// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2001.
// File: FA.cxx
// Contents: Non-deterministic finite automata
// Classes: CNFA
// History: 01-20-92 KyleP Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma optimize( "", off )
#include <fa.hxx>
#include <strategy.hxx>
#include <codepage.hxx>
#include "stateset.hxx"
// Member: CFA::CFA, public
// Synopsis: Copy constructor
// History: 13-Jul-95 KyleP Created
CFA::CFA( CFA const & src ) : _cTotal( src._cTotal ), _ppState( 0 ) { _ppState = new CFAState * [ _cTotal ];
unsigned i = 0;
TRY { for ( ; i < _cTotal; i++ ) { if ( 0 == src._ppState[i] ) _ppState[i] = 0; else _ppState[i] = new CFAState( *src._ppState[i] ); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { for ( ;i > 0; i-- ) delete _ppState[i-1];
delete _ppState;
// Member: CFA::~CFA, protected
// Synopsis: Frees automata.
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
CFA::~CFA() { if( _ppState ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cTotal; i++ ) { delete _ppState[i]; }
delete _ppState; } }
// Member: CFA::Add, protected
// Synopsis: Adds new state to automata.
// Arguments: [pState] -- New state. State number is member data.
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
void CFA::Add( CFAState * pState ) { if ( pState->StateNumber() > _cTotal ) { for( unsigned newTotal = (_cTotal) ? _cTotal * 2 : 1; pState->StateNumber() > newTotal; newTotal *= 2 );
CFAState ** oldState = _ppState;
_ppState = new CFAState * [ newTotal ];
memcpy( _ppState, oldState, _cTotal * sizeof( CFAState * ) ); memset( _ppState + _cTotal, 0, (newTotal - _cTotal) * sizeof( CFAState * ) );
_cTotal = newTotal; }
_ppState[pState->StateNumber() - 1] = pState; }
// Member: CFA::Get, protected
// Arguments: [iState] -- State to fetch.
// Returns: State [iState].
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
CFAState * CFA::Get( unsigned iState ) { vqAssert( iState <= _cTotal ); { # if (CIDBG == 1)
if ( _ppState[ iState - 1 ]->StateNumber() != iState ) vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CFA::Get() -- Error\n" )); # endif // (CIDBG == 1)
return( _ppState[ iState - 1 ] ); } }
// Member: CNFA::CNFA, public
// Synopsis: Converts regular expression string to NFA.
// Arguments: [pwcs] -- Regular expression.
// [fCaseSens] -- TRUE if case sensitive search.
// History: 20-Jan-92 Kyleap Created
CNFA::CNFA( WCHAR const * pwcs, BOOLEAN fCaseSens ) : _iNextState( 1 ), _iStart( 0 ), _chars( fCaseSens ) { unsigned iEnd;
// _aState initially contains room for 2 * #chars in regex. According
// to the Dragon Book pg. 121 this is guaranteed to be sufficient space.
// Of course the dragon book doesn't completely take DOS or CMS into
// account. For DOS, we need to treat beginning (and end) of line as
// 'characters' in the string. For CMS, I agreed to support the
// {m,n} construct, which clearly violates this rule.
if ( 0 == pwcs ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "ERROR: regex string value of 0 " ));
unsigned cState = wcslen( pwcs ) * 2 + 2*2; // 2*2 for beginning & end of line
_aState.Init( cState );
for ( unsigned i = 1 ; i <= _aState.Count(); i++ ) Get(i)->Init(i);
FindCharClasses( pwcs ); Parse( pwcs, &_iStart, &iEnd );
Get( iEnd )->MakeFinal(); }
// Member: CNFA::CNFA, public
// Synopsis: Copy constructor
// Arguments: [src] -- Source
// History: 13-Jul-95 Kylep Created
CNFA::CNFA( CNFA const & src ) : _iNextState( src.NumStates() ), _iStart( src._iStart ), _chars( src._chars ), _aState( src._aState.Count() ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aState.Count(); i++ ) _aState[i] = src._aState[i]; }
// Member: CNFA::~CNFA, public
// Synopsis: Free state table.
// History: 13-Oct-92 KyleP Created
CNFA::~CNFA() { }
// Member: CNFA::EpsClosure, public
// Synopsis: Computes the epsilon closure for state [StateNum]
// Effects: States in the epsilon closure of state [StateNum]
// are added to the state set [ssOut].
// Arguments: [StateNum] -- Initial state.
// [ssOut] -- Output state set.
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
void CNFA::EpsClosure( unsigned StateNum, CStateSet & ssOut ) { CStateSet ssTraversed;
ssOut.Add( StateNum );
BOOLEAN changed = TRUE;
while ( changed ) { changed = FALSE;
for ( unsigned i = ssOut.Count(); i > 0; i-- ) { if ( !ssTraversed.IsMember( ssOut.State( i ) ) ) { ssTraversed.Add( ssOut.State( i ) );
Get( ssOut.State( i ) )->Move( ssOut, symEpsilon );
changed = TRUE; } } } }
// Member: CNFA::EpsClosure, public
// Synopsis: Computes the epsilon closure for state set [ssIn]
// Effects: States in the epsilon closure of [ssIn]
// are added to the state set [ssOut].
// Arguments: [ssIn] -- Initial state set.
// [ssOut] -- Output state set.
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
void CNFA::EpsClosure( CStateSet & ssIn, CStateSet & ssOut ) { for ( unsigned i = ssIn.Count(); i > 0; i-- ) { EpsClosure( ssIn.State( i ), ssOut ); } }
// Member: CDFA::IsFinal, public
// Arguments: [ss] -- State set
// Returns: TRUE if some state in [ss] is final.
// History: 20-Jan-92 Kyleap Created
BOOLEAN CNFA::IsFinal( CStateSet & ss ) { BOOLEAN fFinal = FALSE;
for ( unsigned i = ss.Count(); i > 0 && !fFinal; i-- ) { fFinal = (BYTE)(Get( ss.State( i ) )->IsFinal()); }
return( fFinal ); }
// Member: CNFA::Move, public
// Effects: Performs a non-deterministic move from every state
// in [ssIn] on [symbol]. The new state set is in
// [ssOut].
// Arguments: [ssIn] -- Initial state set.
// [ssOut] -- Final state set.
// [symbol] -- Transition symbol.
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
void CNFA::Move( CStateSet & ssIn, CStateSet & ssOut, unsigned symbol ) { for ( unsigned i = ssIn.Count(); i > 0; i-- ) { Get( ssIn.State( i ) )->Move( ssOut, symbol ); } }
// Member: CNFA::FindCharClasses, private
// Effects: Partitions the UniCode character space (2^16 characters)
// into equivalence classes such that all characters in
// a given class will have identical transitions in the NFA.
// Arguments: [wcs] -- Original regular expression string.
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
// Notes: If case sensitivity is turned off, two ranges will be
// added for characters with upper/lower case. Even though
// both ranges react identically the mapping algorithm can
// only deal with contiguous ranges of characters.
void CNFA::FindCharClasses( WCHAR const * wcs ) { //
// Scan the regex looking for characters with (potentially)
// different transitions.
while ( *wcs ) { switch ( *wcs ) { case wcAnySingle: case wcAnyMultiple: case wcDOSDot: break;
case wcEscape: { wcs++;
switch ( *wcs ) { case 0: vqDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Invalid regex (%wc at end of string\n", wcEscape )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); break;
case wcAnySingle: case wcRepeatZero: case wcRepeatOne: case wcOr: case wcBeginParen: case wcEndParen: break;
case wcBeginRepeat: for ( wcs++; *wcs; wcs++ ) { if ( *wcs == wcEscape && *(wcs+1) == wcEndRepeat ) { wcs++; break; } } break;
case wcBeginRange: wcs++;
// Check the special cases of ^ and ]
if ( *wcs == wcInvertRange ) wcs++;
if ( *wcs == wcEndRange ) { _chars.AddRange( *wcs, *wcs ); wcs++; }
for ( ; *wcs && *wcs != wcEndRange; wcs++ ) { if ( *(wcs + 1) == wcRangeSep ) { _chars.AddRange( *wcs, *(wcs+2) ); } else { _chars.AddRange( *wcs, *wcs ); } }
if ( *wcs != wcEndRange ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Invalid regex. Missing %wc\n", wcEndRange )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
default: _chars.AddRange( *wcs, *wcs ); break; }
break; }
default: _chars.AddRange( *wcs, *wcs ); break; }
wcs++; }
_chars.Prepare(); }
WCHAR * CNFA::_wcsNull = (WCHAR*)"";
// Member: CNFA::Parse, private
// Synopsis: Creates a NFA from [wcs]
// Effects: Parses [wcs] until end of string or character wcHalt is
// encountered. On exit, [iStart] and [iEnd] contain the
// starting and ending states of the NFA, respectively.
// [pwcsEnd] points to the last character of [wcs] that was
// parsed.
// Arguments: [wcs] -- Regular expression.
// [iStart] -- Starting state of NFA.
// [iEnd] -- Ending state of NFA
// [pwcsEnd] -- Last character of [wcs] that was parsed.
// [wcHalt] -- Stop parsing if this character encountered.
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
void CNFA::Parse( WCHAR const * wcs, unsigned * iStart, unsigned * iEnd, WCHAR const * * pwcsEnd, WCHAR wcHalt ) { unsigned iCurrent; unsigned iNext;
unsigned iLocalStart; // Used for */+/? repositioning
BOOLEAN fRepeat = FALSE; // Used for +
BOOLEAN fTopLevel = (*iStart == 0); // TRUE if at top level;
*iEnd = 0;
// Get a starting state. *iStart == 0 implies this is the 'top-level'
// parse of the regular expression (e.g. we're not parsing a
// parenthesized subexpression.
if ( fTopLevel ) { iCurrent = _iNextState; *iStart = _iNextState++; iLocalStart = 0;
// non-EGREP (DOS) regex match entire string.
if ( *wcs != wcAnyMultiple ) { iNext = _iNextState; Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symBeginLine, _iNextState ); _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext; } else { //
// Add a 'special' transition on the very first state to
// eat up characters until we actually jump into the
// regular expresion.
Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symAny, Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber() ); } } else { iCurrent = *iStart; iLocalStart = *iStart; }
unsigned iOrStart = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber();
// Original start of string.
WCHAR const * wcsBeginning = wcs;
// wcsLocalStart tracks the piece of string to be repeated for wcZeroOrOne, etc.
WCHAR const * wcsLocalStart = wcs;
// Parse the regular expression until there is no more or a
// termination character is hit.
for ( ; *wcs && *wcs != wcHalt; wcs++ ) { switch ( *wcs ) { case wcAnySingle: iNext = _iNextState; Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symAny, _iNextState ); iLocalStart = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber(); wcsLocalStart = wcs; _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext; break;
case wcAnyMultiple: //
// Any single
iNext = _iNextState; Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symAny, _iNextState ); iLocalStart = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber(); wcsLocalStart = wcs; _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext;
// Repeat zero or more
Get( iLocalStart )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber() ); Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, iLocalStart ); break;
case wcEscape: { wcs++;
switch ( *wcs ) { case wcBeginParen: { unsigned iLocalEnd;
iLocalStart = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber(); wcsLocalStart = wcs - 1; wcs++; // Eat '('.
Parse( wcs, &iLocalStart, &iLocalEnd, &wcs, wcEndParen ); wcs--; // Provide character for loop to eat.
iCurrent = iLocalEnd;
break; }
case wcEndParen: //
// Taken care of at outer level. Just backup so we hit the end.
wcs--; break;
case wcBeginRepeat: { if ( wcHalt == wcBeginRepeat ) { //
// Taken care of at outer level. Just backup so we hit the end.
wcs--; } else { //
// Setup: Bounds of repeated regex
WCHAR const * wcsStartRepeat = wcsLocalStart; WCHAR const * wcsEndRepeat = wcs + 1;
// Setup: Repeat parameters.
unsigned cRepeat1, cRepeat2; wcs++;
ParseRepeat( wcs, cRepeat1, cRepeat2 );
unsigned iLocalEnd;
// The minimum set has no epsilon transitions.
if ( cRepeat1 > 1 ) { iLocalStart = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber(); iLocalEnd = iLocalStart;
for ( unsigned i = 1; i < cRepeat1; i++ ) { WCHAR const * wcsEnd;
iLocalStart = iLocalEnd; iLocalEnd = 0; // Must be zero!
Parse( wcsLocalStart, &iLocalStart, &iLocalEnd, &wcsEnd, wcBeginRepeat );
if ( wcsEnd != wcsEndRepeat ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex: Nested repeats?\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); } } } else iLocalEnd = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber();
if ( cRepeat1 == cRepeat2 ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "REPEAT: Exactly %u times\n", cRepeat1 )); } else if ( cRepeat2 == 0 ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "REPEAT: At least %u times\n", cRepeat1 ));
Get( iLocalEnd )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, iLocalStart ); } else if ( cRepeat2 > cRepeat1 ) { for ( unsigned i = cRepeat1; i < cRepeat2; i++ ) { WCHAR const * wcsEnd;
iLocalStart = iLocalEnd; iLocalEnd = 0; // Must be zero!
Parse( wcsLocalStart, &iLocalStart, &iLocalEnd, &wcsEnd, wcBeginRepeat ); Get( iLocalStart )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, iLocalEnd );
if ( wcsEnd != wcsEndRepeat ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex: Nested repeats?\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); } } } else { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex: End repeat count %d < start %d\n", cRepeat2, cRepeat1 )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
iCurrent = iLocalEnd; iLocalStart = 0; wcsLocalStart = _wcsNull; } break; }
case wcOr: if ( *iEnd == 0 ) { //
// First part of OR clause.
if ( fTopLevel ) { iNext = _iNextState; Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEndLine, _iNextState ); _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext; }
*iEnd = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber(); } else { //
// Subsequent OR clause. Epsilon link to end
Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, *iEnd ); } iCurrent = iOrStart; wcsLocalStart = _wcsNull; iLocalStart = 0; break;
case wcBeginRange: { BOOLEAN fReverse = FALSE;
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "RANGE\n" )); wcsLocalStart = wcs-1; iNext = _iNextState; wcs++; // Eat '['. ']' eaten by loop.
// Check the special cases of ^ and ]
if ( *wcs == wcInvertRange ) { wcs++;
fReverse = TRUE;
// Add all transitions, they will be removed later.
for ( unsigned uiNext = _chars.TranslateRange( 1, wcLastValidChar ); uiNext != 0; uiNext = _chars.TranslateRange( 0, wcLastValidChar ) ) { Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( uiNext, _iNextState ); }
if ( *wcs == wcEndRange ) { if ( fReverse ) { Get( iCurrent )->RemoveTransition( _chars.Translate( *wcs++ ), _iNextState ); } else { Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( _chars.Translate( *wcs++ ), _iNextState ); } }
for ( ; *wcs && *wcs != wcEndRange; wcs++ ) { if ( *(wcs + 1) == wcRangeSep ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "Range %u to %u\n", *wcs, *(wcs+2) ));
for ( unsigned uiNext = _chars.TranslateRange( *wcs, *(wcs+2) ); uiNext != 0; uiNext = _chars.TranslateRange( 0, *(wcs+2) ) ) { if ( fReverse ) { Get( iCurrent )->RemoveTransition( uiNext, _iNextState ); } else { Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( uiNext, _iNextState ); } }
wcs += 2; } else { vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "Singleton = %u\n", *wcs ));
if ( fReverse ) { Get( iCurrent )->RemoveTransition( _chars.Translate( *wcs ), _iNextState ); } else { Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( _chars.Translate( *wcs ), _iNextState ); } } }
if ( *wcs != wcEndRange ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Invalid regex. Missing %wc\n", wcEndRange )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
iLocalStart = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber(); _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext; break; }
case wcRepeatOne: if ( iLocalStart == 0 ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex. Nothing to repeat\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, iLocalStart ); iNext = _iNextState;
Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, _iNextState );
wcsLocalStart = wcs - 1; _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext; break;
case wcRepeatZero: if ( iLocalStart == 0 ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex. Nothing to repeat.\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); } Get( iLocalStart )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber() ); Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, iLocalStart ); iNext = _iNextState;
Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, _iNextState );
wcsLocalStart = wcs - 1; _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext; break;
case wcRepeatZeroOrOne: { if ( iLocalStart == 0 ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex. Nothing to repeat.\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); } Get( iLocalStart )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber() ); break; }
default: iNext = _iNextState;
Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( _chars.Translate( *wcs ), _iNextState );
iLocalStart = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber(); wcsLocalStart = wcs - 1; _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext; break; }
break; // switch for wcEscape
default: iNext = _iNextState;
Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( _chars.Translate( *wcs ), _iNextState );
// In non-EGREP (DOS) syntax dot '.' is funny. It will match
// a dot, but if you're at the end of string it will also match
// end. So *.txt will look for strings with zero or more
// characters followed by '.txt' but *. will find any names
// without an extension and with no trailing dot.
if ( *wcs == wcDOSDot ) { Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEndLine, _iNextState ); }
iLocalStart = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber(); wcsLocalStart = wcs; _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext; break; } }
// non-EGREP (DOS) regex match entire string.
if ( wcHalt == 0 && ( ( wcsBeginning+1 <= wcs && *(wcs-1) != wcAnyMultiple ) || ( wcsBeginning+2 <= wcs && *(wcs-2) == wcEscape ) ) ) { iNext = _iNextState; Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEndLine, _iNextState ); iLocalStart = 0; wcsLocalStart = _wcsNull; _iNextState++; iCurrent = iNext; }
// If we haven't had an OR clause yet, then set iEnd
if ( *iEnd == 0 ) { //
// First part of OR clause.
*iEnd = Get( iCurrent )->StateNumber(); } else { //
// Subsequent OR clause. Epsilon link to end
Get( iCurrent )->AddTransition( symEpsilon, *iEnd ); }
if ( pwcsEnd ) { *pwcsEnd = wcs + 1; // Eat halt character.
if( *wcs != wcHalt ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Invalid regex. Missing %wc\n", wcHalt )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); } }
void CNFA::ParseRepeat( WCHAR const * & wcs, unsigned & cRepeat1, unsigned & cRepeat2 ) { cRepeat1 = 0; cRepeat2 = 0;
for ( ; *wcs && isdigit(*wcs); wcs++ ) { cRepeat1 *= 10; cRepeat1 += *wcs - '0'; }
if ( cRepeat1 == 0 || cRepeat1 > 255 ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex: Repeat count %d out of bounds.\n", cRepeat1 )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
if ( *wcs == ',' ) { wcs++;
if ( *wcs == wcEscape && *(wcs+1) == wcEndRepeat ) { wcs++; } else { for ( ; *wcs && isdigit(*wcs); wcs++ ) { cRepeat2 *= 10; cRepeat2 += *wcs - '0'; }
if ( cRepeat2 == 0 || cRepeat2 > 255 ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex: Repeat count %d too big.\n", cRepeat2 )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
if ( *wcs != wcEscape || *(wcs+1) != wcEndRepeat ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex: No end to repeat specification.\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); } else { wcs++; } } } else if ( *wcs == wcEscape && *(wcs+1) == wcEndRepeat ) { wcs++; cRepeat2 = cRepeat1; } else { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Invalid regex: No end to repeat specification.\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); } }
// Member: CDFA::CDFA, public
// Synopsis: Constructs a DFA from a NFA.
// Arguments: [pwcs] -- Regular expression (passed to NFA)
// [timeLimit] -- Execution time limit
// [fCaseSens] -- TRUE if case-sensitive search
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
CDFA::CDFA( WCHAR const * pwcs, CTimeLimit & timeLimit, BOOLEAN fCaseSens ) : _nfa( pwcs, fCaseSens ), _xs( _nfa.NumStates() ), _cState( _nfa.NumStates() ), _timeLimit( timeLimit ) { CommonCtor(); }
// Member: CDFA::CDFA, public
// Synopsis: Copy constructor
// Arguments: [pwcs] -- Regular expression (passed to NFA)
// [fCaseSens] -- TRUE if case-sensitive search
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
CDFA::CDFA( CDFA const & src ) : _nfa( src._nfa ), _xs( src._nfa.NumStates() ), _cState( src._nfa.NumStates() ), _timeLimit( (CTimeLimit &) src._timeLimit ) { CommonCtor(); }
// Member: CDFA::CommonCtor, private
// Synopsis: Code common to both constructors.
// History: 13-Jul-95 KyleP Snarfed from constructor
void CDFA::CommonCtor() { //
// Add initial state.
CStateSet ss;
_nfa.EpsClosure( _nfa.StartState(), ss );
_stateStart = _xs.XlatToOne( ss );
// Intialize translation table.
int cEntries = (_cState + 1) * ( _nfa.Translate().NumClasses() + 1 );
_xStateTrans.Init( cEntries ); _xStateFinal.Init( _cState + 1 );
Win4Assert( stateUncomputed == 0xFFFFFFFF ); memset( _xStateTrans.GetPointer(), 0xFF, cEntries * sizeof( unsigned ) ); RtlZeroMemory( _xStateFinal.GetPointer(), (_cState + 1) * sizeof( BOOLEAN ) );
for ( int i = _cState; i >= 0; i-- ) { AddTransition( i, 0, stateUndefined ); }
Add( _stateStart, _nfa.IsFinal( ss ) );
# if (CIDBG == 1)
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "Character translation:\n" )); _nfa.Translate().Display();
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "NFA:\n" )); _nfa.Display();
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "DFA state %u = NFA states ", _stateStart )); ss.Display(); vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" )); vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "DFA start state = %u\n", _stateStart ));
# endif // (CIDBG == 1)
// Member: CDFA::~CDFA, public
// Synopsis: Clean up DFA. Free state tables.
// History: 20-Jun-92 KyleP Created
CDFA::~CDFA() { }
// Member: CDFA::Recognize, public
// Arguments: [wcs] -- Input string.
// Returns: TRUE if [wcs] is matched by the regular expression.
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
BOOLEAN CDFA::Recognize( WCHAR const * wcs ) { # if CIDBG == 1
ValidateStateTransitions(); # endif // CIDBG == 1
unsigned CurrentState = _stateStart; unsigned LastState = CurrentState; BOOLEAN fFinal = IsFinal( CurrentState ); WCHAR wcCurrent = symBeginLine;
while ( !fFinal ) { unsigned NextState;
{ CReadAccess lock( _rwa );
// Casting is to guarantee this method doesn't modify anything (e.g. read lock ok).
#if CIDBG == 1
NextState = ((CDFA const *)this)->Move( CurrentState, wcCurrent ); #else
NextState = Move( CurrentState, wcCurrent ); #endif
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "DFA move[ %u, %u ] = %u\n", CurrentState, wcCurrent, NextState ));
if ( stateUncomputed == NextState ) { CWriteAccess lock( _rwa );
// Did someone else get here first?
NextState = Move( CurrentState, wcCurrent );
if ( stateUncomputed != NextState ) continue;
// Build the new state
CStateSet ssCurrent; CStateSet ssNew; CStateSet ssClosed;
_xs.XlatToMany( CurrentState, ssCurrent );
# if (CIDBG == 1)
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "DFA state %u = NFA states ", CurrentState )); ssCurrent.Display(); if ( _nfa.IsFinal( ssCurrent ) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, " FINAL" )); } vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" )); # endif // (CIDBG == 1)
_nfa.Move( ssCurrent, ssNew, wcCurrent );
if ( ssNew.Count() == 0 ) { NextState = stateUndefined; AddTransition( CurrentState, wcCurrent, NextState ); vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "Undefined transition from %u on %u\n", CurrentState, wcCurrent )); } else { _nfa.EpsClosure( ssNew, ssClosed );
# if (CIDBG == 1)
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "NFA move FROM " )); ssCurrent.Display(); vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, " ON %d TO ", wcCurrent )); ssClosed.Display(); vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" )); # endif // (CIDBG == 1)
NextState = _xs.XlatToOne( ssClosed );
if ( !IsComputed( NextState ) ) { Add( NextState, _nfa.IsFinal( ssClosed ) ); } # if (CIDBG == 1)
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "DFA state %u = NFA states ", NextState )); ssClosed.Display(); vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" )); # endif // (CIDBG == 1)
AddTransition( CurrentState, wcCurrent, NextState );
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "Adding transition from %u on %u to %u\n", CurrentState, wcCurrent, NextState )); }
if ( _timeLimit.CheckExecutionTime() ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "CDFA::Recognize: aborting because execution time limit has been exceeded\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_TIMEDOUT ) ); } }
if ( NextState == stateUndefined ) { return( FALSE ); }
// The following are to find a specific condition detected on
// JHavens' machine.
Win4Assert( LastState <= _cState ); Win4Assert( CurrentState <= _cState ); Win4Assert( NextState <= _cState );
LastState = CurrentState; CurrentState = NextState;
fFinal = IsFinal( CurrentState );
// If we ran out of string then just keep going, appending
// end-of-string symbols. Unfortunately the string is conceptually
// a set of characters followed by an arbitrary number of
// end-of-string symbols. In non-EGREP the end-of-string symbol
// may actually cause multiple state transitions before reaching
// a final state. In non-EGREP (DOS) mode we stop only when we
// are no longer 'making progress' (moving to new states) on
// end-of-string. I haven't completely convinced myself this
// algorithm is guaranteed to terminate.
if ( wcCurrent == symEndLine ) { if ( LastState == CurrentState ) break; } else { wcCurrent = *wcs++;
// After we've exhausted the string, append the special
// end-of-line character.
if ( wcCurrent == 0 ) { wcCurrent = symEndLine; } else { vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "\"%c\" --> ", wcCurrent ));
// Casting is to guarantee this method doesn't modify anything (e.g. read lock ok).
#if CIDBG == 1
wcCurrent = (WCHAR) ((CNFA const *)&_nfa)->Translate().Translate( wcCurrent ); #else
wcCurrent = (WCHAR) _nfa.Translate().Translate( wcCurrent ); #endif
vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "%u\n", wcCurrent )); } }
# if CIDBG == 1
ValidateStateTransitions(); # endif // CIDBG == 1
return( fFinal ); }
// Member: CDFA::Add, private
// Synopsis: Adds a new state the the DFA.
// Arguments: [state] -- State number
// [fFinal] -- TRUE if state is a final state.
// History: 20-Jan-92 KyleP Created
// Notes: All transitions for the new state are initially uncomputed.
void CDFA::Add( unsigned state, BOOLEAN fFinal ) { if ( state > _cState ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Growing DFA state array.\n" ));
// Since the number of states required will probably grow at
// a slow rate, increase the size of the array in a linear
// fashion.
unsigned const DeltaState = 10;
XPtrST<unsigned> xOldStateTrans( _xStateTrans.Acquire() ); XPtrST<BOOLEAN> xOldStateFinal( _xStateFinal.Acquire() );
unsigned oldcState = _cState; unsigned oldcEntries = (_cState + 1) * ( _nfa.Translate().NumClasses() + 1 );
_cState += DeltaState; unsigned cEntries = (_cState + 1) * ( _nfa.Translate().NumClasses() + 1 );
_xStateTrans.Init( cEntries ); _xStateFinal.Init( _cState + 1 );
// Initilize new state tables...
memcpy( _xStateTrans.GetPointer(), xOldStateTrans.GetPointer(), oldcEntries * sizeof( unsigned ) ); memcpy( _xStateFinal.GetPointer(), xOldStateFinal.GetPointer(), oldcState * sizeof( BOOLEAN ) );
Win4Assert( stateUncomputed == 0xFFFFFFFF ); memset( _xStateTrans.GetPointer() + oldcEntries, 0xFF, (cEntries - oldcEntries)*sizeof(unsigned ) ); RtlZeroMemory( _xStateFinal.GetPointer() + oldcState, (_cState + 1 - oldcState)*sizeof(BOOLEAN) );
for ( unsigned i = _cState - DeltaState + 1; i <= _cState; i++ ) { AddTransition( i, 0, stateUndefined ); } }
// All states are set to stateUncomputed above, except the 'undefined' flag-state.
# if CIDBG == 1
for ( int i = _nfa.Translate().NumClasses(); i > 0; i-- ) Win4Assert( Move( state, i ) == stateUncomputed ); # endif
AddTransition( state, 0, stateUncomputed ); _xStateFinal[state] = fFinal; }
// Member: CRegXpr::CRegXpr, public
// Synopsis: Create an expression used to match <prop> with a regex.
// Arguments: [prel] -- Property restriction.
// [timeLimit] -- Execution time limit
// History: 15-Apr-92 KyleP Created.
CRegXpr::CRegXpr( CInternalPropertyRestriction * prst, CTimeLimit& timeLimit ) : CXpr( CXpr::NTRegex ), _pxpval( prst->Pid() ), _xrstContentHelper( prst->AcquireContentHelper() ), //
// Feature decision: Make all regular expressions case insensitive.
_dfa( prst->Value(), timeLimit, FALSE ), _ulCodePage( LocaleToCodepage( GetSystemDefaultLCID() )) {
// Existence of _prstContentHelper implies a fixed starting prefix.
if ( !_xrstContentHelper.IsNull() ) { //
// Find fixed prefix, and add it as a view value
unsigned i = wcscspn( prst->Value().GetLPWSTR(), awcSpecialRegex );
if ( i > 0 ) { WCHAR wcs[50];
if ( i > sizeof(wcs)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 2 ) i = sizeof(wcs)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 2;
// If "foo" is the prefix, we want all values from "foo" to "fop",
// but I'm going to be lazy. If the trailing letter of the prefix is
// 0xFFFF then I just won't set bounds.
if ( prst->Value().GetLPWSTR()[i-1] != 0xFFFF ) { memcpy( wcs, prst->Value().GetLPWSTR(), i*sizeof(WCHAR) ); wcs[i] = 0;
_varPrefix.SetLPWSTR( wcs ); } } } }
// Member: CRegXpr::CRegXpr, public
// Synopsis: Copy constructor
// Arguments: [src] -- Source expression
// History: 13-Jul-95 KyleP Created.
CRegXpr::CRegXpr( CRegXpr const & src ) : CXpr( CXpr::NTRegex ), _pxpval( src._pxpval ), _varPrefix( src._varPrefix ), _dfa( src._dfa ), _ulCodePage( src._ulCodePage ) { if ( !src._xrstContentHelper.IsNull() ) _xrstContentHelper.Set( src._xrstContentHelper->Clone() ); }
// Member: CRegXpr::Clone, public
// Returns: A copy of this node.
// Derivation: From base class CXpr, Always override in subclasses.
// History: 11-Dec-91 KyleP Created.
CXpr * CRegXpr::Clone() { return new CRegXpr( *this ); }
void CRegXpr::SelectIndexing( CIndexStrategy & strategy ) { if ( _pxpval.Pid() == pidPath || _pxpval.Pid() == pidDirectory || _pxpval.Pid() == pidVirtualPath ) { strategy.SetUnknownBounds( _pxpval.Pid() ); return; }
if ( _varPrefix.Type() == VT_LPWSTR ) { strategy.SetLowerBound( _pxpval.Pid(), _varPrefix );
WCHAR * wcs = (WCHAR *)_varPrefix.GetLPWSTR();
unsigned cc = wcslen( wcs ); Win4Assert( wcs[cc-1] != 0xFFFF ); wcs[cc-1] = wcs[cc-1] + 1;
strategy.SetUpperBound( _pxpval.Pid(), _varPrefix, TRUE ); }
if ( !_xrstContentHelper.IsNull() ) { strategy.SetContentHelper( _xrstContentHelper.GetPointer() ); _xrstContentHelper.Acquire(); } }
// Member: CRegXpr::IsMatch, public
// Arguments: [obj] -- The objects table. [obj] is already positioned
// to the record to test.
// Returns: TRUE if the current record satisfies the regex.
// History: 15-Apr-92 KyleP Created.
BOOL CRegXpr::IsMatch( CRetriever & obj ) { // Make this big enough for most paths
const cbGuess = ( MAX_PATH * sizeof WCHAR ) + sizeof PROPVARIANT; XGrowable<BYTE,cbGuess> xBuffer; PROPVARIANT * ppv = (PROPVARIANT *) xBuffer.Get(); ULONG cb = xBuffer.SizeOf();
GetValueResult rc = _pxpval.GetValue( obj, ppv, &cb );
// If the object is too big for the stack then allocate heap (sigh).
if ( rc == GVRNotEnoughSpace ) { xBuffer.SetSize( cb ); ppv = (PROPVARIANT *) xBuffer.Get(); rc = _pxpval.GetValue( obj, ppv, &cb ); }
if ( rc != GVRSuccess ) return FALSE;
// MAX_PATH here is just a heuristic
XGrowable<WCHAR, MAX_PATH> xConvert;
if ( ppv->vt == VT_LPSTR ) { cb = strlen( ppv->pszVal ); ULONG cwcOut = cb + cb / 4 + 1; xConvert.SetSize( cwcOut );
ULONG cwcActual = 0; do { cwcActual = MultiByteToWideChar( _ulCodePage, 0, ppv->pszVal, cb + 1, xConvert.Get(), cwcOut ); if ( cwcActual == 0 ) { if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { cwcOut *= 2; xConvert.SetSize( cwcOut ); } else THROW( CException() ); } } while ( 0 == cwcActual );
ppv->vt = VT_LPWSTR; ppv->pwszVal = xConvert.Get(); } else if ( ppv->vt == VT_LPWSTR || ppv->vt == VT_BSTR ) { //
// Normalize to precomposed Unicode
ULONG cwcIn; WCHAR *pwcIn;
if ( ppv->vt == VT_LPWSTR ) { pwcIn = ppv->pwszVal; cwcIn = wcslen(pwcIn) + 1; } else // ppv->vt == VT_BSTR
{ pwcIn = ppv->bstrVal; cwcIn = SysStringLen( pwcIn ) + 1; }
xConvert.SetSize( cwcIn );
ULONG cwcFolded = FoldStringW( MAP_PRECOMPOSED, pwcIn, cwcIn, xConvert.Get(), cwcIn ); if ( cwcFolded == 0 ) { Win4Assert( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); THROW( CException() ); }
ppv->vt = VT_LPWSTR; ppv->pwszVal = xConvert.Get(); }
// But any other types are illegal
if ( ppv->vt != VT_LPWSTR ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CRegXpr::IsMatch -- Type mismatch. Got 0x%x\n", ppv->vt )); return FALSE; }
return _dfa.Recognize( ppv->pwszVal ); }
#if (CIDBG == 1)
// Debug methods
void CNFA::Display() { vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX, "NFA contains %d states.\n", _iNextState-1 ));
for ( unsigned i = 1; i < _iNextState; i++ ) { Get(i)->Display(); vqDebugOut(( DEB_REGEX | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" )); } }
void CDFA::ValidateStateTransitions() { //
// Valid states are numbers < _cState, plus a few special states.
for ( int i = _cState * (_nfa.Translate().NumClasses() + 1); i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( _xStateTrans[i] > _cState && _xStateTrans[i] != stateUncomputed && _xStateTrans[i] != stateUninitialized && _xStateTrans[i] != stateUndefined ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Bogus state 0x%x in DFA. pDFA = 0x%x\n", _xStateTrans[i], this )); Win4Assert( !"Bogus state in DFA" ); } } }
#endif // (CIDBG == 1)