Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This is the HTTP ODBC gateway
John Ludeman (johnl) 20-Feb-1995
Revision History: Tamas Nemeth (t-tamasn) 12-Jun-1998
// System include files.
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "iadmw.h"
#include <ole2.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#define ARRAYSIZE(_a) (sizeof((_a))/sizeof(*(_a)))
extern "C" {
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved );
// Globals
IMSAdminBase * g_pMetabase = NULL;
// Is this system DBCS?
BOOL g_fIsSystemDBCS;
// Prototypes
VOID ODBCTerminate( VOID );
HRESULT DoQuery( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb, const CHAR * pszQueryFile, const CHAR * pszParamList, STRA * pstrError, int nCharset, BOOL * pfAccessDenied );
DWORD OdbcExtensionOutput( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb, const CHAR * pchOutput, DWORD cbOutput );
BOOL OdbcExtensionHeader( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb, const CHAR * pchStatus, const CHAR * pchHeaders );
BOOL LookupHttpSymbols( // eliminated, check its functionality
const CHAR * pszSymbolName, STRA * pstrSymbolValue );
HRESULT GetIDCCharset( CONST CHAR * pszPath, int * pnCharset, STRA * pstrError );
HRESULT ConvertUrlEncodedStringToSJIS( int nCharset, STRA * pstrParams );
CHAR * FlipSlashes( CHAR * pszPath );
HRESULT GetPoolIDCTimeout( unsigned char * szMdPath, DWORD * pdwPoolIDCTimeout );
HRESULT SendCustomError( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pecb, const CHAR *pszStatus );
HRESULT SendErrorResponse( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pecb, const CHAR *pszStatus, DWORD dwResID, const CHAR *pszParam );
HRESULT SendErrorResponseFromHr( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pecb, const CHAR *pszStatus, DWORD dwResID, HRESULT hrError );
static const CHAR c_sz500InternalServerError[] = "500 Internal Server Error";
DWORD HttpExtensionProc( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb ) { STACK_STRA( strPath, MAX_PATH); STACK_STRA( strParams, MAX_PATH); STRA strError; CHAR * pch; DWORD cch; int nCharset; HRESULT hr;
// Make sure ODBC is loaded
if ( !LoadODBC() ) { hr = SendErrorResponse( pecb, "500 Unable to load ODBC", ODBCMSG_CANT_LOAD_ODBC, NULL); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
// We currently only support the GET and POST methods
if ( !strcmp( pecb->lpszMethod, "POST" )) { if ( _stricmp( pecb->lpszContentType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ) { // Try to send custom error
hr = SendCustomError( pecb, "400 Bad Request" ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
// The query params are in the extra data, add a few bytes in
// case we need to double "'"
hr = strParams.Resize( pecb->cbAvailable + sizeof(TCHAR) + 3);
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = strParams.Copy( ( const char * ) pecb->lpbData, pecb->cbAvailable ); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error resizing param buffer, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
hr = SendErrorResponseFromHr( pecb, "500 Error performing Query", ODBCMSG_ERROR_PERFORMING_QUERY, hr); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
} else if ( !strcmp( pecb->lpszMethod, "GET" ) ) { hr = strParams.Copy( pecb->lpszQueryString ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying params, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
hr = SendErrorResponseFromHr( pecb, "500 Error performing Query", ODBCMSG_ERROR_PERFORMING_QUERY, hr); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; } } else { // Try to send custom error
hr = SendCustomError( pecb, "400 Method Not Allowed" ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
// "Charset" field is enabled for CP932 (Japanese) only in
// this version.
if ( 932 != GetACP() ) { nCharset = CODE_ONLY_SBCS; } else { //
// Get the charset from .idc file
hr = GetIDCCharset( pecb->lpszPathTranslated, &nCharset, &strError ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // If the file was not found
if ( ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) || ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) ) || ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_NAME ) ) ) { // Try to send custom error
hr = SendCustomError( pecb, "404 Not Found" ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
hr = SendErrorResponse( pecb, "500 Error performing Query", ODBCMSG_ERROR_PERFORMING_QUERY, strError.QueryStr() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
if ( strParams.QueryCB() ) { if ( CODE_ONLY_SBCS != nCharset ) { //
// Convert the charset of Parameters to SJIS
hr = ConvertUrlEncodedStringToSJIS( nCharset, &strParams ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { hr = SendErrorResponseFromHr( pecb, "500 Error performing Query", ODBCMSG_ERROR_PERFORMING_QUERY, hr); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; } } } }
// Walk the parameter string to do two things:
// 1) Remove escaped '\n's so we don't break parameter parsing
// later on
// 2) Replace all '&' parameter delimiters with real '\n' so
// escaped '&'s won't get confused later on
pch = strParams.QueryStr(); cch = strParams.QueryCCH();
while ( *pch ) { switch ( *pch ) { case '%': if ( pch[1] == '0' && toupper(pch[2]) == 'A' ) { pch[1] = '2'; pch[2] = '0'; }
pch += 3; break;
case '&': *pch = '\n'; pch++; break;
default: pch++; } }
// The path info contains the location of the query file
hr = strPath.Copy( pecb->lpszPathTranslated ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying query file path, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
hr = SendErrorResponseFromHr( pecb, "500 Error performing Query", ODBCMSG_ERROR_PERFORMING_QUERY, hr); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
FlipSlashes( strPath.QueryStr() );
// Attempt the query
BOOL fAccessDenied = FALSE;
hr = DoQuery( pecb, strPath.QueryStr(), strParams.QueryStr(), &strError, nCharset, &fAccessDenied ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // If the file was not found
if ( ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) || ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) ) || ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_NAME ) ) ) { // Try to send custom error
hr = SendCustomError( pecb, "404 Not Found" ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
if ( fAccessDenied ) { // Try to send custom error
hr = SendCustomError( pecb, "401 Unauthorized" ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
return HSE_STATUS_PENDING; } else { hr = SendErrorResponse( pecb, "500 Error performing Query", ODBCMSG_ERROR_PERFORMING_QUERY, strError.QueryStr() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto FatalError; }
return HSE_STATUS_ERROR; } }
FatalError: pecb->ServerSupportFunction( pecb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER, (VOID*)c_sz500InternalServerError, NULL, NULL );
HRESULT DoQuery( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb, const CHAR * pszQueryFile, const CHAR * pszParamList, STRA * pstrError, int nCharset, BOOL * pfAccessDenied ) /*++
Routine Description:
Performs the actual query or retrieves the same query from the query cache
pecb - Extension context pTsvcInfo - Server info class pszQueryFile - .wdg file to use for query pszParamList - Client supplied param list pstrError - Error text to return errors in pfAccessDenied - Set to TRUE if the user was denied access
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr; ODBC_REQ * podbcreq; STACK_STRA( strHeaders, MAX_PATH ); CHAR achInstanceMetaPath[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwInstanceMetaPath = sizeof( achInstanceMetaPath ); CHAR achURL[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwURL = sizeof( achURL ); STACK_STRA( strMetaPath, MAX_PATH ); DWORD dwPoolIDCTimeout;
// Get the metapath for the current request
if( !pecb->GetServerVariable( pecb->ConnID, "INSTANCE_META_PATH", achInstanceMetaPath, &dwInstanceMetaPath ) || !pecb->GetServerVariable( pecb->ConnID, "URL", achURL, &dwURL ) ) { return E_FAIL; }
hr = strMetaPath.Copy( achInstanceMetaPath, dwInstanceMetaPath - 1 ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying InstanceMetaPath, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
hr = strMetaPath.Append( "/Root" ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending metapath, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
hr = strMetaPath.Append( achURL, dwURL - 1 ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending URL, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
// Get the HTTPODBC metadata PoolIDCTimeout
hr = GetPoolIDCTimeout( ( unsigned char * )strMetaPath.QueryStr(), &dwPoolIDCTimeout ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { dwPoolIDCTimeout = IDC_POOL_TIMEOUT; }
// Create an odbc request as we will either use it for the query
// or as the key for the cache lookup
podbcreq = new ODBC_REQ( pecb, dwPoolIDCTimeout, nCharset );
if( !podbcreq ) { pstrError->LoadString( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
hr = podbcreq->Create( pszQueryFile, pszParamList ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error creating ODBC_REQ object, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
// Best effort
pstrError->LoadString( GetLastError() );
delete podbcreq; podbcreq = NULL;
return hr; }
// Check to see if user already authentified
CHAR achLoggedOnUser[UNLEN + 1]; DWORD dwLoggedOnUser = sizeof( achLoggedOnUser ); BOOL fIsAuth = pecb->GetServerVariable( (HCONN)pecb->ConnID, "LOGON_USER", achLoggedOnUser, &dwLoggedOnUser ) && achLoggedOnUser[0] != '\0';
// Check to see if the client specified "Pragma: no-cache"
/* We don't do cache on HTTPODBC any more
if ( pecb->GetServerVariable( pecb->ConnID, "HTTP_PRAGMA", achPragmas, &cbPragmas )) { CHAR * pch;
// Look for "no-cache"
pch = _strupr( achPragmas );
while ( pch = strchr( pch, 'N' )) { if ( !memcmp( pch, "NO-CACHE", 8 )) { fRetrieveFromCache = FALSE; goto Found; }
pch++; } }*/
// Open the query file and do the query
hr = podbcreq->OpenQueryFile( pfAccessDenied ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error opening query file, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
goto Exit; }
hr = podbcreq->ParseAndQuery( achLoggedOnUser ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
hr = podbcreq->AppendHeaders( &strHeaders ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error appending headers, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
goto Exit; }
hr = podbcreq->OutputResults( (ODBC_REQ_CALLBACK)OdbcExtensionOutput, pecb, &strHeaders, (ODBC_REQ_HEADER)OdbcExtensionHeader, fIsAuth, pfAccessDenied ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error in OutputResults(), hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
goto Exit; }
delete podbcreq; podbcreq = NULL;
return S_OK;
// Get the ODBC error to report to client
podbcreq->GetLastErrorText( pstrError );
delete podbcreq; podbcreq = NULL;
return hr; }
DWORD OdbcExtensionOutput( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb, const CHAR * pchOutput, DWORD cbOutput ) { if ( !pecb->WriteClient( pecb->ConnID, (VOID *) pchOutput, &cbOutput, 0 ))
{ return GetLastError(); }
return NO_ERROR; }
BOOL OdbcExtensionHeader( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb, const CHAR * pchStatus, const CHAR * pchHeaders ) { return pecb->ServerSupportFunction( pecb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER, (LPDWORD) "200 OK", NULL, (LPDWORD) pchHeaders ); }
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved ) { switch ( dwReason ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
DisableThreadLibraryCalls( hDll ); break;
default: break; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetExtensionVersion( HSE_VERSION_INFO * pver ) { HRESULT hr; pver->dwExtensionVersion = MAKELONG( 0, 3 ); strcpy( pver->lpszExtensionDesc, "Microsoft HTTP ODBC Gateway, v3.0" );
hr = ODBCInitialize(); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error on HTTPODBC initialization." ));
SetLastError( hr );
return FALSE; }
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void**)&g_pMetabase ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error getting IMSAdminBase interface." ));
SetLastError( hr );
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL TerminateExtension( DWORD dwFlags ) { ODBCTerminate();
if ( g_pMetabase ) { g_pMetabase->Release(); g_pMetabase = NULL; }
return TRUE; }
if( !InitializeOdbcPool() ) { return hr; }
hr = ODBC_REQ::Initialize(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error initializing ODBC_REQ, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
TerminateOdbcPool(); return hr; }
hr = ODBC_STATEMENT::Initialize(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error initializing ODBC_STATEMENT, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
TerminateOdbcPool(); ODBC_REQ::Terminate(); return hr; }
hr = ODBC_CONN_POOL::Initialize(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error initializing ODBC_CONN_POOL, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
TerminateOdbcPool(); ODBC_REQ::Terminate(); ODBC_STATEMENT::Terminate(); return hr; }
g_fIsSystemDBCS = IsSystemDBCS();
return hr; }
VOID ODBCTerminate( VOID ) { TerminateOdbcPool(); ODBC_REQ::Terminate(); ODBC_STATEMENT::Terminate(); ODBC_CONN_POOL::Terminate(); }
CHAR * skipwhite( CHAR * pch ) { CHAR ch;
while ( 0 != (ch = *pch) ) { if ( ' ' != ch && '\t' != ch ) break; ++pch; }
return pch; }
CHAR * nextline( CHAR * pch ) { CHAR ch;
while ( 0 != (ch = *pch) ) { ++pch;
if ( '\n' == ch ) { break; } }
return pch; }
HRESULT GetIDCCharset( CONST CHAR * pszPath, int * pnCharset, STRA * pstrError ) { BUFFER buff; HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwErr;
if ( (!pnCharset) || (!pszPath) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
*pnCharset = CODE_ONLY_SBCS;
if ( !buff.Resize( QUERYFILE_READSIZE + sizeof(TCHAR) ) ) { pstrError->LoadString( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); }
if ( ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) || ( NULL == hFile ) ) { LPCSTR apsz[1];
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error opening query file, hr = 0x%x.\n", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ));
apsz[0] = pszPath; pstrError->FormatString( ODBCMSG_QUERY_FILE_NOT_FOUND, apsz, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
if ( !ReadFile( hFile, buff.QueryPtr(), QUERYFILE_READSIZE, &dwSize, NULL ) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); pstrError->LoadString( dwErr ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwErr ); }
CloseHandle( hFile );
*((CHAR *) buff.QueryPtr() + dwSize) = '\0';
CHAR * pch = (CHAR *)buff.QueryPtr();
while ( *pch ) { pch = skipwhite( pch );
if ( 'C' == toupper( *pch ) && !_strnicmp( IDC_FIELDNAME_CHARSET, pch, sizeof(IDC_FIELDNAME_CHARSET)-1 ) ) { pch += sizeof(IDC_FIELDNAME_CHARSET) - 1; pch = skipwhite( pch ); if ( 932 == GetACP() ) { if ( !_strnicmp( IDC_CHARSET_JIS1, pch, sizeof(IDC_CHARSET_JIS1)-1 ) || !_strnicmp( IDC_CHARSET_JIS2, pch, sizeof(IDC_CHARSET_JIS2)-1 ) ) { *pnCharset = CODE_JPN_JIS; break; } else if ( !_strnicmp( IDC_CHARSET_EUCJP, pch, sizeof(IDC_CHARSET_EUCJP)-1 ) ) { *pnCharset = CODE_JPN_EUC; break; } else if ( !_strnicmp( IDC_CHARSET_SJIS, pch, sizeof(IDC_CHARSET_SJIS)-1 ) ) { *pnCharset = CODE_ONLY_SBCS; break; } else { LPCSTR apsz[1]; //
// illegal value for Charset: field
apsz[0] = pszPath; pstrError->FormatString( ODBCMSG_UNREC_FIELD, apsz, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A ); return E_FAIL; } }
// please add code here to support other FE character encoding(FEFEFE)
// else if ( 949 == GetACP() )
// ...
} pch = nextline( pch ); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ConvertUrlEncodedStringToSJIS( int nCharset, STRA * pstrParams ) { STACK_STRA( strTemp, MAX_PATH); int cbSJISSize; int nResult; HRESULT hr;
// Pre-process the URL encoded parameters
for ( char * pch = pstrParams->QueryStr(); *pch; ++pch ) { if ( *pch == '&' ) { *pch = '\n'; } else if ( *pch == '+' ) { *pch = ' '; } }
// URL decoding (decode %nn only)
hr = pstrParams->Unescape(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error unescaping param string, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
// charset conversion
hr = pstrParams->Clone( &strTemp ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error cloning param string, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
hr = strTemp.Copy( pstrParams->QueryStr() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error copying param string, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
cbSJISSize = UNIX_to_PC( GetACP(), nCharset, (UCHAR *)strTemp.QueryStr(), strTemp.QueryCB(), NULL, 0 );
hr = pstrParams->Resize( cbSJISSize + sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error resizing param string buffer, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
nResult = UNIX_to_PC( GetACP(), nCharset, (UCHAR *)strTemp.QueryStr(), strTemp.QueryCB(), (UCHAR *)pstrParams->QueryStr(), cbSJISSize ); if ( -1 == nResult || nResult != cbSJISSize ) { return E_FAIL; }
DBG_REQUIRE ( pstrParams->SetLen( cbSJISSize) );
// URL encoding
hr = pstrParams->Escape(); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error escaping param string, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr ));
return hr; }
return S_OK; }
BOOL IsSystemDBCS( VOID ) { WORD wPrimaryLangID = PRIMARYLANGID( GetSystemDefaultLangID() );
return ( wPrimaryLangID == LANG_JAPANESE || wPrimaryLangID == LANG_CHINESE || wPrimaryLangID == LANG_KOREAN ); }
CHAR * FlipSlashes( CHAR * pszPath ) { CHAR ch; CHAR * pszScan = pszPath;
while( ( ch = *pszScan ) != '\0' ) { if( ch == '/' ) { *pszScan = '\\'; }
pszScan++; }
return pszPath;
} // FlipSlashes
HRESULT GetPoolIDCTimeout( unsigned char * szMdPath, DWORD * pdwPoolIDCTimeout ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD cbBufferRequired;
const DWORD dwTimeout = 2000;
STACK_STRU( strMetaPath, MAX_PATH );
if ( g_pMetabase == NULL ) { return E_NOINTERFACE; }
hr = strMetaPath.CopyA( (LPSTR)szMdPath ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
hr = g_pMetabase->OpenKey( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, strMetaPath.QueryStr(), METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, dwTimeout, &hKey );
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { MetadataRecord.dwMDIdentifier = MD_POOL_IDC_TIMEOUT; MetadataRecord.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; MetadataRecord.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; MetadataRecord.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; MetadataRecord.dwMDDataLen = sizeof( DWORD ); MetadataRecord.pbMDData = (unsigned char *) pdwPoolIDCTimeout; MetadataRecord.dwMDDataTag = 0;
hr = g_pMetabase->GetData( hKey, L"", &MetadataRecord, &cbBufferRequired );
g_pMetabase->CloseKey( hKey ); }
return hr; }
HRESULT SendCustomError( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pecb, const CHAR *pszStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
reports custom error
Arguments: pecb pszStatus - Status to be reported. If NULL "500" will be sent.
Return Value:
HRESULT --*/ { // Locals
// Check args
DBG_ASSERT( pecb );
if ( !pecb ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
// If supplied status
if (pszStatus) { cch = strlen( pszStatus )+1; } else { pszStatus = c_sz500InternalServerError; cch = ARRAYSIZE( c_sz500InternalServerError ); }
// Allocate
pCustomErrorInfo = (HSE_CUSTOM_ERROR_INFO*)(new BYTE[sizeof(HSE_CUSTOM_ERROR_INFO)+cch]); if ( !pCustomErrorInfo ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Exit; } pCustomErrorInfo->pszStatus = (CHAR*)pCustomErrorInfo+sizeof(HSE_CUSTOM_ERROR_INFO);
// Set the callback
fRet = pecb->ServerSupportFunction( pecb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_IO_COMPLETION, CustomErrorCompletion, 0, (DWORD*)pCustomErrorInfo ); if ( !fRet ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Exit; }
// All custom errors must be asynchronous
pCustomErrorInfo->fAsync = TRUE;
// Copy the status
memmove( pCustomErrorInfo->pszStatus, pszStatus, cch*sizeof(CHAR)); pCustomErrorInfo->uHttpSubError = 0;
fRet = pecb->ServerSupportFunction( pecb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_CUSTOM_ERROR, pCustomErrorInfo, NULL, NULL ); if ( !fRet ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Exit; }
// Don't free
pCustomErrorInfo = NULL;
Exit: // Cleanup
if (pCustomErrorInfo) { delete[] (BYTE*)pCustomErrorInfo; pCustomErrorInfo = NULL; }
return hr; }
VOID WINAPI CustomErrorCompletion( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pecb, PVOID pContext, DWORD /*cbIO*/, DWORD /*dwError*/ ) /*++
Routine Description:
completion routine (for async custom error send)
Return Value: VOID --*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fRet;
// Check args
if ( pecb == NULL) { hr = E_INVALIDARG;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "NULL pecb in CustomErrorCompletion().\n"));
goto Exit; }
// Notify IIS that we are done with processing
fRet = pecb->ServerSupportFunction( pecb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( !fRet ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION failed, hr = 0x%x.\n", hr )); goto Exit; }
// Cleanup
if ( pContext ) { // Free
delete[] (BYTE*)pContext; pContext = NULL; } }
HRESULT SendErrorResponse( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pecb, const CHAR *pszStatus, DWORD dwResID, const CHAR *pszParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Arguments: pecb pszStatus - Status to be reported. If NULL "500" will be sent. dwResID - Error message to be sent in the body. pszParam - string parameter for the message. Can NULL.
Return Value:
HRESULT --*/ { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; BOOL fRet; STRA str; CHAR szParam[1024]; const CHAR *rgszT[1] = { szParam };
// Check args
if ( !pecb ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
// If no status given set "500 Internal Server Error"
if ( !pszStatus ) { pszStatus = c_sz500InternalServerError; }
if ( !pszParam ) { // If no parameter given set emtpy string
*szParam = '\0'; } else { //
// Note we terminate the error message (ODBC sometimes generates
// 22k errors)
strncpy( szParam, pszParam, ARRAYSIZE( szParam )-1 );
szParam[ ARRAYSIZE( szParam )-1 ] = '\0';
// *and* we double the buffer size we pass to FormatString()
// because the win32 API FormatMessage() has a bug that doesn't
// account for Unicode conversion
hr = str.FormatString( dwResID, rgszT, IIS_RESOURCE_DLL_NAME_A, 2*ARRAYSIZE( szParam ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
// Send the error
fRet = pecb->ServerSupportFunction( pecb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER, (DWORD*)pszStatus, NULL, (DWORD*)str.QueryStr() ); if ( !fRet ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Exit; }
Exit: // Done
return hr; }
HRESULT SendErrorResponseFromHr( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pecb, const CHAR *pszStatus, DWORD dwResID, HRESULT hrError ) /*++
Routine Description:
Arguments: pecb pszStatus - Status to be reported. If NULL "500" will be sent. dwResID - Error message to be sent in the body. hrError - HRESULT to be reported. The description of the error will be used as a parameter for the message. MUST be a failure.
Return Value:
HRESULT --*/ { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; STRA strError;
// Check args
if ( !pecb ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; } if ( SUCCEEDED( hrError ) ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
// Get the description of the last error
hr = strError.LoadString( WIN32_FROM_HRESULT( hrError ), (LPCSTR)NULL ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Exit; }
// Call SendErrorResponse
hr = SendErrorResponse( pecb, pszStatus, dwResID, strError.QueryStr() );
Exit: // Done
return hr; }