#include "stdafx.h"
#include <ole2.h>
#include "iadm.h"
#include "iiscnfgp.h"
#include "mdkey.h"
#include "mdacl.h"
#include "inetinfo.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include "dcomperm.h"
#include "setpass.h"
#include "comncomp.hxx"
#include <comadmin.h> // CLSID_COMAdminCatalog
#include <Sddl.h>
#include <acl.hxx>
#include "webcomp.hxx"
{ \ (PMDR)->dwMDIdentifier=ID; \ (PMDR)->dwMDAttributes=ATTR; \ (PMDR)->dwMDUserType=UTYPE; \ (PMDR)->dwMDDataType=DTYPE; \ (PMDR)->dwMDDataLen=DLEN; \ (PMDR)->pbMDData=(PBYTE)PD; \ }
#define REG_ENABLEPASSSYNC_KEY _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\InetStp")
#define REG_ENABLEPASSSYNC_VALUE _T("EnableUserAccountRestorePassSync")
DWORD AddUserToMetabaseACL2( CSecurityDescriptor *pSD, LPTSTR szUserToAdd, LPTSTR szSidString, ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE * MyACEInfo); HRESULT RemoveMetabaseACL( LPCTSTR szPath );
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
HRESULT UpdateComApplications( IMSAdminBase2 * pcCom, LPCTSTR szWamUserName, LPCTSTR szWamUserPass ) /*++
Routine Description:
If the IWAM account has been modified, it is necessary to update the the out of process com+ applications with the correct account information. This routine will collect all the com+ applications and reset the activation information.
pcCom - metabase object szWamUserName - the new user name szWamUserPass - the new user password
This routine is a royal pain in the butt. I take back all the good things I may have said about com automation.
Return Value: HRESULT - Return value from failed API call - E_OUTOFMEMORY - S_OK - everything worked - S_FALSE - encountered a non-fatal error, unable to reset at least one application. --*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; BOOL fNoErrors = TRUE;
METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase = NULL; WCHAR * pwszDataPaths = NULL; DWORD cchDataPaths = 0; BOOL fTryAgain; DWORD cMaxApplications; WCHAR * pwszCurrentPath;
SAFEARRAY * psaApplications = NULL; SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsaBound[1]; DWORD cApplications; VARIANT varAppKey; LONG rgIndices[1];
METADATA_RECORD mdrAppIsolated; METADATA_RECORD mdrAppPackageId; DWORD dwAppIsolated; WCHAR wszAppPackageId[ 40 ]; DWORD dwMDGetDataLen = 0;
ICOMAdminCatalog * pComCatalog = NULL; ICatalogCollection * pComAppCollection = NULL; ICatalogObject * pComApp = NULL; BSTR bstrAppCollectionName = NULL; LONG nAppsInCollection; LONG iCurrentApp; LONG nChanges;
VARIANT varOldAppIdentity; VARIANT varNewAppIdentity; VARIANT varNewAppPassword;
// This is built unicode right now. Since all the com apis I need
// are unicode only I'm using wide characters here. I should get
// plenty of compiler errors if _UNICODE isn't defined, but just
// in case....
DBG_ASSERT( sizeof(TCHAR) == sizeof(WCHAR) );
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("UpdateComApplications():start\n")));
// Init variants
VariantInit( &varAppKey ); VariantInit( &varOldAppIdentity ); VariantInit( &varNewAppIdentity ); VariantInit( &varNewAppPassword );
// Get the applications to be reset by querying the metabase paths
hr = pcCom->OpenKey( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, L"LM/W3SVC", METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, OPEN_TIMEOUT_VALUE, &hMetabase ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to open metabase (%08x)\n"),hr)); goto cleanup; }
// Get the data paths string
fTryAgain = TRUE; do { hr = pcCom->GetDataPaths( hMetabase, NULL, MD_APP_PACKAGE_ID, STRING_METADATA, cchDataPaths, pwszDataPaths, &cchDataPaths );
if( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) == hr ) { delete[] pwszDataPaths; pwszDataPaths = NULL;
pwszDataPaths = new WCHAR[cchDataPaths]; if( !pwszDataPaths ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } } else { fTryAgain = FALSE; } } while( fTryAgain );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to find metadata (%08x) Data(%d)\n"),hr,MD_APP_PACKAGE_ID)); goto cleanup; } else if (pwszDataPaths == NULL) { //
// If we found no isolated apps, make the path list an empty multisz
cchDataPaths = 1; pwszDataPaths = new WCHAR[cchDataPaths]; if( !pwszDataPaths ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } pwszDataPaths[0] = L'\0'; }
// Determine the maximum number of applications
cMaxApplications = 1; // The pooled application
for( pwszCurrentPath = pwszDataPaths; *pwszCurrentPath != L'\0'; pwszCurrentPath += wcslen(pwszCurrentPath) + 1 ) { cMaxApplications++; }
// Build a key array and load the com applications.
// Create an array to hold the keys
rgsaBound[0].cElements = cMaxApplications; rgsaBound[0].lLbound = 0;
psaApplications = SafeArrayCreate( VT_VARIANT, 1, rgsaBound ); if( psaApplications == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
// Set the out of process pool application key
varAppKey.vt = VT_BSTR; varAppKey.bstrVal = SysAllocString( W3_OOP_POOL_PACKAGE_ID ); if( !varAppKey.bstrVal ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
rgIndices[0] = 0; hr = SafeArrayPutElement( psaApplications, rgIndices, &varAppKey ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed setting an element in a safe array (%08x)\n"),hr)); goto cleanup; }
// For each of the application paths determine if an out of process
// application is defined there and set the appropriate key into
// our array
wszAppPackageId[0] = L'\0';
// Go through each data path and set it into our array if
// it is an isolated application
cApplications = 1; // Actual # of applications - 1 for pool
for( pwszCurrentPath = pwszDataPaths; *pwszCurrentPath != L'\0'; pwszCurrentPath += wcslen(pwszCurrentPath) + 1 ) { hr = pcCom->GetData( hMetabase, pwszCurrentPath, &mdrAppIsolated, &dwMDGetDataLen ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to get data from the metabase (%08x) Path(%S) Data(%d)\n"), hr, pwszCurrentPath, mdrAppIsolated.dwMDIdentifier ));
fNoErrors = FALSE; continue; }
// Is the application out of process
if( dwAppIsolated == 1 ) { // Get the application id
hr = pcCom->GetData( hMetabase, pwszCurrentPath, &mdrAppPackageId, &dwMDGetDataLen ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to get data from the metabase (%08x) Path(%S) Data(%d)\n"), hr, pwszCurrentPath, mdrAppPackageId.dwMDIdentifier ));
fNoErrors = FALSE; continue; }
// Add the application id to the array
VariantClear( &varAppKey ); varAppKey.vt = VT_BSTR; varAppKey.bstrVal = SysAllocString( wszAppPackageId ); if( !varAppKey.bstrVal ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
rgIndices[0]++; hr = SafeArrayPutElement( psaApplications, rgIndices, &varAppKey ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to set safe array element (%08x)\n"), hr )); VariantClear( &varAppKey ); rgIndices[0]--; fNoErrors = FALSE; continue; } cApplications++; } }
// Done with the metabase
pcCom->CloseKey(hMetabase); hMetabase = NULL;
// Shrink the size of the safe-array if necessary
if( cApplications < cMaxApplications ) { rgsaBound[0].cElements = cApplications;
hr = SafeArrayRedim( psaApplications, rgsaBound ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to redim safe array (%08x)\n"), hr )); goto cleanup; } }
// For each application reset the activation identity
// Use our key array to get the application collection
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_COMAdminCatalog, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ICOMAdminCatalog, (void**)&pComCatalog ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to create COM catalog (%08x)\n"), hr )); goto cleanup; }
hr = pComCatalog->GetCollection( L"Applications", (IDispatch **)&pComAppCollection ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to get Applications collection (%08x)\n"), hr )); goto cleanup; }
hr = pComAppCollection->PopulateByKey( psaApplications ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to populate Applications collection (%08x)\n"), hr )); goto cleanup; }
// Iterate over the application collection and update all the
// applications that use IWAM.
hr = pComAppCollection->get_Count( &nAppsInCollection ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to get Applications count (%08x)\n"), hr )); goto cleanup; }
// Init our new app identity and password.
varNewAppIdentity.vt = VT_BSTR; varNewAppIdentity.bstrVal = SysAllocString( szWamUserName ); if( !varNewAppIdentity.bstrVal ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
varNewAppPassword.vt = VT_BSTR; varNewAppPassword.bstrVal = SysAllocString( szWamUserPass ); if( !varNewAppPassword.bstrVal ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; }
for( iCurrentApp = 0; iCurrentApp < nAppsInCollection; ++iCurrentApp ) { if( pComApp ) { pComApp->Release(); pComApp = NULL; } if( varOldAppIdentity.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { VariantClear( &varOldAppIdentity ); }
hr = pComAppCollection->get_Item( iCurrentApp, (IDispatch **)&pComApp ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to get item from Applications collection (%08x)\n"), hr )); fNoErrors = FALSE; continue; }
// If the user has set this to something other than the IWAM_
// user, then we will respect that and not reset the identiy.
hr = pComApp->get_Value( L"Identity", &varOldAppIdentity ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to get Identify from Application (%08x)\n"), hr )); fNoErrors = FALSE; continue; }
DBG_ASSERT( varOldAppIdentity.vt == VT_BSTR ); if( varOldAppIdentity.vt == VT_BSTR ) { if( memcmp( L"IWAM_", varOldAppIdentity.bstrVal, 10 ) == 0 ) { hr = pComApp->put_Value( L"Identity", varNewAppIdentity ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to set new Identify (%08x)\n"), hr )); fNoErrors = FALSE; continue; }
hr = pComApp->put_Value( L"Password", varNewAppPassword ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to set new Password (%08x)\n"), hr )); fNoErrors = FALSE; continue; } } else { DBGINFO(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Unrecognized application identity (%S)\n", varOldAppIdentity.bstrVal )); } } }
hr = pComAppCollection->SaveChanges( &nChanges ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { iisDebugOut(( LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to save changes (%08x)\n"), hr )); goto cleanup; } goto cleanup;
if( hMetabase != NULL ) { pcCom->CloseKey(hMetabase); }
if( psaApplications != NULL ) { SafeArrayDestroy( psaApplications ); }
if( pComCatalog != NULL ) { pComCatalog->Release(); }
if( pComAppCollection != NULL ) { pComAppCollection->Release(); }
if( pComApp != NULL ) { pComApp->Release(); }
if( varAppKey.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { VariantClear( &varAppKey ); }
if( varOldAppIdentity.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { VariantClear( &varOldAppIdentity ); }
if( varNewAppIdentity.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { VariantClear( &varNewAppIdentity ); }
if( varNewAppPassword.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { VariantClear( &varNewAppPassword ); }
delete [] pwszDataPaths;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("UpdateComApplications():end\n")));
// return
if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } else if( fNoErrors == FALSE ) { return S_FALSE; } else { return S_OK; } }
GUFM_RETURN GetUserFromMetabase(IMSAdminBase2 *pcCom, LPWSTR pszPath, DWORD dwUserMetaId, DWORD dwPasswordMetaId, USERNAME_STRING_TYPE ustUserBuf, PASSWORD_STRING_TYPE pstPasswordBuf) {
HRESULT hresTemp; GUFM_RETURN gufmReturn = GUFM_SUCCESS; METADATA_RECORD mdrData; DWORD dwRequiredDataLen;
hresTemp = pcCom->GetData(mhOpenHandle, NULL, &mdrData, &dwRequiredDataLen);
if (FAILED(hresTemp) || (ustUserBuf[0] == (TCHAR)'\0')) { gufmReturn = GUFM_NO_USER_ID; } else {
hresTemp = pcCom->GetData(mhOpenHandle, NULL, &mdrData, &dwRequiredDataLen); if (FAILED(hresTemp)) { gufmReturn = GUFM_NO_PASSWORD; } } pcCom->CloseKey(mhOpenHandle); }
return gufmReturn; } #endif
// ReRegisterDav
// This will re-register Dav. This is need after sysprep, so that the sids in the
// registry are correct.
BOOL ReregisterDav() { TSTR_PATH strDavExe; TSTR strCmdLine;
if ( !strDavExe.RetrieveSystemDir() || !strDavExe.PathAppend( _T("inetsrv") ) || !strDavExe.PathAppend( _T("davcdata.exe") ) || !strCmdLine.Copy( strDavExe ) || !strCmdLine.Append( _T(" /RegServer") ) ) { // Failed to construct strings
return FALSE; }
return RunProgram( strDavExe.QueryStr(), // Exe
strCmdLine.QueryStr(), // Parameters
TRUE, // Minimized
90, // Timeout, in seconds
FALSE ); // Do not create new console
HRESULT WINAPI SysPrepAclSyncIWam(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMSAdminBase2 * pcCom;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("start\n")));
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_IMSAdminBase2,(void **) & pcCom); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { #ifndef _CHICAGO_
pstAnonyPass[0] = (TCHAR)'\0'; ustAnonyName[0] = (TCHAR)'\0'; //
// Get the WAM username and password
gufmTemp = GetUserFromMetabase(pcCom, TEXT("LM/W3SVC"), MD_WAM_USER_NAME, MD_WAM_PWD, ustAnonyName, pstAnonyPass);
UpdateComApplications(pcCom,ustAnonyName,pstAnonyPass); #endif
pcCom->Release(); }
// Loop thru all the acl's
// and get the values, store it somewhere
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("end,ret=0x%x\n"),hr)); return hr; }
// function: ChangeIUsrPasswords
// Change the IUsr Passwords after you have been sysprepped
// This is three steps:
// 1) Get the IUSR account name
// 2) Create a new password for it
// 3) Change the password at all locations with the username
BOOL ChangeIUsrPasswords() { CMDKey cmdKey; TSTR strAnonymousPrefix; CMDValue cmdAnonymousUserName; CMDValue cmdCurrentUser; LPTSTR pszNewPassword; CString csPath; LPTSTR szPath; CStringList cslpathList; POSITION pos; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if ( !strAnonymousPrefix.LoadString( IDS_GUEST_NAME ) || FAILED( cmdKey.OpenNode(TEXT("LM")) ) ) { // Either of these is fatal
return FALSE; }
// Find the anonymous username
if ( !cmdKey.GetData( cmdAnonymousUserName, MD_ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME, L"W3SVC" ) || ( _tcsnicmp( strAnonymousPrefix.QueryStr(), (LPTSTR) cmdAnonymousUserName.GetData(), strAnonymousPrefix.QueryLen() ) != 0 ) ) { // Either there was no anynmous user there, or they replace the IUSR_ username
return TRUE; }
// Now update in all location
if (FAILED( cmdKey.GetDataPaths( MD_ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME, STRING_METADATA, cslpathList) )) { // Could not GetDataPaths for this value
return FALSE; }
// Create new password
pszNewPassword = CreatePassword(LM20_PWLEN+1);
if ( !pszNewPassword ) { // Could not create new password
return FALSE; }
pos = cslpathList.GetHeadPosition();
while ( NULL != pos ) { csPath = cslpathList.GetNext( pos ); szPath = csPath.GetBuffer(0);
if ( cmdKey.GetData( cmdCurrentUser, MD_ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME, szPath ), ( _tcsicmp( (LPTSTR) cmdAnonymousUserName.GetData(), (LPTSTR) cmdCurrentUser.GetData() ) == 0 ) ) { // We found a location with the username set
if ( FAILED( cmdKey.SetData( MD_ANONYMOUS_PWD, METADATA_INHERIT | METADATA_SECURE, IIS_MD_UT_FILE, STRING_METADATA, ( _tcslen( pszNewPassword ) + 1 )*sizeof( TCHAR ), (LPBYTE) pszNewPassword, szPath ) ) ) { // Failed to set correctly
bRet = FALSE; } } }
if ( pszNewPassword ) { GlobalFree(pszNewPassword); }
return bRet; }
// function: ReSetIWamIUsrPasswds
// This function Changes the IWAM and IUSR passwords the
// metabase. Then sets a reg entry, and stops and starts
// iisadmin. This causes iisadmin to reset the password in NT,
// and re sync the com objects.
// Return:
// TRUE - Succeeded
// FALSE - Failed
BOOL ReSetIWamIUsrPasswds(void) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwOldRegValue; BOOL fOldRegWasSet = FALSE; CMDKey cmdKey; LPTSTR pszNewPassword = NULL; HKEY hKey;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ReSetIWamIUsrPasswds:start\n")));
if ( RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_ENABLEPASSSYNC_KEY, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // If we can not open the registry to set the flag,
// there is not hope in resetting the password
return FALSE; }
if ( !ChangeIUsrPasswords() ) { return FALSE; }
// Set New IWAM Password
pszNewPassword = CreatePassword(LM20_PWLEN+1);
if ( pszNewPassword ) { cmdKey.SetData(MD_WAM_PWD,METADATA_INHERIT | METADATA_SECURE,IIS_MD_UT_FILE,STRING_METADATA,(_tcslen(pszNewPassword)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR),(LPBYTE) pszNewPassword); GlobalFree(pszNewPassword); }
// Retrieve Old Value for REG_ENABLEPASSSYNC
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); if ( (RegQueryValueEx(hKey,REG_ENABLEPASSSYNC_VALUE,NULL,&dwType,(LPBYTE) &dwValue,&dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwType == REG_DWORD) ) { fOldRegWasSet = TRUE; dwOldRegValue = dwValue; }
// Set New Value
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); dwType = REG_DWORD; dwValue = 1; if (RegSetValueEx(hKey,REG_ENABLEPASSSYNC_VALUE,0,dwType,(LPBYTE) &dwValue,dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Stop IISAdmin Service
StopServiceAndDependencies(TEXT("IISADMIN"), FALSE);
// Start IISAdmin Service (this will resync the passwords)
// We are going to reboot after installing, so don't
// worry about starting the services that we cascadingly
// stopped
// Reset the Key to the old value
if (fOldRegWasSet) { dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); dwType = REG_DWORD; RegSetValueEx(hKey,REG_ENABLEPASSSYNC_VALUE,0,dwType,(LPBYTE) &dwOldRegValue,dwSize); } else { RegDeleteValue(hKey,REG_ENABLEPASSSYNC_VALUE); } } else { RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
DWORD SysPrepTempfileWriteAclInfo(HANDLE hFile,CString csKeyPath) { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD attr, uType, dType, cbLen; CMDKey cmdKey; BUFFER bufData; PBYTE pData; int BufSize;
if (hFile == NULL || hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return S_OK; }
cmdKey.OpenNode(csKeyPath); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE) cmdKey ) { pData = (PBYTE)(bufData.QueryPtr()); BufSize = bufData.QuerySize(); cbLen = 0; bFound = cmdKey.GetData(MD_ADMIN_ACL, &attr, &uType, &dType, &cbLen, pData, BufSize); if (!bFound) { if (cbLen > 0) { if ( ! (bufData.Resize(cbLen)) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("MDDumpAdminACL(): cmdKey.GetData. failed to resize to %d.!\n"), cbLen)); } else { pData = (PBYTE)(bufData.QueryPtr()); BufSize = cbLen; cbLen = 0; bFound = cmdKey.GetData(MD_ADMIN_ACL, &attr, &uType, &dType, &cbLen, pData, BufSize); } } } cmdKey.Close();
if (bFound) { // dump out the info
// We've got the acl
pOldSd = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) pData; if (IsValidSecurityDescriptor(pOldSd)) { #ifndef _CHICAGO_
DumpAdminACL(hFile,pOldSd); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
} } else { dwReturn = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } } return dwReturn; }
void SysPrepTempfileWrite(HANDLE hFile,TCHAR * szBuf) { DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; if (hFile != NULL && hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (WriteFile(hFile, szBuf, _tcslen(szBuf) * sizeof(TCHAR), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) == FALSE ) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("WriteFile Failed=0x%x.\n"), GetLastError()));} } return; }
// Loop thru all the acl's
// and get the values, store it somewhere
HRESULT WINAPI SysPrepAclBackup(void) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; CMDKey cmdKey; CStringList cslpathList; POSITION pos; CString csPath; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; TCHAR buf[256];
TCHAR szTempFileNameFull[_MAX_PATH];
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("start\n"))); hRes = cmdKey.OpenNode(_T("/")); if ( FAILED(hRes) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("OpenNode failed. err=0x%x.\n"), hRes)); goto SysPrepAclBackup_Exit; }
// get the sub-paths that have the data on them
hRes = cmdKey.GetDataPaths( MD_ADMIN_ACL, BINARY_METADATA, cslpathList); if ( FAILED(hRes) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Update()-GetDataPaths failed. err=0x%x.\n"), hRes)); goto SysPrepAclBackup_Exit; }
// we now have the cstringlist of paths that need to be updated. Loop through the
// list and update them all.
// get the list's head position
pos = cslpathList.GetHeadPosition(); if ( NULL == pos ) { goto SysPrepAclBackup_Exit; }
// Create the tempfile
if (!GetWindowsDirectory(szTempFileNameFull,_MAX_PATH)) { goto SysPrepAclBackup_Exit; }
AddPath(szTempFileNameFull, SYSPREP_TEMPFILE_NAME); if (GetFileAttributes(szTempFileNameFull) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { // if file already exists, then delete it
SetFileAttributes(szTempFileNameFull, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(szTempFileNameFull); }
// create the file
// write a couple of bytes to the beginning of the file say that it's "unicode"
WriteFile(hFile, (LPCVOID) 0xFF, 1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); WriteFile(hFile, (LPCVOID) 0xFE, 1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
// write a section so that setupapi api's can read it
//signature="$Windows NT$"
memset(buf, 0, _tcslen(buf) * sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcscpy(buf, _T("[version]\r\n"));SysPrepTempfileWrite(hFile, buf); _tcscpy(buf, _T("signature=\"$Windows NT$\"\r\n"));SysPrepTempfileWrite(hFile, buf);
// Write in known section
_stprintf(buf, _T("[%s]\r\n"),SYSPREP_KNOWN_SECTION_NAME);SysPrepTempfileWrite(hFile, buf);
// Add entries for the [paths] section
// [paths]
// /
// /w3svc/info
// etc...
while ( NULL != pos ) { // get the next path in question
csPath = cslpathList.GetNext( pos );
// Write to [paths] section
_stprintf(buf, _T("%s\r\n"),csPath); SysPrepTempfileWrite(hFile, buf);
// Save this whole list to the tempfile....
//iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("[%s]\n"),csPath));
// close the metabase
if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) {cmdKey.Close();}
// go to the top of the list again
pos = cslpathList.GetHeadPosition(); while ( NULL != pos ) { // get the next path in question
csPath = cslpathList.GetNext( pos );
// Write to [paths] section
_stprintf(buf, _T("[%s]\r\n"),csPath); SysPrepTempfileWrite(hFile, buf);
// Get the info that we will add to this section from looking up the metabase...
// open up the metabase item for each of them.
// Grab the AdminACL data, convert it to username/permissions
// save the username/permission data into text format
SysPrepTempfileWriteAclInfo(hFile,csPath); }
SysPrepAclBackup_Exit: if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) {cmdKey.Close();} if (hFile) {CloseHandle(hFile);} iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("end,ret=0x%x\n"),hRes)); return hRes; }
void SysPrepRestoreAclSection(IN HINF hFile, IN LPCTSTR szSection) { LPTSTR szLine = NULL; DWORD dwRequiredSize; BOOL bRet = FALSE; INFCONTEXT Context; CSecurityDescriptor SD; DWORD dwSize; BUFFER buffNewSD; TSTR strSid;
// go to the beginning of the section in the INF file
bRet = SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(hFile, szSection, NULL, &Context); if (!bRet) { goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit; }
// Start off by deleting the old ACL, since we do not want to add
// to it, we want to replace it
if ( FAILED( RemoveMetabaseACL( szSection ) ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("RemoveMetabaseACL failed!!\n"))); }
// Set Group and Owner of SD
if ( !SD.SetOwnerbyWellKnownID( CSecurityDescriptor::GROUP_ADMINISTRATORS ) || !SD.SetGroupbyWellKnownID( CSecurityDescriptor::GROUP_ADMINISTRATORS ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Failed to initialize SD with owner and group, GLE=%8x\n"),GetLastError())); goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit; }
// loop through the items in the section.
while (bRet) { // get the size of the memory we need for this
bRet = SetupGetLineText(&Context, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &dwRequiredSize);
// prepare the buffer to receive the line
szLine = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, dwRequiredSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( !szLine ) { goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit; } // get the line from the inf file1
if (SetupGetLineText(&Context, NULL, NULL, NULL, szLine, dwRequiredSize, NULL) == FALSE) { goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit; }
// The line we get should look something like this:
// Get everything to the left of the "=" sign
// this should be the username
TCHAR *token = NULL; token = _tcstok(szLine, _T(",")); if (token == NULL) { goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit; } // Get the username
// Copy the String Sid
token = _tcstok(NULL, _T(",")); if ( (NULL == token) || !strSid.Copy( token ) ) { goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit; }
// Get the next 4 values...
token = _tcstok(NULL, _T(",")); if (NULL == token){goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit;} MyNewACE.Header.AceType = (UCHAR) atodw(token);
token = _tcstok(NULL, _T(",")); if (NULL == token){goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit;} MyNewACE.Header.AceFlags = (UCHAR) atodw(token);
token = _tcstok(NULL, _T(",")); if (NULL == token){goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit;} MyNewACE.Header.AceSize = (USHORT) atodw(token);
token = _tcstok(NULL, _T(",")); if (NULL == token){goto SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit;} MyNewACE.Mask = atodw(token);
//iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("NewACLinfo:%s,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n"),szUserName,MyNewACE.Header.AceType,MyNewACE.Header.AceFlags,MyNewACE.Header.AceSize,MyNewACE.Mask));
// Grab this info and create an ACL for it.
if ( AddUserToMetabaseACL2( &SD, szUserName, strSid.QueryStr(), &MyNewACE) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to restore metabase acl by adding '%s' to ACL at '%s', GLE=%8x)\n"),szUserName,szSection,GetLastError())); return; } // find the next line in the section. If there is no next line it should return false
bRet = SetupFindNextLine(&Context, &Context);
// free the temporary buffer
GlobalFree( szLine );szLine=NULL; szLine = NULL; }
if ( !SD.CreateSelfRelativeSD( &buffNewSD, &dwSize ) ) { // Failed to make selfrelative
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to create SelfRelative SD at '%s', GLE=%8x)\n"),szSection,GetLastError())); return; }
WriteSDtoMetaBase( (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) buffNewSD.QueryPtr(), szSection);
SysPrepRestoreAclSection_Exit: if (szLine) {GlobalFree(szLine);szLine=NULL;} return; }
// Function: RemoveMetabaseACL
// Delete the Metabase ACL from the node specified
// Parameters:
// szPath - The node to delete it from
HRESULT RemoveMetabaseACL( LPCTSTR szPath ) { DWORD hr; CMDKey cmdKey;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("RemoveMetabaseACL:start\n")));
hr = cmdKey.OpenNode( szPath );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // Failed to open Node
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("RemoveMetabaseACL: Open failed, hr = %8x\n"), hr)); return hr; }
hr = cmdKey.DeleteData( MD_ADMIN_ACL, ALL_METADATA );
if ( FAILED( hr ) && ( hr == MD_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("RemoveMetabaseACL: Delete failed, hr = %8x\n"), hr)); // If the value did not exist, that is fine,
// we will just create a new one
hr = S_OK; }
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("RemoveMetabaseACL: end\n")));
// Successfully removed
return hr; }
DWORD AddUserToMetabaseACL2( CSecurityDescriptor *pSD, LPTSTR szUserToAdd, LPTSTR szSidString, ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE * MyACEInfo) { DWORD dwReturn;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("AddUserToMetabaseACL2():start. MyACEInfo->Mask=0x%x.\n"), MyACEInfo->Mask));
if ( !pSD->AddAccessAcebyName( szUserToAdd, MyACEInfo->Mask, MyACEInfo->Header.AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE ) ) { // If we can not add by Username, then lets try to add by the old Sid
// since it might be a domain account we just can not get to
if ( !pSD->AddAccessAcebyStringSid( szSidString, MyACEInfo->Mask, MyACEInfo->Header.AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE ) ) { // Failed to add user
dwReturn = GetLastError(); } }
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("AddUserToMetabaseACL2():End. Return=0x%x.\n"), dwReturn )); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
HRESULT WINAPI SysPrepAclRestore(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HINF InfHandle; TCHAR szTempFileNameFull[_MAX_PATH]; CStringList strList; CString csTheSection = SYSPREP_KNOWN_SECTION_NAME;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("start\n"))); //MDDumpAdminACL(_T("/"));
// Loop thru our data file
// Create the tempfile
if (!GetWindowsDirectory(szTempFileNameFull,_MAX_PATH)) { goto SysPrepAclRestore_Exit; } AddPath(szTempFileNameFull, SYSPREP_TEMPFILE_NAME);
// Get a handle to it.
InfHandle = SetupOpenInfFile(szTempFileNameFull, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if(InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto SysPrepAclRestore_Exit; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == FillStrListWithListOfSections(InfHandle, strList, csTheSection)) { // loop thru the list returned back
if (strList.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { POSITION pos; CString csEntry;
pos = strList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { csEntry = strList.GetAt(pos);
// go get this section and read thru it's info
SysPrepRestoreAclSection(InfHandle, csEntry); strList.GetNext(pos); } } }
if (GetFileAttributes(szTempFileNameFull) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { // if file already exists, then delete it
SetFileAttributes(szTempFileNameFull, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(szTempFileNameFull); }
SysPrepAclRestore_Exit: iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("end,ret=0x%x\n"),hr)); return hr; }
// Entry point used by SysPrep in Whistler
// When sysprep runs, it is going to reset the machine sid
// so when that happens all the crypto stuff is broken.
// we had to implement this stuff so that before sysprep
// changes the sid (and thus breaking crypto) we can save our
// working metabase off somewhere (without crypto key encryption)
// At some point after sysprep has changed the machine sid
// it will call us into SysPrepRestore() and we wil restore
// our metabase using the new crypto keys on the machine.
HRESULT WINAPI SysPrepBackup(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR lpwszBackupLocation[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwMDVersion; DWORD dwMDFlags; WCHAR * pwszPassword = NULL; BOOL bThingsAreGood = FALSE; IMSAdminBase2 * pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL;
_tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo, _T("SysPrepBackup:")); _tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T(""));
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("start\n")));
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
// Check if the user who loaded this dll
// and is calling this entry point has the right priv to do this!
if (FALSE == RunningAsAdministrator()) { hr = E_ABORT; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("No admin priv, aborting\n"))); goto SysPrepBackup_Exit2; }
// if the service doesn't exist, then we don't have to do anyting
if (CheckifServiceExist(_T("IISADMIN")) != 0 ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("IIS not installed. do nothing.\n"))); hr = S_OK; goto SysPrepBackup_Exit2; }
// start the iisadmin service before calling backup.
// this is because if the backup function is called and the metabase is not
// running, then the metabase must startup while backup is trying to lock the
// metabase for backup. a race condition will happen and sometimes backup will
// fail since the metabase may take a while before starting up.
// this function will wait till the service is fully started before returning
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
pwszPassword = CreatePassword(SYSPREP_TEMP_PASSWORD_LENGTH); if (pwszPassword) { #ifdef SYSPREP_USE_SECRETS
// calling set
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SetSecret(SYSPREP_KNOWN_REGISTRY_KEY,pwszPassword)) { bThingsAreGood = TRUE; } #else
if ((HKEY) regBigString) { regBigString.SetValue(SYSPREP_KNOWN_REGISTRY_KEY, pwszPassword); bThingsAreGood = TRUE; } #endif
//iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("PASSWORD=%s,len=%d\n"),pwszPassword,wcslen(pwszPassword)));
// Tell the metabase where it should backup to.
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); #else
hr = CoInitialize(NULL); #endif
// no need to call uninit
if( FAILED (hr)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CoInitializeEx failed\n"))); goto SysPrepBackup_Exit2; }
hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_IMSAdminBase2,(void **) & pIMSAdminBase2); if(FAILED (hr)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CoCreateInstance on IID_IMSAdminBase2 failed\n"))); goto SysPrepBackup_Exit; }
// Call the metabase function
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("BackupWithPasswd calling...\n"))); if (bThingsAreGood) { //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("using org\n")));
hr = pIMSAdminBase2->BackupWithPasswd(lpwszBackupLocation, dwMDVersion, dwMDFlags, pwszPassword); } else { //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("using backup\n")));
hr = pIMSAdminBase2->BackupWithPasswd(lpwszBackupLocation, dwMDVersion, dwMDFlags, L"null"); } if (pIMSAdminBase2) { pIMSAdminBase2->Release(); pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("BackupWithPasswd SUCCEEDED\n"))); } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("BackupWithPasswd failed\n"))); }
// Save all the acl info somewhere.
_tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T("SysPrepAclBackup")); SysPrepAclBackup(); _tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T(""));
// set a flag to say that we called backup...
CRegKey regStageString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_INETSTP, KEY_ALL_ACCESS); if ((HKEY) regStageString) { regStageString.SetValue(SYSPREP_KNOWN_REGISTRY_KEY2, _T("1")); } }
SysPrepBackup_Exit: CoUninitialize();
SysPrepBackup_Exit2: if (pwszPassword) {GlobalFree(pwszPassword);pwszPassword=NULL;} iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("end,ret=0x%x\n"),hr)); _tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo, _T("")); _tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T("")); return hr; }
// Entry point used by SysPrep in Whistler
// When sysprep runs, it is going to reset the machine sid
// so when that happens all the crypto stuff is broken.
// we had to implement this stuff so that before sysprep
// changes the sid (and thus breaking crypto) we can save our
// working metabase off somewhere (without crypto key encryption)
// At some point after sysprep has changed the machine sid
// it will call us into SysPrepRestore() and we wil restore
// our metabase using the new crypto keys on the machine.
HRESULT WINAPI SysPrepRestore(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR lpwszBackupLocation[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTempDir[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szSystemDir[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwMDVersion; DWORD dwMDFlags; TSTR strPassword; IMSAdminBase2 * pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL; BOOL bThingsAreGood = FALSE;
_tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo, _T("SysPrepRestore:")); _tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T("")); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("start\n")));
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
CRegKey regStageString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_INETSTP, KEY_ALL_ACCESS); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("SysPrepRestore start\n")));
// Check if the user who loaded this dll
// and is calling this entry point has the right priv to do this!
if (FALSE == RunningAsAdministrator()) { hr = E_ABORT; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("No admin priv, aborting\n"))); goto SysPrepRestore_Exit2; }
// Only do this restore stuff if backup was called...
if ((HKEY) regStageString) { CString csTheData; regStageString.m_iDisplayWarnings = FALSE; if ( regStageString.QueryValue(SYSPREP_KNOWN_REGISTRY_KEY2, csTheData) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if (_tcsicmp(csTheData,_T("1")) == 0) { // Backup was run!
bThingsAreGood = TRUE; } else { bThingsAreGood = FALSE; } } }
if (FALSE == bThingsAreGood) { // Lets get out.
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("SysPrepBackup not called, so not doing SysPrepRestore. do nothing.\n"))); hr = S_OK; goto SysPrepRestore_Exit2; }
if ( !SetInstallStateInRegistry( INSTALLSTATE_CURRENTLYINSTALLING ) ) { hr = E_ABORT; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Could not set setup install state in registry, aborting\n"))); goto SysPrepRestore_Exit2; }
// if the service doesn't exist, then we don't have to do anyting
if (CheckifServiceExist(_T("IISADMIN")) != 0 ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("SysPrepRestore IIS not installed. do nothing.\n"))); hr = S_OK; goto SysPrepRestore_Exit2; }
// make sure the iisadmin service is stopped.
StopServiceAndDependencies(_T("IISADMIN"), TRUE);
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
if (GetSecret(SYSPREP_KNOWN_REGISTRY_KEY, &strPassword)) { bThingsAreGood = TRUE; } #else
if ((HKEY) regBigString) { CString csTheData; regBigString.m_iDisplayWarnings = FALSE; if ( regBigString.QueryValue(SYSPREP_KNOWN_REGISTRY_KEY, csTheData) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { pwszPassword = (WCHAR *) GlobalAlloc (GPTR, (csTheData.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (pwszPassword) { wcscpy(pwszPassword,csTheData); bThingsAreGood = TRUE; } } } #endif
//iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("PASSWORD=%s,len=%d\n"),pwszPassword,wcslen(pwszPassword)));
// Tell the metabase where it should backup to.
wcscpy(lpwszBackupLocation,L""); dwMDFlags = 0; dwMDVersion = MD_BACKUP_MAX_VERSION;
// IISAdmin won't start up if the metabase.xml,mbschema.xml files are corrupted (bad signature)
// so delete them before restoring....
if (0 == GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, _MAX_PATH)) { goto SysPrepRestore_Exit2; }
// delete existing metabase files
// we can't have this file hanging around --> the metabase won't start if it is here!
// iis6 files -- for whistler server skus
_stprintf(szTempDir, _T("%s\\inetsrv\\Metabase.xml"),szSystemDir); InetDeleteFile(szTempDir); _stprintf(szTempDir, _T("%s\\inetsrv\\MBSchema.xml"),szSystemDir); InetDeleteFile(szTempDir); // iis51 files -- for whistler pro sku
_stprintf(szTempDir, _T("%s\\inetsrv\\metabase.bin"),szSystemDir); InetDeleteFile(szTempDir);
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); #else
hr = CoInitialize(NULL); #endif
// no need to call uninit
if( FAILED (hr)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CoInitializeEx failed\n"))); goto SysPrepRestore_Exit2; } hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_IMSAdminBase2,(void **) & pIMSAdminBase2); if(FAILED (hr)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CoCreateInstance on IID_IMSAdminBase2 failed\n"))); goto SysPrepRestore_Exit; }
// Call the metabase function
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("RestoreWithPasswd calling...\n"))); if (bThingsAreGood) { //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("using org\n")));
hr = pIMSAdminBase2->RestoreWithPasswd(lpwszBackupLocation, dwMDVersion, dwMDFlags, strPassword.QueryStr() ); } else { //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("using backup\n")));
hr = pIMSAdminBase2->RestoreWithPasswd(lpwszBackupLocation, dwMDVersion, dwMDFlags, L"null"); } if (pIMSAdminBase2) { pIMSAdminBase2->Release(); pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Delete the backup file that we used!
_stprintf(szTempDir, _T("%s\\inetsrv\\MetaBack\\%s.md%d"),szSystemDir,MD_DEFAULT_BACKUP_LOCATION,MD_BACKUP_MAX_VERSION); InetDeleteFile(szTempDir); _stprintf(szTempDir, _T("%s\\inetsrv\\MetaBack\\%s.sc%d"),szSystemDir,MD_DEFAULT_BACKUP_LOCATION,MD_BACKUP_MAX_VERSION); InetDeleteFile(szTempDir); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("RestoreWithPasswd SUCCEEDED\n"))); #ifndef _CHICAGO_
// we need to delete the Secret that we used here!
if ((HKEY) regBigString) { regBigString.DeleteValue(SYSPREP_KNOWN_REGISTRY_KEY); } #endif
// Do extra stuff
// like Re-applying the acl for the iis_wpg group to the "/" node
_tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T("SysPrepAclRestore")); SysPrepAclRestore(); _tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T(""));
// syncronize wam with new iwam user
//_tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T("SysPrepAclSyncIWam"));
//_tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T(""));
// only delete this if restore ws success
if ((HKEY) regStageString) { regStageString.DeleteValue(SYSPREP_KNOWN_REGISTRY_KEY2); }
} else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("RestoreWithPasswd failed, with hr=0x%8x\n"),hr)); } }
// Reset the passwords, and allow iisadmin to fix the com information
if (!ReSetIWamIUsrPasswds()) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("ReSetIWamIUsrPasswds was unable to reset IUSR and IWAM passwords\n"))); }
if ( !ReregisterDav() ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("Failed to update DAV COM ACL's\n"))); }
SysPrepRestore_Exit: CoUninitialize();
SysPrepRestore_Exit2: SetInstallStateInRegistry( INSTALLSTATE_DONE ); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("end,ret=0x%x\n"),hr)); _tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo, _T("")); _tcscpy(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo2, _T("")); return hr; }
// ValidateWebRootDir
// Update the g_pTheApp->m_csPathWWWRoot
BOOL ValidateWebRootDir() { TSTR strWWWRootDir;
if ( !strWWWRootDir.Resize( MAX_PATH ) ) { // Could not allocate space for this
return FALSE; }
if ( GetDataFromMetabase(METABASEPATH_DEFAULTSITE, MD_VR_PATH, (PBYTE)strWWWRootDir.QueryStr(), strWWWRootDir.QuerySize())) { g_pTheApp->m_csPathWWWRoot = strWWWRootDir.QueryStr(); }
return TRUE; }
// IsInstalled
// Check if the component is installed
BOOL IsInstalled( LPTSTR szServiceName, LPBOOL pbIsInstalled ) { DWORD dwRet;
dwRet = CheckifServiceExist( szServiceName );
if ( ( dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwRet != ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ) ) { SetLastError( dwRet ); return FALSE; }
*pbIsInstalled = ( dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS );
return TRUE; }
// ApplyIISAcl
// Apply the IIS Acl's to the machine, or remove them
BOOL ApplyIISAcl( WCHAR cDriveLetter, BOOL bAdd ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; BOOL bW3SVCIsInstalled; BOOL bIISAdminIsInstalled; TSTR_PATH strSystemDrive;
if ( !IsInstalled( _T("W3SVC"), &bW3SVCIsInstalled ) || !IsInstalled( _T("IISAdmin"), &bIISAdminIsInstalled ) ) { // Failed to query if service was installed
return FALSE; }
if ( !bIISAdminIsInstalled ) { // Since nothing is installed, lets just exit now
return TRUE; }
if ( !g_pTheApp->InitApplicationforSysPrep() || !ValidateWebRootDir() || !UpdateAnonymousUsers( NULL ) || !strSystemDrive.RetrieveWindowsDir() ) { return FALSE; }
// Reset this now, since we do not want it to interfere with the ACLing
g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_NONE;
if ( bAdd ) { if ( bIISAdminIsInstalled && ( ( cDriveLetter == L'*' ) || ( tolower( cDriveLetter ) == tolower( *( strSystemDrive.QueryStr() ) ) ) ) ) { // Update ACL's for IISAdmin if we are acling system drive
bRet = bRet && CCommonInstallComponent::SetMetabaseFileAcls(); }
if ( bW3SVCIsInstalled ) { // Update ACL's for W3SVC
bRet = bRet && CWebServiceInstallComponent::SetAppropriateFileAclsforDrive( cDriveLetter );
if ( ( cDriveLetter == L'*' ) || ( tolower( cDriveLetter ) == tolower( *( strSystemDrive.QueryStr() ) ) ) ) { bRet = bRet && CWebServiceInstallComponent::SetAspTemporaryDirAcl( TRUE ); } } } else { // Not implemented yet, because it is not used
bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }