#ifndef _ASTREAM_H_
#define _ASTREAM_H_
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Async streams header.
#include <ex\refcnt.h>
#include <ex\refhandle.h>
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IAsyncReadObserver
// Passed to IAsyncStream::AsyncRead() and called when the asynchronous
// operation completes.
class IAsyncReadObserver { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
IAsyncReadObserver& operator=( const IAsyncReadObserver& );
public: // CREATORS
virtual ~IAsyncReadObserver() = 0 {}
virtual VOID ReadComplete( UINT cbRead, HRESULT hr ) = 0; };
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IAsyncWriteObserver
// Passed to IAsyncStream::AsyncWrite() and called when the asynchronous
// operation completes.
class IAsyncWriteObserver : public IRefCounted { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
IAsyncWriteObserver& operator=( const IAsyncWriteObserver& );
public: // CREATORS
virtual ~IAsyncWriteObserver() = 0 {}
virtual VOID WriteComplete( UINT cbWritten, HRESULT hr ) = 0; };
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IAsyncFlushObserver
// Passed to IAsyncStream::AsyncFlush() and called when the asynchronous
// operation completes.
class IAsyncFlushObserver : public IRefCounted { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
IAsyncFlushObserver& operator=( const IAsyncFlushObserver& );
public: // CREATORS
virtual ~IAsyncFlushObserver() = 0 {}
virtual VOID FlushComplete( HRESULT hr ) = 0; };
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IAsyncCopyToObserver
// Passed to IAsyncStream::AsyncCopyTo() and called when the asynchronous
// operation completes.
class IAsyncCopyToObserver { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
IAsyncCopyToObserver& operator=( const IAsyncCopyToObserver& );
public: // CREATORS
virtual ~IAsyncCopyToObserver() = 0 {}
virtual VOID CopyToComplete( UINT cbCopied, HRESULT hr ) = 0; };
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IDavStream
// Interface for sync streams.
class IDavStream { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
IDavStream& operator=( const IDavStream& );
protected: // CREATORS
// Only create this object through it's descendents!
IDavStream() {};
public: // DESTRUCTORS
// Out of line virtual destructor necessary for proper
// deletion of objects of derived classes via this class
virtual ~IDavStream() = 0 { }
// DwLeft() is the function that must be implemented by the descendants of this
// interface if they are to be passed to
// IHybridStream::ScCopyFrom(const IDavStream * stmSrc,
// IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsAsyncWrite)
// In that case it must return the number of bytes left in the stream to drain.
// That size can be an estimated one, not necessarily exact. That has to be
// implemented, that way, as the stream size that we are getting from the store
// when we open the stream on the property may be not correct (from the
// experience in that I can tell that still in most cases that data is
// correct, except for PR_BODY). Also for example in conversion streams we will
// not know the stream size in advance (we have not read all data yet and do not
// know in what converted size it will result in). Descendants that are not intended to
// be passed to the call above may choose to implement DwLeft() to trap or return 0.
// Of course in that case they should not rely on information comming back from
// that call. Also as soon as it is finally determined that we have reached the
// end of the stream (i.e. we read a piece of data, and we read less than we asked for),
// the function should always return 0.
virtual DWORD DwLeft() const = 0;
// FEnd() is the function that must return TRUE in the case the whole stream has been
// already drained/consumed. FALSE must be returned in all other cases. Child classes
// may implement it to return FALSE always if they are always sure that ScCopyFrom
// operations from this stream will always be given amount of bytes to copy that is
// equal or less than actual amount of bytes still remaining in the stream. Of course
// if they choose always to return FLASE they should not use the function to determine
// if they reached the end of the stream.
virtual BOOL FEnd() const { TrapSz("IDavStream::FEnd() not implemented"); return FALSE; } // ScRead() reading from the stream
virtual SCODE ScRead( BYTE * pbBuf, UINT cbToRead, UINT * pcbRead ) const { TrapSz("IDavStream::ScRead() not implemented"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
virtual SCODE ScWrite( const BYTE * pbBuf, UINT cbToWrite, UINT * pcbWritten ) { TrapSz("IDavStream::ScWrite() not implemented"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
virtual SCODE ScCopyTo( IDavStream& stmDst, UINT cbToCopy, UINT * pcbCopied ) { TrapSz("IDavStream::ScCopyTo() not implemented"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
virtual SCODE ScFlush() { return S_OK; } };
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IAsyncStream
// Interface for async streams.
// AsyncRead() -
// Asynchronously reads bytes from a stream and notifies an
// observer when the I/O completes. IAsyncStream provides
// a default implementation that notifies the observer with
// 0 bytes read and an HRESULT of E_NOTIMPL.
// AsyncWrite()
// Asynchronously writes bytes to a stream and notifies an
// observer when the I/O completes. IAsyncStream provides
// a default implementation that notifies the observer with
// 0 bytes written and an HRESULT of E_NOTIMPL.
// AsyncCopyTo()
// Asynchronously copies bytes from this stream to another
// IAsyncStream and notifies an observer when the I/O completes.
// IAsyncStream provides a default implementation that notifies
// the observer with 0 bytes copied and an HRESULT of E_NOTIMPL.
// AsyncFlush()
// To be used with buffered writable streams. Asynchronously
// flushes accumulated data written in previous calls to
// AsyncWrite() and notifies an observer when the I/O completes.
// IAsyncStream provides a default implementation that notifies
// the observer with an HRESULT of E_NOTIMPL.
// !!!IMPORTANT!!!
// Despite the refcounted base class of IAsyncWriteObserver and IAsyncFlushObserver,
// it is the CALLER's sole responsbility to guarantee the lifetime of the stream
// and observers through completion of any async I/O call.
class IAsyncStream { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
IAsyncStream& operator=( const IAsyncStream& );
public: // DESTRUCTORS
virtual ~IAsyncStream() = 0 { }
virtual UINT CbReady() const { return 0; }
virtual VOID AsyncRead( BYTE * pbBuf, UINT cbToRead, IAsyncReadObserver& obsAsyncRead ) { obsAsyncRead.ReadComplete( 0, E_NOTIMPL ); }
virtual VOID AsyncWrite( const BYTE * pbBuf, UINT cbToWrite, IAsyncWriteObserver& obsAsyncWrite ) { obsAsyncWrite.WriteComplete( 0, E_NOTIMPL ); }
virtual VOID AsyncCopyTo( IAsyncStream& stmDst, UINT cbToCopy, IAsyncCopyToObserver& obsAsyncCopyTo ) { obsAsyncCopyTo.CopyToComplete( 0, E_NOTIMPL ); }
virtual VOID AsyncFlush( IAsyncFlushObserver& obsAsyncFlush ) { obsAsyncFlush.FlushComplete( E_NOTIMPL ); } };
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IHybridStream
// Interface for a hybrid sync/async stream. The main difference
// between this interface and IAsyncStream is that the calls here
// do not always complete via async observer notification. If a
// call executes synchronously, it fills in all return values and
// returns status via an SCODE. If a call executes asynchronously,
// it immediately returns E_PENDING and calls the completion observer
// with return values and status when the asynchronous I/O completes.
// Callers cannot control whether a call executes synchronously or
// asynchronously.
// !!!IMPORTANT!!!
// Despite the refcounted base class of IAsyncWriteObserver and IAsyncFlushObserver,
// it is the CALLER's sole responsbility to guarantee the lifetime of the stream
// and observers through completion of any async I/O call.
class IHybridStream { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
IHybridStream& operator=( const IHybridStream& );
public: // CREATORS
virtual ~IHybridStream() = 0 { }
virtual UINT CbSize() const { TrapSz("IHybridStream::CbSize() not implemented"); return 0; }
virtual SCODE ScRead( BYTE * pbToRead, DWORD cbToRead, DWORD * pcbRead, IAsyncReadObserver * pobsAsyncRead ) { TrapSz("IHybridStream::ScRead() not implemented"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
virtual SCODE ScWrite( const BYTE * pbToWrite, DWORD cbToWrite, DWORD * pcbWritten, IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsAsyncWrite ) { TrapSz("IHybridStream::ScWrite() not implemented"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
virtual SCODE ScCopyFrom( const IDavStream * pdsToCopy, const DWORD cbToCopy, DWORD * pcbCopied, IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsAsyncWrite ) { TrapSz("IHybridStream::ScCopyFrom() not implemented"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
virtual SCODE ScCopyFrom( const IDavStream * pdsToCopy, IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsAsyncWrite ) { DWORD cbCopied; return ScCopyFrom( pdsToCopy, pdsToCopy->DwLeft(), &cbCopied, pobsAsyncWrite); }
virtual SCODE ScCopyTo( IHybridStream& stmDst, DWORD cbToCopy, DWORD * pcbCopied, IAsyncCopyToObserver * pobsAsyncCopyTo ) { TrapSz("IHybridStream::ScCopyTo() not implemented"); return E_NOTIMPL; }
virtual SCODE ScFlush( IAsyncFlushObserver * pobsAsyncFlush ) { TrapSz("IHybridStream::ScFlush() not implemented"); return E_NOTIMPL; } };
// ========================================================================
// TEMPLATE CLASS CBufferedStream
// Inline buffering stream implementation. See !!! IMPORTANT !!! section
// below for limitations and other considerations.
// Template parameters:
// _RawStream
// Raw stream type. _RawStream must implement ScReadRaw() for
// CBufferedStream::ScRead(), if it is to be used, and ScWriteRaw()
// for CBufferedStream::ScWrite() and CBufferedStream::ScFlush()
// if they are to be used. The prototypes are:
// SCODE ScReadRaw( BYTE * pbToRead,
// DWORD cbToRead,
// DWORD * pcbRead,
// IAsyncReadObserver * pobsAsyncRead );
// SCODE ScWriteRaw( const BYTE * pbToWrite,
// DWORD cbToWrite,
// DWORD * pcbWritten,
// IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsAsyncWrite );
// These functions read and write from the raw stream. The I/O
// they implement can be synchronous or asynchronous or both.
// Size (in bytes) of the buffer to use. The buffer is a direct
// member of CBufferedStream; no allocation is done.
// !!! IMPORTANT !!!
// Reading and writing:
// There is no restriction on the amount of data that can be read
// or written at once, but data is buffered CB_BUF bytes at a time.
// This means that a request to write, for example, 128K of data
// will incur two buffer flushes when CB_BUF is 64K. The same
// is true of reads and buffer fills. Buffer flushes/fills are
// typically the expensive I/O operations, so choose a CB_BUF
// that works well with the particular I/O (e.g. 64K for file I/O).
// Flushing:
// There is an assumption in ScFlush() that the stream being flushed
// to is not a buffered stream; ScFlush() does not flush the raw stream.
// Class size:
// Since the buffer is inline (i.e. not allocated), instances of this class
// can potentially be large. Whenever such an instance is used as a
// direct member of another class, it should be the last such member so as
// to maximize data locality when accessing other members of the class.
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> class CBufferedStream : private IAsyncReadObserver, private IAsyncWriteObserver { // Amount of the buffer used.
UINT m_cbBufUsed;
// Index of next byte to read from buffer.
UINT m_ibBufCur;
// Per read/write request state. These members are used
// to keep track of state across various async I/O calls.
const IDavStream * m_pdsRequest; LPBYTE m_pbRequest; DWORD m_cbRequest; DWORD m_cbRequestDone;
// Caller-supplied observers. Used to notify the caller
// when I/O completes.
IAsyncReadObserver * m_pobsRead; IAsyncWriteObserver * m_pobsWrite; IAsyncFlushObserver * m_pobsFlush;
// Pointer to the raw stream. Used in buffer filling/flushing.
_RawStream * m_pstmRaw;
// The buffer. The CB_BUF size is a template parameter.
BYTE m_rgbBuf[CB_BUF];
// Internal I/O routines
inline SCODE ScReadInt(); inline SCODE ScWriteInt(); inline SCODE ScCopyFromInt();
// Raw stream I/O completion routines
inline VOID RawReadComplete(UINT cbReadRaw); inline VOID RawWriteComplete(UINT cbWrittenRaw);
// Buffer filling and flushing utilities
inline SCODE ScFillBuffer(); inline SCODE ScFlushBuffer();
CBufferedStream( const CBufferedStream& ); CBufferedStream& operator=( const CBufferedStream& );
public: // CREATORS
CBufferedStream() : m_cbBufUsed(0), m_ibBufCur(0), m_pobsRead(NULL), m_pobsWrite(NULL), m_pobsFlush(NULL) { }
ULONG CbBufUsed() const { return m_cbBufUsed; }
inline SCODE ScRead( _RawStream& stmRaw, BYTE * pbToRead, DWORD cbToRead, DWORD * pcbRead, IAsyncReadObserver * pobsReadExt );
inline SCODE ScWrite( _RawStream& stmRaw, const BYTE * pbToWrite, DWORD cbToWrite, DWORD * pcbWritten, IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsWriteExt );
inline SCODE ScCopyFrom( _RawStream& stmRaw, const IDavStream * pdsToCopy, const DWORD cbToCopy, DWORD * pcbCopied, IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsWriteExt );
inline SCODE ScFlush( _RawStream& stmRaw, IAsyncFlushObserver * pobsFlushExt );
// IAsyncReadObserver/IAsyncWriteObserver
// Note: these functions are not really inlined -- they are declared
// virtual in the observer interface classes. However we must declare
// them inline so that the compiler will generate one instance of each
// function rather than one instance per function per module. This is
// the member function equivalent of DEC_CONST.
inline VOID ReadComplete( UINT cbReadRaw, HRESULT hr );
inline VOID WriteComplete( UINT cbWrittenRaw, HRESULT hr );
// IAsyncWriteObserver and IAsyncReadObserver are both refcounted
// interfaces and don't need to be. Caller assumes all responsibility
// for keeping stream and observer objects alive through any stream
// call.
void AddRef() { TrapSz("CBufferedStream::AddRef() is not implemented!"); }
void Release() { TrapSz("CBufferedStream::Release() is not implemented!"); } };
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> SCODE CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ScRead( _RawStream& stmRaw, BYTE * pbToRead, DWORD cbToRead, DWORD * pcbRead, IAsyncReadObserver * pobsReadExt ) { // Check parameters
Assert(cbToRead > 0); Assert(!IsBadWritePtr(pbToRead, cbToRead)); Assert(!IsBadWritePtr(pcbRead, sizeof(UINT))); Assert(!pobsReadExt || !IsBadReadPtr(pobsReadExt, sizeof(IAsyncReadObserver)));
// We had better not be in any I/O of any sort.
Assert(!m_pobsRead); Assert(!m_pobsWrite); Assert(!m_pobsFlush);
// Set up state for a new read
m_pstmRaw = &stmRaw; m_pdsRequest = NULL; m_pbRequest = pbToRead; m_cbRequest = cbToRead; m_pobsRead = pobsReadExt; m_cbRequestDone = 0;
// Issue the read
SCODE sc = ScReadInt();
// If the read didn't pend then clear out the observer
// and return the amount of data read.
if (E_PENDING != sc) { m_pobsRead = NULL; *pcbRead = m_cbRequestDone; }
// Return the result of the I/O, which may be S_OK, E_PENDING
// or any other error.
return sc; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> SCODE CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ScReadInt() { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Loop around alternately filling and reading from the
// buffer until we finish the request or until a fill pends.
while ( m_cbRequestDone < m_cbRequest ) { // If we have read everything from the buffer then try
// to refill the buffer from the raw stream.
if (m_ibBufCur == m_cbBufUsed) { sc = ScFillBuffer(); if (FAILED(sc)) { if (E_PENDING != sc) DebugTrace("CBufferedStream::ScReadInt() - ScFillBuffer() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc);
break; }
// If the buffer is still empty then we have
// exhausted the stream, so we are done.
if (0 == m_cbBufUsed) break; }
// The buffer should have data available to be read
// so read it.
Assert(m_ibBufCur < m_cbBufUsed); DWORD cbToRead = min(m_cbBufUsed - m_ibBufCur, m_cbRequest - m_cbRequestDone);
memcpy(m_pbRequest + m_cbRequestDone, &m_rgbBuf[m_ibBufCur], cbToRead);
m_ibBufCur += cbToRead; m_cbRequestDone += cbToRead; }
return sc; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> SCODE CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ScFillBuffer() { // We better have a stream to fill from
// Assert that we are not in any write/copy/flush I/O
Assert(!m_pobsWrite); Assert(!m_pobsFlush);
// We should only try to refill the buffer after all
// of the data in it has been consumed.
Assert(m_ibBufCur == m_cbBufUsed);
// Reset the buffer back to the beginning.
m_cbBufUsed = 0; m_ibBufCur = 0;
// Read data in from the raw stream. If reading pends on I/O
// then we will resume processing in CBufferedStream::ReadComplete()
// when the I/O completes.
DWORD cbRead = 0; SCODE sc = m_pstmRaw->ScReadRaw(m_rgbBuf, CB_BUF, &cbRead, this); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { // ScReadRaw() did not pend, so update our internal state and continue.
RawReadComplete(cbRead); } else if (E_PENDING != sc) { DebugTrace("CBufferedStream::ScFillBuffer() - m_pstmRaw->ScReadRaw() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); }
return sc; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> VOID CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ReadComplete( UINT cbReadRaw, HRESULT hr ) { // Update our internal state
// If I/O succeeded then continue reading where we left off.
// We are done reading only when ScReadInt() returns S_OK
// or any error other than E_PENDING.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ScReadInt(); if (E_PENDING == hr) return;
if (FAILED(hr)) DebugTrace("CBufferedStream::ReadComplete() - ScReadInt() failed 0x%08lX\n", hr); }
// Pull the external read observer from where we saved it
Assert(m_pobsRead); IAsyncReadObserver * pobsReadExt = m_pobsRead; m_pobsRead = NULL;
// Complete the read by calling the client back with
// total amount read for the request.
// Note that m_cbRequestDone != m_cbRequest only when there
// is an error.
Assert(FAILED(hr) || m_cbRequestDone == m_cbRequest); pobsReadExt->ReadComplete(m_cbRequestDone, hr); }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> VOID CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::RawReadComplete(UINT cbReadRaw) { Assert(0 == m_cbBufUsed); Assert(0 == m_ibBufCur);
// Update the number of bytes read
m_cbBufUsed = cbReadRaw; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> SCODE CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ScWrite( _RawStream& stmRaw, const BYTE * pbToWrite, DWORD cbToWrite, DWORD * pcbWritten, IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsWriteExt ) { // Check parameters
Assert(cbToWrite > 0); Assert(!IsBadReadPtr(pbToWrite, cbToWrite)); Assert(!IsBadWritePtr(pcbWritten, sizeof(UINT))); Assert(!pobsWriteExt || !IsBadReadPtr(pobsWriteExt, sizeof(IAsyncWriteObserver)));
// We had better not be in any I/O of any sort.
Assert(!m_pobsRead); Assert(!m_pobsWrite); Assert(!m_pobsFlush); // Set up state for a new write. Casting away const-ness is OK;
// we don't write to m_pbRequest on writes.
m_pstmRaw = &stmRaw; m_pdsRequest = NULL; m_pbRequest = const_cast<BYTE *>(pbToWrite); m_cbRequest = cbToWrite; m_pobsWrite = pobsWriteExt; m_cbRequestDone = 0;
// Issue the write
SCODE sc = ScWriteInt();
// If the write didn't pend then clear out the observer
// and return the amount of data written.
if (E_PENDING != sc) { m_pobsWrite = NULL; *pcbWritten = m_cbRequestDone; }
// Return the result of the I/O, which may be S_OK, E_PENDING
// or any other error.
return sc; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> SCODE CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ScCopyFrom( _RawStream& stmRaw, const IDavStream * pdsToCopy, const DWORD cbToCopy, DWORD * pcbCopied, IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsWriteExt ) { // Check parameters
Assert(cbToCopy >= 0); Assert(!IsBadReadPtr(pdsToCopy, sizeof(IDavStream))); Assert(!IsBadWritePtr(pcbCopied, sizeof(UINT))); Assert(!pobsWriteExt || !IsBadReadPtr(pobsWriteExt, sizeof(IAsyncWriteObserver)));
// We had better not be in any I/O of any sort.
Assert(!m_pobsRead); Assert(!m_pobsWrite); Assert(!m_pobsFlush);
// Set up state for a new write. Casting away const-ness is OK;
// we don't write to m_pbRequest on writes.
m_pstmRaw = &stmRaw; m_pdsRequest = pdsToCopy; m_pbRequest = NULL; m_cbRequest = cbToCopy; m_pobsWrite = pobsWriteExt; m_cbRequestDone = 0;
// Issue the write
SCODE sc = ScCopyFromInt();
// If the write didn't pend then clear out the observer
// and return the amount of data written.
if (E_PENDING != sc) { m_pobsWrite = NULL; *pcbCopied = m_cbRequestDone; }
// Return the result of the I/O, which may be S_OK, E_PENDING
// or any other error.
return sc; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> SCODE CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ScWriteInt() { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Loop around alternately filling and flushing the buffer until
// we finish the request or until a buffer flush pends.
while ( m_cbRequestDone < m_cbRequest ) { // If there is no room left to write to the buffer then flush
// the buffer to the raw stream.
if (CB_BUF == m_cbBufUsed) { sc = ScFlushBuffer(); if (FAILED(sc)) { if (E_PENDING != sc) DebugTrace("CBufferedStream::ScWriteInt() - ScFlushBuffer() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc);
break; } }
// There is room left in the buffer so copy over
// as much data from the request as will fit.
Assert(m_cbBufUsed < CB_BUF); DWORD cbToWrite = min(CB_BUF - m_cbBufUsed, m_cbRequest - m_cbRequestDone);
Assert(m_pbRequest); memcpy(&m_rgbBuf[m_cbBufUsed], m_pbRequest + m_cbRequestDone, cbToWrite);
m_cbBufUsed += cbToWrite; m_cbRequestDone += cbToWrite; }
return sc; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> SCODE CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ScCopyFromInt() { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Loop around alternately filling and flushing the buffer until
// we finish the request or until a buffer flush pends.
while ( m_cbRequestDone < m_cbRequest ) { // If there is no room left to write to the buffer then flush
// the buffer to the raw stream.
if (CB_BUF == m_cbBufUsed) { sc = ScFlushBuffer(); if (FAILED(sc)) { if (E_PENDING != sc) DebugTrace("CBufferedStream::ScCopyFromInt() - ScFlushBuffer() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc);
break; } }
// There is room left in the buffer so copy over
// as much data from the request as will fit.
Assert(m_cbBufUsed < CB_BUF); UINT cbCopied = 0; DWORD cbToCopy = min(CB_BUF - m_cbBufUsed, m_cbRequest - m_cbRequestDone);
Assert(m_pdsRequest); sc = m_pdsRequest->ScRead(&m_rgbBuf[m_cbBufUsed], cbToCopy, &cbCopied); if (FAILED(sc)) { Assert(E_PENDING != sc); DebugTrace("CBufferedStream::ScCopyFromInt() - ScRead() from source buffer failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); break; }
m_cbBufUsed += cbCopied; m_cbRequestDone += cbCopied;
// Even if the clients requested to read certain amount of bytes to be read,
// they may be wrong in their estimates, so let us be really smart about the
// case and check if the end of the stream has been reached
if (m_pdsRequest->FEnd()) { // Make sure that we certainly go out of the loop in the case we finished
m_cbRequest = m_cbRequestDone; break; } }
return sc; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> VOID CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::WriteComplete( UINT cbWritten, HRESULT hr ) { // Update our internal state with the amount of buffered data that we
// flushed. We only want to do this IF the call was successful....
// RawWriteComplete() asserts that cbWritten == m_cbBufUsed, which will
// not be true if the write failed.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) RawWriteComplete(cbWritten);
// I/O is complete. Either the write that just completed
// failed or the subsequent write completed synchronously.
// Notify the appropriate observer that we are done.
if (m_pobsWrite) { // I/O was a write, not a flush
// If I/O succeeded then continue writing where we left off.
// We are done writing only when ScWriteInt() returns S_OK
// or any error other than E_PENDING.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ScWriteInt(); if (E_PENDING == hr) return;
if (FAILED(hr)) DebugTrace("CBufferedStream::WriteComplete() - ScWriteInt() failed 0x%08lX\n", hr); }
// Pull the external write observer from where we saved it
IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsWriteExt = m_pobsWrite; m_pobsWrite = NULL;
// Complete the write by calling the client back with
// total amount written for the request.
// Note that m_cbRequestDone != m_cbRequest only when there
// is an error.
Assert(FAILED(hr) || m_cbRequestDone == m_cbRequest); pobsWriteExt->WriteComplete(m_cbRequestDone, hr); } else { // I/O was a flush, not a write
// The buffer should be empty after flushing
Assert(0 == m_cbBufUsed);
// Pull the external flush observer from where we saved it
IAsyncFlushObserver * pobsFlushExt = m_pobsFlush; m_pobsFlush = NULL;
// Tell it that we are done.
pobsFlushExt->FlushComplete(hr); } }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> SCODE CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ScFlushBuffer() { // We better have a stream to flush to.
// We better have something to flush.
Assert(m_cbBufUsed > 0);
// Write out all buffered data to the raw stream. If writing
// pends on I/O then we will resume processing in
// CBufferedStream::WriteComplete() when the I/O completes.
DWORD cbWritten = 0; SCODE sc = m_pstmRaw->ScWriteRaw(m_rgbBuf, m_cbBufUsed, &cbWritten, this); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { // ScWriteRaw() did not pend, so update our internal state and continue.
RawWriteComplete(cbWritten); } else if (E_PENDING != sc) { DebugTrace("CBufferedStream::ScFlushBuffer() - m_pstmRaw->ScWriteRaw() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); }
return sc; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> VOID CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::RawWriteComplete(UINT cbWrittenRaw) { // Verify that we wrote the entire buffer
Assert(cbWrittenRaw == m_cbBufUsed);
// Start the buffer again from the beginning
m_cbBufUsed = 0; }
template<class _RawStream, UINT CB_BUF> SCODE CBufferedStream<_RawStream, CB_BUF>::ScFlush( _RawStream& stmRaw, IAsyncFlushObserver * pobsFlushExt ) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Check parameters
Assert(!pobsFlushExt || !IsBadReadPtr(pobsFlushExt, sizeof(IAsyncFlushObserver)));
// We had better not be in any I/O of any sort.
Assert(!m_pobsRead); Assert(!m_pobsFlush); Assert(!m_pobsWrite);
// If there's nothing to flush then we're done.
if (m_cbBufUsed) { // Set up state for a flush
m_pstmRaw = &stmRaw; m_pobsFlush = pobsFlushExt;
// Flush buffered data to the raw stream.
sc = ScFlushBuffer();
// If the flush didn't pend then clear out the observer.
if (E_PENDING != sc) m_pobsFlush = NULL; }
return sc; }
// ========================================================================
// CLASS CFileStreamImp
// Base implementation class for a file stream.
template<class _RawStream, class _OVL> class CFileStreamImp { //
// File handle
auto_ref_handle m_hf;
// File pointer
_OVL m_ovl;
// Implementation stream is a buffered stream with a buffer size
// of 64K to optimize for file I/O.
// Note: this data member is declared LAST because it contains
// an internal 64K buffer that we don't want sitting between
// other member variables.
CBufferedStream<_RawStream, 64 * 1024> m_BufferedStream;
CFileStreamImp( const CFileStreamImp& ); CFileStreamImp& operator=( const CFileStreamImp& );
public: // CREATORS
CFileStreamImp(const auto_ref_handle& hf) : m_hf(hf) { memset(&m_ovl, 0, sizeof(m_ovl)); }
HANDLE HFile() const { return m_hf.get(); }
_OVL * POverlapped() { return &m_ovl; }
SCODE ScRead( _RawStream& stmRaw, BYTE * pbToRead, DWORD cbToRead, DWORD * pcbRead, IAsyncReadObserver * pobsAsyncRead ) { return m_BufferedStream.ScRead( stmRaw, pbToRead, cbToRead, pcbRead, pobsAsyncRead ); }
SCODE ScWrite( _RawStream& stmRaw, const BYTE * pbToWrite, DWORD cbToWrite, DWORD * pcbWritten, IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsAsyncWrite ) { return m_BufferedStream.ScWrite( stmRaw, pbToWrite, cbToWrite, pcbWritten, pobsAsyncWrite ); }
SCODE ScCopyFrom( _RawStream& stmRaw, const IDavStream * pdsToCopy, const DWORD cbToCopy, DWORD * pcbCopied, IAsyncWriteObserver * pobsAsyncWrite ) { return m_BufferedStream.ScCopyFrom( stmRaw, pdsToCopy, cbToCopy, pcbCopied, pobsAsyncWrite ); }
SCODE ScFlush( _RawStream& stmRaw, IAsyncFlushObserver * pobsFlush ) { return m_BufferedStream.ScFlush( stmRaw, pobsFlush ); }
// Update the current file position
VOID UpdateFilePos(UINT cbIO) { //
// Check for overflow of the low 32 bits of the offset. If we are
// going to overflow then increment the high part of the offset.
if (m_ovl.Offset + cbIO < m_ovl.Offset) { ++m_ovl.OffsetHigh;
// OffsetHigh should NEVER overflow
Assert(m_ovl.OffsetHigh); }
// Update the low 32 bits of the offset
m_ovl.Offset += cbIO; } };
#endif // !defined(_ASTREAM_H_)