// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1998.
// Contents: Persistent Index
// Classes: CPersIndex, CMergeSourceCursor
// History: 03-Apr-91 BartoszM Created stub.
// 20-Apr-94 DwightKr Moved CMergeSourceCursor here
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <pdir.hxx>
#include <pstore.hxx>
#include <pidxtbl.hxx>
#include <rwex.hxx>
#include "pindex.hxx"
#include "pcomp.hxx"
#include "mcursor.hxx"
#include "fresh.hxx"
#include "physidx.hxx"
#include "pcomp.hxx"
#include "fretest.hxx"
#include "indsnap.hxx"
#include "keylist.hxx"
#include "partn.hxx"
unsigned const FOUR_MEGABYTES = 0x400000;
// Member: CPersIndex::Size, public
// Synopsis: Returns size in pages
// History: 22-May-92 BartoszM Created.
unsigned CPersIndex::Size() const { return _xPhysIndex->PageSize(); }
void CPersIndex::FillRecord ( CIndexRecord& record ) { record._objectId = ObjectId(); record._iid = GetId(); record._type = IsMaster()? itMaster: itShadow; record._maxWorkId = MaxWorkId(); }
// Member: CPersIndex::CPersIndex, public
// Synopsis: Create an empty index
// Arguments: [id] -- index id
// [storage] -- physical storage
// History: 3-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
CPersIndex::CPersIndex( PStorage & storage, WORKID objectId, INDEXID iid, unsigned c4KPages, CDiskIndex::EDiskIndexType idxType ) : CDiskIndex( iid, idxType ), _sigPersIndex( eSigPersIndex ), _storage( storage ), _obj( storage.QueryObject( objectId ) ), _fAbortMerge( FALSE ) { XPtr<PMmStream> sStream( storage.QueryNewIndexStream( _obj.GetObj(), CDiskIndex::eMaster == idxType ) );; _xPhysIndex.Set( new CPhysIndex( storage, _obj.GetObj(), objectId, c4KPages, sStream ) ); _xPhysIndex->SetPageGrowth( FOUR_MEGABYTES / CI_PAGE_SIZE ); Win4Assert( 0 == sStream.GetPointer() );
_xDir.Set( _storage.QueryNewDirectory( _obj.GetObj() ) ); }
// Member: CPersIndex::CPersIndex, public
// Synopsis: Restore an index from storage
// Arguments: [id] -- index id
// [storage] -- physical storage
// [widMax] -- max work id
// [isMaster] -- Set to TRUE if this is a master index.
// [fWritable] -- Set to TRUE if various streams should be
// opened for Write access.
// [fReadDir] -- should the directory be opened for r or r/w
// History: 3-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
CPersIndex::CPersIndex( PStorage & storage, WORKID objectId, INDEXID iid, WORKID widMax, CDiskIndex::EDiskIndexType idxType, PStorage::EOpenMode mode, BOOL fReadDir ) : CDiskIndex( iid, idxType, widMax ), _sigPersIndex( eSigPersIndex ), _storage( storage ), _obj( storage.QueryObject( objectId ) ), _fAbortMerge( FALSE ) { Win4Assert( PStorage::eOpenForWrite == mode || PStorage::eOpenForRead == mode );
PStorage::EOpenMode modeIndex = mode; //
// Open master indexes writable so we can shrink them from the front
if ( CDiskIndex::eMaster == idxType ) modeIndex = PStorage::eOpenForWrite;
PMmStream * pStream = storage.QueryExistingIndexStream( _obj.GetObj(), modeIndex ); XPtr<PMmStream> sStream( pStream ); _xPhysIndex.Set( new CPhysIndex( storage, _obj.GetObj(), objectId, modeIndex, sStream ) ); Win4Assert( 0 == sStream.GetPointer() );
Win4Assert( fReadDir );
if ( fReadDir ) _xDir.Set( _storage.QueryExistingDirectory( _obj.GetObj(), mode ) ); else _xDir.Set( _storage.QueryNewDirectory( _obj.GetObj() ) ); }
// Member: CMergeSourceCursor::CMergeSourceCursor
// Synopsis: Constructor
// History: 29-Aug-92 BartoszM Created
CMergeSourceCursor::CMergeSourceCursor ( CIndexSnapshot& indSnap, const CKeyBuf * pKey ) { if (0 != pKey) { CKey SplitKey(*pKey); _pCurSrc = indSnap.QueryMergeCursor ( &SplitKey ); } else { _pCurSrc = indSnap.QueryMergeCursor (); } }
// Member: CMergeSourceCursor::~CMergeSourceCursor
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 29-Aug-92 BartoszM Created
CMergeSourceCursor::~CMergeSourceCursor () { delete _pCurSrc; }
// Member: CPersIndex::Merge, public
// Synopsis: Merge index(es) into an empty pesistent index.
// Effects: Fills the persistent index with data from the input
// indexes.
// [fresh] is deleted.
// Arguments: [indSnap] -- array of indexes to be merged
// [pNewKeyList] -- Keylist to merge (master merge only)
// [mergeProgress] -- % merge complete
// Requires: The index is initially empty.
// Notes: Every compressor is transacted.
// History: 15-May-91 KyleP Use new PutOccurrence() method.
// 16-Apr-91 KyleP Created.
// 17-Feb-93 KyleP Merge keylist
// 25-Oct-95 DwightKr Add merge complete measurement
void CPersIndex::Merge( CIndexSnapshot& indSnap, const CPartition & partn, CCiFrmPerfCounter & mergeProgress, BOOL fGetRW ) { // Calculate max of all input widMaxs
#if CIDBG == 1
unsigned cKey = 0; #endif
WORKID widMax = indSnap.MaxWorkId();
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Max work id %ld\n", widMax ));
SetMaxWorkId ( widMax );
CFreshTest* pFreshTest = indSnap.GetFresh();
CKeyBuf keyLast;
CMergeSourceCursor pCurSrc( indSnap );
if ( !pCurSrc.IsEmpty() ) { //
// Read-ahead on the source indexes results in better merge
// performance, but slower queries. Temporarily switch modes.
CSetReadAhead readAhead( _storage );
CPersComp compr( _xPhysIndex.GetReference(), _widMax );
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "widMax passed to compressor: %ld\n", _widMax ));
const CKeyBuf * pKey; ULONG page = ULONG(-1); BitOffset bitOff;
#if CIDBG == 1
keyLast.SetPid(pidContents); // arbitrary but not pidAll
#if CIDBG == 1
WCHAR FirstLetter = '@'; #endif
mergeProgress.Update( 0 );
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE,"Merging. Merge on letter: "));
for (pKey = pCurSrc->GetKey(); pKey != NULL; pKey = pCurSrc->GetNextKey()) {
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( *(pKey->GetStr()) != FirstLetter ) { FirstLetter = *(pKey->GetStr()); if ( FirstLetter < L'~' ) ciDebugOut(( DEB_NOCOMPNAME | DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "%c", FirstLetter )); else ciDebugOut(( DEB_NOCOMPNAME | DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "<%04x>", FirstLetter )); } #endif
// Don't store empty keys
WORKID wid = pCurSrc->WorkId();
if ( wid == widInvalid ) continue;
// Add the key to the new index.
// This would later lead to a divide by 0
Win4Assert( 0 != pCurSrc->WorkIdCount() );
compr.PutKey(pKey, pCurSrc->WorkIdCount(), bitOff);
for ( ; wid != widInvalid; wid = pCurSrc->NextWorkId()) { // fresh test
CFreshTest::IndexSource indexSrc = pFreshTest->IsCorrectIndex (pCurSrc->IndexId(), wid); //
// There should always be an entry for a workid in the fresh
// test whose data is contained in a wordlist/shadow-index.
Win4Assert( CFreshTest::Master != indexSrc );
if ( CFreshTest::Invalid != indexSrc ) { compr.PutWorkId(wid, pCurSrc->MaxOccurrence(), pCurSrc->OccurrenceCount());
for (OCCURRENCE occ = pCurSrc->Occurrence(); occ != OCC_INVALID; occ = pCurSrc->NextOccurrence()) { compr.PutOccurrence(occ); } } }
// If this key didn't have any wids then we can delete it from
// the new index. Otherwise, track it as a possible splitkey
// and update the index as necessary.
if ( bitOff.Page() != page ) { page = bitOff.Page(); _xDir->Add ( bitOff, *pKey ); } else { Win4Assert( page == _xDir->GetBitOffsetLastAdded().Page() ); }
keyLast = *pKey;
// There's no point in special abort code. We have to handle
// exceptions anyway.
if ( _fAbortMerge || partn.IsCleaningUp() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Aborting Merge\n" )); THROW( CException( STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ) ); }
mergeProgress.Update( _xPhysIndex->PagesInUse() * 100 / _xPhysIndex->PageSize() ); }
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "%d keys in index\n", cKey ));
// add sentinel key
keyLast.FillMax(); keyLast.SetPid( pidContents ); compr.PutKey( &keyLast, 1, bitOff );
// If the MaxKey is the first key on a page, it must be added
// to the directory.
if ( bitOff.Page() != page ) { page = bitOff.Page(); _xDir->Add ( bitOff, keyLast ); } else { Win4Assert( page == _xDir->GetBitOffsetLastAdded().Page() ); }
mergeProgress.Update( 100 );
compr.FreeStream(); } // compr goes out of scope
else { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "No merge cursor created\n" ));
CPersComp compr( _xPhysIndex.GetReference(), _widMax ); keyLast.FillMax(); keyLast.SetPid(pidContents);
BitOffset bitOff; compr.PutKey( &keyLast, 1, bitOff ); compr.FreeStream(); }
// Compressor MUST NOT be in scope here.
keyLast.FillMax(); _xDir->LokFlushDir( keyLast ); _xDir->LokBuildDir( keyLast );
// after compr is dead
_xPhysIndex->Flush(); _xPhysIndex->Reopen( FALSE ); } //Merge
// Member: CPersIndex::QueryCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a cursor for the whole persistent index.
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 24-Apr-91 KyleP Created.
CKeyCursor * CPersIndex::QueryCursor() { CKey key; key.FillMin();
return QueryKeyCursor( &key ); }
// Member: CPersIndex::QueryKeyCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a key cursor for the shadow index when restarting a
// master merge
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 12-Apr-94 DwightKr Created.
CKeyCursor * CPersIndex::QueryKeyCursor(const CKey * pKey) { BitOffset posKey;
CKeyBuf keyInit;
_xDir->Seek( *pKey, &keyInit, posKey );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "found key %.*ws at %lx:%lx\n", keyInit.StrLen(), keyInit.GetStr(), posKey.Page(), posKey.Offset() ));
XPtr<CPersDeComp> xCursor( new CPersDeComp( _xDir.GetReference(), GetId(), _xPhysIndex.GetReference(), posKey, keyInit, pKey, _widMax ) );
if ( 0 == xCursor->GetKey() ) xCursor.Free();
return xCursor.Acquire(); } //QueryKeyCursor
// Member: CPersIndex::QueryCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a cursor for the persistent index.
// Arguments: [pKey] -- Key to initially seek for.
// [isRange] -- TRUE for range query
// [cMaxNodes] -- Max number of nodes to create. Decremented
// on return.
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 24-Apr-91 KyleP Created.
COccCursor * CPersIndex::QueryCursor( const CKey * pKey, BOOL isRange, ULONG & cMaxNodes ) { Win4Assert( cMaxNodes > 0 );
if (isRange) { CKey keyEnd; keyEnd.FillMax (*pKey); return QueryRangeCursor (pKey, &keyEnd, cMaxNodes); }
if (pKey->Pid() == pidAll) return QueryRangeCursor ( pKey, pKey, cMaxNodes );
if ( 0 == cMaxNodes ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Node limit reached in CPersIndex::QueryCursor.\n" )); THROW( CException( STATUS_TOO_MANY_NODES ) ); }
BitOffset posKey;
CKeyBuf keyInit;
_xDir->Seek( *pKey, &keyInit, posKey );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "found key %.*ws at %lx:%lx\n", keyInit.StrLen(), keyInit.GetStr(), posKey.Page(), posKey.Offset() ));
XPtr<CPersDeComp> xCursor( new CPersDeComp( _xDir.GetReference(), GetId(), _xPhysIndex.GetReference(), posKey, keyInit, pKey, _widMax ) );
if ( xCursor->GetKey() == 0 || !pKey->MatchPid( *xCursor->GetKey()) || pKey->CompareStr(*xCursor->GetKey()) != 0 ) { xCursor.Free(); }
return xCursor.Acquire(); } //QueryCursor
// Member: CPersIndex::QueryRangeCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a range cursor for the persistent index.
// Arguments: [pKey] -- Key at beginning of the range.
// [pKeyEnd] -- Key at the end of the range.
// [cMaxNodes] -- Max number of nodes to create. Decremented
// on return.
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 11-Dec-91 AmyA Created.
// 31-Jan-92 AmyA Moved code to CreateRange().
COccCursor * CPersIndex::QueryRangeCursor( const CKey * pKey, const CKey * pKeyEnd, ULONG & cMaxNodes ) { Win4Assert( cMaxNodes > 0 );
COccCurStack curStk;
CreateRange(curStk, pKey, pKeyEnd, cMaxNodes );
return curStk.QuerySynCursor( MaxWorkId() ); }
// Member: CPersIndex::QuerySynCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a synonym cursor for the persistent index.
// Arguments: [keyStk] -- Stack of keys to be searched for.
// [isRange] -- Whether or not this is a range search.
// [cMaxNodes] -- Max number of nodes to create. Decremented
// on return.
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 31-Jan-92 AmyA Created.
COccCursor * CPersIndex::QuerySynCursor( CKeyArray & keyArr, BOOL isRange, ULONG & cMaxNodes ) { COccCurStack curStk;
int keyCount = keyArr.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { Win4Assert( cMaxNodes > 0 );
CKey& key = keyArr.Get(i);
if (isRange) { CKey keyEnd; keyEnd.FillMax(key);
CreateRange(curStk, &key, &keyEnd, cMaxNodes ); } else if ( key.Pid() == pidAll ) { CreateRange ( curStk, &key, &key, cMaxNodes ); } else { XPtr<COccCursor> xCursor( QueryCursor( &key, FALSE, cMaxNodes ) );
if ( !xCursor.IsNull() ) { curStk.Push( xCursor.GetPointer() ); xCursor.Acquire(); } } }
return(curStk.QuerySynCursor( MaxWorkId())); }
// Member: CPersIndex::CreateRange, private
// Synopsis: Adds all cursors with keys between pKey and pKeyEnd to curStk.
// Arguments: [curStk] -- CKeyCurStack to add cursors to.
// [pKey] -- Key at beginning of range.
// [pKeyEnd] -- End of key range.
// [cMaxNodes] -- Max number of nodes to create. Decremented
// on return.
// History: 31-Jan-92 AmyA Created.
void CPersIndex::CreateRange( COccCurStack & curStk, const CKey * pKeyStart, const CKey * pKeyEnd, ULONG & cMaxNodes ) { Win4Assert( cMaxNodes > 0 );
if ( 0 == cMaxNodes ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Node limit reached in CPersIndex::CreateRange.\n" )); THROW( CException( STATUS_TOO_MANY_NODES ) ); }
BitOffset posKey; CKeyBuf keyInit;
_xDir->Seek( *pKeyStart, &keyInit, posKey );
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "CreateRange %.*ws-%.*ws. Dir seek %.*ws, pid %d\n", pKeyStart->StrLen(), pKeyStart->GetStr(), pKeyEnd->StrLen(), pKeyEnd->GetStr(), keyInit.StrLen(), keyInit.GetStr(), keyInit.Pid() ));
CPersDeComp* pCursor = new CPersDeComp( _xDir.GetReference(), GetId(), _xPhysIndex.GetReference(), posKey, keyInit, pKeyStart, _widMax);
XPtr<CPersDeComp> xCursor( pCursor );
const CKeyBuf * pKeyCurrent = pCursor->GetKey(); if ( 0 == pKeyCurrent ) return;
PROPID pid = pKeyStart->Pid();
curStk.Push(pCursor); xCursor.Acquire();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "First key %.*ws, pid %d\n", pKeyCurrent->StrLen(), pKeyCurrent->GetStr(), pKeyCurrent->Pid() ));
do { if (pid != pidAll) // exact pid match
{ // skip wrong pids
while (pid != pKeyCurrent->Pid()) { #if CIDBG == 1 //------------------------------------------
if (pKeyCurrent) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " skip: %.*ws, pid %d, wid %d\n", pKeyCurrent->StrLen(), pKeyCurrent->GetStr(), pKeyCurrent->Pid(), pCursor->WorkId() )); } else ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " <NULL> key\n" )); #endif //--------------------------------------------------
pKeyCurrent = pCursor->GetNextKey(); if (pKeyCurrent == 0 || pKeyEnd->CompareStr(*pKeyCurrent) < 0 ) break; } // either pid matches or we have overshot
// i.e. different pids and current string > end
if (pKeyCurrent == 0 || !pKeyEnd->MatchPid (*pKeyCurrent) || pKeyEnd->CompareStr (*pKeyCurrent) < 0 ) { break; // <--- LOOP EXIT
if ( 0 == cMaxNodes ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Node limit reached in CPersIndex::CreateRange.\n" )); THROW( CException( STATUS_TOO_MANY_NODES ) ); }
// Clone the previous cursor...
pCursor = new CPersDeComp(*pCursor);
xCursor.Set( pCursor );
// Add it to avoid memory leaks if GetNextKey fails
curStk.Push(pCursor); // may be wrong pid
// increment the added cursor
pKeyCurrent = pCursor->GetNextKey();
#if CIDBG == 1
if (pKeyCurrent) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " %.*ws, wid %d\n", pKeyCurrent->StrLen(), pKeyCurrent->GetStr(), pCursor->WorkId() )); } else ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " <NULL> key\n" )); #endif
} while ( pKeyCurrent );
// Since we have one more cursor in curStk than we wanted...
curStk.DeleteTop(); }
// Member: CPersIndex::Remove, public
// Synopsis: Remove index from storage
// History: 02-May-91 BartoszM Created.
void CPersIndex::Remove() { _xPhysIndex->Close(); _xDir->Close(); _obj->Close();
if ( !_storage.RemoveObject( ObjectId() ) ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Delete of index %08x failed: %d\n", ObjectId(), dwError )); } }
// Member: CPersIndex::AcquireRelevantWords, public
// Synopsis: Return relevant word key ids computed at the most recent
// master merge. The caller must delete the object returned.
// Returns: CRWStore *
// History: 25-Apr-94 v-dlee Created
CRWStore * CPersIndex::AcquireRelevantWords() { CRWStore *p = _pRWStore;
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE,"CPersIndex::acquire _pRWStore: %lx\n",_pRWStore));
_pRWStore = 0;
return p; } //AcquireRelevantWords
// Member: CPersIndex::ComputeRelevantWords, public
// Synopsis: Compute and return relevant word key ids
// Arguments: [cRows] -- # of wids in pwid array
// [cRW] -- max # of rw keys per wid
// [pwid] -- an array of wids in increasing order whose
// rw key ids are to be returned
// [pKeyList] -- keylist to use in translation of keys to ids
// Returns: CRWStore *
// History: 25-Apr-94 v-dlee Created
CRWStore * CPersIndex::ComputeRelevantWords(ULONG cRows,ULONG cRW, WORKID *pwid,CKeyList *pKeyList) { ciDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"ComputeRelevantWords top\n"));
// Get the resources needed to do the computation
CRelevantWord RelWord(pwid,cRows,cRW);
CPersIndexCursor indCur(this); CKeyListCursor keylCur(pKeyList);
// Walk through the index and find occurances of keys in the wids
const CKeyBuf * pKey, * pklKey;
for (pKey = indCur->GetKey(), pklKey = keylCur->GetKey(); pKey != 0; pKey = indCur->GetNextKey()) { if (pKey->Pid() == pidContents && ((CKeyBuf * const) pKey)->IsPossibleRW()) { ULONG cWids = 0;
for (WORKID wid = indCur->WorkId(); wid != widInvalid; wid = indCur->NextWorkId()) { cWids++; if (RelWord.isTrackedWid(wid)) RelWord.Add(wid,indCur->OccurrenceCount()); }
// Walk the keylist until we match it up with where the
// index cursor is.
while (pklKey->CompareStr(*pKey) != 0) pklKey = keylCur->GetNextKey();
RelWord.DoneWithKey(pklKey->Pid(),MaxWorkId(),cWids); } }
return RelWord.AcquireStore(); } //ComputeRelevantWords
// Member: CPersIndex::MakeBackupCopy
// Synopsis: Makes a copy of the index and directory using the storage
// provided.
// Arguments: [storage] - Storage
// History: 3-17-97 srikants Created
void CPersIndex::MakeBackupCopy( PStorage & storage, WORKID wid, PSaveProgressTracker & tracker ) { //
// Create an index in the destination storage.
CPersIndex * pDstIndex = new CPersIndex( storage, wid, GetId(), _xPhysIndex->PageSize(), IsMaster() ? eMaster : eShadow );
XPtr<CPersIndex> xDstIndex( pDstIndex );
// Make a backup copy of the stream.
_xPhysIndex->MakeBackupCopy( pDstIndex->_xPhysIndex.GetReference(), tracker );
// Make a backup copy of the directory.
_xDir->MakeBackupCopy( storage, tracker ); }
#if CIDBG == 1
// Member: CDiskIndex::VerifyContents, public
// Synopsis: Walks through an index and thus verifies each key
// History: 28-Oct-94 DwightKr Created
void CDiskIndex::VerifyContents() {
// Turn this on when we think we are missing keys.
#if 0
CKeyCursor *pCursor = QueryCursor();
if ( pCursor ) { TRY { ciDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Verifying contents of new index\n")); WCHAR FirstLetter = '@';
for ( const CKeyBuf * pKey = pCursor->GetKey(); pKey != NULL; pKey = pCursor->GetNextKey()) { if ( *(pKey->GetStr()) != FirstLetter ) { FirstLetter = *(pKey->GetStr()); if ( FirstLetter < L'~' ) ciDebugOut(( DEB_NOCOMPNAME | DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "%c", FirstLetter )); else ciDebugOut(( DEB_NOCOMPNAME | DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "<%04x>", FirstLetter )); } }
ciDebugOut(( DEB_NOCOMPNAME | DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "\n" )); } CATCH (CException, e) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%x while verifying contents of new index\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH
delete pCursor; }
#endif // 0
} #endif