// Copyright (C) 1998, Microsoft Corporation
// File: ccataddr.h
// Contents: Definition of the CCatAddr class
// Classes: CCatAddr
// Functions:
// History:
// jstamerj 980324 19:08:13: Created.
#ifndef __CCATADDR_H__
#define __CCATADDR_H__
#include <transmem.h>
#include <smtpinet.h>
#include "smtpevent.h"
#include "idstore.h"
#include "mailmsg.h"
#include "mailmsgprops.h"
#include "cattype.h"
#include "spinlock.h"
#include "ccat.h"
#include "icatitem.h"
#include "icatlistresolve.h"
// CCatAddr: abstract base class
// The basic idea is this object which will contain the address,
// address type, properties on this address, and the completion
// routine to call when all properties have been looked up. It is
// the object that will be created by CAddressBook and passed to the
// store for resolution.
class CCatAddr : public CICategorizerItemIMP { public: typedef enum _ADDROBJTYPE { OBJT_UNKNOWN, OBJT_USER, OBJT_DL } ADDROBJTYPE, *PADDROBJTYPE;
// Flags describing the locality of the orig address
#define LOCF_UNKNOWN 0x0000 // We haven't checked the locality yet
#define LOCF_LOCALMAILBOX 0x0001 // The orig address is a local mailbox domain
#define LOCF_LOCALDROP 0x0002 // The orig address is a local drop domain
#define LOCF_REMOTE 0x0004 // The orig address is not local
#define LOCF_ALIAS 0x0008 // The orig address is a local alias domain
#define LOCF_UNKNOWNTYPE 0x0010 // Unknown due to the address type
// Flags that indicate the address should generally be treated as local
CCatAddr(CICategorizerListResolveIMP *pCICatListResolveIMP); virtual ~CCatAddr();
// Send our query to the store
virtual HRESULT HrDispatchQuery();
// Lookup routine called by the EmailIDStore
virtual VOID LookupCompletion();
// ProcessItem routines
virtual HRESULT HrProcessItem(); virtual HRESULT HrProcessItem_Default();
// ExpandItem routines
virtual HRESULT HrExpandItem(); virtual HRESULT HrExpandItem_Default( PFN_EXPANDITEMCOMPLETION pfnCompletion, PVOID pContext) = 0;
// CompleteItem routines
virtual HRESULT HrCompleteItem(); virtual HRESULT HrCompleteItem_Default() = 0;
// Storage and retreival procedures
virtual HRESULT HrGetOrigAddress(LPTSTR psz, DWORD dwcc, CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE *pType); virtual HRESULT GetSpecificOrigAddress(CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType, LPTSTR psz, DWORD dwcc) = 0; virtual HRESULT HrGetLookupAddress(LPTSTR psz, DWORD dwcc, CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE *pType); virtual HRESULT HrAddAddresses(DWORD dwNumAddresses, CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE *rgCAType, LPTSTR *rgpsz) = 0;
// Property setting routines to be called before completion routine
virtual HRESULT AddForward(CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType, LPTSTR szForwardingAddress) = 0; virtual HRESULT AddDLMember(CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType, LPTSTR pszAddress) = 0; virtual HRESULT AddDynamicDLMember( ICategorizerItemAttributes *pICatItemAttr) = 0;
// We will not know that a particular CCatAddr is the first in a
// loop until after ProcessItem/ExpandItem/CompleteItem have all
// finished -- so this function may be called after everything
// has happened to this CCatAddr
virtual HRESULT HandleLoopHead() { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// The default implementation of AddNewAddress will call this if
// HrValidateAddress fails
virtual HRESULT HrHandleInvalidAddress() { return S_OK; } //
// For store assisted DL expansion (paged or dynamic), it will
// call this function to indicate a particular attribute should be
// expanded in an ICatItemAttributes
virtual HRESULT HrExpandAttribute( ICategorizerItemAttributes *pICatItemAttr, CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType, LPSTR pszAttributeName, PDWORD pdwNumberMembers) { return E_NOTIMPL; } //
// Check and see if this object needs to be resolved or not (based
// on DsUseCat flags)
// Returns S_OK if the address should be resolved
// Returns S_FALSE if the address should NOT be resolved
virtual HRESULT HrNeedsResolveing() = 0; //
// Resolve this object if necessary (based on DsUseCat flags)
virtual HRESULT HrResolveIfNecessary();
// Build a query for this object
virtual HRESULT HrTriggerBuildQuery();
protected: HRESULT HrValidateAddress(CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType, LPTSTR pszAddress); HRESULT HrGetAddressLocFlags(LPTSTR szAddress, CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType, DWORD *pdwlocflags, DWORD *pdwDomainOffset); DWORD DwGetOrigAddressLocFlags(); HRESULT HrIsOrigAddressLocal(BOOL *pfLocal); HRESULT HrIsOrigAddressLocalMailbox(BOOL *pfLocal); HRESULT HrGetSMTPDomainLocFlags(LPTSTR pszDomain, DWORD *pdwlocflags); HRESULT HrGetSMTPDomainFlags(LPTSTR pszDomain, PDWORD pdwFlags); HRESULT HrSwitchToAliasedDomain(CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType, LPTSTR szSMTPAddress, DWORD dwcch); LPTSTR GetNewAddress(CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType);
HRESULT CheckAncestorsForDuplicate( CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE CAType, LPTSTR pszAddress, BOOL fCheckSelf, CCatAddr **ppCCatAddrDup);
HRESULT CheckAncestorsForDuplicate( DWORD dwNumAddresses, CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE *rgCAType, LPTSTR *rgpsz, BOOL fCheckSelf, CCatAddr **ppCCatAddrDup);
HRESULT CheckForDuplicateCCatAddr( DWORD dwNumAddresses, CAT_ADDRESS_TYPE *rgCAType, LPTSTR *rgpsz);
HRESULT HrAddNewAddressesFromICatItemAttr();
static HRESULT HrBuildQueryDefault( HRESULT HrStatus, PVOID pContext);
HRESULT HrComposeLdapFilter();
HRESULT HrComposeLdapFilterForType( DWORD dwSearchAttribute, DWORD dwSearchFilter, LPTSTR pszAddress);
HRESULT HrComposeLdapFilterFromPair( LPTSTR pszSearchAttribute, LPTSTR pszAttributeValue);
HRESULT HrFormatAttributeValue( LPTSTR pszAddress, DWORD dwSearchFilter, LPTSTR pszAttributeValue);
static HRESULT HrConvertDNtoRDN( LPTSTR pszDN, LPTSTR pszRDNAttribute, LPTSTR pszRDN);
HRESULT HrEscapeFilterString( LPSTR pszSrc, DWORD dwcchDest, LPSTR pszDest);
// Get the parent CCatAddr (if any)
HRESULT GetParentAddr( CCatAddr **ppParent) { HRESULT hr; ICategorizerItem *pItem;
// Get the parent ICatItem
hr = GetICategorizerItem( ICATEGORIZERITEM_PARENT, &pItem);
if(FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Get CCatAddr from ICatItem
hr = pItem->GetPVoid( m_pCICatListResolve->GetCCategorizer()->GetICatItemCCatAddrPropId(), (PVOID *) ppParent);
// Addref this CCatAddr for our caller and release the ICatItem parent
// interface
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { (*ppParent)->AddRef(); } pItem->Release();
return hr; }
HRESULT SetMailMsgCatStatus( IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProps, HRESULT hrStatus) { return m_pCICatListResolve->SetMailMsgCatStatus( pIMailMsgProps, hrStatus); }
HRESULT SetListResolveStatus( HRESULT hrStatus) { return m_pCICatListResolve->SetListResolveStatus( hrStatus); }
HRESULT GetListResolveStatus() { return m_pCICatListResolve->GetListResolveStatus(); }
// Inline methods to retrieve ICategorizerItem Props
CCategorizer *GetCCategorizer() { return m_pCICatListResolve->GetCCategorizer(); }
ICategorizerParameters *GetICatParams() { return GetCCategorizer()->GetICatParams(); }
ISMTPServer *GetISMTPServer() { return m_pCICatListResolve->GetISMTPServer(); } ISMTPServerEx *GetISMTPServerEx() { return m_pCICatListResolve->GetISMTPServerEx(); } LPRESOLVE_LIST_CONTEXT GetResolveListContext() { return m_pCICatListResolve->GetResolveListContext(); }
DWORD GetCatFlags() { return GetCCategorizer()->GetCatFlags(); } VOID SetSenderResolved(BOOL fResolved) { m_pCICatListResolve->SetSenderResolved(fResolved); } VOID SetResolvingSender(BOOL fResolving) { m_pCICatListResolve->SetResolvingSender(fResolving); } BOOL IsSenderResolveFinished() { return m_pCICatListResolve->IsSenderResolveFinished(); } PCATPERFBLOCK GetPerfBlock() { return m_pCICatListResolve->GetPerfBlock(); } VOID IncPendingLookups() { m_pCICatListResolve->IncPendingLookups(); } VOID DecrPendingLookups() { m_pCICatListResolve->DecrPendingLookups(); } VOID GetStoreInsertionContext() { m_pCICatListResolve->GetStoreInsertionContext(); } VOID ReleaseStoreInsertionContext() { m_pCICatListResolve->ReleaseStoreInsertionContext(); } HRESULT HrInsertInsertionRequest( CInsertionRequest *pCInsertionRequest) { return m_pCICatListResolve->HrInsertInsertionRequest( pCInsertionRequest); }
// Member data
CICategorizerListResolveIMP *m_pCICatListResolve; DWORD m_dwlocFlags; DWORD m_dwDomainOffset; LIST_ENTRY m_listentry;
// Any of these flags set indicates that the domain is local and
// addresses in this domain should be found in the DS
// (these are flags returned form IAdvQueueDomainType)
friend HRESULT MailTransport_Default_ProcessItem( HRESULT hrStatus, PVOID pContext); friend HRESULT MailTransport_Default_ExpandItem( HRESULT hrStatus, PVOID pContext); friend VOID MailTransport_DefaultCompletion_ExpandItem( PVOID pContext); friend HRESULT MailTransport_Completion_ExpandItem( HRESULT hrStatus, PVOID pContext); friend HRESULT MailTransport_Default_CompleteItem( HRESULT hrStatus, PVOID pContext);
friend class CSinkInsertionRequest; };
#endif // __CCATADDDR_H__