#include "stdafx.h"
#include "acl.hxx"
#include "dcomperm.h"
#include "Sddl.h"
// Constructor
CSecurityDescriptor::CSecurityDescriptor() { m_bSDValid = FALSE;
// Initialize DAcl to NULL
m_pDAcl = NULL; m_pOwner = NULL; m_pGroup = NULL;
// Initialize SA
m_SA.nLength = sizeof( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ); m_SA.lpSecurityDescriptor = &m_SD; m_SA.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
// Do all the resetting logic in ResetSD
ResetSD(); }
// Desctructor
CSecurityDescriptor::~CSecurityDescriptor() { // Reset SD, so everything is freed
ResetSD(); }
// InitializeSD
// Intialize the SD, and either fail or succeeded. If it
// is already initialized, then we NOP. This is so that
// the user does not need to call initialize themselves,
// we can do it automatically for them
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::InitializeSD() { if ( !m_bSDValid ) { // At this point, nothing should have been done to the ACL, or
// there is an error
ASSERT( m_pDAcl == NULL );
// Not initalize yet, so lets do it.
m_bSDValid = InitializeSecurityDescriptor( &m_SD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION ) && SetSecurityDescriptorControl( &m_SD, SE_DACL_PROTECTED, SE_DACL_PROTECTED); }
return m_bSDValid; }
// SetDAcl
// Set the DAcl for the SD, and set the pDAcl internal pointer
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::SetDAcl( PACL pAcl ) { BOOL bRet;
// Try to set SD with correct DACL
if ( pAcl ) { // Set Security Descriptor
bRet = SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( &m_SD, TRUE, pAcl, FALSE ); } else { // Clear it since pAcl is NULL
bRet = SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( &m_SD, FALSE, NULL, TRUE ); }
if ( bRet ) { // If it was set correctly, then lets free the old pointer,
// and set the new pointer accordingly
if ( m_pDAcl ) { LocalFree( m_pDAcl ); }
m_pDAcl = pAcl; }
return bRet; }
// SetOwner
// Set the owner of the SD
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::SetOwner( PSID pSid ) { if ( !InitializeSD() ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !SetSecurityDescriptorOwner( &m_SD, pSid, FALSE ) ) { // Failed to Set
return FALSE; }
m_pOwner = pSid;
return TRUE; }
// SetGroup
// Set the group for the SD
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::SetGroup( PSID pSid ) { if ( !InitializeSD() ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !SetSecurityDescriptorGroup( &m_SD, pSid, FALSE ) ) { // Failed to Set
return FALSE; }
m_pGroup = pSid;
return TRUE; }
// ResetSD
// Reset the SD by removing everything inside of it. Return it to
// its original State.
// If you want, you can call this in the begining, just to make sure the
// initialization worked.
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::ResetSD() { if ( !InitializeSD() ) { return FALSE; }
// Initialize to ACL not inheritted
m_bDAclIsInheritted = FALSE;
if ( m_pOwner ) { FreeSid( m_pOwner ); m_pOwner = NULL; }
if ( m_pGroup ) { FreeSid( m_pGroup ); m_pGroup = NULL; }
return SetDAcl( NULL ); }
// CreateAdminDAcl
// This is a wrapper function, that just creates an Admin DAcl. What
// this means is that we create an ACL that ONLY allows
// Administrators and Local System, and allow them FULL access
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::CreateAdminDAcl( BOOL bIheritable ) { return AddAccessAcebyWellKnownID( CSecurityDescriptor::GROUP_ADMINISTRATORS, CSecurityDescriptor::ACCESS_FULL, TRUE, bIheritable ) && AddAccessAcebyWellKnownID( CSecurityDescriptor::USER_LOCALSYSTEM, CSecurityDescriptor::ACCESS_FULL, TRUE, bIheritable ); }
// GetCurrentDAcl
// Return a ppointer to the current DAcl
PACL CSecurityDescriptor::GetCurrentDAcl() { return m_pDAcl; }
// UpdateDACLwithNewACE
// Update the DACL with a new ACE. Based on the AccessMode, this can be used to:
// 1) Add Deny or Allow Ace's
// 2) Remove Ace's
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::UpdateDACLwithNewACE( TRUSTEE_FORM TrusteeForm, LPTSTR szTrusteeName, DWORD dwAccess, ACCESS_MODE dwAccessMode, DWORD dwInheitance) { PACL pNewDacl = NULL; EXPLICIT_ACCESS ea; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if ( !InitializeSD() ) { // Count not initialize SD
return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory(&ea, sizeof(EXPLICIT_ACCESS));
ea.grfAccessPermissions = dwAccess; ea.grfAccessMode = dwAccessMode; ea.grfInheritance = dwInheitance; ea.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TrusteeForm; ea.Trustee.ptstrName = szTrusteeName;
if ( SetEntriesInAcl(1, &ea, GetCurrentDAcl(), &pNewDacl) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Failed to Set Acl
return FALSE; }
if ( !SetDAcl( pNewDacl ) ) { // We could not set it, so lets free it, and fail
LocalFree( pNewDacl ); bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// QueryEffectiveRightsForTrustee
// Query the effective rights for a Trustee
// Parameters:
// dwTrustee - The trustee to query for
// pAccessMask - [out] The effective AccessMask
// Return Values:
// TRUE - Success
// FALSE - Failure
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::QueryEffectiveRightsForTrustee( DWORD dwTrustee, PACCESS_MASK pAccessMask ) { PSID pSid; TRUSTEE Trustee; BOOL bRet;
pSid = CreateWellKnowSid( dwTrustee );
if ( !pSid ) { // Failed to create sid, so fail
return FALSE; }
// Query Trustee information
Trustee.pMultipleTrustee = NULL; Trustee.MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE; Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID; Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN; Trustee.ptstrName = (LPTSTR) pSid;
bRet = GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl( GetCurrentDAcl(), &Trustee, pAccessMask ) == ERROR_SUCCESS;
FreeSid( pSid );
return bRet; }
// AddAccessAceByName
// Add either an Access Allowed or Access Denied ACE to this ACL
// Parameters:
// szName - The name of the user or group to be added to the ACL
// dwAccess - The access mask to be applied
// bAllow - If TRUE then added Allow ACE, if FALSE, then add Deny ACE
// bInherit - Should this be inherited by children
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::AddAccessAcebyName( LPTSTR szName, DWORD dwAccess, BOOL bAllow /*= TRUE*/ , BOOL bInherit /*= FALSE*/ ) { return UpdateDACLwithNewACE( TRUSTEE_IS_NAME, // Trustee is a name
szName, // Username/Group
dwAccess, // Access
// AddAccessAcebyStringSid
// Add an Access ace to the SD by it's string SID
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::AddAccessAcebyStringSid( LPTSTR szStringSid, DWORD dwAccess, BOOL bAllow /* = TRUE */ , BOOL bInherit /* = FALSE */ ) { PSID pSid; BOOL bRet;
if ( !ConvertStringSidToSid( szStringSid, &pSid ) ) { // Failed to convert to String Sid
return FALSE; }
bRet = UpdateDACLwithNewACE( TRUSTEE_IS_SID, // Trustee is a name
(LPTSTR) pSid, // SID
dwAccess, // Access
// Free the Sid that was returned
LocalFree( pSid );
return bRet; }
// RemoveAccessAcebyName
// Remove all DAcl's in our current DAcl for the particular name
// specified
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::RemoveAccessAcebyName( LPTSTR szName ,BOOL bInherit /*= FALSE*/ ) { BOOL bUserExisted = TRUE; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( !m_pDAcl ) { // If there is no ACL, then we don'e have to worry about
// removing this ACE for it.
return TRUE; } while ( bUserExisted && ( dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS ) ) { dwReturn = RemovePrincipalFromACL( m_pDAcl, szName, &bUserExisted ); }
return ( dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
// AddAccessAcebyWellKnownID
// Add either an Access Allowed or Access Denied ACE to this ACL for a Well Know
// User or Group
// Parameters:
// dwID - The id of the User/Group to be added (taken from the const in this class)
// dwAccess - The access mask to be applied
// bAllow - If TRUE then added Allow ACE, if FALSE, then add Deny ACE
// bInherit - Should this be inherited by children
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::AddAccessAcebyWellKnownID( DWORD dwID, DWORD dwAccess, BOOL bAllow /*= TRUE*/ , BOOL bInherit /*= FALSE*/ ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; PSID pSid;
pSid = CreateWellKnowSid( dwID );
if ( !pSid ) { return FALSE; }
bRet = UpdateDACLwithNewACE( TRUSTEE_IS_SID, // Trustee is a name
(LPTSTR) pSid, // SID
dwAccess, // Access
FreeSid( pSid );
return bRet; }
// SetOwnerbyWellKnownID
// Set the Ownder of the SD by Well Know ID
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::SetOwnerbyWellKnownID( DWORD dwID ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; PSID pSid;
pSid = CreateWellKnowSid( dwID );
if ( !pSid ) { return FALSE; }
bRet = SetOwner( pSid );
if ( !bRet ) { // Failed, so must set ourself
FreeSid( pSid ); }
return bRet; }
// SetGroupbyWellKnownID
// Set the Group of the SD by Well Know ID
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::SetGroupbyWellKnownID( DWORD dwID ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; PSID pSid;
pSid = CreateWellKnowSid( dwID );
if ( !pSid ) { return FALSE; }
bRet = SetGroup( pSid );
if ( !bRet ) { // Failed, so must set ourself
FreeSid( pSid ); }
return bRet; }
// QuerySD
// Query a pointer to the Security Descriptor
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR CSecurityDescriptor::QuerySD() { // We should not call this, before doing some work
ASSERT( m_bSDValid );
if ( !m_bSDValid ) { // Return NULL, since the SD is not valid
return NULL; }
return &m_SD; }
// QuerySA
// Query a pointer to the Security Attributes, created for this SD
PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES CSecurityDescriptor::QuerySA() { // We should not call this, before doing some work
ASSERT( m_bSDValid );
return &m_SA; }
// CreateSidFromName
// Create a Sid for the user givem
CSecurityDescriptor::CreateSidFromName( LPTSTR szTrustee ) {
} */
// CreateWellKnownSid
// Create a Well know sid, so that we can use it in the other functions
// to change ACL's
// Clear dwRID
memset(&(dwRID[0]), 0, sizeof(dwRID));
switch ( dwId ) { case GROUP_ADMINISTRATORS: pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierNTAuthority; dwRID[dwCount++] = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; dwRID[dwCount++] = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS; break; case GROUP_USERS: pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierNTAuthority; dwRID[dwCount++] = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID; dwRID[dwCount++] = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS; break; case USER_LOCALSYSTEM: pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierNTAuthority; dwRID[dwCount++] = SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID; break; case USER_LOCALSERVICE: pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierNTAuthority; dwRID[dwCount] = SECURITY_LOCAL_SERVICE_RID; break; case USER_NETWORKSERVICE: pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierNTAuthority; dwRID[dwCount++] = SECURITY_NETWORK_SERVICE_RID; break; case USER_EVERYONE: pSidIdentifierAuthority = &SidIdentifierWORLDAuthority; dwRID[dwCount++] = SECURITY_WORLD_RID; break; default: bRet = FALSE; }
if ( bRet ) { bRet = AllocateAndInitializeSid( pSidIdentifierAuthority, (BYTE)dwCount, dwRID[0], dwRID[1], dwRID[2], dwRID[3], dwRID[4], dwRID[5], dwRID[6], dwRID[7], &pSid ); }
if ( !bRet ) { if ( pSid ) { FreeSid( pSid ); }
return NULL; }
return pSid; }
// SetSecurityInfoOnHandle
// Explicity set the SecurityInfo on the Handle Given
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::SetSecurityInfoOnHandle( HANDLE hHandle, SE_OBJECT_TYPE ObjectType, BOOL bAllowInheritance ) { // At ths point our SD should be valid
ASSERT( m_bSDValid );
if ( m_bDAclIsInheritted ) { // Even though they say not to use inheritance, we retrieved an ACL
// which was inheritted. So if we don't set with inheritted, the
// ACL will be different
bAllowInheritance = TRUE; }
return ( SetSecurityInfo( hHandle, // The Handle
ObjectType, // Object type
NULL, // Group Sid
GetCurrentDAcl(), // DAcl
NULL ) == // SAcl
// SetSecurityInfoonFile
// Explicity set the Security Info on a File
// (If you do not want it to fail on file not existing, call SetSecurityInfoonFiles)
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::SetSecurityInfoOnFile( LPTSTR szFile, BOOL bAllowInheritance ) { HANDLE hFile; BOOL bRet;
hFile = CreateFile( szFile, WRITE_DAC|READ_CONTROL, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, // No need for security, since it won't do what we want anyways
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // Failed to open File
return FALSE; }
bRet = SetSecurityInfoOnHandle( hFile, SE_FILE_OBJECT, bAllowInheritance );
CloseHandle( hFile );
return bRet; }
// SetSecurityInfoonFiles
// Explicity set the Security Info on a Multiple Files
// The regular wildcard semantics to specify the files (ie. metbase*.xml)
// Note: Use this function, instead of SetSecurityInfoonFile if you do not
// want it to fail if the file does not exist. This will ignore such
// errors.
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::SetSecurityInfoOnFiles( LPTSTR szFile, BOOL bAllowInheritance ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; HANDLE hFiles; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; TSTR_PATH strFileName; TSTR_PATH strPath; LPTSTR szLastSlash;
if ( !strPath.Copy( szFile ) ) { return FALSE; }
szLastSlash = _tcsrchr( strPath.QueryStr(), _T('\\') );
if ( szLastSlash != NULL ) { // Lets find the path (ie. c:\foo\test* -> c:\foo, c:\foo\test -> c:\foo)
*szLastSlash = '\0'; }
hFiles = FindFirstFile( szFile, &fd );
if ( hFiles == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { if ( ( GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) || ( GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) || ( GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ) ) { // If this is the case, then there is nothing to acl
// so return success
return TRUE; }
// Failed to find the first instance of the file
return FALSE; }
do { if ( ( _tcscmp( fd.cFileName, _T(".") ) == 0 ) || ( _tcscmp( fd.cFileName, _T("..") ) == 0 ) ) { // Ignore the . and .. dirs
continue; }
if ( !strFileName.Copy( strPath ) || !strFileName.PathAppend( fd.cFileName ) || !SetSecurityInfoOnFile( strFileName.QueryStr() , bAllowInheritance ) ) { // Failed to set ACL
bRet = FALSE; }
} while ( FindNextFile( hFiles, &fd ) );
FindClose( hFiles );
return ( bRet && ( GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ) ); }
// DuplicateACL
// Take an ACL, and Duplicate it
// Note: This will NOT duplicate the inheritted items in the ACL
// Parameters:
// pSourceAcl [in] - The ACL to Duplicate
// pNewlyCreateAcl [out] - The ACL that has been created as a duplicated
// NOTE: If we return TRUE, this must be free'd with LocalFree
// Return Values:
// FALSE - Failed to duplicate
// TRUE - Success (don't forget to free)
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::DuplicateACL( PACL pSourceAcl, PACL *pNewlyCreateAcl ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; PEXPLICIT_ACCESS pEA; ULONG lNumberofEntries;
if ( GetExplicitEntriesFromAcl( pSourceAcl, &lNumberofEntries, &pEA ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( SetEntriesInAcl( lNumberofEntries, pEA, NULL, pNewlyCreateAcl ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( *pNewlyCreateAcl == NULL ) { // All the entries were inheritted, so create an empty ACL, instead
// or returning NULL!
*pNewlyCreateAcl = ( PACL ) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(ACL) );
if ( *pNewlyCreateAcl && InitializeAcl( *pNewlyCreateAcl, sizeof(ACL) , ACL_REVISION ) ) { bRet = TRUE; }
if ( !bRet && ( *pNewlyCreateAcl != NULL ) ) { // Free memory on failure
LocalFree( *pNewlyCreateAcl ); *pNewlyCreateAcl = NULL; } } else { // Acl was created
bRet = TRUE; } }
LocalFree( pEA ); }
return bRet; }
// IsInerittedAcl
// Determines if the acl was inheritted by a parent?
// This is important, because when we duplicate an ACL, it does not
// duplicate the inheritted ACE's, so when we set it, we must say to
// inherit the ACE's from parent
// Parameters
// pSourceAcl - The Acl to test. NULL is valid here.
// Return Values:
// TRUE - It is inheritting from parent
// FALSE - It is not inheritting from parent
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::IsInherittedAcl( PACL pSourceAcl ) { BOOL bIsInheritted = FALSE; LPVOID pAce; ACE_HEADER *pAceHeader; DWORD dwCurrentAce = 0;
if ( !pSourceAcl ) { // If a NULL Acl is specified, then it is not inheritted,
// since it has nothing in it.
return FALSE; }
while ( !bIsInheritted && GetAce( pSourceAcl, dwCurrentAce, &pAce ) ) { dwCurrentAce++; pAceHeader = (ACE_HEADER *) pAce;
if ( pAceHeader->AceFlags & INHERITED_ACE ) { // This ACE was inheritted, so mark it as such
bIsInheritted = TRUE; } }
return bIsInheritted; }
// GetSecurityInfoOnHandle
// Retrieve the security Information for a particular Handle
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::GetSecurityInfoOnHandle( HANDLE hHandle, SE_OBJECT_TYPE ObjectType ) { BOOL bRet; PACL pDAcl; PACL pNewDAcl = NULL; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD; if ( !InitializeSD() ) { // Count not initialize SD
return FALSE; }
bRet = GetSecurityInfo( hHandle, // The Handle
ObjectType, // Object type
DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, // right now only retrieve security info
NULL, // Owner Sid
NULL, // Group Sid
&pDAcl, // DAcl
NULL, // SAcl
if ( bRet ) { // This duplication does not copy inherited ACL's, only those
// explicity set on this item, thus we must make sure that the
// set does inherit acl's
bRet = DuplicateACL( pDAcl, &pNewDAcl );
if ( bRet && !SetDAcl( pNewDAcl ) ) { // Failed to set DAcl
LocalFree( pNewDAcl); bRet = FALSE; }
if ( bRet ) { // Since during the duplication, we lost the inheritted acl's
// we must set that bit now
m_bDAclIsInheritted = IsInherittedAcl( pDAcl ); }
// Free the Sources Descriptor since we don't use it
LocalFree(pSD); }
return bRet; }
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::GetSecurityInfoOnFile( LPTSTR szFile ) { HANDLE hFile; BOOL bRet;
hFile = CreateFile( szFile, READ_CONTROL, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, // No need for security, since it won't do what we want anyways
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // Failed to open File
return FALSE; }
bRet = GetSecurityInfoOnHandle( hFile, SE_FILE_OBJECT );
CloseHandle( hFile );
return bRet; }
// DuplicateSD
// Duplicate the security descriptor that is send in, into
// our class
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::DuplicateSD( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD ) { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL sdc; PACL pOldAcl; PACL pNewAcl; BOOL bAclPresent; BOOL bAclDefaulted; DWORD dwVersion;
if ( !InitializeSD() ) { // Count not initialize SD
return FALSE; }
if ( !GetSecurityDescriptorControl( pSD, &sdc, &dwVersion ) || !SetSecurityDescriptorControl( &m_SD, SE_DACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ | // Mask of bits to set
// or to set it
return FALSE; } if ( !GetSecurityDescriptorDacl( &m_SD, &bAclPresent, &pOldAcl, &bAclDefaulted ) ) { // Failed to get acl from old SD
return FALSE; }
if ( bAclPresent ) { // If ACL is present, we must duplicate and set for current
if ( !DuplicateACL( pOldAcl, &pNewAcl ) ) { // Failed to duplicate DACL
return FALSE; }
if ( !SetDAcl( pNewAcl ) ) { // Failed to set as current, so must delete pointer
delete pNewAcl; return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// CreateSelfRelativeSD
// Create a SelfRelative Source Descriptor
// Parameters:
// pBuff - [in/out] Pointer to a BUFFER object as input. It is
// filled with the contents of the SD, so it does
// not have to be freed
// pdwSize = [out] The length of the SD inside pBuff
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::CreateSelfRelativeSD( BUFFER *pBuff, LPDWORD pdwSize ) { DWORD dwSize = 0;
ASSERT( pdwSize != NULL ); ASSERT( pBuff != NULL );
if ( MakeSelfRelativeSD( &m_SD, NULL, &dwSize ) || !pBuff->Resize( dwSize ) ) { // Either MakeSelfRelative did not fail as we expected with
// the size, or Resize failed
return FALSE; }
if ( !MakeSelfRelativeSD( &m_SD, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pBuff->QueryPtr(), &dwSize ) ) { // Failed to make self relative
return FALSE; }
*pdwSize = dwSize;
return TRUE; }
// CreateDirectoryWithSA
// Create a Directory with a specific ACL. If the directory already exists,
// then change the acl, and succeed.
BOOL CreateDirectoryWithSA( LPTSTR szPath, CSecurityDescriptor &pSD, BOOL bAllowInheritance ) { BOOL bRet;
// Check if the directory exists
if ( IsFileExist( szPath ) ) { // If it exists, then set ACL's on it
bRet = pSD.SetSecurityInfoOnFile( szPath, bAllowInheritance ); } else { // Create Directory with ACL's we specified
bRet = CreateDirectory( szPath, pSD.QuerySA() ); }
return bRet; }
// DoesFileSystemSupportACLs
// Does the File System Supplied here support ACLs
BOOL CSecurityDescriptor::DoesFileSystemSupportACLs( LPTSTR szPath, LPBOOL pbSupportAcls ) { TSTR_PATH strDrivePath; DWORD dwSystemFlags;
ASSERT( szPath );
if ( !strDrivePath.Copy( szPath ) || !strDrivePath.PathAppend( _T("") ) || ( strDrivePath.QueryLen() < 3 ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Null terminate drive
*( strDrivePath.QueryStr() + 3 ) = _T('\0');
if ( !GetVolumeInformation( strDrivePath.QueryStr(), NULL, // Volume Name Buffer
0, // Size of Buffer
NULL, // Serial Number Buffer
NULL, // Max Component Lenght
&dwSystemFlags, // System Flags
NULL, // FS Type
0 ) ) { // Failed to do query
return FALSE; }
*pbSupportAcls = ( dwSystemFlags & FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS ) != 0;
return TRUE; }