Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Class to parse different parameters coming in from the inf
Christopher Achille (cachille)
Internet Services Setup
Revision History: June 2001: Created
#include "stdafx.h"
// Constructor for CItemList
// Initialize everything to NULL's and 0's
CItemList::CItemList() : m_dwItemsinList(0), m_pItems(NULL) {
// Destructor for CItemList
CItemList::~CItemList() { if ( m_pItems ) { delete m_pItems; m_pItems = NULL; } }
// function: FindNextItem
// Search through the string and find the begining of the
// next item
// Parameters:
// szLine - The string to be parsed
// cTermChar - The termination character to use
// Return
// NULL - No next termination character could be found
// pointer - The string where the next splitting char is.
LPTSTR CItemList::FindNextItem(LPTSTR szLine, TCHAR cTermChar) { LPTSTR szTermination = _tcschr(szLine, cTermChar); LPTSTR szOpenParen = _tcschr(szLine, '(' ); LPTSTR szCloseParen = szOpenParen ? _tcschr(szOpenParen, ')' ) : NULL;
if ( (szOpenParen == NULL) || (szCloseParen == NULL) || (szTermination < szOpenParen) ) { return szTermination; }
// If there is a (xxx), then lets find the termination char after that
szTermination = _tcschr(szCloseParen, cTermChar);
return szTermination; }
// function: LoadSubList
// Load a sublist of items
// A sublist, is a list inside of parenthesis
// Parameters
// szList - The list of items (ie. "(test|foo|bar)"
// Return
// TRUE - Loaded successfully
// FALSE - Failed to load
BOOL CItemList::LoadSubList(LPTSTR szList) { LPTSTR szOpenParen = _tcschr(szList, '(' ); LPTSTR szCloseParen = szOpenParen ? _tcschr(szOpenParen, ')' ) : NULL;
if (szOpenParen && szCloseParen) { BOOL bRet;
*szCloseParen = '\0'; bRet = LoadList(szList + 1); *szCloseParen = ')';
return bRet; }
return LoadList(szList); }
// function: LoadList
// Load a list of items into our array
// Parameters:
// szList - A string containind a comma seperated list of items
// Return:
// FALSE - We could not load the list (either memory problems, or it was
// incorrectly formatted)
// TRUE - We loaded the list
BOOL CItemList::LoadList(LPTSTR szList) { DWORD dwNumItems = 0; DWORD dwCurrentItem; DWORD dwListLen; LPTSTR szListCurrent;
if (szList == NULL) { // No pointer was passed in
return FALSE; }
// Find the number of items in list
szListCurrent = szList; if (*szListCurrent) { while (szListCurrent) { // Increment the Items
szListCurrent = FindNextItem(szListCurrent, ITEMLIST_TERMINATIONCHARACTER);
if (szListCurrent) { szListCurrent++; } } }
dwListLen = (_tcslen(szList) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); if ( !m_Buff.Resize( dwListLen ) ) { // Could not allocate memory
return FALSE; }
if ( dwNumItems ) { if ( m_pItems ) { delete m_pItems; }
m_pItems = new ( LPTSTR[dwNumItems] ); if ( !m_pItems ) { // Could not allocate memory
return FALSE; } }
// Copy the List into our own memory
memcpy(m_Buff.QueryPtr(), szList, dwListLen); m_dwItemsinList = dwNumItems;
// Terminate each item in list, and set pointer accordingly
szListCurrent = (LPTSTR) m_Buff.QueryPtr(); dwCurrentItem = 0; while ( (szListCurrent) && (dwCurrentItem < m_dwItemsinList ) ) { // Set pointer for each item
m_pItems[dwCurrentItem++] = szListCurrent;
szListCurrent = FindNextItem(szListCurrent, ITEMLIST_TERMINATIONCHARACTER);
if (szListCurrent) { *szListCurrent = '\0'; szListCurrent++; } }
return TRUE; }
// function: GetItem
// Get an item in the list, according to its index
// Parameters
// dwIndex - Index of the Item (0 Based)
// Return:
// A Pointer to the begining of that string
LPTSTR CItemList::GetItem(DWORD dwIndex) { if ( dwIndex >= m_dwItemsinList ) { return NULL; }
return m_pItems[dwIndex]; }
// function: GetNumberOfItems
// return the number of items in the list
DWORD CItemList::GetNumberOfItems() { return m_dwItemsinList; }
// function: FindItem
// Find an Item in the list
// Parameters:
// szSearchString - The string that we want to find
// Return
// TRUE - It was found
// FALSE - It was not found
BOOL CItemList::FindItem(LPTSTR szSearchString, BOOL bCaseSensitive ) { DWORD dwCurrentItem;
for ( dwCurrentItem = 0; dwCurrentItem < m_dwItemsinList; dwCurrentItem++ ) { if ( bCaseSensitive ) { // Case Sensitive Compare
if ( _tcscmp( m_pItems[dwCurrentItem], szSearchString ) == 0) { // Found item
return TRUE; } } else { // Case Insensitive Compare
if ( _tcsicmp( m_pItems[dwCurrentItem], szSearchString ) == 0) { // Found item
return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
// function: IsNumber
// Determines if the parameter that we are looking at is a number
// Parameter
// dwIndex - The index of the parameter to look at
// Return
// TRUE - It is a number
// FALSE - It is not a number
BOOL CItemList::IsNumber(DWORD dwIndex) { LPTSTR szNumber = GetItem(dwIndex); BOOL bHex = FALSE;
if (!szNumber) { return FALSE; }
szNumber = SkipWhiteSpaces(szNumber);
// Skip "0x" if it exists, if not we will assume base 10 number
if ( _tcsncmp( szNumber, _T("0x"), 2 ) == 0) { szNumber += 2; bHex = TRUE; }
while ( ( *szNumber != '\0' ) && ( ( ( *szNumber >= '0' ) && ( *szNumber <= '9' ) ) || ( ( *szNumber >= 'a' ) && ( *szNumber <= 'f' ) && ( bHex ) ) || ( ( *szNumber >= 'A' ) && ( *szNumber <= 'F' ) && ( bHex ) ) ) ) { szNumber ++; }
szNumber = SkipWhiteSpaces(szNumber);
return ( *szNumber == '\0' ); }
// function: GetNumber
// Get the value of this param as a number
// Parameters:
// dwIndex - Index of item to find
DWORD CItemList::GetNumber(DWORD dwIndex) { LPTSTR szNumber = GetItem(dwIndex); BOOL bHex = FALSE; DWORD dwVal = 0;
if ( !szNumber || !IsNumber(dwIndex) ) { return 0; }
szNumber = SkipWhiteSpaces(szNumber);
// Skip "0x" if it exists, if not we will assume base 10 number
if ( _tcsncmp( szNumber, _T("0x"), 2 ) == 0) { szNumber += 2; bHex = TRUE; }
while ( ( ( *szNumber >= '0' ) && ( *szNumber <= '9' ) ) || ( ( *szNumber >= 'a' ) && ( *szNumber <= 'f' ) ) || ( ( *szNumber >= 'A' ) && ( *szNumber <= 'F' ) ) ) { dwVal = dwVal * (bHex ? 16 : 10);
if ( ( *szNumber >= '0' ) && ( *szNumber <= '9' ) ) { dwVal = dwVal + *szNumber - '0'; } else if ( ( *szNumber >= 'a' ) && ( *szNumber <= 'f' ) ) { dwVal = dwVal + 10 + *szNumber - 'a'; } else if ( ( *szNumber >= 'A' ) && ( *szNumber <= 'F' ) ) { dwVal = dwVal + 10 + *szNumber - 'A'; }
szNumber++; }
return dwVal; }
// function: SkipWhiteSpaces
// Skips white spaces
// Parameter
// szLine - The line to start skipping st
// Return:
// pointer to first non white character
LPTSTR CItemList::SkipWhiteSpaces(LPTSTR szLine) { while ( ( *szLine == ' ' ) || ( *szLine == '\t')) { szLine++; }
return szLine; }