// Copyright (C) 1998, Microsoft Corporation
// File: icatasync.cpp
// Contents: Implementation of CICategorizerAsyncContextIMP
// Classes: CICategorizerAsyncContextIMP
// Functions:
// History:
// jstamerj 1998/07/16 11:25:20: Created.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "simparray.cpp"
// Function: QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Returns pointer to this object for IUnknown and ICategorizerAsyncContext
// Arguments:
// iid -- interface ID
// ppv -- pvoid* to fill in with pointer to interface
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// E_NOINTERFACE: Don't support that interface
// History:
// jstamerj 980612 14:07:57: Created.
STDMETHODIMP CICategorizerAsyncContextIMP::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv) { *ppv = NULL;
if(iid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = (LPVOID) this; } else if (iid == IID_ICategorizerAsyncContext) { *ppv = (LPVOID) this; } else { return E_NOINTERFACE; } AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// Function: AddRef
// Synopsis: adds a reference to this object
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: New reference count
// History:
// jstamerj 980611 20:07:14: Created.
ULONG CICategorizerAsyncContextIMP::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&m_cRef); }
// Function: Release
// Synopsis: releases a reference, deletes this object when the
// refcount hits zero.
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: New reference count
// History:
// jstamerj 980611 20:07:33: Created.
ULONG CICategorizerAsyncContextIMP::Release() { LONG lNewRefCount; lNewRefCount = InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&m_cRef); return lNewRefCount; }
// Function: CICategorizerAsyncContext::CompleteQuery
// Synopsis: Accept async completion from a sink
// Arguments:
// pvQueryContext: pvoid query context (really a PEVENTPARAMS_SENDQUERY)
// hrResolutionStatus: S_OK unless there was an error talking to DS
// dwcResults: The number of ICategorizerItemAttributes returned
// rgpItemAttributes: Array of pointers to the ICategorizerItemAttributes
// fFinalCompletion:
// FALSE: This is a completion for
// pending results; there will be another completion
// called with more results
// TRUE: This is the final completion call
// Returns:
// S_OK: Success
// History:
// jstamerj 1998/07/16 11:27:47: Created.
STDMETHODIMP CICategorizerAsyncContextIMP::CompleteQuery( IN PVOID pvQueryContext, IN HRESULT hrResolutionStatus, IN DWORD dwcResults, IN ICategorizerItemAttributes **rgpItemAttributes, IN BOOL fFinalCompletion) { HRESULT hr; PEVENTPARAMS_CATSENDQUERY pParams; CSearchRequestBlock *pBlock;
CatFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CICategorizerAsyncContextIMP::CompleteQuery");
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "hrResolutionStatus is %08lx", hrResolutionStatus); DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "dwcResults for this sink is %ld", dwcResults); DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "fFinalCompletion is %d", fFinalCompletion);
pParams = (PEVENTPARAMS_CATSENDQUERY)pvQueryContext; pBlock = (CSearchRequestBlock *) pParams->pblk;
// If the old hrResolutionStatus (saved in pParams) indicates failure, don't do any more work
if(SUCCEEDED(pParams->hrResolutionStatus)) {
hr = hrResolutionStatus;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && (dwcResults > 0) && (rgpItemAttributes)) { //
// Add the new array of ICatItemAttrs to the existing array
hr = pBlock->AddResults( dwcResults, rgpItemAttributes); if(FAILED(hr)) { ERROR_LOG("pBlock->AddResults"); } }
if(FAILED(hr)) { //
// Remember something failed in pParams
pParams->hrResolutionStatus = hr; ERROR_LOG("--async--"); } }
if(fFinalCompletion) {
if((pParams->pIMailTransportNotify) && FAILED(pParams->hrResolutionStatus)) {
ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Stoping resoltion, error encountered: %08ld", pParams->hrResolutionStatus); //
// If the resolution sink is indicating an error, set the error
// and return S_FALSE to the SEO dispatcher so that it will stop
// calling resolve sinks (we're going to fail now anyway, after
// all)
hr = pParams->pIMailTransportNotify->Notify( S_FALSE, pParams->pvNotifyContext);
} else {
if(pParams->pIMailTransportNotify) { //
// Call the SEO dispatcher completion routine
hr = pParams->pIMailTransportNotify->Notify( S_OK, pParams->pvNotifyContext);
} else { //
// Events are disabled; call completion directly
hr = CSearchRequestBlock::HrSendQueryCompletion( S_OK, pParams); } _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } } CatFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return S_OK; }