Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : trie.h
Abstract: Declares a trie
Author: George V. Reilly (GeorgeRe) 21-Jan-1998
Environment: Win32 - User Mode
Project: Internet Information Server RunTime Library
Revision History:
// A trie is a multiway search tree (aka a radix tree). See a good
// algorithms text, like Knuth or Sedgewick, for a complete description.
// Briefly, given a list of strings such as
// cab, car, carts, cats, dog, doge, doggy, dogs
// you get a trie that looks like this:
// /-[b]
// /
// <c>--<a>--[r]--<t>--[s]
// / \ // / \-<t>--[s]
// *
// \ /-[e]
// \ /
// <d>--<o>--[g]--<g>--[y]
// \ // \-[s]
// where `[r]' denotes the end of a word and `<a>', the middle.
// A trie has several useful properties:
// * fast
// * easily handles longest substring matches
// * fairly compact, especially when there are many overlapping strings
// The multiway tree is implemented as a binary tree with child and sibling
// pointers.
// The CTrie template takes three parameters:
// class _TOKEN: up to you
// bool fIgnoreCase: case-sensitivity for searches
// bool fDeleteTokens: delete _TOKEN* when Flush() called?
// and it exposes three methods:
// bool AddToken(ptszToken, _TOKEN*)
// _TOKEN* Search(ptszSearch, pctchMatched = NULL, nMaxLen = 0)
// void Flush()
// Use them like this:
// CTrie<CToken, true, true> trie;
// CToken* ptokHello = new CToken(...);
// IRTLVERIFY(trie.AddToken(_T("Hello"), ptokHello));
// CToken* ptok = trie.Search(_T("Goodbye"));
// if (ptok != NULL) {...}
// if (fIniFileChanged)
// {
// trie.Flush(); // will delete all tokens
// AddTokensFromIniFile(trie);
// }
// Note: If you use DUMP(&trie) or ASSERT_VALID(&trie), your _TOKEN class must
// have Dump() or AssertValid() methods, respectively, in its _DEBUG version.
// TODO:
// * template really ought to be parameterized on ANSI/Unicode too
// * STLify it: add iterators, turn it into a container, etc
// * remove Win32 dependencies (TCHAR)
// * add operator= and copy ctor
// George V. Reilly <[email protected]> Oct 1995 Initial implementation
// George V. Reilly <[email protected]> Sep 1996 Add CharPresent for ANSI
// George V. Reilly <[email protected]> Mar 1997 Templatized; removed MFC
#ifndef __TRIE_H__
#define __TRIE_H__
#include <tchar.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <irtldbg.h>
// Workaround for bool being a "reserved extension" in Visual C++ 4.x
#if _MSC_VER<1100
# ifndef bool
# define bool BOOL
# endif
# ifndef true
# define true TRUE
# endif
# ifndef false
# define false FALSE
# endif
// forward declaration
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> class CTrie;
// Class: CTrieNode (tn)
// one node for each letter
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> class CTrieNode { friend class CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>; typedef CTrieNode<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens> _Node;
public: CTrieNode();
CTrieNode( _Node* pParent, const _TOKEN* ptok, const TCHAR tch, LPCTSTR ptszToken);
bool SetData( const _TOKEN* ptok, LPCTSTR ptszToken);
protected: const _Node* m_pParent; _Node* m_pSibling; _Node* m_pChild; const _TOKEN* m_ptok; #ifdef _DEBUG
LPTSTR m_ptszToken; #endif
const TCHAR m_tch; TCHAR m_tchMaxChild; // Maximum m_tch of child nodes (1 level)
// Diagnostics
public: #ifdef _DEBUG
void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump() const;
protected: bool CheckNodeToken() const; #endif
private: // private, unimplemented copy ctor and op= to prevent
// compiler synthesizing them
CTrieNode(const CTrieNode&); CTrieNode& operator=(const CTrieNode&); };
// Class: CTrie (trie)
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> class CTrie { typedef CTrieNode<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens> _Node;
public: CTrie();
virtual ~CTrie();
virtual bool AddToken( LPCTSTR ptszToken, const _TOKEN* const ptok);
virtual const _TOKEN* Search( LPCTSTR ptszSearch, int* pctchMatched = NULL, const int nMaxLen = 0) const;
virtual void Flush();
protected: _Node m_tnRoot; TCHAR m_tchMinChild; TCHAR m_tchMaxChild;
void _DeleteTrie( _Node* ptn);
#ifndef _UNICODE
// bit array for first letter of all tokens
BYTE m_afCharPresent[(CHAR_MAX - CHAR_MIN + 1 + 7) / 8];
bool _CharPresent( CHAR ch) const;
void _SetCharPresent( CHAR ch, bool f); #endif // !UNICODE
// Diagnostics
public: #ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump() const;
protected: int m_ctchMaxTokenLen; // length of longest token string
void _AssertWalk( _Node* ptn, LPTSTR ptszName, int iLevel) const;
void _DumpWalk( _Node* ptn, LPTSTR ptszName, int iLevel, int& rcNodes, int& rcTokens) const; #endif
private: // private, unimplemented copy ctor and op= to prevent
// compiler synthesizing them
CTrie(const CTrie&); CTrie& operator=(const CTrie&); };
#ifdef _UNICODE
# define TCHAR_MIN L'\0'
#else // !UNICODE
#endif // !UNICODE
// CTrieNode implementation
// CTrieNode::CTrieNode
// default ctor (needed for CTrie::m_tnRoot)
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> CTrieNode<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::CTrieNode() : m_pParent(NULL), m_pSibling(NULL), m_pChild(NULL), m_ptok(NULL), #ifdef _DEBUG
m_ptszToken(NULL), #endif
m_tch(TCHAR_MIN), m_tchMaxChild(TCHAR_MIN) { }
// CTrieNode::CTrieNode
// ctor
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> CTrieNode<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::CTrieNode( _Node* pParent, const _TOKEN* ptok, const TCHAR tch, LPCTSTR ptszToken) : m_pParent(pParent), m_pSibling(NULL), m_pChild(NULL), m_ptok(ptok), #ifdef _DEBUG
m_ptszToken(NULL), #endif
m_tch(tch), m_tchMaxChild(TCHAR_MIN) { IRTLASSERT(m_pParent != NULL); IRTLASSERT(m_tch > TCHAR_MIN); _Node* ptnPrev = NULL; _Node* ptn = m_pParent->m_pChild; // find where in the list of pParent's children to insert `this'
while (ptn != NULL && ptn->m_tch < m_tch) { ptnPrev = ptn; ptn = ptn->m_pSibling; } IRTLASSERT(ptn == NULL || ptn->m_tch != m_tch); if (ptnPrev == NULL) { IRTLASSERT(pParent->m_pChild == ptn); pParent->m_pChild = this; } else ptnPrev->m_pSibling = this;
this->m_pSibling = ptn;
if (pParent->m_tchMaxChild < m_tch) pParent->m_tchMaxChild = m_tch;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (ptszToken != NULL) { IRTLASSERT(m_ptok != NULL); m_ptszToken = new TCHAR [_tcslen(ptszToken) + 1]; _tcscpy(m_ptszToken, ptszToken); } #endif
// CTrieNode::SetData
// sets the data if it's NULL. Needed if you do
// AddToken("foobar", &tokFoobar) and then AddToken("foo", &tokFoo)
// to set the data for tokFoo.
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> bool CTrieNode<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::SetData( const _TOKEN* ptok, LPCTSTR ptszToken) { // Don't set data if ptok is NULL
if (ptok == NULL) return false; // overwrite m_ptok only if it is NULL
if (m_ptok == NULL) { m_ptok = ptok; #ifdef _DEBUG
IRTLASSERT(m_ptszToken == NULL); IRTLASSERT(ptszToken != NULL); m_ptszToken = new TCHAR [_tcslen(ptszToken) + 1]; _tcscpy(m_ptszToken, ptszToken); #endif
return true; }
// CTrieNode::~CTrieNode
// dtor
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> CTrieNode<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::~CTrieNode() { #ifdef _DEBUG
delete [] m_ptszToken; #endif
// Is this an auto-delete trie, i.e., do we take care of deleting
// the _TOKENs?
if (fDeleteTokens) { // cast away constness so that delete will work
delete const_cast<_TOKEN*> (m_ptok); }
IRTLASSERT(m_pChild == NULL); }
// CTrieNode diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
// CTrieNode::CheckNodeToken
// Do the real work of validating a CTrieNode object
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> bool CTrieNode<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::CheckNodeToken() const { // If there's no m_ptok, it's automatically valid
if (m_ptok == NULL) return true;
IRTLASSERT(m_ptszToken != NULL); const int cLen = _tcslen(m_ptszToken); const _Node* ptn = this;
IRTLASSERT((m_pChild == NULL && m_tchMaxChild == TCHAR_MIN) || (m_pChild != NULL && m_tchMaxChild > TCHAR_MIN));
// Walk back up towards CTrie::m_tnRoot
for (int i = cLen; --i >= 0; ) { IRTLASSERT(ptn != NULL); IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_tch != TCHAR_MIN);
const TCHAR tch = (fIgnoreCase ? (TCHAR) _totlower(this->m_ptszToken[i]) : this->m_ptszToken[i]);
if (ptn->m_tch != tch) IRTLASSERT(false);
IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_pParent != NULL && ptn->m_pParent->m_pChild != NULL);
const _Node* ptn2;
// check to see if ptn really is a child of its parent
for (ptn2 = ptn->m_pParent->m_pChild; ptn2 != ptn && ptn2 != NULL; ptn2 = ptn2->m_pSibling) {} IRTLASSERT(ptn2 == ptn);
// check that ptn->m_pParent->m_tchMaxChild is correct
for (ptn2 = ptn->m_pParent->m_pChild; ptn2->m_pSibling != NULL; ptn2 = ptn2->m_pSibling) { IRTLASSERT(ptn2->m_tch > TCHAR_MIN && ptn2->m_tch < ptn2->m_pSibling->m_tch); } IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_pParent->m_tchMaxChild == ptn2->m_tch);
ptn = ptn->m_pParent; IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_ptok != this->m_ptok); }
// check to see if ptn == CTrie::m_tnRoot
IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_pParent == NULL && ptn->m_pSibling == NULL && ptn->m_tch == TCHAR_MIN && ptn->m_ptok == NULL);
return true; }
// CTrieNode::AssertValid
// Validate a CTrieNode object
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> void CTrieNode<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::AssertValid() const { IRTLASSERT(CheckNodeToken()); }
// CTrieNode::Dump
// Dump a CTrieNode object
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> void CTrieNode<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::Dump() const { // TODO: flesh out
#endif // _DEBUG
// CTrie implementation
// CTrie::CTrie
// ctor
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::CTrie() { Flush(); }
// CTrie::~CTrie
// dtor
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::~CTrie() { Flush(); }
#ifndef _UNICODE
// CTrie::_CharPresent
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> inline bool CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::_CharPresent( CHAR ch) const { IRTLASSERT(CHAR_MIN <= ch && ch <= CHAR_MAX); const UINT i = ch - CHAR_MIN; // CHAR_MIN is -128 for `signed char'
return m_afCharPresent[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7)) ? true : false; }
// CTrie::_SetCharPresent
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> inline void CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::_SetCharPresent( CHAR ch, bool f) { IRTLASSERT(CHAR_MIN <= ch && ch <= CHAR_MAX); const UINT i = ch - CHAR_MIN;
if (f) m_afCharPresent[i >> 3] |= (1 << (i & 7)); else m_afCharPresent[i >> 3] &= ~(1 << (i & 7)); }
#endif // !UNICODE
// CTrie::AddToken
// Add search string `ptszToken' to trie, which will return `ptok'
// if searched for in Search().
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> bool CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::AddToken( LPCTSTR ptszToken, const _TOKEN* const ptok) { if (ptok == NULL || ptszToken == NULL || *ptszToken == _T('\0')) { IRTLASSERT(false); return false; }
const int cLen = _tcslen(ptszToken); _Node* ptnParent = &m_tnRoot; for (int i = 0; i < cLen; ++i) { IRTLASSERT(ptnParent != NULL); _Node* ptn = ptnParent->m_pChild; const TCHAR tch = (fIgnoreCase ? (TCHAR) _totlower(ptszToken[i]) : ptszToken[i]); const _TOKEN* ptok2 = (i == cLen - 1) ? ptok : NULL; LPCTSTR ptsz2 = (i == cLen - 1) ? ptszToken : NULL;
while (ptn != NULL && ptn->m_tch < tch) ptn = ptn->m_pSibling; if (ptn == NULL || ptn->m_tch > tch) { ptnParent = new _Node(ptnParent, ptok2, tch, ptsz2); } else { IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_tch == tch); ptn->SetData(ptok2, ptsz2); ptnParent = ptn; }
IRTLASSERT(ptnParent->CheckNodeToken()); }
m_tchMinChild = m_tnRoot.m_pChild->m_tch; m_tchMaxChild = m_tnRoot.m_tchMaxChild; #ifdef _DEBUG
m_ctchMaxTokenLen = max(m_ctchMaxTokenLen, cLen); #endif
IRTLASSERT(TCHAR_MIN < m_tchMinChild && m_tchMinChild <= m_tchMaxChild);
#ifndef _UNICODE
// Keep a map of the initial letter of each token, to speed up searches
if (fIgnoreCase) { _SetCharPresent(tolower(ptszToken[0]), true); _SetCharPresent(toupper(ptszToken[0]), true); } else _SetCharPresent(ptszToken[0], true); #endif // !UNICODE
#ifdef _DEBUG
int nTemp; const _TOKEN* ptok2 = Search(ptszToken, &nTemp);
IRTLASSERT(ptok2 == ptok && nTemp == cLen); #endif // _DEBUG
return true; }
// CTrie::Search
// Search trie for `ptszSearch', returning count of characters
// matched in `pctchMatched' (if non-NULL), matching at most `nMaxLen'
// characters, if nMaxLen != 0, or _tcslen(ptszSearch) otherwise.
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> const _TOKEN* CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::Search( LPCTSTR ptszSearch, int* pctchMatched /* = NULL */, const int nMaxLen /* = 0 */) const { // Set count of matched characters
if (pctchMatched != NULL) *pctchMatched = 0;
#ifndef _UNICODE
if (! _CharPresent(ptszSearch[0])) return NULL;
TCHAR tch; #else // UNICODE
TCHAR tch = fIgnoreCase ? (TCHAR) _totlower(ptszSearch[0]) : ptszSearch[0];
if (tch < m_tchMinChild || m_tchMaxChild < tch) return NULL; #endif // UNICODE
// For some uses (e.g., ptszSearch is not '\0'-terminated), nMaxLen is
// specified. If it's not specified, use the length of the string.
const int cLen = (nMaxLen != 0) ? nMaxLen : _tcslen(ptszSearch); IRTLASSERT(0 < cLen);
bool fOvershot = true; const _Node* ptnParent = &m_tnRoot; const _Node* ptn = NULL; int i;
// Find the longest approximate match. For example, if we have "foo"
// and "foobar" in the trie and we're asked to match "fool", we'll work
// our way down to "foob", then backtrack up to "foo".
for (i = 0; i < cLen; ++i) { IRTLASSERT(ptnParent != NULL);
ptn = ptnParent->m_pChild; IRTLASSERT(ptn != NULL && ptn->m_pParent == ptnParent);
tch = fIgnoreCase ? (TCHAR) _totlower(ptszSearch[i]) : ptszSearch[i]; IRTLASSERT(tch >= TCHAR_MIN);
if (ptnParent->m_tchMaxChild < tch) { IRTLASSERT(i > 0); break; } while (ptn != NULL && ptn->m_tch < tch) ptn = ptn->m_pSibling;
// failed to match?
if (ptn == NULL || ptn->m_tch > tch) { IRTLASSERT(ptn == NULL || ptn->m_tch <= ptnParent->m_tchMaxChild); if (i == 0) return NULL; break; } else { IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_tch == tch); IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_pParent->m_tchMaxChild >= tch);
if (ptn->m_pChild == NULL) { IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_ptok != NULL); fOvershot = false; break; }
ptnParent = ptn; } }
if (fOvershot) { --i; ptn = ptnParent; // back up one character
} else IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_pChild == NULL);
IRTLASSERT(0 <= i && i < cLen); IRTLASSERT(ptn != NULL && ptn != &m_tnRoot); // we've found an approximate match; backtrack until we find an exact match
do { IRTLASSERT(ptn != NULL); IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_tch == (fIgnoreCase ? (TCHAR) _totlower(ptszSearch[i]) : ptszSearch[i])); IRTLASSERT(ptn->CheckNodeToken()); const _TOKEN* const ptok = ptn->m_ptok;
if (ptok != NULL) { IRTLASSERT(i == (int) _tcslen(ptn->m_ptszToken) - 1);
if (pctchMatched != NULL) *pctchMatched = i+1;
return ptok; }
ptn = ptn->m_pParent; } while (--i >= 0);
return NULL; }
// CTrie::Flush
// flush all nodes leaving an empty trie
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> void CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::Flush() { if (m_tnRoot.m_pChild != NULL) _DeleteTrie(m_tnRoot.m_pChild);
m_tnRoot.m_pChild = NULL; // or ~CTrieNode will ASSERT
m_tnRoot.m_tchMaxChild = TCHAR_MIN;
m_tchMinChild = m_tchMaxChild = TCHAR_MIN; #ifdef _DEBUG
m_ctchMaxTokenLen = 0; #endif
#ifndef _UNICODE
memset(m_afCharPresent, 0, sizeof(m_afCharPresent)); #endif
// CTrie::_DeleteTrie
// recursively delete a subtrie
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> void CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::_DeleteTrie( _Node* ptn) { if (ptn == NULL) { IRTLASSERT(false); return; } do { if (ptn->m_pChild != NULL) { _DeleteTrie(ptn->m_pChild); ptn->m_pChild = NULL; // or ~CTrieNode will ASSERT
_Node* ptnSibling = ptn->m_pSibling; delete ptn; ptn = ptnSibling; // tail recursion
} while (ptn != NULL); }
// CTrie diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
// CTrie::AssertValid
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> void CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::AssertValid() const { TCHAR* ptszName = static_cast<TCHAR*> (_alloca(sizeof(TCHAR) * (m_ctchMaxTokenLen+1))); *ptszName = _T('\0');
ASSERT_VALID(&m_tnRoot); IRTLASSERT(m_tnRoot.m_tchMaxChild == m_tchMaxChild);
if (m_tnRoot.m_pChild != NULL) { IRTLASSERT(m_tchMinChild == m_tnRoot.m_pChild->m_tch); IRTLASSERT(m_ctchMaxTokenLen > 0); _AssertWalk(m_tnRoot.m_pChild, ptszName, 0); } else { IRTLASSERT(m_tchMinChild == TCHAR_MIN && m_tchMinChild == m_tchMaxChild); IRTLASSERT(m_ctchMaxTokenLen == 0); } }
// CTrie::_AssertWalk
// recursively validate a subtrie
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> void CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::_AssertWalk( _Node* ptn, LPTSTR ptszName, int iLevel) const { IRTLASSERT(iLevel < m_ctchMaxTokenLen); do { ASSERT_VALID(ptn); ptszName[iLevel] = ptn->m_tch; ptszName[iLevel+1] = _T('\0');
if (ptn->m_ptok != NULL) { IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_ptszToken != NULL); if (fIgnoreCase) IRTLASSERT(_tcsicmp(ptszName, ptn->m_ptszToken) == 0); else IRTLASSERT(_tcscmp(ptszName, ptn->m_ptszToken) == 0); ASSERT_VALID(ptn->m_ptok); } if (ptn->m_pChild != NULL) _AssertWalk(ptn->m_pChild, ptszName, iLevel+1);
ptn = ptn->m_pSibling; // tail recursion
} while (ptn != NULL); }
// CTrie::Dump
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> void CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::Dump() const { int cNodes = 0, cTokens = 0; TCHAR* ptszName = static_cast<TCHAR*> (_alloca(sizeof(TCHAR) * (m_ctchMaxTokenLen+1))); *ptszName = _T('\0');
TRACE0("Dumping trie...\n");
if (m_tnRoot.m_pChild != NULL) _DumpWalk(m_tnRoot.m_pChild, ptszName, 0, cNodes, cTokens);
TRACE2("%d nodes, %d tokens\n", cNodes, cTokens); }
// CTrie::_DumpWalk
// recursively dump a subtrie
template <class _TOKEN, bool fIgnoreCase, bool fDeleteTokens> void CTrie<_TOKEN, fIgnoreCase, fDeleteTokens>::_DumpWalk( _Node* ptn, LPTSTR ptszName, int iLevel, int& rcNodes, int& rcTokens) const { IRTLASSERT(iLevel < m_ctchMaxTokenLen);
do { ASSERT_VALID(ptn); ++rcNodes; ptszName[iLevel] = ptn->m_tch; ptszName[iLevel+1] = _T('\0');
if (ptn->m_ptok != NULL) { ++rcTokens; IRTLASSERT(ptn->m_ptszToken != NULL); TRACE2("\t%s (%s): ", ptszName, ptn->m_ptszToken); DUMP(ptn->m_ptok); TRACE0("\n"); } if (ptn->m_pChild != NULL) _DumpWalk(ptn->m_pChild, ptszName, iLevel+1, rcNodes, rcTokens);
ptn = ptn->m_pSibling; // tail recursion
} while (ptn != NULL); }
#endif // _DEBUG
#endif // __TRIE_H__