// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// HTTP 1.1/DAV 1.0 request handling via ISAPI
// Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include <_davprs.h>
#include "ecb.h"
#include "body.h"
#include "header.h"
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IRequest
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IRequest::~IRequest()
// Out of line virtual destructor for request interface class
// necessary for proper destruction of derived request classes
// via a pointer to an IRequest
IRequest::~IRequest() {}
// ========================================================================
// CLASS ISubPart
// Interface class for the request body part (CEcbRequestBodyPart)
// "sub parts". CEcbRequestBodyPart has two "modes" of operation
// through which execution flows:
// 1. Accessing the first 48K of data which IIS caches in the ECB.
// 2. Accessing remaining unread data from the ECB in the form of an
// asynchronous read-once stream.
// An ISubPart is a stripped-down IBodyPart (..\inc\body.h) -- it does
// not provide any Rewind() semantics because there's nothing that
// needs to (or can be) rewound. It does, however, provide a function
// to proceed from one mode to the next.
class CEcbRequestBodyPart; class ISubPart { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
ISubPart& operator=( const ISubPart& ); ISubPart( const ISubPart& );
protected: ISubPart() {}
public: // CREATORS
virtual ~ISubPart() = 0;
virtual ULONG CbSize() const = 0; virtual ISubPart * NextPart( CEcbRequestBodyPart& part ) const = 0;
virtual VOID Accept( IBodyPartVisitor& v, UINT ibPos, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ) = 0; };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ISubPart::~ISubPart()
// Out of line virtual destructor necessary for proper deletion
// of objects of derived classes via this class
ISubPart::~ISubPart() { }
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CEcbCache
class CEcbCache : public ISubPart { //
// Our IEcb. Note that this is a C++ reference and not
// a auto_ref_ptr. This is simply an optimization since
// lifetime of CEcbCache is entirely scoped by the lifetime
// of the request body which in turn is scoped by the
// lifetime of the request which holds an auto_ref_ptr
// to the IEcb.
IEcb& m_ecb;
CEcbCache& operator=( const CEcbCache& ); CEcbCache( const CEcbCache& );
public: // CREATORS
CEcbCache( IEcb& ecb ) : m_ecb(ecb) {}
ULONG CbSize() const { return m_ecb.CbAvailable(); } ISubPart * NextPart( CEcbRequestBodyPart& ecbRequestBodyPart ) const;
VOID Accept( IBodyPartVisitor& v, UINT ibPos, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ); };
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CEcbStream
// Accesses remaining unread data from the ECB in the form of an
// asynchronous read-once stream.
class CEcbStream : public ISubPart, private IAsyncStream, private IAsyncWriteObserver, private IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver { //
// Size of the static buffer that we read into. This buffer
// improves performance by reducing the number of times we
// have to call into IIS to read data from the ECB when we
// are being called to read only a few bytes at a time.
enum { CB_BUF = 32 * 1024 //$??? Is 32K reasonable?
// Ref back to our request object. This need not be a counted
// ref because its lifetime scopes ours AS LONG AS we add a ref
// when starting any async operation which could extend our
// lifetime -- i.e. an async read from the ECB.
IRequest& m_request;
// Ref to the IEcb. This need not be a counted ref because its
// lifetime, like ours, is scoped by the lifetime of the request
// object.
IEcb& m_ecb;
// Last error HRESULT. Used in state processing to determine
// when to quit because of an error
// Size of the ECB stream and the amount of data that has
// been consumed (read into the buffer below).
DWORD m_dwcbStreamSize; DWORD m_dwcbStreamConsumed;
// The three states of the buffer:
// Data is present in the buffer or the buffer is empty
// because we've reached the end of the stream. The
// buffer is not being filled.
// The buffer is in the process of being filled from the stream.
// Data may or may not already be present. Nobody is waiting
// on the data.
// The buffer is in the process of being filled from the stream.
// There is no data present. A caller pended and needs to be
// notified when data becomes available.
// This state is only enterable if the stream is in a CopyTo()
// operation. See CEcbStream::WriteComplete() and
// CEcbStream::FillComplete() for the conditions under which
// the buffer is in this state.
mutable LONG m_lBufStatus;
// AsyncRead()/AsyncCopyTo() observer to notify as soon as the
// stream is ready after FAULTING in data.
union { IAsyncReadObserver * m_pobsAsyncRead; IAsyncCopyToObserver * m_pobsAsyncCopyTo; };
// Wakeup functions and function pointer used to get processing
// started again after an AsyncRead() or AsyncCopyTo() request
// returns because data has to be faulted into the buffer.
// All these functions do is notify their associated observer
// (m_pobsAsyncRead or m_pobsAsyncCopyTo).
VOID WakeupAsyncRead(); VOID WakeupAsyncCopyTo();
typedef VOID (CEcbStream::*PFNWAKEUP)(); PFNWAKEUP m_pfnWakeup;
// Hint as to the amount of data that we can expect to
// be returned from a single async read from the
// read-once ECB stream. Used to help fully utilize
// the available space in the buffer. The hint is the
// historical maximum over all of the previous reads.
UINT m_cbBufFillHint;
// Indices into the buffer that implement the 'ring' property.
// The Fill index (m_ibBufFill) is where data is read into the
// buffer from the async stream.
// The Drain index (m_ibBufDrain) is where data is read from or
// copied out of the buffer.
// The Wrap index (m_ibBufWrap) is used by the drainer to tell
// it where the data in the buffer ends. This is needed because
// we may not have filled all the way to the end of the buffer.
// m_ibBufWrap has no meaning until m_ibBufDrain > m_ibBufFill,
// so we explicitly leave it unitialized at construction time.
// The ring property of the buffer holds if and only if the
// following condition is met:
// m_ibBufDrain <= m_ibBufFill
// Data exists in the half-open interval [m_ibBufDrain,m_ibBufFill).
// m_ibBufDrain > m_ibBufFill
// Data exists in the half-open interval [m_ibBufDrain,m_ibBufWrap)
// and the half-open interval [0,m_ibBufFill).
UINT m_ibBufFill; mutable UINT m_ibBufDrain; mutable UINT m_ibBufWrap;
// Static buffer for requests of less than CB_BUF bytes.
// Note that this variable is located at the END of the class
// definition to make debugging in CDB easier -- all of the
// other member variables are visible up front.
BYTE m_rgbBuf[CB_BUF];
// Debugging variables for easy (yeah, right) detection
// of async buffering problems and interactions with
// external streams.
#ifdef DBG
UINT dbgm_cbBufDrained; UINT dbgm_cbBufAvail; UINT dbgm_cbToCopy; LONG dbgm_cRefAsyncWrite; #endif
// IAsyncWriteObserver
void AddRef(); void Release(); VOID WriteComplete( UINT cbWritten, HRESULT hr );
// IAsyncStream
UINT CbReady() const;
VOID AsyncRead( BYTE * pbBuf, UINT cbBuf, IAsyncReadObserver& obsAsyncRead );
VOID AsyncCopyTo( IAsyncStream& stmDst, UINT cbToCopy, IAsyncCopyToObserver& obsAsyncCopyTo );
// IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver
VOID IISIOComplete( DWORD dwcbRead, DWORD dwLastError );
// Buffer functions
VOID AsyncFillBuf(); VOID FillComplete();
HRESULT HrBufReady( UINT * pcbBufReady, const BYTE ** ppbBufReady ) const;
UINT CbBufReady() const; const BYTE * PbBufReady() const;
VOID DrainComplete( UINT cbDrained );
CEcbStream& operator=( const CEcbStream& ); CEcbStream( const CEcbStream& );
public: // CREATORS
CEcbStream( IEcb& ecb, IRequest& request ) : m_ecb(ecb), m_request(request), m_hr(S_OK), m_dwcbStreamSize(ecb.CbTotalBytes() - ecb.CbAvailable()), m_dwcbStreamConsumed(0), m_lBufStatus(STATUS_IDLE), m_cbBufFillHint(0), m_ibBufFill(0), #ifdef DBG
dbgm_cbBufDrained(0), dbgm_cbBufAvail(0), dbgm_cRefAsyncWrite(0), #endif
m_ibBufDrain(0), m_ibBufWrap(static_cast<UINT>(-1)) { }
ULONG CbSize() const { //
// Return the size of the stream. Normally this is just
// the value we initialized above. But for chunked requests
// this value changes as soon as we know the real
// size of the request.
return m_dwcbStreamSize; }
ISubPart * NextPart( CEcbRequestBodyPart& part ) const { //
// The stated size of the CEcbRequestBodyPart should keep
// us from ever getting here.
TrapSz( "CEcbStream is the last sub-part. There is NO next part!" ); return NULL; }
VOID Accept( IBodyPartVisitor& v, UINT ibPos, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ); };
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CEcbRequestBodyPart
class CEcbRequestBodyPart : public IBodyPart { //
// Position in the entire body part at the time of the most recent
// call to Accept(). This value is used to compute the number of
// bytes accepted by the previous call so that the sub-parts can
// be properly positioned for the next call.
ULONG m_ibPosLast;
// The sub-parts
//$NYI If we ever need caching of data from the ECB stream again,
//$NYI it should be implemented as a third sub-part comprised of
//$NYI or derived from a CTextBodyPart.
CEcbCache m_partEcbCache; CEcbStream m_partEcbStream;
// Pointer to the current sub-part
ISubPart * m_pPart;
// Position in the current sub-part
ULONG m_ibPart;
CEcbRequestBodyPart& operator=( const CEcbRequestBodyPart& ); CEcbRequestBodyPart( const CEcbRequestBodyPart& );
public: CEcbRequestBodyPart( IEcb& ecb, IRequest& request ) : m_partEcbCache(ecb), m_partEcbStream(ecb, request) { Rewind(); }
UINT64 CbSize64() const { //
// The size of the whole really is the sum of its parts.
// But -- and this is a big but -- the reported size of
// the stream may change, so we must not cache its value.
// The reason is that chunked requests may not have a
// Content-Length so the final size is not known until
// we have read the entire stream.
return m_partEcbCache.CbSize() + m_partEcbStream.CbSize(); }
ISubPart& EcbCachePart() { return m_partEcbCache; } ISubPart& EcbStreamPart() { return m_partEcbStream; }
VOID Rewind();
VOID Accept( IBodyPartVisitor& v, UINT64 ibPos64, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ); };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbRequestBodyPart::Rewind()
VOID CEcbRequestBodyPart::Rewind() { m_ibPosLast = 0; m_pPart = &m_partEcbCache; m_ibPart = 0; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbRequestBodyPart::Accept()
VOID CEcbRequestBodyPart::Accept( IBodyPartVisitor& v, UINT64 ibPos64, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ) { UINT ibPos;
// NOTE: To be compatable with IBodyPart the position is passed
// in as 64 bit value (this is necessary to support file body parts
// that are bigger than 4GB). However we do not want anyone to create
// text body parts that are bigger than 4GB. So assert that it is not
// the case here and truncate the passed in 64 bit value to 32 bits.
Assert(0 == (0xFFFFFFFF00000000 & ibPos64)); ibPos = static_cast<UINT>(ibPos64);
// Check our assumption that the position has increased since the
// last call by not more than what was left of the current sub-part.
Assert( ibPos >= m_ibPosLast ); Assert( ibPos - m_ibPosLast <= m_pPart->CbSize() - m_ibPart );
// Adjust the position of the current sub-part by the
// previously accepted amount.
m_ibPart += ibPos - m_ibPosLast;
// Remember the current position so that we can do the above
// computations again the next time through.
m_ibPosLast = ibPos;
// If we're at the end of the current sub-part, go on to the next one.
while ( m_ibPart == m_pPart->CbSize() ) { m_pPart = m_pPart->NextPart(*this); m_ibPart = 0; }
// Forward the accept call to the current sub-part
m_pPart->Accept( v, m_ibPart, obsAccept ); }
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CEcbCache
// Accessing the first 48K of data which IIS caches in the ECB.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbCache::Accept()
VOID CEcbCache::Accept( IBodyPartVisitor& v, UINT ibPos, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ) { //
// Limit the request to just the amount of data cached in the ECB.
v.VisitBytes( m_ecb.LpbData() + ibPos, m_ecb.CbAvailable() - ibPos, obsAccept ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbCache::NextPart()
ISubPart * CEcbCache::NextPart( CEcbRequestBodyPart& ecbRequestBodyPart ) const { return &ecbRequestBodyPart.EcbStreamPart(); }
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CEcbStream
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::AddRef()
void CEcbStream::AddRef() { m_request.AddRef(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::Accept()
void CEcbStream::Release() { m_request.Release(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::Accept()
VOID CEcbStream::Accept( IBodyPartVisitor& v, UINT ibPos, IAcceptObserver& obsAccept ) { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::Accept() ibPos = %u\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, ibPos );
v.VisitStream( *this, m_dwcbStreamSize - ibPos, obsAccept ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::CbReady()
// Returns the number of bytes that are instantly available to be read.
UINT CEcbStream::CbReady() const { return CbBufReady(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::AsyncRead()
VOID CEcbStream::AsyncRead( BYTE * pbBufCaller, UINT cbToRead, IAsyncReadObserver& obsAsyncRead ) { //
// Don't assert that cbToRead > 0. It is a valid request to read 0
// bytes from the stream. The net effect of such a call is to just
// start/resume asynchronously filling the buffer.
// Assert( cbToRead > 0 );
EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::AsyncRead() cbToRead = %u\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, cbToRead );
// Stash away the observer and wakeup method so that if
// the call to HrBufReady() returns E_PENDING then then
// wakeup function will be called when the data becomes
// available.
m_pobsAsyncRead = &obsAsyncRead; m_pfnWakeup = WakeupAsyncRead;
// Start/Continue asynchronously filling the buffer
// Check whether the buffer has data available to be read. If so, then
// read it into the caller's buffer. If not, then it will wake us up
// when data becomes available.
UINT cbBufReady; const BYTE * pbBufReady;
HRESULT hr = HrBufReady( &cbBufReady, &pbBufReady );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { //
// If HrBufReady() returns a "real" error, then report it.
if ( E_PENDING != hr ) obsAsyncRead.ReadComplete(0, hr);
// HrBufReady() returns E_PENDING if there is no data immediately
// available. If it does then it will wake us up when data
// becomes available.
return; }
// Limit what we read to the minimum of what's available in the
// buffer or what was asked for. Keep in mind that cbBufReady or
// cbToRead may be 0.
cbToRead = min(cbToRead, cbBufReady);
// Copy whatever is to be read from the I/O buffer into
// the caller's buffer.
if ( cbToRead ) { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::AsyncRead() %lu bytes to read\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, cbToRead );
Assert( !IsBadWritePtr(pbBufCaller, cbToRead) );
// Copy data from our buffer into the caller's
memcpy( pbBufCaller, pbBufReady, cbToRead );
// Tell our buffer how much we've consumed so it can
// continue to fill and replace what we consumed.
DrainComplete( cbToRead ); }
// Tell our observer that we're done.
obsAsyncRead.ReadComplete(cbToRead, S_OK); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::WakeupAsyncRead()
// Called by FillComplete() when the buffer returns to IDLE after
// FAULTING because an observer pended trying to access an empty buffer
// while the buffer was FILLING.
VOID CEcbStream::WakeupAsyncRead() { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::WakeupAsyncRead()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// Now that that the buffer is ready, tell the observer to try again.
m_pobsAsyncRead->ReadComplete(0, S_OK); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::AsyncCopyTo
// Called by FillComplete() when the buffer returns to IDLE after
// FAULTING because an observer pended trying to access an empty buffer
// while the buffer was FILLING.
VOID CEcbStream::AsyncCopyTo( IAsyncStream& stmDst, UINT cbToCopy, IAsyncCopyToObserver& obsAsyncCopyTo ) { Assert( cbToCopy > 0 );
EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::AsyncCopyTo() cbToCopy = %u\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, cbToCopy );
// Stash away the observer and wakeup method so that if
// the call to HrBufReady() returns E_PENDING then the
// wakeup function will be called when the data becomes
// available.
m_pobsAsyncCopyTo = &obsAsyncCopyTo; m_pfnWakeup = WakeupAsyncCopyTo;
// Start/Continue asynchronously filling the buffer
// Check whether the buffer has data available to be read. If so, then
// copy it to the caller's stream. If not, then it will wake us up
// when data becomes available.
UINT cbBufReady; const BYTE * pbBufReady;
HRESULT hr = HrBufReady( &cbBufReady, &pbBufReady );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { //
// If HrBufReady() returns a "real" error, then report it.
if ( E_PENDING != hr ) obsAsyncCopyTo.CopyToComplete(0, hr);
// HrBufReady() returns E_PENDING if there is no data immediately
// available. If it does then it will wake us up when data
// becomes available.
return; }
// Limit what we copy to the minimum of what's available in the
// buffer or what was asked for. Keep in mind cbBufReady may
// be 0.
cbToCopy = min(cbToCopy, cbBufReady);
// Write whatever there is to write, if anything. If there is
// nothing to write then notify the observer immediately that
// we're done -- i.e. do not ask the destination stream to
// write 0 bytes.
if ( cbToCopy ) { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::AsyncCopyTo() %lu bytes to copy\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, cbToCopy );
#ifdef DBG
// In DBG builds, remember how much we're writing so that
// we can quickly catch streams that do something stupid
// like tell our WriteComplete() that it wrote more than
// we asked it to.
dbgm_cbToCopy = cbToCopy; #endif
// We should only ever be doing one AsyncWrite() at a time.
Assert( InterlockedIncrement(&dbgm_cRefAsyncWrite) == 1 );
stmDst.AsyncWrite( pbBufReady, cbToCopy, *this ); } else { obsAsyncCopyTo.CopyToComplete(0, S_OK); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::WakeupAsyncCopyTo()
VOID CEcbStream::WakeupAsyncCopyTo() { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::WakeupAsyncCopyTo()\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// Now that that the buffer is ready, tell the observer to try again.
m_pobsAsyncCopyTo->CopyToComplete(0, S_OK); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::WriteComplete
VOID CEcbStream::WriteComplete( UINT cbWritten, HRESULT hr ) { //
// Make sure the stream isn't telling us it wrote more than we asked for!
Assert( dbgm_cbToCopy >= cbWritten );
EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::WriteComplete() %u " "bytes written (0x%08lX)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, cbWritten, hr );
// If no error has occurred, we want to call DrainComplete as soon as
// possible, as it will begin another AsyncFillBuf to fill in the part of
// the buffer that was drained.
// However, in the case of error, we do not want to call DrainComplete
// before the error gets set into m_hr and the state of the stream gets
// set to STATUS_WRITE_ERROR. We don't want to call AsyncFillBuf without
// the error latched in, or it will start another async. operation, which
// is not good since we've already errored!
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) DrainComplete( cbWritten );
// We should only ever do one AsyncWrite() at a time. Assert that.
Assert( InterlockedDecrement(&dbgm_cRefAsyncWrite) == 0 );
// If the async write completed successfully just notify the CopyTo observer.
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { m_pobsAsyncCopyTo->CopyToComplete( cbWritten, hr ); }
// Otherwise things get a little tricky....
else { //
// Normally we would just notify the CopyTo observer of the error.
// But if we are FILLING that could be a bad idea. When we notify
// the observer it will most likely send back an error to the client
// via async I/O. If we are still FILLING at that point then we would
// have multiple async I/Os outstanding which is a Bad Thing(tm) --
// ECB leaks making the web service impossible to shut down, etc.
// So instead of notifying the observer unconditionally we latch
// in the error and transition to a WRITE_ERROR state. If the
// previous state was FILLING then don't notify the observer.
// CEcbStream::FillComplete() will notify the observer when
// FILLING completes (i.e. when it is safe to do another async I/O).
// If the previous state was IDLE (and it must have been either IDLE
// or FILLING) then it is safe to notify the observer because
// the transition to WRITE_ERROR prevents any new filling operations
// from starting.
// Latch in the error now. FillComplete() can potentially send
// the error response immediately after we change state below.
m_hr = hr;
// Change state. If the previous state was IDLE then it is safe
// to notify the observer from this thread. No other thread can
// start FILLING once the state changes.
LONG lBufStatusPrev = InterlockedExchange( &m_lBufStatus, STATUS_WRITE_ERROR );
// Now that we've latched in the errors, we can safely call
// DrainComplete. AsyncFillBuf checks that the state of the
// stream is NOT STATUS_WRITE_ERROR before beginning an
// asynchronous read.
DrainComplete( cbWritten );
if ( STATUS_IDLE == lBufStatusPrev ) { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::WriteComplete() - Error writing. Notifying CopyTo observer.\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
m_pobsAsyncCopyTo->CopyToComplete( cbWritten, hr ); } else { //
// The previous state was not IDLE, so it must have
// been FILLING. In no other state could we have been
// writing.
Assert( STATUS_FILLING == lBufStatusPrev );
EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::WriteComplete() - Error writing while filling. FillComplete() will notify CopyTo observer\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this ); } } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::DrainComplete()
// Called by AsyncRead() and WriteComplete() when draining (consuming)
// data from the buffer. This function updates the drain position of
// the buffer and allows the buffer to continue filling the space
// just drained.
VOID CEcbStream::DrainComplete( UINT cbDrained ) { #ifdef DBG
dbgm_cbBufDrained += cbDrained;
UINT cbBufAvail = InterlockedExchangeAdd( reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(&dbgm_cbBufAvail), -static_cast<LONG>(cbDrained) ); EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: !!!CEcbStream::DrainComplete() %lu left to write (%u in buffer)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, m_dwcbStreamSize - dbgm_cbBufDrained, cbBufAvail );
Assert( dbgm_cbBufDrained <= m_dwcbStreamConsumed ); #endif
// Update the drain position of the buffer. Don't wrap here.
// We wrap only in CbBufReady().
m_ibBufDrain += cbDrained;
// Resume/Continue filling the buffer
AsyncFillBuf(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::CbBufReady()
UINT CEcbStream::CbBufReady() const { //
// Poll the filling position now so that it doesn't change
// between the time we do the comparison below and the time
// we use its value.
UINT ibBufFill = m_ibBufFill;
// If the fill position is still ahead of the drain position
// then the amount of data available is simply the difference
// between the two.
if ( ibBufFill >= m_ibBufDrain ) { return ibBufFill - m_ibBufDrain; }
// If the fill position is behind the drain then the fillling
// side must have wrapped. If the drain position has not yet
// reached the wrap position then the amount of data available
// is the difference between the two.
else if ( m_ibBufDrain < m_ibBufWrap ) { Assert( ibBufFill < m_ibBufDrain ); Assert( m_ibBufWrap != static_cast<UINT>(-1) );
return m_ibBufWrap - m_ibBufDrain; }
// Otherwise the fill position has wrapped and the drain
// position has reached the wrap position so wrap the
// drain position back to the beginning. At that point
// the amount of data available will be the difference
// between the fill and the drain positions.
else { Assert( ibBufFill < m_ibBufDrain ); Assert( m_ibBufDrain == m_ibBufWrap ); Assert( m_ibBufWrap != static_cast<UINT>(-1) );
m_ibBufWrap = static_cast<UINT>(-1); m_ibBufDrain = 0;
return m_ibBufFill; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::PbBufReady()
const BYTE * CEcbStream::PbBufReady() const { return m_rgbBuf + m_ibBufDrain; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::AsyncFillBuf()
// Starts asynchronously filling the buffer. The buffer may not (and
// usually won't) fill up with just one call. Called by:
// AsyncRead()/AsyncCopyTo()
// to start filling the buffer for the read/copy request.
// DrainComplete()
// to resume filling the buffer after draining some amount
// from a previously full buffer.
// IISIOComplete()
// to continue filling the buffer after the initial call.
VOID CEcbStream::AsyncFillBuf() { //
// Don't do anything if the buffer is already FILLING (or FAULTING).
// We can have only one outstanding async I/O at once. If the buffer
// is IDLE, then start filling.
if ( STATUS_IDLE != InterlockedCompareExchange( &m_lBufStatus, STATUS_FILLING, STATUS_IDLE ) ) return;
// Important!!! The following checks CANNOT be moved outside
// the 'if' clause above without introducing the possibility
// of having multiple outstanding async I/O operations.
// So don't even consider that "optimization".
// First, check whether we are in an error state. If we are
// then don't try to read any more data. The stream is ready
// with whatever data (if any) is already there when it goes
// idle.
if ( FAILED(m_hr) ) { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::FReadyBuf() m_hr = 0x%08lX\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, m_hr ); FillComplete(); return; }
// If we've read everything there is to read, then the buffer
// is ready (though it may be empty) once we return to idle.
// The only time we would not be idle in this case is if the
// thread completing the final read is in IISIOComplete() and
// has updated m_dwcbStreamConsumed, but has not yet returned
// the status to idle.
if ( m_dwcbStreamConsumed == m_dwcbStreamSize ) { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::FReadyBuf() End Of Stream\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this ); FillComplete(); return; }
// Poll the current drain position and use the polled value
// for all of the calculations below to keep them self-consistent.
// We would have serious problems if the drain position were to
// change (specifically, if it were to wrap) while we were in
// the middle of things.
UINT ibBufDrain = m_ibBufDrain;
Assert( m_ibBufFill < CB_BUF ); Assert( ibBufDrain <= CB_BUF );
// If there's no space to fill, then we can't do anything more.
// The buffer is already full of data. Note that the situation
// can change the instant after we do the comparison below.
// In particular, if another thread is draining the buffer at
// the same time, it is possible that there may be no data
// available by the time we return TRUE. Callers which
// allow data to be drained asynchronously must be prepared
// to deal with this.
if ( (m_ibBufFill + 1) % CB_BUF == ibBufDrain % CB_BUF ) { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::FReadyBuf() buffer full\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this ); FillComplete(); return; }
// Ideally, we could read up to as much data as is left in the stream.
UINT cbFill = m_dwcbStreamSize - m_dwcbStreamConsumed;
// But that amount is limited by the amount of buffer available
// for filling. If the current fill position in the buffer is
// ahead of (greater than) the drain position, that amount is
// the greater of the distance from the current fill position
// to the end of the buffer or the distance from the beginning
// of the buffer to the current drain position. If the fill
// position is behind (less than) the drain position, the amount
// is simply the distance from the fill position to the drain
// position.
if ( m_ibBufFill == ibBufDrain ) { // Case 1.
// The buffer is empty so wrap both the fill and drain
// positions back to the beginning of the buffer to get
// maximum usage of the buffer. Note that it is safe for
// us (the filling code) to move m_ibBufDrain here because
// there can be nobody draining the buffer at this point -- it's empty!
// Note that above comment is NOT correct (but leave it here to that it's
// easy to understand why the following code is necessary). We can't assume
// nobody is draing the buffer at the same time, because the draining
// side may be in the middle of checking buffer status, say it's calling
// CbBufReady() to check the number of bytes availble, if this happens
// right after we set m_ibBufFill to 0 and before set m_ibBufDrain to 0,
// then CbBufReady() will report the buffer as not empty and we end up
// reading garbage data or crash.
if (STATUS_FAULTING == m_lBufStatus) { // Case 1.1
// This is what the original code looks like. this code is safe only
// when the status if in FAULING state, which means the draining side
// is in waiting state already.
// We have:
// [_________________________________________________]
// ^
// m_ibBufFill == ibBufDrain
// (i.e. empty buffer)
// After filling, we will have:
// ^ ^
// ibBufDrain m_ibBufFill
m_ibBufFill = 0; m_ibBufDrain = 0; cbFill = min(cbFill, CB_BUF - 1); } // If the status is not FAULTING (which means the draining side is not in
// waiting state yet), one alternative is to wait for the status
// to turn to FAULTING, but that will drag the performance, because the whole
// design of this async draining/filling mechanism is to avoid any expensive
// synchronization.
else { // Though we can't move both pointers, we still want to fill as much
// as we can. so depends on whether the fill pointer in the lower half
// or higher half of the buffer, different approach is used.
if (m_ibBufFill < (CB_BUF - 1) / 2) { // Case 1.2 - similar logic to case 3
// We have:
// [_________________________________________________]
// ^
// m_ibBufFill == ibBufDrain
// (i.e. empty buffer)
// After filling, we will have:
// ^ ^
// ibBufDrain m_ibBufFill
cbFill = min(cbFill, CB_BUF - m_ibBufFill - !ibBufDrain); } else { // Case 1.3 - similiar logic to case 4.
// We have:
// [_________________________________________________]
// ^
// m_ibBufFill == ibBufDrain
// (i.e. empty buffer)
// After filling, we will have:
// [DATADATADATADATADAT______________________________]
// ^ ^
// m_ibBufFill m_ibBufWrap == ibBufDrain
// Yes, we touch both m_ibBufWrap and m_ibBufFill. However, as
// in case 4, we are safe here, because, CbBufReady() get ibBufFill
// first, and then access m_ibBufWrap etc.
// Here we are setting these two members in reverse order, so that,
// if CbBufReady() doesn't see the new m_ibBufFill, then it simply
// returns 0 as usual, If it does see the new m_ibBufFill, the m_ibBufWrap
// is already set and thus CbBufReady will reset both m_ibBufWrap and
// m_ibBufDRain.
// If this thread is here when CbBufReady is called, CbBufReady will
// return 0, which means buffer empty and will put draining side to wait
// Set the wrap position so that a draining thread will
// know when to wrap the drain position.
m_ibBufWrap = m_ibBufFill;
// If this thread is here when CbBufReady is called, Again, CbBufRead will
// return 0, which means buffer empty and will put draining side to wait
// Set the fill position back at the beginning of the buffer
m_ibBufFill = 0;
// If this thread is here when CbBufReady is called, CbBufReady will
// reset m_ibBufWrap to -1, and m_ibBufDrain to 0, which is exactly
// what we want.
cbFill = min(cbFill, ibBufDrain - 1); } }
Assert( cbFill > 0 ); EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::FReadyBuf() m_ibBufFill == ibBufDrain (empty buffer). New values: m_cbBufFillHint = %u, m_ibBufFill = %u, ibBufDrain = %u, m_ibBufWrap = %u\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, m_cbBufFillHint, m_ibBufFill, ibBufDrain, m_ibBufWrap ); } else if ( m_ibBufFill < ibBufDrain ) { // Case 2
// We have:
// ^ ^ ^
// m_ibBufFill ibBufDrain m_ibBufWrap
// After filling, we will have:
// ^^ ^
// |ibBufDrain m_ibBufWrap
// m_ibBufFill
cbFill = min(cbFill, ibBufDrain - m_ibBufFill - 1);
Assert( cbFill > 0 );
EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::FReadyBuf() m_ibBufFill < ibBufDrain. New values: m_cbBufFillHint = %u, m_ibBufFill = %u, ibBufDrain = %u, m_ibBufWrap = %u\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, m_cbBufFillHint, m_ibBufFill, ibBufDrain, m_ibBufWrap ); } else if ( ibBufDrain <= CB_BUF - m_ibBufFill || m_cbBufFillHint <= CB_BUF - m_ibBufFill )
{ // Case 3
Assert( m_ibBufFill > ibBufDrain );
// If ibBufDrain is 0 then we can't fill all the way to
// the end of the buffer (since the end of the buffer is
// synonymous with the beginning). To account for this
// we need to subtract 1 from cbFill if ibBufDrain is 0.
// We can do that without the ?: operator as long as the
// following holds true:
Assert( 0 == !ibBufDrain || 1 == !ibBufDrain );
// We have: v------v m_cbBufFillHint
// [________________DATADATADATADATADATADAT__________]
// ^ ^
// ibBufDrain m_ibBufFill
// -OR-
// We have: v------------v m_cbBufFillHint
// ^ ^
// ibBufDrain m_ibBufFill
// After filling, we will have:
// ^ ^ ^
// m_ibBufFill ibBufDrain m_ibBufWrap
// -OR-
// ^ ^
// ibBufDrain m_ibBufFill
cbFill = min(cbFill, CB_BUF - m_ibBufFill - !ibBufDrain);
Assert( cbFill > 0 );
EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::FReadyBuf() m_ibBufFill > ibBufDrain (enough room at end of buffer). New values: m_cbBufFillHint = %u, m_ibBufFill = %u, ibBufDrain = %u, m_ibBufWrap = %u\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, m_cbBufFillHint, m_ibBufFill, ibBufDrain, m_ibBufWrap ); } else { // Case 4
Assert( m_ibBufFill > ibBufDrain ); Assert( m_cbBufFillHint > CB_BUF - m_ibBufFill ); Assert( ibBufDrain > CB_BUF - m_ibBufFill );
// We have: v------------v m_cbBufFillHint
// [________________DATADATADATADATADATADAT__________]
// ^ ^
// ibBufDrain m_ibBufFill
// After filling, we will have:
// ^^ ^
// |ibBufDrain m_ibBufWrap
// m_ibBufFill
// Set the wrap position so that a draining thread will
// know when to wrap the drain position.
m_ibBufWrap = m_ibBufFill;
// Set the fill position back at the beginning of the buffer
m_ibBufFill = 0;
// And fill up to the drain position - 1
Assert( ibBufDrain > 0 ); cbFill = min(cbFill, ibBufDrain - 1);
Assert( cbFill > 0 );
EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::FReadyBuf() m_ibBufFill > ibBufDrain (not enough room at end of buffer). New values: m_cbBufFillHint = %u, m_ibBufFill = %u, ibBufDrain = %u, m_ibBufWrap = %u\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, m_cbBufFillHint, m_ibBufFill, ibBufDrain, m_ibBufWrap ); }
// Start async I/O to read from the ECB.
{ SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Add a reference to our parent request to keep us alive
// for the duration of the async call.
// Use auto_ref_ptr so that we release the ref if the
// async call throws an exception.
auto_ref_ptr<IRequest> pRef(&m_request);
EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::FReadyBuf() reading %u bytes\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, cbFill );
// Assert that we are actually going to fill something and that
// we aren't going to fill past the end of our buffer.
Assert( m_ibBufFill + cbFill <= CB_BUF );
sc = m_ecb.ScAsyncRead( m_rgbBuf + m_ibBufFill, &cbFill, *this ); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { pRef.relinquish(); } else { DebugTrace( "CEcbStream::AsyncFillBuf() - IEcb::ScAsyncRead() failed with error 0x%08lX\n", sc );
m_hr = sc; FillComplete(); } } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::FillComplete()
VOID CEcbStream::FillComplete() { //
// Poll the wakeup function pointer now before the ICE() below
// so that we don't lose the value if another thread immediately
// starts filling immediately after we transition to IDLE.
PFNWAKEUP pfnWakeup = m_pfnWakeup;
// At this point we had better be FILLING or FAULTING because
// we are completing async I/O started from AsyncFillBuf().
// We could actually be in WRITE_ERROR as well. See below
// and CEcbStream::WriteComplete() for why.
Assert( STATUS_FILLING == m_lBufStatus || STATUS_FAULTING == m_lBufStatus || STATUS_WRITE_ERROR == m_lBufStatus );
// Attempt to transition to IDLE from FILLING. If successful then
// we're done. Otherwise we are either FAULTING or in the WRITE_ERROR
// state. Handle those below.
LONG lBufStatus = InterlockedCompareExchange( &m_lBufStatus, STATUS_IDLE, STATUS_FILLING );
if ( STATUS_FAULTING == lBufStatus ) { //
// We are FAULTING. This means the writing side of things
// needs to be notified now that data is available. So
// change state to IDLE (remember: ICE() didn't change state
// above -- it just told us what the state is) and call
// the registered wakeup function.
m_lBufStatus = STATUS_IDLE; Assert( pfnWakeup ); (this->*pfnWakeup)(); } else if ( STATUS_WRITE_ERROR == lBufStatus ) { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::FillComplete() - Error writing while filling. Notifying CopyTo observer\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// We are in the WRITE_ERROR state. This state is entered
// by CEcbStream::WriteComplete() during an async CopyTo operation
// when a write fails. This terminal state prevents new async fill
// operations from starting. When WriteComplete() transitioned into
// this state, it also checked if we were FILLING at the time.
// If we were then WriteComplete() left the responsibility for notifying
// the CopyTo observer up to us. See CEcbStream::WriteComplete()
// for the reason why.
Assert( m_pobsAsyncCopyTo ); m_pobsAsyncCopyTo->CopyToComplete( 0, m_hr );
// Note that once in the WRITE_ERROR state we DO NOT transition
// back to IDLE. WRITE_ERROR is a terminal state.
} }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::IISIOComplete()
// Our IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver method called by CEcb::IISIOComplete()
// when the async I/O to read from the read-once request body stream
// completes.
VOID CEcbStream::IISIOComplete( DWORD dwcbRead, DWORD dwLastError ) { //
// Claim the reference to our parent request added in AsyncFillBuf()
auto_ref_ptr<IRequest> pRef; pRef.take_ownership(&m_request);
// Update the m_dwcbStreamConsumed *before* m_ibBufFill so that
// we can safely assert at any time on any thread that we never
// drain more than has been consumed.
// Chunked requests: If we successfully read 0 bytes then we have
// reached the end of the request and should report the real
// stream size.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwLastError ) { if ( 0 == dwcbRead ) m_dwcbStreamSize = m_dwcbStreamConsumed; else m_dwcbStreamConsumed += dwcbRead; } else { DebugTrace( "CEcbStream::IISIOComplete() - Error %d during async read\n", dwLastError ); m_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError); }
#ifdef DBG
UINT cbBufAvail = InterlockedExchangeAdd( reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(&dbgm_cbBufAvail), dwcbRead ) + dwcbRead; EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: !!!CEcbStream::IISIOComplete() %lu left to read (%u in buffer)\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, m_dwcbStreamSize - m_dwcbStreamConsumed, cbBufAvail ); #endif
// Assert that we didn't just read past the end of our buffer.
Assert( m_ibBufFill + dwcbRead <= CB_BUF );
// Update the fill position. If we've reached the end of the buffer
// then wrap back to the beginning. We must do this here BEFORE
// calling FillComplete() -- the fill position must be valid (i.e.
// within the bounds of the buffer) before we start off another
// fill cycle.
m_ibBufFill += dwcbRead; if ( CB_BUF == m_ibBufFill ) { m_ibBufWrap = CB_BUF; m_ibBufFill = 0; }
// If we read more than the last fill hint then we know we
// can try to read at least this much next time.
if ( dwcbRead > m_cbBufFillHint ) { EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::IISIOComplete() setting m_cbBufFillHint = %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, dwcbRead ); m_cbBufFillHint = dwcbRead; }
EcbStreamTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CEcbStream::IISIOComplete() dwcbRead = %lu, m_ibBufFill = %lu, m_dwcbStreamConsumed = %lu, m_dwcbStreamSize = %lu, dwLastError = %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, dwcbRead, m_ibBufFill, m_dwcbStreamConsumed, m_dwcbStreamSize, dwLastError );
// Indicate that we're done filling. This resets the state from FILLING
// (or FAULTING) to idle and wakes up the observer if it is blocked.
// Kick off the next read cycle. AsyncFillBuf() checks for error and
// end-of-stream conditions, so we don't have to.
AsyncFillBuf(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEcbStream::HrBufReady()
// Determines how much and the location of the next block of data that
// is instantaneously accessible in the buffer. Also determines whether
// the stream is in an error state (e.g. due to a failure reading
// from the stream while filling the buffer).
// The matrix of return results is:
// HRESULT *pcbBufReady *ppbBufReady Meaning
// ----------------------------------------------------
// S_OK > 0 valid Data available
// S_OK 0 n/a No data available (EOS)
// E_PENDING n/a n/a No data available (pending)
// E_xxx n/a n/a Error
HRESULT CEcbStream::HrBufReady( UINT * pcbBufReady, const BYTE ** ppbBufReady ) const { Assert( pcbBufReady ); Assert( ppbBufReady );
// If the buffer has data ready, then return the amount and
// its location.
*pcbBufReady = CbBufReady(); if ( *pcbBufReady ) { *ppbBufReady = PbBufReady(); return S_OK; }
// No data ready. If the buffer is in an error state
// then return the fact.
if ( S_OK != m_hr ) return m_hr;
// No data ready and we haven't had an error. If the buffer
// is FILLING then transition to FAULTING and tell it to
// notify the observer when data becomes ready. Return
// E_PENDING to the caller to tell it that we will be
// notifying the observer later.
// Note that the very instant before we try to transition to FAULTING,
// the buffer may go from FILLING back to IDLE. If that
// happens, then data should be ready, so go `round the loop
// and check again.
Assert( STATUS_FAULTING != m_lBufStatus );
if ( STATUS_FILLING == InterlockedCompareExchange( &m_lBufStatus, STATUS_FAULTING, STATUS_FILLING ) ) return E_PENDING;
// The buffer must have finished FILLING sometime between
// when we did the initial poll and now. At this point
// there must be data ready.
*pcbBufReady = CbBufReady(); *ppbBufReady = PbBufReady(); return S_OK; }
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CRequest
// Request class
class CRequest : public IRequest { // Extension control block passed in through the ISAPI interface
auto_ref_ptr<IEcb> m_pecb;
// Header caches. We retrieve headers as skinny, as no other
// choice is available.
// But sometimes we need wide version to operate on, so in
// that case we will get the skinny version, convert it properly
// and store in the wide header cache.
mutable CHeaderCache<CHAR> m_hcHeadersA; mutable CHeaderCache<WCHAR> m_hcHeadersW;
// This flag tells us whether we have cleared the headers
// and thus whether we should check the ECB when we cannot
// find a header in the cache. Since we cannot actually remove
// headers from from the ECB, we just remember not to check the
// ECB if the headers have ever been "cleared".
bool m_fClearedHeaders;
// Request body
auto_ptr<IBody> m_pBody;
CRequest& operator=( const CRequest& ); CRequest( const CRequest& );
public: // CREATORS
CRequest( IEcb& ecb );
LPCSTR LpszGetHeader( LPCSTR pszName ) const; LPCWSTR LpwszGetHeader( LPCSTR pszName, BOOL fUrlConversion ) const; BOOL FExistsBody() const; IStream * GetBodyIStream( IAsyncIStreamObserver& obs ) const; VOID AsyncImplPersistBody( IAsyncStream& stm, IAsyncPersistObserver& obs ) const;
VOID ClearBody(); VOID AddBodyText( UINT cbText, LPCSTR pszText ); VOID AddBodyStream( IStream& stm ); };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::CRequest()
CRequest::CRequest( IEcb& ecb ) : m_pecb(&ecb), m_pBody(NewBody()), m_fClearedHeaders(false) { //
// If the ECB contains a body, then create a body part for it.
if ( ecb.CbTotalBytes() > 0 ) m_pBody->AddBodyPart( new CEcbRequestBodyPart(ecb, *this) );
// HACK: The ECB needs to keep track of two pieces of request info,
// the Accept-Language and Connection headers.
// "Prime" the ECB with the Accept-Language value (if one is specified).
// The Connection header is sneakier -- read about that in
// CEcb::FKeepAlive. Don't set it here, but do push updates through
// from SetHeader.
LPCSTR pszValue = LpszGetHeader( gc_szAccept_Language ); if (pszValue) m_pecb->SetAcceptLanguageHeader( pszValue ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::LpszGetHeader()
// Retrieves the value of the specified HTTP request header. If the
// request does not have the specified header, LpszGetHeader() returns
// NULL. The header name, pszName, is in the standard HTTP header
// format (e.g. "Content-Type")
LPCSTR CRequest::LpszGetHeader( LPCSTR pszName ) const { Assert( pszName );
LPCSTR pszValue;
// Check the cache.
pszValue = m_hcHeadersA.LpszGetHeader( pszName );
// If we don't find the header in the cache then check
// the ECB
if ( !pszValue ) { UINT cbName = static_cast<UINT>(strlen(pszName)); CStackBuffer<CHAR> pszVariable( gc_cchHTTP_ + cbName + 1 ); CStackBuffer<CHAR> pszBuf;
// Headers retrieved via the ECB are named using the ECB's
// server variable format (e.g. "HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"), so we must
// convert our header name from its HTTP format to its ECB
// server variable equivalent.
// Start with the header, prepended with "HTTP_"
memcpy( pszVariable.get(), gc_szHTTP_, gc_cchHTTP_ ); memcpy( pszVariable.get() + gc_cchHTTP_, pszName, cbName + 1 );
// Replace all occurrences of '-' with '_'
for ( CHAR * pch = pszVariable.get(); *pch; pch++ ) { if ( *pch == '-' ) *pch = '_'; }
// And uppercasify the whole thing
_strupr( pszVariable.get() );
// Get the value of this server variable from the ECB and
// add it to the header cache using its real (HTTP) name
for ( DWORD cbValue = 256; cbValue > 0; ) { if (NULL == pszBuf.resize(cbValue)) { SetLastError(E_OUTOFMEMORY); DebugTrace("CRequest::LpszGetHeader() - Error while allocating memory 0x%08lX\n", E_OUTOFMEMORY); throw CLastErrorException(); }
if ( m_pecb->FGetServerVariable( pszVariable.get(), pszBuf.get(), &cbValue )) { pszValue = m_hcHeadersA.SetHeader( pszName, pszBuf.get() ); break; } } }
return pszValue; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::LpwszGetHeader()
// Provides and caches wide version of the header value
// pszName - header name
// fUrlConversion - flag that if set to TRUE indicates that special
// conversion rules should be applied. I.e. the
// header contains URL-s, that need escaping and
// codepage lookup. If set to FALSE the header will
// simply be converted using UTF-8 codepage. E.g.
// we do expect only US-ASCII characters in that
// header (or any other subset of UTF-8).
// Flag is ignored once wide version gets cached.
LPCWSTR CRequest::LpwszGetHeader( LPCSTR pszName, BOOL fUrlConversion ) const { Assert( pszName );
// Check the cache
LPCWSTR pwszValue = m_hcHeadersW.LpszGetHeader( pszName );
// If we don't find the header in the cache then out for
// the skinny version, convert it and cache.
if ( !pwszValue ) { // Check the skinny cache
LPCSTR pszValue = LpszGetHeader( pszName ); if (pszValue) { SCODE sc;
CStackBuffer<WCHAR> pwszBuf; UINT cbValue = static_cast<UINT>(strlen(pszValue)); UINT cchValue = cbValue + 1;
// Make sure we have sufficient buffer for conversion
if (NULL == pwszBuf.resize(CbSizeWsz(cbValue))) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SetLastError(sc); DebugTrace("CRequest::LpwszGetHeader() - Error while allocating memory 0x%08lX\n", sc); throw CLastErrorException(); }
sc = ScConvertToWide(pszValue, &cchValue, pwszBuf.get(), LpszGetHeader(gc_szAccept_Language), fUrlConversion); if (S_OK != sc) { // We gave sufficient buffer
Assert(S_FALSE != sc); SetLastError(sc); throw CLastErrorException(); }
pwszValue = m_hcHeadersW.SetHeader( pszName, pwszBuf.get() ); } }
return pwszValue; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::FExistsBody()
BOOL CRequest::FExistsBody() const { return !m_pBody->FIsEmpty(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::GetBodyIStream()
IStream * CRequest::GetBodyIStream( IAsyncIStreamObserver& obs ) const { //
// With the assumption above in mind, persist the request body.
return m_pBody->GetIStream( obs ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::AsyncImplPersistBody()
VOID CRequest::AsyncImplPersistBody( IAsyncStream& stm, IAsyncPersistObserver& obs ) const { m_pBody->AsyncPersist( stm, obs ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::ClearBody()
VOID CRequest::ClearBody() { m_pBody->Clear(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::AddBodyText()
// Adds the specified text to the end of the request body.
VOID CRequest::AddBodyText( UINT cbText, LPCSTR pszText ) { m_pBody->AddText( pszText, cbText ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRequest::AddBodyStream()
// Adds the specified stream to the end of the request body.
VOID CRequest::AddBodyStream( IStream& stm ) { m_pBody->AddStream( stm ); }
// ========================================================================
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewRequest
IRequest * NewRequest( IEcb& ecb ) { return new CRequest(ecb); }