Microsoft Denali
Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Component: Server object
File: Server.cpp
Owner: CGrant
This file contains the code for the implementation of the Server object. ===================================================================*/ #include "denpre.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Server.h"
#include "tlbcache.h"
#include "memchk.h"
* * C S e r v e r * */
Parameters: punkOuter object to ref count (can be NULL) Returns: ===================================================================*/ CServer::CServer(IUnknown *punkOuter) : m_fInited(FALSE), m_fDiagnostics(FALSE), m_pUnkFTM(NULL), m_pData(NULL) { CDispatch::Init(IID_IServer);
if (punkOuter) { m_punkOuter = punkOuter; m_fOuterUnknown = TRUE; } else { m_cRefs = 1; m_fOuterUnknown = FALSE; } #ifdef DBG
m_fDiagnostics = TRUE; #endif // DBG
Parameters: Returns: ===================================================================*/ CServer::~CServer() { Assert(!m_fInited); Assert(m_fOuterUnknown || m_cRefs == 0); // must have 0 ref count
if ( m_pUnkFTM != NULL ) { m_pUnkFTM->Release(); m_pUnkFTM = NULL; }
Allocates m_pData. Performs any intiailization of a CServer that's prone to failure that we also use internally before exposing the object outside.
Parameters: None Returns: S_OK on success. ===================================================================*/
HRESULT CServer::Init() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_fInited) return S_OK; // already inited
// Create the FTM
if (m_pUnkFTM == NULL) { hr = CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler( (IUnknown*)this, &m_pUnkFTM ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { Assert( m_pUnkFTM == NULL ); return (hr); } }
Assert( m_pUnkFTM != NULL );
m_pData = new CServerData; if (!m_pData) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
m_pData->m_pIReq = NULL; m_pData->m_pHitObj = NULL; m_pData->m_ISupportErrImp.Init(static_cast<IServer *>(this), static_cast<IServer *>(this), IID_IServer); m_fInited = TRUE; return hr; } /*===================================================================
Remove m_pData. Make tombstone (UnInited state).
Parameters: Returns: HRESULT (S_OK) ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CServer::UnInit() { if (!m_fInited) return S_OK; // already uninited
Assert(m_pData); delete m_pData; m_pData = NULL;
// Disconnect proxies NOW (in case we are in shutdown, or enter shutdown later & a proxy has a ref.)
CoDisconnectObject(static_cast<IServerImpl *>(this), 0);
m_fInited = FALSE; return S_OK; }
The only need for a re-init here is to update the CIsapiReqInfo for this request, the CIsapiReqInfo is required to access the MapPath Method. Ideally this method should be part of the Request object
Parameters: CIsapiReqInfo * CHitObj * Returns: S_OK on success.
===================================================================*/ HRESULT CServer::ReInit ( CIsapiReqInfo * pIReq, CHitObj *pHitObj ) { Assert(m_fInited); Assert(m_pData); m_pData->m_pIReq = pIReq; m_pData->m_pHitObj = pHitObj; return S_OK; }
Map virtual path BSTR into single char buffer Used by MapPath(), Execute(), Transfer()
Parameters: dwContextId for error messages wszVirtPath path to translate szPhysPath [out] translate into this buffer (MAX_PATH sized) szVirtPath [out, optional] mb virtual path buffer (MAX_PATH sized) Returns: S_OK on success. ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CServer::MapPathInternal ( DWORD dwContextId, WCHAR *wszVirtPath, TCHAR *szPhysPath, TCHAR *szVirtPath ) { // increment the pointer past leading white spaces
wchar_t *wszLogicalPath = wszVirtPath; while (iswspace(*wszLogicalPath)) ++wszLogicalPath;
unsigned cchLogicalPath = wcslen(wszLogicalPath); if (cchLogicalPath > MAX_PATH-1) { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_SERVER_EXCEDED_MAX_PATH); return E_FAIL; }
else if (cchLogicalPath == 0) { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_INVALID_STR); return E_FAIL; }
// Is this a physical path?
if (iswalpha(wszLogicalPath[0]) && wszLogicalPath[1] == L':') { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_PHY_STR); return E_FAIL; }
// simple validation: look for invalid characters in string [*?<>,;:'"]
// and multiple slash characters ie "//" or "\\"
BOOL fParentPath = FALSE; BOOL fEnableParentPaths = m_pData->m_pHitObj->QueryAppConfig()->fEnableParentPaths(); BOOL fAnyBackslashes = FALSE; wchar_t *pwchT = wszLogicalPath; while (*pwchT != L'\0') { switch (*pwchT) { case L'*': case L':': case L'?': case L'<': case L'>': case L',': case L'"': if (dwContextId) ExceptionId( IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_INVALID_CHR); return E_FAIL;
case L'.': if (*++pwchT == L'.') { if (!fEnableParentPaths) { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_INVALID_CHR3); return E_FAIL; } else { fParentPath = TRUE; ++pwchT; } } break; case L'\\': fAnyBackslashes = TRUE; case L'/': ++pwchT; if (*pwchT == L'/' || *pwchT == L'\\') { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_INVALID_CHR2); return E_FAIL; } break;
default: ++pwchT; } }
// whew! Error handling done!
// Convert wszLogicalPath to multi-byte
TCHAR szLogicalPath[MAX_PATH]; #if UNICODE
wcscpy(szLogicalPath, wszLogicalPath); #else
HRESULT hr; CWCharToMBCS convStr;
if (hr = convStr.Init(wszLogicalPath)) { if ((hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) && dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_OOM); return hr; }
if (convStr.GetStringLen() > (MAX_PATH-1)) { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_SERVER_EXCEDED_MAX_PATH); return E_FAIL; } strcpy(szLogicalPath,convStr.GetString()); #endif
// change all backslashes to forward slashes
if (fAnyBackslashes) { TCHAR *pbBackslash = szLogicalPath; while (pbBackslash = _tcschr(pbBackslash, _T('\\'))) *pbBackslash = _T('/'); }
// is this a Relative path request. I.E. no leading slash
// if so prepend the path_info string to szLogicalPath
BOOL fPathAlreadyIsMapped = FALSE; // Some cases map the path earlier
if (szLogicalPath[0] != _T('/')) { if (_tcslen(m_pData->m_pIReq->QueryPszPathInfo()) >= MAX_PATH) { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_SERVER_EXCEDED_MAX_PATH); return E_FAIL; } TCHAR szParentPath[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szParentPath, m_pData->m_pIReq->QueryPszPathInfo());
szParentPath[MAX_PATH-1] = _T('\0');
// Trim off the ASP file name from the PATH_INFO
TCHAR *pchT = _tcsrchr(szParentPath, _T('/')); if (pchT != NULL) *pchT = '\0';
// If there were parent paths, map the parent now, then append the relative path
// the relative path to the parent path
if (fParentPath) { Assert (fEnableParentPaths); // Errors should have been flagged upstairs
DWORD dwPathSize = sizeof(szParentPath); if (! m_pData->m_pIReq->MapUrlToPath(szParentPath, &dwPathSize)) { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, ::GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER? IDE_SERVER_EXCEDED_MAX_PATH : IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_FAILED); return E_FAIL; }
fPathAlreadyIsMapped = TRUE; }
// Resolve relative paths
if (! DotPathToPath(szLogicalPath, szLogicalPath, szParentPath)) { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_FAILED); return E_FAIL; } }
// return virtual path if requested
if (szVirtPath) _tcscpy(szVirtPath, szLogicalPath);
// Map this to a physical file name (if required)
if (!fPathAlreadyIsMapped) { DWORD dwPathSize = sizeof(szLogicalPath); if (! m_pData->m_pIReq->MapUrlToPath(szLogicalPath, &dwPathSize)) { if (dwContextId) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, dwContextId, ::GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER? IDE_SERVER_EXCEDED_MAX_PATH : IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_FAILED); return E_FAIL; } }
// remove any ending delimiters (unless it's the root directory. The root always starts with drive letter)
TCHAR *pchT = CharPrev(szLogicalPath, szLogicalPath + _tcslen(szLogicalPath)); if ((*pchT == _T('/') || *pchT == _T('\\')) && pchT[-1] != _T(':')) { *pchT = _T('\0'); }
// Replace forward slash with back slash
for (pchT = szLogicalPath; *pchT != _T('\0'); ++pchT) { if (*pchT == _T('/')) *pchT = _T('\\'); }
_tcscpy(szPhysPath, szLogicalPath); return S_OK; }
CServer::QueryInterface CServer::AddRef CServer::Release
IUnknown members for CServer object. ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::QueryInterface ( REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv ) { *ppv = NULL;
* The only calls for IUnknown are either in a nonaggregated * case or when created in an aggregation, so in either case * always return our IUnknown for IID_IUnknown. */
// BUG FIX 683 added IID_IDenaliIntrinsic to prevent the user from
// storing intrinsic objects in the application and session object
if (IID_IUnknown == riid || IID_IDispatch == riid || IID_IServer == riid || IID_IDenaliIntrinsic == riid) *ppv = static_cast<IServer *>(this);
//Indicate that we support error information
if (IID_ISupportErrorInfo == riid) { if (m_pData) *ppv = & (m_pData->m_ISupportErrImp); }
if (IID_IMarshal == riid) { Assert( m_pUnkFTM != NULL );
if ( m_pUnkFTM == NULL ) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
return m_pUnkFTM->QueryInterface( riid, ppv );
//AddRef any interface we'll return.
if (NULL != *ppv) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServer::AddRef() { if (m_fOuterUnknown) return m_punkOuter->AddRef(); return InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&m_cRefs); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServer::Release() { if (m_fOuterUnknown) return m_punkOuter->Release(); DWORD cRefs = InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&m_cRefs); if (cRefs) return cRefs;
delete this; return 0; }
Special-case implementation for CreateObject, Execute, Transfer
Parameters: riid REFIID reserved. Must be IID_NULL. rgszNames OLECHAR ** pointing to the array of names to be mapped. cNames UINT number of names to be mapped. lcid LCID of the locale. rgDispID DISPID * caller allocated array containing IDs corresponging to those names in rgszNames.
Return Value: HRESULT S_OK or a general error code. ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::GetIDsOfNames ( REFIID riid, OLECHAR **rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispID ) { const DISPID dispidCreateObject = 0x60020002; const DISPID dispidExecute = 0x60020007; const DISPID dispidTransfer = 0x60020008;
if (cNames == 1) { switch (rgszNames[0][0]) { case L'C': case L'c': if (wcsicmp(rgszNames[0]+1, L"reateobject") == 0) { *rgDispID = dispidCreateObject; return S_OK; } break;
case L'E': case L'e': if (wcsicmp(rgszNames[0]+1, L"xecute") == 0) { *rgDispID = dispidExecute; return S_OK; } break;
case L'T': case L't': if (wcsicmp(rgszNames[0]+1, L"ransfer") == 0) { *rgDispID = dispidTransfer; return S_OK; } break; } }
// default to CDispatch's implementation
return CDispatch::GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispID); }
Tombstone stub for IServer methods. If the object is tombstone, does ExceptionId and fails.
Returns: HRESULT E_FAIL if Tombstone S_OK if not ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CServer::CheckForTombstone() { if (m_fInited) { // inited - good object
Assert(m_pData); // must be present for inited objects
return S_OK; }
Parameters: BSTR containing ProgID Variant to fillin with IUknown pointer
Returns: S_OK if successful E_FAIL otherwise
Side effects: Creates an instance of an ole automation object ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::CreateObject(BSTR bstrProgID, IDispatch **ppDispObj) { if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
if (bstrProgID == NULL) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_EXPECTING_STR); return E_FAIL; }
*ppDispObj = NULL;
HRESULT hr; CLSID clsid;
if (Glob(fEnableTypelibCache)) { // Use typelib cache to create the component
hr = g_TypelibCache.CreateComponent ( bstrProgID, m_pData->m_pHitObj, ppDispObj, &clsid );
if (FAILED(hr) && clsid == CLSID_NULL) { // bad prog id or something
ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_CREATEOBJ_FAILED, hr); return hr; } } else { // Don't use typelib cache
hr = CLSIDFromProgID((LPCOLESTR)bstrProgID, &clsid); if (FAILED(hr)) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_CREATEOBJ_FAILED, hr); return hr; } hr = m_pData->m_pHitObj->CreateComponent(clsid, ppDispObj); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return S_OK;
// Check if a custom error was already posted
IErrorInfo *pErrInfo = NULL; if (GetErrorInfo(0, &pErrInfo) == S_OK && pErrInfo) { SetErrorInfo(0, pErrInfo); pErrInfo->Release(); } // Standard errors
else if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_CREATEOBJ_DENIED); else { if (hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) { BOOL fInProc; if (SUCCEEDED(CompModelFromCLSID(clsid, NULL, &fInProc)) && !fInProc) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_CREATEOBJ_NOTINPROC); } } else ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_CREATEOBJ_FAILED, hr); } return hr; } /*===================================================================
Return the physical path translated from a logical path
Parameters: BSTR bstrLogicalPath BSTR FAR * pbstrPhysicalPath
Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::MapPath(BSTR bstrLogicalPath, BSTR FAR * pbstrPhysicalPath) { if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
// Bug 1361: error if no CIsapiReqInfo (presumably called during
// Application_OnEnd or Session_OnEnd)
if (m_pData->m_pIReq == NULL) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH, IDE_SERVER_INVALID_CALL); return E_FAIL; }
AssertValid(); Assert (pbstrPhysicalPath != NULL); *pbstrPhysicalPath = NULL;
// use MapPathInternal() to do the mapping
TCHAR szLogicalPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = MapPathInternal(IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH, bstrLogicalPath, szLogicalPath); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
*pbstrPhysicalPath = SysAllocString(szLogicalPath); if (*pbstrPhysicalPath == NULL) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH, IDE_OOM); return E_FAIL; } #else
// Convert the path to wide character
if (FAILED(SysAllocStringFromSz(szLogicalPath, 0, pbstrPhysicalPath, CP_ACP))) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH, IDE_OOM); return E_FAIL; } #endif
return S_OK; }
Encodes a string to HTML standards
Parameters: BSTR bstrIn value: string to be encoded BSTR FAR * pbstrEncoded value: pointer to HTML encoded version of string
Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::HTMLEncode ( BSTR bstrIn, BSTR FAR * pbstrEncoded ) { if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
char* pszstrIn = NULL; char* pszEncodedstr = NULL; char* pszStartEncodestr = NULL; int nbstrLen = 0; int nstrLen = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT uCodePage = m_pData->m_pHitObj->GetCodePage(); CWCharToMBCS convIn;
STACK_BUFFER( tempHTML, 2048 );
if (bstrIn) nbstrLen = wcslen(bstrIn); else nbstrLen = 0;
if (nbstrLen <= 0) return S_OK;
if (FAILED(hr = convIn.Init(bstrIn, uCodePage))) { if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_OOM); goto L_Exit; }
pszstrIn = convIn.GetString(); nstrLen = HTMLEncodeLen(pszstrIn, uCodePage, bstrIn); if (nstrLen > 0) { //Encode string , NOTE this function returns a pointer to the
// NULL so you need to keep a pointer to the start of the string
if (!tempHTML.Resize(nstrLen + 2)) { ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_OOM); hr = E_FAIL; goto L_Exit; }
pszEncodedstr = (char*)tempHTML.QueryPtr();
pszStartEncodestr = pszEncodedstr; pszEncodedstr = ::HTMLEncode( pszEncodedstr, pszstrIn, uCodePage, bstrIn); // convert result to bstr
if (FAILED(SysAllocStringFromSz(pszStartEncodestr, 0, pbstrEncoded, uCodePage))) { ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_OOM); hr = E_FAIL; goto L_Exit; } }
L_Exit: return hr; }
Encodes a query string to URL standards
Parameters: BSTR bstrIn value: string to be URL encoded BSTR FAR * pbstrEncoded value: pointer to URL encoded version of string
Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::URLEncode ( BSTR bstrIn, BSTR FAR * pbstrEncoded ) { if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
char* pszstrIn = NULL; char* pszEncodedstr = NULL; char* pszStartEncodestr = NULL; int nbstrLen = 0; int nstrLen = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWCharToMBCS convIn;
STACK_BUFFER( tempURL, 256 );
if (bstrIn) nbstrLen = wcslen(bstrIn); else nbstrLen = 0;
if (nbstrLen <= 0) return S_OK;
if (FAILED(hr = convIn.Init(bstrIn, m_pData->m_pHitObj->GetCodePage()))) { if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_OOM); goto L_Exit; } pszstrIn = convIn.GetString(); nstrLen = URLEncodeLen(pszstrIn); if (nstrLen > 0) { //Encode string , NOTE this function returns a pointer to the
// NULL so you need to keep a pointer to the start of the string
if (!tempURL.Resize(nstrLen + 2)) { ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_OOM); hr = E_FAIL; goto L_Exit; }
pszEncodedstr = (char *)tempURL.QueryPtr();
pszStartEncodestr = pszEncodedstr; pszEncodedstr = ::URLEncode( pszEncodedstr, pszstrIn ); // convert result to bstr
if (FAILED(SysAllocStringFromSz(pszStartEncodestr, 0, pbstrEncoded))) { ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_OOM); hr = E_FAIL; goto L_Exit; } }
L_Exit: return hr; }
Encodes the path portion of a URL or a full URL. All characters up to the first '?' are encoded with the following rules: o Charcters that are needed to parse the URL are left alone o RFC 1630 safe characters are left alone o Non-foreign alphanumberic characters are left alone o Anything else is escape encoded Everything after the '?' is not encoded.
Parameters: BSTR bstrIn value: string to be URL path encoded BSTR FAR * pbstrEncoded value: pointer to URL path encoded version of string
Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::URLPathEncode ( BSTR bstrIn, BSTR FAR * pbstrEncoded ) { if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
char* pszstrIn = NULL; char* pszEncodedstr = NULL; char* pszStartEncodestr = NULL; int nbstrLen = 0; int nstrLen = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWCharToMBCS convIn;
STACK_BUFFER( tempPath, 256 );
if (bstrIn) nbstrLen = wcslen(bstrIn); else nbstrLen = 0;
if (nbstrLen <= 0) return S_OK;
if (FAILED(hr = convIn.Init(bstrIn, m_pData->m_pHitObj->GetCodePage()))) { if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_OOM); goto L_Exit; }
pszstrIn = convIn.GetString(); nstrLen = URLPathEncodeLen(pszstrIn); if (nstrLen > 0) { //Encode string , NOTE this function returns a pointer to the
// NULL so you need to keep a pointer to the start of the string
if (!tempPath.Resize(nstrLen+2)) { ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_OOM); hr = E_FAIL; goto L_Exit; }
pszEncodedstr = (char *)tempPath.QueryPtr();
pszStartEncodestr = pszEncodedstr; pszEncodedstr = ::URLPathEncode( pszEncodedstr, pszstrIn ); // convert result to bstr
if (FAILED(SysAllocStringFromSz(pszStartEncodestr, 0, pbstrEncoded))) { ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_OOM); hr = E_FAIL; goto L_Exit; } }
L_Exit: return hr; }
Will return the script timeout interval (in seconds)
Parameters: long *plTimeoutSeconds
Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::get_ScriptTimeout( long * plTimeoutSeconds ) { if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
if (m_pData->m_pHitObj == NULL) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH, IDE_SERVER_INVALID_CALL); return(E_FAIL); } *plTimeoutSeconds = m_pData->m_pHitObj->GetScriptTimeout(); return S_OK; }
Allows the user to set the timeout interval for a script (in seconds)
Parameters: long lTimeoutSeconds
Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::put_ScriptTimeout( long lTimeoutSeconds ) { if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
if ( lTimeoutSeconds < 0 ) { ExceptionId( IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_INVALID_TIMEOUT ); return E_FAIL; } else { if (m_pData->m_pHitObj == NULL) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH, IDE_SERVER_INVALID_CALL); return(E_FAIL); } m_pData->m_pHitObj->SetScriptTimeout(lTimeoutSeconds); return S_OK; } }
Execute an ASP
Parameters: bstrURL URL to execute
Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::Execute(BSTR bstrURL) { if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
if (m_pData->m_pIReq == NULL || m_pData->m_pHitObj == NULL) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_INVALID_CALL); return E_FAIL; }
TCHAR szTemplate[MAX_PATH], szVirtTemp[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = MapPathInternal(IDE_SERVER, bstrURL, szTemplate, szVirtTemp); if (FAILED(hr)) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_EXECUTE_INVALID_PATH); return hr; } Normalize(szTemplate);
hr = m_pData->m_pHitObj->ExecuteChildRequest(FALSE, szTemplate, szVirtTemp); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (m_pData->m_pHitObj->FHasASPError()) // error already reported
return hr;
return S_OK; }
Transfer execution an ASP
Parameters: bstrURL URL to execute
Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::Transfer(BSTR bstrURL) { if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
if (m_pData->m_pIReq == NULL || m_pData->m_pHitObj == NULL) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH, IDE_SERVER_INVALID_CALL); return E_FAIL; }
TCHAR szTemplate[MAX_PATH], szVirtTemp[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = MapPathInternal(IDE_SERVER, bstrURL, szTemplate, szVirtTemp); if (FAILED(hr)) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_TRANSFER_INVALID_PATH); return hr; } Normalize(szTemplate);
hr = m_pData->m_pHitObj->ExecuteChildRequest(TRUE, szTemplate, szVirtTemp); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (m_pData->m_pHitObj->FHasASPError()) // error already reported
return hr;
return S_OK; }
Get ASPError object for the last error
Parameters: ppASPErrorObject [out] the error object
Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success ===================================================================*/ STDMETHODIMP CServer::GetLastError(IASPError **ppASPErrorObject) { *ppASPErrorObject = NULL;
if (FAILED(CheckForTombstone())) return E_FAIL;
if (m_pData->m_pIReq == NULL || m_pData->m_pHitObj == NULL) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_SERVER_INVALID_CALL); return E_FAIL; }
HRESULT hr = m_pData->m_pHitObj->GetASPError(ppASPErrorObject);
if (FAILED(hr)) { ExceptionId(IID_IServer, IDE_SERVER, IDE_UNEXPECTED); return hr; }
return S_OK; }
#ifdef DBG
Test to make sure that the CServer object is currently correctly formed and assert if it is not.
Side effects: None. ===================================================================*/ void CServer::AssertValid() const { Assert(m_fInited); Assert(m_pData); Assert(m_pData->m_pIReq); } #endif DBG