// File: cmt.h
// Description:
// General Header file for the CMT objects
// Circa 2001, this only contains priority information.
// Owner: mikeswa
// Copyright (C) 1997, 2001 Microsoft Corporation
#ifndef _CMT_H_
#define _CMT_H_
//Comment out the following if you do not information printed out (ie running as
// a service).
#include "aqincs.h"
//---[ EffectivePriority ]-----------------------------------------------------
// Hungarian: pri
// Effective Routing priority. Allows standardf priorities to be adjusted
// based on configuration (ie, message size, originator... etc)
typedef enum _EffectivePriority { //Priorities in order of importance
// | hex | binary |
// ================
eEffPriLow = 0x0, //000 Standard low pri needs to map here
eEffPriNormal = 0x1, //001 Standard normal pri needs to map here
eEffPriHigh = 0x2, //011 Standard high pri needs to map here
eEffPriMask = 0x3 //011
} EffectivePriority, *PEffectivePriority;
typedef EffectivePriority TEffectivePriority; //to make Mahesh's life easier
//Besure to update Macros when constants are changed
#define fNormalPri(Pri) (((EffectivePriority) (Pri)) == ((EffectivePriority) eEffPriNormal))
#define fHighPri(Pri) (((EffectivePriority) (Pri)) == ((EffectivePriority) eEffPriHigh))
#endif // _CMT_H_