// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996
// File: hash.hxx
// Contents: Template for a hash table that maps strings to data <T>
#pragma once
const MAX_TAG_LENGTH = 50; // Max length of any hashed string
const HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 97; // Size of hash table
// Class: CHashTableEntry
// Purpose: An entry of hash table
template<class T>class CHashTableEntry {
public: CHashTableEntry( WCHAR *pwszName, T data );
WCHAR * GetName() { return _wszName; } T GetData() { return _data; }
CHashTableEntry * GetNextHashEntry() { return _pHashEntryNext; } void SetNextHashEntry(CHashTableEntry *pEntry) { _pHashEntryNext = pEntry; }
private: WCHAR _wszName[MAX_TAG_LENGTH]; // Char name
T _data; // Data
CHashTableEntry * _pHashEntryNext; // Link to next entry
// Class: CHashTable
// Purpose: Hash table for mapping strings to data
// Note: As these are static hence global objects, don't make them
// unwindable.
template<class T>class CHashTable {
public: CHashTable( BOOL fCaseInsensitive = TRUE ); ~CHashTable();
void Add( WCHAR *pwszName, T data ); BOOL Lookup( WCHAR *pwcInputBuf, unsigned uLen, T& data );
private: unsigned Hash( WCHAR *pwszName, unsigned cLen );
BOOL _fCaseInsensitive;
CHashTableEntry<T> * _aHashTable[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; // Actual hash table
// Method: CHashTableEntry::CHashTableEntry
// Synopsis: Constructor
template<class T>CHashTableEntry<T>::CHashTableEntry( WCHAR *pwszName, T data ) : _data(data), _pHashEntryNext(0) { Win4Assert( wcslen(pwszName) + 1 < MAX_TAG_LENGTH ); wcscpy( _wszName, pwszName ); }
// Method: CHashTable::CHashTable
// Synopsis: Constructor
template<class T>CHashTable<T>::CHashTable( BOOL fCaseInsensitive ) : _fCaseInsensitive( fCaseInsensitive ) { for (unsigned i=0; i<HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) _aHashTable[i] = 0; }
// Method: CHashTable::~CHashTable
// Synopsis: Destructor
template<class T>CHashTable<T>::~CHashTable() { for ( unsigned i=0; i<HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { CHashTableEntry<T> *pHashEntry = _aHashTable[i]; while ( pHashEntry != 0 ) { CHashTableEntry<T> *pHashEntryNext = pHashEntry->GetNextHashEntry(); delete pHashEntry; pHashEntry = pHashEntryNext; } } }
// Method: CHashTable::Add
// Synopsis: Add a special char -> data mapping
// Arguments: [pwszName] -- the special char
// [data] -- the data
template<class T>void CHashTable<T>::Add( WCHAR *pwszName, T data ) { #if DBG == 1
// Check for duplicate entries
T existingData;
BOOL fFound = Lookup( pwszName, wcslen(pwszName), existingData ); Win4Assert( !fFound ); #endif
CHashTableEntry<T> *pHashEntry = new CHashTableEntry<T>( pwszName, data ); unsigned uHashValue = Hash( pwszName, wcslen(pwszName) ); pHashEntry->SetNextHashEntry( _aHashTable[uHashValue] ); _aHashTable[uHashValue] = pHashEntry; }
// Method: CHashTable::Lookup
// Synopsis: Return the mapping corresponding to given string
// Arguments: [pwcInputBuf] -- Input buffer
// [uLen] -- Length of input (not \0 terminated)
// [data] -- Data returned here
// Returns: True if a mapping was found in the hash table
template<class T>BOOL CHashTable<T>::Lookup( WCHAR *pwcInputBuf, unsigned uLen, T& data ) { unsigned uHashValue = Hash( pwcInputBuf, uLen );
Win4Assert( uHashValue < HASH_TABLE_SIZE );
for ( CHashTableEntry<T> *pHashEntry = _aHashTable[uHashValue]; pHashEntry != 0; pHashEntry = pHashEntry->GetNextHashEntry() ) { int i; if ( _fCaseInsensitive ) i = _wcsnicmp( pwcInputBuf, pHashEntry->GetName(), uLen ); else i = wcsncmp( pwcInputBuf, pHashEntry->GetName(), uLen );
if ( 0 == i ) { data = pHashEntry->GetData(); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Method: CHashTable::Hash
// Synopsis: Implements the hash function
// Arguments: [pwszName] -- name to hash
// [cLen] -- length of pszName (it is not null terminated)
// Returns: Position of chained list in hash table
template<class T>unsigned CHashTable<T>::Hash( WCHAR *pwszName, unsigned cLen ) { for ( ULONG uHashValue=0; cLen>0; pwszName++ ) { uHashValue = toupper(*pwszName) + 31 * uHashValue; cLen--; }
return uHashValue % HASH_TABLE_SIZE; }