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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// File: Execute.hxx
// Contents: Query execution class
// Classes: CQAsyncExecute
// History: 21-Aug-91 KyleP Created
// 20-Jan-95 DwightKr Split CQExecute into CQueryBase
// & CQExecute
// 11 Mar 95 AlanW Renamed CQExecute to CQAsyncExecute
// and CQueryBase to CQueryExecute
#pragma once
#include <worker.hxx>
#include <refcount.hxx>
#include <qoptimiz.hxx>
// forward declared classes
class PWorkIdIter; class CTableSink; class CQAsyncExecute;
// Class: CDummyNotify
// Purpose: A dummy notification class until notifications are enabled in
// the framework model.
// History: 2-18-97 srikants Created
class CDummyNotify : public CDoubleLink { public:
CDummyNotify() { Win4Assert( !"Must not be called" ); }
// The magic API
virtual void DoIt() = 0; virtual void ClearNotifyEnabled() { //
// override if necessary to set the flag. MUST be done under some
// kind of lock to prevent races.
WCHAR const * GetScope() const { return 0; } unsigned ScopeLength() const { return 0; }
// Refcounting
void AddRef() { Win4Assert( !"Must not be called" ); }
void Release() { Win4Assert( !"Must not be called" ); }
void StartNotification( NTSTATUS * pStatus = 0 ) { Win4Assert( !"Must not be called" ); }
void EnableNotification() { Win4Assert( !"Must not be called" ); }
void DisableNotification() { Win4Assert( !"Must not be called" ); }
BYTE * GetBuf() { return 0; } unsigned BufLength() { return 0; }
BOOL BufferOverflow() { return FALSE; } };
// Class: CQAsyncNotify
// Purpose: Helper class for (multi-scope) downlevel notification
// History: 22-Feb-96 KyleP Created.
// class CQAsyncNotify : public CGenericNotify
class CQAsyncNotify : public CDummyNotify { public:
CQAsyncNotify( CQAsyncExecute & Execute, WCHAR const * pwcScope, unsigned cwcScope, BOOL fDeep, BOOL fVirtual );
void Abort() { DisableNotification(); } void DoIt();
CQAsyncExecute & _Execute; BOOL _fVirtual; };
typedef class TDoubleList<CQAsyncNotify> CQAsyncNotifyList; typedef class TFwdListIter<CQAsyncNotify, CQAsyncNotifyList> CFwdCQAsyncNotifyIter;
const LONGLONG eSigCQAsyncExecute = 0x2020636578454151i64; // "QAExec"
// Class: CQAsyncExecute
// Purpose: Executes a single query
// History: 19-Aug-91 KyleP Created.
// 20-Jan-95 DwightKr Split into 2 classes
// Notes: The CQAsyncExecute class is responsible for fully processing
// a single query. There is one CQAsyncExecute object running in
// a given thread at a given time. A CQAsyncExecute object is
// capable of executing multiple queries sequentially.
class CQAsyncExecute : public PWorkItem { public:
CQAsyncExecute( XQueryOptimizer & opt, BOOL fEnableNotification, CTableSink & obt, ICiCDocStore *pDocStore );
// From PWorkItem
void DoIt( CWorkThread * pThread ); void AddRef(); void Release();
// For bucket --> window conversion.
void Update( PWorkIdIter & widiter );
BOOL FetchDeferredValue( WORKID wid, CFullPropSpec const & ps, PROPVARIANT & var );
CSingletonCursor* GetSingletonCursor( BOOL& fAbort ) const { return ((CQueryOptimizer*)_xqopt.GetPointer())->QuerySingletonCursor( fAbort ); }
BOOL CanPartialDefer() { return _xqopt->CanPartialDefer(); }
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); # endif
void Resolve( ); void Update( CChangeQueue * pChanges ); void DisableNotification(); void StopNotifications();
void FreeCursor();
inline WORKID GetFirstWorkId(); inline WORKID GetNextWorkId(); WORKID GetWidFromNextComponent();
BOOL CheckExecutionTime( ULONGLONG * pullTimeslize = 0 ); void _SetupNotify( CScopeRestriction const & scope );
// Output (table)
CTableSink & _obt;
CRefCount _refcount;
// Optimized query
XQueryOptimizer _xqopt;
XInterface<ICiManager> _xCiManager; // Content index
// State
CMutexSem _mtx; // Serialization
BOOL _fAbort; // TRUE if abort pending
BOOLEAN _fFirstPass; // TRUE for first rescan
BOOLEAN _fFirstComponent; // TRUE for first component (of OR query)
BOOLEAN _fPendingEnum; // TRUE if full enumeration peding
BOOLEAN _fOnWorkQueue; // TRUE if object waiting to run
BOOLEAN _fRunning; // TRUE if running
BOOLEAN _fMidEnum; // TRUE if working on a full enumeration
// Notifications
BOOL _fEnableNotification; // TRUE if we can receive notifications
CChangeQueue * _pChangeQueue; // Pending changes
CTimeLimit * _pTimeLimit; // Execution time limit
CGenericCursor * _pcurResolve; CSingletonCursor * _pcurNotify;
// Notification
void EnableNotification();
CWorkThread * _pNotifyThread;
friend class CQAsyncNotify; CQAsyncNotifyList _listNotify; };
inline void CQAsyncExecute::AddRef() { _refcount.AddRef(); }
inline void CQAsyncExecute::Release() { _refcount.Release(); }