// File: domain.h
// Description:
// Contains descriptions of the Domain table management structure
// Author: mikeswa
// Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
#ifndef _DOMAIN_H_
#define _DOMAIN_H_
#include "cmt.h"
#include <baseobj.h>
#include <domhash.h>
#include <rwnew.h>
#include <smtpevent.h>
class CInternalDomainInfo; class CDestMsgQueue; class CDomainEntry; class CDomainMappingTable; class CAQSvrInst; class CAQMessageType; class CLinkMsgQueue; class CLocalLinkMsgQueue; class CAQScheduleID; class CMsgRef; class CDeliveryContext; class CAsyncAdminMsgRefQueue; class CAsyncAdminMailMsgQueue; class CMailMsgAdminLink; class CDomainEntryLinkIterator; class CDomainEntryQueueIterator; class CDomainEntryIterator;
#include "asyncq.h"
//Name used for global 'local' link
#define LOCAL_LINK_NAME "LocalLink"
#define UNREACHABLE_LINK_NAME "UnreachableLink"
#define CURRENTLY_UNREACHABLE_LINK_NAME "CurrentlyUnreachableLink"
#define PRECAT_QUEUE_NAME "PreCatQueue"
#define PREROUTING_QUEUE_NAME "PreRoutingQueue"
#define PRESUBMISSION_QUEUE_NAME "PreSubmissionQueue"
#define POSTDSN_QUEUE_NAME "PostDSNGenerationQueue"
// {34E2DCCA-C91A-11d2-A6B1-00C04FA3490A}
static const GUID g_sGuidLocalLink = { 0x34e2dcca, 0xc91a, 0x11d2, { 0xa6, 0xb1, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xa3, 0x49, 0xa } };
// {CD08CEE0-2A95-11d3-B38E-00C04F6B6167}
static const GUID g_sGuidPrecatLink = { 0xcd08cee0, 0x2a95, 0x11d3, { 0xb3, 0x8e, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x6b, 0x61, 0x67 } };
// {98C90E90-2BB5-11d3-B390-00C04F6B6167}
static const GUID g_sGuidPreRoutingLink = { 0x98c90e90, 0x2bb5, 0x11d3, { 0xb3, 0x90, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x6b, 0x61, 0x67 } };
// {0F5C33F2-B83A-41fa-9BE3-69C6D1314E13}
static const GUID g_sGuidPreSubmissionLink = { 0xf5c33f2, 0xb83a, 0x41fa, { 0x9b, 0xe3, 0x69, 0xc6, 0xd1, 0x31, 0x4e, 0x13 } };
//Bits used to retry GetNextHop after it has failed. If
//DMT_FLAGS_RESET_ROUTES_IN_PROGRESS is set, then a reset routes attempt is
//in progress, and we should not have more than one attempt pending. If
//DMT_FLAGS_GET_NEXT_HOP_FAILED is set, then a failure has been encountered
//since the last reset routes.
#define DMT_FLAGS_GET_NEXT_HOP_FAILED 0x10000000
//---[ DomainMapping ]---------------------------------------------------------
// Hungarian: dmap, pdmap
// unquely identifies a queue / domain name pair.
// Each Domain mapping that contains the same QueueID, belongs to
// same queue.
// This entire ID should be treated as an opaque to the outside world.
// This class is essentially an abstraction that can allow us to add another
// layer of indirection. Configuration based grouping of queues.... static
// routing instead of dynamic.
class CDomainMapping { public: //removed constructor so we could have this in a union... works fine, but
//you have to set mapping with manually or via clone
void Clone(IN CDomainMapping *pdmap);
//Returns a ptr to the DestMsgQueue associated with this object
HRESULT HrGetDestMsgQueue(IN CAQMessageType *paqmt, OUT CDestMsgQueue **ppdmq);
friend class CDomainEntry;
//provide sorting operators
friend bool operator <(CDomainMapping &pdmap1, CDomainMapping &pdmap2) {return (pdmap1.m_pdentryDomainID < pdmap2.m_pdentryDomainID);}; friend bool operator >(CDomainMapping &pdmap1, CDomainMapping &pdmap2) {return (pdmap1.m_pdentryDomainID > pdmap2.m_pdentryDomainID);}; friend bool operator <=(CDomainMapping &pdmap1, CDomainMapping &pdmap2) {return (pdmap1.m_pdentryDomainID <= pdmap2.m_pdentryDomainID);}; friend bool operator >=(CDomainMapping &pdmap1, CDomainMapping &pdmap2) {return (pdmap1.m_pdentryDomainID >= pdmap2.m_pdentryDomainID);};
//Compressed Queues will not be supported... this will be a sufficient test
friend bool operator ==(CDomainMapping &pdmap1, CDomainMapping &pdmap2) {return (pdmap1.m_pdentryDomainID == pdmap2.m_pdentryDomainID);};
CDomainEntry *pdentryGetQueueEntry() {return m_pdentryQueueID;}; protected: CDomainEntry *m_pdentryDomainID; CDomainEntry *m_pdentryQueueID; };
//---[ CDomainEntry ]----------------------------------------------------------
// Hungarian: dentry pdentry
// Represents a entry in the Domain Name Mapping Table
class CDomainEntry : public CBaseObject { protected: DWORD m_dwSignature; CShareLockInst m_slPrivateData; //Share lock used to maintain lists
CDomainMapping m_dmap; //Domain mapping for this domain
DWORD m_cbDomainName; LPSTR m_szDomainName; //Domain name for this entry
DWORD m_cQueues; DWORD m_cLinks; CAQSvrInst *m_paqinst; LIST_ENTRY m_liDestQueues; //linked list of dest queues for this domain name
LIST_ENTRY m_liLinks; //linked list of links for this domain name
friend class CDomainEntryIterator; friend class CDomainEntryLinkIterator; friend class CDomainEntryQueueIterator; public: CDomainEntry(CAQSvrInst *paqinst); ~CDomainEntry();
HRESULT HrInitialize( DWORD cbDomainName, //string length of domain name
LPSTR szDomainName, //domain name for entry
CDomainEntry *pdentryQueueID, //primary entry for this domain
CDestMsgQueue *pdmq, //queue prt for this entry
//NULL if not primary
CLinkMsgQueue *plmq);
HRESULT HrDeinitialize();
//Returns the Domain Mapping associated with this object
HRESULT HrGetDomainMapping(OUT CDomainMapping *pdmap);
//Returns the Domain Name associated with this object
//Caller is responsible for freeing string
HRESULT HrGetDomainName(OUT LPSTR *pszDomainName);
//Returns a ptr to the DestMsgQueue associated with this object
HRESULT HrGetDestMsgQueue(IN CAQMessageType *paqmt, OUT CDestMsgQueue **ppdmq);
//Add a queue to this domain entry if one does not already exist for that message type
HRESULT HrAddUniqueDestMsgQueue(IN CDestMsgQueue *pdmqNew, OUT CDestMsgQueue **ppdmqCurrent);
//Returns a ptr to the DestMsgQueue associated with this object
HRESULT HrGetLinkMsgQueue(IN CAQScheduleID *paqsched, OUT CLinkMsgQueue **pplmq);
//Add a queue to this domain entry if one does not already exist for that message type
HRESULT HrAddUniqueLinkMsgQueue(IN CLinkMsgQueue *plmqNew, OUT CLinkMsgQueue **pplmqCurrent);
void RemoveDestMsgQueue(IN CDestMsgQueue *pdmq); void RemoveLinkMsgQueue(IN CLinkMsgQueue *plmq);
//returns internal ptr to domain name... use HrGetDomainName if you
//are not *directly* tied to the life span of a domain entry
inline LPSTR szGetDomainName() {return m_szDomainName;}; inline DWORD cbGetDomainNameLength() {return m_cbDomainName;};
inline void InitDomainString(PDOMAIN_STRING pDomain);
//Is it safe to get rid of this domain entry?
inline BOOL fSafeToRemove() { return (BOOL) ((m_lReferences == 1) && (m_cQueues == 0) && (m_cLinks == 0));} };
//---[ CDomainEntryIterator ]--------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Base iterator class for domain entry. Provides a consistent snapshot
// of the elements of a domain entry
// Hungarian:
// deit, pdeit
class CDomainEntryIterator { protected: DWORD m_dwSignature; DWORD m_cItems; DWORD m_iCurrentItem; PVOID *m_rgpvItems; protected: CDomainEntryIterator(); PVOID pvGetNext(); VOID Recycle(); virtual VOID ReleaseItem(PVOID pvItem) {_ASSERT(FALSE && "Base virtual function");}; virtual PVOID pvItemFromListEntry(PLIST_ENTRY pli) {_ASSERT(FALSE && "Base virtual function");return NULL;}; virtual PLIST_ENTRY pliHeadFromDomainEntry(CDomainEntry *pdentry) {_ASSERT(FALSE && "Base virtual function");return NULL;}; virtual DWORD cItemsFromDomainEntry(CDomainEntry *pdentry) {_ASSERT(FALSE && "Base virtual function");return 0;}; public: HRESULT HrInitialize(CDomainEntry *pdentry); VOID Reset() {m_iCurrentItem = 0;}; };
//---[ CDomainEntryLinkIterator ]----------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Implementation of CDomainEntryIterator for CLinkMsgQueues
// Hungarian:
// delit, pdelit
class CDomainEntryLinkIterator : public CDomainEntryIterator { protected: virtual VOID ReleaseItem(PVOID pvItem); virtual PVOID pvItemFromListEntry(PLIST_ENTRY pli); virtual PLIST_ENTRY pliHeadFromDomainEntry(CDomainEntry *pdentry) {return &(pdentry->m_liLinks);}; virtual DWORD cItemsFromDomainEntry(CDomainEntry *pdentry) {return pdentry->m_cLinks;}; public: ~CDomainEntryLinkIterator() {Recycle();}; CLinkMsgQueue *plmqGetNextLinkMsgQueue(CLinkMsgQueue *plmq); };
//---[ CDomainEntryQueueIterator ]---------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Implementation of CDomainEntryIterator for CDestMsgQueues
// Hungarian:
// deqit, pdeqit
class CDomainEntryQueueIterator : public CDomainEntryIterator { protected: virtual VOID ReleaseItem(PVOID pvItem); virtual PVOID pvItemFromListEntry(PLIST_ENTRY pli); virtual PLIST_ENTRY pliHeadFromDomainEntry(CDomainEntry *pdentry) {return &(pdentry->m_liDestQueues);}; virtual DWORD cItemsFromDomainEntry(CDomainEntry *pdentry) {return pdentry->m_cQueues;}; public: ~CDomainEntryQueueIterator() {Recycle();}; CDestMsgQueue *pdmqGetNextDestMsgQueue(CDestMsgQueue *pdmq); };
class CDomainMappingTable { private: DWORD m_dwSignature; DWORD m_dwInternalVersion; //version # used to keep track of queue deletions
DWORD m_dwFlags; CAQSvrInst *m_paqinst; DWORD m_cOutstandingExternalShareLocks; //number of outstanding external sharelocks
LIST_ENTRY m_liEmptyDMQHead; //head of list for empty DMQ's
DWORD m_cThreadsForEmptyDMQList; DOMAIN_NAME_TABLE m_dnt; //where domain names are actually stored
CShareLockInst m_slPrivateData; //Sharelock for accessing Domain Name Table
CLocalLinkMsgQueue *m_plmqLocal; //Local link Queue
CLinkMsgQueue *m_plmqCurrentlyUnreachable; //link for currently unreachable
CLinkMsgQueue *m_plmqUnreachable; //link unreachable destinations
CMailMsgAdminLink *m_pmmaqPreCategorized; //link for precat queue
CMailMsgAdminLink *m_pmmaqPreRouting; //link for prerouting queue
CMailMsgAdminLink *m_pmmaqPreSubmission; //link for prerouting queue
DWORD m_cSpecialRetryMinutes;
DWORD m_cResetRoutesRetriesPending;
HRESULT HrInitLocalDomain( IN CDomainEntry *pdentry, //entry to init
IN DOMAIN_STRING *pStrDomain, //Domain name
IN CAQMessageType *paqmtMessageType, //Message type as returned by routing
OUT CDomainMapping *pdmap); //domain mapping for domain
HRESULT HrInitRemoteDomain( IN CDomainEntry *pdentry, //entry to init
IN DOMAIN_STRING *pStrDomain, //Domain Name
IN CInternalDomainInfo *pIntDomainInfo, //domain config
IN CAQMessageType *paqmtMessageType, //Message type as returned by routing
IN IMessageRouter *pIMessageRouter, //router for this message
OUT CDomainMapping *pdmap, //domain mapping for domain
OUT CDestMsgQueue **ppdmq, //destmsgqueue for domain
OUT CLinkMsgQueue **pplmq); HRESULT HrCreateQueueForEntry( IN CDomainEntry *pdentry, IN DOMAIN_STRING *pStrDomain, IN CInternalDomainInfo *pIntDomainInfo, IN CAQMessageType *paqmtMessageType, IN IMessageRouter *pIMessageRouter, IN CDomainMapping *pdmap, OUT CDestMsgQueue **ppdmq); HRESULT HrGetNextHopLink( IN CDomainEntry *pdentry, IN LPSTR szDomain, IN DWORD cbDomain, IN CInternalDomainInfo *pIntDomainInfo, IN CAQMessageType *paqmtMessageType, IN IMessageRouter *pIMessageRouter, IN BOOL fDMTLocked, OUT CLinkMsgQueue **pplmq, OUT HRESULT *phrRoutingDiag);
void LogDomainUnreachableEvent(BOOL fCurrentlyUnreachable, LPCSTR szDomain);
//Checks head of EMPTY_LIST to see if there are any expired queues
//or an excesive number of non-empty queues in the list
BOOL fNeedToWalkEmptyQueueList();
//Used to delete expired queues
BOOL fDeleteExpiredQueues();
//Domain Name Table iterator function to move a domain to the currently
//unreachable link - used for re-routing
static VOID MakeSingleDomainCurrentlyUnreachable(PVOID pvContext, PVOID pvData, BOOL fWildcard, BOOL *pfContinue, BOOL *pfDelete);
HRESULT HrPrvGetDomainEntry(IN DWORD cbDomainNameLength, IN LPSTR szDomainName, IN BOOL fDMTLocked, OUT CDomainEntry **ppdentry);
HRESULT HrInializeGlobalLink(IN LPCSTR szLinkName, IN DWORD cbLinkName, OUT CLinkMsgQueue **pplmq, DWORD dwSupportedActions = 0, DWORD dwLinkType = 0);
HRESULT HrDeinitializeGlobalLink(IN OUT CLinkMsgQueue **pplmq);
HRESULT HrPrvInsertDomainEntry( IN PDOMAIN_STRING pstrDomainName, IN CDomainEntry *pdentryNew, IN BOOL fTreatAsWildcard, OUT CDomainEntry **ppdentryOld);
static void RetryResetRoutes(PVOID pvThis); void RequestResetRoutesRetryIfNecessary(); public: CDomainMappingTable(); ~CDomainMappingTable(); HRESULT HrInitialize( CAQSvrInst *paqinst, CAsyncAdminMsgRefQueue *paradmq, CAsyncAdminMailMsgQueue *pmmaqPrecatQ, CAsyncAdminMailMsgQueue *pmmaqPreRoutingQ, CAsyncAdminMailMsgQueue *pmmaqPreSubmission);
HRESULT HrDeinitialize();
//Lookup Domain name; This will create a new entry if neccessary.
HRESULT HrMapDomainName( IN LPSTR szDomainName, //Domain Name to map
IN CAQMessageType *paqmtMessageType, //Message type as returned by routing
IN IMessageRouter *pIMessageRouter, //router for this message
OUT CDomainMapping *pdmap, //Mapping returned caller allocated
OUT CDestMsgQueue **ppdmq);//ptr to Queue
HRESULT HrGetDomainEntry(IN DWORD cbDomainNameLength, IN LPSTR szDomainName, OUT CDomainEntry **ppdentry) { return HrPrvGetDomainEntry(cbDomainNameLength, szDomainName, FALSE, ppdentry); }
HRESULT HrIterateOverSubDomains(DOMAIN_STRING * pstrDomain, IN DOMAIN_ITR_FN pfn, IN PVOID pvContext) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_slPrivateData.ShareLock(); hr = m_dnt.HrIterateOverSubDomains(pstrDomain, pfn, pvContext); m_slPrivateData.ShareUnlock(); return hr; };
// Functions for rerouting domains
HRESULT HrBeginRerouteDomains(); HRESULT HrCompleteRerouteDomains();
// Reroute the queues on a given link
HRESULT HrRerouteLink(CLinkMsgQueue *plmqReroute);
HRESULT HrGetOrCreateLink( IN LPSTR szRouteAddress, IN DWORD cbRouteAddress, IN DWORD dwScheduleID, IN LPSTR szConnectorName, IN IMessageRouter *pIMessageRouter, IN BOOL fCreateIfNotExist, IN DWORD linkInfoType, OUT CLinkMsgQueue **pplmq, OUT BOOL *pfRemoveOwnedSchedule);
//The following functions are used to check the version number of the DMT.
//The version number is guananteed remain constant while the DMT Sharelock
//is held. While it is not *required* to get lock before getting the
//version number for the first time, it is required to get the lock (and
//keep it) while verify that the version number has not changed. The
//expected usage of these functions is:
//DWORD dwDMTVersion = pdmt->dwGetDMTVersion();
//if (pdmt->dwGetDMTVersion() == dwDMTVersion)
// ... do stuff that requires consitant DMT version
inline void AquireDMTShareLock(); inline void ReleaseDMTShareLock(); inline DWORD dwGetDMTVersion();
//Used by DestMsgQueue to Add themselves from the empty queue list
void AddDMQToEmptyList(CDestMsgQueue *pdmq);
void ProcessSpecialLinks(DWORD cSpecialRetryMinutes, BOOL fRoutingLockHeld); static void SpecialRetryCallback(PVOID pvContext);
CLinkMsgQueue *plmqGetLocalLink(); CLinkMsgQueue *plmqGetCurrentlyUnreachable(); CMailMsgAdminLink *pmmaqGetPreCategorized(); CMailMsgAdminLink *pmmaqGetPreRouting(); CMailMsgAdminLink *pmmaqGetPreSubmission();
HRESULT HrPrepareForLocalDelivery( IN CMsgRef *pmsgref, IN BOOL fDelayDSN, IN OUT CDeliveryContext *pdcntxt, OUT DWORD *pcRecips, OUT DWORD **prgdwRecips);
DWORD GetCurrentlyUnreachableTotalMsgCount(); };
//---[ CDomainEntry::InitDomainString ]----------------------------------------
// Description:
// Initialized a domain string based on this domain's info
// Parameters:
// pDomain - ptr to DOMAIN_STRING to initialize
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 5/26/98 - MikeSwa Created
void CDomainEntry::InitDomainString(PDOMAIN_STRING pDomain) { pDomain->Buffer = m_szDomainName; pDomain->Length = (USHORT) m_cbDomainName; pDomain->MaximumLength = pDomain->Length; }
//---[ CDomainMappingTable::AquireDMTShareLock ]-------------------------------
// Description:
// Aquires a share lcok on the DMT's internal lock... must be released
// with a call to ReleaseDMTShareLock.
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// History:
// 9/8/98 - MikeSwa Created
void CDomainMappingTable::AquireDMTShareLock() { m_slPrivateData.ShareLock(); DEBUG_DO_IT(InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_cOutstandingExternalShareLocks)); }
//---[ CDomainMappingTable::ReleaseDMTShareLock ]-------------------------------
// Description:
// Releases a DMT sharelock aquired by AquireDMTShareLock
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 9/8/98 - MikeSwa Created
void CDomainMappingTable::ReleaseDMTShareLock() { _ASSERT(m_cOutstandingExternalShareLocks); //Count should not go below 0
DEBUG_DO_IT(InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cOutstandingExternalShareLocks)); m_slPrivateData.ShareUnlock(); }
//---[ CDomainMappingTable::dwGetDMTVersion ]----------------------------------
// Description:
// Returns the internal DMT version number
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// DMT Version number
// History:
// 9/8/98 - MikeSwa Created
DWORD CDomainMappingTable::dwGetDMTVersion() { return m_dwInternalVersion; }
void ReUnreachableErrorToAqueueError(HRESULT reErr, HRESULT *aqErr);
#endif //_DOMAIN_H_