// File Name
// EventLogger.h
// Portions Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#pragma warning (disable : 4100)
#pragma warning (disable : 4127)
#pragma warning (disable : 4201)
#pragma warning (disable : 4237)
#pragma warning (disable : 4245)
#pragma warning (disable : 4514)
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT
#endif //!STRICT
#include <WINDOWS.H>
#include <TCHAR.H>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define REGVAL_LOGGING_LEVEL _T("Logging")
#define COUNTOF(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
#define STR_BYTE_SIZE(a) ((_tcslen (a) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR))
// Level of logging in the event registry
typedef enum LOGLEVEL { LOGGING_LEVEL_0 = 0, // None: No event log traces at all.
LOGGING_LEVEL_1, // Minimal: No audit or information traces. Only critical and warning errors
LOGGING_LEVEL_2, // Normal: Security audit traces plus previous level
LOGGING_LEVEL_3 // Verbose: All transactions are traced out plus previous level
typedef enum LOGTYPE { LOGTYPE_FORCE_ERROR, // Logged in any Level regardless.
LOGTYPE_FORCE_WARNING, // Logged in any Level regardless.
LOGTYPE_FORCE_INFORMATION, // Logged in any Level regardless.
LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, // Logged in level 1 or above
LOGTYPE_ERR_WARNING, // Logged in level 1 or above
LOGTYPE_AUDIT_SECURITY_ACCESS, // Logged in level 2 or above
LOGTYPE_AUDIT_SECURITY_DENIED, // Logged in level 2 or above
LOGTYPE_INFORMATION, // Logged in level 3 or above
LOGTYPE_VERBOSE, // Logged in level 4
LOGTYPE_VERBOSE_ERROR, // Logged in level 4
LOGTYPE_VERBOSE_WARNING // Logged in level 4
class CEventLogger { public : DWORD WINAPI InitEventLog (LPTSTR szEventSource, WORD wEventsCategory, LPTSTR szRegKey = NULL); DWORD WINAPI InitEventLog (LPTSTR szEventSource, WORD wEventsCategory, LOGLEVEL NewLoggingLevel) { LPTSTR szKey = NULL; DWORD dwError = InitEventLog (szEventSource, wEventsCategory, szKey); if (!dwError) { SetLoggingLevel (NewLoggingLevel); } return dwError; } void WINAPI SetLoggingLevel (DWORD dwNewLoggingLevel) { if (dwNewLoggingLevel > (DWORD)LOGGING_LEVEL_3) { dwNewLoggingLevel = (DWORD)LOGGING_LEVEL_3; } SetLoggingLevel ((LOGLEVEL)dwNewLoggingLevel); } void WINAPI SetLoggingLevel (LOGLEVEL NewLoggingLevel); DWORD WINAPI GetLoggingLevel () { EnterCriticalSection (&m_csObj); DWORD dwLevel = (DWORD)m_LoggingLevel; LeaveCriticalSection (&m_csObj); return dwLevel; } void WINAPI LogEvent (LOGTYPE Type, DWORD dwEventID, DWORD dwData, LPCTSTR rgszMsgs[], WORD wCount, DWORD cbData = 0, LPVOID pvData = NULL); void WINAPI LogEvent (LOGTYPE Type, DWORD dwEventID, DWORD dwError = 0) { LogEvent (Type, dwEventID, dwError, NULL, 0); } void WINAPI LogEvent (LOGTYPE Type, DWORD dwEventID, int iError ) { LogEvent (Type, dwEventID, iError, NULL, 0); } void WINAPI LogEvent (LOGTYPE Type, DWORD dwEventID, LPCTSTR rgszMsgs[], WORD wCount) { LogEvent (Type, dwEventID, 0, rgszMsgs, wCount); };
void WINAPI LogEvent (LOGTYPE Type, DWORD dwEventID, HRESULT hResult) { TCHAR szBuffer[32]; LPCTSTR rgText[] = { szBuffer }; _stprintf (szBuffer, _T("%#08x"), hResult); LogEvent (Type, dwEventID, 0, rgText, 1); }; void WINAPI LogEvent (LOGTYPE Type, DWORD dwEventID, LPCTSTR szString, HRESULT hResult) { TCHAR szBuffer[32]; LPCTSTR rgText[] = { szString, szBuffer }; _stprintf (szBuffer, _T("%#08x"), hResult); LogEvent (Type, dwEventID, 0, rgText, 2); };
public : CEventLogger(); CEventLogger(LPTSTR szEventSource, WORD wEventsCategory); ~CEventLogger();
private : CRITICAL_SECTION m_csObj; WORD m_wServiceCategory; LOGLEVEL m_LoggingLevel; HANDLE m_hEventLog; HANDLE m_hLogMutex; HMODULE m_hMsgSource; TCHAR m_szCat[32]; BOOL m_fLogEvent; };