Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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#include <unicode.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "SafeCS.h"
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2000
// File: SafeCS.cpp
// Contents: CSafeAutoCriticalSection implementation
// CSafeLock implementation
// Class: CSafeAutoCriticalSection
// Purpose: Wrapper for initializing critical-sections.
// Interface: Lock - locks the critical section
// Unlock - unlocks the critical section
// Constructor - initializes the critical section
// Detructor - uninitializes the critical section
// Notes: This provides a convenient way to ensure that you're
// you wrap InitializeCriticalSection and
// UnInitializeCriticalSection in try catches which is useful
// in low-mem conditions
// Default constructor - Initializes the critical section and sets the state
// flag to initialized
CSafeAutoCriticalSection::CSafeAutoCriticalSection() { m_lState = STATE_UNINITIALIZED; m_dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
__try { LONG lPreviousState;
// try to set state flag
lPreviousState = InterlockedCompareExchange(&m_lState, STATE_INITIALIZED, STATE_UNINITIALIZED);
// if this critical section was not initialized
if(STATE_UNINITIALIZED == lPreviousState) { //
// Note we can call InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount here
// and thereby eliminate the need for a try catch in
// EnterCriticalSection. But the docs say that
// InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount is valid on NT4.0 SP3
// onwards and we need to run on plain NT4.0 - hence we call
// InitializeCriticalSection
InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { m_dwError = _exception_code(); }
// failed to initialize - need to reset
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != m_dwError) { m_lState = STATE_UNINITIALIZED; }
// Destructor
CSafeAutoCriticalSection::~CSafeAutoCriticalSection() { LONG lPreviousState;
// try to reset the the state to uninitialized
lPreviousState = InterlockedCompareExchange(&m_lState, STATE_UNINITIALIZED, STATE_INITIALIZED);
// if the object was initialized delete the critical section
if(STATE_INITIALIZED == lPreviousState) { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); } }
// Enters critical section, if needed initializes critical section
// before entering
// Returns
// DWORD - ERROR_SUCCESS if everything is fine
// ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY if failed to create or enter critical section
DWORD CSafeAutoCriticalSection::Lock() { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(!IsInitialized()) { return m_dwError; }
__try { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwError = _exception_code(); }
return dwError; }
// Leaves critical section
DWORD CSafeAutoCriticalSection::Unlock() { if(!IsInitialized()) { return m_dwError; }
// Class: CSafeLock
// Purpose: Auto-unlocking critical-section services
// Interface: Lock - locks the critical section
// Unlock - unlocks the critical section
// Constructor - locks the critical section (unless told
// otherwise)
// Detructor - unlocks the critical section if its locked
// Notes: This provides a convenient way to ensure that you're
// unlocking a CSemExclusive, which is useful if your routine
// can be left via several returns and/or via exceptions....
CSafeLock::CSafeLock(CSafeAutoCriticalSection* val) : m_pSem(val), m_locked(FALSE) { }
CSafeLock::CSafeLock(CSafeAutoCriticalSection& val) : m_pSem(&val), m_locked(FALSE) { }
CSafeLock::~CSafeLock() { if (m_locked) { m_pSem->Unlock(); } }
DWORD CSafeLock::Lock() { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(!m_locked) { dwError = m_pSem->Lock();
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { m_locked = TRUE; } }
return dwError; }
DWORD CSafeLock::Unlock() { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(m_locked) { dwError = m_pSem->Unlock(); m_locked = FALSE; }
return dwError; }