// cimpexp.cxx
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <iadm.h>
#include "coiadm.hxx"
// Implementation of CImpExpHelp
CADMCOMW::CImpExpHelp::CImpExpHelp() { return; }
CADMCOMW::CImpExpHelp::~CImpExpHelp(void) { return; }
VOID CADMCOMW::CImpExpHelp::Init(CADMCOMW *pBackObj) { // Init the Back Object Pointer to point to the parent object.
m_pUnkOuter = (IUnknown*)pBackObj;
return; }
STDMETHODIMP CADMCOMW::CImpExpHelp::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { // Delegate this call to the outer object's QueryInterface.
return m_pUnkOuter->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CADMCOMW::CImpExpHelp::AddRef(void) { // Delegate this call to the outer object's AddRef.
return m_pUnkOuter->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CADMCOMW::CImpExpHelp::Release(void) { // Delegate this call to the outer object's Release.
return m_pUnkOuter->Release(); }
STDMETHODIMP CADMCOMW::CImpExpHelp::EnumeratePathsInFile ( /* [unique, in, string] */ LPCWSTR pszFileName, /* [unique, in, string] */ LPCWSTR pszKeyType, /* [in] */ DWORD dwMDBufferSize, /* [out, size_is(dwMDBufferSize)] */ WCHAR *pszBuffer, /* [out] */ DWORD *pdwMDRequiredBufferSize) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<ISimpleTableDispenser2> spISTDisp; CComPtr<ISimpleTableRead2> spISTProperty; CComPtr<IErrorInfo> spErrorInfo; CComPtr<ISimpleTableRead2> spISTError; CComPtr<ICatalogErrorLogger2> spILogger; CComPtr<IAdvancedTableDispenser> spISTDispAdvanced; ULONG iRowDuplicateLocation = 0; STRAU strFileName;
if ((!pszFileName)||(!*pszFileName)||(!pszKeyType)) { hr = RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
if (!pszBuffer) { dwMDBufferSize = 0; }
hr = CoImpersonateClient();
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; }
pOuter = (CADMCOMW*)m_pUnkOuter;
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; }
// IVANPASH 598894 (SCR)
// Prepend the file name with \\?\ (or \\?\UNC\) to prevent canonicalization
hr = MakePathCanonicalizationProof( pszFileName, TRUE, &strFileName ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto done; } // Don't use i_wszFileName any more
pszFileName = NULL;
STQueryCell QueryCell[1];
// Get the property table.
QueryCell[0].pData = (LPVOID)strFileName.QueryStrW(); QueryCell[0].eOperator = eST_OP_EQUAL; QueryCell[0].iCell = iST_CELL_FILE; QueryCell[0].dbType = DBTYPE_WSTR; QueryCell[0].cbSize = (lstrlenW(strFileName.QueryStrW())+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
ULONG cCell = sizeof(QueryCell)/sizeof(STQueryCell);
// No need to initilize dispenser (InitializeSimpleTableDispenser()),
// because we now specify USE_CRT=1 in sources, which means that
// globals will be initialized.
hr = DllGetSimpleObjectByIDEx( eSERVERWIRINGMETA_TableDispenser, IID_ISimpleTableDispenser2, (VOID**)&spISTDisp, WSZ_PRODUCT_IIS ); if(FAILED(hr)) { DBGERROR(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[%s] DllGetSimpleObjectByIDEx failed with hr = 0x%x.\n",__FUNCTION__,hr)); goto done; }
// Log warnings/errors in getting the mb property table
// Do this BEFORE checking the return code of GetTable.
HRESULT hrErrorTable = GetErrorInfo(0, &spErrorInfo); if(hrErrorTable == S_OK) // GetErrorInfo returns S_FALSE when there is no error object
{ //
// Get the ICatalogErrorLogger interface to log the errors.
hrErrorTable = spISTDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IAdvancedTableDispenser, (LPVOID*)&spISTDispAdvanced); if(FAILED(hrErrorTable)) { DBGWARN(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[%s] Could not QI for Adv Dispenser, hr=0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, hrErrorTable)); goto done; }
hrErrorTable = spISTDispAdvanced->GetCatalogErrorLogger(&spILogger); if(FAILED(hrErrorTable)) { DBGWARN(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[%s] Could not get ICatalogErrorLogger2, hr=0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, hrErrorTable)); goto done; }
// Get the ISimpleTableRead2 interface to read the errors.
hrErrorTable = spErrorInfo->QueryInterface(IID_ISimpleTableRead2, (LPVOID*)&spISTError); if(FAILED(hrErrorTable)) { DBGWARN((DBG_CONTEXT, "[%s] Could not get ISTRead2 from IErrorInfo\n, __FUNCTION__")); goto done; }
for(ULONG iRow=0; ; iRow++) { tDETAILEDERRORSRow ErrorInfo; hrErrorTable = spISTError->GetColumnValues( iRow, cDETAILEDERRORS_NumberOfColumns, 0, 0, (LPVOID*)&ErrorInfo); if(hrErrorTable == E_ST_NOMOREROWS) { break; } if(FAILED(hrErrorTable)) { DBGWARN((DBG_CONTEXT, "[%s] Could not read an error row.\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto done; }
DBG_ASSERT(ErrorInfo.pEvent); switch(*ErrorInfo.pEvent) { case IDS_METABASE_DUPLICATE_LOCATION: iRowDuplicateLocation = iRow; break; default: hrErrorTable = spILogger->ReportError( BaseVersion_DETAILEDERRORS, ExtendedVersion_DETAILEDERRORS, cDETAILEDERRORS_NumberOfColumns, 0, (LPVOID*)&ErrorInfo); if(FAILED(hrErrorTable)) { DBGWARN((DBG_CONTEXT, "[%s] Could not log error.\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto done; } hr = MD_ERROR_READ_METABASE_FILE; } } // for(ULONG iRow=0; ; iRow++)
} // if(hrErrorTable == S_OK)
if(FAILED(hr)) { DBGERROR((DBG_CONTEXT, "[%s] GetTable failed with hr = 0x%x.\n",__FUNCTION__,hr)); goto done; }
// All of the stuff is read into pISTProperty.
// Now loop through and populate in-memory cache.
// Properties are sorted by location.
ULONG acbMBPropertyRow[cMBProperty_NumberOfColumns]; tMBPropertyRow MBPropertyRow; DWORD dwPreviousLocationID = (DWORD)-1; DWORD bufLoc = 0; DWORD dSize = 0; const WCHAR cSpace[2] = L" "; const WCHAR cNoName[2] = L"/"; const WCHAR cWebDirType[17] = L"IIsWebVirtualDir"; const WCHAR cFtpDirType[17] = L"IIsFtpVirtualDir"; const WCHAR cRoot[6] = L"ROOT/"; DWORD dwWSLoc = (DWORD)-1; bool bServCommAdded = true; ULONG topIndex = 0; bool bSameLocation = true; long spot = 0; long avail = dwMDBufferSize - 1;
for(ULONG i=0; ;i++) { hr = spISTProperty->GetColumnValues( i, cMBProperty_NumberOfColumns, 0, acbMBPropertyRow, (LPVOID*)&MBPropertyRow); if(E_ST_NOMOREROWS == hr) { hr = S_OK; break; } else if(FAILED(hr)) { DBGINFO((DBG_CONTEXT, "[ReadSomeDataFromXML] GetColumnValues failed with hr = 0x%x. Table:%ws. Read row index:%d.\n", \ hr, wszTABLE_MBProperty, i)); goto done; }
if(dwPreviousLocationID != *MBPropertyRow.pLocationID) { dwPreviousLocationID = *MBPropertyRow.pLocationID; topIndex = i; }
if(*MBPropertyRow.pID == MD_KEY_TYPE) { if (!wcscmp((LPCWSTR)MBPropertyRow.pValue, pszKeyType)) { // MBPropertyRow.pLocation
dSize = (DWORD)wcslen(MBPropertyRow.pLocation); spot = bufLoc + dSize; if (spot < avail) { wcscpy(&(pszBuffer[bufLoc]), MBPropertyRow.pLocation); pszBuffer[bufLoc + dSize] = 0; } bufLoc += dSize+1;
dwWSLoc = *MBPropertyRow.pLocationID;
bServCommAdded = false;
// now check from topIndex down for a ServerComment
hr = S_OK; bSameLocation = true;
while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !bServCommAdded && bSameLocation) { // special case for "IIsWebVirtualDir"
if (!wcscmp(pszKeyType, cWebDirType) || !wcscmp(pszKeyType, cFtpDirType)) { WCHAR* pCopy = NULL; WCHAR* pPos = NULL;
pCopy = _wcsdup(MBPropertyRow.pLocation); if (!pCopy) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; }
if (!_wcsupr(pCopy)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto done; }
pPos = wcsstr(pCopy, cRoot);
if (pPos) { LONG_PTR lPos = pPos - pCopy; pPos = MBPropertyRow.pLocation + lPos + wcslen(cRoot); } else { pPos = (WCHAR*)cNoName; }
// now copy pPos if applicable
dSize = (DWORD)wcslen(pPos);
spot = bufLoc + dSize; if (spot < avail) { wcscpy(&(pszBuffer[bufLoc]), pPos); pszBuffer[bufLoc + dSize] = 0; } bufLoc += dSize+1;
bServCommAdded = true; break; }
hr = spISTProperty->GetColumnValues( topIndex, cMBProperty_NumberOfColumns, 0, acbMBPropertyRow, (LPVOID*)&MBPropertyRow);
if (*MBPropertyRow.pLocationID != dwWSLoc) { bSameLocation = false; break; }
if (*MBPropertyRow.pID == MD_SERVER_COMMENT) { dSize = (DWORD)wcslen((WCHAR*)MBPropertyRow.pValue); spot = bufLoc + dSize; if (spot < avail) { wcscpy(&(pszBuffer[bufLoc]), (WCHAR*)MBPropertyRow.pValue); pszBuffer[bufLoc + dSize] = 0; } bufLoc += dSize+1;
bServCommAdded = true; }
topIndex++; }
if (!bServCommAdded) { // need to add in " "
dSize = (DWORD)wcslen(cSpace); spot = bufLoc + dSize; if (spot < avail) { wcscpy(&(pszBuffer[bufLoc]), cSpace); pszBuffer[bufLoc + dSize] = 0; } bufLoc += dSize+1; } } } }
if (bufLoc < dwMDBufferSize) { pszBuffer[bufLoc] = 0; } else if (pszBuffer) { pszBuffer[dwMDBufferSize-1] = 0; pszBuffer[dwMDBufferSize-2] = 0;
*pdwMDRequiredBufferSize = bufLoc + 1;
return hr; }