// File: DomCfg.cpp
// Description: Implementation of CDomainConfigTable and CInternalDomainInfo
// Author: mikeswa
// Copyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
#include "aqprecmp.h"
#include <domhash.h>
#include "domcfg.h"
#include "aqutil.h"
//Encourage compiler to include symbols for enums
eDomainInfoFlags g_eDomainInfo = DOMAIN_INFO_USE_SSL; eIntDomainInfoFlags g_eIntDomainInfo = INT_DOMAIN_INFO_INVALID;
//---[ RemoveConfigEntryIteratorFn ]--------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Deletes and releases all internal domain info objects in table
// Parameters:
// IN pvContext - pointer to context (ignored)
// IN pvData - data entry to look at
// IN fWildcardData - TRUE if data is a wildcard entry (ignored)
// OUT pfContinue - TRUE if iterator should continue to the next entry
// OUT pfRemoveEntry - TRUE if entry should be deleted
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 6/17/98 - MikeSwa Created
VOID RemoveConfigEntryIteratorFn(PVOID pvContext, PVOID pvData, BOOL fWildcard, BOOL *pfContinue, BOOL *pfDelete) { CInternalDomainInfo *pIntDomainInfo = (CInternalDomainInfo *) pvData; *pfDelete = TRUE; *pfContinue = TRUE; _ASSERT(INT_DOMAIN_INFO_SIG == pIntDomainInfo->m_dwSignature); pIntDomainInfo->m_dwIntDomainInfoFlags |= INT_DOMAIN_INFO_INVALID; pIntDomainInfo->Release(); }
//---[ RemoveOutdatedConfigEntryIteratorFn ]------------------------------------
// Description:
// Deletes and releases all outdated internal domain info objects in table.
// An internal domain entry is considered outdated if its version number
// does not match the global version number.
// Parameters:
// IN pvContext - pointer to context (current version number)
// IN pvData - data entry to look at
// IN fWildcardData - TRUE if data is a wildcard entry (ignored)
// OUT pfContinue - TRUE if iterator should continue to the next entry
// OUT pfRemoveEntry - TRUE if entry should be deleted
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 9/29/98 - MikeSwa Created
VOID RemoveOutdatedConfigEntryIteratorFn(PVOID pvContext, PVOID pvData, BOOL fWildcard, BOOL *pfContinue, BOOL *pfDelete) { CInternalDomainInfo *pIntDomainInfo = (CInternalDomainInfo *) pvData; _ASSERT(INT_DOMAIN_INFO_SIG == pIntDomainInfo->m_dwSignature); _ASSERT(pvContext); *pfContinue = TRUE;
if (pIntDomainInfo->m_dwVersion != *((DWORD *)pvContext)) { //make sure it is not the root entry
if ((1*sizeof(CHAR) == pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.cbDomainNameLength) && ('*' == pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName[0]) && ('\0' == pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName[1])) { //
//NOTE - It is not expected for this to happen. We expect
//SMTP to always provide a default entry. If SMTP changes such
//that does not, then dynamic updates would fail, because we never
//mark the default entry that we create as invalid. Once a link
//picks up this entry, it will never let it go.
_ASSERT(0 && "SMTP did not supply a * entry");
//It is the root entry... update verision number
//NOTE: The Root entry is a special case... it is required to be
//present at all times, and is not always inserted into the
//metabase. Because of this, it's version number may be incorrect,
//so we need to make sure that we don't remove it.
*pfDelete = FALSE; pIntDomainInfo->m_dwVersion = *((DWORD *)pvContext); } else { //The entry is old
*pfDelete = TRUE; pIntDomainInfo->m_dwIntDomainInfoFlags |= INT_DOMAIN_INFO_INVALID; pIntDomainInfo->Release(); } } else { *pfDelete = FALSE; } }
//---[ HrCopyStringProperty ]--------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Private helper function that is used to allocate and copy string
// properties in the DomainInfo struct
// Parameters:
// OUT (ref) szDest Dest string to allocate and copy to
// IN szSource Source string to copy
// IN cbLength Length of string (without ending '\0'
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
HRESULT inline HrCopyStringProperty(LPSTR &szDest, const LPSTR szSource, DWORD cbLength) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERT(szSource); //must have a buffer to copy
szDest = (LPSTR) pvMalloc(cbLength + sizeof(CHAR)); if (!szDest) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
//copy data
memcpy(szDest, szSource, cbLength); //copy string
szDest[cbLength] = '\0';
Exit: return hr; }
//---[ COPY_DOMAIN_INFO_STRING_PROP ]------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Macro used to call private helper function HrCopyStringProperty
// Parameters:
// pOldDomainInfo DomainInfo Struct to copy
// pNewDomainInfo New DomainInfo stuct to copy to
// cbProp Name of size property
// szProp Name of string proptery
// Returns:
#define COPY_DOMAIN_INFO_STRING_PROP(pOldDomainInfo, pNewDomainInfo, cbProp, szProp) \
{ \ _ASSERT(!(pNewDomainInfo)->cbProp); \ _ASSERT(!(pNewDomainInfo)->szProp); \ (pNewDomainInfo)->cbProp = (pOldDomainInfo)->cbProp; \ if ((pOldDomainInfo)->cbProp) \ hr = HrCopyStringProperty((pNewDomainInfo)->szProp, \ (pOldDomainInfo)->szProp, (pOldDomainInfo)->cbProp); \ }
//---[ CInternalDomainInfo::CInternalDomainInfo ]------------------------------
// Description:
// Object constructor. Initializes DomainInfo struct
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwVersion Current DomainConfigTable version
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 9/29/98 - MikeSwa - added version
CInternalDomainInfo::CInternalDomainInfo(DWORD dwVersion) { ZeroMemory(&m_DomainInfo.dwDomainInfoFlags, sizeof(DomainInfo) - sizeof(DWORD)); m_dwIntDomainInfoFlags = INT_DOMAIN_INFO_OK; m_dwSignature = INT_DOMAIN_INFO_SIG; m_dwVersion = dwVersion;
//make sure our assumptions about the struct of DomainInfo are valid
_ASSERT(1 == ((DWORD *) &m_DomainInfo.dwDomainInfoFlags) - ((DWORD *) &m_DomainInfo));
m_DomainInfo.cbVersion = sizeof(DomainInfo); }
//---[ CInternalDomainInfo::~CInternalDomainInfo ]-----------------------------
// Description:
// Class destructor... deallocates any memory associated with the
// DomainInfo struct
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
CInternalDomainInfo::~CInternalDomainInfo() { _ASSERT(m_DomainInfo.cbVersion == sizeof(DomainInfo));
if (m_DomainInfo.szDomainName) FreePv(m_DomainInfo.szDomainName);
if (m_DomainInfo.szETRNDomainName) FreePv(m_DomainInfo.szETRNDomainName);
if (m_DomainInfo.szSmartHostDomainName) FreePv(m_DomainInfo.szSmartHostDomainName);
if (m_DomainInfo.szDropDirectory) FreePv(m_DomainInfo.szDropDirectory);
if (m_DomainInfo.szAuthType) FreePv(m_DomainInfo.szAuthType);
if (m_DomainInfo.szUserName) FreePv(m_DomainInfo.szUserName);
if (m_DomainInfo.szPassword) FreePv(m_DomainInfo.szPassword);
if (m_DomainInfo.pvBlob) FreePv(m_DomainInfo.pvBlob);
//---[ CInternalDomainInfo::HrInit ]-------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Clones a DomainInfo struct and allocates needed memory
// Parameters:
// IN pDomainInfo DomainInfo struct to copy
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if allocations fail
HRESULT CInternalDomainInfo::HrInit(DomainInfo *pDomainInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
m_DomainInfo.dwDomainInfoFlags = pDomainInfo->dwDomainInfoFlags;
COPY_DOMAIN_INFO_STRING_PROP(pDomainInfo, &m_DomainInfo, cbDomainNameLength, szDomainName); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
COPY_DOMAIN_INFO_STRING_PROP(pDomainInfo, &m_DomainInfo, cbETRNDomainNameLength, szETRNDomainName); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
COPY_DOMAIN_INFO_STRING_PROP(pDomainInfo, &m_DomainInfo, cbSmartHostDomainNameLength, szSmartHostDomainName); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
COPY_DOMAIN_INFO_STRING_PROP(pDomainInfo, &m_DomainInfo, cbDropDirectoryLength, szDropDirectory); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
COPY_DOMAIN_INFO_STRING_PROP(pDomainInfo, &m_DomainInfo, cbAuthTypeLength, szAuthType); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
COPY_DOMAIN_INFO_STRING_PROP(pDomainInfo, &m_DomainInfo, cbUserNameLength, szUserName); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
COPY_DOMAIN_INFO_STRING_PROP(pDomainInfo, &m_DomainInfo, cbPasswordLength, szPassword); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
m_DomainInfo.cEtrnDelayTime = pDomainInfo->cEtrnDelayTime;
//Copy the blob
if (pDomainInfo->cbBlob) { _ASSERT(pDomainInfo->pvBlob); m_DomainInfo.pvBlob = (DWORD *) pvMalloc(pDomainInfo->cbBlob); if (!m_DomainInfo.pvBlob) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
//copy data
memcpy(m_DomainInfo.pvBlob, pDomainInfo->pvBlob, pDomainInfo->cbBlob); m_DomainInfo.cbBlob = pDomainInfo->cbBlob; }
Exit: return hr; }
//---[ CDomainConfigTable::CDomainConfigTable ]--------------------------------
// Description:
// Constuctor for CDomainConfig Table
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
CDomainConfigTable::CDomainConfigTable() : m_slPrivateData("CDomainConfigTable") { m_dwFlags = 0; m_dwSignature = DOMAIN_CONFIG_SIG; m_dwCurrentConfigVersion = 0; m_pLastStarDomainInfo = NULL; m_pDefaultDomainConfig = NULL; }
//---[ CDomainConfigTable::~CDomainConfigTable ]-------------------------------
// Description:
// Destructor for CDomainConfig Table
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
CDomainConfigTable::~CDomainConfigTable() { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CDomainConfigTable::~CDomainConfigTable"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//Delete all entries from the table
if (DOMCFG_DOMAIN_NAME_TABLE_INIT & m_dwFlags) { //iterate over all domains and delete entries in hash table
m_dnt.HrIterateOverSubDomains(NULL, RemoveConfigEntryIteratorFn, NULL); if (m_pDefaultDomainConfig != NULL) { m_pDefaultDomainConfig->Release(); m_pDefaultDomainConfig = NULL; } m_dwFlags ^= DOMCFG_DOMAIN_NAME_TABLE_INIT; }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
//---[ CDomainConfigTable::HrInit ]--------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Initializes DOMAIN_NAME_TABLE hash table
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
HRESULT CDomainConfigTable::HrInit() { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CDomainConfigTable::HrInit"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; CInternalDomainInfo *pIntDomainInfoDefault = NULL; DOMAIN_STRING strDomain;
hr = m_dnt.HrInit(); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
//Part 1
//Allocate an InternalDomainInfo for m_pDefaultDomainConfig. This
//will be used for links/connections for which a routing sink has returned
//no connector
m_pDefaultDomainConfig = new CInternalDomainInfo(m_dwCurrentConfigVersion); if (!m_pDefaultDomainConfig) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
m_pDefaultDomainConfig->m_DomainInfo.cbDomainNameLength = 1; m_pDefaultDomainConfig->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName = (LPSTR) pvMalloc(2*sizeof(CHAR)); if (!m_pDefaultDomainConfig->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
memcpy(m_pDefaultDomainConfig->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName, "*", 2);
//Part 2
//Create default "*" entry in the DCT so that arbitrary domains will have
//something to match against. Note that this entry is separate from the
//m_pDefaultDomainConfig entry that is *not* part of the DCT, and is used
//for links/connections that are *not* supposed to match anything in the DCT
pIntDomainInfoDefault = new CInternalDomainInfo(m_dwCurrentConfigVersion); if (!pIntDomainInfoDefault) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
pIntDomainInfoDefault->m_DomainInfo.cbDomainNameLength = 1; pIntDomainInfoDefault->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName = (LPSTR) pvMalloc(2*sizeof(CHAR)); if (!pIntDomainInfoDefault->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
memcpy(pIntDomainInfoDefault->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName, "*", 2);
strDomain.Length = (USHORT) pIntDomainInfoDefault->m_DomainInfo.cbDomainNameLength; strDomain.MaximumLength = strDomain.Length; strDomain.Buffer = pIntDomainInfoDefault->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName; hr = m_dnt.HrInsertDomainName(&strDomain, (PVOID) pIntDomainInfoDefault);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
Exit: TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
//---[ CDomainConfigTable::HrSetInternalDomainInfo ]---------------------------
// Description:
// Inserts InternalDomainInfo into hash table based on szDomain
// Parameters:
// IN pIntDomainInfo Internal DomainInfo to insert
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
HRESULT CDomainConfigTable::HrSetInternalDomainInfo( IN CInternalDomainInfo *pIntDomainInfo) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CDomainConfigTable::SetInternalDomainInfo"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DOMAIN_STRING strDomain; CInternalDomainInfo *pIntDomainInfoCurrent = NULL;
_ASSERT(pIntDomainInfo); _ASSERT(pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName); _ASSERT(pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.cbDomainNameLength); _ASSERT(pIntDomainInfo->m_dwVersion == m_dwCurrentConfigVersion);
strDomain.Length = (USHORT) pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.cbDomainNameLength; strDomain.MaximumLength = (USHORT) pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.cbDomainNameLength; strDomain.Buffer = pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName;
//Get Lock on table
//SMTP calls this routine with info from one of two places:
//1. For each domain configured in the /smtpsvc/1/domains container in the
// metabase. In PT, these entries are populated from address spaces on
// connectors.
//2. For outbound-security configured at the /smtpsvc/1 (ie, at the VS)
// level, it creates a "dummy" entry for the "*" domain.
//Unfortunately, this creates a problem if you have a connector with the
// * address space, because the insertion in item 2 will overwrite the
// insertion for * in item 1.
//To handle this case, we keep the "last" * entry received in the
// m_pLastStarDomainInfo. If we receive a second entry, then we know the
// m_pLastStarDomainInfo is a domain entry from item 1. Otherwise, it
// is the default config info.
//If this is the "*" domain, then store it in m_pLastStarDomainInfo, until
//we decide whether this is really the star domain info from item 1 or
//the info from item 2
if (pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.cbDomainNameLength == 1 && pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.szDomainName[0] == '*') {
if (m_pLastStarDomainInfo == NULL) { m_pLastStarDomainInfo = pIntDomainInfo; hr = S_OK; goto Exit; } else {
// This is the second * domain entry we have seen. Insert the
// previous entry into the DMT, and keep this one as the last star
// entry seen.
pIntDomainInfoCurrent = pIntDomainInfo; pIntDomainInfo = m_pLastStarDomainInfo; m_pLastStarDomainInfo = pIntDomainInfoCurrent;
pIntDomainInfoCurrent = NULL; dwInterlockedSetBits(&m_dwFlags, DOMCFG_MULTIPLE_STAR_DOMAINS);
hr = m_dnt.HrInsertDomainName(&strDomain, (PVOID) pIntDomainInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (DOMHASH_E_DOMAIN_EXISTS == hr) { //someone already inserted for this domain
hr = m_dnt.HrRemoveDomainName(&strDomain, (PVOID *) &pIntDomainInfoCurrent); _ASSERT(DOMHASH_E_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN != hr); //someone violated write-lock
if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
//Mark old info as invalid & release
pIntDomainInfoCurrent->m_dwIntDomainInfoFlags |= INT_DOMAIN_INFO_INVALID; _ASSERT(pIntDomainInfoCurrent->m_dwVersion <= pIntDomainInfo->m_dwVersion); pIntDomainInfoCurrent->Release(); pIntDomainInfoCurrent = NULL;
hr = m_dnt.HrInsertDomainName(&strDomain, (PVOID) pIntDomainInfo); _ASSERT(DOMHASH_E_DOMAIN_EXISTS != hr); //someone violated write-lock
if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; } else { goto Exit; } }
Exit: m_slPrivateData.ExclusiveUnlock(); TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
//---[ CDomainConfigTable::HrGetInternalDomainInfo ]---------------------------
// Description:
// Gets internal Domaininfo stuct from hash table. Will use wildcard
// matching
// Parameters:
// IN cbDomainnameLength Length of string to search for
// IN szDomainName Domain Name to search for
// OUT ppIntDomainInfo Domain info returned (must be released)
// Returns:
// S_OK if match is found
// AQUEUE_E_INVALID_DOMAIN if no match is found
HRESULT CDomainConfigTable::HrGetInternalDomainInfo( IN DWORD cbDomainNameLength, IN LPSTR szDomainName, OUT CInternalDomainInfo **ppIntDomainInfo) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CDomainConfigTable::GetInternalDomainInfo"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DOMAIN_STRING strDomain;
_ASSERT(cbDomainNameLength); _ASSERT(szDomainName); _ASSERT(ppIntDomainInfo);
strDomain.Length = (USHORT) cbDomainNameLength; strDomain.MaximumLength = (USHORT) cbDomainNameLength; strDomain.Buffer = szDomainName;
//Use wildcard lookup
hr = m_dnt.HrFindDomainName(&strDomain, (PVOID *) ppIntDomainInfo, FALSE);
if (FAILED(hr)) { //It should at least match the default domain
Exit: m_slPrivateData.ShareUnlock();
TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
//---[ CDomainConfigTable::HrGetDefaultDomainInfo ]---------------------------
// Description:
// Gets internal Default Domaininfo stuct.
// Parameters:
// OUT ppIntDomainInfo Domain info returned (must be released)
// Returns:
// S_OK if successful
HRESULT CDomainConfigTable::HrGetDefaultDomainInfo( OUT CInternalDomainInfo **ppIntDomainInfo) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CDomainConfigTable::GetDefaultDomainInfo");
*ppIntDomainInfo = NULL;
if (m_pDefaultDomainConfig != NULL) { *ppIntDomainInfo = m_pDefaultDomainConfig; } else { hr = AQUEUE_E_INVALID_DOMAIN; goto Exit; }
Exit: m_slPrivateData.ShareUnlock();
TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
//---[ CDomainConfigTable::StartConfigUpdate ]---------------------------------
// Description:
// Signals that the metabase has been updated, and we will now begin to
// get updated information. Increments an internal version number that
// will be used to removed old, outdated entries once all of the config
// info has been updated.
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 9/29/98 - MikeSwa Created
void CDomainConfigTable::StartConfigUpdate() { InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_dwCurrentConfigVersion); _ASSERT(!(m_dwFlags & DOMCFG_FINISH_UPDATE_PENDING)); _ASSERT(m_pLastStarDomainInfo == NULL); dwInterlockedSetBits(&m_dwFlags, DOMCFG_FINISH_UPDATE_PENDING); dwInterlockedUnsetBits(&m_dwFlags, DOMCFG_MULTIPLE_STAR_DOMAINS); }
//---[ CDomainConfigTable::FinishConfigUpdate ]--------------------------------
// Description:
// Used to signal when all updated configuration information has been
// passed in. Will then walk all of our cached configuration information
// and remove outdated entries
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 9/29/98 - MikeSwa Created
void CDomainConfigTable::FinishConfigUpdate() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwCurrentVersion = m_dwCurrentConfigVersion; CInternalDomainInfo *pIntDomainInfo = NULL;
//There should be a matching start
// Get the last "*" domain in case we need to explicitly update the table
// with it.
m_slPrivateData.ShareLock(); pIntDomainInfo = m_pLastStarDomainInfo; if (pIntDomainInfo) pIntDomainInfo->AddRef(); m_slPrivateData.ShareUnlock();
// If only 1 "*" domain has been configured, then we have not inserted
// it in the DNT, and the actual data there is out of date. We
// need to insert it into the table.
if (pIntDomainInfo && !(DOMCFG_MULTIPLE_STAR_DOMAINS & m_dwFlags)) { HrSetInternalDomainInfo(pIntDomainInfo); }
// Release the internal domain info if we got it.
if (pIntDomainInfo) pIntDomainInfo->Release();
dwInterlockedUnsetBits(&m_dwFlags, DOMCFG_FINISH_UPDATE_PENDING);
//Lock table, remove outdated entries, and update the default domain config
if (m_pLastStarDomainInfo) { m_pDefaultDomainConfig->m_dwIntDomainInfoFlags |= INT_DOMAIN_INFO_INVALID; m_pDefaultDomainConfig->Release(); m_pDefaultDomainConfig = m_pLastStarDomainInfo; m_pLastStarDomainInfo = NULL;
hr = m_dnt.HrIterateOverSubDomains(NULL, RemoveOutdatedConfigEntryIteratorFn, &dwCurrentVersion); m_slPrivateData.ExclusiveUnlock();