Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Replace Dll, and retrieve URLScan Path
Christopher Achille (cachille)
URLScan Update
Revision History: March 2002: Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "urlscan.h"
#include "updateini.h"
#include "service.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <ole2.h>
#include "initguid.h"
#include <coguid.h>
#include "iadmw.h"
#include "iiscnfg.h"
// GetUrlScanPath
// Get the path to URLScan
// Parameters:
// pAdminBase - [in] Pointer to AdminBase Class
// szPath - [out] Path to urlscan
// dwCharsinBuff - [in] Size of buffer
BOOL GetUrlScanPath( IMSAdminBase *pAdminBase, LPTSTR szPath, DWORD dwCharsinBuff ) { METADATA_RECORD mdrData; DWORD dwRequiredSize; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
mdrData.dwMDIdentifier = MD_FILTER_IMAGE_PATH; mdrData.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES; mdrData.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mdrData.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mdrData.dwMDDataLen = ( dwCharsinBuff * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); mdrData.pbMDData = (UCHAR *) szPath; if ( FAILED( pAdminBase->GetData( METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, METABASE_URLSCANFILT_LOC, &mdrData, &dwRequiredSize ) ) ) { bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
// IsURLScanInstalled
// Determine if URLScan is installed.
// Parameters:
// szPath - The path to where URLScan is installed
// Return:
// TRUE - Yes, it is installed, and szPath points to it
// FALSE - It is not installed as a global filter
BOOL IsUrlScanInstalled( LPTSTR szPath, DWORD dwCharsinBuff ) { HRESULT hRes; IMSAdminBase *pAdminBase = NULL; IClassFactory *pcsfFactory = NULL;
if ( FAILED( CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED) ) ) { // Could not initialize COM
return FALSE; }
hRes = CoGetClassObject( GETAdminBaseCLSID(TRUE), CLSCTX_SERVER, NULL, IID_IClassFactory, (void**) &pcsfFactory);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hRes) ) { hRes = pcsfFactory->CreateInstance(NULL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **) &pAdminBase); pcsfFactory->Release(); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hRes) ) { if ( !GetUrlScanPath( pAdminBase, szPath, dwCharsinBuff ) ) { hRes = E_FAIL; } }
if ( pAdminBase ) { pAdminBase->Release(); }
return ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ); }
// InstallURLSCanFix
// Install the fix for URLScan
DWORD InstallURLScanFix( LPTSTR szUrlScanPath ) { BOOL bServiceWasRunning; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Stop web Service
if ( !StopWebSerivce( &bServiceWasRunning ) ) { // Error Message about service not stopping
// Update the Inf
if ( !UpdateIni( szUrlScanPath ) ) { dwRet = IDS_ERROR_INIUPDATE; }
// Update Executable
if ( ( dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( !MoveOldUrlScan( szUrlScanPath ) || !ExtractUrlScanFile( szUrlScanPath ) ) ) { dwRet = IDS_ERROR_DLLUPDATE; }
// Restart web service if it was running before,
// even if there was a failure along the way
if ( bServiceWasRunning && !StartWebSerivce() ) { // Error Message about not being able to start service
if ( dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwRet = IDS_ERROR_RESTARTWEB; } }
return dwRet; }
// ExtractUrlScanFile
// Extract the URLScan File to the FileSystem
// Parameters:
// szPath - Path to expand to
// Return:
// TRUE - Success
// FALSE - Failure
BOOL ExtractUrlScanFile( LPTSTR szPath ) { HRSRC hrDllResource; HGLOBAL hDllResource; LPVOID pDllData; HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwTryCount = 0;
if ( ( ( hrDllResource = FindResource( NULL, (LPCWSTR) IDR_DATA1, RT_RCDATA) ) == NULL ) || ( ( dwSize = SizeofResource( NULL, hrDllResource ) ) == 0 ) || ( ( hDllResource = LoadResource( NULL, hrDllResource) ) == NULL ) || ( ( pDllData = LockResource( hDllResource ) ) == NULL ) ) { // Could not load resource
return FALSE; }
if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION ) { // If we are getting a sharing violation, it is possible that inetinfo.exe
// has released the handle, but the OS hasn't totally released it yet,
// so lets wait 5 seconds
} while ( ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && ( GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION ) && ( dwTryCount < URLSCAN_DLL_INSTALL_MAXTRIES ) );
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { if ( WriteFile( hFile, pDllData, dwSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL) ) { bRet = TRUE; }
if ( dwBytesWritten != dwSize ) { bRet = FALSE; } }
return bRet; }
// MoveOldUrlScan
// This will backup the old urlscan into a backup file location
// Parameters:
// szCurrentPath - The current path to urlscan
BOOL MoveOldUrlScan( LPTSTR szCurrentPath ) { TCHAR szBackupLocation[ MAX_PATH ]; LPTSTR szCurrentPos; DWORD dwPathLength = (DWORD) _tcslen( szCurrentPath );
if ( ( dwPathLength >= ( MAX_PATH - _tcslen(URLSCAN_DEFAULT_FILENAME) - _tcslen(URLSCAN_BACKUPKEY) - 1 ) ) || ( dwPathLength == 0 ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Copy Filelocation over
_tcscpy( szBackupLocation, szCurrentPath );
// Find Last '\'
szCurrentPos = _tcsrchr( szBackupLocation, '\\' );
// If there is not slash, then reset to begining of string
if ( szCurrentPos == NULL ) { szCurrentPos = szBackupLocation; }
if ( *szCurrentPos == '\\' ) { // Move forward one character to the first letter
szCurrentPos++; }
// Append New FileName
_tcscpy( szCurrentPos, URLSCAN_BACKUPKEY); _tcscat( szCurrentPos, URLSCAN_DEFAULT_FILENAME);
// Ignore Failure, since failure is most likely because we have done this
// before, and the backup file already exists
MoveFileEx( szCurrentPath, szBackupLocation, MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED );
return TRUE; }
// IsAdministrator
// Return whether the user is an administrator or not
BOOL IsAdministrator() { SC_HANDLE hSCManager; BOOL bRet;
bRet = hSCManager != NULL;
if ( hSCManager ) { CloseServiceHandle( hSCManager ); }
return bRet; }
// UpdateRegistryforAddRemove
// Update the registry to reflect the new name for the uninstall
// program
BOOL UpdateRegistryforAddRemove() { HKEY hRegKey; BOOL bRet; LPWSTR szValue = URLSCAN_TOOL_KEY_NEWVALUE;
if ( RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, URLSCAN_TOOL_REGPATH, &hRegKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Failure to open registry key
// We will return success though, since they could of never installed
// the installer, but only the file by itself manually.
return TRUE; }
bRet = RegSetValueEx( hRegKey, URLSCAN_TOOL_KEY_NAME, // Value Name
NULL, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // String Value
(LPBYTE) szValue, // Value to set
( ( (DWORD) wcslen(szValue) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ) ) == ERROR_SUCCESS;
RegCloseKey( hRegKey );
return bRet; }