// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
// File: otrack.cxx
// Contents: Object tracking system
// Classes: ObjectTracker
// History: 06-Apr-92 MikeSe Created
// 30-Sep-93 KyleP DEVL obsolete
// 15-Jul-94 DonCl grabbed from common put in forms.
// absolutely minimal changes to
// get it working.
#include "dswarn.h"
#include <ADs.hxx>
#include "symtrans.h"
#include "otrackp.hxx"
// This is all unused in the retail build
#if DBG == 1
// this is a dummy item used as the head of the doubly-linked list
// of TrackLinks, and a mutex to protect it
static TrackLink tlHead = { &tlHead, &tlHead };
// this is a dummy item used as the head of the doubly-linked list
// of NameEntrys
static NameEntry neHead = { &neHead, &neHead };
static char * apszTypes[] = {"Create", "AddRef", "Release"};
// initialize class static data
int ObjectTracker::_TrackAll = GetProfileIntW(L"Object Track",L"DEFAULT",1);
// standard debugging stuff
extern void RecordAction ( TrackLink *tl, FrameType ft, ULONG cRefCount ); extern void _cdecl EstablishHistory ( FrameRecord * fr, int nSkip ); extern void DumpHistory ( unsigned long fDebugMask, TrackLink *tl );
// Member: ObjectTracker::ObjectTracker, protected
// Synopsis: Contructor
// Effects: Allocates TrackLink structure and initialises it.
// Arguments: None
// History: 6-Apr-92 MikeSe Created
// Notes:
EXPORTIMP ObjectTracker::ObjectTracker () :_ulRefs(1) { // Allocate the structure which maintains the tracking history.
// We also make space for the first FrameRecord.
HRESULT hr = MemAlloc ( sizeof(TrackLink) + sizeof(FrameRecord), (void**)&_tl); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { OtDebugOut ((DEB_OT_ERRORS, "Unable to establish tracking for %lx\n", this )); } else { _tl->potr = this; _tl->ulSig = TRACK_LINK_SIGNATURE; _tl->pszName = NULL;
FrameRecord * fr = (FrameRecord*) ( _tl + 1 ); if ( OtInfoLevel & DEB_OT_CALLERS ) { EstablishHistory ( fr, 1 ); } fr->ft = FT_CREATE; fr->cRefCount = 1; fr->frNext = NULL; _tl->frFirst = _tl->frLast = fr;
// insert at end of list, with concurrency control
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOT); TrackLink * tll = tlHead.tlPrev; tll->tlNext = tlHead.tlPrev = _tl; _tl->tlNext = &tlHead; _tl->tlPrev = tll; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOT);
OtDebugOut ((DEB_OT_ACTIONS, "New object at %lx\n", this )); } }
// Member: ObjectTracker::TrackClassName, protected
// Synopsis: Records class name for tracked object
// Arguments: [pszName] -- class name
// History: 6-Apr-92 MikeSe Created
// Notes:
EXPORTIMP void ObjectTracker::TrackClassName ( char * pszName ) { if ( _tl != NULL ) { OtAssert (( _tl->ulSig == TRACK_LINK_SIGNATURE ));
// Copy the class name so we don't lose it if the class DLL is
// unloaded.
ULONG cBytes = strlen ( pszName ) + 1; HRESULT hr = MemAlloc ( cBytes, (void**)&(_tl->pszName) ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { memcpy ( _tl->pszName, pszName, cBytes ); } else { OtDebugOut((DEB_OT_ERRORS,"Memory allocation failure %lx\n",hr)); _tl->pszName = "Name lost"; }
_tl->fTrack = IsClassTracking(pszName); } }
// Member: ObjectTracker::StdAddRef, public
// Synopsis: Standard implementation of AddRef for tracked objects
// Effects: Increments ref count, records history
// Returns: S_OK
// Modifies: _ulRefs
// Derivation: Never
// History: 31-Jul-92 MikeSe Created
// Notes:
EXPORTIMP ULONG ObjectTracker::StdAddRef() { InterlockedIncrement ( (LONG*)&_ulRefs );
if (_tl->fTrack) { OtDebugOut ((DEB_OT_ACTIONS, "AddRef [%d] of object at %lx (%s)\n", _ulRefs, this, _tl->pszName ));
RecordAction ( _tl, FT_ADDREF, _ulRefs ); }
return _ulRefs; }
// Member: ObjectTracker::StdRelease, public
// Synopsis: Helper function for standard implementation of Release()
// Effects: Decrements ref count, records history
// Returns: SUCCESS_NO_MORE iff ref count reached zero.
// Otherwise S_OK or an error.
// History: 31-Jul-92 MikeSe Created
// Notes:
EXPORTIMP ULONG ObjectTracker::StdRelease () { LONG lResult = InterlockedDecrement((LONG*)&_ulRefs);
if (_tl->fTrack) { OtDebugOut ((DEB_OT_ACTIONS, "Release [%d] of object at %lx (%s)\n", _ulRefs, this, _tl->pszName ));
RecordAction ( _tl, FT_RELEASE, _ulRefs ); }
return (lResult==0)?0:_ulRefs; }
// Member: ObjectTracker::~ObjectTracker, protected
// Synopsis: Destructor
// Effects: Remove this item, along with all history, from the
// tracking list
// History: 6-Apr-92 MikeSe Created
// Notes:
EXPORTIMP ObjectTracker::~ObjectTracker() { if ( _tl != NULL ) { OtDebugOut ((DEB_OT_ACTIONS, "Delete of object at %lx [%s]\n", this, _tl->pszName )); OtAssert (( _tl->ulSig == TRACK_LINK_SIGNATURE )); // OtAssert ( _ulRefs == 0 );
// unlink, with concurrency control
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOT); TrackLink * tlp = _tl->tlPrev; TrackLink * tln = _tl->tlNext; tln->tlPrev = tlp; tlp->tlNext = tln; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOT);
if ((_tl->fTrack) && (OtInfoLevel & DEB_OT_DELETE)) { DumpHistory ( DEB_OT_DELETE, _tl ); } if (_tl->pszName) { MemFree(_tl->pszName); } MemFree ( _tl ); } }
// Member: ObjectTracker::DumpTrackingInfo, public
// Synopsis: Dumps out the tracking list
// History: 6-Apr-92 MikeSe Created
// Notes:
EXPORTIMP void ObjectTracker::DumpTrackingInfo ( int fDeleteNode) { TrackLink * tl = tlHead.tlNext; BOOL fHeader = FALSE;
while ( tl != &tlHead ) { // This is an unreleased item. Print out the history info
if ( !fHeader ) { OtDebugOut((DEB_OT_OBJECTS, "****************************\n")); OtDebugOut((DEB_OT_OBJECTS, "* Unreleased objects found *\n")); OtDebugOut((DEB_OT_OBJECTS, "****************************\n")); fHeader = TRUE; }
OtDebugOut ((DEB_OT_OBJECTS, "Object at %lx (%s)\n", tl->potr, tl->pszName )); OtDebugOut ((DEB_OT_OBJECTS, " Reference count = %d\n", tl->potr->GetRefCount() )); DumpHistory ( DEB_OT_CALLERS, tl );
if (fDeleteNode) { // unlink, with concurrency control
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOT); tl->potr->_tl = NULL; TrackLink * tlp = tl->tlPrev; TrackLink * tln = tl->tlNext; tln->tlPrev = tlp; tlp->tlNext = tln; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOT); MemFree ( tl ); tl = tln; } else { tl = tl->tlNext; } }
// delete all the name entries
if (fDeleteNode) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOT);
// find the entry if there is one
NameEntry *ne = neHead.neNext; while (ne != &neHead) { // unlink, with concurrency control
NameEntry * nep = ne->nePrev; NameEntry * nen = ne->neNext; nen->nePrev = nep; nep->neNext = nen; MemFree ( ne ); ne = nen; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOT); } }
// Member: TrackClass
// Synopsis: Tells the object tracker to start/stop tracking the specified
// class of objects.
// Arguments: [fTrack -- debug mask controlling the output
// [pszName] -- TrackLink record
// History: 14-Apr-93 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
EXPORTIMP void ObjectTracker::TrackClass(int fTrack, char * pszClassName) { if (pszClassName == NULL) { // set default for ALL classes
_TrackAll = fTrack; return; }
// find the entry if there is one
NameEntry *ne = neHead.neNext;
while (ne != &neHead) { if (!strcmp(ne->pszName, pszClassName)) { // found our entry, update the flag
ne->fTrack = fTrack; return; }
ne = ne->neNext; }
// its not in the list
HRESULT hr = MemAlloc( sizeof(NameEntry), (void **)&ne); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { OtDebugOut((DEB_OT_ERRORS, "Unable to record class for tracking %s\n", pszClassName)); } else { ne->pszName = pszClassName; ne->fTrack = fTrack;
// insert at end of list, with concurrency control
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOT); NameEntry *neH = neHead.nePrev; neH->neNext = neHead.nePrev = ne; ne->neNext = &neHead; ne->nePrev = ne; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOT); } }
// Member: IhrlassTracking, private
// Synopsis: returns TRUE if the object is currently tracked
// Arguments: [pszClassName] -- class name
// History: 14-Apr-93 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
EXPORTIMP int ObjectTracker::IsClassTracking(char * pszClassName) { // find the entry if there is one
NameEntry *ne = neHead.neNext; while (ne != &neHead) { if (!strcmp(ne->pszName, pszClassName)) { return ne->fTrack; } ne = ne->neNext; }
return GetProfileIntA("Object Track",pszClassName,_TrackAll); }
// Function: DumpHistory
// Synopsis: Dumps the call history represented by a particular TrackLink
// Arguments: [fDebugMask] -- debug mask controlling the output
// [tl] -- TrackLink record
// History: 28-Jul-92 MikeSe Created
// Notes:
void DumpHistory ( unsigned long fDebugMask, TrackLink * tl ) { // we can't call TranslateAddress without access to NT header files
#ifndef MSVC
#ifndef WIN95
// Only do all of this work if it will output anything!
if (OtInfoLevel & fDebugMask) { OtDebugOut ((fDebugMask, " Call history follows:\n" )); FrameRecord * fr = tl->frFirst; while ( fr != NULL ) { char achBuffer[MAX_TRANSLATED_LEN];
OtDebugOut ((fDebugMask, "\t%s [%d]\n", apszTypes[fr->ft], fr->cRefCount ));
for ( int I=0; (I < MAX_CALLERS) && (fr->callers[I]); I++ ) { TranslateAddress ( fr->callers[I], achBuffer ); OtDebugOut ((fDebugMask, "\t %s\n", achBuffer)); }
fr = fr->frNext; } } #endif
// Function: RecordAction
// Synopsis: Record an AddRef/Release
// Effects: Allocates and fills in a new frame record
// Arguments: [tl] -- TrackLink for object being tracked
// [ft] -- Frame type (FT_ADDREF, FT_RELEASE)
// [cRefCount] -- current ref count
// History: 6-Apr-92 MikeSe Created
// Notes:
void RecordAction ( TrackLink * tl, FrameType ft, ULONG cRefCount ) { // Record the activity only if DEB_OT_CALLERS is set
if ( tl != NULL && (OtInfoLevel & DEB_OT_CALLERS)) { OtAssert(tl->ulSig == TRACK_LINK_SIGNATURE ); FrameRecord * fr; HRESULT hr;
hr = MemAlloc(sizeof(FrameRecord), (void **)&fr);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { OtDebugOut((DEB_OT_ERRORS, "Unable to record history for %lx\n", tl->potr)); } else { // Save call history
EstablishHistory ( fr, 2 ); fr->ft = ft; fr->cRefCount = cRefCount; fr->frNext = NULL;
// Add to list, with concurrency control
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csOT); FrameRecord * frl = tl->frLast; frl->frNext = tl->frLast = fr; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csOT); } } }
// Function: EstablishHistory
// Synopsis: Records calling history for an operation
// Effects: Walks back through call frames recording caller addresses.
// Arguments: [fr] -- FrameRecord in which to save history
// [nFramesSkip] -- number of frames to skip before
// recording.
// History: 6-Apr-92 MikeSe Created [from PaulC's imalloc code]
// 19-Apr-94 MikeSe Converted to use RtlCaptureStackBacktrace
// Notes:
void _cdecl EstablishHistory ( FrameRecord * fr, int nFramesSkip ) {
#if (defined(i386) && !defined(WIN95))
memset ( fr->callers, 0, MAX_CALLERS * sizeof(void*) );
ULONG ulHash; RtlCaptureStackBackTrace ( nFramesSkip, MAX_CALLERS, fr->callers, &ulHash ); #endif // i386
#endif // DBG == 1