// File: aqadmcli.cpp
// Description:
// Unit test for AQAdmin interface
// Author:
// Aldrin Teganeanu (aldrint)
// Mike Swafford (MikeSwa)
// History:
// 6/5/99 - MikeSwa Updated to new AQAdmin interface
// Copyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
#include "stdinc.h"
const CLSID CLSID_MAQAdmin = {0x0427FFA4,0xAF27,0x11d2,{0x8F,0xAF,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xA3,0x78,0xFF}};
//Utility for converting To UNICODE... uses LocalAlloc()
LPWSTR wszGetUnicodeArg(LPSTR szSrc, DWORD cSrc) { LPWSTR wszDest = NULL; CHAR chSave = '\0'; if (!szSrc || !cSrc) return NULL;
wszDest = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cSrc+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!wszDest) return NULL;
chSave = szSrc[cSrc]; szSrc[cSrc] = '\0'; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szSrc, -1, wszDest, cSrc+1); szSrc[cSrc] = chSave;
return wszDest; }
//prints queue link info if it has it
void PrintQueueLinkInfo(IUnknown *pIUnknown) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUniqueId *pIUniqueId = NULL; QUEUELINK_ID *pqlid = NULL; CHAR szGuid[100] = "";
hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IUniqueId, (void **) &pIUniqueId); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
hr = pIUniqueId->GetUniqueId(&pqlid); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf ("GetQueueLinkId failied with hr 0x%08X\n", hr); goto Exit; }
// Get string-ized form of GUID
StringFromGUID2(pqlid->uuid, (LPOLESTR) szGuid, sizeof(szGuid)-1); printf("QLID:: type %s : Name %S : ID 0x%08X : Guid %S\n", (pqlid->qltType == QLT_LINK) ? "link" : ((pqlid->qltType == QLT_QUEUE) ? "queue" : "none"), pqlid->szName, pqlid->dwId, szGuid);
Exit: if (pIUniqueId) pIUniqueId->Release();
} //Helper function qo QI and call ApplyActionToMessages
HRESULT ApplyActionToMessages(IUnknown *pIUnknown, MESSAGE_FILTER *pFilter, MESSAGE_ACTION Action, DWORD *pcMsgs) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IAQMessageAction *pIAQMessageAction = NULL; if (!pIUnknown) return E_POINTER;
hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IAQMessageAction, (void **) &pIAQMessageAction); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (!pIAQMessageAction) return E_FAIL;
hr = pIAQMessageAction->ApplyActionToMessages(pFilter, Action, pcMsgs); pIAQMessageAction->Release(); return hr; }
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::SetMsgAction(MESSAGE_ACTION *pAction, CCmdInfo *pCmd) { char buf[64]; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = pCmd->GetValue("ma", buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // set the action
if(!lstrcmpi(buf, "DEL")) (*pAction) = MA_DELETE; else if(!lstrcmpi(buf, "DEL_S")) (*pAction) = MA_DELETE_SILENT; else if(!lstrcmpi(buf, "FREEZE")) (*pAction) = MA_FREEZE_GLOBAL; else if(!lstrcmpi(buf, "THAW")) (*pAction) = MA_THAW_GLOBAL; else if(!lstrcmpi(buf, "COUNT")) (*pAction) = MA_COUNT; else hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
//---[ CAQAdminCli::SetServer ]------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Sets the remote server and virtual server to connect to
// Parameters:
// IN szServerName The name of the server to connect to
// IN szVSNumber The stringized version number of the virtual
// server to connect to.
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// Error code from GetVirtualServerAdminITF
// History:
// 6/5/99 - MikeSwa Updated to supply UNICODE arguments
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::SetServer(LPSTR szServerName, LPSTR szVSNumber) { IVSAQAdmin *pTmpVS = NULL; WCHAR wszServerName[200]; WCHAR wszVSNumber[200] = L"1"; DWORD cServerName = 0; DWORD cVSNumber = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
*wszServerName = L'\0'; if (szServerName && *szServerName) { cServerName = strlen(szServerName); if (cServerName*sizeof(WCHAR) < sizeof(wszServerName)) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szServerName, -1, wszServerName, cServerName+1); } }
if (szVSNumber && *szVSNumber) { cVSNumber = strlen(szVSNumber); if (cVSNumber*sizeof(WCHAR) < sizeof(wszVSNumber)) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szVSNumber, -1, wszVSNumber, cVSNumber+1); } }
// not going to release the old server until I'm sure
// that I got the new one.
hr = m_pAdmin->GetVirtualServerAdminITF(wszServerName, wszVSNumber, &pTmpVS); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: GetVirtualServerAdminITF for \"%s\" failed with 0x%x\n", szServerName, hr); } else { if(NULL != m_pVS) m_pVS->Release();
m_pVS = pTmpVS; }
return hr; }
BOOL CAQAdminCli::StringToUTCTime(LPSTR szTime, SYSTEMTIME *pstUTCTime) { // read the date
WORD wMonth, wDay, wYear, wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds; BOOL res;
int n = sscanf(szTime, "%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d:%d", &(wMonth), &(wDay), &(wYear), &(wHour), &(wMinute), &(wSecond), &(wMilliseconds));
if(n == 7) { // check if it's GMT or UTC time
if(NULL == strstr(szTime, "UTC") && NULL == strstr(szTime, "GMT")) { // this is local time
SYSTEMTIME stLocTime; ZeroMemory(&stLocTime, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
stLocTime.wMonth = wMonth; stLocTime.wDay = wDay; stLocTime.wYear = wYear; stLocTime.wHour = wHour; stLocTime.wMinute = wMinute; stLocTime.wSecond = wSecond; stLocTime.wMilliseconds = wMilliseconds; // convert from local time to UTC time
if(!LocalTimeToUTC(&stLocTime, pstUTCTime)) { printf("Cannot convert from local time to UTC\n"); res = FALSE; goto Exit; } } else { // it's already UTC time
pstUTCTime->wMonth = wMonth; pstUTCTime->wDay = wDay; pstUTCTime->wYear = wYear; pstUTCTime->wHour = wHour; pstUTCTime->wMinute = wMinute; pstUTCTime->wSecond = wSecond; pstUTCTime->wMilliseconds = wMilliseconds; } }
Exit: return res; }
BOOL CAQAdminCli::LocalTimeToUTC(SYSTEMTIME *pstLocTime, SYSTEMTIME *pstUTCTime) { // the only way I know how to do it is:
// - convert local system time to local file time
// - convert local file time to UTC file time
// - convert UTC file time to UTC system time
FILETIME ftLocTime, ftUTCTime; BOOL res;
res = SystemTimeToFileTime(pstLocTime, &ftLocTime); res = res && LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&ftLocTime, &ftUTCTime); res = res && FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftUTCTime, pstUTCTime); return res; }
void CAQAdminCli::FreeStruct(LINK_INFO *pStruct) { if(NULL != pStruct->szLinkName) { pStruct->szLinkName = NULL; } }
void CAQAdminCli::FreeStruct(QUEUE_INFO *pStruct) { if(NULL != pStruct->szQueueName) { pStruct->szQueueName = NULL; } if(NULL != pStruct->szLinkName) { pStruct->szLinkName = NULL; } }
void CAQAdminCli::FreeStruct(MESSAGE_INFO *pStruct) { if(NULL != pStruct->szMessageId) { pStruct->szMessageId = NULL; } if(NULL != pStruct->szSender) { pStruct->szSender = NULL; } if(NULL != pStruct->szSubject) { pStruct->szSubject = NULL; } if(NULL != pStruct->szRecipients) { pStruct->szRecipients = NULL; } if(NULL != pStruct->szCCRecipients) { pStruct->szCCRecipients = NULL; } if(NULL != pStruct->szBCCRecipients) { pStruct->szBCCRecipients = NULL; } }
void CAQAdminCli::FreeStruct(MESSAGE_FILTER *pStruct) { if(NULL != pStruct->szMessageId) { LocalFree((void*)pStruct->szMessageId); pStruct->szMessageId = NULL; } if(NULL != pStruct->szMessageSender) { LocalFree((void*)pStruct->szMessageSender); pStruct->szMessageSender = NULL; } if(NULL != pStruct->szMessageRecipient) { LocalFree((void*)pStruct->szMessageRecipient); pStruct->szMessageRecipient = NULL; } }
// Method: SetMsgFilter()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::SetMsgFilter(MESSAGE_FILTER *pFilter, CCmdInfo *pCmd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; char *buf = NULL; int nFlagsOK = 0;
ZeroMemory(pFilter, sizeof(MESSAGE_FILTER)); pFilter->dwVersion = CURRENT_QUEUE_ADMIN_VERSION; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("flags", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // set the filter type
char *token = strtok(buf, "|"); while(token != NULL) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = token; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a flag
char flag[64]; ZeroMemory(flag, sizeof(flag)); CopyMemory(flag, st, en - st + 1);
if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "MSGID")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->fFlags |= MF_MESSAGEID; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "SENDER")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->fFlags |= MF_SENDER; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "RCPT")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->fFlags |= MF_RECIPIENT; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "SIZE")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->fFlags |= MF_SIZE; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "TIME")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->fFlags |= MF_TIME; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "FROZEN")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->fFlags |= MF_FROZEN; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "NOT")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->fFlags |= MF_INVERTSENSE; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "ALL")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->fFlags |= MF_ALL; } }
token = strtok(NULL, "|"); } } // if no valid flags or no flags at all fail
if(0 == nFlagsOK) { printf("Error: no flags specified for the filter\n"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; } // set the message id
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("id", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = buf; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a string
pFilter->szMessageId = wszGetUnicodeArg(st, (DWORD) (en-st+1)); if(NULL == pFilter->szMessageId) { printf("Error: LocalAlloc failed\n"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } nFlagsOK++; } }
// set the message sender
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("sender", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = buf; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a string
pFilter->szMessageSender = wszGetUnicodeArg(st, (DWORD) (en-st+1)); if(NULL == pFilter->szMessageSender) { printf("Error: LocalAlloc failed\n"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } nFlagsOK++; } }
// set the message recipient
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("rcpt", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = buf; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a string
pFilter->szMessageRecipient = wszGetUnicodeArg(st, (DWORD) (en-st+1)); if(NULL == pFilter->szMessageRecipient) { printf("Error: LocalAlloc failed\n"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } nFlagsOK++; } }
// set the min message size
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("size", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = buf; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a string
char aux[64]; CopyMemory(aux, st, en - st + 1); int n = atoi(aux); pFilter->dwLargerThanSize = n; nFlagsOK++; } }
// set the message date
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("date", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(StringToUTCTime(buf, &(pFilter->stOlderThan))) nFlagsOK++; }
// if no valid no. or no no. at all, set the default
if(0 == nFlagsOK) { ZeroMemory(&(pFilter->stOlderThan), sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); }
// if we came this far all is well
hr = S_OK; Exit: if(NULL != buf) delete [] buf;
// TODO: validate the filter
return hr; }
// Method: SetMsgEnumFilter()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
//1/18/99: AldrinT: updated flag parsing for SENDER and RCPT
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::SetMsgEnumFilter(MESSAGE_ENUM_FILTER *pFilter, CCmdInfo *pCmd) { HRESULT hr; char *buf = NULL; int nFlagsOK = 0;
ZeroMemory(pFilter, sizeof(MESSAGE_ENUM_FILTER)); pFilter->dwVersion = CURRENT_QUEUE_ADMIN_VERSION; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("ft", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // set the filter type
char *token = strtok(buf, "|"); while(token != NULL) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = token; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a flag
char flag[64]; ZeroMemory(flag, sizeof(flag)); CopyMemory(flag, st, en - st + 1);
if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "FIRST_N")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_FIRST_N_MESSAGES; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "OLDER")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_OLDER_THAN; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "OLDEST")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_N_OLDEST_MESSAGES; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "LARGER")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_LARGER_THAN; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "LARGEST")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_N_LARGEST_MESSAGES; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "FROZEN")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_FROZEN; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "NOT")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_INVERTSENSE; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "ALL")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_ALL; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "SENDER")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_SENDER; } else if(!lstrcmpi(flag, "RCPT")) { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_RECIPIENT; } }
token = strtok(NULL, "|"); } }
// Ifdef'd code because this is actually a valid state for skipping messages
// 12/13/98 - MikeSwa
#ifdef NEVER
// if no valid flags or no flags at all, fail
if(0 == nFlagsOK) { printf("Error: no flags specified for the filter\n"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; } #endif
// set the message number
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("mn", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = buf; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a flag
char flag[64]; ZeroMemory(flag, sizeof(flag)); CopyMemory(flag, st, en - st + 1); int n = atoi(flag); if(0 == n) { printf("Error: message no. is 0 or not an integer. Using default.\n"); } else { nFlagsOK++; pFilter->cMessages = n; } } }
// set the message size
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("ms", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = buf; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a flag
char flag[64]; ZeroMemory(flag, sizeof(flag)); CopyMemory(flag, st, en - st + 1); int n = atoi(flag); nFlagsOK++; pFilter->cbSize = n; } }
// if no valid no. or no no. at all, set the default
if(0 == nFlagsOK) pFilter->cbSize = 0;
// set the message date
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("md", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(StringToUTCTime(buf, &(pFilter->stDate))) nFlagsOK++; }
// if no valid no. or no no. at all, set the default
if(0 == nFlagsOK) { ZeroMemory(&(pFilter->stDate), sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); }
// set the skip message number
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("sk", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = buf; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a flag
char flag[64]; ZeroMemory(flag, sizeof(flag)); CopyMemory(flag, st, en - st + 1); int n = atoi(flag); nFlagsOK++; pFilter->cSkipMessages = n; } }
// if no valid no. or no no. at all, set the default
if(0 == nFlagsOK) { pFilter->cSkipMessages = 0; }
// set the sender value
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("msndr", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = buf; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a string
pFilter->szMessageSender = wszGetUnicodeArg(st, (DWORD) (en-st+1)); if(NULL == pFilter->szMessageSender) { printf("Error: LocalAlloc failed\n"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } nFlagsOK++; } }
// set the recipient value
nFlagsOK = 0; hr = pCmd->AllocValue("mrcpt", &buf); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // strip the spaces
char *st, *en; for(st = buf; isspace(*st); st++); for(en = st; *en; en++); for(--en; en > st && isspace(*en); en--); if(en - st + 1 > 0) { // found a string
pFilter->szMessageRecipient = wszGetUnicodeArg(st, (DWORD) (en-st+1)); if(NULL == pFilter->szMessageRecipient) { printf("Error: LocalAlloc failed\n"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } nFlagsOK++; } }
if(!pFilter->mefType) { pFilter->cMessages = 1; pFilter->mefType |= MEF_FIRST_N_MESSAGES; }
// if we came this far all is well
hr = S_OK; // TODO: validate the filter
if(NULL != buf) delete [] buf; return hr; }
// Method: IsContinue()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
BOOL CAQAdminCli::IsContinue(LPSTR pszTag, LPWSTR wszVal) { int nValidTags = 0; CHAR szVal[200] = "";
for(CCmdInfo::CArgList *p = m_pFilterCmd->pArgs; NULL != p; p = p->pNext) { // set the tag to the default value if not already set
if(p->szTag[0] == 0 && m_pFilterCmd->szDefTag[0] != 0) lstrcpy(p->szTag, m_pFilterCmd->szDefTag); // count valid tags
if(!lstrcmpi(p->szTag, pszTag)) nValidTags++; }
if(!nValidTags) return TRUE;
//Convert in param to ASCII
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszVal, -1, szVal, sizeof(szVal), NULL, NULL);
for(p = m_pFilterCmd->pArgs; NULL != p; p = p->pNext) { if(pszTag && lstrcmpi(p->szTag, pszTag)) continue;
if(szVal && lstrcmpi(p->szVal, szVal)) continue;
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Method: PrintMsgInfo()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::PrintMsgInfo() { HRESULT hr; int nCrtLink, nCrtQueue, nCrtMsg;
IEnumVSAQLinks *pLinkEnum = NULL; IEnumLinkQueues *pQueueEnum = NULL; IAQEnumMessages *pMsgEnum = NULL;
IVSAQLink *pLink = NULL; ILinkQueue *pQueue = NULL; IAQMessage *pMsg = NULL;
LINK_INFO linkInf; QUEUE_INFO queueInf; MESSAGE_INFO msgInf; ZeroMemory(&linkInf, sizeof(LINK_INFO)); ZeroMemory(&queueInf, sizeof(QUEUE_INFO)); ZeroMemory(&msgInf, sizeof(MESSAGE_INFO)); hr = m_pVS->GetLinkEnum(&pLinkEnum); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("GetLinkEnum failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; }
for(nCrtLink = 1; TRUE; nCrtLink++) { if(NULL != pLink) { pLink->Release(); pLink = NULL; } FreeStruct(&linkInf); hr = GetLink(pLinkEnum, &pLink, &linkInf); if(hr == S_FALSE) { if(nCrtLink == 1) puts("No links."); goto Exit; } else if(FAILED(hr)) { break; } else if(hr == S_OK) { // check if we want messages for this link
if(!IsContinue("ln", linkInf.szLinkName)) continue;
hr = pLink->GetQueueEnum(&pQueueEnum); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: Link %d: pLink->GetQueueEnum failed with 0x%x\n", nCrtLink, hr); continue; }
for(nCrtQueue = 1; TRUE; nCrtQueue++) { if(NULL != pQueue) { pQueue->Release(); pQueue = NULL; } FreeStruct(&queueInf); hr = GetQueue(pQueueEnum, &pQueue, &queueInf); if(hr == S_FALSE) { if(nCrtQueue == 1) puts("No queues."); break; } else if(FAILED(hr)) break; // check if we want messages for this queue
if(!IsContinue("qn", queueInf.szQueueName)) continue;
if(!lstrcmpi(m_pActionCmd->szCmdKey, "MSG_INFO")) { MESSAGE_ENUM_FILTER Filter; // enum the messages
SetMsgEnumFilter(&Filter, m_pFilterCmd); hr = pQueue->GetMessageEnum(&Filter, &pMsgEnum); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: Link %d, Queue %d: pQueue->GetMessageEnum failed with 0x%x\n", nCrtLink, nCrtQueue, hr); continue; } printf("---- Messages in queue %S ----\n", queueInf.szQueueName); for(nCrtMsg = 1; TRUE; nCrtMsg++) { FreeStruct(&msgInf); hr = GetMsg(pMsgEnum, &pMsg, &msgInf); if(NULL != pMsg) { pMsg->Release(); pMsg = NULL; } if(hr == S_FALSE) { if(nCrtMsg == 1) puts("No messages."); break; } else if(hr == S_OK) { PInfo(nCrtMsg, msgInf); } else if(FAILED(hr)) break; } } else if(!lstrcmpi(m_pActionCmd->szCmdKey, "DEL_MSG")) { MESSAGE_FILTER Filter; DWORD cMsgs = 0;
hr = SetMsgFilter(&Filter, m_pFilterCmd); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ApplyActionToMessages(pQueue, &Filter, MA_DELETE_SILENT, &cMsgs); if(FAILED(hr)) printf("Error: Link %d, Queue %d: pQueue->ApplyActionToMessages failed with 0x%x\n", nCrtLink, nCrtQueue, hr); else printf("Operation succeeded on %d messages\n", cMsgs); }
FreeStruct(&Filter); } } if(NULL != pQueue) { pQueue->Release(); pQueue = NULL; } if(NULL != pQueueEnum) { pQueueEnum->Release(); pQueueEnum = NULL; } } }
Exit: FreeStruct(&linkInf); FreeStruct(&queueInf); FreeStruct(&msgInf); if(NULL != pLink) { pLink->Release(); pLink = NULL; } if(NULL != pLinkEnum) { pLinkEnum->Release(); } if(NULL != pMsgEnum) { pMsgEnum->Release(); } return hr; }
// Method: PrintQueueInfo()
// Member of: CAQAdminCli
// Arguments: none
// Returns: S_OK
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::PrintQueueInfo() { HRESULT hr; int nCrtLink, nCrtQueue;
IEnumVSAQLinks *pLinkEnum = NULL; IEnumLinkQueues *pQueueEnum = NULL; IVSAQLink *pLink = NULL; ILinkQueue *pQueue = NULL; LINK_INFO linkInf; QUEUE_INFO queueInf; ZeroMemory(&linkInf, sizeof(LINK_INFO)); ZeroMemory(&queueInf, sizeof(QUEUE_INFO)); hr = m_pVS->GetLinkEnum(&pLinkEnum); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: GetLinkEnum failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; }
for(nCrtLink = 1; TRUE; nCrtLink++) { if(NULL != pLink) { pLink->Release(); pLink = NULL; } FreeStruct(&linkInf); hr = GetLink(pLinkEnum, &pLink, &linkInf); if(hr == S_FALSE) { if(nCrtLink == 1) puts("No links."); break; } else if(FAILED(hr)) { break; } else if(hr == S_OK) { // check if we want queues for this link
if(!IsContinue("ln", linkInf.szLinkName)) continue;
hr = pLink->GetQueueEnum(&pQueueEnum); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: Link %d: pLink->GetQueueEnum failed with 0x%x\n", nCrtLink, hr); continue; }
PrintQueueLinkInfo(pLink); printf("---- Queues for link %S ----\n", linkInf.szLinkName); for(nCrtQueue = 1; TRUE; nCrtQueue++) { if(NULL != pQueue) { pQueue->Release(); pQueue = NULL; } FreeStruct(&queueInf); hr = GetQueue(pQueueEnum, &pQueue, &queueInf);
if(hr == S_FALSE) { if(nCrtQueue == 1) puts("No queues."); break; } else if(FAILED(hr)) { break; } else if(hr == S_OK) { // check if we want this queue
if(!IsContinue("qn", queueInf.szQueueName)) continue;
PrintQueueLinkInfo(pQueue); if(!lstrcmpi(m_pActionCmd->szCmdKey, "QUEUE_INFO")) PInfo(nCrtQueue, queueInf); else if(!lstrcmpi(m_pActionCmd->szCmdKey, "MSGACTION")) { MESSAGE_ACTION Action; MESSAGE_FILTER Filter; char buf[64]; ZeroMemory(buf, sizeof(buf));
hr = SetMsgAction(&Action, m_pFilterCmd); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must specify a message action\n"); } else { DWORD cMsgs = 0; // set the filter
hr = SetMsgFilter(&Filter, m_pFilterCmd); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ApplyActionToMessages(pQueue, &Filter, Action, &cMsgs); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Link %S, Queue %S: pLink->ApplyActionToMessages failed with 0x%x\n", linkInf.szLinkName, queueInf.szQueueName, hr); } else printf("Link %S, Queue %S: pLink->ApplyActionToMessages succeeded on %d Messages\n", linkInf.szLinkName, queueInf.szQueueName, cMsgs); } FreeStruct(&Filter); } } } } if(NULL != pQueueEnum) { pQueueEnum->Release(); pQueueEnum = NULL; } if(NULL != pQueue) { pQueue->Release(); pQueue = NULL; } } if(NULL != pLink) { pLink->Release(); pLink = NULL; } }
Exit: FreeStruct(&linkInf); FreeStruct(&queueInf); if(NULL != pLinkEnum) { pLinkEnum->Release(); } return hr; }
// Method: PrintLinkInfo()
// Member of: CAQAdminCli
// Arguments: none
// Returns: S_OK
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::PrintLinkInfo() { HRESULT hr; IEnumVSAQLinks *pLinkEnum = NULL; int nCrt = 0;
LINK_INFO linkInf; ZeroMemory(&linkInf, sizeof(LINK_INFO)); hr = m_pVS->GetLinkEnum(&pLinkEnum); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: GetLinkEnum failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; }
for(nCrt = 1; TRUE; nCrt++) { IVSAQLink *pLink = NULL; FreeStruct(&linkInf); hr = GetLink(pLinkEnum, &pLink, &linkInf);
if(hr == S_FALSE) { if(nCrt == 1) puts("No links."); break; } else if(FAILED(hr)) { break; } else if(hr == S_OK) { // check if we want link info. for this link
if(!IsContinue("ln", linkInf.szLinkName)) { pLink->Release(); pLink = NULL; continue; }
if(!lstrcmpi(m_pActionCmd->szCmdKey, "LINK_INFO")) PInfo(nCrt, linkInf); else if(!lstrcmpi(m_pActionCmd->szCmdKey, "FREEZE")) { hr = pLink->SetLinkState(LA_FREEZE); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) printf("Link %S was frozen\n", linkInf.szLinkName); else printf("Link %S: SetLinkState() failed with 0x%x\n", linkInf.szLinkName, hr); } else if(!lstrcmpi(m_pActionCmd->szCmdKey, "THAW")) { hr = pLink->SetLinkState(LA_THAW); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) printf("Link %S was un-frozen\n", linkInf.szLinkName); else printf("Link %S: SetLinkState() failed with 0x%x\n", linkInf.szLinkName, hr); } else if(!lstrcmpi(m_pActionCmd->szCmdKey, "KICK")) { hr = pLink->SetLinkState(LA_KICK); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) printf("Link %S was kicked\n", linkInf.szLinkName); else printf("Link %S: SetLinkState() failed with 0x%x\n", linkInf.szLinkName, hr); } else if(!lstrcmpi(m_pActionCmd->szCmdKey, "MSGACTION")) { MESSAGE_ACTION Action; MESSAGE_FILTER Filter; char buf[64]; ZeroMemory(buf, sizeof(buf));
hr = SetMsgAction(&Action, m_pFilterCmd); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must specify a message action\n"); } else { DWORD cMsgs = 0; // set the filter
hr = SetMsgFilter(&Filter, m_pFilterCmd); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ApplyActionToMessages(pLink, &Filter, Action, &cMsgs); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Link %S: pLink->ApplyActionToMessages failed with 0x%x\n", linkInf.szLinkName, hr); } else printf("Link %S: pLink->ApplyActionToMessages succeeded on %d Messages\n", linkInf.szLinkName, cMsgs); } FreeStruct(&Filter); } } } if(NULL != pLink) { pLink->Release(); pLink = NULL; } } Exit: FreeStruct(&linkInf); if(NULL != pLinkEnum) { pLinkEnum->Release(); } return hr; }
// Method: PInfo()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
void CAQAdminCli::PInfo(int nCrt, MESSAGE_INFO msgInf) { // convert the UTC time to local time
SYSTEMTIME stLocSubmit, stLocRecv, stLocExpire; BOOL res; CHAR szTimeSuffix[] = " UTC"; LPWSTR wszCurrent = NULL; SYSTEMTIME *pstSubmit = &msgInf.stSubmission; SYSTEMTIME *pstReceived = &msgInf.stReceived; SYSTEMTIME *pstExpire = &msgInf.stExpiry;
res = SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &msgInf.stSubmission, &stLocSubmit); res = res && SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &msgInf.stReceived, &stLocRecv); res = res && SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &msgInf.stExpiry, &stLocExpire);
if(res) { //Use localized times
pstSubmit = &stLocSubmit; pstReceived = &stLocRecv; pstExpire = &stLocExpire; szTimeSuffix[1] = '\0'; //" \0TC"
printf("%d.Message ID: %S, Priority: %s %s, Version: %ld, Size: %ld\n" " Flags 0x%08X\n" " %ld EnvRecipients (%ld bytes): \n", nCrt, msgInf.szMessageId, msgInf.fMsgFlags & MP_HIGH ? "High" : (msgInf.fMsgFlags & MP_NORMAL ? "Normal" : "Low"), msgInf.fMsgFlags & MP_MSG_FROZEN ? "(frozen)" : "", msgInf.dwVersion, msgInf.cbMessageSize, msgInf.fMsgFlags, msgInf.cEnvRecipients, msgInf.cbEnvRecipients);
//spit out recipients
wszCurrent = msgInf.mszEnvRecipients; while (wszCurrent && *wszCurrent) { printf("\t%S\n", wszCurrent); while (*wszCurrent) wszCurrent++; wszCurrent++; }
//print error if msgInf.mszEnvRecipients is malformed
if ((1+wszCurrent-msgInf.mszEnvRecipients)*sizeof(WCHAR) != msgInf.cbEnvRecipients) { printf("\tERROR mszEnvRecipients malformatted (found %ld instead of %ld bytes)\n", (wszCurrent-msgInf.mszEnvRecipients)*sizeof(WCHAR), msgInf.cbEnvRecipients); }
printf(" %ld Recipients: %S\n" " %ld Cc recipients: %S\n" " %ld Bcc recipients: %S\n" " Sender: %S\n" " Subject: %S\n" " Submitted: %d/%d/%d at %d:%02d:%02d:%03d%s\n" " Received: %d/%d/%d at %d:%02d:%02d:%03d%s\n" " Expires: %d/%d/%d at %d:%02d:%02d:%03d%s\n" " %ld Failed Delivery attempts\n", msgInf.cRecipients, msgInf.szRecipients, msgInf.cCCRecipients, msgInf.szCCRecipients, msgInf.cBCCRecipients, msgInf.szBCCRecipients, msgInf.szSender, msgInf.szSubject, pstSubmit->wMonth, pstSubmit->wDay, pstSubmit->wYear, pstSubmit->wHour, pstSubmit->wMinute, pstSubmit->wSecond, pstSubmit->wMilliseconds, szTimeSuffix, pstReceived->wMonth, pstReceived->wDay, pstReceived->wYear, pstReceived->wHour, pstReceived->wMinute, pstReceived->wSecond, pstReceived->wMilliseconds, szTimeSuffix, pstExpire->wMonth, pstExpire->wDay, pstExpire->wYear, pstExpire->wHour, pstExpire->wMinute, pstExpire->wSecond, pstExpire->wMilliseconds, szTimeSuffix, msgInf.cFailures); }
// Method: PInfo()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
void CAQAdminCli::PInfo(int nCrt, QUEUE_INFO queueInf) { printf( "%d.Name: %S, Version: %ld, No. of messages: %ld\n" " Link name: %S, Volume: %ld\n", nCrt, queueInf.szQueueName, queueInf.dwVersion, queueInf.cMessages, queueInf.szLinkName, queueInf.cbQueueVolume); }
// Method: PInfo()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
void CAQAdminCli::PInfo(int nCrt, LINK_INFO linkInf) { // convert the UTC time to local time
SYSTEMTIME stLocNextConn, stLocOldest; BOOL res; char *pszFormat, *pszState; SYSTEMTIME *pstNext, *pstOld; char szSupportedLinkActions[50] = "";
if (linkInf.fStateFlags & LI_ACTIVE ) pszState = "Active"; else if (linkInf.fStateFlags & LI_READY) pszState = "Ready"; else if (linkInf.fStateFlags & LI_RETRY) pszState = "Retry"; else if (linkInf.fStateFlags & LI_SCHEDULED) pszState = "Scheduled"; else if (linkInf.fStateFlags & LI_REMOTE) pszState = "Remote"; else if (linkInf.fStateFlags & LI_FROZEN) pszState = "Frozen"; else pszState = "Unknown";
if (linkInf.dwSupportedLinkActions & LA_FREEZE) strcpy(szSupportedLinkActions, "Freeze"); if (linkInf.dwSupportedLinkActions & LA_THAW) strcat(szSupportedLinkActions, " Thaw"); if (linkInf.dwSupportedLinkActions & LA_KICK) strcat(szSupportedLinkActions, " Kick");
if (!szSupportedLinkActions[0]) strcpy(szSupportedLinkActions, "Link can only be viewed.");
res = SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &linkInf.stNextScheduledConnection, &stLocNextConn); res = res && SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &linkInf.stOldestMessage, &stLocOldest);
if(res) { pszFormat = "%d.Name: %S, Version: %ld\n" " No. of messages: %ld, State: %s [0x%08X], Volume: %ld\n" " Next scheduled connection: %d/%d/%d at %d:%02d:%02d:%03d\n" " Oldest message: %d/%d/%d at %d:%02d:%02d:%03d\n" " Supported Link Actions: %s\n" " Link Diagnostic: %S\n"; pstNext = &stLocNextConn; pstOld = &stLocOldest; } else { pszFormat = "%d.Name: %S, Version: %ld\n" " No. of messages: %ld, State: %s [0x%08X], Volume: %ld\n" " Next scheduled connection: %d/%d/%d at %d:%02d:%02d:%03d UTC\n" " Oldest message: %d/%d/%d at %d:%02d:%02d:%03d UTC\n" " Supported Link Actions: %s\n" " Link Diagnostic: %S\n"; pstNext = &linkInf.stNextScheduledConnection; pstOld = &linkInf.stOldestMessage; } printf(pszFormat, nCrt, linkInf.szLinkName, linkInf.dwVersion, linkInf.cMessages, pszState, linkInf.fStateFlags, linkInf.cbLinkVolume.LowPart, pstNext->wMonth, pstNext->wDay, pstNext->wYear, pstNext->wHour, pstNext->wMinute, pstNext->wSecond, pstNext->wMilliseconds, pstOld->wMonth, pstOld->wDay, pstOld->wYear, pstOld->wHour, pstOld->wMinute, pstOld->wSecond, pstOld->wMilliseconds, szSupportedLinkActions, linkInf.szExtendedStateInfo); }
// Method: GetMsg()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::GetMsg(IN IAQEnumMessages *pMsgEnum, OUT IAQMessage **ppMsg, IN OUT MESSAGE_INFO *pMsgInf) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cFetched;
hr = pMsgEnum->Next(1, ppMsg, &cFetched); if(hr == S_FALSE) { goto Exit; } else if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("pMsgEnum->Next failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; } else if(NULL == (*ppMsg)) { printf("pMsg is NULL.\n", hr); goto Exit; } else { ZeroMemory(pMsgInf, sizeof(MESSAGE_INFO)); pMsgInf->dwVersion = CURRENT_QUEUE_ADMIN_VERSION; hr = (*ppMsg)->GetInfo(pMsgInf); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("pMsg->GetInfo failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; } }
Exit: return hr; }
// Method: GetQueue()
// Member of: CAQAdminCli
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_FALSE - no more links
// S_OK - success
// Description: Caller must allocate pQueueInf
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::GetQueue(IN IEnumLinkQueues *pQueueEnum, OUT ILinkQueue **ppQueue, IN OUT QUEUE_INFO *pQueueInf) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cFetched;
if (NULL == pQueueEnum) return S_FALSE;
hr = pQueueEnum->Next(1, ppQueue, &cFetched); if(hr == S_FALSE) { goto Exit; } else if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("pQueueEnum->Next failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; } else if(NULL == (*ppQueue)) { printf("pQueue is NULL.\n", hr); goto Exit; } else { ZeroMemory(pQueueInf, sizeof(QUEUE_INFO)); pQueueInf->dwVersion = CURRENT_QUEUE_ADMIN_VERSION; hr = (*ppQueue)->GetInfo(pQueueInf); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("pQueue->GetInfo failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; } }
Exit: return hr; }
// Method: GetLink()
// Member of: CAQAdminCli
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_FALSE - no more links
// S_OK - success
// Description: Caller must allocate pLinkInf
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::GetLink(IN IEnumVSAQLinks *pLinkEnum, OUT IVSAQLink **ppLink, IN OUT LINK_INFO *pLinkInf) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cFetched;
hr = pLinkEnum->Next(1, ppLink, &cFetched); if(hr == S_FALSE) { goto Exit; } else if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("pLinkEnum->Next failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; } else if(NULL == (*ppLink)) { printf("pLink is NULL.\n", hr); goto Exit; } else { ZeroMemory(pLinkInf, sizeof(LINK_INFO)); pLinkInf->dwVersion = CURRENT_QUEUE_ADMIN_VERSION; hr = (*ppLink)->GetInfo(pLinkInf); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("pLink->GetInfo failed with 0x%x\n", hr); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) == hr) printf("RPC Server Unavailable.\n"); else if ( hr == E_POINTER ) printf("Null pointer.\n"); else if ( hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY ) printf("Out of memory.\n"); else if ( hr == E_INVALIDARG ) printf("Invalid argument.\n"); else printf("Unknown error.\n"); goto Exit; } }
Exit: return hr; }
// Method: ~CAQAdminCli()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
CAQAdminCli::~CAQAdminCli() { if(NULL != m_pFilterCmd) delete (CCmdInfo*) m_pFilterCmd; if(NULL != m_pActionCmd) delete (CCmdInfo*) m_pActionCmd; }
// Method: Cleanup()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
void CAQAdminCli::Cleanup() { if(m_pAdmin) m_pAdmin->Release(); if(m_pVS) m_pVS->Release(); }
// Method: CAQAdminCli()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
CAQAdminCli::CAQAdminCli() { m_pAdmin = NULL; m_pVS = NULL; m_dwDispFlags = (DispFlags) (DF_LINK | DF_QUEUE | DF_MSG); m_pFilterCmd = NULL; m_pActionCmd = NULL; m_fUseMTA = FALSE; }
// Method: StopAllLinks()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::StopAllLinks() { HRESULT hr;
hr = m_pVS->StopAllLinks(); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("m_pAdmin->StopAllLinks failed with 0x%x\n", hr); } else printf("StopAllLinks succeeded\n", hr);
return hr; }
// Method: StartAllLinks()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::StartAllLinks() { HRESULT hr;
hr = m_pVS->StartAllLinks(); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("StartAllLinks failed with 0x%x\n", hr); } else printf("StartAllLinks succeeded\n", hr);
return hr; }
// Method: GetGlobalLinkState()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::GetGlobalLinkState() { HRESULT hr;
hr = m_pVS->GetGlobalLinkState(); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("GetGlobalLinkState failed with 0x%x\n", hr); } else if (S_OK == hr) { printf("Links UP\n"); } else { printf("Links STOPPED by admin\n"); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::MessageAction(MESSAGE_FILTER *pFilter, MESSAGE_ACTION action) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cMsgs = 0;
hr = ApplyActionToMessages(m_pVS, pFilter, action, &cMsgs); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("m_pAdmin->ApplyActionToMessages failed with 0x%x\n", hr); } else printf("ApplyActionToMessages succeeded on %d Messages\n", cMsgs);
return hr; }
// Method: Help()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
void CAQAdminCli::Help() { puts( "\n Commands:\n" "====================\n" "setserver [sn] [,vs=VSnumber] - sets the server to administer. Default is localhost,\n" " first virtual server\n" "linkinfo [ln,ln,...] - prints link information for specified links or\n" " for all links (no arguments)\n" "queueinfo [ln,ln,...] - prints queue information for specified links or\n" " for all links (no arguments)\n" "msginfo [qn,qn,...,] eflt - prints message information for specified queues or\n" " for all queues (no 'qn' arguments)\n" "delmsg [qn,qn,...,] flt - deletes messages from specified queues or\n" " from all queues (no 'qn' arguments)\n" "msgaction mac, flt - applies msg. action to specified messages\n" "linkaction ln [,ln,...], lac - applies link action to specified links\n" " [, mac, flt] if action is \"MSGACTION\", must specify mac and flt\n" "queueaction qn [,qn,...], qac - applies queue action to specified queues\n" " [, mac, flt] if action is \"MSGACTION\", must specify mac and flt\n" "stopalllinks - stops all the links\n" "startalllinks - starts all the links\n" "checklinks - checks the global status of the links\n" "freezelink ln [,ln,...] - freezes the specified links\n" "meltlink ln [,ln,...] - un-freezes the specified links\n" "kicklink ln [,ln,...] - kicks (forces a connect) for the specified links\n" "useMTA - uses the MTA AQ administrator\n" "useSMTP - uses the SMTP AQ administrator\n" "?, help - this help\n" "quit - exits the program\n" "!cmd - executes shell command 'cmd'\n" "\nwhere\n\n" "ln = link name\n" "qn = queue name\n" "sn = server name\n" "mac = \"ma=<action>\" message action. Actions are: \"DEL\"|\"DEL_S\"|\"FREEZE\"|\"THAW\"|\"COUNT\"\n" "lac = \"la=<action>\" link action. Actions: \"KICK\"|\"FREEZE\"|\"THAW\"|\"MSGACTION\"\n" "qac = \"qa=<action>\" queue action. Actions: \"MSGACTION\"\n" "eflt = \"token,token,...\" msg. enum. filter. Following tokens are suported:\n" " \"ft=<flags>\" Flags are: \"FIRST_N\"|\"OLDER\"|\"OLDEST\"|\"LARGER\"|\"LARGEST\"|\"NOT\"|\"SENDER\"|\"RCPT\"|\"ALL\"\n" " (filter type. Flags can be or'ed)\n" " \"mn=<number>\" (number of messages)\n" " \"ms=<number>\" (message size)\n" " \"md=<date>\" (message date mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss:mil [UTC])\n" " \"sk=<number>\" (skip messages)\n" " \"msndr=<string>\" (message sender)\n" " \"mrcpt=<string>\" (message recipient)\n" "flt = \"token,token,...\" msg. filter. Following tokens are suported:\n" " \"flags=<flags>\" Flags are: \"MSGID\"|\"SENDER\"|\"RCPT\"|\"SIZE\"|\"TIME\"|\"FROZEN\"|\"NOT\"|\"ALL\"\n" " (filter flags. Flags can be or'ed)\n" " \"id=<string>\" (message id as shown by msginfo)\n" " \"sender=<string>\" (the sender of the message)\n" " \"rcpt=<string>\" (the recipient of the message)\n" " \"size=<number>\" (the minimum message size)\n" " \"date=<date>\" (oldest message date mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss:mil [UTC])\n" ); }
// Method: Init()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::Init() { HRESULT hr;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AQAdmin, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IAQAdmin, (void **) &m_pAdmin); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("CoCreateInstance failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; }
hr = m_pAdmin->GetVirtualServerAdminITF(NULL, L"1", &m_pVS); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("GetVirtualServerAdminITF failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; } Exit: return hr; }
// Method: Init()
// Member of:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Description:
HRESULT CAQAdminCli::UseMTA(BOOL fUseMTA) { HRESULT hr; IAQAdmin *pAdminTmp = NULL;
// don't release the old one unless you can create the new one.
if(fUseMTA) hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MAQAdmin, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IAQAdmin, (void **) &pAdminTmp); else hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AQAdmin, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IAQAdmin, (void **) &pAdminTmp); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("CoCreateInstance failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; } else { if(NULL != m_pAdmin) { m_pAdmin->Release(); m_pAdmin = NULL; }
m_pAdmin = pAdminTmp; m_fUseMTA = fUseMTA;
printf("AQ Admin is %s.\n", fUseMTA ? "MTA" : "SMTP"); }
hr = m_pAdmin->GetVirtualServerAdminITF(NULL, L"1", &m_pVS); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("GetVirtualServerAdminITF failed with 0x%x\n", hr); goto Exit; } Exit: return hr; }
HRESULT ExecuteCmd(CAQAdminCli& Admcli, LPSTR szCmd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fQuit = FALSE;
// see if it's a system command
if(szCmd[0] == '!') { system(szCmd + 1); goto Exit; }
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd = new CCmdInfo(szCmd); if(NULL == Admcli.m_pFilterCmd) { printf("Cannot allocate command info.\n"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "quit")) { fQuit = TRUE; goto Exit; } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "freezelink")) { // set default tag to 'ln'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("ln"); // check there's at least one link name
hr = Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("ln", NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must have at least one link name\n"); } else { Admcli.m_pActionCmd = new CCmdInfo("FREEZE"); Admcli.PrintLinkInfo(); delete (CCmdInfo*) Admcli.m_pActionCmd; Admcli.m_pActionCmd = NULL; } } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "meltlink")) { // set default tag to 'ln'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("ln"); // check there's at least one link name
hr = Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("ln", NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must have at least one link name\n"); } else { Admcli.m_pActionCmd = new CCmdInfo("THAW"); Admcli.PrintLinkInfo(); delete (CCmdInfo*) Admcli.m_pActionCmd; Admcli.m_pActionCmd = NULL; } } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "kicklink")) { // set default tag to 'ln'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("ln"); // check there's at least one link name
hr = Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("ln", NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must have at least one link name\n"); } else { Admcli.m_pActionCmd = new CCmdInfo("KICK"); Admcli.PrintLinkInfo(); delete (CCmdInfo*) Admcli.m_pActionCmd; Admcli.m_pActionCmd = NULL; } } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "linkaction")) { char buf[64];
// set default tag to 'ln'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("ln"); // check there's at least one link name
hr = Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("ln", NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must have at least one link name\n"); } else { // check there's an action
hr = Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("la", buf); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must have a link action\n"); } else { Admcli.m_pActionCmd = new CCmdInfo(buf); Admcli.PrintLinkInfo(); delete (CCmdInfo*) Admcli.m_pActionCmd; Admcli.m_pActionCmd = NULL; } } } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "queueaction")) { char buf[64];
// set default tag to 'ln'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("qn"); // check there's at least one link name
hr = Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("qn", NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must have at least one queue name\n"); } else { // check there's an action
hr = Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("qa", buf); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must have a queue action\n"); } else { Admcli.m_pActionCmd = new CCmdInfo(buf); Admcli.PrintQueueInfo(); delete (CCmdInfo*) Admcli.m_pActionCmd; Admcli.m_pActionCmd = NULL; } } } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "linkinfo")) { //Admcli.m_dwDispFlags = CAQAdminCli::DF_LINK;
// set default tag to 'ln'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("ln"); Admcli.m_pActionCmd = new CCmdInfo("LINK_INFO"); Admcli.PrintLinkInfo(); delete (CCmdInfo*) Admcli.m_pActionCmd; Admcli.m_pActionCmd = NULL; } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "queueinfo")) { //Admcli.m_dwDispFlags = CAQAdminCli::DF_QUEUE;
// set default tag to 'ln'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("ln"); Admcli.m_pActionCmd = new CCmdInfo("QUEUE_INFO"); Admcli.PrintQueueInfo(); delete (CCmdInfo*) Admcli.m_pActionCmd; Admcli.m_pActionCmd = NULL; } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "msginfo")) { //Admcli.m_dwDispFlags = CAQAdminCli::DF_MSG;
// set default tag to 'qn'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("qn"); Admcli.m_pActionCmd = new CCmdInfo("MSG_INFO"); Admcli.PrintMsgInfo(); delete (CCmdInfo*) Admcli.m_pActionCmd; Admcli.m_pActionCmd = NULL; } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "delmsg")) { // set default tag to 'qn'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("qn"); Admcli.m_pActionCmd = new CCmdInfo("DEL_MSG"); Admcli.PrintMsgInfo(); delete (CCmdInfo*) Admcli.m_pActionCmd; Admcli.m_pActionCmd = NULL; } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "useMTA")) { Admcli.UseMTA(TRUE); } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "useSMTP")) { Admcli.UseMTA(FALSE); } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "msgaction")) { MESSAGE_ACTION Action; MESSAGE_FILTER Filter; char buf[64]; BOOL fActOK = TRUE; ZeroMemory(buf, sizeof(buf));
// set default tag to 'ma'
Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("ma"); Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("ma", buf);
// set the action
hr = Admcli.SetMsgAction(&Action, Admcli.m_pFilterCmd); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("Error: must specify an action\n"); fActOK = FALSE; }
if(fActOK) { // set the filter
hr = Admcli.SetMsgFilter(&Filter, Admcli.m_pFilterCmd); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Admcli.MessageAction(&Filter, Action); } Admcli.FreeStruct(&Filter); } } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "stopalllinks")) { Admcli.StopAllLinks(); } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "startalllinks")) { Admcli.StartAllLinks(); } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "setserver")) { char buf[MAX_SERVER_NAME]; char vsn[32]; char *pServer = NULL; Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->SetDefTag("sn"); hr = Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("sn", buf); if(FAILED(hr)) pServer = NULL; else pServer = (LPSTR)buf;
hr = Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->GetValue("vs", vsn); if(FAILED(hr)) lstrcpy(vsn, "1"); hr = Admcli.SetServer(pServer, (LPSTR)vsn); if(FAILED(hr)) printf("setserver failed. Using the old server.\n"); else printf("setserver succeeded.\n"); } else if (!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "checklinks")) { Admcli.GetGlobalLinkState(); } else if(!lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "?") || !lstrcmpi(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd->szCmdKey, "help")) { Admcli.Help(); } else { puts("Unknown command. Type '?' for on-line help"); } if(Admcli.m_pFilterCmd) { delete Admcli.m_pFilterCmd; Admcli.m_pFilterCmd = NULL; }
Exit: // S_FALSE means "quit" for the main command loop. Return S_OK
// (or error) unless fQuit is true
if(fQuit) return S_FALSE; else if(S_FALSE == hr) return S_OK; else return hr; }
int __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { HRESULT hr; char szCmd[4096]; char szCmdTmp[MAX_CMD_LEN]; CAQAdminCli Admcli; hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if(FAILED(hr)) { printf("CoInitializeEx failed w/ 0x%x\n", hr); return hr; }
hr = Admcli.Init(); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; }
// check if we have cmd line commands
if(argc > 1) { for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(!lstrcmpi(argv[i], "-?") || !lstrcmpi(argv[i], "/?")) { Admcli.Help(); goto Exit; } else { // this is a command
ZeroMemory(szCmd, sizeof(szCmd)); if(argv[i][0] == '\"' && argv[i][lstrlen(argv[i])-1] == '\"') { // strip quotes
CopyMemory(szCmd, argv[i]+1, lstrlen(argv[i])-2); } else CopyMemory(szCmd, argv[i], lstrlen(argv[i]));
ExecuteCmd(Admcli, szCmd); } }
goto Exit; }
puts("\nAQ administrator tool v 1.0\nType '?' or 'help' for list of commands.\n"); while(TRUE) { char *cmd = NULL; printf(">"); ZeroMemory(szCmd, sizeof(szCmd)); if(!Admcli.m_fUseMTA) { szCmd[0] = 127; cmd = _cgets(szCmd); } else { // read line by line until CRLF.CRLF
do { ZeroMemory(szCmdTmp, sizeof(szCmdTmp)); szCmdTmp[0] = 127; cmd = _cgets(szCmdTmp); if(!lstrcmp(cmd, ".")) break; lstrcat(szCmd, cmd); } while(TRUE); cmd = szCmd; } hr = ExecuteCmd(Admcli, cmd); if(S_FALSE == hr) break; } Exit: Admcli.Cleanup(); CoUninitialize();
return hr; }
#include "aqadmin.c"