Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Set of functions to parse RFC 821 addresses.
Keith Lau (KeithLau) 2/17/98
Functions Exported: Revision History:
* Include Headers ************************************************************/ #include <windows.h>
#include <dbgtrace.h>
#include <addr821.hxx>
#define MAX_EMAIL_NAME 64
#define MAX_DOMAIN_NAME 250
// Quick and dirty string validation
static BOOL pValidateStringPtr(LPSTR lpwszString, DWORD dwMaxLength) { if (IsBadStringPtr((LPCTSTR)lpwszString, dwMaxLength)) return(FALSE); while (dwMaxLength--) if (*lpwszString++ == 0) return(TRUE); return(FALSE); }
// ========================================================================
// Validation Parser stuff created by KeithLau on 2/17/98
static char acOpen[] = "\"[<("; static char acClose[] = "\"]>)";
// NOTE: RFC 821 and RFC 822 versions of this function are different!!
// This function finds braces pairs in a given string, and returns
// pointers to the start and end of the first occurence of a
// [nested] pair of braces. The starting and ending character
// may be specified by the caller (starting and ending chars
// must be unique).
#define OPEN_DELIMITER 0x1
typedef struct _BYTE_BUCKET { char cClosingDelimiter; // If this is an open delimiter,
// this stores the correesponding closing
// delimiter. Not used otherwise
BYTE fFlags; // Flags, whether it is a delimiter
static char *pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence(char *lpszString, DWORD dwStringLength, char cSearch, char *lpszOpenDelimiters, char *lpszCloseDelimiters, LPBOOL lpfNotFound) { char rgcState[MAX_STATE_STACK_DEPTH]; DWORD_PTR dwState = 0; DWORD dwDelimiters = 0; DWORD i; char ch; char *lpStart = lpszString; BOOL fFallThru;
BYTE_BUCKET rgbBucket[128];
if (cSearch > 127) return(NULL);
*lpfNotFound = FALSE;
dwDelimiters = lstrlen(lpszOpenDelimiters); if (dwDelimiters != (DWORD)lstrlen(lpszCloseDelimiters)) return(NULL);
// Populate the bit bucket
ZeroMemory(rgbBucket, 128 * sizeof(BYTE_BUCKET)); for (i = 0; i < dwDelimiters; i++) { rgbBucket[lpszOpenDelimiters[i]].cClosingDelimiter = lpszCloseDelimiters[i]; rgbBucket[lpszOpenDelimiters[i]].fFlags |= OPEN_DELIMITER; rgbBucket[lpszCloseDelimiters[i]].fFlags |= CLOSE_DELIMITER; }
// dwState is the stack of unmatched open delimiters
while (ch = *lpStart) { if (!dwStringLength) break;
// Track the length
// See if valid ASCII
if (ch > 127) return(NULL);
// If we are not in any quotes, and the char is found,
// then we are done!
if (!dwState && (ch == cSearch)) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "Found %c at %p", ch, lpStart); return(lpStart); }
// If it is a quoted char, we can skip it and the following
// char right away ... If the char following a quote '\' is
// the terminating NULL, we have an error.
if (ch == '\\') { lpStart++; if (!*lpStart) return(NULL);
dwStringLength--; } else { // Check the close case, too
fFallThru = TRUE;
// See if we have an opening quote of any sort
if (rgbBucket[ch].fFlags & OPEN_DELIMITER) { // This is used to take care of the case when the
// open and close delimiters are the same. If it is
// an open delimiter, we do not check the close
// case unless the close delimiter is the same.
fFallThru = FALSE;
// Special case for open = close
if (dwState && rgcState[dwState-1] == ch && (rgbBucket[ch].fFlags & OPEN_AND_CLOSE_DELIMITER) == OPEN_AND_CLOSE_DELIMITER) { // Stack is not empty, top of stack contains the same
// quote, and open quote == close, this is actually a
// close quote in disguise.
fFallThru = TRUE; } else { // Push the new open quote in the stack
if (dwState == MAX_STATE_STACK_DEPTH) return(FALSE);
DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "Push[%u]: %c, looking for %c", dwState, ch, rgbBucket[ch].cClosingDelimiter); rgcState[dwState++] = rgbBucket[ch].cClosingDelimiter; } }
// See if we have a closing quote of any sort
if (fFallThru && (rgbBucket[ch].fFlags & CLOSE_DELIMITER)) { if (dwState) { // If we are closing the correct kind of quote,
// pop the stack
if (rgcState[dwState-1] == ch) { dwState--; DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "Pop[%u] %c", dwState, ch);
// Do a second check, in case we are looking
// for a close quote
if (!dwState && ch == cSearch) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "Found %c at %p", ch, lpStart); return(lpStart); } } else { // Completely wrong closing brace.
return(FALSE); } } else { // We are not in any quotes but we still see a
// closing quote, so we have reached the end of our
// current search scope!
// Note that this is considered as not found
// instead of an error
*lpfNotFound = TRUE; return(NULL); } } }
lpStart++; }
*lpfNotFound = TRUE;
TraceFunctLeave(); return(NULL); }
static inline BOOL IsCrOrLf(char ch) { return(ch == '\r' || ch == '\n'); }
static inline BOOL IsControl(char ch) { return( ((ch >= 0) && (ch <= 31)) || (ch == 127) ); }
// <special> ::= "<" | ">" | "(" | ")" | "[" | "]" | "\" | "."
// | "," | ";" | ":" | "@" """ | the control
// characters (ASCII codes 0 through 31 inclusive and
// 127)
static BOOL IsSpecial(char ch) { switch (ch) { case '(': case ')': case '<': case '>': case '@': case ',': case ':': case ';': case '\\': case '\"': case '.': case '[': case ']': return(TRUE); default: return(IsControl(ch)); } }
static BOOL pIsSpecialOrSpace(char ch) { return((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\0') || IsSpecial(ch));
// <x> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters (no exceptions)
static inline BOOL pIsX(char ch) { return(TRUE); }
// <a> ::= any one of the 52 alphabetic characters A through Z
// in upper case and a through z in lower case
static inline BOOL pIsA(char ch) { return(((ch < 'A' || ch > 'z') || (ch > 'Z' && ch < 'a'))?FALSE:TRUE); }
// <d> ::= any one of the ten digits 0 through 9
static inline BOOL pIsD(char ch) { return((ch < '0' || ch > '9')?FALSE:TRUE); }
// <c> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters, but not any
// <special> or <SP>
static inline BOOL pIsC(char ch) { return((ch == ' ' || IsSpecial(ch))?FALSE:TRUE); }
// <q> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters except <CR>,
// <LF>, quote ("), or backslash (\)
static inline BOOL pIsQ(char ch) { return((ch == '\"' || ch == '\\' || IsCrOrLf(ch))?FALSE:TRUE); }
// <number> ::= <d> | <d> <number>
static BOOL pValidateNumber(char *lpszStart, DWORD dwLength) { if (!dwLength) return(FALSE);
while (dwLength--) { if (!pIsD(*lpszStart++)) return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); }
// <dotnum> ::= <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum>
// <snum> ::= one, two, or three digits representing a decimal
// integer value in the range 0 through 255
static BOOL pValidateDotnum(char *lpszStart, DWORD dwLength) { char ch; DWORD dwSnums = 0; DWORD dwNumLength = 0; DWORD dwValue = 0;
if (!dwLength || dwLength > 15) return(FALSE);
while (dwLength--) { ch = *lpszStart++;
if (pIsD(ch)) { // Do each digit and calculate running total
dwValue *= 10; dwValue += (ch - '0'); dwNumLength++; } else if (ch == '.') { // There must be a number before each dot and
// the running total must be between 0 and 255
if (!dwNumLength) return(FALSE); if (dwValue > 255) return(FALSE);
// Reset the counter
dwSnums++; dwValue = 0; dwNumLength = 0; } else return(FALSE); }
// Do the last snum
if (!dwNumLength) return(FALSE); if (dwValue > 255) return(FALSE); dwSnums++;
// Each IP address must have 4 snums
if (dwSnums != 4) return(FALSE); return(TRUE); }
// <quoted-string> ::= """ <qtext> """
// <qtext> ::= "\" <x> | "\" <x> <qtext> | <q> | <q> <qtext>
static BOOL pValidateQuotedString(char *lpszStart, DWORD dwLength) { char ch;
// At least 3 chars
if (dwLength < 3) return(FALSE);
// Must begin and end with double quotes
if (lpszStart[0] != '\"' || lpszStart[dwLength-1] != '\"') return(FALSE);
// Factor out the quotes
dwLength -= 2; lpszStart++;
// The inside must be <qtext>
while (dwLength--) { ch = *lpszStart++;
// Each character must be either an escape pair or <q>
if (ch == '\\') { if (!dwLength) return(FALSE); dwLength--; lpszStart++; } else if (!pIsQ(ch)) return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); }
// <dot-string> ::= <string> | <string> "." <dot-string>
// <string> ::= <char> | <char> <string>
// <char> ::= <c> | "\" <x>
static BOOL pValidateDotString(char *lpszStart, DWORD dwLength) { char ch; BOOL fChar = FALSE;
if (!dwLength) return(FALSE);
while (dwLength--) { ch = *lpszStart++;
if (ch == '\\') { // Escape pair
if (!dwLength) return(FALSE); dwLength--; lpszStart++; fChar = TRUE; } else if (ch == '.') { // 1) Must not start with a dot,
// 2) Consecutive dots are not allowed
if (!fChar) return(FALSE);
// Reset the flag
fChar = FALSE; } else if (pIsC(ch)) fChar = TRUE; else return(FALSE); }
// Cannot end with a dot
if (ch == '.') return(FALSE); return(TRUE); }
// Note: Original RFC 821:
// <name> ::= <a> <ldh-str> <let-dig>
// <ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
// <let-dig> ::= <a> | <d>
// <let-dig-hyp> ::= <a> | <d> | "-"
// Our implementation:
// <name> ::= <let-dig-hyp-und> | <let-dig-hyp-und> <name>
// <let-dig-hyp-und> ::= <a> | <d> | "-" | "_"
// Reasons:
// 1) 3COM start their domains with a digit
// 2) Some customers start their domain names with underscores,
// and some comtain underscores.
static BOOL pValidateName(char *lpszStart, DWORD dwLength) { char ch;
if (!dwLength) return(FALSE);
while (dwLength--) { ch = *lpszStart++;
if (pIsA(ch) || pIsD(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '_') ; else return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); }
// <local-part> ::= <dot-string> | <quoted-string>
static BOOL pValidateLocalPart(char *lpszStart, DWORD dwLength) { if (!dwLength) return(FALSE);
return(pValidateDotString(lpszStart, dwLength) || pValidateQuotedString(lpszStart, dwLength)); }
// <element> ::= <name> | "#" <number> | "[" <dotnum> "]"
static BOOL pValidateElement(char *lpszStart, DWORD dwLength) { char ch;
if (!dwLength) return(FALSE);
ch = *lpszStart; if (ch == '#') // This is the # <number> form
return(pValidateNumber(lpszStart+1, dwLength-1)); else if (ch == '[') { if (lpszStart[dwLength-1] != ']') return(FALSE);
// This is a domain literal
return(pValidateDotnum(lpszStart+1, dwLength-2)); }
// Validate as a name
return(pValidateName(lpszStart, dwLength)); }
// sub-domain ::= let-dig *(ldh-str)
// ldh-str = *( Alpha / Digit / "-" ) let-dig
// let-dig = Alpha / Digit
static BOOL pValidateDRUMSSubDomain(char *lpszStart, DWORD dwLength) { unsigned char ch; DWORD ec; if (!dwLength) return(FALSE);
// validate all of the characters in the name
while (dwLength--) { ch = (unsigned char) *lpszStart++; // this list of characters comes from NT, dnsvldnm.doc. we
// also allow #, [, and ]
if ((ch >= 1 && ch <= 34) || (ch >= 36 && ch <= 41) || (ch == 43) || (ch == 44) || (ch == 47) || (ch >= 58 && ch <= 64) || (ch == 92) || (ch == 94) || (ch == 96) || (ch >= 123)) { return FALSE; } } //while
//We have a valid subdomain
return (TRUE); }
// ======================================================
BOOL FindNextUnquotedOccurrence(char *lpszString, DWORD dwStringLength, char cSearch, char **ppszLocation) { BOOL fNotFound = FALSE; *ppszLocation = pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence(lpszString, dwStringLength,cSearch, acOpen,acClose, &fNotFound);
if (!*ppszLocation) { // If failed but not because of not found, then bad line
if (!fNotFound) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return FALSE; } } return TRUE;
// This function extracts an email address from the given command line
// and returns the tail of the line after the address. Any angle braces
// present will be included as part of the 821 address. The returned
// address is not validated at all.
BOOL Extract821AddressFromLine( char *lpszLine, char **ppszAddress, DWORD *pdwAddressLength, char **ppszTail) { DWORD dwAddressLength = 0; char *pAddressEnd; BOOL fNotFound;
_ASSERT(lpszLine); _ASSERT(ppszAddress); _ASSERT(pdwAddressLength); _ASSERT(ppszTail);
// Initialize
*ppszAddress = lpszLine; *pdwAddressLength = 0; *ppszTail = lpszLine;
// Routine checking
if (!lpszLine || // Big enough for MAX_INTERNET_NAME + any options on mail from/rcpt to
!pValidateStringPtr(lpszLine, MAX_INTERNET_NAME + 2000) || !ppszAddress || IsBadWritePtr(ppszAddress, sizeof(char *)) || !ppszTail || IsBadWritePtr(ppszTail, sizeof(char *)) || !pdwAddressLength || IsBadWritePtr(pdwAddressLength, sizeof(DWORD))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); TraceFunctLeave(); return(FALSE); }
// Skip all leading spaces
while (*lpszLine == ' ') lpszLine++;
// The first unquoted space indicates the end of the address
pAddressEnd = pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence(lpszLine, lstrlen(lpszLine), ' ', acOpen, acClose, &fNotFound); if (!pAddressEnd) { // If failed but not because of not found, then bad line
if (!fNotFound) return(FALSE);
// Space not found, the entire line is the address
dwAddressLength = lstrlen(lpszLine); pAddressEnd = lpszLine + dwAddressLength; *ppszTail = pAddressEnd; } else { // Calculate the length
dwAddressLength = (DWORD)(pAddressEnd - lpszLine);
// Get the start of the tail, after all the spaces
while (*pAddressEnd == ' ') pAddressEnd++; *ppszTail = pAddressEnd; }
if (dwAddressLength < 1 || dwAddressLength > MAX_INTERNET_NAME) return(FALSE);
*ppszAddress = lpszLine; *pdwAddressLength = dwAddressLength;
DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "Extracted \"%*s\"", dwAddressLength, lpszLine);
TraceFunctLeave(); return(TRUE); }
// This function takes in a RFC 821 address with optional angle braces
// and extracts the canonical form of the address. All at-domain-list
// entries are removed. Angle braces will be matched and removed.
// Mismatched angle braces are considered invalid. The returned address
// will be in the <local-part> "@" <domain> form.
// There must be no leading or trailing spaces included.
// jstamerj 1999/01/13 14:02:13: Modified to remove a trailing '.' from the <domain> portion of the address
BOOL ExtractCanonical821Address( char *lpszAddress, DWORD dwAddressLength, char **ppszCanonicalAddress, DWORD *pdwCanonicalAddressLength) { char *pAddressStart; BOOL fNotFound;
_ASSERT(lpszAddress); _ASSERT(ppszCanonicalAddress); _ASSERT(pdwCanonicalAddressLength);
// Initialize
*ppszCanonicalAddress = lpszAddress; *ppszCanonicalAddress = 0;
// Routine checking
if (!lpszAddress || // Big enough for MAX_INTERNET_NAME + any options on mail from/rcpt to
!pValidateStringPtr(lpszAddress, MAX_INTERNET_NAME + 2000) || !ppszCanonicalAddress || IsBadWritePtr(ppszCanonicalAddress, sizeof(char *)) || !pdwCanonicalAddressLength || IsBadWritePtr(pdwCanonicalAddressLength, sizeof(DWORD))) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); TraceFunctLeave(); return(FALSE); }
// See how many layers of nesting we have, and match
// each pair of angle braces
while (*lpszAddress == '<') { if (!dwAddressLength--) return(FALSE);
if (lpszAddress[dwAddressLength] != '>') return(FALSE);
if (!dwAddressLength--) return(FALSE);
lpszAddress++; }
// Next, skip all at-domain-list entries and get to
// the meat of the address
do { // Skip all leading spaces
while (*lpszAddress == ' ') { lpszAddress++; if (!dwAddressLength--) return(FALSE); }
//skip all the trailing spaces
while (*(lpszAddress + dwAddressLength - 1) == ' ') { if (!dwAddressLength--) return(FALSE); }
// Initialize lest it falls through right away
pAddressStart = lpszAddress;
if (*lpszAddress == '@') { // Yep, there's a domain route there ...
// Skip it ...
pAddressStart = pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence(lpszAddress, dwAddressLength, ',', acOpen, acClose, &fNotFound); if (!pAddressStart) { if (!fNotFound) return(FALSE);
// No comma, now see if we get a semicolon
pAddressStart = pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence(lpszAddress, dwAddressLength, ':', acOpen, acClose, &fNotFound); if (!pAddressStart) { // No semicolon either, this is a bad address
return(FALSE); }
// This is a semicolon, so we break out
pAddressStart++; dwAddressLength -= (DWORD)(pAddressStart - lpszAddress); break; }
// We have a comma, we let it iterate
pAddressStart++; dwAddressLength -= (DWORD)(pAddressStart - lpszAddress);
lpszAddress = pAddressStart; } else break;
} while (dwAddressLength);
// Skip all leading spaces
while (*pAddressStart == ' ') { pAddressStart++; if (!dwAddressLength--) return(FALSE); } if((dwAddressLength > 1) && // Must be at least 2 for the address "@."
(pAddressStart[dwAddressLength-1] == '.')) { //
// jstamerj 1999/01/13 14:05:39:
// If the domain part of the address has a trailing '.', do
// not count it in the canonical length
LPSTR pDomain; BOOL fNotFound; // Find the domain
pDomain = pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence( pAddressStart, dwAddressLength - 1, '@', acOpen, acClose, &fNotFound); //
// If we found the '@' and the '.' is after the '@' (it must
// be if we really found it), then shorten the canonical
// address so that it doesn't include '.'
if((fNotFound == FALSE) && (&(pAddressStart[dwAddressLength]) > pDomain)) dwAddressLength--; }
if (dwAddressLength < 1 || dwAddressLength > MAX_INTERNET_NAME) return(FALSE);
// Fill in the output
*ppszCanonicalAddress = pAddressStart; *pdwCanonicalAddressLength = dwAddressLength;
DebugTrace((LPARAM)0, "Extracted \"%*s\"", dwAddressLength, pAddressStart);
TraceFunctLeave(); return(TRUE); }
// This function takes in a RFC 821 domain in canonical form
// and validates it according to the RFC 821 grammar
// (some modifications for real-life scenarios)
// <domain> ::= <element> | <element> "." <domain>
BOOL Validate821Domain( char *lpszDomain, DWORD dwDomainLength) { char *pSubdomainOffset; DWORD dwSubdomainLength; BOOL fNotFound;
// Routine checking
if (!lpszDomain || !pValidateStringPtr(lpszDomain, MAX_INTERNET_NAME+1)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); TraceFunctLeave(); return(FALSE); }
// Find each subdomain
do { pSubdomainOffset = pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence(lpszDomain, dwDomainLength, '.', acOpen, acClose, &fNotFound); if (!pSubdomainOffset) { if (!fNotFound) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// Not found and nothing left, domain ends with a dot, invalid.
if (!dwDomainLength) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// No domain, so email alias is all there is
dwSubdomainLength = dwDomainLength; } else { // Calculate domain parameters
dwSubdomainLength = (DWORD)(pSubdomainOffset - lpszDomain);
// Adjust for the dot
dwDomainLength--; }
// Cannot allow leading dot or consecutive dots
if (!dwSubdomainLength) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// Check each subdomain as an element
if (!pValidateElement(lpszDomain, dwSubdomainLength)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// Adjust the length and pointers
dwDomainLength -= dwSubdomainLength;
// Skip past dot and scan again
lpszDomain = pSubdomainOffset + 1;
} while (dwDomainLength);
// Make sure no dot's found, either
if (!fNotFound) { // If a dot's found, the domain ends with a dot and it's uncool.
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return(TRUE); }
// This function takes in a DRUMS domain in canonical form
// and validates it strictly, according to the DRUMS grammar
// Domain ::= sub-domain 1*("." sub-domain) | address-literal
// address-literal ::= "[" IPv4-address-literal |
// IPv6-address-literal | General-address-literal "]"
// IPv4-address-literal ::= snum 3("." snum)
// IPv6-address-literal ::= "IPv6" SP <<what did we finally decide on?>>
// General-address-literal ::= Standardized-tag SP String
// Standardized-tag ::= String (Specified in a standards-track RFC
// and registered with IANA)
// snum = one, two, or three digits representing a decimal
// integer value in the range 0 through 255
BOOL ValidateDRUMSDomain( char *lpszDomain, DWORD dwDomainLength) {
char *pSubdomainOffset; DWORD dwSubdomainLength; BOOL fNotFound; char *szEndofString;
// Routine checking
if (!dwDomainLength || dwDomainLength > MAX_INTERNET_NAME) return(FALSE);
if (!lpszDomain || !pValidateStringPtr(lpszDomain, MAX_INTERNET_NAME+1)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); TraceFunctLeave(); return(FALSE); }
// Skip all leading spaces
while (*lpszDomain == ' ') lpszDomain++;
//It has to be either in address-literal format or subdomain format
if (*lpszDomain == '[') { //It is an Address literal
//Skip trailing white space
szEndofString = &lpszDomain[lstrlen(lpszDomain) - 1]; while(*szEndofString == ' ') szEndofString--;
if (*szEndofString != ']') return(FALSE);
// This is a domain literal
return(pValidateDotnum(lpszDomain+1, dwDomainLength-2)); } else { //This is in subdomain format
do { pSubdomainOffset = pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence(lpszDomain, dwDomainLength, '.', acOpen, acClose, &fNotFound); if (!pSubdomainOffset) { if (!fNotFound) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// Not found and nothing left, domain ends with a dot, invalid.
if (!dwDomainLength) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// No domain, so email alias is all there is
dwSubdomainLength = dwDomainLength; } else { // Calculate domain parameters
dwSubdomainLength = (DWORD)(pSubdomainOffset - lpszDomain);
// Adjust for the dot
//NimishK : **Check with Keith if this should be subdomain.
dwDomainLength--; }
// Cannot allow leading dot or consecutive dots
if (!dwSubdomainLength) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// Check each subdomain
if (!pValidateDRUMSSubDomain(lpszDomain, dwSubdomainLength)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// Adjust the length and pointers
dwDomainLength -= dwSubdomainLength;
// Skip past dot and scan again
lpszDomain = pSubdomainOffset + 1;
} while (dwDomainLength);
// Make sure no dot's found, either
if (!fNotFound) { // If a dot's found, the domain ends with a dot and it's uncool.
SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return(TRUE);
TraceFunctLeave(); return(TRUE); }
// This function takes in a RFC 821 address in canonical form
// (<local-part> ["@" <domain>]) and validates it according to the
// RFC 821 grammar (some modifications for real-life scenarios)
BOOL Validate821Address( char *lpszAddress, DWORD dwAddressLength) { char *pDomainOffset; DWORD dwEmailLength; DWORD dwDomainLength; BOOL fNotFound;
// Routine checking
if (!lpszAddress || !pValidateStringPtr(lpszAddress, MAX_INTERNET_NAME+1)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); TraceFunctLeave(); return(FALSE); }
// Find the domain
pDomainOffset = pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence(lpszAddress, dwAddressLength, '@', acOpen, acClose, &fNotFound); if (!pDomainOffset) { if (!fNotFound) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// No domain, so email alias is all there is
dwEmailLength = dwAddressLength; } else { // Calculate domain parameters
dwEmailLength = (DWORD)(pDomainOffset - lpszAddress); dwDomainLength = dwAddressLength - dwEmailLength - 1; pDomainOffset++; }
// Do the check for email name
if (!pValidateLocalPart(lpszAddress, dwEmailLength)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return(FALSE); }
// Now check domain, if applicable
if (pDomainOffset) { return(Validate821Domain(pDomainOffset, dwDomainLength)); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return(TRUE); }
// This function takes in a RFC 821 address in canonical form
// (<local-part> ["@" <domain>]) and extracts the domain part
BOOL Get821AddressDomain( char *lpszAddress, DWORD dwAddressLength, char **ppszDomain) { char *pDomainOffset; BOOL fNotFound = FALSE; BOOL fReturn = TRUE;
// Find the domain
pDomainOffset = pFindNextUnquotedOccurrence(lpszAddress, dwAddressLength, '@', acOpen, acClose, &fNotFound); if (!pDomainOffset && !fNotFound) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); fReturn = FALSE; goto Exit; }
if (fNotFound) { *ppszDomain = NULL; goto Exit; }
*ppszDomain = pDomainOffset + 1;
// Validate that the domain part is <= 255 chars
if ((dwAddressLength - (*ppszDomain - lpszAddress)) > 255) { *ppszDomain = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); fReturn = FALSE; goto Exit; }
Exit: TraceFunctLeave(); return fReturn; }