parse.pchToken; } else { *ppchRDomain = parse.pchToken; } } } else if (stricmp(parse.pchToken, "path") == 0) { if (parse.fEqualFound && ParseToken(&parse, TRUE, FALSE)) { *ppchPath = parse.pchToken; } else { *ppchPath = s_achEmpty; } } else if (stricmp(parse.pchToken, "secure") == 0) { *pdwFlags |= COOKIE_SECURE;
if (parse.fEqualFound) { ParseToken(&parse, TRUE, FALSE); } } else if (stricmp(parse.pchToken, gcszNoScriptField) == 0) { *pdwFlags |= COOKIE_NONSCRIPTABLE;
if (parse.fEqualFound) { ParseToken(&parse, TRUE, FALSE); } } else { if (parse.fEqualFound) { ParseToken(&parse, TRUE, FALSE); } } }
if (!*ppchName) { *ppchName = *ppchValue = s_achEmpty; }
if (*pdwFlags & COOKIE_SESSION) { pftExpire->dwLowDateTime = 0xFFFFFFFF; pftExpire->dwHighDateTime = 0x7FFFFFFF; } }
/* Replace non-printable characters in a string with given char
This is used to enforce the RFC requirement that cookie header tokens can only contain chars in the range 0x20-0x7F.
DCR: For compatability reasons we only replace control characters in the range 0x00 - 0x1F inclusive. There are international websites which depend on being able to set cookies with DBCS characters in name and value. (That assumption is wishful thinking and a violation of RFC2965.) */ void replaceControlChars(char *pszstr, char chReplace='_') {
if (!pszstr) return;
while (*pszstr) { if (*pszstr>=0x00 && *pszstr<=0x1F) *pszstr = chReplace; pszstr++; } }
// free's an INTERNET_COOKIE structure
static VOID DestroyInternetCookie(INTERNET_COOKIE *pic) { if ( pic != NULL ) { if ( pic->pszDomain ) { FREE_MEMORY(pic->pszDomain); } if ( pic->pszPath ) { FREE_MEMORY(pic->pszPath); } if ( pic->pszName ) { FREE_MEMORY(pic->pszName); } if ( pic->pszData ) { FREE_MEMORY(pic->pszData); } if ( pic->pszUrl ) { FREE_MEMORY(pic->pszUrl); } if( pic->pftExpires ) { delete pic->pftExpires; pic->pftExpires = NULL; } if (pic->pszP3PPolicy) FREE_MEMORY(pic->pszP3PPolicy);
FREE_MEMORY(pic); } }
// allocate's an INTERNET_COOKIE structure
static INTERNET_COOKIE * MakeInternetCookie( const char *pchURL, char *pchRDomain, char *pchPath, char *pchName, char *pchValue, DWORD dwFlags, FILETIME ftExpire, const char *pchPolicy ) { INTERNET_COOKIE *pic = NULL;
if ( pic == NULL ) { return NULL; }
pic->cbSize = sizeof(INTERNET_COOKIE);
pic->pszDomain = pchRDomain ? NewString(pchRDomain) : NULL; if (pic->pszDomain) { ReverseString(pic->pszDomain); } pic->pszPath = pchPath ? NewString(pchPath) : NULL; pic->pszName = pchName ? NewString(pchName) : NULL; pic->pszData = pchValue ? NewString(pchValue) : NULL; pic->pszUrl = pchURL ? NewString(pchURL) : NULL; pic->pszP3PPolicy = pchPolicy? NewString(pchPolicy) : NULL;
#error MakeInternetCookie depends on cookie flags to remain the same
pic->dwFlags = dwFlags;
if( dwFlags & COOKIE_SESSION ) { pic->pftExpires = NULL; } else { pic->pftExpires = new FILETIME; if( pic->pftExpires ) { memcpy(pic->pftExpires, &ftExpire, sizeof(FILETIME)); } }
return pic; }
DWORD GetPromptMask(BOOL fIsSessionCookie, BOOL fIs3rdPartyCookie) { DWORD dwMask = 0x01; // prompted bit
if(fIsSessionCookie) dwMask |= 0x02;
if(fIs3rdPartyCookie) dwMask |= 0x04;
return dwMask; }
void SetCookiePromptMask( LPSTR pchRDomain, LPSTR pchPath, BOOL fSecure, BOOL f3rdParty ) { CCookieLocation *pLocation; CCookie *pCookie; FILETIME ftCurrent;
CCookieCriticalSection cs;
if(s_pJar->SyncWithCacheIfNeeded()) { for (pLocation = *s_pJar->GetBucket(pchRDomain); pLocation; pLocation = pLocation->_pLocationNext) { if (pLocation->IsMatch(pchRDomain, pchPath)) { pLocation->ReadCacheFileIfNeeded();
for (pCookie = pLocation->_pCookieKids; pCookie; pCookie = pCookie->_pCookieNext) { if (pCookie->CanSend(&ftCurrent, fSecure)) { DWORD dwMask = GetPromptMask(!pCookie->IsPersistent(), f3rdParty); DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("[MASK] SetCookiePromptMask: Domain=%s, pCookie=%#x, dwMask=%#x\n", pchRDomain, pCookie, dwMask)); pCookie->_dwPromptMask = dwMask; } } } } } }
BOOL IsCookieIdentical(CCookie *pCookie, char *pchValue, DWORD dwFlags, FILETIME ftExpire) { //
// Decide if we need to prompt for a cookie when one already exists. Basic idea is
// if the cookie is identical, nothing is happening, so we don't need to prompt.
// Change of value or expiry time (inc. session <-> persistent) means we need to
// prompt again based on the new cookie type.
// no existing cookie ==> different
if(NULL == pCookie) { return FALSE; }
// if existing cookie has non-empty value and new value is NULL ==> different
if(NULL == pchValue && pCookie->_pchValue != s_achEmpty) { return FALSE; }
// different values ==> different (catches new non-empty value and existing empty value)
if(pchValue && lstrcmp(pCookie->_pchValue, pchValue)) { return FALSE; }
// different flags ==> different
if(dwFlags != pCookie->_dwFlags) { return FALSE; }
// if persistant, different expires ==> different
if(memcmp(&ftExpire, &pCookie->_ftExpire, sizeof(FILETIME))) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
DWORD CCookieJar::CheckCookiePolicy( HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pRequest, CookieInfo *pInfo, DWORD dwOperation ) { /* Assumption: policy is checked at time of accepting cookies.
Existing cookies are sent without prompt after that point */ if (dwOperation & COOKIE_OP_GET) return COOKIE_SUCCESS;
DWORD dwError; DWORD dwCookiesPolicy; BOOL fCleanupPcdi = FALSE; COOKIE_DLG_INFO *pcdi = NULL, *pcdi_result = NULL;
// Deal first with the basic quick cases to determine if we need UI here.
// they are:
/// - Do we allow UI for this given request?
if (pInfo->pchURL == NULL) { return COOKIE_FAIL; }
if (pRequest && (pRequest->GetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI)) { return COOKIE_FAIL; }
// Now look up the cookie and confirm that it hasn't just been added,
// if its already added to the Cookie list, then we don't show UI,
// since once the user has chosen to add a given Cookie, we don't repeatly re-prompt
if(dwOperation & COOKIE_OP_SET) { CCookieCriticalSection cs; CCookieLocation *pLocation;
if (!SyncWithCacheIfNeeded()) return COOKIE_FAIL;
pLocation = GetLocation(pInfo->pchRDomain, pInfo->pchPath, FALSE /* no creation*/);
if (pLocation) { CCookie *pCookie;
pLocation->ReadCacheFileIfNeeded(); pCookie = pLocation->GetCookie(pInfo->pchName, FALSE /* no creation */); if(IsCookieIdentical(pCookie, pInfo->pchValue, pInfo->dwFlags, pInfo->ftExpire)) { return COOKIE_SUCCESS; } } }
// Now make the async request, to see if we can put up UI
{ DWORD dwAction; DWORD dwResult; DWORD dwDialogToShow; LPVOID *ppParams;
pcdi = new COOKIE_DLG_INFO; if(NULL == pcdi) { return COOKIE_FAIL; }
memset(pcdi, 0, sizeof(*pcdi));
pcdi->dwOperation = dwOperation;
fCleanupPcdi = TRUE;
if(dwOperation & COOKIE_OP_SESSION) { // make sure flags have session so it shows up right in the UI
pInfo->dwFlags |= COOKIE_SESSION; }
// create data to pass to dialog
pcdi->pic = MakeInternetCookie(pInfo->pchURL, pInfo->pchRDomain, pInfo->pchPath, pInfo->pchName, pInfo->pchValue, pInfo->dwFlags, pInfo->ftExpire, pInfo->pP3PState ? pInfo->pP3PState->pszP3PHeader : NULL );
if(pcdi->pic == NULL) { delete pcdi; return COOKIE_FAIL; }
pcdi_result = pcdi;
dwError = ChangeUIBlockingState( (HINTERNET) pRequest, ERROR_HTTP_COOKIE_NEEDS_CONFIRMATION_EX, &dwAction, &dwResult, (LPVOID *)&pcdi_result );
if(dwError != ERROR_IO_PENDING && dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
switch (dwAction) { case UI_ACTION_CODE_NONE_TAKEN: { // fallback to old behavior
const int MaxConcurrentDialogs = 10; static HANDLE hUIsemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, MaxConcurrentDialogs, MaxConcurrentDialogs, NULL);
// restrict number of concurrent dialogs
// NOTE: this is a *temporary* solution for #13393
// revisit the problem of serializing dialogs when prompting behavior
// for script is finalized.
if (WAIT_TIMEOUT==WaitForSingleObject(hUIsemaphore, 0)) { dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_NEED_UI; break; }
dwError = ConfirmCookie(NULL, pRequest, pcdi);
ReleaseSemaphore(hUIsemaphore, 1, NULL);
// If user requested decision to persist, save prompt result in history
// "dwStopWarning" may contain 0 (no policy change) or COOKIE_ALLOW_ALL
if(pcdi->dwStopWarning) { int decision = (pcdi->dwStopWarning == COOKIE_ALLOW_ALL) ? COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT : COOKIE_STATE_REJECT;
ReverseString(pInfo->pchRDomain); cookieUIhistory.saveDecision(pInfo->pchRDomain, NULL, decision); ReverseString(pInfo->pchRDomain); }
break; }
// If user requested decision to persist, save prompt result in history
// "dwStopWarning" may contain 0 (no policy change) or COOKIE_ALLOW_ALL
if(pcdi_result->dwStopWarning) { int decision = (pcdi_result->dwStopWarning == COOKIE_ALLOW_ALL) ? COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT : COOKIE_STATE_REJECT;
ReverseString(pInfo->pchRDomain); cookieUIhistory.saveDecision(pInfo->pchRDomain, NULL, decision); ReverseString(pInfo->pchRDomain); }
if (pcdi != pcdi_result) { // got an old pcdi back, clean it
if(pcdi_result->pic) { DestroyInternetCookie(pcdi_result->pic); } delete pcdi_result; }
// make sure we clean current, too
dwError = dwResult; break;
// Go pending while we wait for the UI to be shown
INET_ASSERT(pcdi == pcdi_result); fCleanupPcdi = FALSE; // the UI needs this info, don't delete
// fall through ...
INET_ASSERT(dwError == ERROR_IO_PENDING); break; } }
quit: if ( fCleanupPcdi ) { if(pcdi->pic) { DestroyInternetCookie(pcdi->pic); } delete pcdi; }
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ( dwError == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { return COOKIE_PENDING; } else { return COOKIE_FAIL; } } else { return COOKIE_SUCCESS; }
DWORD CCookieJar::SetCookie(HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pRequest, const char *pchURL, char *pchHeader, DWORD &dwFlags, P3PCookieState *pState = NULL, LPDWORD pdwAction = NULL) { FILETIME ftExpire; FILETIME ftCurrent; char *pchName; char *pchValue; char *pchHeaderPath; char *pchHeaderRDomain; char *pchDocumentRDomain = NULL; char *pchDocumentPath = NULL; DWORD dwFlagsFromParse; BOOL fDocumentSecure; BOOL fDelete; DWORD dwRet = COOKIE_FAIL; BOOL fWriteToCacheFileNeeded; CCookieLocation *pLocation; DWORD dwOperation = COOKIE_OP_SET; DWORD dwReqAction = COOKIE_STATE_UNKNOWN;
ParseHeader(pchHeader, &pchName, &pchValue, &pchHeaderPath, &pchHeaderRDomain, &dwFlagsFromParse, &ftExpire); // merge flags given with those found by the parser.
dwFlags |= dwFlagsFromParse;
if (!PathAndRDomainFromURL(pchURL, &pchDocumentRDomain, &pchDocumentPath, &fDocumentSecure)) goto Cleanup;
// Verify domain and path
if ((pchHeaderRDomain && !IsDomainLegal(pchHeaderRDomain, pchDocumentRDomain)) || (pchHeaderPath && !IsPathLegal(pchHeaderPath, pchDocumentPath))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Cleanup; }
// Remove control-characters and other non-ASCII symbols
replaceControlChars(pchName); replaceControlChars(pchValue); replaceControlChars(pchHeaderPath); replaceControlChars(pchHeaderRDomain);
if (!pchHeaderRDomain) pchHeaderRDomain = pchDocumentRDomain;
if (!pchHeaderPath) pchHeaderPath = pchDocumentPath;
// We need to discard any extra info (i.e. query strings and fragments)
// from the url.
if (pchHeaderPath) { PTSTR psz = pchHeaderPath; while (*psz) { if (*psz==TEXT('?') || *psz==TEXT('#')) { *psz = TEXT('\0'); break; } psz++; } }
// Delete the cookie?
GetCurrentGmtTime(&ftCurrent); fDelete = CompareFileTime(ftCurrent, ftExpire) > 0;
// get 3rd part flag
BOOL f3rdParty = (pRequest && pRequest->Is3rdPartyCookies()) || (dwFlags & INTERNET_COOKIE_THIRD_PARTY);
if (f3rdParty) { dwOperation |= COOKIE_OP_3RD_PARTY; }
// check session vs. persistent
if(dwFlagsFromParse & COOKIE_SESSION) { dwOperation |= COOKIE_OP_SESSION; } else { dwOperation |= COOKIE_OP_PERSISTENT; }
BOOL fSessionCookie = dwFlags & COOKIE_SESSION;
/* DELETE operations are not subject to P3P, except for leashed cookies */ BOOL fP3PApplies = !fDelete && pState && (!fSessionCookie || pState->fIncSession);
/* Check for the "anything-goes" mode */ BOOL fAllowAll = pState && (pState->dwEvalMode==URLPOLICY_ALLOW);
/* if cookie operations are disabled, fail the operation */ if (pState && pState->dwEvalMode==URLPOLICY_DISALLOW) dwReqAction = COOKIE_STATE_REJECT; else if (fP3PApplies && !fAllowAll) {
/* Since downgrading a session cookie is a NOOP,
report the action as ACCEPT in that case */ if (fSessionCookie && pState->dwPolicyState==COOKIE_STATE_DOWNGRADE) dwReqAction = COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT; dwFlags |= getImpliedCookieFlags(pState); dwReqAction = pState->dwPolicyState; } else dwReqAction = COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT;
// If prompt is required, show UI
if((dwFlags & INTERNET_COOKIE_PROMPT_REQUIRED) || dwReqAction==COOKIE_STATE_PROMPT) { CookieInfo ckInfo = { pchURL, pchHeaderRDomain, pchHeaderPath, pchName, pchValue, dwFlags };
ckInfo.ftExpire = ftExpire; ckInfo.pP3PState = pState;
dwRet = CheckCookiePolicy(pRequest, &ckInfo, dwOperation);
if (dwRet != COOKIE_SUCCESS) { dwReqAction = COOKIE_STATE_REJECT; goto Cleanup; } else dwReqAction = COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT; }
if (dwReqAction==COOKIE_STATE_REJECT) { dwRet = COOKIE_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
// Finally, we can add the cookie!
{ CCookieCriticalSection cs;
if (!SyncWithCacheIfNeeded()) goto Cleanup;
pLocation = GetLocation(pchHeaderRDomain, pchHeaderPath, !fDelete);
if (pLocation) { pLocation->ReadCacheFileIfNeeded(); fWriteToCacheFileNeeded = FALSE;
if (fDelete) { CCookie *pCookie = pLocation->GetCookie(pchName, FALSE);
// If the cookie we are attempting to delete does not exist,
// return success code
if (!pCookie) { dwRet = COOKIE_SUCCESS; goto Cleanup; }
/* Leashed cookies cannot be deleted from 3rd party context
unless P3P is disabled completely eg when "fAllowAll" is true. EXCEPTION: allow *legacy* leashed cookies to be deleted from 3rd party */ if (pCookie->IsRestricted() && f3rdParty && !(fAllowAll || pCookie->IsLegacy())) { dwReqAction = COOKIE_STATE_REJECT; goto Cleanup; }
fWriteToCacheFileNeeded |= pLocation->Purge(CCookie::PurgeByName, pchName); } else { CCookie *pCookie;
EnforceCookieLimits(pLocation, pchName, &fWriteToCacheFileNeeded);
pCookie = pLocation->GetCookie(pchName, TRUE);
if (!pCookie) goto Cleanup;
pCookie->_ftLastModified = ftCurrent;
if (memcmp(&ftExpire, &pCookie->_ftExpire, sizeof(FILETIME)) || strcmp(pchValue, pCookie->_pchValue) || dwFlags != pCookie->_dwFlags) { fWriteToCacheFileNeeded |= pCookie->IsPersistent();
pCookie->_ftExpire = ftExpire; pCookie->_dwFlags = dwFlags; pCookie->SetValue(pchValue); pCookie->_dwPromptMask = GetPromptMask(dwOperation & COOKIE_OP_SESSION, dwOperation & COOKIE_OP_3RD_PARTY);
DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("[MASK] SetCookie: Domain=%s, Updating cookie mask, pCookie=%#x, new mask=%#x\n", pchHeaderRDomain, pCookie, pCookie->_dwPromptMask));
fWriteToCacheFileNeeded |= pCookie->IsPersistent(); } }
if (fWriteToCacheFileNeeded) { if (!pLocation->WriteCacheFile()) goto Cleanup; } } }
Cleanup: if (pchDocumentRDomain) FREE_MEMORY(pchDocumentRDomain); if (pchDocumentPath) FREE_MEMORY(pchDocumentPath);
if (pdwAction) *pdwAction = dwReqAction;
return dwRet; }
void CCookieJar::EnforceCookieLimits(CCookieLocation *pLocationNew, char *pchNameNew, BOOL *fWriteToCacheFileNeeded) { CCookieLocation *pLocation; CCookieLocation *pLocationVictim; CCookie *pCookie; CCookie *pCookieVictim = NULL; int nCookie = 0;
for (pLocation = *GetBucket(pLocationNew->_pchRDomain); pLocation; pLocation = pLocation->_pLocationNext) { // Same domain?
if (stricmp(pLocationNew->_pchRDomain, pLocation->_pchRDomain) == 0) { pLocation->ReadCacheFileIfNeeded(); for (pCookie = pLocation->_pCookieKids; pCookie; pCookie = pCookie->_pCookieNext) { nCookie += 1;
if (pLocation == pLocationNew && strcmp(pCookie->_pchName, pchNameNew) == 0) { // No need to enforce limits when resetting existing cookie value.
return; }
if (!pCookieVictim || CompareFileTime(pCookie->_ftLastModified, pCookieVictim->_ftLastModified) < 0) { pCookieVictim = pCookie; pLocationVictim = pLocation; } } } }
if (nCookie >= 20) { INET_ASSERT(pCookieVictim != NULL && pLocationVictim != NULL);
if (pLocationVictim->Purge(CCookie::PurgeThis, pCookieVictim)) { pLocationVictim->WriteCacheFile(); } } }
// External APIs
BOOL OpenTheCookieJar() { if (s_pJar) return TRUE;
s_pJar = CCookieJar::Construct(); if (!s_pJar) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
void CloseTheCookieJar() { if (s_pJar) { DeleteCriticalSection(&s_csCookieJar); delete s_pJar; }
s_fFirstTime = TRUE; s_pJar = NULL; }
void PurgeCookieJarOfStaleCookies() { FILETIME ftCurrent;
if (s_pJar) { CCookieCriticalSection cs; GetCurrentGmtTime(&ftCurrent); s_pJar->Purge(&ftCurrent, TRUE); } }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetCookieW( LPCWSTR lpszUrl, LPCWSTR lpszCookieName, LPWSTR lpszCookieData, LPDWORD lpdwSize ) { DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_INET, Bool, "InternetGetCookieW", "%wq, %#x, %#x, %#x", lpszUrl, lpszCookieName, lpszCookieData, lpdwSize ));
DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fResult = FALSE; MEMORYPACKET mpUrl, mpCookieName, mpCookieData;
ALLOC_MB(lpszUrl,0,mpUrl); if (!mpUrl.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszUrl,mpUrl); if (lpszCookieName) { ALLOC_MB(lpszCookieName,0,mpCookieName); if (!mpCookieName.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszCookieName,mpCookieName); } if (lpszCookieData) { mpCookieData.dwAlloc = mpCookieData.dwSize = *lpdwSize; mpCookieData.psStr = (LPSTR)ALLOC_BYTES(*lpdwSize); if (!mpCookieData.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } }
fResult = InternetGetCookieA(mpUrl.psStr, mpCookieName.psStr, mpCookieData.psStr, &mpCookieData.dwSize);
*lpdwSize = mpCookieData.dwSize*sizeof(WCHAR); if (lpszCookieData) { if (mpCookieData.dwSize <= mpCookieData.dwAlloc) { //Bug 2110: InternetGetCookieA already considered '\0' at the end of URL. MAYBE_COPY_ANSI does it again.
//We don't want to change MAYBE_COPY_ANSI, so we mpCookieData.dwSize -= 1 here. Otherwise we will overflow the heap
mpCookieData.dwSize -= 1; MAYBE_COPY_ANSI(mpCookieData,lpszCookieData,*lpdwSize); } else { dwErr = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; fResult = FALSE; } }
cleanup: if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwErr); DEBUG_ERROR(INET, dwErr); } DEBUG_LEAVE_API(fResult); return fResult; }
void convertLegacyCookie(CCookie *pCookie, CCookieLocation *pLocation) {
const char* gasz_OptOutName[] = {"ID", "AA002", "id", "CyberGlobalAnonymous"}; const char* gasz_OptOutValue[] = {"OPT_OUT", "optout", "OPT_OUT", "optout"};
if (GlobalLeashLegacyCookies) pCookie->_dwFlags |= INTERNET_COOKIE_IS_RESTRICTED;
/* special-case opt-out cookies-- these will never get leashed */ for( int i = 0; i < sizeof( gasz_OptOutName)/sizeof(gasz_OptOutName[0]); i++) { if (!strcmp(pCookie->_pchName, gasz_OptOutName[i]) && !strcmp(pCookie->_pchValue, gasz_OptOutValue[i])) { pCookie->_dwFlags &= ~INTERNET_COOKIE_IS_RESTRICTED; break; } }
// Legacy cookies are special-cased for one time only
// After that they are subject to P3P.
pCookie->_dwFlags |= INTERNET_COOKIE_IE6;
/* we need to remember which cookies are genuine IE6 vs. upgraded legacy... */ pCookie->_dwFlags |= INTERNET_COOKIE_IS_LEGACY;
pLocation->WriteCacheFile(); }
// InternetGetCookieEx only returns those cookies within domain pchURL
//with a name that maches pchCookieName
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetCookieEx( IN LPCSTR pchURL, IN LPCSTR pchCookieName OPTIONAL, IN LPSTR pchCookieData OPTIONAL, IN OUT LPDWORD pcchCookieData, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN LPVOID lpReserved) { DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_INET, Bool, "InternetGetCookieA", "%q, %#x, %#x, %#x", pchURL, pchCookieName, pchCookieData, pcchCookieData ));
// force everyone to not give anything in lpReserved
INET_ASSERT( lpReserved == NULL); if( lpReserved != NULL) { DEBUG_LEAVE_API(FALSE); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// force everyone to not give anything in dwFlags
INET_ASSERT( dwFlags == 0); if( dwFlags != 0) { DEBUG_LEAVE_API(FALSE); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } */
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; char * pchRDomain = NULL; char * pchPath = NULL; BOOL fSecure; DWORD cch = 0; BOOL fFirst; int cchName; int cchValue; FILETIME ftCurrent; CCookieLocation *pLocation; CCookie *pCookie; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (!pcchCookieData || !pchURL) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; }
if (!GlobalDataInitialized) {
dwErr = GlobalDataInitialize(); if (dwErr!= ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto done; } }
if (!PathAndRDomainFromURL(pchURL, &pchRDomain, &pchPath, &fSecure)) goto Cleanup;
DWORD dwMainSwitch = (dwFlags & INTERNET_FLAG_RESTRICTED_ZONE) ? GetCookieMainSwitch(URLZONE_UNTRUSTED) : GetCookieMainSwitch(pchURL);
fFirst = TRUE; GetCurrentGmtTime(&ftCurrent);
{ CCookieCriticalSection cs;
if (!s_pJar->SyncWithCacheIfNeeded()) goto Cleanup;
for (pLocation = *s_pJar->GetBucket(pchRDomain); pLocation; pLocation = pLocation->_pLocationNext) { if (pLocation->IsMatch(pchRDomain, pchPath)) { pLocation->ReadCacheFileIfNeeded();
for (pCookie = pLocation->_pCookieKids; pCookie; pCookie = pCookie->_pCookieNext) { if (IsLegacyCookie(pCookie)) convertLegacyCookie(pCookie, pLocation);
BOOL fAllow;
if (dwMainSwitch==URLPOLICY_ALLOW) /* replay all cookies-- even leashed ones */ fAllow = TRUE; else if (dwMainSwitch==URLPOLICY_DISALLOW) /* suppress everything */ fAllow = FALSE; else { /* default behavior: replay the cookie, provided its not leashed
or we are in 1st party context */ fAllow = !pCookie->IsRestricted() || (dwFlags & INTERNET_COOKIE_THIRD_PARTY) == 0; }
BOOL fNonScriptable = (pCookie->_dwFlags & COOKIE_NONSCRIPTABLE);
if (fAllow && !fNonScriptable // Check for non-scriptable cookies
&& pCookie->CanSend(&ftCurrent, fSecure) && (pchCookieName == NULL || StrCmp( pCookie->_pchName, pchCookieName) == 0))
{ if (!fFirst) cch += 2; // for ; <space>
cch += cchName = strlen(pCookie->_pchName); cch += cchValue = strlen(pCookie->_pchValue); if (cchName && cchValue) cch += 1; // for equal sign
if (pchCookieData && cch < *pcchCookieData) { if (!fFirst) { *pchCookieData++ = ';'; *pchCookieData++ = ' '; }
if (cchName > 0) { memcpy(pchCookieData, pCookie->_pchName, cchName); pchCookieData += cchName;
if (cchValue > 0) { *pchCookieData++ = '='; } }
if (cchValue > 0) { memcpy(pchCookieData, pCookie->_pchValue, cchValue); pchCookieData += cchValue; } }
fFirst = FALSE; } } } } }
cch += 1;
if (pchCookieData) { if (cch > *pcchCookieData) { dwErr = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { *pchCookieData = 0; fSuccess = TRUE; } } else { fSuccess = TRUE; }
if (cch == 1) { dwErr = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; fSuccess = FALSE; cch = 0; }
*pcchCookieData = cch;
if (pchRDomain) FREE_MEMORY(pchRDomain); if (pchPath) FREE_MEMORY(pchPath);
done: if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwErr); DEBUG_ERROR(INET, dwErr); } DEBUG_LEAVE_API(fSuccess); return fSuccess; }
UNICODE version for InternetGetCookieEx Difference from the standard InternetGetCookie* function is addition of two parameters. Supported flags: third-party, prompt-required. */ INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetCookieExW( IN LPCWSTR lpszUrl, IN LPCWSTR lpszCookieName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR lpszCookieData OPTIONAL, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwSize, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN LPVOID lpReserved) { DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_INET, Bool, "InternetGetCookieExW", "%wq, %#x, %#x, %#x", lpszUrl, lpszCookieName, lpszCookieData, lpdwSize ));
DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fResult = FALSE; MEMORYPACKET mpUrl, mpCookieName, mpCookieData;
ALLOC_MB(lpszUrl,0,mpUrl); if (!mpUrl.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszUrl,mpUrl); if (lpszCookieName) { ALLOC_MB(lpszCookieName,0,mpCookieName); if (!mpCookieName.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszCookieName,mpCookieName); } if (lpszCookieData) { mpCookieData.dwAlloc = mpCookieData.dwSize = *lpdwSize; mpCookieData.psStr = (LPSTR)ALLOC_BYTES(*lpdwSize); if (!mpCookieData.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } }
fResult = InternetGetCookieExA(mpUrl.psStr, mpCookieName.psStr, mpCookieData.psStr, &mpCookieData.dwSize, dwFlags, lpReserved);
*lpdwSize = mpCookieData.dwSize*sizeof(WCHAR); if (lpszCookieData) { if (mpCookieData.dwSize <= mpCookieData.dwAlloc) { MAYBE_COPY_ANSI(mpCookieData,lpszCookieData,*lpdwSize); } else { dwErr = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; fResult = FALSE; } }
cleanup: if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwErr); DEBUG_ERROR(INET, dwErr); } DEBUG_LEAVE_API(fResult); return fResult;
return FALSE; }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetCookieA( IN LPCSTR pchURL, IN LPCSTR pchCookieName OPTIONAL, IN LPSTR pchCookieData OPTIONAL, IN OUT LPDWORD pcchCookieData ) { // Because the value in pchCookieName had no effect on
//the previously exported API, Ex gets NULL to ensure
//the behavior doesn't change.
return InternetGetCookieEx( pchURL, NULL, pchCookieData, pcchCookieData, 0, NULL); }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetSetCookieW( LPCWSTR lpszUrl, LPCWSTR lpszCookieName, LPCWSTR lpszCookieData) { DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_INET, Bool, "InternetSetCookieW", "%wq, %#x, %#x", lpszUrl, lpszCookieName, lpszCookieData ));
DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fResult = FALSE; MEMORYPACKET mpUrl, mpCookieName, mpCookieData;
if (lpszUrl) { ALLOC_MB(lpszUrl,0,mpUrl); if (!mpUrl.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszUrl,mpUrl); } if (lpszCookieName) { ALLOC_MB(lpszCookieName,0,mpCookieName); if (!mpCookieName.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszCookieName,mpCookieName); } if (lpszCookieData) { ALLOC_MB(lpszCookieData,0,mpCookieData); if (!mpCookieData.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszCookieData,mpCookieData); }
fResult = InternetSetCookieA(mpUrl.psStr, mpCookieName.psStr, mpCookieData.psStr);
cleanup: if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwErr); DEBUG_ERROR(INET, dwErr); } DEBUG_LEAVE_API(fResult); return fResult; }
BOOL InternalInternetSetCookie( LPCSTR pchURL, LPCSTR pchCookieName, LPCSTR pchCookieData, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpReserved ) { DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_INET, Bool, "InternetSetCookieA", "%q, %#x, %#x", pchURL, pchCookieName, pchCookieData ));
char * pch = NULL; char * pchStart = NULL;
int cch; int cchT; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fResult = FALSE;
if (!pchURL || !pchCookieData || (fPolicy && fDecision)) { fResult = FALSE; dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; }
if (!GlobalDataInitialized) { dwErr = GlobalDataInitialize(); if (dwErr!= ERROR_SUCCESS) { fResult = FALSE; goto done; } }
pch = (char *) ALLOCATE_FIXED_MEMORY(CCH_COOKIE_MAX); if (pch == NULL) { fResult = FALSE; dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } pchStart = pch;
/* The reserved parameter is used for passing in P3P header or decision */ if (fPolicy) {
CS.pszP3PHeader = (char*) lpReserved;
EvaluateCookiePolicy(pchURL, dwFlags & INTERNET_COOKIE_THIRD_PARTY, dwFlags & INTERNET_FLAG_RESTRICTED_ZONE, &CS); } else if (fDecision) {
CookieDecision *pDecision = (CookieDecision*) lpReserved;
CS.fEvaluated = TRUE; CS.dwPolicyState = pDecision->dwCookieState; CS.fIncSession = ! pDecision->fAllowSession; CS.dwEvalMode = GetCookieMainSwitch(pchURL); }
cch = CCH_COOKIE_MAX - 2; // one for null terminator, one for "="
if (pchCookieName) { cchT = strlen(pchCookieName); if (cchT > cch) cchT = cch; memcpy(pch, pchCookieName, cchT);
pch += cchT; cch -= cchT;
memcpy(pch, "=", 1); pch += 1; cch -= 1; }
// Ensure null termination upon overflow.
if (cch <= 0) cch = 1;
// Append the cookie data.
lstrcpyn (pch, pchCookieData, cch);
// All IE6 cookies are marked with this flag to distinguish
// from legacy cookies inherited from past versions.
if (fPolicy || fDecision) dwFlags |= INTERNET_COOKIE_IE6;
DWORD dwAction = 0;
if(s_pJar->SetCookie(NULL, pchURL, pchStart, dwFlags, (fPolicy||fDecision) ? &CS : NULL, &dwAction) == COOKIE_FAIL) { if( dwAction == COOKIE_STATE_REJECT) fResult = COOKIE_STATE_REJECT; else fResult = FALSE; } else { /* Return the action taken (accept, downgrade, etc.) */ fResult = dwAction; }
done: if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwErr); DEBUG_ERROR(INET, dwErr); }
if (pchStart) FREE_MEMORY(pchStart);
DEBUG_LEAVE_API(fResult); return fResult; }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetSetCookieA( LPCSTR pchURL, LPCSTR pchCookieName, LPCSTR pchCookieData ) { DWORD dwResult = InternalInternetSetCookie( pchURL, pchCookieName, pchCookieData, 0, NULL);
// For IE6 InternalInternetSetCookie returns the action taken.
// When the API fails or cookie is rejected, that would be REJECT which is a positive value.
// Convert this to FALSE to retain semantics compatible with IE5.5
return (dwResult==COOKIE_STATE_REJECT) ? FALSE : dwResult; }
BOOL seekPolicyRef(const char *pszP3PHeader, char **pszPolicyRef, LPDWORD pdwLength) {
static const char gszPolicyRefField[] = "policyref";
*pszPolicyRef = FindNamedValue((char*)pszP3PHeader, gszPolicyRefField, pdwLength);
return (*pszPolicyRef != NULL); }
DWORD extractP3PHeader(HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pRequest, char *pszHeader, DWORD *pdwHeaderSize) { const char gszPolicyHeaderName[] = "P3P"; const int gszHeaderSize = sizeof(gszPolicyHeaderName)-1;
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
return pRequest->QueryResponseHeader((LPSTR) gszPolicyHeaderName, gszHeaderSize, pszHeader, pdwHeaderSize, 0, &dwIndex); }
DWORD getImpliedCookieFlags(P3PCookieState *pState) {
if (!pState) return 0;
DWORD dwImpliedFlags = 0;
// "leash" means that the cookie will only be used in 1st party context
if (pState->dwPolicyState==COOKIE_STATE_LEASH) dwImpliedFlags |= INTERNET_COOKIE_IS_RESTRICTED;
// "downgrade" option forces cookies to session
if (pState->dwPolicyState==COOKIE_STATE_DOWNGRADE) dwImpliedFlags |= INTERNET_COOKIE_IS_SESSION;
return dwImpliedFlags; }
BOOL EvaluateCookiePolicy(const char *pszURL, BOOL f3rdParty, BOOL fRestricted, P3PCookieState *pState, const char *pszHostName) {
// If hostname is not given, it will be derived from the URL
if (!pszHostName) {
memset(&uc, 0, sizeof(uc)); uc.dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS); uc.lpszHostName = achHostName; uc.dwHostNameLength = sizeof(achHostName);
InternetCrackUrl(pszURL, 0, 0, &uc); pszHostName = achHostName; }
/* For compatibility purposes--
If registry settings are not available default behavior is: ACCEPT all cookies without restrictions */ pState->dwPolicyState = COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT; pState->fValidPolicy = FALSE; pState->fEvaluated = FALSE; pState->fIncSession = TRUE; pState->dwEvalMode = URLPOLICY_QUERY;
DWORD dwMainSwitch = fRestricted ? GetCookieMainSwitch(URLZONE_UNTRUSTED) : GetCookieMainSwitch(pszURL);
if (dwMainSwitch!=URLPOLICY_QUERY) { pState->dwEvalMode = dwMainSwitch; pState->dwPolicyState = (dwMainSwitch==URLPOLICY_ALLOW) ? COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT : COOKIE_STATE_REJECT; return TRUE; }
/* Check prompt history for past decisions made by the user about this website. */ if (cookieUIhistory.lookupDecision(pszHostName, NULL, & pState->dwPolicyState)) { pState->fValidPolicy = FALSE; } else { CCookieSettings *pSettings = NULL; CCookieSettings::GetSettings(&pSettings, pszURL, f3rdParty, fRestricted);
if (pSettings) { pSettings->EvaluatePolicy(pState); pSettings->Release(); } }
return TRUE; }
DWORD cacheFlagFromAction(DWORD dwAction) {
switch (dwAction) {
char *pchP3PHeader = (char *) ALLOCATE_ZERO_MEMORY(CCH_COOKIE_MAX); char *pchHeader = (char *) ALLOCATE_ZERO_MEMORY(CCH_COOKIE_MAX); if (pchP3PHeader == NULL || pchHeader == NULL) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == extractP3PHeader(this, pchP3PHeader, &cbPolicy)) { CS.pszP3PHeader = pchP3PHeader; InternetIndicateStatus(INTERNET_STATUS_P3P_HEADER, (LPBYTE) CS.pszP3PHeader, cbPolicy+1); } else CS.pszP3PHeader = NULL;
if (!IsResponseHeaderPresent(HTTP_QUERY_SET_COOKIE)) { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto CheckForPolicyRef; }
EvaluateCookiePolicy(GetURL(), Is3rdPartyCookies(), fRestricted, &CS, GetHostName());
/* NULL index pointer indicates that only P3P policy is evaluated,
cookies are not processed */ if (!lpdwHeaderIndex) goto SendNotification;
DWORD iQuery = *lpdwHeaderIndex; DWORD cbHeader = CCH_COOKIE_MAX - 1;
int cPersistent = 0; /* # of persistent cookies */ int cSession = 0; /* # of session cookies */
/* Array for storing # of cookies subject to each action */ int cCount[COOKIE_STATE_MAX+1] = { 0 };
while ( QueryResponseHeader( HTTP_QUERY_SET_COOKIE, pchHeader, &cbHeader, 0, &iQuery) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // All IE6 cookies are marked with this flag to distinguish
// from legacy cookies inherited from past versions.
if (_fBlockedOnPrompt) dwCookieFlags |= INTERNET_COOKIE_PROMPT_REQUIRED;
pchHeader[cbHeader] = 0;
DWORD dwAction; DWORD dwRet = s_pJar->SetCookie(this, GetURL(), pchHeader, dwCookieFlags, &CS, &dwAction);
/* The cookie flags are passed by reference to the SetCookie() function.
Upon return the requested flags will have been merged with flags from parsing */ BOOL fSession = (dwCookieFlags & COOKIE_SESSION); fSession ? cSession++ : cPersistent++;
if (dwRet == COOKIE_SUCCESS) { *lpdwHeaderIndex = iQuery; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; cCount[dwAction]++; AddCacheEntryType(cacheFlagFromAction(dwAction)); } else if (dwRet == COOKIE_PENDING) { error = ERROR_IO_PENDING;
INET_ASSERT(iQuery != 0); *lpdwHeaderIndex = iQuery - 1; // back up and retry this cookie
_fBlockedOnPrompt = TRUE; break; } else if (dwRet == COOKIE_FAIL) { /* Only consider cookies blocked because of privacy reasons.
Other reasons for rejecting the cookie (syntax errors, incorrect domain/path etc.) are not reported */ if (dwAction==COOKIE_STATE_REJECT) { cCount[dwAction]++; AddCacheEntryType(COOKIE_REJECTED_CACHE_ENTRY); } }
cbHeader = CCH_COOKIE_MAX - 1; _fBlockedOnPrompt = FALSE; }
SendNotification: // Postpone notifications if user has not answered the prompt yet
if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) goto Cleanup; else { IncomingCookieState recvState = {0};
recvState.cPersistent = cPersistent; recvState.cSession = cSession;
recvState.cAccepted = cCount[COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT]; recvState.cLeashed = cCount[COOKIE_STATE_LEASH]; recvState.cDowngraded = cCount[COOKIE_STATE_DOWNGRADE]; recvState.cBlocked = cCount[COOKIE_STATE_REJECT];
// performance optimization-- same URL as the request
recvState.pszLocation = NULL;
// Send notification about P3P state
InternetIndicateStatus(INTERNET_STATUS_COOKIE_RECEIVED, (LPBYTE) & recvState, sizeof(recvState)); }
CheckForPolicyRef: /* If P3P header contains URL of the policy-ref, this information
must be communicated to WININET clients */ char *pszPolicyRef = NULL; unsigned long dwLength = 0;
if (CS.pszP3PHeader && seekPolicyRef(CS.pszP3PHeader, &pszPolicyRef, &dwLength)) { pszPolicyRef[dwLength] = '\0'; // create nil-terminated string containing policy-ref URL
InternetIndicateStatus(INTERNET_STATUS_P3P_POLICYREF, (LPBYTE) pszPolicyRef, dwLength+1); }
Cleanup: if (pchHeader) FREE_MEMORY(pchHeader);
if (pchP3PHeader) FREE_MEMORY(pchP3PHeader);
return error; }
INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) InternetSetCookieExW( LPCWSTR lpszUrl, LPCWSTR lpszCookieName, LPCWSTR lpszCookieData, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwReserved ) { DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_INET, Bool, "InternetSetCookieExW", "%wq, %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x", lpszUrl, lpszCookieName, lpszCookieData, dwFlags, dwReserved ));
DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwResult = FALSE; MEMORYPACKET mpUrl, mpCookieName, mpCookieData, mpP3PHeader; void *lpReserved = (void*) dwReserved;
if (lpszUrl) { ALLOC_MB(lpszUrl,0,mpUrl); if (!mpUrl.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszUrl,mpUrl); } if (lpszCookieName) { ALLOC_MB(lpszCookieName,0,mpCookieName); if (!mpCookieName.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszCookieName,mpCookieName); } if (lpszCookieData) { ALLOC_MB(lpszCookieData,0,mpCookieData); if (!mpCookieData.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszCookieData,mpCookieData); }
/* Reserved parameter is used for passing in the P3P header */ if (dwReserved && (dwFlags & INTERNET_COOKIE_EVALUATE_P3P)) { LPWSTR pwszP3PHeader = (LPWSTR) dwReserved;
ALLOC_MB(pwszP3PHeader, 0, mpP3PHeader); if (!mpP3PHeader.psStr) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(pwszP3PHeader, mpP3PHeader);
lpReserved = mpP3PHeader.psStr; }
dwResult = InternalInternetSetCookie(mpUrl.psStr, mpCookieName.psStr, mpCookieData.psStr, dwFlags, lpReserved);
cleanup: if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwErr); DEBUG_ERROR(INET, dwErr); } DEBUG_LEAVE_API(dwResult); return dwResult; }
INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) InternetSetCookieExA( LPCSTR lpszUrl, LPCSTR lpszCookieName, LPCSTR lpszCookieData, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwReserved ) { DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_INET, Bool, "InternetSetCookieExA", "%wq, %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x", lpszUrl, lpszCookieName, lpszCookieData, dwFlags, dwReserved ));
DWORD dwResult = InternalInternetSetCookie(lpszUrl, lpszCookieName, lpszCookieData, dwFlags, (void*) dwReserved);
DEBUG_LEAVE_API(dwResult); return dwResult; }
DWORD HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::CreateCookieHeaderIfNeeded(int *pcCookie) { char * pchRDomain = NULL; char * pchPath = NULL; DWORD cch; int cchName; int cchValue; FILETIME ftCurrent, ftExpire; BOOL fSecure; CCookieLocation *pLocation; CCookie *pCookie; DWORD dwError = 0;
DWORD dwMainSwitch = GetCookieMainSwitch(GetSecurityZone());
BOOL fNoReplay = (dwMainSwitch==URLPOLICY_DISALLOW); BOOL fReplayAll = (dwMainSwitch==URLPOLICY_ALLOW);
BOOL f3rdPartyRequest = Is3rdPartyCookies();
int cCookie = 0; // # of cookies added
int cSuppressed = 0; // # of cookies suppressed
char * pchHeader = (char *) ALLOCATE_FIXED_MEMORY(CCH_COOKIE_MAX); if (pchHeader == NULL) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } char *pchHeaderStart = pchHeader;
// remove cookie header if it exists
// BUGBUG - we are overriding the app. Original cookie code has this. Don't know why.
ReplaceRequestHeader(HTTP_QUERY_COOKIE, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
memset(&ftExpire, 0, sizeof(FILETIME));
if (!PathAndRDomainFromURL(GetURL(), &pchRDomain, &pchPath, &fSecure, FALSE)) goto Cleanup;
fSecure = GetOpenFlags() & INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE; GetCurrentGmtTime(&ftCurrent);
{ CCookieCriticalSection cs;
if (!s_pJar->SyncWithCacheIfNeeded()) goto Cleanup;
for (pLocation = *s_pJar->GetBucket(pchRDomain); pLocation; pLocation = pLocation->_pLocationNext) { if (pLocation->IsMatch(pchRDomain, pchPath)) { pLocation->ReadCacheFileIfNeeded();
for (pCookie = pLocation->_pCookieKids; pCookie; pCookie = pCookie->_pCookieNext) { if (IsLegacyCookie(pCookie)) convertLegacyCookie(pCookie, pLocation);
if (pCookie->CanSend(&ftCurrent, fSecure)) { pchHeader = pchHeaderStart; cch = 0; cch += cchName = strlen(pCookie->_pchName); cch += cchValue = strlen(pCookie->_pchValue); if (cchName) cch += 1; // for equal sign
if (cch < CCH_COOKIE_MAX) { if (cchName > 0) { memcpy(pchHeader, pCookie->_pchName, cchName); pchHeader += cchName;
*pchHeader++ = '='; }
if (cchValue > 0) { memcpy(pchHeader, pCookie->_pchValue, cchValue); pchHeader += cchValue; }
/* IF the cookie is marked 1st party only,
OR cookie feature is not enabled for this zone, suppress the cookie */ if (fNoReplay || (!fReplayAll && f3rdPartyRequest && pCookie->IsRestricted())) { cSuppressed++; continue; }
cCookie += 1;
AddRequestHeader(HTTP_QUERY_COOKIE, pchHeaderStart, cch, 0, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_COALESCE_WITH_SEMICOLON); } } // if CanSend
} // for pCookie
} // if IsMatch
} // for
UnlockHeaders(); }
// Send notification about sent/suppressed in this request
if (cCookie || cSuppressed) { OutgoingCookieState sendState = { cCookie, cSuppressed };
InternetIndicateStatus(INTERNET_STATUS_COOKIE_SENT, (LPBYTE) &sendState, sizeof(sendState)); }
if (pchHeaderStart) FREE_MEMORY(pchHeaderStart); if (pchRDomain) FREE_MEMORY(pchRDomain); if (pchPath) FREE_MEMORY(pchPath);
if(pcCookie) { *pcCookie = cCookie; }
return dwError; }
// IsDomainLegalCookieDomain - exported in wininet.w for private use..
// example: ( "yahoo.com", "www.yahoo.com") -> TRUE
// ( "com", "www.yahoo.com") -> FALSE
// ( "0.255.192", "") -> FALSE
// ( "", "") -> TRUE
BOOLAPI IsDomainLegalCookieDomainA( IN LPCSTR pchDomain, IN LPCSTR pchFullDomain) { BOOL returnValue = FALSE; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
LPSTR pchReversedDomain = NULL; LPSTR pchReversedFullDomain = NULL; long iDomainSize, iFullDomainSize;
if(!pchDomain || IsBadStringPtr( pchDomain, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto doneIsDomainLegalCookieDomainA; }
if(!pchFullDomain || IsBadStringPtr( pchFullDomain, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto doneIsDomainLegalCookieDomainA; }
iDomainSize = strlen( pchDomain) + 1; iFullDomainSize = strlen( pchFullDomain) + 1;
pchReversedDomain = new char[ iDomainSize]; pchReversedFullDomain = new char[ iFullDomainSize];
if( pchReversedDomain == NULL || pchReversedFullDomain == NULL) goto doneIsDomainLegalCookieDomainA;
memcpy( pchReversedDomain, pchDomain, iDomainSize); memcpy( pchReversedFullDomain, pchFullDomain, iFullDomainSize); ReverseString( pchReversedDomain); ReverseString( pchReversedFullDomain);
returnValue = IsDomainLegal( pchReversedDomain, pchReversedFullDomain);
doneIsDomainLegalCookieDomainA: if( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError( dwError);
if( pchReversedDomain != NULL) delete [] pchReversedDomain;
if( pchReversedFullDomain != NULL) delete [] pchReversedFullDomain;
return returnValue; }
BOOLAPI IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW( IN LPCWSTR pwchDomain, IN LPCWSTR pwchFullDomain) { MEMORYPACKET mpDomain; ALLOC_MB(pwchDomain,0,mpDomain); if (!mpDomain.psStr) { return FALSE; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(pwchDomain, mpDomain);
MEMORYPACKET mpFullDomain; ALLOC_MB(pwchFullDomain,0,mpFullDomain); if (!mpFullDomain.psStr) { return FALSE; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(pwchFullDomain, mpFullDomain);
return IsDomainLegalCookieDomainA( mpDomain.psStr, mpFullDomain.psStr); }