#include <tchar.h>
# include <nt.h>
# include <ntrtl.h>
# include <nturtl.h>
# include <windows.h>
// For the compatibility check function and types
#include <comp.h>
#include <clusapi.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "iiscomp.hxx"
#include "disblwww.hxx"
HANDLE g_hMyHandle = NULL;
// Standard Win32 DLL Entry point
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(IN HANDLE DllHandle,IN DWORD Reason,IN LPVOID Reserved) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
switch(Reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_hMyHandle = DllHandle; bReturn = TRUE; break;
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: bReturn = TRUE; break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: bReturn = TRUE; break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: bReturn = TRUE; break; }
return(bReturn); }
// function: IISUpgradeCompatibilityCheck
// Checks the IIS Upgrade Comapatability. At this time, this is only used to
// tell if the machine is clustered for IIS. Because this upgrade is not seemless
// Parameters:
// PCOMPAIBILITYCALLBACK pfnCompatibilityCallbackIn
// Points to the callback function used to supply compatibility
// information to WinNT32.exe
// LPVOID pvContextIn
// Pointer to the context buffer supplied by WinNT32.exe
// Return Values:
// TRUE - Everything worked fine
// FALSE - There was a failure
extern "C" BOOL IISUpgradeCompatibilityCheck( PCOMPAIBILITYCALLBACK pfnCompatibilityCallbackIn , LPVOID pvContextIn ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; BOOL bDisableW3SVC; BOOL bInstallingOnFat; BOOL bIISIsInstalled; COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY ceCompatibilityEntry;
if ( !IsIISInstalled( &bIISIsInstalled ) ) { // Failed to do check, error out
return FALSE; }
if ( !bIISIsInstalled ) { // IIS is not installed, so there is nothing we need to do
return TRUE; }
// Check for Clustering Compatability Issue
if ( IsClusterResourceInstalled( IISCOMPAT_RESOURCETYPE ) ) { // Since we have the comaptabilty problem, we have to call the winnt32 callback funcion
bRet = pfnCompatibilityCallbackIn( &ceCompatibilityEntry, pvContextIn ); }
// Check for disabling the W3SVC Service
if ( ShouldW3SVCBeDisabledOnUpgrade( &bDisableW3SVC ) ) { if ( !NotifyIISToDisableW3SVCOnUpgrade( bDisableW3SVC ) ) { bRet = FALSE; }
if ( bDisableW3SVC ) { // Since we have the comaptabilty problem, we have to call the winnt32 callback funcion
if ( !pfnCompatibilityCallbackIn( &ceCompatibilityEntry, pvContextIn ) ) { bRet = FALSE; } } } else { // Could not do check, so fail
bRet = FALSE; }
// Warning about installing on FAT
if ( IsIISInstallingonFat( &bInstallingOnFat ) ) { if ( bInstallingOnFat ) { // Since we have the comaptabilty problem, we have to call the winnt32 callback funcion
if ( !pfnCompatibilityCallbackIn( &ceCompatibilityEntry, pvContextIn ) ) { bRet = FALSE; } } } else { // Could not do check, so fail
bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// IsIISInstallingonFat
// Parameters:
// pbInstallingOnFat [out] - Is IIS installing on FAT?
// Return Values:
// TRUE - Successfully checked
// FALSE - Failure checking
BOOL IsIISInstallingonFat( LPBOOL pbInstallingOnFat ) { TCHAR szSystemDrive[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwDriveFlags; UINT iReturn;
iReturn = GetWindowsDirectory( szSystemDrive, sizeof(szSystemDrive)/sizeof(szSystemDrive[0]) );
if ( ( iReturn == 0 ) || // Call failed
( iReturn >= MAX_PATH ) || // Buffer was not large enough
( iReturn < 3 ) || // sizeof 'x:\'
( szSystemDrive[1] != _T(':') ) || // Not in a format we expect
( szSystemDrive[2] != _T('\\') ) ) { // Failure checking
return FALSE; }
// Null terminate drive
szSystemDrive[3] = _T('\0');
if ( !GetVolumeInformation( szSystemDrive, NULL, // Volume Name Buffer
0, // Size of Buffer
NULL, // Serial Number Buffer
NULL, // Max Component Lenght
&dwDriveFlags, // System Flags
NULL, // FS Type
0 ) ) { // Failed to do query
return FALSE; }
*pbInstallingOnFat = ( dwDriveFlags & FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS ) == 0;
return TRUE; }
// SetCompatabilityContext
// Set the Context of the Compatabilty stucrute that we must send back to
// the compat stuff
void SetCompatabilityContext( COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY *pCE, DWORD dwDescriptionID, LPTSTR szTxtFile, LPTSTR szHtmlFile ) { static WCHAR szDescriptionBuffer[ 100 ]; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = LoadStringW( (HINSTANCE) g_hMyHandle, dwDescriptionID, szDescriptionBuffer, sizeof(szDescriptionBuffer)/sizeof(szDescriptionBuffer[0]) );
if ( dwErr == 0 ) { // This should not happen, since we control the length
// of the resource
ASSERT( ( sizeof(IISCOMPAT_DESCRIPTION)/sizeof(WCHAR) ) < ( sizeof(szDescriptionBuffer)/sizeof(szDescriptionBuffer[0]) ) ); ASSERT( dwErr != 0 /* FALSE */ );
_tcscpy(szDescriptionBuffer, IISCOMPAT_DESCRIPTION ); }
pCE->Description = szDescriptionBuffer; pCE->HtmlName = szHtmlFile; pCE->TextName = szTxtFile; pCE->RegKeyName = NULL; pCE->RegValName = NULL ; pCE->RegValDataSize = 0; pCE->RegValData = NULL; pCE->SaveValue = NULL; pCE->Flags = 0; pCE->InfName = NULL; pCE->InfSection = NULL; }
// function: IsClusterResourceInstalled
// Check to see if there is a Cluster with a resource of a particular
// type that you are looking for.
// Parameters:
// szResourceType - The type of resource that you are looking for
// Return Values:
// TRUE - There is a cluster with that resource type
// FALSE - There is not a cluster with that resource type, or we
// failed during the search
BOOL IsClusterResourceInstalled(LPWSTR szResourceType) { HCLUSTER hCluster; HINSTANCE hClusApi = NULL; HCLUSENUM hClusEnum = NULL; BOOL bResourceFound = FALSE;
if (hCluster = OpenCluster(NULL)) { // Open cluster resource
hClusEnum = ClusterOpenEnum(hCluster, CLUSTER_ENUM_RESOURCE); }
if (hClusEnum != NULL) { DWORD dwEnumIndex = 0; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR szClusterName[CLUSTERNAME_MAXLENGTH]; WCHAR szClusterResourceType[CLUSTERNAME_MAXLENGTH]; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwLen; HRESOURCE hClusResource; HKEY hResourceRoot; HKEY hClusResourceKey;
while ( ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && !bResourceFound ) { // Get the cluster name
dwLen = CLUSTERNAME_MAXLENGTH; dwErr = ClusterEnum( hClusEnum, dwEnumIndex++, &dwType, szClusterName, &dwLen );
if ( ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwType == CLUSTER_ENUM_RESOURCE ) ) { hClusResource = NULL; hClusResourceKey = NULL; dwLen = CLUSTERNAME_MAXLENGTH; // For each cluster, check out the resources
if ( ( hClusResource = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, szClusterName ) ) && ( hClusResourceKey = GetClusterResourceKey( hClusResource, KEY_READ ) ) && ( ClusterRegQueryValue( hClusResourceKey, L"Type", &dwType, (LPBYTE) szClusterResourceType , &dwLen ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ( dwType == REG_SZ ) && ( !_wcsicmp( szClusterResourceType , szResourceType ) ) ) { // Found the Resource we were looking for
bResourceFound = TRUE; }
if ( hClusResourceKey ) { ClusterRegCloseKey( hClusResourceKey ); } if ( hClusResource ) { CloseClusterResource( hClusResource ); } } } }
if ( hClusEnum ) { ClusterCloseEnum( hClusEnum ); }
if ( hCluster ) { CloseCluster( hCluster); }
return bResourceFound; }