// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: scanmgr.cxx
// Contents: Scan manager
// History: 14-Jul-97 SitaramR Created from dlnotify.cxx
// Notes : For lock hierarchy and order of acquiring locks, please see
// cicat.cxx
// The disk full situation is either detected in RESMAN and information sent
// up to CICAT or a DISKFULL error is first detected in CICAT and then
// propagated to RESMAN. As part of diskfull processing in the scope table,
// existing scans are aborted in scanmanager and future scans are disabled
// until the diskfull gets cleared up. If DISKFULL is detected at startup
// time, the scope table enters a "incremental scan required" state and doesn't
// schedule any scans/notifications until the situation improves.
// If the changelog loses a notification, a DisableUpdates notification is sent
// to the DocStore. The scan is deferred until an EnableUpdates notification
// is sent to DocStore.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ciregkey.hxx>
#include <cistore.hxx>
#include <rcstxact.hxx>
#include <imprsnat.hxx>
#include <eventlog.hxx>
#include <docstore.hxx>
#include "cicat.hxx"
#include "update.hxx"
#include "notifmgr.hxx"
#include "scanmgr.hxx"
#include "scopetbl.hxx"
// Member: CCiScanMgr::CCiScanMgr
// Synopsis: ~ctor of the scan manager for downlevel CI. It starts a
// background thread for doing the scans.
// Arguments: [cicat] -
// History: 1-19-96 srikants Created
// 3-03-98 kitmanh Initialized member _fIsReadOnly with
// cicat.IsReadOnly
// Notes:
CCiScanMgr::CCiScanMgr( CiCat & cicat ) : _cicat(cicat), _fAbort(FALSE), _fSerializeChanges(FALSE), _state(eStart), #pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // this used in base initialization
_thrScan( ScanThread, this, TRUE ), // create suspended
#pragma warning( default : 4355 )
_fBatch(FALSE), // disable batch processing
_fAbortScan(FALSE), _fScanDisabled(FALSE), _fIsReadOnly(cicat.IsReadOnly()), _dwLastShareSynch( 0 ) { _evtScan.Reset();
CCiScanMgr::~CCiScanMgr() { InitiateShutdown(); WaitForShutdown();
// delete any in-progress scan info
CLock lock( _mutex );
while ( !_scansInProgress.IsEmpty() ) { delete _scansInProgress.RemoveLast(); } }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::StartRecovery
// Synopsis: Sets the state to indicate that recovery must be done
// and wakes up the scan thread.
// History: 3-06-96 srikants Created
void CCiScanMgr::StartRecovery() { CLock lock(_mutex); Win4Assert( eStart == _state ); _state = eDoRecovery; _evtScan.Set(); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::StartScansAndNotifies
// Synopsis: Initiates scans and notifications in the document store.
// History: 12-09-96 srikants Created
void CCiScanMgr::StartScansAndNotifies() { CLock lock(_mutex); Win4Assert( eRecovered == _state );
_state = eStartScans; _evtScan.Set(); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::_LokIsScanScheduled
// Synopsis: Tests if the given scope is already scheduled for a scan.
// Arguments: [xScanInfo] - Smart pointer to scaninfo
// History: 2-26-96 srikants Created
BOOL CCiScanMgr::_LokIsScanScheduled( const XPtr<CCiScanInfo> & xScanInfo ) { WCHAR const * pwszNewScope = xScanInfo->GetPath(); unsigned lenNewScope = wcslen( pwszNewScope );
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter(_scansToDo); !_scansToDo.AtEnd(scanInfoIter); _scansToDo.Advance(scanInfoIter) ) { if ( xScanInfo->LokGetWorkType() == scanInfoIter->LokGetWorkType() ) { WCHAR const * pwszPath = scanInfoIter->GetPath();
CScopeMatch scope( pwszPath, wcslen(pwszPath) ); if (scope.IsInScope( pwszNewScope, lenNewScope )) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE,"Scan already scheduled for (%ws)\n", pwszNewScope )); return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::ScanScope
// Synopsis: Adds the given scope to the list of scopes to scan.
// Arguments: [xScanInfo] - Will be acquired from the safe pointer if
// successfully taken over.
// [fDelayed] - Set to TRUE if the scan must not be done
// immediately.
// [fRefiled] - Set to TRUE if this is a refile or retry scan
// History: 1-23-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::ScanScope( XPtr<CCiScanInfo> & xScanInfo, BOOL fDelayed, BOOL fRefiled ) { CLock lock( _mutex );
if ( xScanInfo->GetRetries() <= CCiScanInfo::MAX_RETRIES && !_LokIsScanScheduled( xScanInfo ) ) { Win4Assert( !xScanInfo->LokIsInFinalState() ); Win4Assert( xScanInfo->LokIsInScan() || xScanInfo->LokIsDelScope() || xScanInfo->LokIsRenameDir() );
if ( fRefiled ) { //
// A scan that has been refiled should be done before new scans
// to ensure that all scans are done in FIFO order.
_scansToDo.Push( xScanInfo.GetPointer() ); } else _scansToDo.Queue( xScanInfo.GetPointer() ); xScanInfo.Acquire();
if ( !fDelayed ) _evtScan.Set(); } else { xScanInfo.Free(); } }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::DirAddNotification
// Synopsis: Schedules the scan of a new directory
// Arguments: [pwcsDirName] - Directory added
// History: 20-Mar-96 SitaramR Added header
void CCiScanMgr::DirAddNotification( WCHAR const *pwcsDirName ) { //
// Force a full scan of the direcotry, because the directory is new and so
// it cannot have been scanned before
XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( _QueryScanInfo( pwcsDirName, _cicat.GetPartition(), UPD_FULL, FALSE ) ); xScanInfo->SetScan(); xScanInfo->SetProcessRoot();
{ CLock lock( _mutex );
_scansToDo.Queue( xScanInfo.GetPointer() ); xScanInfo.Acquire();
_evtScan.Set(); // Wake up the scan thread
} //---------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CCiScanMgr::DirRenameNotification
// Synopsis: Schedules the scan of a rename directory notification
// Arguments: [pwcsDirOldName] - Previous name of irectory
// [pwcsDirNewName] - New name of directory
// History: 20-Mar-96 SitaramR Added header
void CCiScanMgr::DirRenameNotification( WCHAR const *pwcsDirOldName, WCHAR const *pwcsDirNewName ) {
BOOL fRenameScheduled = FALSE;
CLock lock( _mutex );
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter( _scansToDo ); !_scansToDo.AtEnd( scanInfoIter ); _scansToDo.Advance( scanInfoIter ) ) { //
// if dirA is renamed to dirB, and then dirB is renamed to dirC, then it is
// the same as dirA being renamed to dirC.
// Note: if dirA is renamed to dirB, and then dirB is renamed to dirA, we don't
// cancel the two renames because it may not yield the same original state. For
// example, after the first rename if a file, say file1, below dirB is deleted, and
// then dirB is renamed to dirA, then since the strings table is not aware of the
// file dirB\file1, no action will be taken, ie the file won't be deleted. By
// scheduling the two renames one after another the wid corresponding to dirB\file1
// will be correctly deleted.
if ( scanInfoIter->LokIsRenameDir() && AreIdenticalPaths( scanInfoIter->GetPath(), pwcsDirOldName ) && !AreIdenticalPaths( scanInfoIter->GetDirOldName(), pwcsDirNewName ) ) // See note above
{ //
// By overwriting dirC over dirB (see example above), we have combined the two rename
// operations into one rename operation
scanInfoIter->LokSetPath( pwcsDirNewName ); fRenameScheduled = TRUE;
break; } }
if ( !fRenameScheduled ) { XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( _QueryScanInfo( pwcsDirNewName, _cicat.GetPartition(), UPD_INCREM, FALSE ) ); xScanInfo->SetRenameDir(); xScanInfo->SetDirOldName( pwcsDirOldName );
ScanScope( xScanInfo, TRUE, FALSE );
// If this rename operation is interrupted in the middle (because of a
// subsequent delete or rename) then files/wids under the old directory may
// still be lying around in the property store. To ensure that all such
// files/wids are removed, schedule a remove operation for the old directory
// name.
_LokScheduleRemove( pwcsDirOldName ); } }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::_QueryScanInfo
// Synopsis: Returns a new instance of CCiScanInfo
// Arguments: [pwcsScope] -- Scope
// [partId] -- Partition id
// [updFlag] -- Incremental or full update
// [fDoDeletions] -- Shoud deletions be done ?
// [fNewScope] -- TRUE if a new scope
// History: 20-Mar-96 SitaramR Added header
CCiScanInfo * CCiScanMgr::_QueryScanInfo( WCHAR const * pwcsScope, PARTITIONID partId, ULONG updFlag, BOOL fDoDeletions, BOOL fNewScope ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pwcsScope ); ULONG len = wcslen( pwcsScope ); Win4Assert( pwcsScope[len-1] == L'\\' );
XArray<WCHAR> xPath( len+1 ); RtlCopyMemory( xPath.Get(), pwcsScope, xPath.SizeOf() ); return new CCiScanInfo( xPath, partId, updFlag, fDoDeletions, CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED, 0, FALSE, fNewScope ); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::ScanScope
// Synopsis: Adds the given scope with given characteristics to the list
// of paths to be scanned.
// Arguments: [pwcsScope] - path name of scope to be added
// [partId] - partition ID
// [updFlag] -
// [fDoDeletions] -
// [fDelayed] -
// [fNewScope] - TRUE if a new scope
// History: 1-19-96 srikants Created
void CCiScanMgr::ScanScope( WCHAR const * pwcsScope, PARTITIONID partId, ULONG updFlag, BOOL fDoDeletions, BOOL fDelayed, BOOL fNewScope ) { Win4Assert( wcslen(pwcsScope) < MAX_PATH );
XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( _QueryScanInfo( pwcsScope, partId, updFlag, fDoDeletions, fNewScope ) ); xScanInfo->SetScan(); xScanInfo->SetProcessRoot();
ScanScope( xScanInfo, fDelayed, FALSE ); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::ScheduleSerializeChanges
// Synopsis: Schedules a serialize-changes task
// History: 20-Aug-97 SitaramR Created
void CCiScanMgr::ScheduleSerializeChanges() { CLock lock(_mutex);
_fSerializeChanges = TRUE; _evtScan.Set(); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::InitiateShutdown
// Synopsis: Initiates the shutdown process.
// History: 2-28-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::InitiateShutdown() { CLock lock(_mutex); _fAbort = TRUE; _fAbortScan = TRUE;
// collect all the paths from the to-do stack.
while ( _scansToDo.Count() > 0 ) { //
// delete any pending scans.
delete _scansToDo.Pop(); }
_evtScan.Set(); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::WaitForShutdown
// Synopsis: Waits for the shutdown to complete.
// History: 2-28-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::WaitForShutdown() { //
// If we never started running, then just bail out.
if ( _thrScan.IsRunning() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Waiting for death of scan thread\n" )); _thrScan.WaitForDeath(); } }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::SetBatch
// Synopsis: Sets the flag that batch processing of scans is in progress.
// Until the flag is turned off, the scan thread will not look
// at the scopes for scanning.
// History: 1-23-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::SetBatch() { CLock lock(_mutex); _fBatch = TRUE; }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::ClearBatch
// Synopsis: Clears the batch processing flag and wakes up the scan
// thread. All the accumulated scopes for scanning will be
// retrieved by the scan thread and processed.
// History: 1-23-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::ClearBatch() { CLock lock(_mutex); _fBatch = FALSE; _evtScan.Set(); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::WakeUp
// Synopsis: Wakes up the scan thread.
// History: 1-23-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::WakeUp() { CLock lock(_mutex); _evtScan.Set(); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::ScanThread
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [self] -
// History: 1-19-96 srikants Created
// 3-03-98 kitmanh Don't _DoScans if catalog is read-only
DWORD CCiScanMgr::ScanThread( void * self ) { SCODE sc = CoInitializeEx( 0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); ((CCiScanMgr *) self)->_DoScans(); CoUninitialize();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Terminating scan thread\n" ));
// This is only necessary if thread is terminated from DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.
//TerminateThread( ((CCiScanMgr *) self)->_thrScan.GetHandle(), 0 );
return 0; }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::SetScanSuccess, public
// Synopsis: Called on successful completion of scan.
// Arguments: [pScanInfo] -- Scope that was scanned.
// History: 13-Apr-1998 KyleP Moved to .cxx and added cicat callback.
void CCiScanMgr::SetScanSuccess( CCiScanInfo * pScanInfo ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pScanInfo );
CLock lock(_mutex); if ( !_fAbort && !_fAbortScan ) { pScanInfo->LokSetDone(); _cicat.SetTreeScanComplete( pScanInfo->GetPath() ); } }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::_DoScans
// Synopsis:
// History: 1-19-96 srikants Created
// 3-25-98 kitmanh Just set the initialized event and return
// if cat is r/o
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::_DoScans() { if ( IsReadOnly() ) { _cicat.SetEvtInitialized(); _cicat.SetEvtPh2Init(); _cicat.SynchWithRegistryScopes(); return; }
BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
BOOL fScanned = FALSE; // set to TRUE if a scan is performed
while ( fContinue ) { BOOL fWait = FALSE; // flag set to TRUE if a wait must be done
EState workType = eStart;
BOOL fShortWait = FALSE;
BOOL fSerializeChanges = FALSE; // No serialize-changes tasks yet
// Don't do any work until the system has booted
while ( ( GetTickCount() < _cicat.GetRegParams()->GetStartupDelay() ) && ( eStart != _state ) && ( eDoRecovery != _state ) ) { Sleep( 200 ); if ( _fAbort ) break; }
TRY { XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo;
// =========================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex);
if ( _fAbort ) break;
if ( !_fBatch && _LokIsOkToScan() ) { //
// refile any incomplete paths that could not be
// refiled due to low resources.
if ( _scansInProgress.Count() > 0 ) { _LokEmptyInProgressScans(); }
// collect all the paths from the to-do stack.
while ( _scansToDo.Count() > 0 ) { // should first save in a safe pointer because the
// push can fail.
xScanInfo.Set( _scansToDo.Pop() ); if ( !_fScanDisabled && !xScanInfo->LokIsInFinalState() ) { _scansInProgress.Queue( xScanInfo.GetPointer() ); xScanInfo.Acquire(); } else { // this scope is deleted
xScanInfo.Free(); } }
if ( 0 == _scansInProgress.Count() ) _evtScan.Reset();
if ( 0 == _scansInProgress.Count() && _fSerializeChanges ) { //
// Make local copy of fSerializeChanges for use outside lock. Also
// reset _fSerializeChanges since a flush task will be scheduled below.
fSerializeChanges = TRUE; _fSerializeChanges = FALSE; }
} else if ( _LokIsDoRecovery() ) { _evtScan.Reset(); workType = eDoRecovery; } else if ( _LokIsStartScans() ) { _evtScan.Reset(); workType = eStartScans; } } // =========================================
// Update fixups. We have to do this at regular
// intervals because there is no notification API for
// share changes. Check no more often than every 15
// minutes; this drags in 13 DLLs.
DWORD cmsDifference = GetTickCount() - _dwLastShareSynch;
if ( cmsDifference > ( _cicat.GetRegParams()->MaxAutoAliasRefresh() * 1000 * 60 ) ) { //
// Don't do this in resource-bound situations
CI_STATE State; State.cbStruct = sizeof( State );
SCODE sc = _cicat.CiState( State );
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) && ( 0 == ( State.eState & ( CI_STATE_HIGH_IO | CI_STATE_LOW_MEMORY | CI_STATE_USER_ACTIVE ) ) ) ) { _cicat.SynchShares();
// it is OK to modify this outside the class lock because
// only one thread performs scans for a catalog at any moment
// and there is one CCiScanMgr object per catalog.
_dwLastShareSynch = GetTickCount(); } }
if ( eDoRecovery == workType ) { //
// Do the long running initialization.
Win4Assert( !IsReadOnly() );
// Note: recovery is now synchronous, but this must be
// done asynchronously, since the callback to the docstore
// must be done by a worker thread.
// Set the state of the scan manager as recovered.
// ======================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); _state = eRecovered; } // ======================================
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Setting CiCat recovery done...\n" ));
_cicat.SetRecoveryCompleted(); } else if ( eStartScans == workType ) { _cicat.StartScansAndNotifies();
CLock lock(_mutex); _state = eNormal; } else if ( _scansInProgress.Count() > 0 ) { fScanned = TRUE; _Scan(); Win4Assert( 0 == _scansInProgress.Count() || _fAbort ); } else if ( fSerializeChanges ) { _cicat.SerializeChangesInfo(); fWait = TRUE; } else { fWait = TRUE; }
// Do scans complete processing if appropriate.
if ( fWait && eNormal == _state && !_fScanDisabled && !fSerializeChanges ) { _cicat.ProcessScansComplete( fScanned, fShortWait ); } } CATCH (CException, e) { status = e.GetErrorCode();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CCiScanMgr::_DoScans. Caught exception 0x%X\n", status ));
if ( CiCat::IsDiskLowError( status ) || STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES == status || STATUS_NO_MEMORY == status ) { // delay the execution of the thread until resources are
// available.
fWait = TRUE; } else { _cicat.HandleError( status ); fContinue = FALSE; }
// We did not successfully complete recovery, but we need to signal that
// phase 2 init is complete (albeit unsuccessfully)
// fix for bug 151799
if (_cicat.IsCorrupt() && eDoRecovery == workType) _cicat.SignalPhase2Completion(); } END_CATCH
if ( fWait ) { fScanned = FALSE;
// If we are waiting during long initialization, then have a
// shorter wait time to see if the error condition has cleared
// up.
DWORD dwWaitTime = ( (eStart != workType) || fShortWait) ? PREINIT_WAIT : AUTOSCAN_WAIT; dwWaitTime = min( dwWaitTime, _cicat.GetRegParams()->GetForcedNetPathScanInterval() * 60 * 1000 ); dwWaitTime = min( dwWaitTime, _cicat.GetRegParams()->MaxAutoAliasRefresh() * 1000 * 60 ); _evtScan.Wait( dwWaitTime ); } } } //_DoScans
// Member: CCiScanMgr::_LokEmptyInProgressScans
// Synopsis: Removes all the scans from the "in-progress stack" and either
// deletes them or re-schedules them. If the scan is in its
// "terminal state", the scan is deleted. If there is a retry
// it will be re-scheduled.
// History: 1-25-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::_LokEmptyInProgressScans() { //
// refile any scopes that still need to be worked on.
while ( _scansInProgress.Count() > 0 ) { if ( _fAbort ) break;
XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( _scansInProgress.RemoveLast() );
if ( !_fScanDisabled && !xScanInfo->LokIsInFinalState() ) {
#if CIDBG==1
if ( xScanInfo->LokIsDelScope() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Requeing scope (%ws) for removal\n", xScanInfo->GetPath() )); } else if ( xScanInfo->LokIsRenameDir() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Requeing scope (%ws) for rename\n", xScanInfo->GetPath() )); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Requeuing scope (%ws) for scan\n", xScanInfo->GetPath() )); } #endif // CIDBG==1
ScanScope( xScanInfo, xScanInfo->LokIsRetry(), // delay for retry
TRUE ); // It's a refiled scan
} else { xScanInfo.Free(); } } }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::_Scan
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 1-25-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::_Scan() {
// does not THROW
_cicat.DoUpdate( _scansInProgress, *this, _fAbortScan );
// =============================================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); _LokEmptyInProgressScans(); _fAbortScan = FALSE; } // =============================================================
// Member: CCiScanMgr::_LokScheduleRemove
// Synopsis: Schedules a path for removal.
// Arguments: [pwscScope] - Scope to be removed from CiCat.
// History: 1-26-96 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CCiScanMgr::_LokScheduleRemove( WCHAR const * pwcsScope ) { CCiScanInfo * pScanInfo = _QueryScanInfo( pwcsScope, _cicat.GetPartition(), UPD_INCREM, TRUE ); XPtr<CCiScanInfo> xScanInfo( pScanInfo ); pScanInfo->LokSetDelScope(); ScanScope( xScanInfo, FALSE, FALSE ); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::RemoveScope
// Synopsis: Removes the scope from any active or in-progress scans and
// marks it for "deletions". If there is no active or in-progress
// scan for the scope, a new "deletion scan" will be scheduled.
// Arguments: [pwcsScope] - The scope to be removed.
// History: 1-25-96 srikants Created
// Notes: This method must not only remove the scope from the scheduled
// scans but also from any currently in-progress scans. It is
// possible that the scan thread is currently working on the
// path to be removed. In that case, we set the state of the
// scope to indicate that it must be aborted.
void CCiScanMgr::RemoveScope( WCHAR const * pwcsScope ) { //
// if the given scope is in the list of paths being currently
// scanned, we must mark it deleted.
BOOL fRemoved = FALSE;
// ===========================================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); if ( _fAbort ) return;
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter1( _scansToDo ); !_scansToDo.AtEnd( scanInfoIter1 ); _scansToDo.Advance( scanInfoIter1 ) ) { WCHAR const * pwcsPath = scanInfoIter1->GetPath();
if ( AreIdenticalPaths( pwcsScope, pwcsPath ) ) { fRemoved = TRUE; if ( !scanInfoIter1->LokIsDelScope() ) scanInfoIter1->LokSetDelScope(); } }
// Next see in the list of paths being currently scanned.
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter scanInfoIter2( _scansInProgress ); !_scansInProgress.AtEnd( scanInfoIter2 ); _scansInProgress.Advance( scanInfoIter2 ) ) { WCHAR const * pwcsPath = scanInfoIter2->GetPath();
if ( AreIdenticalPaths( pwcsScope, pwcsPath ) ) { fRemoved = TRUE;
if ( !scanInfoIter2->LokIsDelScope() ) { _fAbortScan = TRUE; scanInfoIter2->LokSetDelScope(); } } }
if ( !fRemoved ) { _LokScheduleRemove( pwcsScope ); fRemoved = TRUE; }
_evtScan.Set(); // wake up the scan thread.
Win4Assert( fRemoved ); } // ===========================================================
// Member: CCiScanMgr::DisableScan
// Synopsis: Disables further scans and aborts any in progress.
// History: 4-16-96 srikants Created
void CCiScanMgr::DisableScan() { CLock lock(_mutex);
_fAbortScan = TRUE; _fScanDisabled = TRUE;
_evtScan.Set(); }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::EnableScan
// Synopsis: Re-enables scanning if scanning is currently disabled.
// History: 4-16-96 srikants Created
void CCiScanMgr::EnableScan() { CLock lock(_mutex); if ( _fScanDisabled ) { _fScanDisabled = FALSE; _evtScan.Set(); } }
// Member: CCiScanMgr::AnyInitialScans
// Synopsis: Checks if any scans are the result of a new scope
// Returns: TRUE if any scans are for new scopes
// History: 3-Aug-98 dlee Created
BOOL CCiScanMgr::AnyInitialScans() { for ( CFwdScanInfoIter iter1( _scansToDo ); !_scansToDo.AtEnd( iter1 ); _scansToDo.Advance( iter1 ) ) { if ( iter1->IsNewScope() ) return TRUE; }
for ( CFwdScanInfoIter iter2( _scansInProgress ); !_scansInProgress.AtEnd( iter2 ); _scansInProgress.Advance( iter2 ) ) { if ( iter2->IsNewScope() ) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } //AnyInitialScans