Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
IIS Directory node Object
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm) Sergei Antonov (sergeia)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
10/28/2000 sergeia Split from iisobj.cpp
--*/ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "inetprop.h"
#include "InetMgrApp.h"
#include "supdlgs.h"
#include "connects.h"
#include "iisobj.h"
#include "ftpsht.h"
#include "w3sht.h"
#include "wdir.h"
#include "docum.h"
#include "wfile.h"
#include "wsecure.h"
#include "httppage.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "fltdlg.h"
#include "tracker.h"
#include <lm.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define new DEBUG_NEW
extern CPropertySheetTracker g_OpenPropertySheetTracker;
// CIISDirectory Implementation
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// Site Result View definition
/* static */ int CIISDirectory::_rgnLabels[COL_TOTAL] = { IDS_RESULT_NAME, IDS_RESULT_PATH, IDS_RESULT_STATUS, };
/* static */ int CIISDirectory::_rgnWidths[COL_TOTAL] = { 180, 200, 200, };
#if 0
/* static */ CComBSTR CIISDirectory::_bstrName; /* static */ CComBSTR CIISDirectory::_bstrPath; /* static */ BOOL CIISDirectory::_fStaticsLoaded = FALSE; #endif
CIISDirectory::CIISDirectory( IN CIISMachine * pOwner, IN CIISService * pService, IN LPCTSTR szNodeName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Constructor which does not resolve all display information at construction time.
CIISMachine * pOwner : Owner machine CIISService * pService : Service type LPCTSTR szNodeName : Node name
Return Value:
--*/ : CIISMBNode(pOwner, szNodeName), m_pService(pService), m_bstrDisplayName(szNodeName), m_fResolved(FALSE), //
// Default Data
m_fEnabledApplication(FALSE), m_dwWin32Error(ERROR_SUCCESS), m_dwEnumError(ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pService); m_pService->AddRef(); }
CIISDirectory::CIISDirectory( CIISMachine * pOwner, CIISService * pService, LPCTSTR szNodeName, BOOL fEnabledApplication, DWORD dwWin32Error, LPCTSTR strRedirPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Constructor that takes full information
CIISMachine * pOwner : Owner machine CIISService * pService : Service type LPCTSTR szNodeName : Node name
Return Value:
--*/ : CIISMBNode(pOwner, szNodeName), m_pService(pService), m_bstrDisplayName(szNodeName), m_fResolved(TRUE), //
// Data
m_fEnabledApplication(fEnabledApplication), m_dwWin32Error(dwWin32Error), m_dwEnumError(ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_strRedirectPath = strRedirPath; ASSERT_PTR(m_pService); m_pService->AddRef(); }
/* virtual */ CIISDirectory::~CIISDirectory() { m_pService->Release(); }
/* virtual */ HRESULT CIISDirectory::RefreshData() /*++
Refresh relevant configuration data required for display. --*/ { CError err;
CWaitCursor wait; CComBSTR bstrPath; CMetaKey * pKey = NULL;
do { err = BuildMetaPath(bstrPath); BREAK_ON_ERR_FAILURE(err)
BOOL fContinue = TRUE; while (fContinue) { fContinue = FALSE; pKey = new CMetaKey(QueryInterface(), bstrPath);
if (!pKey) { TRACEEOLID("RefreshData: OOM"); err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
err = pKey->QueryResult();
if (IsLostInterface(err)) { SAFE_DELETE(pKey); fContinue = OnLostInterface(err); } else { // reset error if an other error other than No interface
err.Reset(); } } BREAK_ON_ERR_FAILURE(err)
CChildNodeProps child(pKey, NULL /*bstrPath*/, WITH_INHERITANCE, FALSE); err = child.LoadData(); if (err.Failed()) { //
// Filter out the non-fatal errors
switch(err.Win32Error()) { case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: err.Reset(); break;
default: TRACEEOLID("Fatal error occurred " << err); } } m_dwWin32Error = child.QueryWin32Error(); m_fEnabledApplication = child.IsEnabledApplication(); if (!child.IsRedirected()) { CString dir; CString alias; if (GetPhysicalPath(bstrPath, alias, dir)) { m_bstrPath = dir; if (PathIsUNCServerShare(dir)) { if (FALSE == DoesUNCShareExist(dir)) { err = ERROR_BAD_NETPATH; break; } } else if (!PathIsDirectory(dir)) { err = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; break; } } m_strRedirectPath.Empty(); } else { m_strRedirectPath = child.GetRedirectedPath(); } } while(FALSE);
m_dwEnumError = err.Win32Error();
return err; }
/* virtual */ HRESULT CIISDirectory::EnumerateScopePane(HSCOPEITEM hParent) { CError err = EnumerateVDirs(hParent, m_pService); if (err.Succeeded() && IsWebDir() && m_strRedirectPath.IsEmpty()) { if (m_dwEnumError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { err = EnumerateWebDirs(hParent, m_pService); } } if (err.Failed()) { m_dwEnumError = err.Win32Error(); RefreshDisplay(); } return err; }
/* virtual */ int CIISDirectory::QueryImage() const /*++
Routine Description:
Return bitmap index for the site
Return Value:
Bitmap index
--*/ { ASSERT_PTR(m_pService); if (!m_fResolved) { if (m_hScopeItem == NULL) { return iError; } AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CIISDirectory * that = (CIISDirectory *)this; CError err = that->RefreshData(); that->m_fResolved = err.Succeeded(); } if (!m_pService) { return iError; }
if (IsEnabledApplication()) { return SUCCEEDED(m_dwWin32Error) ? iApplication : iApplicationErr; } else { return SUCCEEDED(m_dwWin32Error) ? m_pService->QueryVDirImage() : m_pService->QueryVDirImageErr(); } } void CIISDirectory::InitializeChildHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL lpHeader) { CIISDirectory::InitializeHeaders(lpHeader); }
/* static */ void CIISDirectory::InitializeHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL lpHeader) { CIISObject::BuildResultView(lpHeader, COL_TOTAL, _rgnLabels, _rgnWidths); }
/* virtual */ LPOLESTR CIISDirectory::GetResultPaneColInfo(int nCol) /*++
Routine Description:
Return result pane string for the given column number
int nCol : Column number
Return Value:
--*/ { switch(nCol) { case COL_ALIAS: return QueryDisplayName();
case COL_PATH: if (!m_strRedirectPath.IsEmpty()) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString buf; buf.Format(IDS_REDIRECT_FORMAT, m_strRedirectPath); _bstrRedirectPathBuf = buf; return _bstrRedirectPathBuf; } if (m_bstrPath.Length() == 0) { CComBSTR mp; BuildMetaPath(mp); CString name, pp; GetPhysicalPath(mp, name, pp); m_bstrPath = pp; } return m_bstrPath;
case COL_STATUS: { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CError err(m_dwWin32Error); if (err.Succeeded()) { return OLESTR(""); } _bstrResult = err; return _bstrResult; } } TRACEEOLID("CIISDirectory: Bad column number" << nCol); return OLESTR(""); }
/*virtual*/ HRESULT CIISDirectory::AddMenuItems( LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK piCallback, long * pInsertionAllowed, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ) { ASSERT_READ_PTR(piCallback); //
// Add base menu items
HRESULT hr = CIISObject::AddMenuItems( piCallback, pInsertionAllowed, type ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(pInsertionAllowed != NULL); if ((*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_NEW) != 0) { AddMenuSeparator(piCallback); if (IsFtpDir()) { AddMenuItemByCommand(piCallback, IDM_NEW_FTP_VDIR); if (IsConfigImportExportable()) { AddMenuItemByCommand(piCallback, IDM_NEW_FTP_VDIR_FROM_FILE); } } else if (IsWebDir()) { AddMenuItemByCommand(piCallback, IDM_NEW_WEB_VDIR); if (IsConfigImportExportable()) { AddMenuItemByCommand(piCallback, IDM_NEW_WEB_VDIR_FROM_FILE); } } }
if ((*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TASK) != 0) { AddMenuSeparator(piCallback); if (IsConfigImportExportable()) { AddMenuItemByCommand(piCallback, IDM_TASK_EXPORT_CONFIG_WIZARD); } } } return hr; }
HRESULT CIISDirectory::InsertNewAlias(CString alias) { CError err; if (!IsExpanded()) { SelectScopeItem(); IConsoleNameSpace2 * pConsoleNameSpace = (IConsoleNameSpace2 *)GetConsoleNameSpace(); pConsoleNameSpace->Expand(QueryScopeItem()); HSCOPEITEM hChildItem = NULL; LONG_PTR cookie; HRESULT hr = pConsoleNameSpace->GetChildItem(m_hScopeItem, &hChildItem, &cookie); while(SUCCEEDED(hr) && hChildItem) { CIISObject * pItem = (CIISObject *)cookie; ASSERT_PTR(pItem); if (0 == alias.Compare(pItem->QueryDisplayName())) { pItem->SelectScopeItem(); break; } hr = pConsoleNameSpace->GetNextItem(hChildItem, &hChildItem, &cookie); } } else { // Now we should insert and select this new site
CIISDirectory * pAlias = new CIISDirectory(m_pOwner, m_pService, alias); if (pAlias != NULL) { pAlias->AddRef(); err = pAlias->AddToScopePaneSorted(QueryScopeItem(), FALSE); if (err.Succeeded()) { VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pAlias->SelectScopeItem())); } else { pAlias->Release(); } } else { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } return err; }
/* virtual */ HRESULT CIISDirectory::Command( IN long lCommandID, IN CSnapInObjectRootBase * pObj, IN DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle command from context menu.
long lCommandID : Command ID CSnapInObjectRootBase * pObj : Base object DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type : Data object type
Return Value:
--*/ { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString alias; CError err; CComBSTR bstrMetaPath;
switch (lCommandID) { case IDM_NEW_FTP_VDIR: BuildMetaPath(bstrMetaPath); err = CheckForMetabaseAccess(METADATA_PERMISSION_READ,this,TRUE,bstrMetaPath); if (!IsLostInterface(err)) { // reset error if an other error other than No interface
err.Reset(); } if (err.Succeeded()) { hr = CIISMBNode::AddFTPVDir(pObj, type, alias); if (!alias.IsEmpty()) { hr = InsertNewAlias(alias); } } break;
case IDM_NEW_WEB_VDIR: BuildMetaPath(bstrMetaPath); err = CheckForMetabaseAccess(METADATA_PERMISSION_READ,this,TRUE,bstrMetaPath); if (!IsLostInterface(err)) { // reset error if an other error other than No interface
err.Reset(); } if (err.Succeeded()) { hr = CIISMBNode::AddWebVDir(pObj, type, alias, m_pOwner->QueryMajorVersion(), m_pOwner->QueryMinorVersion()); if (!alias.IsEmpty()) { hr = InsertNewAlias(alias); } } break; //
// Pass on to base class
default: hr = CIISMBNode::Command(lCommandID, pObj, type); }
return hr; }
/* virtual */ HRESULT CIISDirectory::CreatePropertyPages( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, IUnknown * pUnk, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create the property pages for the given object
LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider : Provider LONG_PTR handle : Handle. IUnknown * pUnk, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type
Return Value:
HRESULT --*/ { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CError err;
if (S_FALSE == (HRESULT)(err = CIISMBNode::CreatePropertyPages(lpProvider, handle, pUnk, type))) { return S_OK; } if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == err.Win32Error()) { return S_FALSE; } if (err.Succeeded()) { CComBSTR bstrPath; //
// CODEWORK: What to do with m_err? This might be
// a bad machine object in the first place. Aborting
// when the machine object has an error code isn't
// such a bad solution here.
if (m_err.Failed()) { m_err.MessageBox(); return m_err; } */ err = BuildMetaPath(bstrPath); if (err.Succeeded()) { err = CheckForMetabaseAccess(METADATA_PERMISSION_READ,this,TRUE,bstrPath); if (!IsLostInterface(err)) { // reset error if an other error other than No interface
err.Reset(); } if (err.Succeeded()) { // cache handle for user in MMCPropertyChangeNotify
m_ppHandle = handle; err = ShowPropertiesDlg(lpProvider, QueryAuthInfo(), bstrPath, GetMainWindow(GetConsole()), (LPARAM)this, (LPARAM)GetParentNode(),handle); } } } err.MessageBoxOnFailure(); return err; }
HRESULT CIISDirectory::OnViewChange(BOOL fScope, IResultData * pResult, IHeaderCtrl * pHeader, DWORD hint) { // If there is win32 error set, we should clear it to enable web dirs enumeration again
m_dwWin32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; CError err = CIISMBNode::OnViewChange(fScope, pResult, pHeader, hint); // If parent node is selected, this node will be displayed on result
// pane, we may need to update the status, path, etc
if (err.Succeeded() && 0 != (hint & PROP_CHANGE_DISPLAY_ONLY)) { // This is a VDir, so it's a scope only item....
RefreshDisplay(FALSE); } return err; }
CIISFileName::CIISFileName( CIISMachine * pOwner, CIISService * pService, const DWORD dwAttributes, LPCTSTR alias, LPCTSTR redirect ) : CIISMBNode(pOwner, alias), m_dwAttribute(dwAttributes), m_pService(pService), m_bstrFileName(alias), m_RedirectString(redirect), m_fEnabledApplication(FALSE), m_dwWin32Error(0), m_dwEnumError(ERROR_SUCCESS), m_fResolved(FALSE) { ASSERT_PTR(pService); m_pService->AddRef(); }
/* virtual */ LPOLESTR CIISFileName::GetResultPaneColInfo(int nCol) /*++
Routine Description:
Return result pane string for the given column number
int nCol : Column number
Return Value:
--*/ { switch(nCol) { case COL_ALIAS: return QueryDisplayName();
case COL_PATH: if (!m_strRedirectPath.IsEmpty()) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString buf; buf.Format(IDS_REDIRECT_FORMAT, m_strRedirectPath); _bstrRedirectPathBuf = buf; return _bstrRedirectPathBuf; } return OLESTR("");
case COL_STATUS: { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CError err(m_dwWin32Error); if (err.Succeeded()) { return OLESTR(""); } _bstrResult = err; return _bstrResult; } } TRACEEOLID("CIISFileName: Bad column number" << nCol); return OLESTR(""); }
void CIISFileName::InitializeChildHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL lpHeader) { CIISDirectory::InitializeHeaders(lpHeader); }
/* virtual */ HRESULT CIISFileName::EnumerateScopePane(HSCOPEITEM hParent) { CError err = EnumerateVDirs(hParent, m_pService, FALSE); if (err.Win32Error() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { err.Reset(); } if (err.Succeeded() && /*IsWebDir() &&*/ m_strRedirectPath.IsEmpty()) { if (m_dwEnumError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { err = EnumerateWebDirs(hParent, m_pService); } } if (err.Failed()) { m_dwEnumError = err.Win32Error(); RefreshDisplay(); } return err; }
/* virtual */ int CIISFileName::QueryImage() const { ASSERT_PTR(m_pService); if (!m_fResolved) { if (m_hScopeItem == NULL) { TRACEEOLID("BUGBUG: Prematurely asked for display information"); return MMC_IMAGECALLBACK; } //
// Required for the wait cursor
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CIISFileName * that = (CIISFileName *)this; CError err = that->RefreshData(); that->m_fResolved = err.Succeeded(); }
if (!m_pService) { return iError; } if (IsDir()) { if (IsEnabledApplication()) { return SUCCEEDED(m_dwWin32Error) ? iApplication : iApplicationErr; } else { return SUCCEEDED(m_dwWin32Error) ? iFolder : iError; } } return SUCCEEDED(m_dwWin32Error) ? iFile : iError; }
HRESULT CIISFileName::DeleteNode(IResultData * pResult) { CError err; CString path; BOOL bDeletedPhysical = FALSE;
// check if they have the property sheet open on it.
if (IsMyPropertySheetOpen()) { ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_CLOSE_PROPERTY_SHEET); return S_OK; }
// this could be an orphaned property sheet
// check if an orphaned property sheet is open on this item.
CIISObject * pAlreadyOpenProp = NULL; if (TRUE == g_OpenPropertySheetTracker.FindAlreadyOpenPropertySheet(this,&pAlreadyOpenProp)) { // Bring it to the foreground, and bail
HWND hHwnd = 0; if (pAlreadyOpenProp) { if (hHwnd = pAlreadyOpenProp->IsMyPropertySheetOpen()) { if (hHwnd && (hHwnd != (HWND) 1)) { // Perhapse we should cancel the already
// opened property sheet...just a thought
if (!SetForegroundWindow(hHwnd)) { // wasn't able to bring this property sheet to
// the foreground, the propertysheet must not
// exist anymore. let's just clean the hwnd
// so that the user will be able to open propertysheet
pAlreadyOpenProp->SetMyPropertySheetOpen(0); } else { ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_CLOSE_PROPERTY_SHEET); return S_OK; } } } } }
CComBSTR bstrMetaPath; err = BuildMetaPath(bstrMetaPath); if (err.Succeeded()) { err = CheckForMetabaseAccess(METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE,this,TRUE,bstrMetaPath); if (!IsLostInterface(err)) { // reset error if an other error other than No interface
err.Reset(); } }
if (err.Succeeded()) { CString physPath, alias, csPathMunged; GetPhysicalPath(CString(bstrMetaPath), alias, physPath); physPath.TrimRight(_T("/"));
GetSpecialPathRealPath(0,physPath,csPathMunged); #endif
if (IsDevicePath(csPathMunged)) { // check if the device path
// points to an actual dir/file
// if it does then enumerate it.
if (IsSpecialPath(csPathMunged,TRUE,TRUE)) { // Remunge this one more time!
CString csBefore; csBefore = csPathMunged; GetSpecialPathRealPath(1,csBefore,csPathMunged); } else { return E_FAIL; } }
// WARNING:physPath could be empty!
csPathMunged.TrimLeft(); csPathMunged.TrimRight(); if (csPathMunged.IsEmpty()) { // Physical path is empty!
bDeletedPhysical = TRUE; } else { if (m_pService->IsLocal() || PathIsUNC(csPathMunged)) { //
// Local directory, or already a unc path
path = csPathMunged; } else { ::MakeUNCPath(path, m_pService->QueryMachineName(), csPathMunged); } LPTSTR p = path.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH); PathRemoveBlanks(p); PathRemoveBackslash(p); path += _T('\0');
TRACEEOLID("Attempting to remove file/directory: " << path);
CWnd * pWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
// Attempt to delete using shell APIs
SHFILEOPSTRUCT sos; ZeroMemory(&sos, sizeof(sos)); sos.hwnd = pWnd ? pWnd->m_hWnd : NULL; sos.wFunc = FO_DELETE; sos.pFrom = path; sos.fFlags = (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) ? 0 : FOF_ALLOWUNDO;
// Use assignment to avoid conversion and wrong constructor call
err = ::SHFileOperation(&sos); if (err.Succeeded() && !sos.fAnyOperationsAborted) { bDeletedPhysical = TRUE; } }
if (bDeletedPhysical) { CMetaInterface * pInterface = QueryInterface(); ASSERT(pInterface != NULL); bstrMetaPath = _T(""); err = BuildMetaPath(bstrMetaPath); if (err.Succeeded()) { CMetaKey mk(pInterface, METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE); if (mk.Succeeded()) { err = mk.DeleteKey(bstrMetaPath); } // don't hold the Metabasekey open
// (RemoveScopeItem may do a lot of things,and lock the metabase for other read requests)
mk.Close(); } if (IsDir()) { err = RemoveScopeItem(); } else { CIISMBNode * pParent = GetParentNode(); ASSERT(pParent != NULL); if (pParent) { err = pParent->RemoveResultNode(this, pResult); } } } }
if (err.Failed()) { DisplayError(err); } path.ReleaseBuffer(); return err; }
HRESULT CIISFileName::RenameItem(LPOLESTR new_name) { CError err; CComBSTR old_name; CComBSTR MetabaseParentPath; CComBSTR MetabasePathOld; CString PhysPathMetabase, PhysPathFrom, PhysPathTo; CString alias, csPathMunged; CIISMBNode * pParentNode = NULL; CMetaInterface * pInterface = NULL; SHFILEOPSTRUCT sos; BOOL bDeletedPhysical = FALSE; CWnd * pWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
if (new_name == NULL || lstrlen(new_name) == 0) { return S_OK; }
// Make sure we have a metabase conneciton...
err = BuildMetaPath(MetabasePathOld); if (err.Succeeded()) { err = CheckForMetabaseAccess(METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE,this,TRUE,MetabasePathOld); if (!IsLostInterface(err)) { // reset error if an other error other than No interface
err.Reset(); } }
pInterface = QueryInterface(); if (!pInterface) { err = E_FAIL; goto RenameItem_Exit; }
// Get all of the needed paths we need..
// get old paths...
old_name = QueryNodeName(); if (err.Succeeded()) { GetPhysicalPath(CString(MetabasePathOld), alias, PhysPathMetabase); PhysPathMetabase.TrimRight(_T("/")); }
// get new paths...
if (err.Succeeded()) { err = E_FAIL; pParentNode = GetParentNode(); if (pParentNode) { err = pParentNode->BuildMetaPath(MetabaseParentPath); } }
// if anything fails up till this point, abort
if (err.Succeeded()) { //
// Do the actual work
GetSpecialPathRealPath(0,PhysPathMetabase,csPathMunged); #endif
if (IsDevicePath(csPathMunged)) { // check if the device path
// points to an actual dir/file
// if it does then enumerate it.
if (IsSpecialPath(csPathMunged,TRUE,TRUE)) { // Remunge this one more time!
CString csBefore; csBefore = csPathMunged; GetSpecialPathRealPath(1,csBefore,csPathMunged); } else { err = E_FAIL; goto RenameItem_Exit; } }
// WARNING:physPath could be empty!
csPathMunged.TrimLeft(); csPathMunged.TrimRight(); if (csPathMunged.IsEmpty()) { // Physical path is empty!
bDeletedPhysical = TRUE; } else { if (m_pService->IsLocal() || PathIsUNC(csPathMunged)) { //
// Local directory, or already a unc path
PhysPathFrom = csPathMunged; } else { ::MakeUNCPath(PhysPathFrom, m_pService->QueryMachineName(), csPathMunged); } LPTSTR p = PhysPathFrom.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH); PathRemoveBlanks(p); PathRemoveBackslash(p); PhysPathFrom.ReleaseBuffer(); PhysPathFrom += _T('\0');
PhysPathTo = PhysPathFrom; p = PhysPathTo.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH); PathRemoveFileSpec(p); PathAppend(p, new_name); PhysPathTo.ReleaseBuffer(); PhysPathTo += _T('\0');
// Attempt to delete using shell APIs
ZeroMemory(&sos, sizeof(sos)); sos.hwnd = pWnd ? pWnd->m_hWnd : NULL; sos.wFunc = FO_RENAME; sos.pFrom = PhysPathFrom; sos.pTo = PhysPathTo; sos.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO;
// Use assignment to avoid conversion and wrong constructor call
err = ::SHFileOperation(&sos); if (err.Succeeded() && !sos.fAnyOperationsAborted) { bDeletedPhysical = TRUE; } }
if (bDeletedPhysical) { // rename the metabase path too...
if (pInterface) { err = CChildNodeProps::Rename(pInterface, MetabaseParentPath, old_name, new_name ); if (err.Win32Error() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { err.Reset(); } if (err.Win32Error() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { CComBSTR MetabasePathNew;
// perhapes the path we are renaming to
// already is there???
// what should we do then????
// if we got this far, then the filename that this is being renamed to.
// cannot exists, therefore the metabase properties that were there for
// it is invalid...
MetabasePathNew = MetabaseParentPath; MetabasePathNew.Append(_cszSeparator); MetabasePathNew.Append(new_name);
//delete key and try again...
CMetaKey mk(pInterface, METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE); if (mk.Succeeded()) { err = mk.DeleteKey(MetabasePathNew); mk.Close(); }
err = CChildNodeProps::Rename(pInterface, MetabaseParentPath, old_name, new_name ); if (err.Win32Error() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { err.Reset(); } }
} else { err = E_FAIL; }
if (err.Failed()) { // if we failed to rename the metabase path in the
// metabase, then revert the file rename...
ZeroMemory(&sos, sizeof(sos)); sos.hwnd = pWnd ? pWnd->m_hWnd : NULL; sos.wFunc = FO_RENAME; sos.pFrom = PhysPathTo; sos.pTo = PhysPathFrom; sos.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO; ::SHFileOperation(&sos); DisplayError(err); goto RenameItem_Exit; }
if (err.Succeeded()) { IConsole * pConsole = (IConsole *)GetConsole(); // Update result item in the mmc
CComQIPtr<IResultData, &IID_IResultData> lpResultData(pConsole); m_bstrFileName = new_name; err = lpResultData->UpdateItem(m_hResultItem); m_bstrNode = new_name; } } else { if (err.Failed()) { DisplayError(err); } } }
RenameItem_Exit: return err; }
/* virtual */ HRESULT CIISFileName::RefreshData() /*++
Refresh relevant configuration data required for display. --*/ { CError err;
CWaitCursor wait; CComBSTR bstrPath; CMetaKey * pKey = NULL;
do { err = BuildMetaPath(bstrPath); if (err.Failed()) { break; }
BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
while (fContinue) { fContinue = FALSE; pKey = new CMetaKey(QueryInterface(), bstrPath);
if (!pKey) { TRACEEOLID("RefreshData: OOM"); err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } err = pKey->QueryResult(); if (IsLostInterface(err)) { SAFE_DELETE(pKey); fContinue = OnLostInterface(err); } }
if (err.Failed()) { //
// Filter out the non-fatal errors
switch(err.Win32Error()) { case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: err.Reset(); break;
default: TRACEEOLID("Fatal error occurred " << err); } // No metabase path: nothing more to do
break; } CChildNodeProps child(pKey, NULL /*bstrPath*/, WITH_INHERITANCE, FALSE); err = child.LoadData(); m_dwWin32Error = child.QueryWin32Error(); if (err.Succeeded()) { CString buf = child.m_strAppRoot; m_fEnabledApplication = (buf.CompareNoCase(bstrPath) == 0) && child.IsEnabledApplication(); } m_strRedirectPath.Empty(); if (child.IsRedirected()) { m_strRedirectPath = child.GetRedirectedPath(); } } while(FALSE);
SAFE_DELETE(pKey); m_dwEnumError = err.Win32Error();
return err; }
/*virtual*/ HRESULT CIISFileName::AddMenuItems( LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK piCallback, long * pInsertionAllowed, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ) { ASSERT_READ_PTR(piCallback); //
// Add base menu items
HRESULT hr = CIISObject::AddMenuItems( piCallback, pInsertionAllowed, type ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ((*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_NEW) != 0) { AddMenuSeparator(piCallback); if (_tcsicmp(m_pService->QueryServiceName(), SZ_MBN_FTP) == 0) { AddMenuItemByCommand(piCallback, IDM_NEW_FTP_VDIR); } else if (_tcsicmp(m_pService->QueryServiceName(), SZ_MBN_WEB) == 0) { AddMenuItemByCommand(piCallback, IDM_NEW_WEB_VDIR); if (_tcsicmp(GetKeyType(),IIS_CLASS_WEB_DIR_W) == 0) { if (IsConfigImportExportable()) { AddMenuItemByCommand(piCallback, IDM_NEW_WEB_VDIR_FROM_FILE); } } } } ASSERT(pInsertionAllowed != NULL); } return hr; }
/* virtual */ HRESULT CIISFileName::Command( IN long lCommandID, IN CSnapInObjectRootBase * pObj, IN DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle command from context menu.
long lCommandID : Command ID CSnapInObjectRootBase * pObj : Base object DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type : Data object type
Return Value:
--*/ { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString alias; CError err; CComBSTR bstrMetaPath; BOOL bNeedMetabase = FALSE; BOOL bHaveMetabase = FALSE;
switch (lCommandID) { case IDM_NEW_FTP_VDIR: case IDM_NEW_WEB_VDIR: bNeedMetabase = TRUE; break; case IDM_BROWSE: if (m_hResultItem != 0) { bNeedMetabase = TRUE; } break; default: bNeedMetabase = FALSE; }
if (bNeedMetabase) { // WARNING:bstrMetaPath will be used by switch statement below
VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(BuildMetaPath(bstrMetaPath))); err = CheckForMetabaseAccess(METADATA_PERMISSION_READ,this,TRUE,bstrMetaPath); if (!IsLostInterface(err)) { // reset error if an other error other than No interface
err.Reset(); } if (err.Succeeded()) { bHaveMetabase = TRUE; } }
switch (lCommandID) {
case IDM_NEW_FTP_VDIR: if (bHaveMetabase) { hr = CIISMBNode::AddFTPVDir(pObj, type, alias); if (!alias.IsEmpty()) { hr = InsertNewAlias(alias); } } break;
case IDM_NEW_WEB_VDIR: if (bHaveMetabase) { hr = CIISMBNode::AddWebVDir(pObj, type, alias, m_pOwner->QueryMajorVersion(), m_pOwner->QueryMinorVersion()); if (!alias.IsEmpty()) { hr = InsertNewAlias(alias); } } break;
case IDM_BROWSE: if (m_hResultItem != 0) { if (bHaveMetabase) { BuildURL(m_bstrURL); if (m_bstrURL.Length()) { ShellExecute(GetMainWindow(GetConsole())->m_hWnd, _T("open"), m_bstrURL, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } } } else { hr = CIISMBNode::Command(lCommandID, pObj, type); } break;
// Pass on to base class
default: hr = CIISMBNode::Command(lCommandID, pObj, type); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CIISFileName::InsertNewAlias(CString alias) { CError err; if (!IsExpanded()) { SelectScopeItem(); IConsoleNameSpace2 * pConsoleNameSpace = (IConsoleNameSpace2 *)GetConsoleNameSpace(); pConsoleNameSpace->Expand(QueryScopeItem()); HSCOPEITEM hChildItem = NULL; LONG_PTR cookie; HRESULT hr = pConsoleNameSpace->GetChildItem(m_hScopeItem, &hChildItem, &cookie); while(SUCCEEDED(hr) && hChildItem) { CIISObject * pItem = (CIISObject *)cookie; ASSERT_PTR(pItem); if (0 == alias.Compare(pItem->QueryDisplayName())) { pItem->SelectScopeItem(); break; } hr = pConsoleNameSpace->GetNextItem(hChildItem, &hChildItem, &cookie); } } else { // Now we should insert and select this new site
CIISDirectory * pAlias = new CIISDirectory(m_pOwner, m_pService, alias); if (pAlias != NULL) { pAlias->AddRef(); err = pAlias->AddToScopePaneSorted(QueryScopeItem(), FALSE); if (err.Succeeded()) { VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pAlias->SelectScopeItem())); } else { pAlias->Release(); } } else { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } return err; }
/* virtual */ HRESULT CIISFileName::CreatePropertyPages( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, IUnknown * pUnk, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create the property pages for the given object
LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider : Provider LONG_PTR handle : Handle. IUnknown * pUnk, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type
Return Value:
HRESULT --*/ { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState());
CError err; if (S_FALSE == (HRESULT)(err = CIISMBNode::CreatePropertyPages(lpProvider, handle, pUnk, type))) { return S_OK; } if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == err.Win32Error()) { return S_FALSE; } if (err.Succeeded()) { CComBSTR bstrPath; CError err(BuildMetaPath(bstrPath));
if (err.Succeeded()) { //
// If there's already a property sheet open on this item
// then make it the foreground window and bail.
HWND MyPropWindow = IsMyPropertySheetOpen(); if (MyPropWindow && (MyPropWindow != (HWND) 1)) { if (SetForegroundWindow(MyPropWindow)) { if (handle) { MMCFreeNotifyHandle(handle); handle = 0; } return S_FALSE; } else { // wasn't able to bring this property sheet to
// the foreground, the propertysheet must not
// exist anymore. let's just clean the hwnd
// so that the user will be able to open propertysheet
SetMyPropertySheetOpen(0); } }
// cache handle for user in MMCPropertyChangeNotify
m_ppHandle = handle;
err = CheckForMetabaseAccess(METADATA_PERMISSION_READ,this,TRUE,bstrPath); if (!IsLostInterface(err)) { // reset error if an other error other than No interface
err.Reset(); } if (err.Succeeded()) { if (IsDir()) { err = ShowDirPropertiesDlg( lpProvider, QueryAuthInfo(), bstrPath, GetMainWindow(GetConsole()), (LPARAM)this, (LPARAM)GetParentNode(), handle ); } else { err = ShowFilePropertiesDlg( lpProvider, QueryAuthInfo(), bstrPath, GetMainWindow(GetConsole()), (LPARAM)this, (LPARAM)GetParentNode(), handle ); } } } err.MessageBoxOnFailure(); } return err; }
HRESULT CIISFileName::ShowDirPropertiesDlg( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CWnd * pMainWnd, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lParamParent, LONG_PTR handle ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); ASSERT_PTR(lpProvider);
CError err;
if (TRUE == m_fFlaggedForDeletion) { // this item was marked for deletion during the RefreshData
// so don't display it's property page.
// instead popup an error.
err = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } else { CW3Sheet * pSheet = new CW3Sheet( pAuthInfo, lpszMDPath, 0, pMainWnd, lParam, lParamParent );
if (pSheet) { pSheet->SetModeless();
// Add file pages
pSheet->SetSheetType(pSheet->SHEET_TYPE_DIR); err = AddMMCPage(lpProvider, new CW3DirPage(pSheet)); err = AddMMCPage(lpProvider, new CW3DocumentsPage(pSheet)); err = AddMMCPage(lpProvider, new CW3SecurityPage(pSheet, FALSE, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); err = AddMMCPage(lpProvider, new CW3HTTPPage(pSheet)); err = AddMMCPage(lpProvider, new CW3ErrorsPage(pSheet)); } else { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
return err; }
HRESULT CIISFileName::ShowFilePropertiesDlg( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CWnd * pMainWnd, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lParamParent, LONG_PTR handle ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); ASSERT_PTR(lpProvider);
CError err;
if (TRUE == m_fFlaggedForDeletion) { // this item was marked for deletion during the RefreshData
// so don't display it's property page.
// instead popup an error.
err = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } else { CW3Sheet * pSheet = new CW3Sheet( pAuthInfo, lpszMDPath, 0, pMainWnd, lParam, lParamParent );
if (pSheet) { pSheet->SetModeless(); //
// Add file pages
pSheet->SetSheetType(pSheet->SHEET_TYPE_FILE); err = AddMMCPage(lpProvider, new CW3FilePage(pSheet)); err = AddMMCPage(lpProvider, new CW3SecurityPage(pSheet, FALSE, 0)); err = AddMMCPage(lpProvider, new CW3HTTPPage(pSheet)); err = AddMMCPage(lpProvider, new CW3ErrorsPage(pSheet)); } else { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
return err; }
HRESULT CIISFileName::OnViewChange(BOOL fScope, IResultData * pResult, IHeaderCtrl * pHeader, DWORD hint) { // If there is win32 error set, we should clear it to enable web dirs enumeration again
m_dwWin32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; CError err = CIISMBNode::OnViewChange(fScope, pResult, pHeader, hint); // If parent node is selected, this node will be displayed on result
// pane, we may need to update the status, path, etc
//if (err.Succeeded() && 0 != (hint & PROP_CHANGE_DISPLAY_ONLY))
// pResult->UpdateItem(IsDir() ? m_hScopeItem : m_hResultItem);
return err; }
HRESULT CIISFileName::OnDblClick(IComponentData * pcd, IComponent * pc) { if (IsDir()) { return CIISMBNode::OnDblClick(pcd, pc); } else { CComQIPtr<IPropertySheetProvider, &IID_IPropertySheetProvider> spProvider(GetConsole()); IDataObject * pdo = NULL; GetDataObject(&pdo, CCT_RESULT); CError err = spProvider->FindPropertySheet(reinterpret_cast<MMC_COOKIE>(this), 0, pdo); if (err != S_OK) { err = spProvider->CreatePropertySheet(m_bstrFileName, TRUE, (MMC_COOKIE)this, pdo, MMC_PSO_HASHELP); if (err.Succeeded()) { err = spProvider->AddPrimaryPages( pc, TRUE, // we may want to get property change notifications
NULL, // according to docs
FALSE // for result item only
); if (err.Succeeded()) { err = spProvider->AddExtensionPages(); } } if (err.Succeeded()) { HWND hWnd = NULL; VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(GetConsole()->GetMainWindow(&hWnd))); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(spProvider->Show((LONG_PTR)hWnd, 0))); } else { spProvider->Show(-1, 0); } } return err; } }