Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
IADMCOM interface WRAPPER functions implemetation
Win32 User Mode
jaroslad (jan 1997)
#define INITGUID
#include <tchar.h>
#include <afx.h>
#include <debnot.h>
#ifdef UNICODE
#include <iadmw.h>
#define IADM_PBYTE
#include "ansimeta.h"
//convert when using ANSI interface
#include <iiscnfg.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <ctype.h> //import toupper
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "admutil.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include <jd_misc.h>
//global variable definition
DWORD g_dwDELAY_AFTER_OPEN_VALUE=0; //////////////////////////////
CString FindCommonPath(CString a_strPath1, CString a_strPath2) { CString strCommonPath=_TEXT(""); int MinLength=a_strPath1.GetLength(); int i; //find shorter from strings
if(a_strPath2.GetLength() < MinLength) MinLength=a_strPath2.GetLength(); for(i=0; i<MinLength; i++) { if(a_strPath1.GetAt(i)!=a_strPath2.GetAt(i) ) // common path cannot be any longer;
break; } // now find the previous '/' and all before '/' is the common path
for(i=i-1; i>=0;i--) { if(a_strPath1.GetAt(i)==_T('/')) { strCommonPath=a_strPath1.Left(i+1);//take the trailing '/' with you
break; } } return strCommonPath; }
//return the position of '/' that is iSeqNumber in the order
//e.g: GetSlashIndex("aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd",2) returns position of 2nd index that equals 7)
INT CAdmNode::GetSlashIndex(const CString& strPath, INT iSeqNumber) { INT count=0; if (iSeqNumber==0) return 0; for(INT i=0; i<strPath.GetLength();i++) { if(strPath[i]==_T('/')) if((++count)==iSeqNumber) return i; } return -1;
//return the count of '/' in strPath
INT CAdmNode::GetCountOfSlashes(const CString& strPath) { INT count=0; for(INT i=0; i<strPath.GetLength();i++) { if(strPath[i]==_T('/')) count++; } return count; }
//return selement within the given string with sequence number wIndex
//e.g.: GetPartOfPath("aaa/bbb/ccc",1,1) will return "bbb"
//e.g.: GetPartOfPath("aaa/bbb/ccc",1) will return "bbb/ccc"
//e.g.: GetPartOfPath("aaa/bbb/ccc",0,1) will return "aaa/bbb"
//iStart- sequence number of first slash
//iEnd- sequence number of last slash
CString CAdmNode::GetPartOfPath(const CString& strPath, INT iStart, INT iEnd) { if(iEnd!=-1 && iEnd <= iStart) return _TEXT(""); INT i=0; INT iPosBegin = GetSlashIndex(strPath,iStart); if(iPosBegin==-1) //not found (exceeds number of slashes available in strPath
{ return _TEXT(""); } iPosBegin+=((iStart==0)?0:1); //adjust iPosBegin
INT iPosEnd = GetSlashIndex(strPath,iEnd); CString strToReturn; if(iEnd==-1 || iPosEnd==-1) strToReturn = strPath.Mid(iPosBegin); else strToReturn = strPath.Mid(iPosBegin,iPosEnd-iPosBegin); if(iStart==0 && strToReturn==_TEXT("") && strPath!=_TEXT("")) return _TEXT("/"); //this had to be root
else return strToReturn; }
//within path can be given computer name, service, instance number
// function will split the path to Computer, Service, Instance, Path relative to instance
void CAdmNode::SetPath(CString a_strPath) { if(a_strPath.IsEmpty()) return;
// change backslashes
for(int i=0; i<a_strPath.GetLength(); i++) { // skip DBCS
if(IsDBCSLeadByte(a_strPath[i])) { i++; continue; } if(a_strPath[i]==_T('\\')) a_strPath.SetAt(i,_T('/')); }
//trim leading '/'
while (a_strPath.GetLength()!=0 && a_strPath[0]==_T('/')) a_strPath=a_strPath.Mid(1);
int iSvc=-1;
if( IsServiceName(GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,1,2))) //get the second name within path
{ //if second is service then first has to be computer name
strComputer = GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,0,1); strService = GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,1,2); if( IsNumber(GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,2,3))) { strInstance = GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,2,3); strIPath = GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,3); //store the rest
} else { strIPath = GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,2); //store the rest
} } else if( IsServiceName(GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,0,1))) //get the second name within path
{ //if second is service then first has to be computer name
strComputer = _TEXT(""); strService = GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,0,1); if( IsNumber(GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,1,2))) { strInstance = GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,1,2); strIPath = GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,2); //store the rest
} else { strIPath = GetPartOfPath(a_strPath,1); //store the rest
} } else { strIPath = a_strPath; }
//in IPath there can be Property name at the end
INT iCount= GetCountOfSlashes(strIPath); CString LastName= GetPartOfPath(strIPath,iCount); //get last name within path;
if(MapPropertyNameToCode(LastName)!=NAME_NOT_FOUND) { //the Last name in the path is valid Property name
strProperty = LastName; strIPath = GetPartOfPath(strIPath,0,iCount); //Strip Last name from IPath
} }
CString CAdmNode::GetLMRootPath(void) { #ifdef SPECIAL_SHOW_ALL_METABASE
return _T("/"); #else
return _T("/")+CString(IIS_MD_LOCAL_MACHINE_PATH); #endif
CString CAdmNode::GetLMServicePath(void) { if(strService.IsEmpty()) return GetLMRootPath(); else return GetLMRootPath()+_T("/")+strService; }
CString CAdmNode::GetLMInstancePath(void) { if(strInstance.IsEmpty()) return GetLMServicePath(); else return GetLMServicePath()+_T("/")+strInstance; }
CString CAdmNode::GetLMNodePath(void) { if(strIPath.IsEmpty()) return GetLMInstancePath(); else return GetLMInstancePath()+_T("/")+strIPath; }
CString CAdmNode::GetServicePath(void) { if(strService.IsEmpty()) return _TEXT(""); else return _T("/")+strService; }
CString CAdmNode::GetInstancePath(void) { if(!strInstance.IsEmpty()) return GetServicePath() + _T("/")+ strInstance; else return GetServicePath(); }
CString CAdmNode::GetNodePath(void) {
if(!strIPath.IsEmpty()) return GetInstancePath() + _T("/")+ strIPath; else return GetInstancePath(); }
CString CAdmNode::GetParentNodePath(void) { CString strNodePath; strNodePath = GetNodePath();
if(strNodePath.IsEmpty()) return strNodePath; else { INT i= strNodePath.GetLength()-1; //point to the end of strNodePath
if (strNodePath.Right(1)==_T("/")) i--; for(; i>=0; i--) { if(strNodePath.GetAt(i)==_T('/')) return strNodePath.Left(i+1); } return _TEXT(""); } } //can return _TEXT("") for nonamed
CString CAdmNode::GetCurrentNodeName(void) { CString strNodePath; strNodePath = GetNodePath();
if(strNodePath.IsEmpty()) return strNodePath; else { INT i= strNodePath.GetLength()-1; //point to the end of strNodePath
if (strNodePath.Right(1)==_T("/")) i--; for(int count=0; i>=0; i--, count++) //search backward for '/'
{ if(strNodePath.GetAt(i)==_T('/')) return strNodePath.Mid(i+1,count); } return strNodePath; } }
CString CAdmNode::GetRelPathFromService(void) { CString str=strService; if (!strInstance.IsEmpty()) str=str+_T("/")+strInstance; if (!strIPath.IsEmpty()) str=str+_T("/")+strIPath; return str; }
CString CAdmNode::GetRelPathFromInstance(void) { if(strInstance.IsEmpty()) return strIPath; else return strInstance+_T("/")+strIPath; }
//IMPLEMENTATION of CAdmProp object
CAdmProp::CAdmProp(METADATA_RECORD &a_mdr) { memcpy (&mdr,&a_mdr,sizeof(METADATA_RECORD)); }
void CAdmProp::SetValue(DWORD a_dwValue) { if(mdr.pbMDData!=0) delete mdr.pbMDData; mdr.dwMDDataLen= sizeof(DWORD); mdr.pbMDData = (PBYTE) new char[mdr.dwMDDataLen]; memcpy(mdr.pbMDData,&a_dwValue,mdr.dwMDDataLen);
void CAdmProp::SetValue(CString a_strValue) { if(mdr.pbMDData!=0) delete mdr.pbMDData; mdr.dwMDDataLen = (a_strValue.GetLength()+1)*sizeof(_TCHAR); mdr.pbMDData = (PBYTE) new _TCHAR [mdr.dwMDDataLen/sizeof(_TCHAR)]; memcpy(mdr.pbMDData,LPCTSTR(a_strValue),mdr.dwMDDataLen-sizeof(_TCHAR)); ((_TCHAR *)mdr.pbMDData)[mdr.dwMDDataLen/sizeof(_TCHAR)-1]=0; //terminate with zero
void CAdmProp::SetValue(LPCTSTR *a_lplpszValue, DWORD a_dwValueCount) { if(mdr.pbMDData!=NULL) { delete mdr.pbMDData; mdr.pbMDData=0; } mdr.dwMDDataLen=0; for(DWORD i=0; i< a_dwValueCount; i++) { if(a_lplpszValue[i]==NULL) break;
mdr.dwMDDataLen += (DWORD)(_tcslen(a_lplpszValue[i])+1)*sizeof(_TCHAR); } mdr.dwMDDataLen+=sizeof(_TCHAR); // two 0 at the end
mdr.pbMDData = (PBYTE) new char[mdr.dwMDDataLen]; //merge strings in one area of memory
DWORD j=0; //index to destination where stings will be merged
for( i=0; i< a_dwValueCount; i++) //index to aray of strings
{ if(a_lplpszValue[i]==NULL) break; DWORD k=0; //index within string
while(a_lplpszValue[i][k]!=0) ((_TCHAR *)mdr.pbMDData)[j++]=a_lplpszValue[i][k++]; ((_TCHAR *)mdr.pbMDData)[j++]=0; } ((_TCHAR *)mdr.pbMDData)[j++]=0; }
void CAdmProp::SetValue( LPBYTE pbValue, DWORD dwValueLength ) { if( mdr.pbMDData != NULL ) { delete mdr.pbMDData; } mdr.dwMDDataLen = dwValueLength; mdr.pbMDData = (PBYTE) new BYTE[mdr.dwMDDataLen]; memcpy( mdr.pbMDData, pbValue, mdr.dwMDDataLen ); }
//sets the value depending on GetDataType()
BOOL CAdmProp::SetValueByDataType(LPCTSTR *a_lplpszPropValue, DWORD* a_lpdwPropValueLength, WORD a_wPropValueCount) { //process the value
WORD i; if(a_wPropValueCount!=0) { DWORD dwValue=0; switch(GetDataType()) { case DWORD_METADATA: { for (i=0;i<a_wPropValueCount;i++) { if( _tcslen(a_lplpszPropValue[i]) > 2 && a_lplpszPropValue[i][0]==_T('0') && _toupper(a_lplpszPropValue[i][1])==_T('X')) { _TCHAR * lpszX; dwValue += _tcstoul(a_lplpszPropValue[i]+2, &lpszX, 16); } else if(IsNumber(a_lplpszPropValue[i])) dwValue += _ttol(a_lplpszPropValue[i]); else { DWORD dwMapped=MapValueNameToCode(a_lplpszPropValue[i],GetIdentifier());
if(dwMapped==NAME_NOT_FOUND) { printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("value not resolved: %s\n"),a_lplpszPropValue[i]); return FALSE; } else // it has to be checked if adding can be performed
dwValue |= dwMapped; } } SetValue(dwValue); } break; case STRING_METADATA: case EXPANDSZ_METADATA: { CString strValue=_TEXT(""); for (i=0;i<a_wPropValueCount;i++) { strValue += a_lplpszPropValue[i]; } SetValue(strValue); } break; case MULTISZ_METADATA: { SetValue(a_lplpszPropValue, a_wPropValueCount); } break; case BINARY_METADATA: SetValue( (LPBYTE)a_lplpszPropValue[0], a_lpdwPropValueLength[0] ); break; default: return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
void CAdmProp::Print(const _TCHAR * format,...) { _TCHAR buffer[2000]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, format ); /* Initialize variable arguments. */ //_vstprintf(buffer,format, marker);
_vsnprintf(buffer,1500,format, marker); _tprintf(_TEXT("%s"),buffer);
va_end( marker ); /* Reset variable arguments. */
void CAdmProp::PrintProperty(void) { CString strPropName=tPropertyNameTable::MapCodeToName(mdr.dwMDIdentifier); BOOL fSecure =(mdr.dwMDAttributes&METADATA_SECURE);
//print code or name of property
if(strPropName.IsEmpty()) printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("%-30ld: "), mdr.dwMDIdentifier); else { if(getenv("MDUTIL_PRINT_ID")!=NULL) //let's print out Identifier numeric values when environment variable is set
printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("%ld %-25s: "), mdr.dwMDIdentifier,LPCTSTR(strPropName)); else printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("%-30s: "), LPCTSTR(strPropName)); } CString strFlagsToPrint=_TEXT("");
strFlagsToPrint+=_TEXT("["); if(mdr.dwMDAttributes&METADATA_INHERIT) strFlagsToPrint+=_TEXT("I"); if(mdr.dwMDAttributes&METADATA_SECURE) strFlagsToPrint+=_TEXT("P"); if(mdr.dwMDAttributes&METADATA_REFERENCE) strFlagsToPrint+=_TEXT("R"); if(mdr.dwMDUserType==IIS_MD_UT_SERVER) strFlagsToPrint+=_TEXT("S"); if(mdr.dwMDUserType==IIS_MD_UT_FILE) strFlagsToPrint+=_TEXT("F"); if(mdr.dwMDUserType==IIS_MD_UT_WAM) strFlagsToPrint+=_TEXT("W"); if(mdr.dwMDUserType==ASP_MD_UT_APP) strFlagsToPrint+=_TEXT("A"); strFlagsToPrint+=_TEXT("]"); printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("%-8s"),LPCTSTR(strFlagsToPrint));
//print property value
DWORD i; switch (mdr.dwMDDataType) { case DWORD_METADATA: #ifndef SHOW_SECURE
if ( fSecure && getenv("MDUTIL_PRINT_SECURE")==NULL)
{ printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("(DWORD) ********")); // *(DWORD *)(mdr.pbMDData));
} else #endif
{ printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("(DWORD) 0x%x"), *(DWORD *)(mdr.pbMDData)); // try to convert to readable info
CString strNiceContent; strNiceContent=tValueTable::MapValueContentToString(*(DWORD *)(mdr.pbMDData), mdr.dwMDIdentifier); if(!strNiceContent.IsEmpty()) printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("={%s}"),LPCTSTR(strNiceContent)); else //at least decimal value can be useful
printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("={%ld}"),*(DWORD *)(mdr.pbMDData)); } break; case BINARY_METADATA:
printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("(BINARY) 0x")); #ifndef SHOW_SECURE
if ( fSecure && getenv("MDUTIL_PRINT_SECURE")==NULL) { printf/*Print*/(_TEXT(" * " )); } else #endif
{ for (i = 0; i < mdr.dwMDDataLen; i++) { printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("%02x "), ((PBYTE)(mdr.pbMDData))[i]); } } break;
case STRING_METADATA: case EXPANDSZ_METADATA: if(mdr.dwMDDataType==STRING_METADATA) printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("(STRING) ")); else printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("(EXPANDSZ) ")); #ifndef SHOW_SECURE
if( fSecure && getenv("MDUTIL_PRINT_SECURE")==NULL) { //do not expose the length of secure data
printf/*Print*/( _TEXT("\"********************\"" )); } else #endif
{ printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("\"")); for (i = 0; i < mdr.dwMDDataLen/sizeof(_TCHAR); i++) { if(((_TCHAR *)(mdr.pbMDData))[i]==0) { if( i+1 == mdr.dwMDDataLen/sizeof(_TCHAR)) { //we are at the end print only terminating "
printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("\"")); } else { printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("\" \"")); } } else { if(((_TCHAR *)(mdr.pbMDData))[i]=='\r') printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("\t")); else { printf/*Print*/( _TEXT("%c"), ((_TCHAR *)(mdr.pbMDData))[i]); } } } } break; case MULTISZ_METADATA: printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("(MULTISZ) ")); //0 should be separator of mulisz strings
if( fSecure && getenv("MDUTIL_PRINT_SECURE")==NULL) { //do not expose the length of secure data
printf/*Print*/( _TEXT("\"********************\"" )); } else #endif
{ printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("\"")); for (i = 0; i < mdr.dwMDDataLen/sizeof(_TCHAR); i++) { if(((_TCHAR *)(mdr.pbMDData))[i]==0) { if( i+1 == mdr.dwMDDataLen/sizeof(_TCHAR) || (mdr.dwMDDataLen/sizeof(_TCHAR)-i==2 && ((_TCHAR *)(mdr.pbMDData))[i]==0 && ((_TCHAR *)(mdr.pbMDData))[i+1]==0)) { //we are at the end print only terminating "
printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("\"")); break; } else { printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("\" \"")); } } else printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("%c"),((_TCHAR *)(mdr.pbMDData))[i]); } } break; default: printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("(UNKNOWN) ")); break; } printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("\n")); }
//IMPLEMENTATION of CAdmUtil object
//nesting for recursive enumeration
static void nest_print(BYTE bLevel) { for(int i=0; i<=bLevel;i++) _tprintf(_T(" ")); }
CAdmUtil::CAdmUtil (const CString & strComputer) { UNREFERENCED_PARM(strComputer);
EnablePrint(); // by default print error messages
pIWamAdm=0; //interface pointer to Wam Admin
pIWamAdm2=0; //interface pointer to Wam Admin2
pcAdmCom=0; m_hmd=0; pbDataBuffer=new BYTE [DEFAULTBufferSize]; wDataBufferSize=DEFAULTBufferSize;
pcAdmCom=0; #else
pcAdmCom=new ANSI_smallIMSAdminBase; //we will access metabase through wrapper class
//Open (strComputer);
void CAdmUtil::Open (const CString & strComputer) { IClassFactory * pcsfFactory = NULL; COSERVERINFO csiMachineName; COSERVERINFO *pcsiParam = NULL; OLECHAR rgchMachineName[MAX_PATH];
//release previous interface if needed
if(pcAdmCom!=0) { if (m_hmd!=0) CloseObject(m_hmd); m_hmd=0; pcAdmCom->Release(); pcAdmCom=0; } //convert to OLECHAR[];
if (!strComputer.IsEmpty()) { wsprintf( rgchMachineName, L"%s", LPCTSTR(strComputer));
//release previous interface if needed
if(pcAdmCom!=0 &&pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom!=0) { if (m_hmd!=0) CloseObject(m_hmd); m_hmd=0; pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom->Release(); pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom=0; } //convert to OLECHAR[];
if (!strComputer.IsEmpty()) { wsprintfW( rgchMachineName, L"%S", LPCTSTR(strComputer)); #endif
} //fill the structure for CoGetClassObject
ZeroMemory( &csiMachineName, sizeof(csiMachineName) ); // csiMachineName.pAuthInfo = NULL;
// csiMachineName.dwFlags = 0;
// csiMachineName.pServerInfoExt = NULL;
pcsiParam = &csiMachineName; csiMachineName.pwszName = (strComputer.IsEmpty())?NULL:rgchMachineName;
hresError = CoGetClassObject(GETAdminBaseCLSID(TRUE), CLSCTX_SERVER, pcsiParam, IID_IClassFactory, (void**) &pcsfFactory);
if (FAILED(hresError)) { Error(_TEXT("CoGetClassObject")); } else { hresError = pcsfFactory->CreateInstance(NULL, IID_IMSAdminBase, #if UNICODE
(void **) &pcAdmCom); #else
(void **) &pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom); #endif
if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("CreateInstance")); pcsfFactory->Release(); } }
void CAdmUtil::Close (void) { //release the interface
if(pcAdmCom!=0) { if (m_hmd!=0) CloseObject(m_hmd); m_hmd=0; pcAdmCom->Release(); pcAdmCom=0; }
if(pcAdmCom!=0 &&pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom!=0) { if (m_hmd!=0) CloseObject(m_hmd); m_hmd=0; pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom->Release(); pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom=0; } #endif
CAdmUtil::~CAdmUtil (void) { //release the interface
if(pbDataBuffer!=NULL) delete [] pbDataBuffer; //the following may fail if class is static
if(pcAdmCom!=0) { if (m_hmd!=0) CloseObject(m_hmd); m_hmd=0; pcAdmCom->Release(); pcAdmCom=0; }
if(pcAdmCom!=0 &&pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom!=0) { if (m_hmd!=0) CloseObject(m_hmd); m_hmd=0; pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom->Release(); pcAdmCom->m_pcAdmCom=0; } #endif
//with fCreate set to TRUE the node will be created if it doesn't exist
METADATA_HANDLE CAdmUtil::OpenObject(CAdmNode & a_AdmNode, DWORD dwPermission, BOOL fCreate) { METADATA_HANDLE hmdToReturn = 0;
//try to open the full path
CString strPathToOpen=a_AdmNode.GetLMNodePath();
hresError = pcAdmCom->OpenKey(METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(strPathToOpen), dwPermission, g_dwTIMEOUT_VALUE, &hmdToReturn);
if (FAILED(hresError)) { if ( ((dwPermission==(dwPermission|METADATA_PERMISSION_READ)) || fCreate==FALSE) ||(hresError != RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND))) { CString strErrMsg=_TEXT("OpenKey"); strErrMsg += _TEXT("(\"")+a_AdmNode.GetNodePath()+_TEXT("\")"); Error(LPCTSTR(strErrMsg)); } else { //!!!!!!!!!!!!!Place the dialog to ask to create the path
// open the service object for write
METADATA_HANDLE hmdServicePathHandle; hresError = pcAdmCom->OpenKey(METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetLMServicePath()), METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE, g_dwTIMEOUT_VALUE, &hmdServicePathHandle);
if (FAILED(hresError)) { CString strErrMsg=_TEXT("OpenKey"); strErrMsg += _TEXT("(\"")+a_AdmNode.GetServicePath()+_TEXT(",WRITE")+_TEXT("\")"); Error(LPCTSTR(strErrMsg)); } else { // create the node
hresError = pcAdmCom->AddKey(hmdServicePathHandle, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetRelPathFromInstance())); if (FAILED(hresError)) { CString strErrMsg=_TEXT("AddKey"); strErrMsg += _TEXT("(\"")+a_AdmNode.GetRelPathFromInstance()+_TEXT("\")"); Error(LPCTSTR(strErrMsg)); }
//close the service object
pcAdmCom->CloseKey(hmdServicePathHandle); if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("CloseKey")); else { // now finally we can open the full path
hresError = pcAdmCom->OpenKey(METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(strPathToOpen), dwPermission, g_dwTIMEOUT_VALUE, &hmdToReturn); if (FAILED(hresError)) { CString strErrMsg=_TEXT("OpenKey"); strErrMsg += _TEXT("(\"")+a_AdmNode.GetServicePath()+_TEXT(",WRITE")+_TEXT("\")"); Error(LPCTSTR(strErrMsg)); } } } } } Sleep(g_dwDELAY_AFTER_OPEN_VALUE); return hmdToReturn; }
void CAdmUtil::CloseObject(METADATA_HANDLE hmd) { HRESULT hresStore=hresError; hresError=pcAdmCom->CloseKey(hmd); if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("CloseData")); else hresError=hresStore; //restore the previous hresError
} //*******************************************************************************
void CAdmUtil::CreateObject(CAdmNode & a_AdmNode) { OpenObjectTo_hmd(a_AdmNode, METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE, TRUE/* fCreate*/); }
#if 0
METADATA_HANDLE hmdToReturn = 0;
//try to open the full path
CString strPathToOpen=a_AdmNode.GetLMNodePath();
METADATA_HANDLE hmdServicePathHandle; hresError = pcAdmCom->OpenKey(METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetLMServicePath()), METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE, g_dwTIMEOUT_VALUE, &hmdServicePathHandle); if (FAILED(hresError)) { CString strErrMsg=_TEXT("OpenKey"); strErrMsg += _TEXT("(\"")+a_AdmNode.GetServicePath()+_TEXT(",WRITE")+_TEXT("\")"); Error(LPCTSTR(strErrMsg)); } else { // create the node
hresError = pcAdmCom->AddKey(hmdServicePathHandle, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetRelPathFromInstance())); if (FAILED(hresError)) { CString strErrMsg=_TEXT("AddKey"); strErrMsg += _TEXT("(\"")+a_AdmNode.GetRelPathFromInstance()+_TEXT("\")"); Error(LPCTSTR(strErrMsg)); } //close the service object
CloseObject(hmdServicePathHandle); } #endif
// This function enables to reuse open handles in order to improve performance
// !!it supports only one acticve handle (otherwise the processing may fail)
METADATA_HANDLE CAdmUtil::OpenObjectTo_hmd(CAdmNode & a_AdmNode, DWORD dwPermission, BOOL fCreate) { CString strPathToOpen=a_AdmNode.GetLMNodePath(); if(m_hmd!=0 && strPathToOpen.CompareNoCase(m_strNodePath)==0 && m_dwPermissionOfhmd == dwPermission ) { //we can reuse already opened node
} else { if(m_hmd != 0) { CloseObject(m_hmd); m_hmd=0; } m_hmd = OpenObject(a_AdmNode, dwPermission, fCreate); m_dwPermissionOfhmd = dwPermission; m_strNodePath = strPathToOpen; } return m_hmd; }
void CAdmUtil::CloseObject_hmd(void) { if(m_hmd != 0) { CloseObject(m_hmd); m_hmd=0; } } //*******************************************************************************
void CAdmUtil::GetProperty(CAdmNode& a_AdmNode, CAdmProp& a_AdmProp) { DWORD dwRequiredDataLen=0; WORD wDataBufferSize=0; PBYTE DataBuffer=0;
DWORD dwPropertyCode=a_AdmProp.GetIdentifier();
if(dwPropertyCode==0) Error(_TEXT("Property name not found")); else { //MD_SET_DATA_RECORD(&a_AdmProp.mdr,
// 0,
// 0,
// 0,
// wDataBufferSize,
// pbDataBuffer);
//a_AdmProp.SetIdentifier(dwPropertyCode); //has to be set beforehand
a_AdmProp.SetDataType(0); a_AdmProp.SetUserType(0); a_AdmProp.SetAttrib(0);
METADATA_HANDLE hmd = OpenObjectTo_hmd(a_AdmNode, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ); if (SUCCEEDED(hresError)) { hresError = pcAdmCom->GetData(hmd, IADM_PBYTE _TEXT(""), &a_AdmProp.mdr, &dwRequiredDataLen); if (FAILED(hresError)) { if (hresError == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { /////////// delete []pbDataBuffer;
pbDataBuffer=new BYTE[dwRequiredDataLen]; if (pbDataBuffer==0) { hresError = RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Error(_TEXT("Buffer resize failed")); } else { a_AdmProp.mdr.dwMDDataLen = dwRequiredDataLen; a_AdmProp.mdr.pbMDData = pbDataBuffer; hresError = pcAdmCom->GetData(hmd, IADM_PBYTE _TEXT(""), &a_AdmProp.mdr, &dwRequiredDataLen); if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("GetData")); } } else Error(_TEXT("GetData"));;
} //CloseObject (hmd); we might reuse it
} }
//if lplpszPropertyValue[1]==NULL it means there is only one value (it is not a multistring)
void CAdmUtil::SetProperty(CAdmNode& a_AdmNode, CAdmProp& a_AdmProp) { METADATA_HANDLE hmd = OpenObjectTo_hmd(a_AdmNode, METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE,TRUE/*create node if doesn't exist*/); if (SUCCEEDED(hresError)) { SetProperty(&a_AdmProp.mdr,hmd); //CloseObject(hmd); we will reuse it
} }
void CAdmUtil::SetProperty(PMETADATA_RECORD a_pmdrData,METADATA_HANDLE a_hmd) { hresError = pcAdmCom->SetData(a_hmd, IADM_PBYTE _TEXT(""), a_pmdrData); if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("SetData"));
void CAdmUtil::SaveData(void) { if (m_hmd!=0) { //we have to close reusable handle in order to save successfully
CloseObject(m_hmd); m_hmd=0; } hresError = pcAdmCom->SaveData(); if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("SaveData")); }
void CAdmUtil::DeleteProperty(CAdmNode& a_AdmNode, CAdmProp& a_AdmProp) { METADATA_HANDLE hmd = OpenObjectTo_hmd(a_AdmNode, METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE,TRUE/*create node if doesn't exist*/); if (SUCCEEDED(hresError)) { DeleteProperty(&a_AdmProp.mdr,hmd); // CloseObject(hmd); we will reuse it
} }
void CAdmUtil::DeleteProperty(PMETADATA_RECORD a_pmdrData,METADATA_HANDLE a_hmd) { hresError = pcAdmCom->DeleteData(a_hmd, IADM_PBYTE _TEXT(""), a_pmdrData->dwMDIdentifier,ALL_METADATA); if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("DeleteData"));
void CAdmUtil::DeleteObject(CAdmNode& a_AdmNode, CAdmProp& a_AdmProp) { CAdmNode NodeToOpen = a_AdmNode.GetParentNodePath(); METADATA_HANDLE hmd = OpenObjectTo_hmd(NodeToOpen, METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE,FALSE/*create node if doesn't exist*/);
if (SUCCEEDED(hresError)) { CString strToDelete=a_AdmNode.GetCurrentNodeName(); if(strToDelete==_TEXT("")) strToDelete=_TEXT("//"); //empty name has to be wrapped with '/'
DeleteObject(hmd,strToDelete); //CloseObject(hmd); we will reuse it
} }
void CAdmUtil::DeleteObject(METADATA_HANDLE a_hmd, CString& a_strObjectName) { hresError = pcAdmCom->DeleteKey(a_hmd, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(a_strObjectName)); if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("DeleteKey"));
void CAdmUtil::EnumPropertiesAndPrint(CAdmNode& a_AdmNode, CAdmProp a_AdmProp, //cannot be passed by reference
BYTE bRecurLevel, METADATA_HANDLE a_hmd, CString & a_strRelPath) { CAdmProp mdrData=a_AdmProp; DWORD dwRequiredDataLen=0; PBYTE DataBuffer=0; METADATA_HANDLE hmdMain;
if(a_hmd==0) //if handle was not passed then open one
{ hmdMain = OpenObjectTo_hmd(a_AdmNode, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ); if (FAILED(hresError)) return; } else hmdMain = a_hmd;
for (int j=0;;j++) { //cycle for properties
MD_SET_DATA_RECORD(&mdrData.mdr, 0, a_AdmProp.mdr.dwMDAttributes, a_AdmProp.mdr.dwMDUserType, a_AdmProp.mdr.dwMDDataType, dwRequiredDataLen, pbDataBuffer);
hresError = pcAdmCom->EnumData(hmdMain, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(a_strRelPath), &mdrData.mdr,j, &dwRequiredDataLen); if (FAILED(hresError)) { if(hresError == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { hresError=0; //NO MORE ITEMS IS NOT ERROR FOR US
break; //end of items
} else if (hresError == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { delete pbDataBuffer; pbDataBuffer=new BYTE[dwRequiredDataLen]; if (pbDataBuffer==0) { hresError = RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Error(_TEXT("Buffer resize failed")); } else { mdrData.mdr.dwMDDataLen = dwRequiredDataLen; mdrData.mdr.pbMDData = pbDataBuffer; hresError = pcAdmCom->EnumData(hmdMain, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(a_strRelPath), &mdrData.mdr,j, &dwRequiredDataLen); if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("GetData")); } } else Error(_TEXT("EnumData")); } //else
// Error(_TEXT("EnumData"));
if(SUCCEEDED(hresError)) //we enumerated successfully, let's print
{ nest_print(bRecurLevel+1);
mdrData.PrintProperty(); } else { break; } } //end for j - cycle for properties
// CloseObject(hmdMain); we will reuse it //close only if we opened at the beginning
void CAdmUtil::EnumAndPrint(CAdmNode& a_AdmNode, CAdmProp& a_AdmProp, BOOL a_fRecursive, BYTE a_bRecurLevel, METADATA_HANDLE a_hmd, CString& a_strRelPath) { _TCHAR NameBuf[METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
if(a_hmd==0) //if handle was not passed then open one
{ hmdMain = OpenObjectTo_hmd(a_AdmNode, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ); if (FAILED(hresError)) return; } else hmdMain = a_hmd;
//printf("[RELATIVE PATH : \"%s\"]\n",LPCTSTR(a_strRelPath));
//print the properties of the node
for (int i=0; ;i++) { //cycle for subnodes
hresError = pcAdmCom->EnumKeys(hmdMain, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(a_strRelPath), IADM_PBYTE NameBuf, i); if(FAILED(hresError)) { if(hresError == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { hresError=0; //NO MORE ITEMS IS NOT ERROR FOR US
break; //end of cycle
} else { Error(_TEXT("EnumKeys")); break; }
} else {
//process and print node info
CString strNewRelPath( a_strRelPath ); if(NameBuf[0]==0) //empty name
strNewRelPath+=_TEXT("//"); //add two slashes -> this is required by metabase
else { UINT nLen; //if(strNewRelPath.GetLength()>=1 && strNewRelPath.Right(1)==_TEXT("/")) {
if( (nLen=strNewRelPath.GetLength())>=1 && (strNewRelPath.GetAt(nLen-1)=='/') ) { } else { strNewRelPath+=_TEXT("/"); //add only if it is not at the end of string.
} strNewRelPath+=NameBuf; } CString strStringToPrint( a_AdmNode.GetNodePath() ); UINT nLen = strStringToPrint.GetLength();
//if (strStringToPrint.Right(2)==_TEXT("//"))
if ((nLen > 2) && strStringToPrint.GetAt(nLen-1)=='/' && strStringToPrint.GetAt(nLen-2)=='/' ) { strStringToPrint += strNewRelPath.Mid(1); //strip first '/'
} else { strStringToPrint += strNewRelPath; } LPCTSTR lpszStr=LPCTSTR(strStringToPrint); this->Print(_TEXT("[%s]\n"),lpszStr );
if(a_fRecursive) { EnumAndPrint(a_AdmNode,a_AdmProp ,a_fRecursive, a_bRecurLevel+1, hmdMain,strNewRelPath); } else { //no recursion
} } } //end for i - cycle for nodes
// CloseObject(hmdMain); //we will reuse it //close only if we opened at the beginning
// the following function is somehow complicated because
// metadata copy function doesn't support copying of one object to another place with different name
// e.g. ComAdmCopyKey will copy /W3SVC/1//scripts/oldscripts1 /W3SVC/1//oldscripts2
// will create /W3SVC/1//oldscripts2/oldscripts1
void CAdmUtil::CopyObject(CAdmNode& a_AdmNode, CAdmNode& a_AdmNodeDst) { CString strSrcPath=a_AdmNode.GetNodePath(); CString strDstPath=a_AdmNodeDst.GetNodePath();
CString strCommonPath; //=_TEXT("");
CString strRelSrcPath=strSrcPath; //relative to common path
CString strRelDstPath=strDstPath; //relative to common path
//we cannot open Source Path for reading because if will diable wrining to all parent nodes
//e.g. copy /W3SVC/1//scripts/oldscripts /W3SVC/1//oldscripts would fail
//It is necessary to find common partial path and open metabase object for that common partial path for READ/WRITE
//!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! assume that paths are not case sensitive
int MinLength=strSrcPath.GetLength(); int i; //find shorter from strings
if(strDstPath.GetLength() < MinLength) MinLength=strDstPath.GetLength(); for(i=0; i<MinLength; i++) { if(strSrcPath.GetAt(i)!=strDstPath.GetAt(i) ) // common path cannot be any longer;
break; } // now find the previous '/' and all before '/' is the common path
for(i=i-1; i>=0;i--) { if(strSrcPath.GetAt(i)==_T('/')) { strCommonPath=strSrcPath.Left(i+1);//take the trailing '/' with you
strRelSrcPath=strSrcPath.Mid(i+1); strRelDstPath=strDstPath.Mid(i+1); break; } }
CAdmNode CommonNode; CommonNode.SetPath(strCommonPath);
hmdCommon = OpenObjectTo_hmd(CommonNode, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ+METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE); if (FAILED(hresError)) return;
// Altered by Adam Stone on 30-Jan-97 The following code was changed to comply with
// the changes to the metabase ComMDCopyKey function.
// Copy the metadata to the destination
hresError = pcAdmCom->CopyKey (hmdCommon, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(strRelSrcPath), hmdCommon, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(strRelDstPath), FALSE, // Do NOT overwrite
TRUE); // Copy do NOT move
if (FAILED(hresError)) // if the node already exists, it is error
{ CString strErrMsg=_TEXT("CopyKey"); strErrMsg += _TEXT("(\"")+a_AdmNodeDst.GetRelPathFromInstance()+_TEXT("\")"); Error(LPCTSTR(strErrMsg)); }
// All of the commented out code has become unneccessary as of 30-Jan-97 because of a change
// in the metabase. ComMDCopyKey now copies to the destination, overwriting if
// requested. It used to copy to a child of the destination object.
/* // create the node
* hresError = pcAdmCom->AddKey(hmdCommon, * IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(strRelDstPath)); * if (FAILED(hresError)) { //if the node exists, it is error)
* CString strErrMsg=_TEXT("AddKey"); * strErrMsg += _TEXT("(\"")+a_AdmNodeDst.GetRelPathFromInstance()+_TEXT("\")"); * Error(LPCTSTR(strErrMsg)); * } * else //no error when creating new node
* { * for (i=0; ;i++) { //cycle for subnodes
* hresError = pcAdmCom->EnumKeys(hmdCommon, * IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(strRelSrcPath), (PBYTE)NameBuf, i); * if(FAILED(hresError)) { * if(hresError == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { * hresError=0; //this is not an error
* break; //end of cycle
* } * else * { * Error(_TEXT("EnumKeys")); * break; * } * * } * else { * * //process and copy node child node
* * CString strNewRelSrcPath=strRelSrcPath; * if(NameBuf[0]==0) //empty name
* strNewRelSrcPath+=_TEXT("//"); //add two slashes -> this is required by metabase
* else * { if(strNewRelSrcPath.GetLength()>=1 && strNewRelSrcPath.Right(1)==_TEXT("/")) { * } * else { * strNewRelSrcPath+=_TEXT("/"); //add only if it is not at the end of string.
* } * strNewRelSrcPath+=NameBuf; * } * hresError = pcAdmCom->CopyKey( * hmdCommon, (PBYTE) LPCTSTR(strNewRelSrcPath), * hmdCommon, (PBYTE) LPCTSTR(strRelDstPath),TRUE,TRUE); * if(FAILED(hresError)) { * Error(_TEXT("CopyKey")); * } * * * } * } //end for i - cycle for nodes
* CAdmProp mdrData; * DWORD dwRequiredDataLen=0; * PBYTE DataBuffer=0; * * * * for (int j=0;;j++) { //cycle for properties
* MD_SET_DATA_RECORD(&mdrData.mdr, * 0, * 0, * 0, * 0, * dwRequiredDataLen, * pbDataBuffer); * * hresError = pcAdmCom->EnumData(hmdCommon, * (PBYTE) LPCTSTR(strRelSrcPath) * , &mdrData.mdr,j, &dwRequiredDataLen); * if (FAILED(hresError)) * { * if(hresError == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) * { * hresError=0; //NO MORE ITEMS IS NOT ERROR FOR US
* break; //end of items
* } * else if (hresError == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) * { /////////// delete pbDataBuffer;
* pbDataBuffer=new BYTE[dwRequiredDataLen]; * if (pbDataBuffer==0) * { * hresError = RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); * Error(_TEXT("Buffer resize failed")); * } * else * { * mdrData.mdr.dwMDDataLen = dwRequiredDataLen; * mdrData.mdr.pbMDData = pbDataBuffer; * hresError = pcAdmCom->EnumData(hmdCommon, * (PBYTE) LPCTSTR(strRelSrcPath) * , &mdrData.mdr,j, &dwRequiredDataLen); * if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("GetData")); * } * } * else * Error(_TEXT("EnumData")); * } * else * Error(_TEXT("EnumData")); * * if(SUCCEEDED(hresError)) //we enumerated successfully, let's print
* { * hresError = pcAdmCom->SetData(hmdCommon, (PBYTE) LPCTSTR(strRelDstPath),&mdrData.mdr); * if (FAILED(hresError)) Error(_TEXT("SetData")); * } * else * { * break; * } * } //end for j - cycle for properties
* } */
//CloseObject(hmdCommon); //we will reuse handle //close only if we opened at the beginning
void CAdmUtil::RenameObject(CAdmNode& a_AdmNode, CAdmNode& a_AdmNodeDst) { CString strSrcPath=a_AdmNode.GetNodePath(); CString strDstPath=a_AdmNodeDst.GetNodePath();
CString strCommonPath=_TEXT(""); CString strRelSrcPath=strSrcPath; //relative to common path
CString strRelDstPath=strDstPath; //relative to common path
//we cannot open Source Path for reading because if will diable wrining to all parent nodes
//e.g. copy /W3SVC/1//scripts/oldscripts /W3SVC/1//oldscripts would fail
//It is necessary to find common partial path and open metabase object for that common partial path for READ/WRITE
//!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! assume that paths are not case sensitive
int MinLength=strSrcPath.GetLength(); int i; //find shorter from strings
if(strDstPath.GetLength() < MinLength) MinLength=strDstPath.GetLength(); for(i=0; i<MinLength; i++) { if(strSrcPath.GetAt(i)!=strDstPath.GetAt(i) ) // common path cannot be any longer;
break; } // now find the previous '/' and all before '/' is the common path
for(i=i-1; i>=0;i--) { if(strSrcPath.GetAt(i)==_T('/')) { strCommonPath=strSrcPath.Left(i+1);//take the trailing '/' with you
strRelSrcPath=strSrcPath.Mid(i); // keep the trailing '/' in case it's "//"
strRelDstPath=strDstPath.Mid(i+1); break; } }
CAdmNode CommonNode; CommonNode.SetPath(strCommonPath);
hmdCommon = OpenObjectTo_hmd(CommonNode, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ+METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE); if (FAILED(hresError)) return;
hresError = pcAdmCom->RenameKey (hmdCommon, IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(strRelSrcPath), IADM_PBYTE LPCTSTR(strRelDstPath) );
if (FAILED(hresError)) // if the node already exists, it is error
{ CString strErrMsg=_TEXT("RenameKey"); strErrMsg += _TEXT("(\"")+a_AdmNodeDst.GetRelPathFromInstance()+_TEXT("\")"); Error(LPCTSTR(strErrMsg)); }
//CloseObject(hmdCommon); //we will reuse it//close only if we opened at the beginning
void CAdmUtil::Run(CString& strCommand, CAdmNode& a_AdmNode, CAdmProp& a_AdmProp, CAdmNode& a_AdmDstNode, LPCTSTR *a_lplpszPropValue, DWORD *a_lpdwPropValueLength, WORD wPropValueCount)
DWORD dwCommandCode=0;
dwCommandCode = tCommandNameTable::MapNameToCode(strCommand);
switch(dwCommandCode) {
case CMD_SAVE: SaveData(); if (FAILED(hresError)) {} else{ printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("saved\n")); } break;
case CMD_CREATE: { if (a_AdmNode.GetProperty()!=_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
Error(_TEXT("property name for CREATE not supported")); // else if (a_AdmNode.GetService()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
// Error(_TEXT("service name for CREATE is missing"));
else { CreateObject(a_AdmNode); if( SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) { // SaveData(); //end of transaction
if( SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) { printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("created \"%s\"\n"), LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetNodePath())); } } } } break; case CMD_SET: { CAdmProp AdmPropToGet; AdmPropToGet = a_AdmProp; AdmPropToGet.SetAttrib(0); AdmPropToGet.SetUserType(0); AdmPropToGet.SetDataType(0);
DisablePrint(); //do not print any error message
GetProperty(a_AdmNode, AdmPropToGet); EnablePrint(); //continue printing error messages
//*************************SETTING ATTRIB, DATATYPE, USERTYPE
// if the parameter exists in the metabase, then existing ATTRIB, DATATYPE, USERTYPE
// will be used , but this can be overwritten from a_AdmProp
// if the parameter doesn't exists in the metabase, then default ATTRIB, DATATYPE, USERTYPE
// (see tables.cpp) will be used , but this can be overwritten from a_AdmProp
if(FAILED(QueryLastHresError())) { //store the value to be set into a_AdmProp
DWORD dwPropCode=a_AdmProp.GetIdentifier(); tPropertyNameTable * PropNameTableRecord = tPropertyNameTable::FindRecord(dwPropCode); if (PropNameTableRecord!=NULL) { AdmPropToGet.SetIdentifier(PropNameTableRecord->dwCode); AdmPropToGet.SetAttrib(PropNameTableRecord->dwDefAttributes) ; AdmPropToGet.SetUserType(PropNameTableRecord->dwDefUserType); AdmPropToGet.SetDataType(PropNameTableRecord->dwDefDataType); } } else { //reuse the existing settings
if( a_AdmProp.GetDataType()!=0 &&(a_AdmProp.GetDataType()!= AdmPropToGet.GetDataType())) { Error(_TEXT("Cannot redefine data type from %s to %s"), tDataTypeNameTable::MapCodeToName(AdmPropToGet.GetDataType()), tDataTypeNameTable::MapCodeToName(a_AdmProp.GetDataType())); break; } } // use settings passed to the function if set
if(!a_AdmProp.IsSetDataType()) a_AdmProp.SetDataType(AdmPropToGet.GetDataType()); //reuse existing data type
if(!a_AdmProp.IsSetUserType()) a_AdmProp.SetUserType(AdmPropToGet.GetUserType()); //reuse existing user type
if(!a_AdmProp.IsSetAttrib()) a_AdmProp.SetAttrib(AdmPropToGet.GetAttrib()); //reuse exixting attrib
if(a_AdmProp.SetValueByDataType( (LPCTSTR *)a_lplpszPropValue, a_lpdwPropValueLength, wPropValueCount)==0) Error(_TEXT("SetValueByDataType failed")); else { // if (a_AdmNode.GetService()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
// Error(_TEXT("service name for SET is missing"));
// else
if (a_AdmNode.GetProperty()!=_TEXT("")) { SetProperty(a_AdmNode, a_AdmProp); if( SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) { //SaveData(); //end of transaction
if( SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) { GetProperty(a_AdmNode, a_AdmProp); if(SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) a_AdmProp.PrintProperty(); } } }else Error(_TEXT("property name missing for SET command")); } break; } case CMD_DELETE:
//if (a_AdmNode.GetService()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
// Error(_TEXT("service name for DELETE is missing"));
if (IsServiceName(a_AdmNode.GetService()) && a_AdmNode.GetInstance()==_TEXT("") && a_AdmNode.GetIPath()==_TEXT("") && a_AdmNode.GetProperty()==_TEXT("")) Error(_TEXT("cannot delete service")); else if (a_AdmNode.GetInstance()==_TEXT("1") && a_AdmNode.GetIPath()==_TEXT("") && a_AdmNode.GetProperty()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
Error(_TEXT("cannot delete 1. instance")); else if (a_AdmNode.GetProperty()!=_TEXT("")) { DeleteProperty(a_AdmNode, a_AdmProp); } else { DeleteObject(a_AdmNode, a_AdmProp); } //if( SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError()))
// GetProperty(a_AdmNode, a_AdmProp);
// if(SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError()))
// a_AdmProp.PrintProperty();
if(SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) { //SaveData(); //end of transaction
if( SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) { printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("deleted \"%s"), LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetNodePath())); if(a_AdmNode.GetProperty()!=_TEXT("")) printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("%s"),LPCTSTR(((a_AdmNode.GetNodePath().Right(1)==_TEXT("/"))?_TEXT(""):_TEXT("/"))+ a_AdmNode.GetProperty())); printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("\"\n")); }
} break;
case CMD_GET: // if (a_AdmNode.GetService()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
// Error(_TEXT("service name for GET is missing"));
// else
if (a_AdmNode.GetProperty()!=_TEXT("")) { GetProperty(a_AdmNode, a_AdmProp); if(SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) a_AdmProp.PrintProperty(); } else { CString strT(""); EnumPropertiesAndPrint(a_AdmNode, a_AdmProp, 0 , 0, strT); } break; case CMD_COPY:
if(a_AdmDstNode.GetNodePath()==_TEXT("")) Error(_TEXT("destination path is missing")); else if(a_AdmNode.GetProperty()!=_TEXT("") || a_AdmDstNode.GetProperty()!=_TEXT("")) Error(_TEXT("copying of properties (parameters) not supported\n")); //else if (a_AdmNode.GetService()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
// Error(_TEXT("service name in source path for COPY is missing"));
//else if (a_AdmDstNode.GetService()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
// Error(_TEXT("service name for destination path COPY is missing"));
//else if (a_AdmNode.GetInstance()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
// Error(_TEXT("instance number in source path for COPY is missing"));
//else if (a_AdmDstNode.GetInstance()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
// Error(_TEXT("instance number in destination path for COPY is missing"));
else { CopyObject(a_AdmNode,a_AdmDstNode); if(SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) { //SaveData(); //end of transaction
if( SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) {
printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("copied from %s to %s\n"), LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetNodePath()),LPCTSTR(a_AdmDstNode.GetNodePath())); } } break; } break; case CMD_RENAME: if(a_AdmDstNode.GetNodePath()==_TEXT("")) Error(_TEXT("destination path is missing")); else if(a_AdmNode.GetProperty()!=_TEXT("") || a_AdmDstNode.GetProperty()!=_TEXT("")) Error(_TEXT("renaming of properties (parameters) not supported")); //else if (a_AdmNode.GetService()==_TEXT("")) //property name cannot be used
// Error(_TEXT("service name in source path for RENAME is missing"));
//else if (a_AdmDstNode.GetService()==_TEXT(""))
// Error(_TEXT("service name for destination path RENAME is missing"));
//else if (a_AdmNode.GetInstance()==_TEXT(""))
// Error(_TEXT("instance number in source path for RENAME is missing"));
//else if (a_AdmDstNode.GetInstance()==_TEXT(""))
// Error(_TEXT("instance number in destination path for RENAME is missing"));
else if (a_AdmNode.GetInstance()==_TEXT("1") && a_AdmNode.GetIPath()==_TEXT("")) Error(_TEXT("cannot rename 1. instance")); else if (a_AdmNode.GetRelPathFromService().CompareNoCase(a_AdmDstNode.GetRelPathFromService())==0) Error(_TEXT("cannot rename to itself")); else { //check if one of the paths is not the child of the other one
CString str1=a_AdmNode.GetRelPathFromService(); CString str2=a_AdmDstNode.GetRelPathFromService();
CString strCommonPath=FindCommonPath(str1,str2);
if(strCommonPath.CompareNoCase(str1)==0 || strCommonPath.CompareNoCase(str1)==0) Error(_TEXT("cannot rename - one path is the child of the other")); else { //O.K.
// DeleteObject(a_AdmNode,a_AdmProp);
// if(SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError()))
// {
// // SaveData(); //end of transaction
// if( SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError()))
// {
// printf/*Print*/("renamed from %s to %s\n", LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetNodePath()),LPCTSTR(a_AdmDstNode.GetNodePath()));
// }
// }
// }
RenameObject(a_AdmNode,a_AdmDstNode); if(SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) { // SaveData(); //end of transaction
if( SUCCEEDED(QueryLastHresError())) {
printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("renamed from %s to %s\n"), LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetNodePath()),LPCTSTR(a_AdmDstNode.GetNodePath())); } } } }
case CMD_ENUM: { CString strT("");
EnumAndPrint(a_AdmNode, a_AdmProp, FALSE/*no recursion*/, 0, 0, strT); } break;
case CMD_ENUM_ALL: { CString strT("");
EnumAndPrint(a_AdmNode, a_AdmProp,TRUE/*no recursion*/, 0, 0, strT); } break; case CMD_APPCREATEINPROC: AppCreateInProc(LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetLMNodePath()),a_AdmNode.GetComputer()); break;
case CMD_APPCREATEOUTPOOL: AppCreateOutPool(LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetLMNodePath()),a_AdmNode.GetComputer()); break;
case CMD_APPDELETE: AppDelete(LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetLMNodePath()),a_AdmNode.GetComputer()); break;
case CMD_APPRENAME: AppRename(a_AdmNode,a_AdmDstNode,a_AdmNode.GetComputer()); break;
case CMD_APPCREATEOUTPROC: AppCreateOutProc(LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetLMNodePath()),a_AdmNode.GetComputer()); break;
case CMD_APPGETSTATUS: AppGetStatus(LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetLMNodePath()),a_AdmNode.GetComputer()); break;
case CMD_APPUNLOAD: AppUnLoad(LPCTSTR(a_AdmNode.GetLMNodePath()),a_AdmNode.GetComputer()); break;
default: printf/*Print*/(_TEXT("Command not recognized: %s\n"),strCommand.operator LPCTSTR()); hresError=RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ;
} return; }
//if hresError is 0, we will set it to invalid parameter
void CAdmUtil::Error(const _TCHAR * format,...) { _TCHAR buffer[2000]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, format ); /* Initialize variable arguments. */
int x=_vstprintf(buffer, format, marker);
va_end( marker ); /* Reset variable arguments. */ if(hresError==0) { if(fPrint) { _ftprintf(stderr,_TEXT("Error: %s\n"),buffer); }
} else {
if(fPrint) { _ftprintf(stderr,_TEXT("Error: %s - HRES(0x%x) %s\n"), buffer, hresError/*, ConvertHresToDword(hresError),ConvertHresToDword(hresError)*/,ConvertReturnCodeToString(ConvertHresToDword(hresError))); if(getenv("MDUTIL_ASCENT_LOG")!=NULL) { //we got to do some ascent logging
FILE *fpAscent; fpAscent=fopen("Ascent.log","a"); if (fpAscent) { //new variation description
fprintf(fpAscent,"Variation1: METADATA ACCESS (by mdutil.exe)\n"); fprintf(fpAscent,"Explain: READ OR WRITE OPERATION TO METADATA \n");
//variation summary
fprintf(fpAscent,"Attempted: 1 \n"); fprintf(fpAscent,"Passed: 0 \n"); fprintf(fpAscent,"Failed: 1 \n");
_ftprintf(fpAscent,_TEXT("Error: Operation failed with HRES(0x%x)\n"), hresError);
fclose(fpAscent); } } } }
if(fPrint) { if(getenv("MDUTIL_BLOCK_ON_ERROR")!=NULL && hresError!=0x80070003) //path not found
{ _ftprintf(stdout,_TEXT("\nHit SPACE to continue or Ctrl-C to abort.\n")); while(1) { while(!_kbhit()) { ; }
if(_getch()==' ') { _ftprintf(stdout,_TEXT("Continuing...\n")); break; } } } }
void CAdmUtil::Print(const _TCHAR * format,...) {
va_list marker; va_start( marker, format ); /* Initialize variable arguments. */ if(fPrint) _vtprintf(format, marker); va_end( marker ); /* Reset variable arguments. */ }
break; } return (RetCode); }
DWORD ConvertHresToDword(HRESULT hRes) { return HRESULTTOWIN32(hRes); }
LPTSTR ConvertHresToString(HRESULT hRes) { LPTSTR strReturn = NULL;
if ((HRESULT_FACILITY(hRes) == FACILITY_WIN32) || (HRESULT_FACILITY(hRes) == FACILITY_ITF) || (hRes == 0)) { strReturn = ConvertReturnCodeToString(ConvertHresToDword(hRes)); } else { switch (hRes) { case CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE: strReturn =_TEXT("CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE"); break; default: strReturn =_TEXT("Unrecognized hRes facility"); } } return(strReturn); }