#define INITGUID
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include "mdsync.h"
// HRESULTTOWIN32() maps an HRESULT to a Win32 error. If the facility code
// of the HRESULT is FACILITY_WIN32, then the code portion (i.e. the
// original Win32 error) is returned. Otherwise, the original HRESULT is
// returned unchagned.
#define HRESULTTOWIN32(hres) \
((HRESULT_FACILITY(hres) == FACILITY_WIN32) \ ? HRESULT_CODE(hres) \ : (hres))
BOOL g_fDone = FALSE; DWORD g_dwTarget = 0; SYNC_STAT* g_pStat = NULL; CHAR g_achMsg1[128]; CHAR g_achMsg2[128]; CHAR g_achMsg3[128]; CHAR g_achMsg4[128]; CHAR g_achMsg5[128]; CHAR g_achMsg6[128]; CHAR g_achMsg7[128]; CHAR g_achMsg8[128]; CHAR g_achMsg9[128];
DWORD WINAPI Monitor( LPVOID pV ) { for ( ;; ) { printf( g_achMsg1, g_pStat->m_dwSourceScan, g_pStat->m_fSourceComplete ? g_achMsg2 : g_achMsg3 ); for ( UINT i = 0 ; i < g_dwTarget ; ++i ) { printf( "(%d,%d), ", g_pStat->m_adwTargets[i*2], g_pStat->m_adwTargets[i*2+1] ); } printf( "\r" );
if ( g_fDone ) { break; }
Sleep( 1000 ); }
return 0; }
/* INTRINSA ignore = all */ VOID DisplayErrorMessage( DWORD dwErr ) { LPSTR pErr;
if ( p = strchr( pErr, '\r' ) ) { *p = '\0'; } fputs( pErr, stdout );
LocalFree( pErr ); } else { fputs( g_achMsg9, stdout ); } }
int __cdecl main( int argc, char*argv[] ) { IMdSync* pIf; LPDWORD pdwErr; HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwThreadId; LPSTR pTargets; int iA; UINT cT; int Status = 0; HRESULT hRes; DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD iT; BOOL fAtLeastOnError = FALSE;
if ( argc < 2 ) { CHAR achMsg[2048];
if ( LoadString( NULL, 100, achMsg, sizeof(achMsg) ) ) { printf( achMsg ); } return 3; }
if ( !LoadString( NULL, 101, g_achMsg1, sizeof(g_achMsg1) ) || !LoadString( NULL, 102, g_achMsg2, sizeof(g_achMsg2) ) || !LoadString( NULL, 103, g_achMsg3, sizeof(g_achMsg3) ) || !LoadString( NULL, 105, g_achMsg5, sizeof(g_achMsg5) ) || !LoadString( NULL, 106, g_achMsg6, sizeof(g_achMsg6) ) || !LoadString( NULL, 107, g_achMsg7, sizeof(g_achMsg7) ) || !LoadString( NULL, 108, g_achMsg8, sizeof(g_achMsg8) ) || !LoadString( NULL, 109, g_achMsg9, sizeof(g_achMsg9) ) || !LoadString( NULL, 104, g_achMsg4, sizeof(g_achMsg4) ) ) { DisplayErrorMessage( GetLastError() ); return 1; }
// Count targets, get target name length
for ( cT = 1, g_dwTarget=0, iA = 1 ; iA < argc ; ++iA ) { if ( argv[iA][0] == '-' ) { switch ( argv[iA][1] ) { case 'c': dwFlags |= MD_SYNC_FLAG_CHECK_ADMINEX_SIGNATURE; break; } } else { cT += strlen( argv[iA] ) + 1; ++g_dwTarget; } }
if ( !(g_pStat = (SYNC_STAT*)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(SYNC_STAT)+sizeof(DWORD)*2*g_dwTarget )) || !(pTargets = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cT )) || !(pdwErr = (LPDWORD)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(DWORD)*g_dwTarget)) ) { DisplayErrorMessage( GetLastError() ); return 1; }
memset ( g_pStat, '\0', sizeof(SYNC_STAT)+sizeof(DWORD)*2*g_dwTarget );
// Create target string
for ( cT = 0, iA = 1 ; iA < argc ; ++iA ) { if ( argv[iA][0] != '-' ) { strcpy( pTargets + cT, argv[iA] ); cT += strlen( argv[iA] ) + 1; } } pTargets[cT] = '\0';
// call synchronize method
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MDSync, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMDSync, (LPVOID*)&pIf ) ) ) { hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ::Monitor, NULL, 0, &dwThreadId );
hRes = pIf->Synchronize( pTargets, pdwErr, dwFlags, (LPDWORD)g_pStat );
g_fDone = TRUE;
if ( hThread ) { WaitForSingleObject( hThread, INFINITE ); } printf( "\n" );
if ( FAILED( hRes ) && hRes != E_FAIL ) { DisplayErrorMessage( HRESULTTOWIN32( hRes ) ); Status = 2; } else { for ( cT = 0, iA = 1, iT = 0 ; iA < argc ; ++iA ) { if ( argv[iA][0] != '-' ) { if ( pdwErr[iT] ) { printf( g_achMsg5, argv[iA] ); DisplayErrorMessage( pdwErr[iT] ); printf( g_achMsg6, pdwErr[iT], pdwErr[iT] ); fAtLeastOnError = TRUE; } else { printf( g_achMsg4, argv[iA] ); } ++iT; } }
if ( fAtLeastOnError ) { Status = 2; } } } else { DisplayErrorMessage( HRESULTTOWIN32( hRes ) ); Status = 2; }
LocalFree( g_pStat ); LocalFree( pTargets ); LocalFree( pdwErr );
if ( Status ) { printf( g_achMsg8 ); } else { printf( g_achMsg7 ); }
return Status; }