Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines the IIS_ENDPOINT class
Johnson Apacible (JohnsonA) June-04-1996
#include "tcpdllp.hxx"
#include <rpc.h>
#include <tsunami.hxx>
#include <iistypes.hxx>
#include <iisendp.hxx>
#include <iisassoc.hxx>
#include "inetreg.h"
#include <tcpcons.h>
#include <apiutil.h>
#include <issched.hxx>
#include "..\atq\atqtypes.hxx"
// Ref count trace log size
// Ref trace log for IIS_ENDPOINT objects
// NOTE we make this global so other classes can get at it
PTRACE_LOG g_pDbgIERefTraceLog = NULL;
Macro support for IIS_ENDPOINT::Reference/Dereference
HISTORY: MCourage 31-Oct-1997 Added ref trace logging
#define IE_LOG_REF_COUNT( cRefs ) \
\ IE_SHARED_LOG_REF_COUNT( \ cRefs \ , (PVOID) this \ , m_state \ , m_atqEndpoint \ , 0xffffffff \ ); \ IE_LOCAL_LOG_REF_COUNT( \ cRefs \ , (PVOID) this \ , m_state \ , m_atqEndpoint \ , 0xffffffff \ ); #else
#define IE_LOG_REF_COUNT( cRefs )
PVOID I_IISAddListenEndpoint( IN PATQ_ENDPOINT_CONFIGURATION Configuration, IN PVOID EndpointContext );
BOOL IIS_SERVICE::AssociateInstance( IN PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE pInstance ) /*++
Routine Description:
Associates an instance with an endpoint. It also activates the endpoint.
pInstance - instance to associate.
Return Value:
TRUE - if successful, FALSE otherwise
--*/ {
DWORD err = NO_ERROR; BOOL shouldStart = FALSE;
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "AssociateInstance %p called\n", pInstance)); }
// Lock the service.
AcquireServiceLock( TRUE );
// if service is closing, abort
if ( !IsActive() ) { err = ERROR_NOT_READY; goto exit; }
if ( pInstance->QueryServerState( ) != MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED ) { IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT,"Server not in stopped (%d) state\n", pInstance->QueryServerState())); } err = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; goto exit; }
// Start the server instance.
shouldStart = TRUE; err = pInstance->DoStartInstance();
if( err != NO_ERROR ) { IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "BindInstance() failed, %lu\n", err)); } }
if( shouldStart ) {
// We're up and running. Note that the StartInstance() method will
// set the instance state appropriately if successful, so we only
// need to set it if the start failed.
if( err != NO_ERROR ) { pInstance->SetServerState( MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED, err ); }
ReleaseServiceLock( TRUE ); return TRUE;
} else {
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT,"AssociateInstace: Error %d\n", err)); }
pInstance->SetServerState( MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED, err ); ReleaseServiceLock( TRUE ); SetLastError(err); return FALSE;
} // IIS_SERVICE::AssociateInstance
BOOL IIS_SERVICE::DisassociateInstance( IN PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE pInstance ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes an instance from an endpoint.
pInstance - instance to associate.
Return Value:
TRUE - if successful, FALSE otherwise
--*/ {
// if it's running, stop it
AcquireServiceLock( TRUE );
if ( pInstance->QueryServerState( ) == MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED ) { ReleaseServiceLock( TRUE ); IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Cannot disassociate stopped server %p\n",pInstance)); } return(TRUE); }
pInstance->SetServerState( MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED, NO_ERROR ); ReleaseServiceLock( TRUE );
// Blow away any users still clinging to this instance,
// then unbind the instance.
pInstance->Reference(); DisconnectUsersByInstance( pInstance ); pInstance->UnbindInstance(); pInstance->Dereference();
return TRUE;
} // IIS_SERVICE::DisassociateInstance
BOOL IIS_SERVICE::ShutdownService( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Shuts down all endpoints.
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ {
// Walk the list and close the instances
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "ShutdownService called\n")); }
// Update the service state.
AcquireServiceLock( ); m_state = BlockStateClosed; ReleaseServiceLock( );
// Blow away all instances.
return TRUE;
} // IIS_SERVICE::ShutdownService
IIS_ENDPOINT::IIS_ENDPOINT( IN PIIS_SERVICE pService, IN USHORT Port, IN DWORD IpAddress, IN BOOL fIsSecure ) : m_signature ( IIS_ENDPOINT_SIGNATURE), m_state ( BlockStateIdle), m_atqEndpoint ( NULL), m_isSecure ( fIsSecure), m_fAtqEpStopped ( FALSE), m_service ( NULL), m_reference ( 1), m_NumQualifiedInstances ( 0), m_WildcardInstance ( NULL), m_nAcceptExOutstanding ( 0), m_AcceptExTimeout ( 0), m_nInstances ( 0) {
// initialize the lock
// initialize the association info
ZeroMemory( m_QualifiedInstances, sizeof(m_QualifiedInstances) );
// reference the service
if ( !pService->CheckAndReference( ) ) { m_state = BlockStateInvalid; return; }
m_service = pService;
// use the service name as the advertised name
m_Port = Port; m_IpAddress = IpAddress;
_pDbgIERefTraceLog = CreateRefTraceLog( C_LOCAL_ENDP_REFTRACES, 0 ); #endif
// Delete the instance association objects.
for( INT qualifier = (INT)FullyQualified ; qualifier < (INT)NumInstanceQualifiers ; qualifier++ ) {
delete m_QualifiedInstances[qualifier];
// Dereference the owning service.
if ( m_service != NULL ) { m_service->Dereference(); m_service = NULL; }
m_signature = IIS_ENDPOINT_SIGNATURE_FREE; DeleteCriticalSection(&m_endpointLock);
DestroyRefTraceLog( _pDbgIERefTraceLog ); #endif
BOOL IIS_ENDPOINT::AddInstance( IN PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE pInstance, IN DWORD IpAddress, IN const CHAR * HostName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Adds an instance to an existing endpoint.
pInstance - instance to add.
IpAddress - The IP address for this instance; may be INADDR_ANY;.
HostName - The host name for this instance; may be empty ("").
Return Value:
TRUE - if successful, FALSE otherwise
--*/ { INSTANCE_QUALIFIER qualifier; DWORD status;
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "IIS_ENDPOINT::AddInstance %p called\n", pInstance)); }
// Determine the proper qualifier based on the presence of the
// IP address and host name.
qualifier = CalcQualifier( IpAddress, HostName );
// Put instance into proper association.
if( qualifier == WildcardInstance ) {
if( m_WildcardInstance == NULL ) { m_WildcardInstance = pInstance; } else { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AddInstance: endpoint %p already has a wildcard instance\n", this ));
status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto unlock_and_fail; }
} else {
// Create a new instance association object if necessary.
association = m_QualifiedInstances[qualifier];
if( association == NULL ) { association = new IIS_ASSOCIATION( ( qualifier == FullyQualified ) || ( qualifier == QualifiedByIpAddress ), ( qualifier == FullyQualified ) || ( qualifier == QualifiedByHostName ) );
if( association == NULL ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AddInstance: cannot create new association\n" ));
status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto unlock_and_fail; }
m_QualifiedInstances[qualifier] = association; }
// Add the instance to the association.
status = association->AddDescriptor( IpAddress, HostName, (LPVOID)pInstance );
if( status != NO_ERROR ) { goto unlock_and_fail; }
// Update the number of qualified instances on this endpoint.
// We use this to "short circuit" the instance lookup in the
// common case of a single wildcard instance per endpoint.
// Setup the necessary references, update the server state.
Reference(); pInstance->Reference(); InterlockedIncrement( (LPLONG)&m_nInstances );
// Aggregate the AcceptEx outstanding parameter.
m_nAcceptExOutstanding += pInstance->QueryAcceptExOutstanding(); m_nMaximumAcceptExOutstanding = pInstance->QueryMaxEndpointConnections();
// Activate the endpoint if necessary.
if ( !ActivateEndpoint() ) { status = GetLastError(); RemoveInstance( pInstance, IpAddress, HostName ); goto unlock_and_fail; }
UnlockEndpoint(); return TRUE;
DBG_ASSERT( status != NO_ERROR ); UnlockEndpoint(); SetLastError( status ); return FALSE;
} // IIS_ENDPOINT::AddInstance
BOOL IIS_ENDPOINT::RemoveInstance( IN PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE pInstance, IN DWORD IpAddress, IN const CHAR * HostName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes an instance to an existing endpoint.
pInstance - instance to remove
IpAddress - The IP address for this instance; may be INADDR_ANY;.
HostName - The host name for this instance; may be empty ("").
Return Value:
TRUE - if successful, FALSE otherwise
--*/ { INSTANCE_QUALIFIER qualifier; DWORD status;
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "RemoveInstance called endpoint %p instance %p\n", this, pInstance )); }
// Determine the proper qualifier based on the presence of the
// IP address and host name.
qualifier = CalcQualifier( IpAddress, HostName );
m_nAcceptExOutstanding -= pInstance->QueryAcceptExOutstanding();
if( qualifier == WildcardInstance ) {
DBG_ASSERT( m_WildcardInstance == pInstance ); m_WildcardInstance->Dereference(); m_WildcardInstance = NULL;
} else {
LPVOID Context;
DBG_ASSERT( m_QualifiedInstances[qualifier] != NULL ); status = m_QualifiedInstances[qualifier]->RemoveDescriptor( IpAddress, HostName, &Context );
if( status == NO_ERROR ) {
DBG_ASSERT( Context == (LPVOID)pInstance ); pInstance->Dereference(); m_NumQualifiedInstances--;
// If this was the last instance, then remove ourselves from
// the service's endpoint list and initiate shutdown.
if ( InterlockedDecrement( (LPLONG ) &m_nInstances) == 0 ) { RemoveEntryList( &m_EndpointListEntry ); ShutdownEndpoint( ); }
// Remove the reference added in AddInstance().
Dereference(); return TRUE;
} // IIS_ENDPOINT::RemoveInstance
BOOL IIS_ENDPOINT::ActivateEndpoint( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Starts an idle endpoint.
Return Value:
TRUE - if successful, FALSE otherwise
// Make sure this is idle
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT,"Calling activate on %p\n",this)); }
LockEndpoint( ); if ( m_state == BlockStateActive ) { IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Activate called on %p is not in idle state(%d)\n", this, (DWORD)m_state )); }
DBG_ASSERT(m_atqEndpoint != NULL);
AtqEndpointSetInfo( m_atqEndpoint, EndpointInfoAcceptExOutstanding, min( m_nAcceptExOutstanding, m_nMaximumAcceptExOutstanding ) );
UnlockEndpoint(); return(TRUE); }
config.cbAcceptExRecvBuffer = m_service->m_cbRecvBuffer; config.pfnConnect = m_service->m_pfnConnect; config.pfnConnectEx = m_service->m_pfnConnectEx; config.pfnIoCompletion = m_service->m_pfnIoCompletion;
config.ListenPort = m_Port; config.IpAddress = m_IpAddress; config.nAcceptExOutstanding = min( m_nAcceptExOutstanding, m_nMaximumAcceptExOutstanding ); config.AcceptExTimeout = m_AcceptExTimeout;
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT,"%d %d %d\n", config.ListenPort, config.nAcceptExOutstanding, config.AcceptExTimeout )); }
atqEndpoint = I_IISAddListenEndpoint( &config, (PVOID)this );
if ( atqEndpoint == NULL ) { UnlockEndpoint(); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Activate failed, error %d\n",GetLastError())); return(FALSE); }
// Update the state
m_state = BlockStateActive; m_atqEndpoint = atqEndpoint; Reference( ); UnlockEndpoint();
} // IIS_ENDPOINT::ActivateEndpoint
BOOL IIS_ENDPOINT::StopEndpoint( VOID) /*++
Routine Description:
Stops the ATQ endpoint structure stored inside the IIS_ENDPOINT This will prevent us from accepting new connection. This function should be called only when are preparing ourselves to shut this endpoint down entirely.
Return Value:
History: MuraliK 7/8/97 --*/ { BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// lock, check the state and
// then, stop any Atq Endpoint, if any.
LockEndpoint( );
// NYI: We mayhave to use an intermediate state for STopped endpoint.
// Unfortunately the state machine usage in IIS_SERVICE/INSTANCE/ENDPOINT
// is not setup for doing so. For now I will just assert that this
// object is in an Active State
// - muralik 7/8/97
DBG_ASSERT( m_state == BlockStateActive);
if ( m_atqEndpoint != NULL ) { IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "IIS_ENDPOINT(%08p) Stopping ATQ Endpoint %p\n", this, m_atqEndpoint)); } if ( !m_fAtqEpStopped ) { fReturn = AtqStopEndpoint( m_atqEndpoint); if ( fReturn ) { m_fAtqEpStopped = TRUE; } } }
return (fReturn); } // IIS_ENDPOINT::StopEndpoint()
VOID IIS_ENDPOINT::ShutdownEndpoint( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Shuts down an endpoint.
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// lock, check the state and mark it closed.
// then, shutdown any Atq Endpoint, if any.
LockEndpoint( );
DBG_ASSERT(m_nInstances == 0);
if ( m_state == BlockStateActive ) {
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT,"Shutting down endpoint %p\n",this)); } m_state = BlockStateClosed; UnlockEndpoint();
IF_DEBUG( INSTANCE ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "IIS_ENDPOINT(%08p)::ShutdownEndpoint() for " " AtqEndpoint %08p\n", this, m_atqEndpoint )); }
if ( m_atqEndpoint != NULL ) {
// I replaced AtqStopAndCloseEndpoint() here
if ( !m_fAtqEpStopped ) {
DBG_REQUIRE( AtqStopEndpoint( m_atqEndpoint)); m_fAtqEpStopped = TRUE; } /*
* Moved this to IIS_ENDPOINT::Dereference for shutdown thread hack * AtqCloseEndpoint( m_atqEndpoint); m_atqEndpoint = NULL; */ }
Dereference( ); } else { UnlockEndpoint(); }
return; } // IIS_ENDPOINT::ShutdownEndpoint
PIIS_SERVER_INSTANCE IIS_ENDPOINT::FindAndReferenceInstance( IN LPCSTR pszDomainName, IN const DWORD IPAddress, OUT LPBOOL pbMaxConnExceeded ) /*++
Routine Description:
Finds the appropriate instance given domain name and socket information. The instance is referenced if found.
pszDomainName - Domain name of request. IPAddress - Local IP Address of the connection. pbMaxConnExceeded - Receives TRUE if the maximum number of connections for this endpoint has been exceeded. It is still the caller's responsibility to properly dispose of the instance.
Return Value:
if successful, returns the pointer to the instance. NULL, otherwise.
--*/ {
LPCSTR tmp = pszDomainName; if ( tmp == NULL ) { tmp = ""; } DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT,"Finding %s %x\n", tmp, IPAddress)); }
LockEndpoint( ); DBG_CODE( instance = NULL );
if( m_NumQualifiedInstances == 0 ) {
// Fast path: only the wildcard instance.
instance = m_WildcardInstance; status = NO_ERROR;
} else {
// Less-fast path: we'll need to go hunt for it.
if( pszDomainName == NULL ) { pszDomainName = ""; }
IIS_ASSOCIATION::InitializeHashContext( &context );
for( qualifier = FullyQualified ; qualifier < NumInstanceQualifiers ; qualifier++ ) {
if( m_QualifiedInstances[qualifier] != NULL ) {
status = m_QualifiedInstances[qualifier]->LookupDescriptor( IPAddress, pszDomainName, (LPVOID *)&instance, &context );
if( status == NO_ERROR ) {
goto FoundInstance;
DBG_ASSERT( instance == NULL );
// If we made it this far, then no qualified instances will
// take the request, so use the wildcard (if available).
instance = m_WildcardInstance;
// Reset the status so that we may continue.
status = NO_ERROR;
if( instance == NULL ) {
if( status == NO_ERROR ) {
DBG_ASSERT( instance != NULL );
if( instance->QueryServerState() != MD_SERVER_STATE_STARTED ) { status = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; }
if( status == NO_ERROR ) {
// Reference this
instance->Reference( ); UnlockEndpoint( );
// Make sure that we have not exceeded the max
*pbMaxConnExceeded = ( instance->QueryCurrentConnections() > instance->QueryMaxConnections() );
if( *pbMaxConnExceeded ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERROR) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Too many connected users (%d) max %d, refusing connection\n", instance->QueryCurrentConnections(), instance->QueryMaxConnections() )); } }
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Found and referenced instance %p\n",instance)); }
return instance;
UnlockEndpoint(); SetLastError( status ); return NULL;
} // IIS_ENDPOINT::FindInstance
PVOID I_IISAddListenEndpoint( IN PATQ_ENDPOINT_CONFIGURATION Configuration, IN PVOID EndpointContext ) /*++
Adds a TCPIP ATQ endpoint.
Configuration - contains the endpoint configuration EndpointContext - context to return during completion
TRUE if successful, FALSE, otherwise
--*/ { PVOID atqEndpoint; BOOL fReturn = FALSE; IF_DEBUG( INSTANCE ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "I_IISAddListenEndpoint called\n")); }
// Create the endpoint
atqEndpoint = AtqCreateEndpoint( Configuration, EndpointContext );
if ( atqEndpoint == NULL ) { goto error_exit; }
// Activate the endpoint
if ( !AtqStartEndpoint(atqEndpoint) ) { goto error_exit; }
return (atqEndpoint);
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
DBG_ASSERT( NO_ERROR != dwError );
if ( atqEndpoint != NULL ) {
AtqCloseEndpoint( atqEndpoint); atqEndpoint = NULL; }
SetLastError(dwError); return(NULL);
} // I_IISAddListenEndpoint()
VOID IIS_ENDPOINT::Reference( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Increments the reference count for the endpoint Arguments:
None Return Value:
None --*/ { InterlockedIncrement( &m_reference );
IE_LOG_REF_COUNT( m_reference ); }
VOID WINAPI EndpointHackFunc( PVOID pv );
VOID IIS_ENDPOINT::Dereference( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Decrements the reference count for the endpoint and cleans up if the refcount reaches zero. Arguments:
None Return Value:
None --*/ {
ASSERT( m_signature == IIS_ENDPOINT_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT( m_reference > 0 );
// Write the trace log BEFORE the decrement operation :(
// If we write it after the decrement, we will run into potential
// race conditions in this object getting freed up accidentally
// by another thread
// NOTE we write (_cRef - 1) == ref count AFTER decrement happens
LONG cRefsAfter = (m_reference - 1); IE_LOG_REF_COUNT( cRefsAfter );
if ( InterlockedDecrement( &m_reference ) == 0 ) { DWORD dwCookie; PENDPOINT_HACK_PARAM pParam;
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT,"deleting endpoint %p\n",this));
if ( m_atqEndpoint != NULL ) { ASSERT( ((PATQ_ENDPOINT)m_atqEndpoint)->Signature == ATQ_ENDPOINT_SIGNATURE ); //
// Because the ATQ endpoint has an uncounted reference to this object, we can't
// go away until the ATQ endpoint is closed. Since it may be bad to block our
// own thread while waiting for the ATQ endpoint, we create a new thread to do
// it.
pParam = new ENDPOINT_HACK_PARAM; if (pParam == NULL) { goto threadfail; }
pParam->piisEndpoint = this; pParam->patqEndpoint = m_atqEndpoint;
dwCookie = ScheduleWorkItem( EndpointHackFunc, pParam, 0 ); if ( dwCookie == 0 ) { delete pParam; pParam = NULL; goto threadfail; } } else { //
// If we couldn't activate the endpoint we will not have an ATQ_ENDPOINT
// to close. In this case we can clean up immediately
delete this; }
} else { //DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT,"endpoint deref count %d\n",m_reference));
threadfail: if ( AtqCloseEndpoint( m_atqEndpoint ) ) {
ASSERT( m_signature == IIS_ENDPOINT_SIGNATURE ); delete this; } else { //
// There could still be some connections to us, so we can't free the memory.
// However we have to dereference the IIS_SERVICE, which is waiting for us
// during shutdown. Normally this deref occurs during the IIS_ENDPOINT destructor.
m_service->Dereference(); m_service = NULL;
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "AtqCloseEndpoint returned FALSE! " "Leaking endpoints: iisEndpoint = %p, atqEndpoint = %p\n", this, m_atqEndpoint)); } }
VOID WINAPI EndpointHackFunc( PVOID pv ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is a work item scheduled by IIS_ENDPOINT::Dereference. When the IIS_ENDPOINT refcount hits zero, there is still a reference to the structure from the ATQ_ENDPOINT. We call AtqCloseEndpoint, which returns when the reference is gone, and then clean up when it is safe to do so. Arguments:
pv - a parameter block containing pointers to the IIS_ENDPOINT and it's ATQ_ENDPOINT. Return Value:
None --*/ { PENDPOINT_HACK_PARAM pParam = (PENDPOINT_HACK_PARAM) pv; ASSERT( pParam->piisEndpoint->CheckSignature(IIS_ENDPOINT_SIGNATURE) ); ASSERT( ((PATQ_ENDPOINT)pParam->patqEndpoint)->Signature == ATQ_ENDPOINT_SIGNATURE );
IF_DEBUG(ENDPOINT) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "EndpointHackFunc: iis=%p atq=%p\n", pParam->piisEndpoint, pParam->patqEndpoint)); }
// if AtqCloseEndpoint fails we can't clean up, because someone could
// still have a pointer to us!
if ( AtqCloseEndpoint( pParam->patqEndpoint ) ) {
ASSERT( pParam->piisEndpoint->CheckSignature(IIS_ENDPOINT_SIGNATURE) ); delete pParam->piisEndpoint; } else { //
// There could still be some connections to us, so we can't free the memory.
// However we have to dereference the IIS_SERVICE, which is waiting for us
// during shutdown. Normally this deref occurs during the IIS_ENDPOINT destructor.
pParam->piisEndpoint->QueryService()->Dereference(); pParam->piisEndpoint->SetService( NULL );
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "AtqCloseEndpoint returned FALSE! " "Leaking endpoints: iisEndpoint = %p, atqEndpoint = %p\n", pParam->piisEndpoint, pParam->patqEndpoint)); } delete pParam; }
BOOL InitializeEndpointUtilities( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called during infocomm initialization. This sets up a global debug trace log object
None Return Value:
TRUE if successful --*/ { #if IE_REF_TRACKING
if ( g_pDbgIERefTraceLog == NULL ) { g_pDbgIERefTraceLog = CreateRefTraceLog( C_IIS_ENDP_REFTRACES, 0 ); return g_pDbgIERefTraceLog != NULL; } #endif
return TRUE; }
BOOL TerminateEndpointUtilities( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called during infocomm cleanup. This cleans up the global debug trace log object
None Return Value:
TRUE if successful --*/ { #if IE_REF_TRACKING
if ( g_pDbgIERefTraceLog ) { DestroyRefTraceLog( g_pDbgIERefTraceLog ); g_pDbgIERefTraceLog = NULL; } #endif
return TRUE; }