// Filename : VarStr.h
// Purpose : To hold definition for CVarString
// Project : Persistent Query
// Component: Common
// Author : urib
// Log:
// Feb 2 1997 urib Creation
// Jun 19 1997 urib Add counted operators.
// Jun 24 1997 urib Fix bad const declarations.
// Dec 29 1997 urib Add includes.
// Feb 2 1999 yairh fix bug in SetMinimalSize.
// Feb 8 1999 urib Enable different built in sizes.
// Feb 25 1999 urib Add SizedStringCopy.
// Jul 5 1999 urib Fix SizedStringCopy..
// May 1 2000 urib Cleanup.
// Nov 23 2000 urib Fix a bug in counted copy and cat.
#ifndef VARSTR_H
#define VARSTR_H
#pragma once
#include "AutoPtr.h"
#include "Excption.h"
// CVarString class definition
template <ULONG ulStackSize = 0x10> class TVarString { public: // Constructor - tips the implementation on the string size.
TVarString(ULONG ulInitialSize = 0); // Constructor - copy this string.
TVarString(PCWSTR); // Constructor - convert to UNICODE and copy this string.
TVarString(const PSZ); // Copy Constructor
TVarString(const TVarString&); ~TVarString();
// Copy/Convert and copy the string.
TVarString& Cpy(PCWSTR); TVarString& Cpy(const ULONG, PCWSTR); TVarString& Cpy(const PSZ);
// Concatenate/Convert and concatenate the string to the existing string.
TVarString& Cat(PCWSTR); TVarString& Cat(const ULONG, PCWSTR); TVarString& Cat(const PSZ);
// Compare/Convert and compare the string to the existing string.
int Cmp(PCWSTR) const; int Cmp(const PSZ) const;
// Return the string length.
ULONG Len() const;
// Allow access to the string memory.
operator PWSTR() const;
// Hint the implementation about the string size.
void SetMinimalSize(ULONG);
// Set a specific character
void SetCharacter(ULONG, WCHAR);
// Appends a backslash to the string if the last character is not a
// backslash.
void AppendBackslash();
// Appends a slash to the string if the last character is not a
// slash.
void AppendSlash();
protected: // A predicate to see if memory is allocated or not.
bool IsAllocated();
// The allocation size
ULONG m_ulSize;
// This is the place for the standard string.
WCHAR m_rwchNormalString[ulStackSize + 1];
// If the string is becoming too big we will allocate space for it.
WCHAR* m_pTheString; private: TVarString& operator=(const TVarString& vsOther) { Cpy(vsOther); return *this; } };
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>::TVarString(ULONG ulInitialSize) :m_pTheString(m_rwchNormalString) ,m_ulSize(ulStackSize) { SetMinimalSize(ulInitialSize);
m_pTheString[0] = L'\0'; }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>::TVarString(PCWSTR pwsz) :m_pTheString(m_rwchNormalString) ,m_ulSize(ulStackSize) { Cpy(pwsz); }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>::TVarString(const PSZ psz) :m_pTheString(m_rwchNormalString) ,m_ulSize(ulStackSize) { Cpy(psz); }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>::TVarString(const TVarString<ulStackSize>& vsOther) :m_pTheString(m_rwchNormalString) ,m_ulSize(ulStackSize) { Cpy(vsOther); }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>::~TVarString() { if (IsAllocated()) { free(m_pTheString); } }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline bool TVarString<ulStackSize>::IsAllocated() { return m_pTheString != m_rwchNormalString; }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline void TVarString<ulStackSize>::SetMinimalSize(ULONG ulNewSize) { // We allocate a little more so if someone would like to add a slash
// or something, it will not cause us to realocate.
// On debug builds, I want to check for string overflows so I don't
// want the extra memory. Activating the reallocation mechanism is also'
// a good thing in debug builds.
#if !(defined(DEBUG))
ulNewSize++; #endif
// if the new size is smaller then what we have - bye bye
if (ulNewSize > m_ulSize) { //
// We already allocated a string. Should change it's size
if (IsAllocated()) { PWSTR pwszTemp = (PWSTR) realloc( m_pTheString, (ulNewSize + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (NULL == pwszTemp) { THROW_MEMORY_EXCEPTION(); }
// Save the new memory block.
m_pTheString = pwszTemp;
} else { //
// We move the string from the buffer to the allocation.
// Note that this is dangerous if someone took the buffer address.
// The user must always use the access method and never cache the
// string pointer.
m_pTheString = (PWSTR) malloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * (ulNewSize + 1)); if (NULL == m_pTheString) { THROW_MEMORY_EXCEPTION(); }
wcsncpy(m_pTheString, m_rwchNormalString, m_ulSize + 1); }
m_ulSize = ulNewSize; } }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>& TVarString<ulStackSize>::Cpy(PCWSTR pwsz) { return Cpy(wcslen(pwsz), pwsz); }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>& TVarString<ulStackSize>::Cpy(const ULONG ulCount, PCWSTR pwsz) { SetMinimalSize(ulCount + 1);
wcsncpy(m_pTheString, pwsz, ulCount);
m_pTheString[ulCount] = L'\0';
return *this; }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>& TVarString<ulStackSize>::Cpy(const PSZ psz) { int iLen; iLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED | MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, psz, -1, NULL, 0); if (0 == iLen) { Assert(0 == iLen); THROW_HRESULT_EXCEPTION(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } SetMinimalSize(iLen);
iLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED | MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, psz, -1, m_pTheString, iLen); if (0 == iLen) { Assert(0 == iLen); THROW_HRESULT_EXCEPTION(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
return *this; }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>& TVarString<ulStackSize>::Cat(PCWSTR pwsz) { ULONG ulLength = wcslen(pwsz);
return Cat(ulLength, pwsz); }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>& TVarString<ulStackSize>::Cat(const ULONG ulLength, PCWSTR pwsz) { ULONG ulCurrentLength = Len();
SetMinimalSize(ulCurrentLength + ulLength + 1);
wcsncpy(m_pTheString + ulCurrentLength, pwsz, ulLength);
m_pTheString[ulCurrentLength + ulLength] = L'\0';
return *this; }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>& TVarString<ulStackSize>::Cat(const PSZ psz) { ULONG ulCurrentLength = Len(); int iLen; iLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED | MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, psz, -1, NULL, 0); if (0 == iLen) { Assert(0 == iLen); THROW_HRESULT_EXCEPTION(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } SetMinimalSize(iLen + ulCurrentLength); iLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED | MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, psz, -1, m_pTheString + ulCurrentLength, iLen); if (0 == iLen) { Assert(0 == iLen); THROW_HRESULT_EXCEPTION(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
return *this; }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline int TVarString<ulStackSize>::Cmp(PCWSTR pwsz) const { return wcscmp(m_pTheString, pwsz); }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline int TVarString<ulStackSize>::Cmp(const PSZ psz) const { int iLen; iLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED | MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, psz, -1, NULL, 0); if (0 == iLen) { Assert(0 == iLen); THROW_HRESULT_EXCEPTION(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } CAutoMallocPointer<WCHAR> apBuffer = (PWSTR) malloc((iLen) * sizeof(WCHAR)); iLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED | MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, psz, -1, apBuffer.Get(), iLen); if (0 == iLen) { Assert(0 == iLen); THROW_HRESULT_EXCEPTION(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
return Cmp(apBuffer.Get()); }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline ULONG TVarString<ulStackSize>::Len() const { return wcslen(m_pTheString); }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline TVarString<ulStackSize>::operator PWSTR() const { return m_pTheString; }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline void TVarString<ulStackSize>::SetCharacter(ULONG ulIndex, WCHAR wch) { SetMinimalSize(ulIndex + 2); // index to size + null
if (L'\0' == m_pTheString[ulIndex]) { m_pTheString[ulIndex + 1] = L'\0'; } else if (L'\0' == wch) { }
m_pTheString[ulIndex] = wch; }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline void TVarString<ulStackSize>::AppendSlash() { if (L'/' != m_pTheString[Len() - 1]) Cat(L"/"); }
template <ULONG ulStackSize> inline void TVarString<ulStackSize>::AppendBackslash() { if (L'\\' != m_pTheString[Len() - 1]) Cat(L"\\"); }
typedef TVarString<4> CShortVarString; typedef TVarString<16> CVarString; typedef TVarString<256> CLongVarString; typedef TVarString<1024> CHugeVarString;
// String related utilities definition
// Name : ::SizedStringCopy
// Purpose : This function copies ulSize wide characters from the source
// to the destination. It does not treat '\0' characters as
// end of string and does not append the end of string mark
// to the destination. Intended to be used instead of memcpy
// when copying wide string characters.
// Parameters:
// [in] PWSTR pwszTarget
// [in] PCWSTR pwszSource
// [in] ULONG ulSize
// Returns : PWSTR
// Log:
// Jan 2 2001 urib Creation
inline PWSTR SizedStringCopy(PWSTR pwszTarget, PCWSTR pwszSource, ULONG ulSize) { return (PWSTR) memcpy( (void*)pwszTarget, (void*)pwszSource, ulSize * sizeof(pwszSource[0])); }
// Name : ::CoTaskDuplicateString
// Purpose : strdup. Throwing though.
// Parameters:
// [in] PCWSTR pwsz
// Returns : PWSTR
// Log:
// Dec 25 2000 urib Creation
inline PWSTR CoTaskDuplicateString(PCWSTR pwsz) { CAutoTaskPointer<WCHAR> apTempName = (PWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * (1 + wcslen(pwsz)));
if (!apTempName.IsValid()) { THROW_MEMORY_EXCEPTION(); }
wcscpy(apTempName.Get(), pwsz);
return apTempName.Detach(); }
#endif /* VARSTR_H */