#include "uddiservicesnode.h"
#include "uddisitenode.h"
#include "webservernode.h"
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
// {7334C141-C93C-4bb5-BB36-BDEE77BA2D87}
const GUID CUDDIServicesNode::thisGuid = { 0x7334c141, 0xc93c, 0x4bb5, { 0xbb, 0x36, 0xbd, 0xee, 0x77, 0xba, 0x2d, 0x87 } };
// CUDDIServicesNode implementation
CUDDIServicesNode::CUDDIServicesNode() : m_strRemoteComputerName( _T("") ) { }
void CUDDIServicesNode::SetRemoteComputerName( LPCTSTR szRemoteComputerName ) { m_strRemoteComputerName = szRemoteComputerName; }
LPCTSTR CUDDIServicesNode::GetRemoteComputerName() { return m_strRemoteComputerName.c_str(); }
CUDDIServicesNode::~CUDDIServicesNode() { if( !IsExtension() ) { SaveUDDISites(); } ClearChildMap(); }
BOOL CUDDIServicesNode::IsDirty() { return m_bIsDirty; }
HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::Load( IStream *pStm ) { return S_OK; #if 0
if( IsExtension() ) return S_OK;
ULONG ulSize = 0; ULONG ulRead = 0; HRESULT hr = pStm->Read( &ulSize, sizeof( ulSize ), &ulRead ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
if( ulSize ) { //
// There are database servers saved in the file
// Read the saved string into a buffer
PTCHAR szDatabaseNames = new TCHAR[ ulSize + 1 ]; if( NULL == szDatabaseNames ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
hr =pStm->Read( szDatabaseNames, ulSize * sizeof( TCHAR ), &ulRead ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { delete [] szDatabaseNames; return hr; }
// Terminate the buffer
szDatabaseNames[ ulSize ] = NULL; //
// Use begin and end to bracket each server name and
// instance name. When a pair is found add the database instance
// node to the collection of child nodes.
// A % character is used as the delimiter.
PTCHAR begin = szDatabaseNames; PTCHAR end = szDatabaseNames; int n = 0; PTCHAR szTempServerName = NULL; BOOL bLookingForServerName = TRUE;
while( *end ) { if( _T('%') == *end ) { //
// Found either the database name or the instance name
*end = NULL;
if( bLookingForServerName ) { //
// Found the server name, save it and keep
// searching for the instance name
// before we add a node.
szTempServerName = begin; bLookingForServerName = FALSE; } else { //
// Found the instance name
// Construct and add the node to the collection
m_mapChildren[ n ] = CUDDISiteNode::Create( szTempServerName, begin, n, this, FALSE ); n++; bLookingForServerName = TRUE; }
// Update the pointers past the delimiter
end++; begin = end; } else { end++; } } } return S_OK; #endif
HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::Save( IStream *pStm, BOOL fClearDirty ) { return S_OK;
#if 0
if( IsExtension() ) return S_OK;
// Create a string buffer of strings delimited by %
tstring str( _T("") );
for( CChildMap::iterator iter = m_mapChildren.begin(); iter != m_mapChildren.end(); iter++ ) { CUDDISiteNode* pNode = (CUDDISiteNode*) iter->second;
if( !pNode->IsDeleted() ) { //
// Server Name
str.append( pNode->GetName() ); str.append( _T("%") );
// Database Instance Name
str.append( pNode->GetInstanceName() ); str.append( _T("%") ); } }
// Write out the size of the string into the stream
ULONG ulSize = (ULONG) str.length(); ULONG ulWritten = 0; HRESULT hr = pStm->Write( &ulSize, sizeof( ulSize ), &ulWritten ); _ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
// Write the computer names out to the stream
hr = pStm->Write( str.c_str(), ulSize * sizeof( TCHAR ), &ulWritten );
// Clear the dirty flag if requested
if( fClearDirty ) m_bIsDirty = FALSE;
return hr; #endif
ULONG CUDDIServicesNode::GetSizeMax() { ULONG ulSize = 0;
return (ULONG) ( m_mapChildren.size() * 512 ); }
HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::OnAddMenuItems( IContextMenuCallback *pContextMenuCallback, long *pInsertionsAllowed ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if( !IsExtension() ) { WCHAR szDatabaseServerMenuText[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szDatabaseServerMenuDescription[ MAX_PATH ];
LoadStringW( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_ADD, szDatabaseServerMenuText, ARRAYLEN( szDatabaseServerMenuText ) ); LoadStringW( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_DESCRIPTION, szDatabaseServerMenuDescription, ARRAYLEN( szDatabaseServerMenuDescription ) );
CONTEXTMENUITEM menuItemsNew[] = { { szDatabaseServerMenuText, szDatabaseServerMenuDescription, IDM_NEW_DBSERVER, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, 0, 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 } };
// Loop through and add each of the menu items, we
// want to add to new menu, so see if it is allowed.
if( *pInsertionsAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP ) { for( LPCONTEXTMENUITEM m = menuItemsNew; m->strName; m++ ) { hr = pContextMenuCallback->AddItem( m ); if( FAILED(hr) ) break; } } }
return hr; }
CDelegationBase * CUDDIServicesNode::FindChild( LPCTSTR szName ) { for( CChildMap::iterator iter = m_mapChildren.begin(); iter != m_mapChildren.end(); iter++ ) { CUDDISiteNode* pNode = reinterpret_cast<CUDDISiteNode *>( iter->second ); if( NULL == pNode ) { continue; }
if( !pNode->IsDeleted() && ( 0 == _tcsicmp( szName, pNode->GetName() ) ) ) return iter->second; }
return NULL; }
HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::OnMenuCommand( IConsole *pConsole, IConsoleNameSpace *pConsoleNameSpace, long lCommandID, IDataObject *pDataObject ) { if( ( NULL == pConsole ) || ( NULL == pConsoleNameSpace ) || ( NULL == pDataObject ) ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if( IDM_NEW_DBSERVER != lCommandID ) { return S_OK; }
// Add a new site to the console
HWND hwndConsole = NULL; HRESULT hr = pConsole->GetMainWindow( &hwndConsole ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
DatabaseData data; data.pBase = this; INT_PTR nResult = DialogBoxParam( g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_SITE_CONNECT ), hwndConsole, CUDDISiteNode::NewDatabaseServerDialogProc, (LPARAM) &data );
if( nResult ) { try { //
// Check to make sure this has the database component installed
if( !CUDDISiteNode::IsDatabaseServer( data.szServerName, data.szInstanceName ) ) { _TCHAR szMessage[ 512 ]; _TCHAR szTitle[ 128 ]; LoadString( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_SELECT_ERROR, szMessage, ARRAYLEN( szMessage ) ); LoadString( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_SELECT_ERROR_TITLE, szTitle, ARRAYLEN( szTitle ) );
MessageBox( hwndConsole, szMessage, szTitle, MB_OK );
return S_OK; } if( FindChild( data.szServerName ) ) { _TCHAR szMessage[ 512 ]; _TCHAR szTitle[ 128 ]; LoadString( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_ALREADY_EXISTS, szMessage, ARRAYLEN( szMessage ) ); LoadString( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_SELECT_ERROR_TITLE, szTitle, ARRAYLEN( szTitle ) );
MessageBox( hwndConsole, szMessage, szTitle, MB_OK );
return S_OK; }
// Create new UDDI Site node. This call to Create will throw a CUDDIException
// if it is unable to connect to the database on szServerName.
int n = (int) m_mapChildren.size(); CUDDISiteNode *pSiteNode = CUDDISiteNode::Create( data.szServerName, data.szInstanceName, n, this, m_bIsExtension ); m_mapChildren[ n ] = pSiteNode;
SCOPEDATAITEM sdi; ZeroMemory( &sdi, sizeof(SCOPEDATAITEM) );
sdi.mask = SDI_STR | // Displayname is valid
SDI_PARAM | // lParam is valid
SDI_IMAGE | // nImage is valid
SDI_OPENIMAGE | // nOpenImage is valid
sdi.relativeID = GetScopeItemValue(); sdi.nImage = m_mapChildren[ n ]->GetBitmapIndex(); sdi.nOpenImage = MMC_IMAGECALLBACK; sdi.displayname = MMC_CALLBACK; sdi.lParam = (LPARAM) m_mapChildren[ n ]; sdi.cChildren = m_mapChildren[ n ]->HasChildren();
hr = pConsoleNameSpace->InsertItem( &sdi ); _ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); m_mapChildren[ n ]->SetScopeItemValue( sdi.ID ); m_mapChildren[ n ]->SetParentScopeItem( sdi.relativeID );
IConsoleNameSpace2 *pNS2 = NULL; hr = pConsoleNameSpace->QueryInterface( IID_IConsoleNameSpace2, reinterpret_cast<void **>( &pNS2 ) ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
pNS2->Expand( sdi.ID ); pNS2->Release();
m_bIsDirty = TRUE; } catch( CUDDIException &e ) { UDDIMsgBox( hwndConsole, (LPCTSTR) e, IDS_ERROR_TITLE, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ); return E_FAIL; } catch( ... ) { UDDIMsgBox( hwndConsole, IDS_ERROR_ADDSVC, IDS_ERROR_TITLE, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ); return E_UNEXPECTED; } } return S_OK; }
const _TCHAR *CUDDIServicesNode::GetDisplayName( int nCol ) { _TCHAR wszName[ 256 ];
switch( nCol ) { case 0: LoadString( g_hinst, IDS_UDDIMMC_SNAPINNAME, wszName, ARRAYLEN( wszName ) ); break;
case 1: LoadString( g_hinst, IDS_UDDIMMC_TYPE, wszName, ARRAYLEN( wszName ) ); break;
case 2: LoadString( g_hinst, IDS_UDDIMMC_DESCRIPTION, wszName, ARRAYLEN( wszName ) ); break;
default: _tcscpy( wszName, _T("") ); break; }
m_strDisplayName = wszName;
return m_strDisplayName.c_str(); }
HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::OnShow( IConsole *pConsole, BOOL bShow, HSCOPEITEM scopeitem ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
IHeaderCtrl *pHeaderCtrl = NULL; IResultData *pResultData = NULL;
hr = pConsole->QueryInterface( IID_IHeaderCtrl, (void **)&pHeaderCtrl ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
hr = pConsole->QueryInterface( IID_IResultData, (void **)&pResultData ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { pHeaderCtrl->Release(); return hr; }
if( bShow ) { //
// Set the column headers in the results pane
WCHAR szColumnName[ 256 ]; ::LoadStringW( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_COLUMN_NAME, szColumnName, ARRAYLEN( szColumnName ) ); hr = pHeaderCtrl->InsertColumn( 0, szColumnName, 0, 150 ); _ASSERT( S_OK == hr );
::LoadStringW( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_COLUMN_COMPUTER, szColumnName, ARRAYLEN( szColumnName ) ); hr = pHeaderCtrl->InsertColumn( 1, szColumnName, 0, 150 ); _ASSERT( S_OK == hr );
::LoadStringW( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_COLUMN_INSTANCE, szColumnName, ARRAYLEN( szColumnName ) ); hr = pHeaderCtrl->InsertColumn( 2, szColumnName, 0, 150 ); _ASSERT( S_OK == hr );
::LoadStringW( g_hinst, IDS_DATABASE_SERVER_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, szColumnName, ARRAYLEN( szColumnName ) ); hr = pHeaderCtrl->InsertColumn( 3, szColumnName, 0, 150 ); _ASSERT( S_OK == hr );
pHeaderCtrl->Release(); pResultData->Release(); } else { // pResultData->DeleteAllRsltItems();
return hr; }
HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::OnExpand( IConsoleNameSpace *pConsoleNameSpace, IConsole *pConsole, HSCOPEITEM parent ) { if( ( NULL == pConsoleNameSpace ) || ( NULL == pConsole ) || ( NULL == parent ) ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
HWND hwndConsole = NULL; HRESULT hr = pConsole->GetMainWindow( &hwndConsole ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
// Cache static node's HSCOPEITEM for future use
SetScopeItemValue( parent ); wstring wszTargetComputerName;
if( IsExtension() && m_strRemoteComputerName.length() > 0 ) { //
// The computer management console has been retargeted use the
// computer name from the console.
wszTargetComputerName = m_strRemoteComputerName; } else { //
// Use the local machine name
WCHAR wszLocalComputerName[ 256 ]; DWORD dwSize = ARRAYLEN( wszLocalComputerName ); wszLocalComputerName[ 0 ] = 0x00; ::GetComputerName( wszLocalComputerName, &dwSize ); wszTargetComputerName = wszLocalComputerName; }
LoadUDDISites( hwndConsole, wszTargetComputerName );
// Create the child nodes, then expand them
SCOPEDATAITEM sdi; for( CChildMap::iterator iter = m_mapChildren.begin(); iter != m_mapChildren.end(); iter++ ) { ZeroMemory( &sdi, sizeof(SCOPEDATAITEM) );
sdi.mask = SDI_STR | // Displayname is valid
SDI_PARAM | // lParam is valid
SDI_IMAGE | // nImage is valid
SDI_OPENIMAGE | // nOpenImage is valid
sdi.relativeID = (HSCOPEITEM) parent; sdi.nImage = iter->second->GetBitmapIndex(); sdi.nOpenImage = MMC_IMAGECALLBACK; sdi.displayname = MMC_CALLBACK; sdi.lParam = (LPARAM) iter->second; sdi.cChildren = iter->second->HasChildren();
hr = pConsoleNameSpace->InsertItem( &sdi ); _ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); iter->second->SetScopeItemValue( sdi.ID ); iter->second->SetParentScopeItem( sdi.relativeID );
IConsoleNameSpace2 *pNS2 = NULL; hr = pConsoleNameSpace->QueryInterface( IID_IConsoleNameSpace2, reinterpret_cast<void **>( &pNS2 ) ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
pNS2->Expand( sdi.ID ); pNS2->Release(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::OnShowContextHelp( IDisplayHelp *pDisplayHelp, LPOLESTR helpFile ) { try { if( ( NULL == pDisplayHelp ) || ( NULL == helpFile ) ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
wstring wstrTopicName = helpFile; wstrTopicName += g_wszUddiServicesNodeHelp;
LPOLESTR pszTopic = static_cast<LPOLESTR>( CoTaskMemAlloc( ( wstrTopicName.length() + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR) ) ); if( NULL == pszTopic ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
wcsncpy( pszTopic, wstrTopicName.c_str(), wstrTopicName.length() ); pszTopic[ wstrTopicName.length() ] = NULL;
return pDisplayHelp->ShowTopic( pszTopic ); } catch( ... ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::RemoveChildren( IConsoleNameSpace *pNS ) { if( NULL == pNS ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
for( CChildMap::iterator iter = m_mapChildren.begin(); iter != m_mapChildren.end(); iter++ ) { CDelegationBase *pBase = reinterpret_cast<CDelegationBase *>( iter->second ); pBase->RemoveChildren( pNS );
HSCOPEITEM hsi = pBase->GetScopeItemValue(); pNS->DeleteItem( hsi, TRUE ); } ClearChildMap();
pNS->DeleteItem( GetScopeItemValue(), TRUE ); return S_OK; } HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::OnRefresh( IConsole *pConsole ) { if( NULL == pConsole ) { return S_FALSE; }
CChildMap::iterator it = m_mapChildren.begin(); while( it != m_mapChildren.end() ) { it->second->OnRefresh( pConsole ); it++; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CUDDIServicesNode::OnSelect( CComponent *pComponent, IConsole *pConsole, BOOL bScope, BOOL bSelect ) { if( ( NULL == pComponent ) || ( NULL == pConsole ) ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if( bSelect ) { //
// Enable refresh verb
IConsoleVerb *pConsoleVerb = NULL;
hr = pConsole->QueryConsoleVerb( &pConsoleVerb ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
hr = pConsoleVerb->SetVerbState( MMC_VERB_OPEN, ENABLED, TRUE ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { pConsoleVerb->Release(); return hr; }
hr = pConsoleVerb->SetVerbState( MMC_VERB_REFRESH, ENABLED, TRUE ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { pConsoleVerb->Release(); return hr; }
hr = pConsoleVerb->SetVerbState( MMC_VERB_DELETE, HIDDEN, TRUE );
pConsoleVerb->Release(); }
return hr; }
// The sole purpose of this function is to put the appropriate entries into
// m_mapChildren. These entries are almost always CUDDISiteNode *'s, except
// in 1 case when there can be exactly 1 CUDDIWebServerNode *.
// The entries in m_mapChildren are determined by 3 factors:
// 1. Wether we are running inside Computer Management as
// an extension, or not.
// 2. Wether the machine we are filling m_mapChildren for
// hosts a UDDI Site, or not.
// 3. Wether the machine we are filling m_mapChildren for
// hosts a UDDI Web Server, or not.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is Extension - If we are running as an extension of Computer Management,
// then we want to show only the UDDI bits that are located
// on the computer, AND NOTHING ELSE.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TRUE : Do nothing.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FALSE : Create 1 entry in m_mapChildren for each persisted UDDI Site.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Host for UDDI Site - If szComputerName is host of a UDDI Site, then we
// must ensure that that UDDI Site is present
// in m_mapChildren.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TRUE : Attempt to add an entry to m_mapChildren which represents the
// UDDI Site, if one does not already exist.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FALSE : Do nothing.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Host for UDDI Web Server - If we are running as an extension, we can only
// show the UDDI bits on this particular computer.
// So, show just the UDDI Web Server node. If not
// running as an extension, add the UDDI Site that
// the UDDI Web Server belongs to.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TRUE : If Extension, add an entry for that UDDI Web Server node to
// m_mapChildren.
// If not, determine the UDDI Site that the UDDI Web Server belongs
// to, and add an entry for that UDDI Site.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FALSE : Do nothing.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CUDDIServicesNode::LoadUDDISites( HWND hwndConsole, const tstring& szComputerName ) { try { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
list< wstring > failedSiteRefs; failedSiteRefs.clear();
// ---- #1 ----
// If we are NOT running as an extension of Computer Management, then
// load our list of persisted UDDI Sites.
if( FALSE == IsExtension() ) { try { CUDDIRegistryKey sitesKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szUDDIAdminSites, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, szComputerName.c_str() );
HKEY hSitesKey = sitesKey.GetCurrentHandle(); if( NULL == hSitesKey ) { fRet = FALSE; }
DWORD dwIndex = 0; int n = 0;
WCHAR szComputer[ 128 ]; WCHAR szInstance[ 128 ]; DWORD dwNameSize; DWORD dwValueSize; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
dwNameSize = 128; dwValueSize = 128 * sizeof( WCHAR ); memset( szComputer, 0, 128 * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); memset( szInstance, 0, 128 * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
LONG lRet = RegEnumValue( hSitesKey, dwIndex, szComputer, &dwNameSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szInstance, &dwValueSize );
while( ( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != lRet ) && ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet ) ) { //
// This call to Create will throw if it cannot connect to the
// database on szComputer. However, this might be 1 of many
// UDDI Sites we are trying to create a reference to! Instead
// of exiting immediately here, just tell the user that there
// was a problem, and continue on with the next Site in the list.
try { if( CUDDISiteNode::IsDatabaseServer( szComputer, szInstance ) ) { ToUpper( szComputer );
CUDDISiteNode *pSiteNode = CUDDISiteNode::Create( szComputer, szInstance, n, this, FALSE ); m_mapChildren[ n ] = pSiteNode; n++; } dwIndex++; } catch( CUDDIException &e ) { UDDIMsgBox( hwndConsole, e, IDS_ERROR_TITLE, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ); dwIndex++;
failedSiteRefs.push_back( szComputer ); }
dwNameSize = 128; dwValueSize = 128 * sizeof( WCHAR ); memset( szComputer, 0, 128 * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); memset( szInstance, 0, 128 * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
lRet = RegEnumValue( hSitesKey, dwIndex, szComputer, &dwNameSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szInstance, &dwValueSize ); } } catch( ... ) { //
// If we are in here, it is most likely that the registry key containing
// the names of the persisted UDDI Sites does not exist. If this is the
// case, continue on silently and try to determine if the local machine
// is host for a UDDI Site and/or a UDDI Web Server.
fRet = FALSE; }
// ---- #2 ----
// If the machine that we are running on is host for a
// UDDI Site, and that Site is currently not in our list
// of Sites that are to be displayed, then add it.
if( CUDDISiteNode::IsDatabaseServer( (WCHAR *)szComputerName.c_str() ) && ( NULL == FindChild( szComputerName.c_str() ) ) && ( failedSiteRefs.end() == find( failedSiteRefs.begin(), failedSiteRefs.end(), szComputerName ) ) ) { try { CUDDIRegistryKey key( _T( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\UDDI\\Setup\\DBServer" ), KEY_READ, szComputerName ); int iSize = m_mapChildren.size(); tstring strInstance; strInstance = key.GetString( _T("InstanceNameOnly"), _T("----") ); CUDDISiteNode* pNode = CUDDISiteNode::Create( (WCHAR *)szComputerName.c_str(), (WCHAR *)InstanceRealName( strInstance.c_str() ), iSize, this, m_bIsExtension ); m_mapChildren[ iSize ] = pNode; } catch( CUDDIException &e ) { UDDIMsgBox( hwndConsole, e, IDS_ERROR_TITLE, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ); fRet = FALSE; } catch( ... ) { fRet = FALSE; } }
// ---- #3 ----
// Determine if the local machine hosts a UDDI Web Server. If it does,
// determine which UDDI Site it is associated with, by examining the
// connection string.
if( CUDDIWebServerNode::IsWebServer( szComputerName.c_str() ) ) { wstring wszConnStrWriter; wstring wszDomain, wszServer, wszInstance;
CUDDIWebServerNode::GetWriterConnectionString( szComputerName, wszConnStrWriter ); CUDDIWebServerNode::CrackConnectionString( wszConnStrWriter, wszDomain, wszServer, wszInstance );
if( NULL == FindChild( wszServer.c_str() ) ) { //
// If we are running as an extension of Computer Management, then
// If we are running as the UDDI Admin Console, then add a UDDI
// Site Node which represents the Site which the Web Server is
// part of.
if( IsExtension() ) { try { int iSize = m_mapChildren.size(); CUDDIWebServerNode* pNode = new CUDDIWebServerNode( szComputerName.c_str(), iSize, 0, IsExtension() ); m_mapChildren[ iSize ] = pNode; } catch( CUDDIException &e ) { UDDIMsgBox( hwndConsole, e, IDS_ERROR_TITLE, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ); fRet = FALSE; } catch( ... ) { fRet = FALSE; } } else if( failedSiteRefs.end() == find( failedSiteRefs.begin(), failedSiteRefs.end(), wszServer ) ) { try { if( ( 0 != wszServer.length() ) && CUDDISiteNode::IsDatabaseServer( (TCHAR *)wszServer.c_str() ) ) { int iSize = m_mapChildren.size(); CUDDISiteNode* pNode = CUDDISiteNode::Create( (WCHAR *)wszServer.c_str(), (WCHAR *)InstanceRealName( wszInstance.c_str() ), iSize, this, m_bIsExtension ); m_mapChildren[ iSize ] = pNode; } } catch( CUDDIException &e ) { UDDIMsgBox( hwndConsole, e, IDS_ERROR_TITLE, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ); fRet = FALSE; } catch( ... ) { fRet = FALSE; } } } }
return fRet; } catch( CUDDIException &e ) { throw e; } catch(...) { return FALSE; } }
BOOL CUDDIServicesNode::SaveUDDISites() { try { if( CUDDIRegistryKey::KeyExists( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szUDDIAdminSites ) ) { CUDDIRegistryKey::DeleteKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szUDDIAdminSites ); }
CUDDIRegistryKey::Create( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szUDDIAdminSites );
CUDDIRegistryKey sitesKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szUDDIAdminSites, KEY_ALL_ACCESS );
for( CChildMap::iterator iter = m_mapChildren.begin(); iter != m_mapChildren.end(); iter++ ) { CUDDISiteNode* pNode = reinterpret_cast<CUDDISiteNode *>( iter->second ); if( ( NULL != pNode ) && ( !pNode->IsDeleted() ) ) { sitesKey.SetValue( pNode->GetName(), pNode->GetInstanceName() ); } }
return TRUE; } catch(...) { return FALSE; } }
void CUDDIServicesNode::ClearChildMap() { for( CChildMap::iterator iter = m_mapChildren.begin(); iter != m_mapChildren.end(); iter++ ) { delete iter->second; iter->second = NULL; }
m_mapChildren.clear(); }
BOOL CUDDIServicesNode::ChildExists( const WCHAR *pwszName ) { if( NULL == pwszName ) { return FALSE; }
return ( NULL == FindChild( pwszName ) ) ? FALSE : TRUE; }