Microsoft Denali
Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Component: MetaUtil object
File: MetaSchm.h
Owner: t-BrianM
This file contains the headers for the CMetaSchemaTable object and other schema related objects. ===================================================================*/
#ifndef __METASCHM_H_
#define __METASCHM_H_
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
// Ripped from schemini.hxx
struct PropValue { DWORD dwMetaID; DWORD dwSynID; DWORD dwMetaType; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwMask; DWORD dwMetaFlags; DWORD dwUserGroup; BOOL fMultiValued; };
// All hash table sizes are prime numbers between powers of 2
// and are ~10x larger than the expected number of items.
#define SCHEMA_HASH_SIZE 181
#define CLASS_HASH_SIZE 181
* C P r o p I n f o * * C P r o p I n f o T a b l e * * Internal classes used to store and represent property information */
class CPropInfoTable;
class CPropInfo {
friend CPropInfoTable;
public: CPropInfo() : m_dwId(0), m_tszName(NULL), m_pType(NULL), m_pCIdHashNext(NULL), m_pCNameHashNext(NULL) { } HRESULT Init(DWORD dwId); HRESULT SetName(LPCTSTR tszName); HRESULT SetTypeInfo(PropValue *pType); ~CPropInfo() { if (m_tszName != NULL) delete m_tszName; if (m_pType != NULL) delete m_pType; }
DWORD GetId() { return m_dwId; } LPCTSTR GetName() { return m_tszName; } PropValue *GetTypeInfo() { return m_pType; }
private: DWORD m_dwId; LPTSTR m_tszName; PropValue *m_pType;
CPropInfo *m_pCNameHashNext; CPropInfo *m_pCIdHashNext;
class CPropInfoTable { public: CPropInfoTable(); ~CPropInfoTable();
HRESULT Load(CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> &pIMeta, METADATA_HANDLE hMDComp); void Unload();
CPropInfo *GetPropInfo(DWORD dwId); CPropInfo *GetPropInfo(LPCTSTR tszName);
private: BOOL m_fLoaded; CPropInfo *m_rgCPropIdTable[PROPERTY_HASH_SIZE]; CPropInfo *m_rgCPropNameTable[PROPERTY_HASH_SIZE];
unsigned int IdHash(DWORD dwId) { return dwId % PROPERTY_HASH_SIZE; } unsigned int NameHash(LPCTSTR tszName); };
* C C l a s s P r o p I n f o * * C C l a s s I n f o * * C C l a s s I n f o T a b l e * * Internal classes used to store and represent class information */
class CClassInfoTable; class CClassInfo;
class CClassPropInfo {
friend CClassInfo;
public: CClassPropInfo() : m_dwId(0), m_fMandatory(FALSE), m_pCHashNext(NULL), m_pCListNext(NULL) {} HRESULT Init(DWORD dwId, BOOL fMandatory) { m_dwId = dwId; m_fMandatory = fMandatory; return S_OK; }
DWORD GetId() { return m_dwId; } BOOL IsMandatory() { return m_fMandatory; } CClassPropInfo *GetListNext() { return m_pCListNext; }
private: DWORD m_dwId; BOOL m_fMandatory; // Property default information could also be added...
CClassPropInfo *m_pCHashNext; CClassPropInfo *m_pCListNext; };
class CClassInfo {
friend CClassInfoTable;
public: CClassInfo(); HRESULT Init(LPCTSTR tszName); ~CClassInfo();
HRESULT Load(CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> &pIMeta, METADATA_HANDLE hMDClasses); void Unload();
CClassPropInfo *GetProperty(DWORD dwId); CClassPropInfo *GetOptionalPropList() { return m_pCOptionalPropList; } CClassPropInfo *GetMandatoryPropList() { return m_pCMandatoryPropList; }
private: LPTSTR m_tszName; CClassInfo *m_pCHashNext;
BOOL m_fLoaded; CClassPropInfo *m_rgCPropTable[CLASS_PROPERTY_HASH_SIZE]; CClassPropInfo *m_pCOptionalPropList; CClassPropInfo *m_pCMandatoryPropList;
unsigned int Hash(DWORD dwId) { return dwId % CLASS_PROPERTY_HASH_SIZE; } };
class CClassInfoTable { public: CClassInfoTable(); ~CClassInfoTable();
HRESULT Load(CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> &pIMeta, METADATA_HANDLE hMDComp); void Unload();
CClassInfo *GetClassInfo(LPCTSTR tszName);
private: BOOL m_fLoaded; CClassInfo *m_rgCClassTable[CLASS_HASH_SIZE];
unsigned int Hash(LPCTSTR tszName); };
* C M e t a S c h e m a * * Internal class used to store schema information for a machine */
class CMetaSchemaTable;
class CMetaSchema {
friend CMetaSchemaTable;
public: CMetaSchema() : m_fPropTableDirty(TRUE), m_fClassTableDirty(TRUE), m_tszMachineName(NULL), m_pCNextSchema(NULL) { } HRESULT Init(const CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> &pIMeta, LPCTSTR tszMachineName); ~CMetaSchema() { if (m_tszMachineName != NULL) delete m_tszMachineName; }
CPropInfo *GetPropInfo(DWORD dwId); CPropInfo *GetPropInfo(LPCTSTR tszName);
CClassInfo *GetClassInfo(LPCTSTR tszClassName); CClassPropInfo *GetClassPropInfo(LPCTSTR tszClassName, DWORD dwPropId); CClassPropInfo *GetMandatoryClassPropList(LPCTSTR tszClassName); CClassPropInfo *GetOptionalClassPropList(LPCTSTR tszClassName); void ChangeNotification(LPTSTR tszKey, MD_CHANGE_OBJECT *pcoChangeObject);
private: LPTSTR m_tszMachineName;
BOOL m_fPropTableDirty; BOOL m_fClassTableDirty;
CPropInfoTable m_CPropInfoTable; CClassInfoTable m_CClassInfoTable;
// Pointer to IMSAdminBase so we don't have to recreate it multiple times
CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> m_pIMeta;
CMetaSchema *m_pCNextSchema;
HRESULT LoadPropTable(); HRESULT LoadClassTable(); };
* C M e t a S c h e m a T a b l e * * Implements IMetaSchemaTable. Stores all of the schema information * for all of the machines. I made it global so it can persist after * CMetaUtil is destructed. */ class CMSAdminBaseSink;
class CMetaSchemaTable { public: CMetaSchemaTable(); ~CMetaSchemaTable();
DWORD AddRef() { return ++m_dwNumRef; } DWORD Release() { m_dwNumRef--; if (!m_dwNumRef) { delete this; return 0; } return m_dwNumRef; }
void Load(); void Unload();
CPropInfo *GetPropInfo(LPCTSTR tszKey, DWORD dwPropId); CPropInfo *GetPropInfo(LPCTSTR tszKey, LPCTSTR tszPropName);
CClassInfo *GetClassInfo(LPCTSTR tszKey, LPCTSTR tszClassName); CClassPropInfo *GetClassPropInfo(LPCTSTR tszKey, LPCTSTR tszClassName, DWORD dwPropId); CClassPropInfo *GetMandatoryClassPropList(LPCTSTR tszKey, LPCTSTR tszClassName); CClassPropInfo *GetOptionalClassPropList(LPCTSTR tszKey, LPCTSTR tszClassName);
// Event sink callback
HRESULT SinkNotify(DWORD dwMDNumElements, MD_CHANGE_OBJECT pcoChangeObject[]);
private: DWORD m_dwNumRef; BOOL m_fLoaded; CMetaSchema *m_rgCSchemaTable[SCHEMA_HASH_SIZE]; CComObject<CMSAdminBaseSink> *m_CMSAdminBaseSink;
// Pointer to IMSAdminBase so we don't have to recreate it multiple times
CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> m_pIMeta;
CMetaSchema *GetSchema(LPCTSTR tszKey); unsigned int Hash(LPCTSTR tszName); };
* C M S A d m i n B a s e S i n k * * Minimal ATL COM object that catches change notification events from the * metabase object and passes them on to the CMetaSchemaTable object. */
class CMSAdminBaseSink : public IMSAdminBaseSink, public CComObjectRoot { public: CMSAdminBaseSink(); ~CMSAdminBaseSink();
// IMSAdminBaseSink
STDMETHOD(SinkNotify)(DWORD dwMDNumElements, MD_CHANGE_OBJECT pcoChangeObject[]); STDMETHOD(ShutdownNotify)(void);
// No Interface
HRESULT Connect(CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> &pIMeta, CMetaSchemaTable *pCMetaSchemaTable); void Disconnect();
private: BOOL m_fConnected; DWORD m_dwCookie; CComPtr<IConnectionPoint> m_pIMetaConn; CMetaSchemaTable *m_pCMetaSchemaTable; };
#endif // #ifndef __METASCHM_H_