Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
command line admin tool main function
Win32 User Mode
jaroslad (jan 1997)
#include <tchar.h>
#include <afx.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "admutil.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include "jd_misc.h"
CAdmUtil oAdmin; //admin object
#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_VALUES 10100
//structure stores the command line arguments
struct tAdmutilParams { WORD fHelp; //print help - flag
WORD fFullHelp; //print help - flag
WORD fNoSave; //do not save metabase
LPCTSTR lpszCommand; LPCTSTR lpszComputer; WORD wInstance; LPCTSTR lpszService; LPCTSTR lpszPath; LPCTSTR lpszComputerDst; //for COPY destination
WORD wInstanceDst; //for COPY destination
LPCTSTR lpszServiceDst; //for COPY destination
LPCTSTR lpszPathDst; //for COPY destination
LPCTSTR lplpszDefaultArg[MAX_NUMBER_OF_DEFAULT_ARGS]; WORD wDefaultArgCount;
LPCTSTR lpszPropName;
LPCTSTR lplpszPropAttrib[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_VALUES]; WORD wPropAttribCount; LPCTSTR lplpszPropDataType[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_VALUES]; WORD wPropDataTypeCount; LPCTSTR lplpszPropUserType[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_VALUES]; WORD wPropUserTypeCount; LPCTSTR lplpszPropValue[MAX_NUMBER_OF_VALUES]; //pointer to array of values (e.g multisz type allows the multiple values for one property
DWORD lpdwPropValueLength[MAX_NUMBER_OF_VALUES]; WORD wPropValueCount; WORD wPropFileValueCount; };
tAdmutilParams Params; _TCHAR **g_argv; int g_argc;
static BOOL CompareOutput(_TCHAR *FileToCompare,_TCHAR* FileTemplate);
// definition of command line syntax with some help text -this is the input for ParseParam()
TParamDef CmdLineArgDesc[]= { {_TEXT(""),MAX_NUMBER_OF_DEFAULT_ARGS, (void *) Params.lplpszDefaultArg,TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _TEXT("Command [param ...]"),_TEXT("CMD [param param]"),&Params.wDefaultArgCount}, {_TEXT("svc") ,1, (void *) &Params.lpszService,TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT,_TEXT("service (MSFTPSVC, W3SVC)")}, {_TEXT("s"), 1, (void *) &Params.lpszComputer,TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _TEXT("name of computer to administer"),_TEXT("comp"),}, {_TEXT("i") ,1, &Params.wInstance, TYPE_WORD, OPT,_TEXT("instance number"),_TEXT("inst")}, {_TEXT("path"),1, (void *) &Params.lpszPath, TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _TEXT("path "),_TEXT("path")}, {_TEXT("pathdst"),1, (void *) &Params.lpszPathDst, TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _TEXT("destination path (use for COPY only)"),_TEXT("path")}, {_TEXT("prop"),1, (void *) &Params.lpszPropName, TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _T("property (IIS parameter) name")}, {_TEXT("attrib"),MAX_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_VALUES, (void *) Params.lplpszPropAttrib,TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _T("property attributes"),_T(""),&Params.wPropAttribCount}, {_TEXT("utype"),MAX_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_VALUES, (void *) Params.lplpszPropUserType,TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _T("property user type"),_T(""),&Params.wPropUserTypeCount}, {_TEXT("dtype"),MAX_NUMBER_OF_SMALL_VALUES, (void *) Params.lplpszPropDataType,TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _T("property data type"),_T(""),&Params.wPropDataTypeCount}, {_TEXT("value"),MAX_NUMBER_OF_VALUES, (void *) Params.lplpszPropValue,TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _T("property values"),_T(""),&Params.wPropValueCount}, {_TEXT("fvalue"),MAX_NUMBER_OF_VALUES, (void *) Params.lplpszPropValue,TYPE_LPCTSTR,OPT, _T("property values as files"),_T(""),&Params.wPropFileValueCount}, {_TEXT("nosave"),0, &Params.fNoSave,TYPE_WORD,OPT, _T("do not save metabase"),_T("")}, {_TEXT("timeout"),1, &g_dwTIMEOUT_VALUE,TYPE_DWORD,OPT, _T("timeout for metabase access in ms (default is 30000 sec"),_T("")}, {_TEXT("delayafteropen"),1, &g_dwDELAY_AFTER_OPEN_VALUE,TYPE_DWORD,OPT, _T("delay after opening node (default is 0 sec)"),_T("")}, {_TEXT("help"),0, &Params.fFullHelp,TYPE_WORD,OPT, _T("print full help"),_T("")}, {_TEXT("?"),0, &Params.fHelp,TYPE_WORD,OPT, _T("print help"),_T("")}, {NULL,0, NULL , TYPE_TCHAR, OPT, _T("IIS K2 administration utility that enables the manipulation with metabase parameters\n") _T("\n") _T("Notes:\n") _T(" Simpified usage of mdutil doesn't require any switches.\n") _T(" \n") _T(" mdutil GET path - display chosen parameter\n") _T(" mdutil SET path value ... - assign the new value\n") _T(" mdutil ENUM path - enumerate all parameters for given path\n") _T(" mdutil ENUM_ALL path - recursively enumerate all parameters\n") _T(" mdutil DELETE path - delete given path or parameter\n") _T(" mdutil CREATE path - create given path\n") _T(" mdutil COPY pathsrc pathdst - copy all from pathsrc to pathdst (will create pathdst)\n") _T(" mdutil RENAME pathsrc pathdst - rename chosen path\n") _T(" mdutil SCRIPT scriptname - runs the script\n") _T(" mdutil APPCREATEINPROC w3svc/1/root - Create an in-proc application \n") _T(" mdutil APPCREATEOUTPOOL w3svc/1/root - Create an pooled out-proc application \n") _T(" mdutil APPCREATEOUTPROC w3svc/1/root - Create an out-proc application\n") _T(" mdutil APPDELETE w3svc/1/root - Delete the application if there is one\n") _T(" mdutil APPRENAME w3svc/1/root/dira w3svc/1/root/dirb - Rename the application \n") _T(" mdutil APPUNLOAD w3svc/1/root - Unload an application from w3svc runtime lookup table.\n") _T(" mdutil APPGETSTATUS w3svc/1/root - Get status of the application\n") _T("\n") _T(" -path has format: {computer}/{service}/{instance}/{URL}/{Parameter}\n") _T("\n") _T("Samples:\n") _T(" mdutil GET W3SVC/1/ServerBindings \n") _T(" mdutil SET JAROSLAD2/W3SVC/1/ServerBindings \":81:\"\n") _T(" mdutil COPY W3SVC/1/ROOT/iisadmin W3SVC/2/ROOT/adm\n") _T(" mdutil ENUM_ALL W3SVC\n") _T(" mdutil ENUM W3SVC/1\n") _T("\n") _T("Additional features\n") _T(" set MDUTIL_BLOCK_ON_ERROR environment variable to block mdutil.exe after error (except ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)\n") _T(" set MDUTIL_ASCENT_LOG environment variable to force mdutil.exe to append errors to ascent log\n") _T(" set MDUTIL_PRINT_ID environment variable to force mdutil.exe to print metadata numeric identifiers along with friendly names\n") } };
BOOL ReadFromFiles( LPTSTR* lplpszPropValue, DWORD* lpdwPropValueLength, DWORD dwPropFileValueCount ) { DWORD dwL;
while ( dwPropFileValueCount-- ) { FILE* fIn = _tfopen( lplpszPropValue[dwPropFileValueCount], _T("rb") ); if ( fIn == NULL ) { return FALSE; } if ( fseek( fIn, 0, SEEK_END ) == 0 ) { dwL = ftell( fIn ); if ( fseek( fIn, 0, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) { fclose( fIn ); fatal_error_printf(_T("cannot seek\n")); return FALSE; } } else { fclose( fIn ); return FALSE; } if ( (lplpszPropValue[dwPropFileValueCount] = (LPTSTR)malloc( dwL )) == NULL ) { fclose( fIn ); return FALSE; } if ( fread( lplpszPropValue[dwPropFileValueCount], 1, dwL, fIn ) != dwL ) { fclose( fIn ); return FALSE; } fclose( fIn ); lpdwPropValueLength[dwPropFileValueCount] = dwL; }
return TRUE; }
class CScript { FILE * m_fpScript; void GetNextToken(/*OUT*/ LPTSTR * lplpszToken); DWORD CleanWhiteSpaces(void); public: CScript(void) {m_fpScript=0;}; DWORD Open(LPCTSTR lpszFile); DWORD Close(void); DWORD GetNextLineTokens(int *argc, /*OUT*/ _TCHAR *** argv); };
DWORD CScript::CleanWhiteSpaces() {
if(m_fpScript!=NULL) { int LastChar=0; _TINT c=0; while(1) { LastChar=c; c=_fgettc(m_fpScript); if(c==_T('\t') || c==_T(' ') || c==_T('\r')) { continue; } if(c==_T('\\')) { int cc=_fgettc(m_fpScript); if (cc==_T('\r')) //continue with the next line of the file
{ if(_fgettc(m_fpScript)!=_T('\n')) { if ( fseek( m_fpScript, -1, SEEK_CUR ) != 0 ) { fatal_error_printf(_T("cannot seek\n")); return 0; } } continue; } else if (cc==_T('\n')) //continue with the next line of the file
{ continue; } else { if ( fseek( m_fpScript, -2, SEEK_CUR ) != 0 ) { fatal_error_printf(_T("cannot seek\n")); return 0; } break; } } if(c==WEOF) { break; } else { if ( fseek( m_fpScript, -1, SEEK_CUR ) != 0 ) { fatal_error_printf(_T("cannot seek\n")); return 0; } break; } } } return 0; }
void CScript::GetNextToken(LPTSTR * lplpszToken) { enum {TERMINATE_QUOTE, TERMINATE_WHITESPACE}; long flag=TERMINATE_WHITESPACE;
//clean white spaces
CleanWhiteSpaces(); //store the beginning offset of token
long Offset = ftell(m_fpScript); _TINT c=_fgettc(m_fpScript); long CurrentOffset=0;
if(c==WEOF) { *lplpszToken=NULL; return ; } if (c==_T('\n')){ *lplpszToken=_T("\n"); return ; } else { if (c==_T('\"')) { //token ends with " or the end of the line
flag=TERMINATE_QUOTE; Offset = ftell(m_fpScript); } else { flag=TERMINATE_WHITESPACE; }
// find the end of the token
while(1) { CurrentOffset=ftell(m_fpScript); c=_fgettc(m_fpScript);
if(c==_T('\n')){ break; }
if(c==WEOF) { break; }
if( (flag==TERMINATE_QUOTE && c==_T('\"')) || ( flag==TERMINATE_WHITESPACE && (c==_T(' ') || c==_T('\t') || c==_T('\r')) ) ){ break; } }
//get the token size
long TokenSize = CurrentOffset - Offset;
if(TokenSize!=0) { // allocate mamory for the token
*lplpszToken = new _TCHAR[ TokenSize+1 ]; //read the token
if ( fseek( m_fpScript, Offset, SEEK_SET) != 0 ) { fatal_error_printf(_T("cannot seek\n")); return; } for(int i=0;i<TokenSize;i++) (*lplpszToken)[i]=(TCHAR)_fgettc(m_fpScript); //terminate the token
(*lplpszToken)[i]=0; } else { //empty string
*lplpszToken=new _TCHAR[1 ]; (*lplpszToken)[0]=0; } //discard double quote if it was at the end of the token
c=_fgettc(m_fpScript); if(c!=_T('\"')) { if (fseek( m_fpScript, ((c==WEOF)?0:-1), SEEK_CUR ) !=0 ) { fatal_error_printf(_T("cannot seek\n")); return; } } } }
DWORD CScript::Open(LPCTSTR lpszFile) { m_fpScript = _tfopen( lpszFile, _T("rt") ); if(m_fpScript==NULL) return GetLastError(); else return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD CScript::Close() { if( m_fpScript!=NULL) fclose( m_fpScript); return GetLastError(); }
DWORD CScript::GetNextLineTokens(int *argc, /*OUT*/ _TCHAR *** argv) { for(int i=1;i<*argc;i++) { delete (*argv)[i]; (*argv)[i]=0; } *argc=0; if(*argv==NULL) (*argv)=new LPTSTR [ MAX_NUMBER_OF_VALUES ];
(*argv)[(*argc)++]=_T("mdutil"); //set zero parameter
LPTSTR lpszNextToken=NULL; while((*argc)<MAX_NUMBER_OF_VALUES) { GetNextToken( &lpszNextToken ); if( lpszNextToken==NULL ) //end of file
{ break; }
if(_tcscmp(lpszNextToken,_T("\n"))==0) //new line
{ delete lpszNextToken; lpszNextToken = NULL;
break; }
lpszNextToken = NULL; }
return GetLastError(); }
int MainFunc(int argc, _TCHAR **argv); //declaration
int __cdecl main(int argc, CHAR **_argv) {
// convert parameters from SBCS to UNICODE;
_TCHAR **argv= new LPTSTR [argc]; for (int i=0;i<argc;i++) { argv[i]=new _TCHAR[strlen(_argv[i])+1]; #ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(0, 0, _argv[i], -1, argv[i],strlen(_argv[i])+1 ); #else
strcpy(argv[i],_argv[i]); #endif
DWORD dwCommandCode=0;
DWORD retval=0; HRESULT hRes; hRes = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
if (FAILED(hRes)) { fatal_error_printf(_T("CoInitializeEx\n")); }
//extract command line parameters
ParseParam(argc,argv,CmdLineArgDesc); //**************************
if(Params.fFullHelp) { //print help
DisplayUsage(argv,CmdLineArgDesc); PrintTablesInfo(); } else if(Params.wDefaultArgCount==0 || Params.fHelp) { //print help
DisplayUsage(argv,CmdLineArgDesc); } else { if (Params.wDefaultArgCount>0) { //first default has to be command
Params.lpszCommand=Params.lplpszDefaultArg[0]; dwCommandCode = tCommandNameTable::MapNameToCode(Params.lplpszDefaultArg[0]); if( Params.wDefaultArgCount>1) { //second default
Params.lpszPath=Params.lplpszDefaultArg[1]; } if(dwCommandCode==CMD_SCRIPT) //process script
{ tAdmutilParams *pStoredParams;
CScript Script; DWORD dwRes;
pStoredParams = new tAdmutilParams(Params); if (pStoredParams == NULL) { fatal_error_printf(_T("out of memory")); } if((dwRes=Script.Open(Params.lpszPath))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) fatal_error_printf(_T("cannot open script file %s (error %d)\n"),Params.lpszPath,dwRes);
int l_argc=0; _TCHAR ** l_argv=NULL; while(1) { Script.GetNextLineTokens(&l_argc,&l_argv); if(l_argc==1) //end of script file
break; Params=*pStoredParams; _tprintf(_T(">")); for(int i=1;i<l_argc;i++) _tprintf(_T("%s "),l_argv[i]); _tprintf(_T("\n")); DWORD retval1=MainFunc(l_argc,l_argv); retval = ((retval==0) ? retval1:retval); } if (oAdmin.GetpcAdmCom()!=NULL) { if(!Params.fNoSave) { oAdmin.SaveData(); } }
delete pStoredParams; } else { retval=MainFunc(argc,argv); //run only one command typed on the command line
if (oAdmin.GetpcAdmCom()!=NULL) { if(Params.fNoSave) { oAdmin.SaveData(); } } } }
//close admin object
oAdmin.Close(); //close wam adm object
CoUninitialize(); //Cleanup of parameters
if(argv!=0) { for (int i=0;i<argc;i++) { delete [] argv[i]; } delete [] argv; }
return retval;
int MainFunc(int argc, _TCHAR **argv) { g_argc=argc; g_argv=argv; DWORD retval;
LPCTSTR lpszCommand=0;
CAdmNode AdmNode; CAdmProp AdmProp; CAdmNode AdmDstNode;
int i;
DWORD dwCommandCode=0;
//extract command line parameters
// trick: place the default arguments into variables that apply for non default one (see Params structure)
if (Params.wDefaultArgCount>0) { //first default has to be command
Params.lpszCommand=Params.lplpszDefaultArg[0]; dwCommandCode = tCommandNameTable::MapNameToCode(Params.lplpszDefaultArg[0]); if( Params.wDefaultArgCount>1) { //second deault has to be path
Params.lpszPath=Params.lplpszDefaultArg[1]; } if( Params.wDefaultArgCount>2) { switch(dwCommandCode) {
case CMD_SET: //the rest of default args are values
Params.wPropValueCount=0; for(i=2;i<Params.wDefaultArgCount;i++) { Params.lplpszPropValue[i-2] = Params.lplpszDefaultArg[i]; Params.wPropValueCount++; } break; case CMD_DELETE: case CMD_CREATE: case CMD_GET: case CMD_ENUM: case CMD_ENUM_ALL: if( Params.wDefaultArgCount>2) { error_printf(_T("maximum default arguments number exceeds expected (2)\n")); return 1; }
break; case CMD_COPY: case CMD_RENAME: case CMD_APPRENAME: if( Params.wDefaultArgCount>3) { error_printf(_T("maximum default arguments number exceeds expected (3)\n")); return 1; }
else Params.lpszPathDst=Params.lplpszDefaultArg[2]; break;
default: error_printf(_T("command not recognized: %s or number of parameters doesn't match\n"),Params.lpszCommand); return 1;
} } } //end of default argument handling
//extract computer,service,instance, if stored in Path
//valid only for copy function
//process computer, service, instance, property name arguments
if(Params.lpszComputer!=NULL) { if(!AdmNode.GetComputer().IsEmpty()) { error_printf(_T("computer name entered more than once\n")); return 1; } else AdmNode.SetComputer(Params.lpszComputer); }
if(Params.lpszService!=NULL) { if(!AdmNode.GetService().IsEmpty()) { error_printf(_T("service name entered more than once\n")); return 1; } else { if(IsServiceName(Params.lpszService)) AdmNode.SetService(Params.lpszService); else { error_printf(_T("service name not recognized: %s\n"), Params.lpszService); return 1; } } }
if(Params.wInstance!=0) { if(!AdmNode.GetInstance().IsEmpty()) { error_printf(_T("instance entered more than once\n")); return 1; } else { _TCHAR buf[30]; //!!! maybe ltoa should be used
AdmNode.SetInstance(_itot(Params.wInstance,buf,10)); } }
//process attrib, utype, dtype, value
//property name first
CString strProp=AdmNode.GetProperty(); if(Params.lpszPropName!=NULL && !strProp.IsEmpty()) { error_printf(_T("property name entered more than once\n")); return 1; } else if (Params.lpszPropName!=NULL) { AdmNode.SetProperty(Params.lpszPropName);
} if(IsNumber(AdmNode.GetProperty())) { AdmProp.SetIdentifier(_ttol(AdmNode.GetProperty())); } else { DWORD dwIdentifier=MapPropertyNameToCode(AdmNode.GetProperty()); if(dwIdentifier!=NAME_NOT_FOUND) { AdmProp.SetIdentifier(dwIdentifier); } }
//process the attrib entered on command line
if(Params.wPropAttribCount!=0) { DWORD dwAttrib=0; for (i=0;i<Params.wPropAttribCount;i++) { if(IsNumber(Params.lplpszPropAttrib[i])) dwAttrib += _ttol(Params.lplpszPropAttrib[i]); else { DWORD dwMapped=MapAttribNameToCode(Params.lplpszPropAttrib[i]); if(dwMapped==NAME_NOT_FOUND) { error_printf(_T("attribute name not resolved: %s\n"), Params.lplpszPropAttrib[i]); return 1; } else dwAttrib |= dwMapped; } } //overwrite the default attrib
AdmProp.SetAttrib(dwAttrib) ; }
//process the usertype entered on command line
if(Params.wPropUserTypeCount!=0) { DWORD dwUserType=0; for (i=0;i<Params.wPropUserTypeCount;i++) { if(IsNumber(Params.lplpszPropUserType[i])) dwUserType += _ttol(Params.lplpszPropUserType[i]); else { DWORD dwMapped=MapUserTypeNameToCode(Params.lplpszPropUserType[i]); if(dwMapped==NAME_NOT_FOUND) { error_printf(_T("user type not resolved: %s\n"), Params.lplpszPropUserType[i]); return 1; } else dwUserType |= dwMapped; } } //overwrite the default UserType
AdmProp.SetUserType(dwUserType) ; }
//process the datatype entered on command line
if(Params.wPropDataTypeCount!=0) { DWORD dwDataType=0; for (i=0;i<Params.wPropDataTypeCount;i++) { if(IsNumber(Params.lplpszPropDataType[i])) dwDataType += _ttol(Params.lplpszPropDataType[i]); else { DWORD dwMapped=MapDataTypeNameToCode(Params.lplpszPropDataType[i]); if(dwMapped==NAME_NOT_FOUND) { error_printf(_T("DataType type not resolved: %s\n"), Params.lplpszPropDataType[i]); return 1;
} else dwDataType |= dwMapped; } } //overwrite the default DataTypeType
AdmProp.SetDataType(dwDataType) ; } //LPCTSTR lplpszPropValue[MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROPERTY_VALUES]; //pointer to array of values (e.g multisz type allows the multiple values for one property
//WORD wPropValueCount;
//create admin object
if(oAdmin.GetpcAdmCom()==NULL) { oAdmin.Open(AdmNode.GetComputer()); if( FAILED(oAdmin.QueryLastHresError())) { retval= ConvertHresToDword(oAdmin.QueryLastHresError()); } }
if(oAdmin.GetpcAdmCom()!=NULL) { //
// read from files if Params.wPropFileValueCount != 0
if ( Params.wPropFileValueCount ) { if ( !ReadFromFiles( (LPTSTR*)Params.lplpszPropValue, Params.lpdwPropValueLength, Params.wPropFileValueCount ) ) { error_printf(_T("Can't read value from file %s"), Params.lplpszPropValue[0] ); return 1; } Params.wPropValueCount = Params.wPropFileValueCount; }
{ CString strT(Params.lpszCommand);
oAdmin.Run( strT, AdmNode, AdmProp, AdmDstNode, Params.lplpszPropValue, Params.lpdwPropValueLength, Params.wPropValueCount); retval=ConvertHresToDword(oAdmin.QueryLastHresError()); }
} return ((retval==0)?0:1); }