#include "stdafx.h"
#define MIGRATEINF ".\\migrate.inf"
static PCSTR pGetTypeAsString ( IN MIGTYPE Type ) { //
// Note: Strings must be in the same order as the
// corresponding types in the MIGTYPE enumeration above.
static PCHAR typeStrings[] = { "FIRST - Invalid", "File", "Path", "Registry", "Message - Invalid", "LAST - Invalid" };
assert(Type > MIG_FIRSTTYPE && Type < MIG_LASTTYPE);
return typeStrings[Type]; }
static PMIGSECTION pFindSection ( IN PCSTR SectionString, IN BOOL CreateIfNotExist ) { PMIGSECTION rSection;
// We assume that SectionString is not null.
rSection = g_MigrationInf;
while (rSection && (_mbsicmp((const unsigned char *) rSection -> Name,(const unsigned char *) SectionString) != 0)) {
// Continue looking.
rSection = rSection -> Next; } if (!rSection && CreateIfNotExist) { //
// No section was found matching this name. Make a new section and add it
// to the list.
rSection = (PMIGSECTION) PoolMemGetMemory(g_Pool,sizeof(MIGSECTION)); if (rSection) {
ZeroMemory(rSection,sizeof(MIGSECTION)); rSection -> Name = PoolMemDuplicateStringA(g_Pool,SectionString); rSection -> Next = g_MigrationInf; g_MigrationInf = rSection;
if (!rSection -> Name) { //
// Something went wrong when we tried to duplicate the SectionString.
// NULL out the rSection so that the caller doesn't get back a
// malformed section object.
rSection = NULL; } } }
return rSection; }
static BOOL pPathIsInPath( IN PCSTR SubPath, IN PCSTR ParentPath ) { DWORD parentLength; BOOL rInPath;
// This function assumes both parameters are non-NULL.
assert(SubPath); assert(ParentPath); parentLength = _mbslen((const unsigned char *) ParentPath);
// A path is considered "in" another path if the path is in the ParentPath
// or a subdirectory of it.
rInPath = !_mbsnicmp((const unsigned char *) SubPath,(const unsigned char *) ParentPath,parentLength);
if (rInPath) { rInPath = SubPath[parentLength] == 0 || SubPath[parentLength] == '\\'; }
return rInPath;
static DWORD pGetMbsSize ( IN LPCSTR String ) { DWORD rLength; //rLength = (DWORD) _mbschr((const unsigned char *) String,0) - (DWORD) String + 1;
rLength = strlen(String + 1);
return rLength;
static LPSTR pEscapeString ( IN MIGTYPE Type, OUT LPSTR EscapedString, IN LPCSTR String )
{ LPSTR stringStart; static CHAR exclusions[] = "[]~,;%\""; INT currentChar;
// We assume that all parameters are valid.
assert(EscapedString && String);
stringStart = EscapedString;
while (*String) { currentChar = _mbsnextc ((const unsigned char *) String); if (Type == MIG_REGKEY) { //
// Registry keys require more complex escaping than do normal INF strings.
if (!_ismbcprint (currentChar) || _mbschr ((const unsigned char *) exclusions, currentChar)) { //
// Escape unprintable or excluded character
wsprintfA (EscapedString, "~%X~", currentChar); EscapedString = (LPSTR) _mbschr ((const unsigned char *) EscapedString, 0); String = (LPCSTR) _mbsinc((const unsigned char *) String); } else { //
// Copy multibyte character
if (isleadbyte (*String)) { *EscapedString = *String; EscapedString++; String++; } *EscapedString = *String; EscapedString++; String++; } } else {
// Escaping is pretty simple for non-registry keys. All we do is double up
// quotes and percents.
if (*String == '\"' || *String == '%') {
*EscapedString = *String; EscapedString++; } //
// Copy multibyte character
if (isleadbyte (*String)) { *EscapedString = *String; EscapedString++; String++; } *EscapedString = *String; EscapedString++; String++; } }
// Ensure that returned string is NULL terminated.
*EscapedString = 0;
return stringStart; }
static PSTR pGetValueString ( IN MIGTYPE ObjectType, IN LPCSTR StringOne, IN LPCSTR StringTwo ) { static PSTR buffer; static DWORD bufferSize; DWORD maxLength; PSTR bufferEnd; //
// This function assumes that StringOne exists.
if (ObjectType == MIG_REGKEY) { //
// Size: size of both strings, plus the size of the quotes, plus the size of the brackets
// for the value, * 6. This is the maximum size one of these could grow to, if every
// character had to be escaped out.
maxLength = (pGetMbsSize(StringOne) + (StringTwo ? pGetMbsSize(StringTwo) + 2 : 0)) * 6 + 2; } else { //
// Size: size of the string * 2 (The max size if every char was a '%' or '"' plus the quotes.
maxLength = pGetMbsSize(StringOne) * 2 + 2; }
if (maxLength > bufferSize) {
// Initialize our buffer, or create a larger one.
bufferSize = (maxLength > INITIALBUFFERSIZE) ? maxLength : INITIALBUFFERSIZE; buffer = PoolMemCreateStringA(g_Pool,bufferSize); }
if (buffer != NULL) { //
// Insert initial quote.
*buffer = '"'; //
// Massage the string to ensure it is a valid INF file string.
pEscapeString(ObjectType,(char *) _mbsinc((const unsigned char *) buffer),StringOne);
// If this is a REGISTRY entry, then we also need to add the value part of the string,
// if one was specified (In StringTwo)
if (ObjectType == MIG_REGKEY && StringTwo) {
// Add the opening bracket.
bufferEnd = (PSTR) _mbschr((const unsigned char *) buffer,0); if (bufferEnd) { *bufferEnd = '['; //
// Add the value string in, again making sure the string is valid for an INF file.
pEscapeString(ObjectType,(char *) _mbsinc((const unsigned char *) bufferEnd),StringTwo);
// Now, add the closing braket.
bufferEnd = (PSTR) _mbschr((const unsigned char *) buffer,0); if (bufferEnd) { *bufferEnd = ']'; //
// Terminate the string.
bufferEnd = (PSTR) _mbsinc((const unsigned char *) bufferEnd); if (bufferEnd) {*bufferEnd = 0;} } } }
// Add the final quote.
bufferEnd = (PSTR) _mbschr((const unsigned char *) buffer,0); if (bufferEnd) {*bufferEnd = '"';} bufferEnd = (PSTR) _mbsinc((const unsigned char *) bufferEnd); if (bufferEnd) {*bufferEnd = 0;} } return buffer; }
static BOOL pCreateMigObject ( IN MIGTYPE ObjectType, IN PCSTR ParamOne, IN PCSTR ParamTwo, IN PMIGSECTION Section ) { BOOL rSuccess = FALSE; PMIGOBJECT newObject = NULL; PSTR pTemp = NULL;
// pCreateMigObject uses a set of hueristics to correctly assemble an object.
// These hueristics are based on the ObjectType and the contents of ParamTwo.
// ObjectType ParamTwo Key Value
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MIG_REGKEY <any> ParamOne[ParamTwo] Registry
// <other> NULL ParamOne <ObjectType As String>
// <other> non-NULL ParamOne ParamTwo
if (Section) {
// First, create an object...
newObject = (PMIGOBJECT) PoolMemGetMemory(g_Pool,sizeof(MIGOBJECT));
if (newObject) {
if (ObjectType == MIG_REGKEY) {
pTemp = pGetValueString(ObjectType,ParamOne,ParamTwo); if (pTemp) {newObject -> Key = PoolMemDuplicateStringA(g_Pool,pTemp);} else { // out of memory
goto pCreateMigObject_Exit; }
newObject -> Value = PoolMemDuplicateStringA(g_Pool,pGetTypeAsString(ObjectType)); } else { pTemp = pGetValueString(ObjectType,ParamOne,NULL); if (pTemp) {newObject -> Key = PoolMemDuplicateStringA(g_Pool,pTemp);} else { // out of memory
goto pCreateMigObject_Exit; }
if (ParamTwo) { pTemp = pGetValueString(ObjectType,ParamTwo,NULL); if (pTemp) {newObject -> Value = PoolMemDuplicateStringA(g_Pool,pTemp);} else { // out of memory
goto pCreateMigObject_Exit; }
} else { newObject -> Value = PoolMemDuplicateStringA(g_Pool,pGetTypeAsString(ObjectType)); } } } }
if (newObject) { if (newObject -> Key && newObject -> Value) { //
// The object has been successfully created. Link it into the section.
newObject -> Next = Section -> Items; Section -> Items = newObject; rSuccess = TRUE; } else { rSuccess = FALSE; } } else { rSuccess = FALSE; }
pCreateMigObject_Exit: return rSuccess; }
static BOOL pWriteInfSectionToDisk ( IN PMIGSECTION Section ) { PMIGOBJECT curObject; BOOL rSuccess = TRUE;
if (Section) {
curObject = Section -> Items;
while (curObject && rSuccess) {
if (Section -> Name && curObject -> Key && curObject -> Value) { rSuccess = WritePrivateProfileString( Section -> Name, curObject -> Key, curObject -> Value, MIGRATEINF ); }
curObject = curObject -> Next; } } else { rSuccess = FALSE; }
return rSuccess; }
static BOOL pBuildListFromSection ( IN PCSTR SectionString ) { HINF infHandle; PMIGSECTION section; PMIGOBJECT currentObject; INFCONTEXT ic; DWORD size; BOOL rSuccess = TRUE;
// This function assumes that Section is non-NULL.
currentObject = NULL; //
// First find the section specified.
section = pFindSection(SectionString,MIGINF_CREATE);
if (section) { infHandle = SetupOpenInfFileA(MIGRATEINF,NULL,INF_STYLE_WIN4,NULL); if (infHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (SetupFindFirstLine(infHandle,SectionString,NULL,&ic)) { do {
// Create the object.
currentObject = (PMIGOBJECT) PoolMemGetMemory(g_Pool,sizeof(MIGOBJECT)); if (!currentObject) { rSuccess = FALSE; break; } //
// Get the size of the string.
if (!SetupGetLineTextA(&ic,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,&size)) { rSuccess = FALSE; break; } //
// Create a string large enough.
currentObject -> Key = PoolMemCreateStringA(g_Pool,size); if (!currentObject -> Key) { rSuccess = FALSE; break; } //
// Get the string.
if (!SetupGetLineTextA(&ic,NULL,NULL,NULL,currentObject -> Key,size,NULL)) { rSuccess = FALSE; break; } //
// Successfully retrieved the line.
currentObject -> Value = (PSTR) pGetTypeAsString(MIG_FILE); currentObject -> Next = section -> Items; section -> Items = currentObject; } while(SetupFindNextLine(&ic,&ic)); } SetupCloseInfFile(infHandle); } } else { rSuccess = FALSE; }
return rSuccess; }
BOOL WINAPI MigInf_Initialize( VOID ) {
// First, initialize our pool and Zero out the structure.
g_Pool = PoolMemInitPool();
if (g_Pool) { //
// Now, read in the migration paths and excluded paths sections.
if (!pBuildListFromSection(SECTION_MIGRATIONPATHS) || !pBuildListFromSection(SECTION_EXCLUDEDPATHS)) { //
// Something went wrong (i.e. out of memory. Destroy and NULL our pool.
PoolMemDestroyPool(g_Pool); g_Pool = NULL; } }
// If our memory pool initialized successfully, return TRUE.
return (g_Pool != NULL);
VOID WINAPI MigInf_CleanUp ( VOID ) { //
// Only thing we need to do is clean out pool mem. We'll NULL out the list header to make
// sure it isn't usable.
if (g_Pool) { PoolMemDestroyPool(g_Pool); g_Pool = NULL; } g_MigrationInf = NULL;
BOOL WINAPI MigInf_AddObject ( IN MIGTYPE ObjectType, IN PCSTR SectionString, IN PCSTR ParamOne, IN PCSTR ParamTwo ) {
return pCreateMigObject( ObjectType, ParamOne, ParamTwo, pFindSection(SectionString,MIGINF_CREATE) ); }
// We assume that Enum is valid.
section = pFindSection(SectionName,MIGINF_NOCREATE);
if (section) { Enum -> EnumKey = (PVOID) section -> Items; }
return MigInf_NextInSection(Enum); }
BOOL rSuccess = FALSE;
// We assume that the Enum is valid.
if (Enum -> EnumKey) {
Enum -> Key = ((PMIGOBJECT) (Enum -> EnumKey)) -> Key; Enum -> Value = ((PMIGOBJECT) (Enum -> EnumKey)) -> Value; Enum -> EnumKey = ((PVOID) ((PMIGOBJECT) (Enum -> EnumKey)) -> Next); rSuccess = TRUE; }
return rSuccess; }
BOOL WINAPI MigInf_WriteInfToDisk ( VOID ) {
BOOL rSuccess = TRUE; PMIGSECTION curSection; //
// Simply loop through all of the sections, writing each of them to disk.
// As long as WriteSectionToDisk works, we work.
curSection = g_MigrationInf;
while (curSection && rSuccess) {
// We skip the [Excluded Paths] and [Migration Paths] sections.
if (_mbsicmp((const unsigned char *) curSection -> Name,(const unsigned char *) SECTION_EXCLUDEDPATHS) && _mbsicmp((const unsigned char *) curSection -> Name,(const unsigned char *) SECTION_MIGRATIONPATHS)) { rSuccess = pWriteInfSectionToDisk(curSection); }
curSection = curSection -> Next; }
return rSuccess; }
BOOL WINAPI MigInf_PathIsExcluded ( IN PCSTR Path ) { PMIGOBJECT curExcluded; PMIGSECTION section; BOOL rIsExcluded = FALSE;
// We assume Path is valid.
assert(Path); section = pFindSection(SECTION_EXCLUDEDPATHS,MIGINF_NOCREATE);
if (section) {
curExcluded = section -> Items; while (curExcluded && !rIsExcluded) { rIsExcluded = pPathIsInPath(Path,curExcluded -> Key); curExcluded = curExcluded -> Next; } } return rIsExcluded; }
PCSTR WINAPI MigInf_GetNewSectionName ( VOID ) {
static CHAR sectionName[20]; static DWORD seedNum=0;
return sectionName; }
BOOL IsUpgradeTargetSupportIIS(LPCSTR szMyAnswerFile) { BOOL bReturn = TRUE; char szPlatformString[_MAX_PATH];
if (GetPrivateProfileString("Version", "SetupSKU", _T(""), szPlatformString, _MAX_PATH, szMyAnswerFile)) { if (*szPlatformString) { iisDebugOut(_T("[%s] [Version] SetupSKU=%s"), szMyAnswerFile,szPlatformString);
if (0 == _mbsicmp((const unsigned char *) szPlatformString,(const unsigned char *) "Personal")) { bReturn = FALSE; } } }
if (TRUE == bReturn) { // check a different key
if (GetPrivateProfileString("Version", "SetupPlatform", _T(""), szPlatformString, _MAX_PATH, szMyAnswerFile)) { if (*szPlatformString) { iisDebugOut(_T("[%s] [Version] SetupPlatform=%s"), szMyAnswerFile,szPlatformString);
if (0 == _mbsicmp((const unsigned char *) szPlatformString,(const unsigned char *) "Personal")) { bReturn = FALSE; } } } }
return bReturn; }