* H T M L M A P . C P P * * HTML .MAP file processing * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#include "_davprs.h"
#include <htmlmap.h>
// .MAP file parsing ---------------------------------------------------------
// This code has been stolen from IIS and rewritten to work within the
// DAV/Caligula sources. The original code can be found in the IIS slm
// project at \\kernel\razzle3\slm\iis\svcs\w3\server\doget.cxx.
#define SQR(x) ((x) * (x))
#define MAXVERTS 160
#define X 0
#define Y 1
inline bool IsWhiteA (CHAR ch) { return ((ch) == '\t' || (ch) == ' ' || (ch) == '\r'); }
inline CHAR * SkipNonWhite( CHAR * pch ) { while (*pch && !IsWhiteA(*pch)) pch++;
return pch; }
inline CHAR * SkipWhite( CHAR * pch ) { while (IsWhiteA(*pch) || (*pch == ')') || (*pch == '(')) pch++;
return pch; }
int GetNumber( CHAR ** ppch ) { CHAR * pch = *ppch; INT n;
// Make sure we don't get into the URL
while ( *pch && !isdigit( *pch ) && !isalpha( *pch ) && *pch != '/' && *pch != '\r' && *pch != '\n' ) { pch++; }
if ( !isdigit( *pch ) ) return -1;
n = atoi( pch );
while ( isdigit( *pch )) pch++;
*ppch = pch; return n; }
int pointinpoly(int point_x, int point_y, double pgon[MAXVERTS][2]) { int i, numverts, inside_flag, xflag0; int crossings; double *p, *stop; double tx, ty, y;
for (i = 0; pgon[i][X] != -1 && i < MAXVERTS; i++) ;
numverts = i; crossings = 0;
tx = (double) point_x; ty = (double) point_y; y = pgon[numverts - 1][Y];
p = (double *) pgon + 1;
if ((y >= ty) != (*p >= ty)) { if ((xflag0 = (pgon[numverts - 1][X] >= tx)) == (*(double *) pgon >= tx)) { if (xflag0) crossings++; } else { crossings += (pgon[numverts - 1][X] - (y - ty) * (*(double *) pgon - pgon[numverts - 1][X]) / (*p - y)) >= tx; } }
stop = pgon[numverts];
for (y = *p, p += 2; p < stop; y = *p, p += 2) { if (y >= ty) { while ((p < stop) && (*p >= ty)) p += 2;
if (p >= stop) break;
if ((xflag0 = (*(p - 3) >= tx)) == (*(p - 1) >= tx)) { if (xflag0) crossings++; } else { crossings += (*(p - 3) - (*(p - 2) - ty) * (*(p - 1) - *(p - 3)) / (*p - *(p - 2))) >= tx; } } else { while ((p < stop) && (*p < ty)) p += 2;
if (p >= stop) break;
if ((xflag0 = (*(p - 3) >= tx)) == (*(p - 1) >= tx)) { if (xflag0) crossings++;
} else { crossings += (*(p - 3) - (*(p - 2) - ty) * (*(p - 1) - *(p - 3)) / (*p - *(p - 2))) >= tx; } } }
inside_flag = crossings & 0x01; return (inside_flag); }
BOOL FSearchMapFile (LPCSTR pszMap, INT x, INT y, BOOL * pfRedirect, LPSTR pszRedirect, UINT cchBuf) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; CHAR * pch; CHAR * pchDefault = NULL; CHAR * pchPoint = NULL; CHAR * pchStart; UINT cchUrl; UINT dis; UINT bdis = static_cast<UINT>(-1); BOOL fComment = FALSE; BOOL fIsNCSA = FALSE; LPSTR pURL; // valid only if fIsNCSA is TRUE
// We should now be ready to parse the map. Here is where the
// IIS code begins.
fRet = TRUE;
// Loop through the contents of the buffer and see what we've got
for (pch = const_cast<CHAR *>(pszMap); *pch; ) { fIsNCSA = FALSE;
// note: _tolower doesn't check case (tolower does)
switch( ( *pch >= 'A' && *pch <= 'Z' ) ? _tolower( *pch ) : *pch ) { case '#':
fComment = TRUE; break;
case '\r': case '\n':
fComment = FALSE; break;
// Rectangle
case 'r': case 'o':
// In the IIS code, "oval" and "rect" are treated the
// same. The code is commented with a BUGBUG comment.
if( !fComment && ( !_strnicmp( "rect", pch, 4) // BUGBUG handles oval as a rect, as they are using
// the same specification format. Should do better.
|| !_strnicmp( "oval", pch, 4 )) ) { INT x1, y1, x2, y2;
pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); pURL = pch; pch = SkipWhite( pch );
if( !isdigit(*pch) && *pch!='(' ) { fIsNCSA = TRUE; pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); }
x1 = GetNumber( &pch ); y1 = GetNumber( &pch ); x2 = GetNumber( &pch ); y2 = GetNumber( &pch );
if ( x >= x1 && x < x2 && y >= y1 && y < y2 ) { if ( fIsNCSA ) pch = pURL; goto Found; }
// Skip the URL
if( !fIsNCSA ) { pch = SkipWhite( pch ); pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); } continue; } break;
// Circle
case 'c': if ( !fComment && !_strnicmp( "circ", pch, 4 )) { INT xCenter, yCenter, xEdge, yEdge; INT r1, r2;
pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); pURL = pch; pch = SkipWhite( pch );
if ( !isdigit(*pch) && *pch!='(' ) { fIsNCSA = TRUE; pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); }
// Get the center and edge of the circle
xCenter = GetNumber( &pch ); yCenter = GetNumber( &pch );
xEdge = GetNumber( &pch ); yEdge = GetNumber( &pch );
// If there's a yEdge, then we have the NCSA format, otherwise
// we have the CERN format, which specifies a radius
if ( yEdge != -1 ) { r1 = ((yCenter - yEdge) * (yCenter - yEdge)) + ((xCenter - xEdge) * (xCenter - xEdge));
r2 = ((yCenter - y) * (yCenter - y)) + ((xCenter - x) * (xCenter - x));
if ( r2 <= r1 ) { if ( fIsNCSA ) pch = pURL; goto Found; } } else { INT radius;
// CERN format, third param is the radius
radius = xEdge;
if ( SQR( xCenter - x ) + SQR( yCenter - y ) <= SQR( radius )) { if ( fIsNCSA ) pch = pURL; goto Found; } }
// Skip the URL
if ( !fIsNCSA ) { pch = SkipWhite( pch ); pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); } continue; } break;
// Polygon
case 'p': if ( !fComment && !_strnicmp( "poly", pch, 4 )) { double pgon[MAXVERTS][2]; DWORD i = 0; BOOL fOverflow = FALSE;
pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); pURL = pch; pch = SkipWhite( pch );
if ( !isdigit(*pch) && *pch!='(' ) { fIsNCSA = TRUE; pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); }
// Build the array of points
while ( *pch && *pch != '\r' && *pch != '\n' ) { pgon[i][0] = GetNumber( &pch );
// Did we hit the end of the line (and go past the URL)?
if ( pgon[i][0] != -1 ) { pgon[i][1] = GetNumber( &pch ); } else { break; }
if ( i < MAXVERTS-1 ) { i++; } else { fOverflow = TRUE; } }
pgon[i][X] = -1;
if ( !fOverflow && pointinpoly( x, y, pgon )) { if ( fIsNCSA ) pch = pURL; goto Found; }
// Skip the URL
if ( !fIsNCSA ) { pch = SkipWhite( pch ); pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); } continue; } else if ( !fComment && !_strnicmp( "point", pch, 5 )) { INT x1,y1;
pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); pURL = pch; pch = SkipWhite( pch ); pch = SkipNonWhite( pch );
x1 = GetNumber( &pch ); y1 = GetNumber( &pch );
x1 -= x; y1 -= y; dis = x1*x1 + y1*y1; if ( dis < bdis ) { pchPoint = pURL; bdis = dis; } } break;
// Default URL
case 'd': if ( !fComment && !_strnicmp( "def", pch, 3 ) ) { //
// Skip "default" (don't skip white space)
pch = SkipNonWhite( pch );
pchDefault = pch;
// Skip URL
pch = SkipWhite( pch ); pch = SkipNonWhite( pch ); continue; } break; }
pch++; pch = SkipWhite( pch ); }
// If we didn't find a mapping and a default was specified, use
// the default URL
if ( pchPoint ) { pch = pchPoint; goto Found; }
if ( pchDefault ) { pch = pchDefault; goto Found; }
DebugTrace ("Dav: no mapping found for (%d, %d)\n", x, y); goto Exit;
// pch should point to the white space immediately before the URL
pch = SkipWhite( pch ); pchStart = pch; pch = SkipNonWhite( pch );
// Determine the length of the URL and copy it out
cchUrl = static_cast<UINT>(pch - pchStart); if ( cchUrl >= cchBuf ) return FALSE;
CopyMemory (pszRedirect, pchStart, cchUrl); *(pszRedirect + cchUrl) = 0; *pfRedirect = TRUE;
DebugTrace ("Dav: mapping for (%d, %d) is %hs\n", x, y, pszRedirect);
Exit: return fRet; }
BOOL FIsMapProcessed ( LPCSTR lpszQueryString, LPCSTR lpszUrlPrefix, LPCSTR lpszServerName, LPCSTR pszMap, BOOL * pfRedirect, LPSTR pszRedirect, UINT cchBuf) { INT x = 0; INT y = 0; LPCSTR pch = lpszQueryString;
// Ensure the *pfRedirect is initialized
Assert( pfRedirect ); *pfRedirect = FALSE;
// If there is no query string, I don't think we want to process
// the file as if it were a .map request.
if ( pch == NULL ) return TRUE;
// Get the x and y cooridinates of the mouse click on the image
x = strtoul( pch, NULL, 10 );
// Move past x and any intervening delimiters
while ( isdigit( *pch )) pch++; while ( *pch && !isdigit( *pch )) pch++; y = strtoul( pch, NULL, 10 );
// Search the map file
if ( !FSearchMapFile( pszMap, x, y, pfRedirect, pszRedirect, cchBuf)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: FSearchMapFile() failed with %ld\n", GetLastError()); return FALSE; }
// If no redirected URL was passed back, then we are done.
if ( !*pfRedirect ) { // Returning true does not indicate success, it really
// just means that there were no processing errors
goto ret; }
// If the found URL starts with a forward slash ("/foo/bar/doc.htm")
// and it doesn't contain a bookmark ('#') then the URL is local and
// we build a fully qualified URL to send back to the client. We assume
// it's a fully qualified URL ("http://foo/bar/doc.htm") and send the
// client a redirection notice to the mapped URL
if ( *pszRedirect == '/' ) { CHAR rgch[MAX_PATH]; UINT cch; UINT cchUri;
if ( strlen(lpszUrlPrefix) + strlen(lpszServerName) >= MAX_PATH) return FALSE;
// Build up the full qualification to the url
strcpy (rgch, lpszUrlPrefix); strcat (rgch, lpszServerName);
// See how much we need to shif the URL by
cch = static_cast<UINT>(strlen (rgch)); cchUri = static_cast<UINT>(strlen (pszRedirect)); // If they haven't passed us enough buffer to copy
// the redirect url, fail. Add one to the counts for the
// terminating NULL character
if (cchBuf < (cchUri + cch + 1)) return FALSE; MoveMemory (pszRedirect + cch, pszRedirect, cchUri + 1); CopyMemory (pszRedirect, rgch, cch); }
ret: return TRUE; }