// Include Files
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "iisdebug.h"
#include "strfn.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
BOOL IsUNCName( IN const CString & strDirPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if the given string path is a UNC path.
const CString & strDirPath : Directory path string
Return Value:
TRUE if the path is a UNC path, FALSE otherwise.
Any string of the form \\foo\bar\whatever is considered a UNC path, with the exception of \\.\device paths. No validation for the existance occurs, only for the correct format.
--*/ { if (strDirPath.GetLength() >= 5) // It must be at least as long as \\x\y,
{ //
LPCTSTR lp = strDirPath; //
if (*lp == _T('\\') // It must begin with \\,
&& *(lp + 1) == _T('\\') //
&& *(lp + 2) != _T('.') // This is a device.
&& _tcschr(lp + 3, _T('\\')) // And have at least one more \ after that
) { //
// Yes, it's a UNC path
return TRUE; } }
// No, it's not
return FALSE; }
BOOL _EXPORT GetSpecialPathRealPath( IN const CString & strDirPath, OUT CString & strDestination ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; LPCTSTR lpszSpecialStuff = _T("\\\\?\\"); LPCTSTR lpszUNCDevice = _T("UNC\\");
// Default it with something
strDestination = strDirPath;
// Check for the "special stuff"
BOOL bIsSpecialPath = (0 == _tcsnccmp(strDirPath, lpszSpecialStuff, lstrlen(lpszSpecialStuff))); // check if we need to verifiy that it is indeeded a valid devicepath
if (bIsSpecialPath) { CString strTempPath;
// verify that this is indeed a valid special path
// grab everyting after the part we're interested in...
// and check if that is a fully qualified path
// or a fully qualified UNC path.
// 1) \\?\c:\temp\testind.dll
// 2) \\?\UNC\MyUnc\testing.dll
// check for #1
strTempPath = strDirPath.Right(strDirPath.GetLength() - lstrlen(lpszSpecialStuff));
// check if it starts with UNC
if (0 == _tcsnccmp(strTempPath, lpszUNCDevice, lstrlen(lpszUNCDevice))) { CString strTempPath2; strTempPath2 = strTempPath.Right(strTempPath.GetLength() - lstrlen(lpszUNCDevice));
DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s,it's a UNC path!\r\n"),strTempPath2);
// Append on the extra ("\\\\") when returning the munged path
strDestination = _T("\\\\") + strTempPath2;
bReturn = TRUE; } else { // check if the path if fully qualified and
// if it's valid
if (!PathIsRelative(strTempPath)) { DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s,it's NOT a UNC path!\r\n"),strTempPath); strDestination = strTempPath; bReturn = TRUE; } } } return bReturn; }
BOOL _EXPORT IsSpecialPath( IN const CString & strDirPath, IN BOOL bCheckIfValid ) /*++
Routine Description: Determine if the given path is of the form: 1) \\?\c:\temp\testind.dll 2) \\?\UNC\MyUnc\testing.dll Arguments: const CString & strDirPath : Directory path string BOOL bCheckIfValid : to say "return true only if it's a "special path" and if it's valid"
Return Value: TRUE if the path given is a special path, FALSE if it is not.
if bCheckIfValid = TRUE then: TRUE if the path given is a special path and it's valid FALSE if it is not.
--*/ { BOOL bIsSpecialPath = FALSE; LPCTSTR lpszSpecialStuff = _T("\\\\?\\"); LPCTSTR lpszUNCDevice = _T("UNC\\");
// Check for the "special stuff"
bIsSpecialPath = (0 == _tcsnccmp(strDirPath, lpszSpecialStuff, lstrlen(lpszSpecialStuff)));
// check if we need to verifiy that it is indeeded a valid devicepath
if (bIsSpecialPath && bCheckIfValid) { bIsSpecialPath = FALSE; CString strTempPath;
// verify that this is indeed a valid special path
// grab everyting after the part we're interested in...
// and check if that is a fully qualified path
// or a fully qualified UNC path.
// 1) \\?\c:\temp\testind.dll
// 2) \\?\UNC\MyUnc\testing.dll
// check for #1
strTempPath = strDirPath.Right(strDirPath.GetLength() - lstrlen(lpszSpecialStuff)); // check if it starts with UNC
if (0 == _tcsnccmp(strTempPath, lpszUNCDevice, lstrlen(lpszUNCDevice))) { bIsSpecialPath = TRUE; DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s,it's a UNC path!\r\n"),strTempPath); } else { // check if the path if fully qualified and
// if it's valid
if (!PathIsRelative(strTempPath)) { bIsSpecialPath = TRUE; DebugTrace(_T("SpecialPath:%s,it's NOT a UNC path!\r\n"),strTempPath); } } } return bIsSpecialPath; }
BOOL _EXPORT IsDevicePath( IN const CString & strDirPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if the given path is of the form "\\.\foobar"
const CString & strDirPath : Directory path string
Return Value:
TRUE if the path given is a device path, FALSE if it is not.
--*/ { LPCTSTR lpszDevice = _T("\\\\.\\"); return (0 == _tcsnccmp(strDirPath, lpszDevice, lstrlen(lpszDevice))); }
BOOL PathIsValid(LPCTSTR path) { LPCTSTR p = path; BOOL rc = TRUE; if (p == NULL || *p == 0) return FALSE; while (*p != 0) { switch (*p) { case TEXT('|'): case TEXT('>'): case TEXT('<'): case TEXT('/'): case TEXT('?'): case TEXT('*'): // case TEXT(';'):
// case TEXT(','):
case TEXT('"'): rc = FALSE; break; default: if (*p < TEXT(' ')) { rc = FALSE; } break; } if (!rc) { break; } p++; } return rc; }