* _ F S M E T A . H * * File system metadata routines * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#ifndef __FSMETA_H_
#define __FSMETA_H_
// STL helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Use pragmas to disable the specific level 4 warnings
// that appear when we use the STL. One would hope our version of the
// STL compiles clean at level 4, but alas it doesn't....
#pragma warning(disable:4663) // C language, template<> syntax
#pragma warning(disable:4244) // return conversion, data loss
// Turn this warning off for good.
#pragma warning(disable:4786) // symbol truncated in debug info
// Put STL includes here
#include <list>
// Turn warnings back on
#pragma warning(default:4663) // C language, template<> syntax
#pragma warning(default:4244) // return conversion, data loss
// OLE and NT5 properties ----------------------------------------------------
#define OLEDBVER 0x200
#include <ole2.h>
#include <stgint.h>
#include <pbagex.h>
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall * STGOPENSTORAGEONHANDLE)( IN HANDLE hStream, IN DWORD grfMode, IN void *reserved1, IN void *reserved2, IN REFIID riid, OUT void **ppObjectOpen );
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall * STGCREATESTORAGEONHANDLE)( IN HANDLE hStream, IN DWORD grfMode, IN DWORD stgfmt, IN void *reserved1, IN void *reserved2, IN REFIID riid, OUT void **ppObjectOpen );
extern STGOPENSTORAGEONHANDLE g_pfnStgOpenStorageOnHandle;
// reserved properties ------------------------------------------------------
// There are two conditions that make a property reserved.
// The first and foremost is that the property is not something that is stored
// in the resource's property container, but instead is calculated from file
// system information or DAV specific conditions (lock info, etc.)
// The second is that the property is not something that can be set via
// PROPPATCH calls. This distinction is needed when asking if a property is
// reserved.
enum {
// The properties in this section are all properties that are calculated
// from the filesystem or DAV specific information.
iana_rp_content_length, iana_rp_creation_date, iana_rp_displayname, iana_rp_etag, iana_rp_last_modified, iana_rp_resourcetype, iana_rp_lockdiscovery, iana_rp_supportedlock, iana_rp_ishidden, iana_rp_iscollection, sc_crp_get_reserved,
// The properties in this section are actually stored in the property
// container (via PUT) but are reserved for the purpose of PUT.
// IMPORTANT! "DAV:getcontenttype" must be the first non-get reserved
// property!
iana_rp_content_type = sc_crp_get_reserved, iana_rp_content_encoding, iana_rp_content_language,
// To be consistent with DAVEX, make the following property reserved
iana_rp_searchrequest, sc_crp_set_reserved };
typedef struct RP { DWORD dwCRC; LPCWSTR pwsz; } RP; #define IanaItemCrc(_sz,_crc) { _crc, L"DAV:" L#_sz }
DEC_CONST RP sc_rp[sc_crp_set_reserved] = {
IanaItemCrc(getcontentlength, 0x25412A26), IanaItemCrc(creationdate, 0xA8A9F240), IanaItemCrc(displayname, 0xA399DB8D), IanaItemCrc(getetag, 0x5E54D3B8), IanaItemCrc(getlastmodified, 0x45D75CD4), IanaItemCrc(resourcetype, 0x8155BECE), IanaItemCrc(lockdiscovery, 0xC7ED2F96), IanaItemCrc(supportedlock, 0x39B9A692), IanaItemCrc(ishidden, 0xE31B1632), IanaItemCrc(iscollection, 0xD3E3FF13), IanaItemCrc(getcontenttype, 0xC28B9FED), IanaItemCrc(getcontentencoding, 0x4B7C7220), IanaItemCrc(getcontentlanguage, 0x5E9717C2), IanaItemCrc(searchrequest, 0x5AC72D67), };
// DAV Metadata --------------------------------------------------------------
#include <xmeta.h>
// The FS impl of DAV uses the NT5 property interfaces and IPropertyBag
// as its underlying property storage implementation. This mechanism uses
// strings and/or PROPVARIANTS to refer to properties and their values.
// Therefore the PROPFIND and PROPPATCH contexts are written with this in
// mind.
// CFSFind/CFSPatch ----------------------------------------------------------
class CFSProp; class CFSFind : public CFindContext, public IPreloadNamespaces { ChainedStringBuffer<WCHAR> m_csb; ULONG m_cProps; ULONG m_cMaxProps; auto_heap_ptr<LPCWSTR> m_rgwszProps;
LONG m_ip_getcontenttype;
// non-implemented operators
CFSFind( const CFSFind& ); CFSFind& operator=( const CFSFind& );
virtual ~CFSFind() {} CFSFind() : m_cProps(0), m_cMaxProps(0), m_ip_getcontenttype(-1) { }
// When the parser finds an item that the client wants returned,
// the item is added to the context via the following set context
// methods. Each add is qualified by the resource on which the
// request is made. fExcludeProp is used for full-fidelity special
// cases in the Exchange implementation only.
virtual SCODE ScAddProp(LPCWSTR pwszPath, LPCWSTR pwszProp, BOOL fExcludeProp);
// The ScFind() method is used to invoke the context onto a given
// resources property object.
SCODE ScFind (CXMLEmitter& msr, IMethUtil * pmu, CFSProp& fpt);
// Add an error to the response that is based on the context.
SCODE ScErrorAllProps (CXMLEmitter& msr, IMethUtil * pmu, LPCWSTR pwszPath, BOOL fCollection, CVRoot* pcvrTranslation, SCODE scErr) { // Add an item to the msr that says this entire
// file was not accessible
return ScAddMulti (msr, pmu, pwszPath, NULL, HscFromHresult(scErr), fCollection, pcvrTranslation); }
// IPreloadNamespaces
SCODE ScLoadNamespaces(CXMLEmitter * pmsr); };
class CFSPatch : public CPatchContext, public IPreloadNamespaces { class CFSPropContext : public CPropContext { PROPVARIANT* m_pvar; BOOL m_fHasValue;
// non-implemented operators
CFSPropContext( const CFSPropContext& ); CFSPropContext& operator=( const CFSPropContext& );
CFSPropContext(PROPVARIANT* pvar) : m_pvar(pvar), m_fHasValue(FALSE) { Assert (pvar != NULL); }
virtual ~CFSPropContext() {} virtual SCODE ScSetType(LPCWSTR pwszType) { return ScVariantTypeFromString (pwszType, m_pvar->vt); } virtual SCODE ScSetValue(LPCWSTR pwszValue, UINT cmvValues) { // At this time, HTTPEXT does not support multivalued
// properties.
Assert (0 == cmvValues);
// If no type was specified, we default to a string
m_fHasValue = TRUE; if (m_pvar->vt == VT_EMPTY) m_pvar->vt = VT_LPWSTR;
return ScVariantValueFromString (*m_pvar, pwszValue); } virtual SCODE ScComplete(BOOL fEmpty) { Assert (m_fHasValue); return m_fHasValue ? S_OK : E_DAV_XML_PARSE_ERROR; }
// At this time, HTTPEXT does not support multivalued
// properties.
virtual BOOL FMultiValued() { return FALSE; } };
// PATCH_SET items
ChainedStringBuffer<WCHAR> m_csb; ULONG m_cSetProps; ULONG m_cMaxSetProps; auto_heap_ptr<LPCWSTR> m_rgwszSetProps; auto_heap_ptr<PROPVARIANT> m_rgvSetProps;
// Failed Propserties including reserverd properties
CStatusCache m_csn;
ULONG m_cDeleteProps; ULONG m_cMaxDeleteProps; auto_heap_ptr<LPCWSTR> m_rgwszDeleteProps;
// non-implemented operators
CFSPatch( const CFSPatch& ); CFSPatch& operator=( const CFSPatch& );
virtual ~CFSPatch(); CFSPatch() : m_cSetProps(0), m_cMaxSetProps(0), m_cDeleteProps(0), m_cMaxDeleteProps(0) { }
SCODE ScInit() { return m_csn.ScInit(); }
// When the parser finds an item that the client wants operated on,
// the item is added to the context via the following set context
// methods. Each request is qualified by the resource on which the
// request is made.
virtual SCODE ScDeleteProp(LPCWSTR pwszPath, LPCWSTR pwszProp); virtual SCODE ScSetProp(LPCWSTR pwszPath, LPCWSTR pwszProp, auto_ref_ptr<CPropContext>& pPropCtx);
// The ScPatch() method is used to invoke the context onto a given
// resources property object.
SCODE ScPatch (CXMLEmitter& msr, IMethUtil * pmu, CFSProp& fpt);
// IPreloadNamespaces
SCODE ScLoadNamespaces(CXMLEmitter * pmsr); };
// CFSProp -------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "_voltype.h"
class CFSProp { IMethUtil* m_pmu;
LPCWSTR m_pwszURI; LPCWSTR m_pwszPath; CVRoot* m_pcvrTranslation;
CResourceInfo& m_cri;
auto_com_ptr<IPropertyBagEx>& m_pbag; BOOL FInvalidPbag() const { return (m_pbag.get() == NULL); }
// Volume type of the drive on which m_pwszPath resides
mutable VOLTYPE m_voltype;
BOOL FIsVolumeNTFS() const { // If we don't already know it, figure out the volume type
// for the volume on which our path resides.
if (VOLTYPE_UNKNOWN == m_voltype) m_voltype = VolumeType(m_pwszPath, m_pmu->HitUser());
// Return whether that volume is NTFS.
Assert(m_voltype != VOLTYPE_UNKNOWN); return VOLTYPE_NTFS == m_voltype; }
// non-implemented operators
CFSProp( const CFSProp& ); CFSProp& operator=( const CFSProp& );
enum { PROP_CHUNK_SIZE = 16 };
SCODE ScGetPropsInternal (ULONG cProps, LPCWSTR* rgwszPropNames, PROPVARIANT* rgvar, LONG ip_getcontenttype);
CFSProp(IMethUtil* pmu, auto_com_ptr<IPropertyBagEx>& pbag, LPCWSTR pwszUri, LPCWSTR pwszPath, CVRoot* pcvr, CResourceInfo& cri) : m_pmu(pmu), m_pwszURI(pwszUri), m_pwszPath(pwszPath), m_pcvrTranslation(pcvr), m_cri(cri), m_pbag(pbag), m_voltype(VOLTYPE_UNKNOWN) { }
LPCWSTR PwszPath() const { return m_pwszPath; } CVRoot* PcvrTranslation() const { return m_pcvrTranslation; } BOOL FCollection() const { if (m_cri.FLoaded()) return m_cri.FCollection(); else return FALSE; }
// Reserved Properties
typedef enum { RESERVED_GET, RESERVED_SET } RESERVED_TYPE; static BOOL FReservedProperty (LPCWSTR pwszProp, RESERVED_TYPE rt, UINT* prp); SCODE ScGetReservedProp (CXMLEmitter& xml, CEmitterNode& en, UINT irp, BOOL fValues = TRUE);
// PROPFIND context access
SCODE ScGetAllProps (CXMLEmitter&, CEmitterNode&, BOOL fValues); SCODE ScGetSpecificProps (CXMLEmitter&, CEmitterNode&, ULONG cProps, LPCWSTR* rgwszProps, LONG ip_gcontenttype);
// PROPPATCH context access
SCODE ScSetProps (CStatusCache & csn, ULONG cProps, LPCWSTR* rgwszProps, PROPVARIANT* rgvProps);
SCODE ScDeleteProps (CStatusCache & csn, ULONG cProps, LPCWSTR* rgwszProps); SCODE ScPersist();
// Non-context access
SCODE ScSetStringProp (LPCWSTR pwszProp, LPCWSTR pwszValue) { PROPVARIANT var = {0}; SCODE sc = S_OK;
var.vt = VT_LPWSTR; var.pwszVal = const_cast<LPWSTR>(pwszValue);
Assert (!FInvalidPbag()); sc = m_pbag->WriteMultiple (1, &pwszProp, &var); if (FAILED(sc)) { // This is the common path for when we are trying to access
// something over an SMB, but the host cannot support the
// request (it is not an NT5 NTFS machine).
if ((sc == STG_E_INVALIDNAME) || !FIsVolumeNTFS()) sc = E_DAV_SMB_PROPERTY_ERROR; } return sc; } };
// Support functions ---------------------------------------------------------
SCODE ScFindFileProps (IMethUtil* pmu, CFSFind& cfc, CXMLEmitter& msr, LPCWSTR pwszUri, LPCWSTR pwszPath, CVRoot* pcvrTranslation, CResourceInfo& cri, BOOL fEmbedErrorsInResponse);
SCODE ScFindFilePropsDeep (IMethUtil* pmu, CFSFind& cfc, CXMLEmitter& msr, LPCWSTR pwszUri, LPCWSTR pwszPath, CVRoot* pcvrTranslation, LONG lDepth);
SCODE ScSetContentProperties (IMethUtil * pmu, LPCWSTR pwszPath, HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
SCODE ScCopyProps (IMethUtil* pmu, LPCWSTR pwszSrc, LPCWSTR pwszDst, BOOL fCollection, HANDLE hSource = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, HANDLE hfDest = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
// ScGetPropertyBag ----------------------------------------------------------
// Helper function used to get IPropertyBagEx interface
SCODE ScGetPropertyBag (LPCWSTR pwszPath, DWORD dwAccessDesired, IPropertyBagEx** ppbe, BOOL fCollection, HANDLE hLockFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
inline BOOL FGetDepth (IMethUtil * pmu, LONG * plDepth) { LONG lDepth = pmu->LDepth (DEPTH_INFINITY);
// "Depth" header, if appears, can only be '0', '1' or 'infinity',
// all other values are treated as error
switch (lDepth) { case DEPTH_ZERO: case DEPTH_ONE: case DEPTH_ONE_NOROOT: case DEPTH_INFINITY:
*plDepth = lDepth; break;
return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// safe_statpropbag -------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma pack(8)
class safe_statpropbag { // IMPORTANT: Do not add any other members to this class
// other than the STATPROP that is to be protected.
// non-implemented
safe_statpropbag(const safe_statpropbag& b); safe_statpropbag& operator=(const safe_statpropbag& b);
explicit safe_statpropbag() { memset (&sp, 0, sizeof(safe_statpropbag)); } ~safe_statpropbag() { CoTaskMemFree (sp.lpwstrName); }
STATPROPBAG* load() { return &sp; } STATPROPBAG get() { return sp; } }; #pragma pack()
#endif // __FSMETA_H_