Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
This class is used to parse a line in the inf file
Christopher Achille (cachille)
Internet Services Setup
Revision History: June 2001: Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Parse.hxx"
// function: FindNextOccurance
// Find the next occurance of a character. This will parse through a line,
// and find the next occurance of a character that is not inside '(','{'
// or '"'.
// Parameters:
// szLine - The Line to parse, at the position you want to start the search
// chTerminator - The character that you are looking for
// Return
// NULL - Could not find character
// pointer - the address of that terminator character
LPTSTR CParse::FindNextOccurance(LPTSTR szLine, TCHAR chTerminator) { DWORD dwParen = 0; DWORD dwCurlyBraces = 0; BOOL bQuotes = FALSE;
if (!szLine) { ASSERT(szLine); return NULL; }
while (*szLine != '\0') { switch (*szLine) { case '"': bQuotes = !bQuotes; break; case '(': dwParen++; break; case ')': dwParen--; break; case '{': dwCurlyBraces++; break; case '}': dwCurlyBraces--; break; default: break; }
if ( ( *szLine == chTerminator) && ( dwParen == 0 ) && ( dwCurlyBraces == 0 ) && ( bQuotes == FALSE ) ) { return szLine; }
szLine++; }
return NULL; }
// function: ParseLine
// Parse the line that has been send in, and interpret it accordingly, calling
// the appropriate functions
// Parameters:
// szLine - The line to be interpreted. THIS WILL BE MODIFIED accordingly, and
// may not be returned in the state it was sent in. This paremeter must
// not be static
// return:
// TRUE - Result returned is TRUE
// FALSE - Result retuened is FALSE
BOOL CParse::ParseLine(CFunctionDictionary *pDict, LPTSTR szLine) { LPTSTR szThenStatement = NULL; LPTSTR szElseStatement = NULL; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if (!szLine) { ASSERT(!szLine); return FALSE; }
szThenStatement = FindNextOccurance(szLine,'?');
if ( szThenStatement ) { szElseStatement = FindNextOccurance(szThenStatement,':');
if ( szElseStatement ) { *szElseStatement = '\0'; } *szThenStatement = '\0'; }
if (szThenStatement || szElseStatement) { // If we could break this line apart, then lets try to break it apart again
bRet = ParseLine(pDict, szLine); } else if ( LPTSTR szOpenCurly = _tcschr( szLine, _T('{') ) ) { // If this line contains { }, it needs further breaking apart
LPTSTR szCloseCurly = _tcsrchr( szOpenCurly, _T('}') );
if ( szCloseCurly ) { *szCloseCurly = '\0';
bRet = ParseLine(pDict, szOpenCurly+1);
*szCloseCurly = '}'; } } else { bRet = CallFunction(pDict, szLine); }
if ( (bRet) && (szThenStatement) ) { // Since this returned TRUE, call the Then part
ParseLine(pDict,szThenStatement+1); }
if ( (!bRet) && (szElseStatement) ) { // Since this returned FALSE, call the Else part
ParseLine(pDict,szElseStatement+1); }
if (szThenStatement) { *szThenStatement = '?'; } if (szElseStatement) { *szElseStatement = ':'; }
return bRet; }
// function: CallFunction
// This function calls the appropriate function for this szLine
// Parameters:
// szLine - The function to call with its parameters
// Return:
// TRUE: The function returned true
// FALSE: The function returned false
BOOL CParse::CallFunction(CFunctionDictionary *pDict, LPTSTR szLine) { LPTSTR szFunctionName = szLine; LPTSTR szOpenParen = _tcschr( szLine, _T('(') ); LPTSTR szCloseParen = szOpenParen ? _tcsrchr( szOpenParen, _T(')') ) : NULL; LPTSTR szParameters = szOpenParen + 1; BOOL bRet;
if (!szOpenParen || !szCloseParen) { // Report error, this function had no parameters!
return FALSE; }
*szOpenParen = '\0'; *szCloseParen = '\0';
bRet = pDict->CallFunction(szFunctionName, szParameters);
*szOpenParen = '('; *szCloseParen = ')';
return bRet; }