// File:
// smtpconn.cpp
// Description:
// Implementation of CSMTPConn
// Author: Mike Swafford (MikeSwa)
// History:
// Copyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
#include "aqprecmp.h"
#include "SMTPConn.h"
#include "connmgr.h"
#include "domcfg.h"
CPool CSMTPConn::s_SMTPConnPool;
//---[ CSMTPConn::CSMTPConn() ]------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// CSMTPConn constructor
// Parameters:
// IN pConnMgr Ptr to instance connection manager
// IN plmq Ptr to link for this connection
// IN cMaxMessagesPerConnection Max messages to send per connection
// 0 implies unlimited
// Returns:
// -
CSMTPConn::CSMTPConn(CConnMgr *pConnMgr, CLinkMsgQueue *plmq, DWORD cMaxMessagesPerConnection) { _ASSERT(pConnMgr); _ASSERT(plmq);
m_dwSignature = SMTP_CONNECTION_SIG; m_pConnMgr = pConnMgr; m_pIntDomainInfo = NULL; m_plmq = plmq; m_cFailedMsgs = 0; m_cTriedMsgs = 0; m_cMaxMessagesPerConnection = cMaxMessagesPerConnection; m_dwConnectionStatus = CONNECTION_STATUS_OK; m_szDomainName = NULL; m_cbDomainName = 0; m_liConnections.Flink = NULL; m_liConnections.Blink = NULL; m_cAcks = 0; m_dwTickCountOfLastAck = 0;
ZeroMemory(m_szConnectedIPAddress, sizeof(m_szConnectedIPAddress)); if (plmq) { plmq->AddRef(); } } //---[ CSMTPConn::~CSMTPConn() ]-----------------------------------------------
// Description:
// CSMTPConn default destructor
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
CSMTPConn::~CSMTPConn() { HRESULT hrConnectionStatus = S_OK; BOOL fForceCheckForDSNGeneration = FALSE; _ASSERT(m_cAcks == m_cTriedMsgs); if (m_plmq != NULL) { _ASSERT(m_pConnMgr); m_pConnMgr->ReleaseConnection(this, &fForceCheckForDSNGeneration);
switch(m_dwConnectionStatus) { case CONNECTION_STATUS_OK: hrConnectionStatus = S_OK; break; case CONNECTION_STATUS_FAILED: hrConnectionStatus = AQUEUE_E_HOST_NOT_RESPONDING; break; case CONNECTION_STATUS_DROPPED: hrConnectionStatus = AQUEUE_E_CONNECTION_DROPPED; break; case CONNECTION_STATUS_FAILED_LOOPBACK: hrConnectionStatus = AQUEUE_E_LOOPBACK_DETECTED; break; case CONNECTION_STATUS_FAILED_NDR_UNDELIVERED: hrConnectionStatus = AQUEUE_E_SMTP_GENERIC_ERROR; break; default: _ASSERT(0 && "Undefined Connection Status"); hrConnectionStatus = S_OK; }
m_plmq->SetLastConnectionFailure(hrConnectionStatus); m_plmq->RemoveConnection(this, fForceCheckForDSNGeneration);
//We should kick the connection manager, because if we were generating
//DSNs, no connection could be made
m_pConnMgr->KickConnections(); }
if (m_pIntDomainInfo) m_pIntDomainInfo->Release();
//---[ CSMTPConn::QueryInterface ]------------------------------------------
// Description:
// QueryInterface for IAdvQueue
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// Notes:
// This implementation makes it possible for any server component to get
// the IAdvQueueConfig interface.
// History:
// 11/27/2001 - MikeSwa copied from CAQSvrInst
STDMETHODIMP CSMTPConn::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!ppvObj) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
if (IID_IUnknown == riid) { *ppvObj = static_cast<ISMTPConnection *>(this); } else if (IID_ISMTPConnection == riid) { *ppvObj = static_cast<ISMTPConnection *>(this); } else if (IID_IConnectionPropertyManagement == riid) { *ppvObj = static_cast<IConnectionPropertyManagement *>(this); } else { *ppvObj = NULL; hr = E_NOINTERFACE; goto Exit; }
static_cast<IUnknown *>(*ppvObj)->AddRef();
Exit: return hr; }
//---[ CSMTPConn::GetNextMessage ]---------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Implementation of ISMTPConnection::GetNextMsg.
// Gets the next message queued for this connection and determines which
// recipients should be delivered for this connection.
// Parameters:
// OUT ppimsg New IMsg top be delivered
// OUT pdwMsgContext A 32-bit Context that needs to be provided in the
// message ack.
// OUT pcIndexes The number of index in prgdwRecipIndex
// OUT prgdwRecipIndex Recipient indexes that the caller is responsible
// for attempting delivery to.
// Returns:
STDMETHODIMP CSMTPConn::GetNextMessage( OUT IMailMsgProperties **ppIMailMsgProperties, OUT DWORD ** ppvMsgContext, OUT DWORD * pcIndexes, OUT DWORD ** prgdwRecipIndex) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CSMTPConn::GetNextMessage"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//We get the next message only if we are under the batch limit
if(m_cMaxMessagesPerConnection && (m_cTriedMsgs >= m_cMaxMessagesPerConnection) && (!m_pIntDomainInfo || !((DOMAIN_INFO_TURN_ONLY | DOMAIN_INFO_ETRN_ONLY) & m_pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.dwDomainInfoFlags))) { //SMTP does not check - but we may need a specific error for this case
hr = AQUEUE_E_QUEUE_EMPTY; goto Exit; }
if (m_pConnMgr && m_pConnMgr->fConnectionsStoppedByAdmin()) { //Admin has requested that all outbound connections stop
hr = AQUEUE_E_QUEUE_EMPTY; goto Exit; }
hr = m_plmq->HrGetNextMsg(&m_dcntxtCurrentDeliveryContext, ppIMailMsgProperties, pcIndexes, prgdwRecipIndex); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; //this will automagically catch the queue empty case...
//If the Link has no more messages it will return AQUEUE_E_QUEUE_EMPTY, which
//should cause the caller to Release() and query GetNextConnection again.
*ppvMsgContext = (DWORD *) &m_dcntxtCurrentDeliveryContext;
//increment the messages served
Exit: if (!m_cTriedMsgs) DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "GetNextMessage called, but no messages tried for this connection");
//rewrite error for SMTPSVC
TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
//---[ CSMTPConn::AckMessage ]-------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Acknowledges the delivery of a message (success/error codes are put in
// the envelope by the transport).
// Implements ISMTPConnection::AckMessage();
// Parameters:
// IN pIMsg IMsg to acknowledge
// IN dwMsgContext Context that was returned by GetNextMessage
// IN eMsgStatus Status of message
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// E_INVALIDARG if dwMsgContext is invalid
STDMETHODIMP CSMTPConn::AckMessage(/*[in]*/ MessageAck *pMsgAck) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwTickCount = GetTickCount(); _ASSERT(m_plmq); _ASSERT(pMsgAck);
if (!(pMsgAck->dwMsgStatus & MESSAGE_STATUS_ALL_DELIVERED)) { m_cFailedMsgs++; }
InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&m_cAcks); _ASSERT(m_cAcks == m_cTriedMsgs); hr = m_plmq->HrAckMsg(pMsgAck);
m_dwTickCountOfLastAck = dwTickCount; //Set after assert so we can compare
return hr; }
//---[ CSMTPConn::GetSMTPDomain ]----------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Returns the SMTPDomain of the link associated with this connections.
// $$REVIEW:
// This method does not allocate new memory for this string, but instead
// relies on the good intentions of the SMTP stack (or test driver) to
// not overwrite this memory. If we ever expose this interface externally,
// then we should revert to allocating memory and doing a buffer copy
// Implements ISMTPConnection::GetSMTPDomain
// Parameters:
// IN OUT pDomainInfo Ptr to DomainInfo struct supplied by caller
// and filled in here
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
STDMETHODIMP CSMTPConn::GetDomainInfo(IN OUT DomainInfo *pDomainInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
_ASSERT(pDomainInfo->cbVersion >= sizeof(DomainInfo)); _ASSERT(pDomainInfo);
if (NULL == m_plmq) { hr = AQUEUE_E_LINK_INVALID; goto Exit; }
if (!m_pIntDomainInfo) { //Try to get domain info
hr = m_plmq->HrGetDomainInfo(&m_cbDomainName, &m_szDomainName, &m_pIntDomainInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pIntDomainInfo = NULL; _ASSERT(AQUEUE_E_INVALID_DOMAIN != hr); goto Exit; } }
_ASSERT(m_pIntDomainInfo); _ASSERT(m_cbDomainName); _ASSERT(m_szDomainName);
// Is it OK to send client side commands on this connection
// If not, we reset those domain info flags so SMTp cannot see them
if(!m_plmq->fCanSendCmd()) { m_pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.dwDomainInfoFlags &= ~(DOMAIN_INFO_SEND_TURN | DOMAIN_INFO_SEND_ETRN); }
// If SMTP doesn't have the DOMAIN_INFO_TURN_ON_EMPTY then it is the older,
// broken SMTP and we shouldn't allow TURN on empty to work.
if ((m_plmq->cGetTotalMsgCount() == 0) && !(m_pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.dwDomainInfoFlags & DOMAIN_INFO_TURN_ON_EMPTY)) { m_pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.dwDomainInfoFlags &= ~DOMAIN_INFO_SEND_TURN; }
//copy everything but size
memcpy(&(pDomainInfo->dwDomainInfoFlags), &(m_pIntDomainInfo->m_DomainInfo.dwDomainInfoFlags), sizeof(DomainInfo) - sizeof(DWORD));
//make sure our assumptions about the struct of DomainInfo are valid
_ASSERT(1 == ((DWORD *) &(pDomainInfo->dwDomainInfoFlags)) - ((DWORD *) pDomainInfo));
//we've filled pDomainInfo with the info for our Domain
if (pDomainInfo->szDomainName[0] == '*') { //we matched a wildcard domain... substitute our domain name
pDomainInfo->cbDomainNameLength = m_cbDomainName; pDomainInfo->szDomainName = m_szDomainName; } else { //if it wasn't a wildcard match... strings should match!
_ASSERT(0 == _stricmp(m_szDomainName, pDomainInfo->szDomainName)); }
Exit: return hr; }
//---[ CSMTPConn::SetDiagnosticInfo ]------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Sets the extra diagnostic information for this connection.
// Parameters:
// IN hrDiagnosticError Error code... if SUCCESS we thow away
// the rest of the information
// IN szDiagnosticVerb String pointing to the protocol
// verb that caused the failure.
// IN szDiagnosticResponse String that contains the remote
// servers response.
// Returns:
// S_OK always
// History:
// 2/18/99 - MikeSwa Created
STDMETHODIMP CSMTPConn::SetDiagnosticInfo( IN HRESULT hrDiagnosticError, IN LPCSTR szDiagnosticVerb, IN LPCSTR szDiagnosticResponse) {
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CSMTPConn::SetDiagnosticInfo");
if (m_plmq && FAILED(hrDiagnosticError)) { m_plmq->SetDiagnosticInfo(hrDiagnosticError, szDiagnosticVerb, szDiagnosticResponse); } TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; //always return S_OK
//---[ CSMTPConn::CopyQueuePropertiesToSession ]-------------------------------
// Description:
// Copies the set of propties that queuing owns into the SMTP session
// object. In some cases, these properties are required for security
// reasons (ie - a sink wants to know who we think we are connecting to
// instead of who the remote side says they are).
// Parameters:
// IN IUnknown SMTP Session object to copy properties to
// NOTE: We need to resist the urge to AddRef and keep this around
// later use. AddRefs on this object are actually ignored as the
// lifetime is controlled by either the SMTP connection object
// or the stack.
// Returns:
// S_OK always
// History:
// 11/27/2001 - MikeSwa Created
STDMETHODIMP CSMTPConn::CopyQueuePropertiesToSession(IN IUnknown *pISession) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "SMTPConn::CopyQueuePropertiesToSession"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMailMsgPropertyBag *pISessionProperties = NULL; LPSTR szConnectorName = NULL;
if (!pISession) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "NULL ISession - bailing"); hr = E_POINTER; goto Exit; }
// Get the property bag object
hr = pISession->QueryInterface(IID_IMailMsgPropertyBag, (PVOID *) &pISessionProperties);
if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "QI for IID_IMailMsgPropertyBag failed 0x%08X", hr); pISessionProperties = NULL; goto Exit; }
// Copy the next hop name into the session property bag
hr = pISessionProperties->PutStringA(ISESSION_PID_OUT_ROUTE_ADDRESS, m_szDomainName);
if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Unable to write ISESSION_PID_OUT_ROUTE_ADDRESS hr - 0x%08X", hr); }
if (m_plmq) szConnectorName = m_plmq->szGetConnectorName();
if (szConnectorName) { hr = pISessionProperties->PutStringA(ISESSION_PID_OUT_CONNECTOR_NAME, szConnectorName);
if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Unable to write ISESSION_PID_OUT_CONNECTOR_NAME 0x%08X", hr); }
} else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "szConnectorName is NULL... not writing to ISession"); }
Exit: if (pISessionProperties) pISessionProperties->Release();
TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
//---[ CSMTPConn::CopySessionPropertiesToQueue ]-------------------------------
// Description:
// Copies the set of propties that the protocol owns into the queue
// object. In some cases, these properties are required for diagnostic
// reasons (ie - an admin wants to know which IP address we connected to).
// Parameters:
// IN IUnknown SMTP Session object to copy properties to
// NOTE: We need to resist the urge to AddRef and keep this around
// later use. AddRefs on this object are actually ignored as the
// lifetime is controlled by either the SMTP connection object
// or the stack.
// Returns:
// S_OK always
// History:
// 11/27/2001 - MikeSwa Created
STDMETHODIMP CSMTPConn::CopySessionPropertiesToQueue(IN IUnknown *pISession) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "SMTPConn::CopySessionPropertiesToQueue"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMailMsgPropertyBag *pISessionProperties = NULL;
if (!pISession) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "NULL ISession - bailing"); hr = E_POINTER; goto Exit; }
// Get the property bag object
hr = pISession->QueryInterface(IID_IMailMsgPropertyBag, (PVOID *) &pISessionProperties);
if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "QI for IID_IMailMsgPropertyBag failed 0x%08X", hr); pISessionProperties = NULL; goto Exit; }
hr = pISessionProperties->GetStringA(ISESSION_PID_REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS, sizeof(m_szConnectedIPAddress)-1, (CHAR *) &m_szConnectedIPAddress);
if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Unable to read ISESSION_PID_REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS - 0x%08X", hr); m_szConnectedIPAddress[0] = '\0'; } Exit: if (pISessionProperties) pISessionProperties->Release();
TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }