* X E M I T 2 . C P P * * XML emitter processing * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#include "_xmllib.h"
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szXmlVersion[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchXmlVersion = CElems(gc_szXmlVersion) - 1 ;
// class CXMLEmitter ---------------------------------------------------------
SCODE CXMLEmitter::ScAddNmspc ( /* [in] */ const auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc>& pns, /* [in] */ CXNode* pxnRoot) { Assert (pxnRoot);
auto_ref_ptr<CXNode> pxn; CStackBuffer<WCHAR> pwsz; SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT cch;
// Allocate enough space for the prefix, colon and alias
cch = CchConstString(gc_wszXmlns) + 1 + pns->CchAlias(); if (NULL == pwsz.resize(CbSizeWsz(cch))) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ret; } wcsncpy (pwsz.get(), gc_wszXmlns, CchConstString(gc_wszXmlns)); if (pns->CchAlias()) { pwsz[CchConstString(gc_wszXmlns)] = L':'; wcsncpy(pwsz.get() + CchConstString(gc_wszXmlns) + 1, pns->PszAlias(), pns->CchAlias()); pwsz[cch] = 0; } else pwsz[CchConstString(gc_wszXmlns)] = 0;
// Create the namespace attribute
sc = pxnRoot->ScGetChildNode (CXNode::XN_NAMESPACE, pxn.load()); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
Assert (pxn.get()); sc = ScAddAttribute (pxn.get(), pwsz.get(), cch, pns->PszHref(), pns->CchHref()); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CXMLEmitter::ScAddAttribute ( /* [in] */ CXNode * pxn, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ UINT cchTag, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszValue, /* [in] */ UINT cchValue) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Format:
// " " [<alias> ":"] <tag> "=\"" <value> "\""
sc = m_pxb->ScAddTextBytes (1, " "); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
sc = pxn->ScSetTag (this, cchTag, pwszTag); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
sc = m_pxb->ScAddTextBytes (2, "=\""); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
sc = pxn->ScSetValue (pwszValue, cchValue); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
sc = m_pxb->ScAddTextBytes (1, "\""); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
ret: return sc; }
BOOL CXMLEmitter::NmspcEmittingOp::operator() (const CRCWszN&, const auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc>& nmspc ) { return SUCCEEDED (m_emitter->ScAddNmspc (nmspc, m_pxnParent.get())); }
SCODE CXMLEmitter::ScNewNode ( /* [in] */ XNT xnt, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ CXNode * pxnParent, /* [in] */ auto_ref_ptr<CXNode>& pxnOut) { auto_ref_ptr<CXNode> pxn; SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Create the node
sc = pxnParent->ScGetChildNode (xnt, pxn.load()); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Set the tag name
switch (xnt) { case CXNode::XN_ELEMENT: case CXNode::XN_ATTRIBUTE:
sc = pxn->ScSetTag (this, static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszTag)), pwszTag); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
break; }
// Pass back a reference
Assert (S_OK == sc); pxnOut = pxn.get();
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CXMLEmitter::ScSetRoot (LPCWSTR pwszTag) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
if (!m_pxnRoot.get()) { // Create the <?xml version="1.0"?> node and insert it
// into the document.
sc = m_pxb->ScAddTextBytes (gc_cchXmlVersion, gc_szXmlVersion); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
sc = ScNewRootNode (pwszTag); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CXMLEmitter::ScNewRootNode (LPCWSTR pwszTag) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
if (m_pxnRoot.get() == NULL) { // Initialize the emitter's namespace cache
sc = ScInit(); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// Take this chance to initialize the local cache
if (!m_cacheLocal.FInit()) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ret; }
if (m_pNmspcLoader) { // Load all the document level namespaces
sc = m_pNmspcLoader->ScLoadNamespaces(this); } else { // Load the default namespace
sc = ScPreloadNamespace (gc_wszDav); } if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Create the node
m_pxnRoot.take_ownership (new CXNode (CXNode::XN_ELEMENT, m_pxb.get())); if (!m_pxnRoot.get()) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ret; }
// Set the tag name
sc = m_pxnRoot->ScSetTag (this, static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszTag)), pwszTag); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// Namespace must have been populated before root node is created
Assert (S_OK == sc);
// It's time to add all the namespaces
{ NmspcEmittingOp op (this, m_pxnRoot.get()); m_cache.ForEach(op); } }
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CXMLEmitter::ScFindNmspc (LPCWSTR pwsz, UINT cch, auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc>& pns) { Assert (pwsz);
SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Emitter has two namespace cache, one is the docoument level cache
// for namespaces that span the whole XML body, and the other one is
// for namesapces that scopes on the current record only.
// Look into the record level cache first
if (m_cacheLocal.CItems()) { CRCWszN key(pwsz, cch); auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc>* parp; parp = m_cacheLocal.Lookup (key); if (NULL != parp) { pns = *parp; return S_OK; } }
// Try and find the namespace in the document's cache
sc = ScNmspcFromHref (pwsz, cch, pns);
return sc; }
SCODE CXMLEmitter::ScPreloadNamespace (LPCWSTR pwszTag) { LPCWSTR pwsz; SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT cch;
Assert (pwszTag);
// This must be done before root node is created
Assert (!m_pxnRoot.get());
// And should no local namespace yet
Assert (m_cacheLocal.CItems() == 0);
// Find the namespace separator
cch = CchNmspcFromTag (static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszTag)), pwszTag, &pwsz); if (cch != 0) { // Add to namespace cache
auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc> pns; sc = ScNmspcFromHref (pwszTag, cch, pns); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; }
ret: return sc; }
// CXMLEmitter::ScPreloadNamespace
// Preload namespaces
SCODE CXMLEmitter::ScPreloadLocalNamespace (CXNode * pxn, LPCWSTR pwszTag) { LPCWSTR pwsz; SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT cch;
Assert (pwszTag);
// This must be done after root node is created
Assert (m_pxnRoot.get());
// Find the namespace separator
cch = CchNmspcFromTag (static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszTag)), pwszTag, &pwsz); if (cch != 0) { auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc> pns;
// Add to namespace cache
sc = ScFindNmspc (pwszTag, cch, pns); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
if (S_FALSE == sc) { // It wasn't there, so if the root of the document has
// already been committed, then remove the name from the
// document cache and add it to the chunk cache.
CRCWszN key = IndexKey(pns);
// First, remove from the parent
Assert (NULL == m_cacheLocal.Lookup (key)); m_cache.Remove (key);
// Looks like this is a new namespace to this
// chunk and needs to be cached.
if (!m_cacheLocal.FAdd (key, pns)) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ret; }
// Emit this namespace
sc = ScAddNmspc (pns, pxn); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Regardless of whether or not this namespace was
// new to this chunk, we do not want it added to the
// document. So we cannot return S_FALSE.
sc = S_OK; } }
ret: return sc; }
// CEmitterNode --------------------------------------------------------------
SCODE CEmitterNode::ScConstructNode ( /* [in] */ CXMLEmitter& emitter, /* [in] */ CXNode* pxnParent, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszValue, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszType) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Create the new node...
Assert (pxnParent); Assert (m_emitter.get() == NULL); sc = emitter.ScNewNode (CXNode::XN_ELEMENT, pwszTag, pxnParent, m_pxn); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
XmlTrace ("XML: constructing node:\n-- tag: %ws\n", pwszTag);
// Set the value type if it existed
if (pwszType) { // Create the namespace attribute
auto_ref_ptr<CXNode> pxnType; sc = m_pxn->ScGetChildNode (CXNode::XN_ATTRIBUTE, pxnType.load()); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
Assert (pxnType.get()); XmlTrace ("-- type: %ws\n", pwszType); sc = emitter.ScAddAttribute (pxnType.get(), gc_wszLexType, gc_cchLexType, pwszType, static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszType))); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// Set the value
// Value must be emitted after type
if (pwszValue) { XmlTrace ("-- value: %ws\n", pwszValue); sc = m_pxn->ScSetValue (pwszValue); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; }
// Stuff the emitter into the node
m_emitter = &emitter;
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CEmitterNode::ScAddNode ( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ CEmitterNode& en, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszValue, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszType) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Construct the node
Assert (m_emitter.get()); sc = en.ScConstructNode (*m_emitter, m_pxn.get(), pwszTag, pwszValue, pwszType); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CEmitterNode::ScAddMultiByteNode ( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ CEmitterNode& en, /* [in] */ LPCSTR pszValue, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszType) { SCODE sc = ScAddNode (pwszTag, en, NULL, pwszType); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
Assert (pszValue); sc = en.Pxn()->ScSetValue (pszValue, static_cast<UINT>(strlen(pszValue))); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CEmitterNode::ScAddUTF8Node ( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ CEmitterNode& en, /* [in] */ LPCSTR pszValue, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszType) { SCODE sc = ScAddNode (pwszTag, en, NULL, pwszType); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
Assert (pszValue); sc = en.Pxn()->ScSetUTF8Value (pszValue, static_cast<UINT>(strlen(pszValue))); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CEmitterNode::ScAddDateNode ( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ FILETIME* pft, /* [in] */ CEmitterNode& en) { SYSTEMTIME st; WCHAR rgwch[128];
Assert (pft); if (!FileTimeToSystemTime (pft, &st)) { // In case the filetime is invalid, default to zero
FILETIME ftDefault = {0}; FileTimeToSystemTime (&ftDefault, &st); } if (FGetDateIso8601FromSystime (&st, rgwch, CElems(rgwch))) { return ScAddNode (pwszTag, en, rgwch, gc_wszDavType_Date_ISO8601); }
SCODE CEmitterNode::ScAddInt64Node ( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ LARGE_INTEGER * pli, /* [in] */ CEmitterNode& en) { WCHAR rgwch[36];
Assert (pli); _ui64tow (pli->QuadPart, rgwch, 10); return ScAddNode (pwszTag, en, rgwch,gc_wszDavType_Int); }
SCODE CEmitterNode::ScAddBoolNode ( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ BOOL f, /* [in] */ CEmitterNode& en) { return ScAddNode (pwszTag, en, (f ? gc_wsz1 : gc_wsz0), gc_wszDavType_Boolean); }
SCODE CEmitterNode::ScAddBase64Node ( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag, /* [in] */ ULONG cb, /* [in] */ LPVOID pv, /* [in] */ CEmitterNode& en, /* [in] */ BOOL fSupressType, /* [in] */ BOOL fUseBinHexIfNoValue) { auto_heap_ptr<WCHAR> pwszBuf; Assert (pwszTag); Assert (pv);
// If they didn't request type supression, then label this node
// with the correct type -- bin.base64
LPCWSTR pwszType;
if (fSupressType) { pwszType = NULL; } else { // If fUseBinHexIfNoValue is TRUE AND cb = 0, then use "bin.hex"
// as the type rather than bin.base64. This is to handle WebFolders (shipped Office9)
// which doesn't seem to handle 0 length bin.base64 properties correctly
// (fails).
if (fUseBinHexIfNoValue && (0 == cb)) pwszType = gc_wszDavType_Bin_Hex; else pwszType = gc_wszDavType_Bin_Base64; }
if (cb) { // Allocate a buffer big enough for the entire encoded string.
// Base64 uses 4 chars out for each 3 bytes in, AND if there is ANY
// "remainder", it needs another 4 chars to encode the remainder.
// ("+2" BEFORE "/3" ensures that we count any remainder as a whole
// set of 3 bytes that need 4 chars to hold the encoding.)
// We also need one char for terminal NULL of our string --
// CbSizeWsz takes care of that for the alloc, and we explicitly pass
// cchBuf+1 for the call to EncodeBase64.
ULONG cchBuf = CchNeededEncodeBase64 (cb); pwszBuf = static_cast<LPWSTR>(ExAlloc(CbSizeWsz(cchBuf))); EncodeBase64 (reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pv), cb, pwszBuf, cchBuf + 1); } return ScAddNode (pwszTag, en, pwszBuf, pwszType); }