// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: process.cxx
// Contents: CProcess class
// CServiceProcess class
// History: 07-Jun-94 DwightKr Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <proc32.hxx>
#include <cievtmsg.h>
#include <fwevent.hxx>
// Member: CProcess::CProcess
// Purpose: Creates a process on the local machine.
// Arguments: [wcsImageName] -- name of EXE to run
// [wcsCommandLine] -- command line passed to EXE
// [fCreateSuspended] -- should the EXE be created suspended?
// [pAdviseStatus] -- ICiCAdviseStatus interface, optional.
// History: 06-Jun-94 DwightKr Created
CProcess::CProcess( const WCHAR *wcsImageName, const WCHAR *wcsCommandLine, BOOL fCreateSuspended, ICiCAdviseStatus * pAdviseStatus ) { _pAdviseStatus = pAdviseStatus;
WCHAR wcsEXEName[_MAX_PATH + 1]; if ( ExpandEnvironmentStrings( wcsImageName, wcsEXEName, _MAX_PATH ) == 0 ) { THROW( CException() ); }
STARTUPINFO siDefault; RtlZeroMemory( &siDefault, sizeof(siDefault) ); DWORD dwCreateFlags = 0; siDefault.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); // Size of this struct
siDefault.lpTitle = (WCHAR *) wcsImageName; // Default title
if ( fCreateSuspended ) dwCreateFlags |= CREATE_SUSPENDED;
if ( !CreateProcess( wcsEXEName, // EXE name
(WCHAR *) wcsCommandLine, // Command line
0, // Proc sec attrib
0, // Thread sec attrib
FALSE, // Inherit handles
dwCreateFlags, // Creation flags
NULL, // Environment
NULL, // Startup directory
&siDefault, // Startup Info
&_piProcessInfo ) ) // Process handles
{ DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
if ( ( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwLastError ) && _pAdviseStatus ) { CFwEventItem item( EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE, MSG_CI_FILE_NOT_FOUND, 1 ); item.AddArg( wcsEXEName ); item.ReportEvent(*_pAdviseStatus); }
THROW( CException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwLastError) ) ); }
// Only AddRef() once we get to a point where the constructor can
// no longer fail (and the destructor is guaranteed to be called)
if (_pAdviseStatus) _pAdviseStatus->AddRef(); } //CProcess
// Member: CProcess::~CProcess
// Purpose: destructor
// History: 06-Jun-94 DwightKr Created
CProcess::~CProcess() { if ( 0 != _pAdviseStatus ) _pAdviseStatus->Release();
WaitForDeath(); }
// Member: CProcess::Resume, public
// Purpose: Continue a suspended thread
// History: 06-Jun-94 DwightKr Created
void CProcess::Resume() { ResumeThread( _piProcessInfo.hThread ); }
// Member: CProcess::WaitForDeath
// Purpose: Blocks until the process has been terminated.
// History: 06-Jun-94 DwightKr Created
void CProcess::WaitForDeath( DWORD dwTimeout ) { DWORD res = WaitForSingleObject ( _piProcessInfo.hProcess, dwTimeout );
CloseHandle(_piProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(_piProcessInfo.hProcess); }
// Member: CProcess::GetProcessToken, private
// Purpose: Returns the process token for the process
// History: 06-Jun-94 DwightKr Created
HANDLE CProcess::GetProcessToken() { HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, _piProcessInfo.dwProcessId );
if ( NULL == hProcess ) { THROW( CException() ); }
SWin32Handle process(hProcess); // Save in smart pointer
HANDLE hProcessToken = 0; if ( !OpenProcessToken( hProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT | TOKEN_QUERY, &hProcessToken ) ) { THROW( CException() ); }
return hProcessToken; }