Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// cnfgprts.h : main header file for CNFGPRTS.DLL
#if !defined( __AFXCTL_H__ )
#error include 'afxctl.h' before including this file
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "helpmap.h" // main symbols
#define REGKEY_STP _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\INetStp")
#define REGKEY_INSTALLKEY _T("InstallPath")
// CCnfgprtsApp : See cnfgprts.cpp for implementation.
class CCnfgprtsApp : public COleControlModule { public: BOOL InitInstance(); int ExitInstance(); };
extern const GUID CDECL _tlid; extern const WORD _wVerMajor; extern const WORD _wVerMinor;